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Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Sebastian Loghain
Typhon Sepsus
Ayato Hyuuga
Satoru Jugo
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Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:18 pm

The squad moved through various terrains before arrival at the desired destination. The journey was arduous, but otherwise uneventful. The small group each knew what it was that they needed to do. Loghain refrained from talking much, though would answer questions if asked from the group. It would seem as if his mind was elsewhere, the focus of the wolf on the task at hand. Their little group was tasked with reclaiming the outpost on the borders of Haven, and that is just what they were going to do. Their approach was on the stealthier side. Loghain knew to keep his Chakra Suppressed, and instructed the others to do the same on their journey. 

Standing in one of the few truly dry areas outside of the dense marshlands, the Outpost could be seen from the "tree line". The majestic structure stood tall as the group stood there. Loghain found himself a mere 10 meters from the Northern gates. The keen eyes of the wolf didn't detect any signs of the walls being manned on their approach. Despite the wolf not seeing the inside of it himself, he was given some briefing on the structure and its size. Reports mentioned there being several buildings along the perimeter of the base, with a large open field in the center that was used in the past for training purposes. This training field was roughly a circle of 30 meters diameter, perfectly round and placed directly in the center of the base. Littered about it were training posts and dummies for soldiers to practice with. 

The outpost had walls made of sandstone surrounding it, with two entrances, one from the North and one from the South. The gates were usually open and would be made of metal with a system of levers and mechanisms to close them quickly should the need arise. Large pillars that could be lit on fire adorned the sandstone walls to the Northwestern side. 

There was a barracks to sleep in with enough room for a dozen soldiers to live comfortably in their own rooms with proper beds and storage spaces for clothes and personal items. All of these rooms were on the second floor. The first floor had a large open space for dining along with a fairly basic kitchen. This barracks was positioned along the midpoint of the western wall. 

There was an infirmary that sat along the eastern wall, a large red "plus" symbol painted across its front. The building wasn't much, only a single floor, but it had all of the tools a medical shinobi would need to perform nearly any type of field operation. 

A training area for various drills and combat training was positioned roughly in the center of the location. This training field was roughly a circle of 30 meters diameter, perfectly round, marked and placed directly in the center of the base. Littered about it were training posts and dummies for soldiers to practice with. There were various buildings, 

And of course, there was a prison. It was a basic structure sitting on the southernmost wall. The building had thick walls and two individual cells for prisoners. The cells had metal bars in front of the rooms. 

It was midday, the sun directly overhead and not a storm cloud in site. One of the best things about living in Haven was the lack of an abundance of rain, and the climate was far too warm for snow like that which was in the strange wintery place he tried to take a vacation in. The ground beneath their feet was surprisingly firm, especially considering the marshes that they had to traverse to even get to this point. Again the wolf would smile, knowing that this place was a jewel in the rough. Solid ground beneath his feet, limited rain. All the needed facilities to keep an elite fighting force stationed here... this was exactly the place he needed it to be. 

The wolf was in his usual attire, just some loose fitting clothes. He considered bringing his Jounin flak jacket, but seemed to have misplaced it somewhere. He didn't have time to put in an order for another before they needed to be off, so he simply shrugged it off and went without. The wolf knew there were bandits here, so he would keep his wits about him.

Jutsu's and effects:
Pureblood Lycan passively generating 1 Nature stack (1/6)

Loghain's Stats:
Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 145700

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Fri Mar 24, 2023 10:01 am
The trek to their destination was tougher than Typhon had expected. The marshland surrounding the hideout was much more difficult terrain than the desert and sandstone he was used to. Sebastian led them through it with little difficulty. The wolf's mind seemed singularly focused on the task at hand and so Typhon figured it was best to follow suit. He had begun suppressing his chakra as soon as they had set out and he hoped that would be enough. He was painfully aware of how powerful some people's sensory abilities could be.

Once they had arrived at the location, Ty immediately understood both why the fugitives were hiding here and why Seb seemed intent on this location for a base of operations. It was secluded yet not too far from the main roads. There was pre-built infrastructure and natural defenses as well. He had no idea a place like this was so close to the village. With a few tweaks it could even function as a solid defensible fortress if needed. A full frontal assault would have likely been a terrible idea when their numbers are still unknown. 

