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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village Empty A Walk Around The Village

Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:26 pm
Relieved that he had fixed the crater he made, Junko would lead them back to the Kage Tower once he had returned to her side after teleporting. Walking arm in arm if he allowed, Junko would remain quiet for the most part, seemingly trying to figure out how to navigate the situation she now found herself in. Once they arrived she’d watch as he pulled a corpse out from a scroll and after putting two black rods in its earlobes the body would seemingly come to life. This looked to be what he had done while they were enjoying pancakes, only slightly different. After offering his path a kunai and sending it out into the village, Akabayshi mentioned he’d be back in a second before disappearing once more.

Sitting at her desk, she’d begin to write the letter out to the Hokage. Admittedly she was nervous about potentially interacting with the man and wondered if Akabayashi would be in Tsuki if he decided to visit. She felt better knowing he’d be able to step in and help should things go south, but she wished that negotiations would go smoothly. Before she could start, she noticed a report that must have been dropped off after they had left the tower. Examining it, her eyes would widen briefly as she learned about the deal that Akabayshi had made in broad daylight.

A bit of a sigh escaped her lips as she filed it away and turned her attention back to her writing. Once she was nearly done, she’d jump slightly as he returned to her side once more. She’d begin to speak, about to inquire as to where he was. Before she could say anything, he’d explain that he was just putting up some extra security measures to prevent what had happened at the gates. A light smile would cross her lips as she simply nodded her head and turned her attention back to the letter.

Once finished, Junko would pass the parcel along to her secretary before returning to her office once more. Walking behind her desk, she’d pull out the report she was looking at previously and gaze at it before looking to Akabayashi once more.

”Can I ask why you decided it was a good idea to sell organs in the middle of the street and also why you thought it was a good idea to threaten the civilians watching? I’d prefer if you kept that behind closed doors, though it’s legal here it can be off-putting for the general populace to witness. Moving forward I’d like any large transactions to be out of public view, I’d hate for something to happen to one of my people.”

After finishing speaking, she’d place the report back on the desk unless he wished to inspect it. Leaning her rear on the edge of the desk, she crossed her arms slightly and waited for his response. She had a relaxed but serious expression as she spoke, hoping he’d actually listen to her request.

WC: 504

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Akabayashi Terumi
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:54 pm
Akabayashi would simply shrug at her question. "How else should I treat the cattle?" It was not an attempt at comedy, it was a true statement from the hearts. In Kiri the population was taught to mind its own business, In Hoshi it was quite opposite where the common man held sway in its courts. Perhaps Tsuki was more akin to Hoshi in this regard. Her tone implied anger, so maybe the simile was likely to drop his earlier brownie points. He could see the Junko dissaproves video game text over her head as he spoke.

"I got some sick armor though. For about a million ryo." He would say motioning to his new blue armor. In an attempt to move past this conversation. Though with a weak attempt like that it was rather unlikely. If he was being honest though he enjoyed her interrogation it reminded him of what happened outside the gate where she forced her gate guard to kneel before her. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"I told you of Hoshi and their disdain for ninja. They rubbed off on me quite a bit, except I took their disdain the other way. This is no excuse, but I will never like normal people." He would look into her eyes as he said each word. He was not looking for sympathy or for her to understand. For whatever reason he wanted her to be angry with him and either accept or reject that flaw within. They would never see eye to eye on every issue and this would likely be one of them.

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Mon Jul 22, 2024 9:24 pm
Her face would contort slightly as he referred to them as “cattle,” only months ago she was in a similar boat and couldn’t help but think Akabayashi would think little of her because of it. Junko’s jaw clenched slightly as he attempted to shift the conversation, she clearly looked to be steadfast about discussing this with him. Though his armor was impressive and admittedly she couldn’t help but want to take it off of him, she found herself quite upset by his words. She’d bob her head to the left and right slightly as he continued to explain his disdain for the regular civilians in the village.

Though she didn’t agree with his words, she understood why he’d have that view. In reality, she only didn’t want this to reflect badly on her and didn’t care how he mentally impacted them. She didn’t need him to like them, she just needed him to tolerate them. Her mother was a regular civilian, and a majority of important people in her life were as well. Sitting up from her leaning position Junko stood with a bit of an angry expression. Placing a hand on her hip, she spoke up once more, her voice was stern sounding though it retained its regular cadence.

