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Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Team 1! Empty Team 1!

Fri Apr 12, 2024 5:37 pm

Joro was striding down the streets of Hoshigakure, heading his way to a meeting place for a couple of missions he was assigned. Stout was running across the ground weaving in and out of villagers.

"Hey, we're stopping here dude," pointing at a table outside of a local tea shop.

Joro sat at the table and asked the waitress for a to-go cup of tea. It was rather early in the morning, and Joro rushed out of the house as the mission slip came when he woke up, he hustled to make sure he wasn't late. He could have just teleported there, but what's the fun in that? Also, he needed to limber up for the missions. It seemed his hustle was all for nothing as he was the first here, as usual, but what can you do?

His tea came, and he paid the waitress and smiled at her gently a gesture he was sure she appreciated as she blushed when she walked away.

"So, what do you think the new Genin are like, Stout? I know Youta is on the mission there is also a Mizaki Hyuuga and a Kayori. Should be an interesting bunch," as he looked down at the Stoat, smiling at him softly.

He sat there thinking about what the day will bring, and jotting in his notebook with one hand, and petting Stout with the other. He had been working on a short story he was hoping to publish soon. He wondered a lot about it, it would be his first published piece. As he finished his thoughts he continued to sip his tea and wait for his group mates.

Mizaki Hyuuga
Mizaki Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:16 pm
Through a slew of different tomes and scrolls emerges the woman named Mizaki. The blue-haired Hyuuga had spent most of the night and early morning studying, understanding the basics of what her body would be capable of. Soon, oh, how soon it will be when she finally can perform the deeds she has read so much about. Today was a special day, however. Today, she will be performing her first mission with other people. She had taken part in lower-ranked missions before but always took them on by herself. 

So today marked a special day in her mind, a day that she was unofficially grouped with others. It wasn't an official group, but it was undoubtedly a step in that direction. Swiftly, she closed her book and hoisted herself from the chair that had been her only studying partner through the sleepless night she had spent in the library. The dawn had already passed as it flowed through the remainder of the morning. A fast pace was what was going to be required to arrive at the meeting place earlier than the remainder of the group unless there was someone who wished to be as early as she was.

Exiting the library, she adjusted her eyes to be better prepared to accept the sun's rays as the morning had undoubtedly gone well underway. Her first steps, slightly hazardous due to the adjustment to the weight of her body now pressing upon her feet, were completed with a slight hesitation. This hesitation was soon eliminated as the day's excitement began to creep deeper into her psyche. Soon, she would be surrounded by like-minded individuals who could push her to her limits. To challenge her physically,so to compete with her intellect,ually and even bring her to new levels that she hadn't thought possible. 

With each curve of the pathways, with every step, she grew closer to her destination, but she could see the shop in which they were all to meet. She saw that there was no one at this particular tea shop as of yet, for it was just opening its doors and allowing the people into the shop itself. Quick strides bring her to her destination shortly after. She sits down and opens yet another book, awaiting the rest of the group to arrive at the tea shop. 

She gazes above the book shortly after she sits down, and there is a man who approaches the tea shop as well. He had a focused look on his face, with a slight smirk creeping across it as he sat down. She activated her Byakugan with her face still buried in the book. With her vision now activated to its fullest extent, she analyzed every inch of his face, along with the weapons on his person. With this information in her hand, she continued to read her book until the remainder of the group would arrive.

WC: 503
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 65906

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:43 pm
Youta would get a letter about doing some missions with some newer Genin and see how they are doing, it was a meeting spot that he had met Joro before. This very nice tea shop that they met at before so Youta would want to see who all these Genin are and what they would be. He would plan to go early and scout out them preferably without being noticed. He would put on a hood and would head to the tea shop. He would leave and try to get to tea shop more than an hour before the established time.

He would walk in and get some tea to sip on. He would sit and wait in a booth in the back corner being as inconspicuous as possible and wait to see the Genin that would be joining. He would see Joro walk in first. Youta did not activate his Meigan because he knew that shinobi and has worked with him before.

Next a young woman would walk into the shop a Hyuuga and Youta would quickly activate his Meigan. And see her elements but end it quickly he would see her power and then continue to wait for the 4th shinobi to come in before he would go up to the table and introduce himself.

Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:29 pm
Early in the morning, before the sun had risen into the sky, Kayori found herself preparing for a rather exciting day. Her mother and father had recently deemed her ready to begin officially working for the village, and she was eager to begin. Before breakfast, she’d take a quick 2-mile jog around her neighborhood to get her mind and body prepared for the day. Upon arrival home, she’d sit with her mother, father, and siblings to enjoy a hardy homemade breakfast. Once finished, she’d assist in cleaning the kitchen before hugging her parents and leaving for the day.

As she exited the home, she’d gently hold the sun pendant that she wore around her neck before then saying a quick prayer to Amaterasu asking for good luck. Though she didn’t know any of the others she had been paired with for the day, Kayori hoped that they would all get along great. Due to spending most of her time tending to church duties, she found herself with very few friends. Though she felt loved and supported by those within her circle, she found herself wanting to expand her horizons. This is why she had been so adamant about picking up some jobs from the village, she cared little for whatever income official jobs provided but craved to socialize more.

The group was to meet up at a local tea shop, so happily she made her way there. With a ring of the doorbell, Kayori entered the building and walked up to the counter to order herself a cup of green tea. As she waited for her cup to arrive, she’d look around the room and attempt to guess who the other shinobi joining her were. She’d clock a young man who looked to be writing something and petting a strange anime she had never seen before. From what she had been told, some shinobi adopt pets to help them with various tasks so she hoped that this was the case for him.

Once she had her green tea, Kayori would walk over to him with a warm smile across her face. If he examined her, he’d see a young woman, roughly 20 years old with a friendly aura about her. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail that swayed slightly as she walked. Beautiful light blue eyes were placed perfectly on her face and meshed well with her pale skin tone. She was wearing a white, long dress that looked to be well-tailored to hug her body snugly. Long slits traveled up each side of the dress, allowing her to walk unimpeded, and ended roughly where her hip bones are. Under the dress, black shorts could be seen hugging her plump thighs. On her shoulders, a dark blue cloak cascaded down her back and stopped just behind her heels.

Once before him, Kayori would give him a slight bow but ensured to maintain eye contact with him. As she spoke, her tone was excitable but she was jer obviously trying to contain herself.

”Hello! My name is Kayori it’s wonderful to meet you! Sorry for bothering you, but you see I’ve found myself in quite the predicament. I’m supposed to be meeting with a few others to do some jobs around the village, but I don’t know who any of them are. So I was wondering if maybe you were one of the people I was supposed to meet up with?”

She’d look a bit embarrassed as she proclaimed her issues to the man. A small blush could be seen on her face as she fidgeted with her dress slightly. While awaiting his answer, Kayori would look around for any others who seemed to be interested in the conversation. If anyone else in the group should approach, she would give them a quick bow as well and introduce herself once again.

Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:31 am
He sat there thinking about what the day will bring, and jotting in his notebook with one hand, and petting Stout with the other. He had been working on a short story he was hoping to publish soon. As he finished his thoughts he continued to sip his tea and saw as one of his possible teammates, sitting, I wonder how long they have been there he wondered. She sat down and opened a book. Not paying him much mind. Joro being the social person he was waved over at her saying, "Hello! I'm Joro you must be Mizaki?" If he was right, he would wave again and flash a smile.

Youta also seemed to be sitting near her, but not together. Odd. Well anyways Joro would proceed to wave at Youta as they waited for their fourth member saying, "Youta, how's it going man? Been a minute! Been enjoying the lovely weather we are having lately?"

Another woman walked in after Joro. She was tall, not taller than Joro but tall enough it was entrancing. Joro was intrigued, she was also quite beautiful. Looking her up and down as she approached trying not to get caught glimpsing at her. She had platinum blonde hair that was up in a high ponytail, swaying side to side. Each step, her hips swaying in and out of the slits of her dress.

"Oh, wow, who is that?" Joro thought to himself, "She's is quite the woman,"

He felt she was a bit older, it could be just because of her height though. She had gorgeous light blue eyes were placed perfectly on her face giving her a feeling of power and sophistication. She wore a white long dress, hugging her midsection and the curves surrounding her. As she walked Joro made his way down from her entrancing eyes and dazzling smile, to her toned midsection, then down to her legs, noticing the muscle the sheer power and curvature of her legs as she made her way over to him. She was breathtaking, in every definition of the word. And he must speak with her, as soon as possible. Which seemed right about now, as she walked up to him.