The sun was shining and the ground beneath his feet felt solid. Combined with the beautiful atmosphere, it would normally feel almost like a vacation to be here. But considering the current circumstances, Ty was not really in the mindset to appreciate the natural beauty. Instead he was checking his gear and making sure he was ready for a fight to the death. He was wearing casual dark clothes, a black hooded sweatshirt and black sweatpants, with his katana strapped to his back and his custom made claw covering his right hand.

He took up his position standing 5 meters to Sebastian's left which put him a little under 12 meters from the north gate. 

(WC 303)
+2 contagion counters (2/10)

Typhon Stats:
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:40 pm
How excited she was at the offer of coming to join on their mission. Ryumi was surprised with how much walking they had to do. The suppression of their chakra as they had made their way out of the village and into these more uncharted territories made her smile. She had not known how to suppress her chakra, as such she was practically forced to simply lay low.. She knew that this could all result in her, along with the others' deaths. Yet maybe that’s why she felt so excited, the prospect of them fighting for their lives and coming out victorious had her mind swimming with ideas. Yet also the realizations that if she were to die, she’d have no idea who'd take care of Lloyd for her. Maybe Typhon would, or perhaps it would be someone else within the village.

She stood alongside Typhon and Sebastian Loghain. Ten meters away from the frontal gate, along with being seven meters away from Loghain's right. Meaning she was 12 meters away from Typhon. Her eyes whizzed across the battlefield to see if there was perhaps anyone that they could spot. Knowing that they had at least a good sense of what there was. Ryumi looked upwards, the small medical facilities, along with the reports of the sheer amount of variety that was here to house this kind of fighting force. It made her realize just how important this place was. Yet communication was key in this instance. Especially given what was to come.

Now the matter of who should go first, and how exactly they’d all get in without being seen. If they weren’t already. She was ready to see if there was anything nearby, bandits could be anywhere in sight. She understood that she was indeed a walking beacon for the rest of the group. Yet made sure to keep calm, her stretching abilities allowed her to do amazing things, especially given that a shot to the head could probably be known. Yet she didn’t wanna take any chances. Keeping herself on guard by turning her head to the side and looking partially behind her from her left to her right. Making sure that there was no one behind them that could possibly sneak up.

Let’s just hope that the fourth and final person would also be able to see and sense where the rest of these bastards were.


Stat Sheet:
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 65906

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:01 pm

They would travel for what seemed like forever.  Youta would notice that Sebastian would suppress his presence and chakra signature. Sebastian would say to us that we should do the same and hopefully like the others, Youta would follow suit and suppress his as well. He would notice the others would not be able to but youta would suppress his to the best of his abilities almost completely getting rid of any signature that there was.  With the long journey ahead of them but a very serious mission at the end of said journey, Youta could tell there was a nervousness to the group.

This place was surprising to Youta he would agree that this would be a great place to set up some sort of outpost and forward defensive base.  He would stand 7 meters behind Sebastian which would put Ryumi approximately 10m away from YOUta. It would also put Typhon about 8m from him on the other side of Sebastian. He would stand ready for whatever would be coming through the gate.  

They would approach and Youta would activate his meigan to see what he could see and to prevent any surprise attack. He would also activate and break his nature stack storage so he would be prepared to use that energy if necessary. Looking at the gate and the walls they seemed incredibly thick and like they would be hard to get through. He was hoping one of the other 3 had a plan to get through it or maybe the bandits would come out to answer the invasion of their base head on. Youta would wait and see what the others would do in order to properly protect them and maybe deal out some proper damage and support as needed.  He would remember the plan and that they had been preparing for.  


Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:27 am
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A single puff of whispy smoke would ascend from between the teeth, of a certain bandit.

Hisako “The Boss” Hyuuga, was standing there in the med bay, doing some of her daily research with her Byakugan activated to be able to spot any missed details on what was being done currently. Luckily enough, the surrounding marshlands gave plenty of opportunities to divulge in the experimentation of crafting poisons. The natural landscape was practically a gold mine for it, having some of the better known regents of the craft. Most were obviously flora or fauna, but there were licks of certain ore deposits here and there too which also contained certain toxic qualities about them. Placing a sample of one of these aforementioned specimens into a small petri dish, and then following suit by placing a small drop of an unnamed substance into it shortly after.