”I understand why you’d see them as such, but I need you to know that it hurts me to know this. It was only a few months ago that I actually began learning jutsu and for most of my life, I lived among people who had never trained a day in their lives. Regardless of how you feel about them, out of respect for me, I’d like for you to keep that outlook to yourself. The last thing I need to be concerned about right now is making sure you don’t upset the balance I’ve carefully maintained within my walls.”

Crossing her arms once more, Junko would continue to look into his eyes with a furrowed brow. Only a day into their relationship and already an issue had arisen, though this wasn’t something to split up with him over. More than anything she wanted to see his reaction to her pushing back and not simply agreeing with him. She hoped this would end with them agreeing to disagree and then continuing on their day together, but for the time being, she wouldn’t back down.

WC: 397
Total WC: 901

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Ryo : 92350

A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:15 pm
Unfortunately for him she was right. This was her village and she was the boss here not him. He would stand down on this matter. With her crossing her arms all he could think of was how beautiful she was when she was mad. Maybe he would find a less heated discussion if he decided to tell her he found this side of her attractive. "Please do not allow my prejudice to upset you. It is something that has been a part of me for decades. As you have said I will bury that part of me while I am here." He added the last bit for a reason. At the end of the day this was a part of him that made him, him. "I am sorry if my words have hurt you."

He decided to tell her one of his greatest secrets as an apology, but not at the moment it would have to wait until a better moment which would likely be soon. The secret behind his multiple paths and how they were controlled. As the path got to the gates she would exit and head for the southern border of the interdiction seals.

With Junko and him in the office he wanted to hear her response to what he said. After that, if she wanted to change conversations he would gladly go along with it. If there was a pause he would change topics. "What do you plan to do about the strangers showing up at your gates? Right now I am working on a more effective way of patrolling the borders. I have Asura and Animal carrying kunai to different locations, then when they get there I mark a spot on the inside and outside of your interdiction seals and come back. There is another part which I was going to explain during our fifth date, so why not have ours today."

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:22 pm
Her arms relaxed to her side once more as she listened to his response, though she knew she wouldn’t be able to change his mind, she was happy to hear he’d at least push that part of him to the side while they were together. The anger dispersed from her face as he apologized, replaced now with her usual soft demeanor and light smile. Her voice returned to its normal, smooth, melodic tone as she spoke up.

”Thank you Akabayashi, I appreciate you being amicable to my request. Tsuki is such a calm, serene place, and I’d like to keep it that way if I can.”

If he allowed, Junko would approach him and attempt to embrace him once more. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she rested her head on his chest and nuzzled him slightly. Pulling away from him, she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before fully releasing him once more. Though she wasn’t fond of his outlook on the people surrounding her, she hoped this wouldn’t cause a divide between the two of them. Not sure what to say, she felt thankful that he decided to change the topic to other matters.

He'd ask what her plans were for people showing up at the village, then explain that he was currently working on a way to make patrols around the borders easier. Her interest would pique as he revealed there was another part he was working on, which he’d show to her later. Placing a finger on her chin, she’d bob her head to the left and right, seemingly thinking of something. She hadn’t put much thought into patrolling the borders, and until recently didn’t see a reason to do so.

”I’m alright with strangers showing up at the gates usually and welcome most people into the village with open arms. This was the first time we’ve had an incident, so I suppose we should up security for the time being. I’ll have more guards stationed at the gates, and maybe I’ll put some time aside to create a technique to prevent people from teleporting…. While I think things over, a date sounds wonderful. How about we stop at some of the markets, get you some appropriate attire, and then head to the beach?”

Should he accept her request, she’d put away anything remaining on her desk before mentioning she’d need a few minutes to get her things together. She’d usher him to join her upstairs, but if he was needed elsewhere she’d simply request that he be back soon. Making her way up to her apartment, Junko began getting a few things together in a beach bag. Once things were packed away and ready, she’d get changed into a finely made, black sundress. After tying her long hair into a high ponytail and pulling on a pair of gladiatorial, black sandals she was seemingly ready to head out.

WC: 490
Total WC: 1391

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:55 pm
He would allow her to do almost anything she wanted to him. A hug and a kiss was welcome. He would reciprocate with a kiss to her forehead as he used his hand to push her bangs away. Gladly she was ready to change topics.

Though, what she had said was worrying. Having read her log of ninja within the village there was an astounding number of missing ninja and vagabonds. So many that they outnumbered the forces of the village itself. Truthfully, if she would let him he would have gone to each one and forced them into joining or dying but told him no both times he had asked. He was actually glad Raiden had showed up if it got her thinking of ways to defend what she cherished. Currently he was thinking of ways to defend what he cherished. His stressed out goth mommy.