She walked up and gave a slight bow, he stood effortlessly with a way of elegance carrying himself with pride. He also extended the curtesy, bowing slightly. She explained her name was Kayori, and she was looking for her mission members. Which he happened to be one of, and the two others who were sitting by him.

Kayori good name, fits her well. Ah, yes she is the last one on his list that he received. She seemed a bit nervous or embarrassed. Joro couldn't tell which, but it seemed this was his chance to introduce himself and make a good first impression with this goddess.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the lovely Kayori! I must say, it's my lucky day to run into such a beautiful woman like yourself," as he stepped closer to her, lowering his voice. "As a matter of fact, I am one of the people you're supposed to meet up with, names Joro," he said grinning at her, feeling his heart pumping harder and harder.  "But I must admit, I'm quite distracted by your enchanting presence," he said in a sweet tender voice, as he removed one of the stray locks moving it behind her ear. "Perhaps we could get to know each other a bit better before we start our work, either here or on a walk? I'd love to get to know everything about the wonderful woman before me," he finished waiting for her response as he drew back from her, winking with a playful smile on his face. Hoping this made her blush even more.

Mizaki Hyuuga
Mizaki Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Fri May 10, 2024 6:54 pm
Another member of the party had arrived, then another. The final one was Kayori. She was a member of the village, another Genin, rather new in her work. Joro fell apart the moment she showed up and spoke to him, eyeing her up and down, which she was able to notice with the help of her Byakugan, staring and being enraptured by her immediately. Such a pitiful young man. She stood up and closed her book, walking towards the others. She moved her long blue hair out of her face and tied it up in a tight bun on the top of her head to get it out of her way.

"Truly Joro, you work far too hard to speak to folks, especially to those of the opposite sex. Now that the final member of the team has arrived, instead of putting all your effort into trying to make the team member blush with your cheap compliments, you can focus on the job at hand, eh?"

Her face was stern and serious. She looked over to Youta in the back corner of the room and motioned for him to join them. "Kayori, Joro, Youta, and myself. Looks like we have all that we need for this mission to get off of the ground. I would like to get things going as there is plenty of missions on the way for us to get done." She knew she may have sounded rude to Joro, but when someone walks into your life, and you immediately lunge at the chance to speak to them seemed off-putting to put it lightly.

She would await the leader of the group to arrive in their vicinity so they would be able to get the jobs done. She had a session for training coming up directly after they were done with their missions, and she was desperate not to have this take up too much of her time as the missions they had been assigned were not much in regards to their importance, so it didn't weigh very much in her mind, not nearly compared to her training and what could come of it. When Youta joined the group, she would begin moving the group out of the tea shop and closer to an actual destination that would allow them to begin their work. Should the group follow, then she would sigh a sigh of relief, but should they desire to continue their conversation, then she would reluctantly comply with their wishes.

WC: 413
TWC: 916
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 65906

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Fri May 17, 2024 9:18 pm
Youta would get up from his bothand walk towards the others.  “It was impressive you all sensed me with your” his eyes would activate “chakra levels I dropped below most of you. So it’s impressive or did you all just see and recognize me? Joro it is wonderful to see you again.   The rest of you I do not know if I have properly introduced myself. My name is Youta Shinkou and I am mostly here for support and to test to see if you all are truly ready. Kayori it is pleasure and Mizaki nice to meet you.”  He would walk over and slap Joro in the back of the head.  And say “behave, next time I will paralyze you.  And leave you with the seal till I feel like it.”  He would then laugh and continue talking to the ladies “ignore my overzealous friend over here.  Let’s try to get these missions done.  I am just here for advice and sticky situations so you all are in charge let’s see what you all got in store for the future of this great village. I am here if you need me or want any advice.”  He would then motion for them to follow him out of the coffee shop and then wait for the rest of the group to make a decision on what they wanted to do.  

Kayori Hatake
Kayori Hatake
Stat Page : Kayori's Studies
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:51 am
Kayori would immediately become flustered as the man in front of her began to compliment her. She was relieved to hear that he was in fact one of the people joining her, introducing himself as Joro. Her doe eyes would widen slightly as he continued to flatter her while moving a stray hair that lingered in her face. He then would suggest taking some time to get to know each other, though she wasn’t against doing so this wasn’t the appropriate occasion. Her face would be nearly beet red as she began to panic slightly, unsure about how to respond.