”Hmmm. Just as I thought.” She’d say with a part of the cigarette still hanging out her mouth, while the kunoichi’s left hand would grab a sharpie and label the petri dish ‘Galena; Lead Sulfide’.

However, she would be alerted of something in the midst of this work with her Byakugan’s x-ray and superior vision. The presence of not 1, 2, or 3, but 4 shinobi. All headed this way to the Wolves’ Den from the direction of Hoshigakure. She would first notice them when they would be 100 meters away, but wouldn’t actually do anything until they got to 50 meters away. At which point, grabbing her mask and placing it on her pale visage, the Hyuuga rogue would head out into the training grounds, calling out to the other two ”Oi, look alive. We’ve got company. Four nin. It would seem as if Hoshigakure has finally attempted to come collect.” And she’d start to walk over to the main gate which was shut.

WC: 310

Byakugan- 5 AP

Heavenly Body- +20 AP (reduced to +5 since unable to go over AP Max)

Starting AP: 750
Current AP: 750

Starting HP: 300
Current HP: 300
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:41 pm
Stat Page:

But Billy was already standing on top of the Northern gate. He was on lookout duty, even though he was aware of The Boss' Byakugan. They could never be too safe after all. The platform on which he stood at first overlooking the incoming squad of shinobi with his arms crossed was exactly 51 meters tall. The wall was 20 feet thick, giving the bandit ample room to stand on the platform formed above, perpendicular to the closed iron gates.

He could see the four shinobi down below with his naked eyes. He was prepared. In fact he was born prepared. The masked butcher held four spears in four of his six hands. After each shinobi took their respective positions down below - 10, 12, 10, approximately 17 meters away from the Norther gate - Billy would conjure an ominous warm aura that blended with the sunlight, and throw his spears simultaneously. Each spear would be launched in a straight, independent line at a throwing speed of 140 with a potential maximum distance of 75 meters, and each one would be aimed at the throat of a different Haven shinobi. Unless defended properly with the proper equipment, technique or manoeuvre they would each pierce the necks of each member of the squad, behead them all, and put an early end to the little tussle at Wolf's Den.

WC: 225

Battle Info:

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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:48 am

Raksu was standing by the entrance of the northern gate, his typical bandit attire coupled with the ominous white mask. His Byakugan was very much active and observed the surroundings. His eyes picked up on the new arrivals to the area quite quickly be he decided that he’d rather finish his bottle of sake before addressing any of the visitors. The tall metal doors were open but there was an easy enough lever that could be leveraged to close them.

His 360-degree vision consumed all the information about their surroundings. Billy, located above Raksu appeared to have also picked up on the visitors as the wild man’s spears began roaring through the air in the direction of the unsuspecting Shinobi. Letting out an exasperated sigh, he took a swig from his bottle, leaning to his right to grab the cord that rang the bell. With a few tugs, he’d ring the alarm to indicate to Billy and Hisoka that we were under attack. The sound of the bell was jarring; it rang out into the surroundings being heard as far as 50 meters away.

With that, the ball was back in the enemy’s court.


Apologies for the delay and the short post, will provide a lot more to work with in the next post.

975 AP - 5AP Byakugan

Saturn likes this post

Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:07 pm
Their position at the gates was quickly noticed, the closed metal portcullis gates resting firmly behind an odd man, the grates allowing each group to see through with little trouble. The walls of the structure might have been 20 feet thick, but the metal portcullis was only two inches thick, the openings between the metal bars wide enough for relatively clear view. The odd man seemed to have a bottle of something in his left hand, while his right hand looked to be reaching for a cord to a bell or such. Behind him on the inside of the shut portcullis gate was some sort of kill switch lever. If the gate was open this would have allowed for its rapid descent, a useful feature for the entrances to have. Unfortunately, with the gate being closed it didn't do a great deal of anything at the moment. The mechanism to raise the gates looked to be right behind it, a manual winch to be cranked by hand with sheer manpower. It was far easier to dropped the gates with the help of gravity than it was to raise them against it.

