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Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Stat Page : Raiden
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Raiden Chills (Open)

Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:55 am
Raiden had eventually found his way to what appeared to be the common living area, and he would take a seat on one of the couches, looking around and just relaxing. The blondish white haired male sat there and began to formulate ideas , taking a notebook out and a pencil, writing down his idea's and how he would want them to work, but however, he knew he would later need to write down how they actually turned out. But for now the concept writing was great for him to get his ideas on paper and work on later when he has the chance.
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:19 pm
It was still surreal to the woman that her current situation had her staying with vampires in their expansive home. Honestly, she would have been just fine staying in one of the huts in the forests, and they would have allowed it. But Saya was also a woman who liked nice things. Staying in a guest room was more preferable than that. Still, that didn’t mean that she was entirely comfortable there.

Glancing from side to side Saya attempted to soften her steps as she exited a long hallway. Truth be told, she had been lost for at least 20 minutes and stepping into the large common area had her sighing in relief. She didn’t quite know which common area it was, but it looked and felt familiar. Perhaps closer to the entrance?

Saya could hardly think more on that train of thought as she froze mid-step at a complete stranger sitting on one of the couches. Was he another one of the vampires? He seemed extremely relaxed and at home as if nothing in vicinity could ever be a threat to him. Mizuki and the others have never mentioned this person before, though there was no reason for them to inform her of such things.

”Hello,” she greeted the newcomer, walking from the side and to the front of him. Saya bowed slightly. ”My name is Saya and I’m a guest under Lady Mizuki.”

Best to get the introductions out of the way so that he wouldn’t find cause to kick her out. ”I haven’t seen you here before. Were you, perhaps, away on a long mission, Sir…?”

At least that’s what she was assuming. The man had some writing utensils out and he seemed to be jotting things down. Maybe it was a rough draft of a document that he would be submitting to Mizuki or Arantima.

Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:23 pm
Raiden heard the approaching footsteps but wanted to finish his thoughts before he lost them, it was when the woman began to talk to him is when the male would look up and nod to her and begin to make introdcutions in return, getting to his feet to do so and extending out a hand to the female. "Greetings and Salutations, I am Raiden Ametsuchi, It is nice to meet you Saya, I have only just been brought into the keep, More so a guest of Arantima's rather than Lady Mizuki's but was welcomed by her when I got here none the less. Just came in to pay respects to the shrine and hopefully if my personal journey should end in disaster have a second chance at this life, what of yourself? what makes you a ward to the Lady of the Abyss down here? " Raiden had examined enough to determine that this place seemed to be underground of sorts. The damp tones on the walls with the earthy feel of a sunken and once forgotten temple as it was.

After the formal introductions Raiden would take a seat and wave his hand to a seat "Please do sit, else I would feel terrible for sitting and require myself to stand back up until you took a seat yourself" Raiden would say to the woman.
Raiden Chills (Open) 45ad92b29ac5bfc7d8f85706228e6694
The Blonde haired male wearing red and black sat in a comfortable position as he spoke. He let off a feeling of being at home, being relaxed and hoping that the mood would reflect towards the female as well.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:28 pm
Mizu had been standing in the kitchen for the past 10 minutes listening to the silence of the house and monitoring the heart rate of the newest guest - sat in the living room around the corner. She hadn’t spoken, hadn’t moved even - just stood listening. Like a stray cat watches an unfamiliar creature; always just out of sight. Knowing she would have to find a way to test this man’s loyalty as well she hadn’t approached - though as she was about to move into the next room she heard the soft steps of approach.

And another heartbeat. Slightly elevated as if it was coming down from a workout or a panic - then the undeniable soft tones of Saya pierced the silence. Listening in she heard the small exchange between the two; formal on his end. He spoke of the shrine and a personal journey he had mentioned upon their first meeting, but it was the title he used for her that broke her silence. Releasing a short laugh she would finally move around into view pulling a small fan from her pocket as she did so to cover part of her face as the amusement toward the title was hard to conceal.

Raiden Chills (Open) Smirk_10

Leaning against the archway that led into the common room she spoke from behind the fan, slightly muffling her words. “Excuse my rudeness but I couldn’t help but overhear.” Her eyes flicked from the paper Raiden had been writing on, to his face, then to Saya - nodding in acknowledgement. “Stay seated Raiden, I am in the mood to stand so your chivalry… while refreshing is unnecessary. What is necessary however-” with a flick of her wrist she had closed the fan and stowed it back in her pocket as she moved fully into the room, rounding the couch to stand before them both.

“I too, am keen to learn of what you both are really doing here. I know what I’m doing, mind you.”, she had raised her hands to touch her collarbone for emphasis. “You both have made my home yours rather quickly, and while I am pleased to play host for a time.. I do tire of it.” Her expression had been pleased - if not curious until those last words.