"Shopping and the beach it is." He would follow her upstairs as she beckoned. Akabayashi would start handing her things for their beach trip having been there for a bit he was learning where things were. He started with sunscreen and passed her a few beach towels. As she began to remove her clothes Akabayashi looked briefly he always enjoyed the view of her, but he would avert his eyes no one liked to be gawked at. He would remove his armor and put on his suit and fine leather shoes. Once, he was done he would see his princess in her sundress. "You look incredible." He would say as she fixed up her hair into a ponytail. She had been so stressed lately he was glad to see her trying to relax. Once, she was ready he would follow her to the shops she wished to go to.

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Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:29 pm
She was happy to hear that he agreed to the beach date and was excited to show him the stunning sands of Tsukigakure. The two of them would then move upstairs once more and spend the next few minutes collecting whatever necessities they required. Thankfully Akabayashi had settled in quite well to her apartment and had learned where she kept most things so he could help get things together. It had been a few months since his arrival, and seemingly the two of them were getting along pretty well. Though they had vastly different outlooks on life, she felt as if his somewhat ruthless tendencies were sometimes necessary.

Once things had been packed away they’d begin getting dressed, momentarily she’d see his gaze shift to her body, though it would quickly move away from her form. A light blush formed on her cheeks as she finished getting dressed. Though he had seen her like this many times, she still found herself flustered by his gaze. After pulling on her sundress, Junko would offer him an inquisitive look as she noticed him pull on his suit. Though he looked great in it and it fit him well, she found it a bit odd that he continued to wear it despite the harsh weather. Deciding it was best to let the matter drop, she would finish getting dressed before turning to him once more.

As he complimented her she’d blush slightly as she did a quick twirl, allowing him to see how it fit from all angles. Giggling slightly, once she came to a halt she’d speak up in a happy tone.

”I’m glad you like it, admittedly it’s a bit plain but I love the feel of the fabric. Are you ready to head out now, or do you still need a moment?”

Before leaving, Junko would take a moment to slit open the palm of her hand using the marked Kunai. A small smile would form on her lips while a sigh of relief escaped her mouth as the euphoric feeling of pain shot through her body. From the blood now trickling down her fingers, an identical copy of her would spring into existence. Once it was fully formed, her hand would glow a dull blue color before the wound seemingly shut itself. Turning her attention to the clone in front of her, she’d instructed it to stay behind to finish any work she needed to do for the day.

Not wanting to be seen with her hand covered in blood, she’d gingerly bring it to her mouth. Placing her lips where the wound once sat, Junko licked it gently, removing any remaining blood that pooled in her palm. As the crimson liquid danced across her taste buds, she couldn’t help but feel some level of satisfaction. Her eyes would briefly glow dully before returning to her normal state as she realized how odd her behavior was. Snapping back to the moment, Junko would sheepishly attempt to remove the rest of it using a bit of water she conjured at her fingertips.

Now ready to leave, Junko would say a quick goodbye to her clone before beckoning Akabayashi to follow her. As they left the room, she was met by a familiar figure, her bodyguard Nariko. For a moment she thought about dismissing her for the day, but if they were going to go shopping they’d need assistance in carrying their bags. Though Nariko wasn’t pleased by Junko’s request, she begrudgingly agreed and followed the two of them to the market. As they walked, Nariko remained roughly 15 meters behind them, wanting to give them privacy on their outing.

If he allowed, Junko would hold his hand as they traversed the well-populated streets, ensuring they didn’t get separated from one another.

WC: 634
Total WC: 2025

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:48 pm
"My dear, nothing is plain when you wear it." He would say after her twirl. He wanted to take a moment to take her in. "I am ready." He would day buttoning up his sleeves and putting on his blood drop necklace. Before they left though she would take out his kunai and cut her hand with it. She seemed to like the feeling as the blood trickled down her fingers. A blood clone appeared and within a moment the wound was closed, but the exposed blood remained.

She would then go to town on the blood remaining in her palm. Based on her reaction it must have tasted pretty good. He wasn't into drinking blood from others even hers that was a line he drew no matter how good it may taste. As she returned from cleaning her hand off he would take it in his and kiss it take it in his ready to step out into the village.