”It’s… It’s wonderful to meet you Joro. Thank you for the compliments, I..”

Thankful the attention was drawn off of her as a blue-haired, pale-eyed woman approached the two of them, chastising Joro slightly. Kayori would let out a brief chuckle as she asked if he could focus on the missions at hand. She assumed that the woman was Mizaki Hyuuga, one of the others who had signed up for the task. Kayori would offer her a warm smile and a bow as her face now returned to its normal skin tone. She felt eager to befriend her new companions, and though they currently seemed like a rather odd crew, she felt as if they could reach great heights together.

Her gaze would follow Mizaki’s to the corner of the room, where a white-haired individual sat. She hadn’t really noticed him prior but was happy to see him approach the three of them. Assumedly it was their group leader, a Chunin named Youta Shinkou from what she had been told. He mentioned that he was impressed that they noticed him, though admittedly Kayori hadn’t seen him at all. Continuing on, he introduced himself and explained that he would be taking on more of a supervisory role during the mission. Kayori understood this, it wasn’t unusual for Chunin to take a handful of Genin under their wing to show them the ropes so she greatly appreciated his assistance.

She’d attempt to stifle a laugh as Youta playfully slapped the back of Joro’s head, then chastised him for his behavior. He then turned his attention to the two women and apologized briefly before then focusing on the missions ahead of them. Still feeling a bit flustered, Kayori briefly gave Joro an empathetic smile before returning her gaze to Youta once more.

”Thank you for taking the time to show us the ropes! I really appreciate the help and look forward to working with all of you”

Following Youta outside, Kayori would immediately attempt to figure out the best course of action for the day. The air around her buzzed excitedly as he began to speak.

”I believe our first task is to help some lady go shoe shopping? Though for ones that could also be used as a weapon should she need it. Apparently, the woman wants us to provide a bit of training with them and determine which would fit most. Should be rather simple, and I believe she’s supposed to meet us at a shop nearby.”

Kayori held her head high when she spoke, confidence exuding from her cheery demeanor. Should the others agree, she’d begin to lead them to the mission location. If Joro wished to speak with her during their walk, she’d happily indulge him but otherwise would attempt to maintain a pleasant conversation with the group.

WC: 578
Total WC: 1225
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:20 pm
"No problem, Kayori. Can't wait to get going here, once Youta decides so," smiling joyfully at the new girl.

Laughing at the somewhat rude comment from Mizaki, "Well, maybe I was just saying something kind, although that may be hard for you to understand, Mizaki."

He would turn to smile at Kayori, hoping she didn't feel embarrassed by the random outburst from Mizaki and himself. He did realize it was a bit much, but it was more of a kind revelation done with sincerity than a random expression with shallowness behind it, which was not his intention in any way.

Mizaki quickly got into wanting to do the missions at hand. Odd, he thought to himself, but he understood that sometimes people had other things to do outside of missions and shinobi responsibilities. For Joro most of his time he had been spent trying to get his house together.

"Youta, of course, I just saw you. Although, my chakra control has been improving steadily so it could have been a little bit of both, to be honest," turning towards the young Shinkou, as well as his superior.

"Hey, I'm behaved, I was just being nice," he said, scratching the back of his head. "And yeah, wanna try me? I can't wait for the Nova Corps tournament. You going to be joining Youta?" Asking the Chunin as he also planned to join. They may even fight against each other.

Joro noticed Kayori's empathetic smile he would give a bashful smile in return. And would then listen on as she began to speak on their first mission of the day.

"Ah, yes a shoe for a lady that wants to defend herself. Should be fun!" he said, happy to be making his way through the entrance exiting the tea shop, and starting their walk to the shoe shop.

"So, Kayori what do you like to do in your free time?" he said, smiling at the girl.

He would nod along and smile at her reply. Replying in kind to whatever she may say. As they headed over Joro bounced in and out of conversation between the three of his friends, all of them seeming to have a good time. As they neared the shop they went in to find the woman asking the shopkeeper if they had any shoes that would be comfortable both going out and for fighting.

