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Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

Knowledge Vs Wisdom Empty Knowledge Vs Wisdom

Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:01 pm
Mission Briefing:

The still sunny evening of spring time gave Ryumi such a feeling of serenity as she was currently looking through the missions that she was supposed to do today. The one that caught her eye the most was something that reminded her almost like school with how it sounded. That there was a mission that sounded almost like a school research project about one kind of subject. However this certainly interested her as someone that could ask around the village for what kind of history something had. The one thing that Ryumi was certainly interested in was the religious history of Hoshigakure. More specifically the history of the church she was in. She wondered what kind of people would participate within the church that she was indoctrinated into at a young age.

The simple research was quite easy to get her hands on by talking to the locals of what their opinions were of the religion sector that she was under. Some said that it certainly did help them during their time with soul searching. While others called the religion a scam that propped up a false god in a way to disrespect their own god's image. It seemed that there were a ton of different viewpoints about this whole entire subject. Which made it all the more interesting that Ryumi now was researching this topic for herself. Almost everything that she got could help her with the small report that she’d write about the church. However the person that she’d ask last was the one that had taken care of her far more than the family that had adopted her. She’d take a deep breath before returning to the small shed that was her home. Finding Lloyd still in bed for the day, the stump of an arm he had was wrapped up in bandages still even from that long ago. It would be best for her to remove the bandages but Lloyd turned to see his daughter, giving Ryumi a massive grin as he motioned for her to come over. Wondering why she was back home so early, not like Lloyd was complaining.

“So Ryu! What brings you back here so soon?” Lloyd smirked, wrapping his arm around her while she gave him a hug. To Which Ryumi would nod her head before explaining why she was here in the first place.

“I was wondering if you could tell me the history of the church I was living in, more so the type of religion if you would? I know those aren’t great memories to trudge up, so it’s okay if you don’t wanna answer!” Ryumi showed her less confident side towards Lloyd, where the Hyuga gave a small laugh at her question before nodding. Starting to explain in detail what the church's religion was. Ryumi wrote down what he said in order to file what  she wanted to use to get the mission complete. Her smile never faltered as Lloyd went on and on about the god that they worshiped.  When Lloyd was done with his speech she gave him a quick thank you, the Hyuga getting up from his bed slightly before giving his daughter another Hug before she left. Knowing that she would have to go

“I hope I was able to help Ryumi! Now please, leave me for now, I know you’re busy so I don’t wanna take up your time.”

With that Ryumi hugged him tightly back before running out the door in order to put in the file for the mission. Hoping that it was good enough to be completed for the mission.


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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
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Knowledge Vs Wisdom Empty Re: Knowledge Vs Wisdom

Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:35 pm
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