His Asura path had arrived at the north-eastern edge of the interdiction seals. "Do you want to come with me a moment I have to teleport again." If Junko said yes he would give a marked knife to Nariko When they were at the border he would mark the inside of the barrier with flying thunder god, walk out of the area where the interdicition seals functioned and place another FTG mark. Once, that was done he would return to the inside of the barrier and teleport them both back to Nariko and take back his kunai. If she did not wish to go he would let go of her hand and just go alone.

"Sorry, for the delay. A few marks more and patrolling will become easier. " If Junko was ready he was ready to go shopping. He would thank Nariko for her assistance as she hung back.

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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:12 pm
As they neared the market, he’d ask if she wished to teleport with him and she’d offer him a nod in agreement. Beckoning Nariko to join them, she watched as Akabayashi handed her a marked kunai. Afterwards, the two of them were teleported to the edge of the barrier where one of his paths was waiting for them. She’d watch patiently as he began to place his marks within and outside of the barrier, after he was finished he’d return to her side and teleport back to the bustling village streets. Stumbling slightly while they arrived, Junko would hold tightly to Akabayashi and balance herself.

Admittedly she felt a bit sick from the teleportation, though she was sure she’d get used to it in no time. After taking the kunai from Nariko, the three of them would continue their walk to the market. There were a few different shops she had wanted to stop at and hoped they’d be able to find something suitable for Akabayashi. She had really only seen him wear his suit and robes, so she was excited to see what else would pique his interest. Though she didn’t need any for herself, she couldn’t help but want to add a bit to her closet.

Soon they’d arrive at one of the more luxurious establishments and Junko would lead them inside. Nariko would remain posted by the entrance as they began shopping. Now completely in her element, Junko would guide him to the various clothing racks and assist him in picking out a few things. As they were looking, a few pieces caught her eye. Specifically what looked to be a set of matching swimsuits. Each shared the same pattern, a black base with white and gray moon flowers printed across the fabric. Admittedly the female version was a bit revealing for her taste, but she had similar things already in her closet. Pointing them out to Akabayashi, she’d pull one from the rack and examine it closer.

”What do you think? We could get a matching set, I think it’d be cute.”

Looking at him once more with a bit of a pleading look she’d wait for his response. If he agreed she’d grab a pair of shorts for him and continue to look around the store. Occasionally she’d pull a piece of clothing from the rack, examine it, and either present it to him or simply put it back. She seemed quite indecisive, and if she had been alone she would have probably been there for hours. After picking out a few different items for them, she was ready to go if he was. While standing in the checkout line her gaze fell on a particular set of sunglasses. They looked similar to Akabayashi’s though they were slightly different.

Picking them up as well, the two of them would check out, and once things were paid for she’d hand some of her bags over to Nariko. Still holding on to the things they needed for the beach, Junko would request that the remainder of their things be taken back to her apartment. Afterward, Nariko would be dismissed for the day since Junko wanted to spend a bit of time alone with Akabayashi. With Nariko gone, the two of them were free to continue their date.

Junko would then begin to lead him through the village, though she’d speak up as they started walking once more.

”Would you like to pick up something to eat while we’re out as well?”

A new sushi bar had opened up in a nearby plaza and she was eager to give it a try. If he agreed, she’d begin leading him to the spot.

WC: 620
Total WC: 2645

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Walk Around The Village Empty Re: A Walk Around The Village

Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:55 pm
She showed him various things assumedly his business only attire, was something she wished to change. As they were going to the beach he needed swim trunks and the perfect pair caught his eyes. A black and white pair that looked like a suit with a rose on it. Junko had another idea for what they should wear. As she showed him the pair he frowned a bit before he heard her words. "It will be." He would say taking the trunks with a smile. He would grab a short sleeved, loose fitting shirt, that was black and had flowers like the ones that matched his shorts.

Finally he would grab a pair of sandals. While they were there though he would leave Junko for a bit. "I'll be back shortly." He would say before wandering off to the jewelry section. While there he had a look at their necklaces and earrings, avoiding the rings. Rings said to much as a gift. While looking he found the perfect thing a gold ankle bracelet and a gold frog charm with diamond eyes. He would buy both and stuff them into his pocket before returning.

He grabbed a few things that Junko picked mostly the dress shirts, ties, and belts of course but she picked them. Once, they were done he would pay and take keep the bag containing his swimsuit and hers she would not have to carry a thing. He would make a wood clone and pass them off to the double. Nariko was sent off to return the items and then she was off duty for a bit.

As they walked Junko brought up food. He was feeling a bit hungry. "I could eat." He'd say almost instantly. Then he would follow her to wherever she wanted to go.

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