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Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

Patrol:Intern Empty Patrol:Intern

Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:23 am
Mission Briefing:

Being assigned on her first D-Rank mission of the day was something that Ryumi found rather fun, even if it was simply just a patrol around one of the most secure and safe places inside of the whole entire village. That being the ninja village headquarters that was bustling with other Shinobi hard at work either coming to or from a mission. She could tell that something bad had happened on one particular mission with a man bawling his eyes out when he revealed the bloodied head band of a Hoshi ninja. It was rather… depressing, making her think about Lloyd for a moment when he had been found on the battlefield. That small flash of seeing his nearly dead body in the hospital bed made her not want someone to think of her like that. Not with the same kind of pity that she had felt when seeing Lloyd without his arm. His half of his face nearly shredded apart by a vicious shinobi’s strikes. She had to do better than that as well, so she’d begin her trek to see if there was anything of note around the village that she had indeed called home. Ryumi thinking back on at least something that also gave her a slight amount of joy, and that was finding out that she had a wind element inside of her thanks to Lloyd, even when the man was practically forced to be in bed all the time he still found ways to help her.

Walking around the ninja headquarters would definitely be considered a boring job, however Ryumi also tried to make things at least as fun as possible whenever it got boring. So what she did was simply practice her own simple trades that she was good at. That being stretches and even cartwheels and flips while scanning the area in search of anyone causing some sort of trouble involving the residents of Hoshigakure. Almost everything seemed to be alright with the townspeople in question. At least that was the case inside of the first sector she was supposed to be near. In fact she was supposed to search through five different sectors for the mission in order to at least report back something of use for herself. She’d have to think now about what it was that she was trying to find. Was it some sort of criminal activity or was it more so just a rain check on everyone practically without having asked. The shinobi were meant to be protectors of the village. But it seems that the people hated the shinobi for reasons that she couldn’t really understand. So as she walked around she noticed someone who seemingly was giving her eyes, the young Kunoichi could only roll her eyes as the man gave a small whistle towards her. A small little reed poked out of his mouth.

“Didn't you know Shinobi came in such cute little sizes? What’s your name, hot stuff?” Ryumi turned her attention towards him for a moment. Thinking for a moment as she could only respond with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Ryumi? You know there are better pet names than Hot stuff right?”

The young man shrugged as he could only give her that at least, his eyes trailing up and down her figure as his face changed to a more disappointed glance. “Well since you're such a cute shinobi I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my place~ Just the two of us?”

Ryumi’s face turned ice cold for a moment before the loudest amount of chordling she had in a while came with a resounding sound. The guy looked at her like a bomb had gone off right in front of him as she only shook her head. “Sorry, not right now, busy with a mission so that’s certainly more important, but I will leave a note for ya inside of the log book for later, take care now!” And like that she was off and away, speeding down the section as fast as she could with how her strong legs carried her. She certainly wasn’t interested in having guys just come up and try to ask for getting bedded immediately. Her eyes rolled at the thought of also being interrupted in doing her mission. So unless he was a fellow shinobi in disguise then she had no worries about him at the moment. ONly that now she had one extra thing to log inside of the report for the day. However it was fun to at least talk to someone in a while that wasn’t Lloyd. Certainly no offense to the old man but she wanted to talk to people her age. It’s why she went to that Restaurant rumble in the first place, trying to potentially meet new people to talk to and to try and make some connection. But Ryumi mostly faded into the background, also being quite small certainly didn’t help in this matter when in regards to seeing what was going on.

Yet as the day began to slowly wind down while she was simply taking a nice stroll down the street. She liked how it felt to be able to run around freely without having to constantly be on a busy schedule for all of her life. Something about being cooped up for far too long would make her begin to feel antsy, like she wasn’t doing something that could help others in the future. It’s a big reason why she hates the rain, as it’s something that makes everything sucky to be on and inside. Yet Ryumi now was focused on getting the report in now, logging the boy she met in as a special case of someone who was trying to be a bit too sauve. The people certainly seemed good enough and content besides the glares she got every once in a while. Yet Ryumi could only smile as she had everything at least neatly placed together when she made her way back to the ninja headquarters and submitted her own report on the matter of the village patrol. Commenting how it was quite fun to walk around and have people see her.


Mission Rewards: 2000 Ryo and 10 AP
Stat allocation: +10 in strength
Bonus AP:+20
Claims: Jotun Grip(C-Rank):1000/1000
Jotun Grip(B-Rank)1033/1500
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

Patrol:Intern Empty Re: Patrol:Intern

Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:47 am
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