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Roxio Utuma
Roxio Utuma
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Knowledge vs Wisdom (Mission,P,NK) Empty Knowledge vs Wisdom (Mission,P,NK)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:39 am

Roxio sat in his room with a stack of books about the layout and culture of Hoshigakure. Basically from the culture he learned that the Haven country lies at the edge of the map, its cities soaked in mild to humid climates. The capital of the city, Hoshigakure no Sato, was the first in the country to begin the practice of training ninja to defend the land. Aside from the ninja going ons, Haven is a deeply religious country and often frequented by scholars and worshipers alike as it plays host to many religions, sects and factions for the spiritually inclined. Haven has traditionally been only ruled by the Queen of its royal family. You have the water gardens which holds the gazebo and the training grounds. Hoshi itself contains the royal palace, ninja academy, hospital, Kozai Yuki National Archives (Roxio's favorite place in the country), city square, unseen university, village gates, and ninja shop. The culture was self explanatory since he has lived here for his entire life. The city layout is much different than before though. These were dated maps of the city, but it was wise to keep the real maps away from everyone. Since there could be an easy attack on us. He got frustrated and decided "I will not learn much from books and scrolls about this. It is better to go out and explore myself." He walked out of his house noting that the sun was out and it was mildly warm. He jumped onto the roof top of his house and located the nearest mosque. He traveled to that location and get on the very top of it. He could see a lot of the city below him; he was kinda high up. Smiling he noted a stack of hay below him big enough to break his fall significantly. Taking a deep breathe he pushed off the top of the mosque taking up a swan dive heading straight to the stack of hay. Before hitting the hay he oriented his body to where he would land on his back with his body spread out to cover more surface area.

His body hit the stack of hay and the hay dipped in with the newly acquire weight of Roxio's body. The stack of hay flexed and gave way pushing back up again Roxio's body. Him bouncing up then back down. Once he decided to get up he explored the city noting the market area, rural areas, back wash areas, and hidden little areas. While exploring he noted the locations that the books had described. The water gardens with the training grounds and gazebo. Along with that as he was walking around for hours he noted the locations of the land marks. The royal palace which is the ancestral home of the past Queens of Haven. The palace is usually dotted with Queensguards charged with the protection of Haven's royal family. Only a small portion of the palace is open to the public. The ninja academy which is a place to train ninja and prepare them for the genin exam, and where Roxio went to school. The hospital previously a crude wooden structure staffed by civilians, Hoshigakure Hospital is now been rebuilt. His mother also works there and he has been there multiple times to watch his mother work. The Kozai Yuki National Archives which is arguably the largest library in the known world where information on almost any general subject can be found. Also Roxio's favorite place to be. The city square which is the central hub of the City Blessed by the Stars.You have markets, shops, restaurants, places of worship and entertainment here. Then you have the Unseen University. This is the center for shinobi administration of the City Blessed by the Stars. It can only be accessed by the ninja of Haven. Then we have the entrance of the village, the village gates, and the ninja shop where you can buy anything you relatively need for ninjaing.

After all the traveling he finally decided to sit in the city square. Sitting down in a chair next to a table he got something to drink and placed his head on the table for a minute before raising his head back up to a monk. The older monk asked "Mind if i sit with you young one?" Roxio smiled and said "Yes sir of course." The monk sat down and asked "How is your day?" In which the young ninja replied with "It is going good. Made it a day project to learn the landmarks of the country and the culture behind it." The monk smiled and said "I am glad to hear that a young one is so interested in learning about culture." Roxio chuckled "Yes but with that i have come across some disturbing things. Which i do not understand." The young one frowned a bit with that the monk said "Please ask what is on your mind. I will help as i can to expand your understanding." Roxio smiled and asked "I understand that there are many religions here and many different cultures, but there is war that comes with all of that. In my own opinion you need ninja to defend your religions. Why are the priests and monks of some religions fight the ninja? Those who are protecting them?" The monk frowned and replied "That is just the way it has always been. In a time we could defend ourselves since we were mostly isolated from the outside world. Our basic knowledge of fighting protected us when need be. Some of the religions see ninja as heathens and not needed. They believed they were forced into this but it was for their own good. You have to understand that as a ninja you do protect us and some of us might not be thankful." Roxio was confused and asked "Why are you talking to me now?" The monk chuckled and replied "Because i am wise enough, and i believe that there is a place for everyone. If we can just learn to understand and accept one another there would not be a need for fighting. Though we are all human this will never happen." The monk looked around and continued "Well looks like i need to be going. Please continue your learning and be the one who accepts things as they are in people. You will have to fight to survive and protect others. I thank you for this." The monk departed as did Roxio and with a reinforced mind set.

(1,092/1,000 words needed, + 500 ryo, + 1 Ap, + 1 CD post with village leader)

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Knowledge vs Wisdom (Mission,P,NK) Empty Re: Knowledge vs Wisdom (Mission,P,NK)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:53 am

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