When they entered the shop they quickly got to work helping the shopkeeper with finding the perfect shoes for the customer. They looked for shoes that were stylish, comfortable, and sturdy enough to deal with the labor of fighting. An hour or so passed by without a shoe that seemed acceptable to both the customer as well as the ninja for the fighting task assigned. When finally they found the perfect set of shoes. It was a pair of black leather boots, with a sturdy iron toe, and a tan leather buckle around the top to make sure they fit just right. They said their goodbyes to the group and headed on out to their next mission of the day.

On their way to the next mission, Joro asked Kayori another question, "Kayori, do you have a favorite season?" he would say, with a smile and an inquisitive look.

"So, the next mission is an elderly couple asking for help in decorating their home. They have been doing it for years during this time of year's festival. Which is sweet, in my opinion. And they are hoping to win the competition for the festival. So, we better do a good job then," he said, happy with the mission. It should be fun to do some decorating, Joro thought.

When they finally arrived at the elderly couple's house, they all were invited in and asked to sit down for a minute before getting to work on decorating the house. The elderly couple ended up telling the group that they didn't care too much if they won, they just enjoyed seeing all the decorations up, and due to their advanced age, sadly, they couldn't do it themselves anymore. They told the group they were extremely grateful for the help with decorating their house.

With that, they were dismissed and were given certain areas of the house to decorate to the couple's and group's liking. As the decorations went up the entire house began to sparkle just that much more. In the end, the house looked all put together and eventually won the competition that the festival hosted. The couple thanked the group excitedly to which the group replied with a few "You're welcomed,", "of course,", and of course, "it was a pleasure,".

With that, they headed off to yet again, another mission. This time the group would be helping a class, specifically a music class that needed to practice for their upcoming performance. So, they were off again. Off to help young students sing their hearts out.

They walked through town till they found the local school, where they checked in and got their guest passes or substitute badges. Then the group headed down the hallways to the music room and introduced themselves to the class. First, they started by having everyone get in their positions for the performance and stretching their voices out so they would be loose for the practice. Then they did a few vocal warm-ups so they would be in tune and ready to go for the rest of class. They kept the class moving and were soon practicing the songs for their performance. To the children's credit, they did perform the songs quite well, and consistently. As the class began to near its end, the group said goodbye to all the students and departed off to their next mission. Man, it had been a busy day already and there were still 2 missions left.

The next mission was to set the evening for a couple that had their anniversary and the individuals who turned it to plan the night had forgotten. So, the group was now tasked with helping set up a romantic evening for the couple. The group worked tirelessly on getting the event prepared for the evening that would soon be following them and by the end of it everything was done. The flowers were purchased, the wine, as well as a reservation made to the prize-winning restaurant Joro and Jurei had judged for earlier the week or so before. In the end, they got word that the night had been a success and were given a huge thank you by the individual.

And with those four missions done, they only had one left. The last mission was to go out on a fishing boat with an old man who couldn't go out by himself. So, the group went out with him to go fishing. He had a much larger boat than Joro expected, so that was pretty nice. Plenty of room to stretch out and find their spot to fish as the day was starting to end. He stood there looking over the edge with Stout on his shoulders and Kayori nearby. Man, that girl was beautiful, Joro thought.

As the day ended and the old man had made his quota the group headed back to shore. And the missions were finally done. Joro and Stout said bye to everyone. Joro made sure Stout was on his shoulders before he used Instant Transmission to teleport back home. As the day drew to a close, Joro felt a sense of contentment and accomplishment. Tired but happy, he made his way home, looking forward to a well-deserved rest. Taking a moment to reflect on the day's events, he realized how fulfilling it was to help others and make a positive impact. Grateful for the meaningful moments shared with his friends and the people they had assisted, Joro felt a deep sense of connection and purpose. With a smile on his face, he eagerly anticipated a good night's sleep, knowing that tomorrow held the potential for new experiences and opportunities to make a difference.

MTWC: Exceeded
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Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Team 1! Empty Re: Team 1!

Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:12 pm
5,000 Ryo and 25 AP
New Totals: 97,750 and 211/600 AP for Strength of a Hundred
+2234 to Creation Rebirth: Strength of One Hundred [v7.2] 3750/3750 Max Stat Discount. Rest from Here.
Dumping additional 17 WC.
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