The walls seemed to indeed be manned by bandit guards, something that the wolf almost missed on his first glance upon approach. The strange man at the top of the wall had loosed a volley of spears at the group and the one drinking rang the warning bell. "Seems they aren't looking to talk. Fine with me. Eliminate them all!" The wolf would direct to his soldiers, moving forward a mere meter to allow the spear to pass harmlessly behind him. The approaching spears didn't have anything out of the ordinary about them or on them. Perhaps a mere warning shot? The wolf didn't care. All of these undesired elements needed to be removed to improve the borders. This would just be the first of many. 

The medical bay sat along the Eastern wall of the fort, approximately at the midpoint of the wall. This put it around 30 meters from the Northern wall that meets the Eastern one. Then there is about 30 meters to the gates from that corner, putting their position from the gateway opening itself at about 42.4meters. With the walls being 20ft thick (about 6 meters) and the closest person to the gateway being 10 meters away from them that puts the closest Hoshi ninja at 54.9 meters, so even moving forward a meter to dodge the spear would make the closest Hoshi soldier 54 meters away. Due to Hisako's trigger being set at them hitting the 50 meter mark, I would imagine that they take no action as they stated would happen. 

Jutsu's and effects:
Pureblood Lycan passively generating 1 Nature stack (2/6)
AP still full: 1500/1500
Don't think I have to do this anymore but all actions done at maximum speed for clarity.
Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 145700

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:46 pm
As the raiding party approached the hideout it became apparent that a fight was inevitable. A small part of Typhon wanted the place to be empty. He had no desire for bloodshed, but it seemed like the situation was out of his hands at this point. There was a guard stood up on the top of the 50 meter high wall and he was already on the attack. A rain of spears was thrown from above with surprising speed and accuracy. The distance between the party and the spears was too great for them to be effective as anything other than a warning. Sebastian would call out that the fighting had begun and moved forward to dodge the spear.

Ty would follow suit and step a meter forward causing the spear to slam into the dirt harmlessly behind him. As he did so he would remove his mask and let it fall to the ground. He would stand ready for any orders from Sebastian and keep watch on both the man on the wall as well as the one stood in front of the door. They were both wearing smiling masks which was a little odd, but Ty wasn't in any position to complain about masks. The one on the ground was definitely the more immediate threat but he didn't want to risk ignoring the one above either.

(WC 228)
(TWC 531)

+2 contagion counters (4/10)
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission] Empty Re: Reclaiming the Wolf's Den [C-Rank Hunter Mission]

Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:31 pm
She was able to spot the man who was drinking the bottle of Sake in her vision. He was standing 1.0 meters to the right of the gate from her point of view, and 11 meters away from her. The man was directly near her line of sight as well as being the closest to her in distance. His appearance was a lanky man, a bit taller than she was with a sword attached to his right hip, his left hand holding the bottle of Sake as he drank. Her head looked upwards slightly by 20 degrees, she could see that someone had thrown spears directly at the ground. Her head immediately tilted back downwards to meet the Sake drinker. She decided to take action amongst this flat and dry field, it was perfect for her to use what she needed. Her arms instantly took on the gunmetal black coloration that was associated with the Gravedigger from the stars Atarashi Hiyu. She suddenly ran forwards, her arms and legs instantly inflating in size as she traversed towards the man who was drinking Sake eleven meters away. Her body grew instantly as well. Her arms and legs thick with muscle, she was built like a massive towering figure. Over 4 meters tall, she was traversing the 11 meter distance at a speed of 190 the moment her foot had left the ground. The spears wouldn’t even be half way through their air time even after Ryumi would have gotten her hands on the Sake drinker.

When she had traversed 2 meters from her original location directly towards the Hyuga she had activated a debuff of sorts, one that not even the Hyuga’s Byakugan or Uchiha’s Sharingan could see. As this was killing intent, the Hyuga would feel the radiating aura of the women who were a part of the group. Like a hulking mountain she was charging forwards towards him when she had activated furious design. Attempting to debuff his speed and chakra stats by 30. When Ryumi had traversed five meters from her location towards the man. She’d continue her pathway directly towards the man. When Ryumi would have been half a meter away from him. Her large massive arms that were half a meter wide would aim a punch towards his head. Aiming to punch the man directly into the wall behind him.

Ryumi Hiyu
Heavenly Body: +10
Bound Man: - 50 AP
Furious Design: - 30
Total AP:1180
240 Strength
190 Speed
25 Chakra
25 Vigor
(One 10 Damage marker received)
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