Raiden Chills (Open) Apathy10

Dropping the muscles in her face to stare at them both apathetically. “I have plans going into motion and the loyalties of those under my roof is something that interests me greatly. So, where do yours lie?”

wc 411
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:38 am
Raiden heard by her tone she had meant buisness from the very moment she set foot forward and let her presence be known "You must be Lady MIzuki, a pleasure to meet you, since you know my name already, and I had a short meeting of you earlier when I first Arrived. However as for my loyalty, I have given it so freely too often, at this point only myself has my loyalty, however I do wish I could find others that I can trust with it eventually. For my trust as been betrayed and my Loyalty tested to many times in the past, it may be a big ask, but I now seek loyalty to me first before I will give mine... Could I ask such a thing of you and yours so soon after meeting you?" Raiden was rather forward with it all, but so much has happened thats all he could be in all reality of things present.

He wondered what would happen at this junction.
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:08 am
She certainly read the scene wrong. The man, having introduced himself as Raiden, was another newcomer by way of Arantima. ”I see,” was her immediate reply to his explanation of arrival. Unlike her, Raiden had been aware of the temple she had attempted to use as shelter during her wandering. Violet eyes darted to the side before snapping back to the blonde in red and black attire.

Her lips pressed together at his overly comfortable mannerisms: offering her a seat as if he was her patron or the more senior guest welcoming a visitor. Even after being with the hidden community for quite a while Saya continued to feel on edge and kept her distance, always giving her professional courtesies and never quite indulging or fully relaxing. Despite his friendly tone and demeanor Saya’s barrier had snapped up, prompting her to avoid his questions rather than answer them, ”Second chance? Those are hard to come by. I hope it’ll work out for you. As for me, well…” She shrugged and chose to remain standing instead of following his action to sit back onto the couch.

The man, unfortunately for him, would have to feel “terrible” and stand back up, especially with the appearance of the head of the vampire clan.

Dipping her head to mirror Mizuki’s acknowledgement of her presence, Saya took a step back and carefully eyed both individuals.

Raiden Chills (Open) PKytGEW

Mizuki’s words were sharp and true, though the woman felt a zing of indignation for being thrown into the same category as the fair-headed man. She had never strutted about as if she belonged there, nor had she acted as if she had any authority. It irked her that Mizuki didn’t seem to think higher of her, at least in terms of personally bringing in a stranger. However, these thoughts and feelings were quickly shaken off and pushed aside.    

”I have not exercised any sense of loyalty in many years,” Saya answered after Raiden’s own response. It did not feel as if the other woman was asking for their loyalty per say, but more in terms of - are they trouble for her plans? ”I am a traveler so the idea of it is a bit… weird. Foreign? Uncomfortable.” Her words carried a certain weight to them. As she had spent a majority of her life both as a ninja and a civilian in a major village, loyalty and pride for her had defining characteristics. That was all gone though, leaving a swirling void. She continued, bowing her head once more, “And you have been gracious in taking me in. If I have overstayed my welcome, let me know. I don't wish to impose my presence onto others.”

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 309 + 448 = 757
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Tue May 07, 2024 1:51 pm
Her expression hadn’t changed with their words, nor her body language for an uncomfortable amount of time - before finally breaking into a genuine smile, her eyes seeming to warm like a hearth being lit on a winter's night. “Perhaps that was a bit cryptic. Allow me to rephrase Saya-” her gaze lazily focused on the young woman - “you may stay as long as you wish, this.. Home is yours for as long as you choose to call it such. I mean to say, I tire of playing host in what was always my self imposed prison. Beautiful and extravagant as it is, it was and always had been my prison. So please, stay, enjoy the creature comforts but do not expect to see me haunting these halls for much longer.”

She had begun to move around the space as she spoke, losing eye contact as she did so and idly running a finger along the backs of chairs as she settled herself on the arm of one closer to the man. Leaning forward slightly with her hands folded in her lap she stared at him for a moment or so before answering. “Lady Mizuki, The Second Kazekage, Kenshin’s apprentice, Traitor, Murderer.” Musing aloud all of the names she had been referred to in her life, while thinking through his words - “Loyalty is never given without consequence and it seems you have had your fair share of consequence haven’t you. You can start by identifying what loyalty even means to you anymore, having yours be so thoroughly abused and misplaced. What you cannot start with is demanding mine with outlining what, if anything, I get for giving it.”

Leaning back to sit straighter, an expression of disappointment marring her features as she continued, “How am I to give more to someone when they have been given so much of my goodwill already? What does giving that to you even mean? I can tell you this much, loyalty to me will see great change in the world outside of this place. It will see retribution, I mean… I did my time, now it’s their turn. If that isn’t something you are looking for then .. I hate to say it but you’ll never see my loyalty, just my hospitality.”

WC 376
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Sun May 19, 2024 8:25 am
Raiden's ears rung with the words of lady Mizuki To which he would respond once she was done "Appologies M'Lady It seems you mistook the meaning of my words, I meant that it would be too soon to ask of anyone here for loyalty, but as for what exactly Loyalty means to me, I am a swordsman at heart and through the core of my being, I would lay my life on the line for the one whom I deemed worthy of my loyalty, I am not a sellsword but closer to being a Ronin, a warrior without home or master, to me the only thing I have of worth is Loyalty, and I will be much more cautious with that I hold most dear, I gave it to Konoha and was turned against due to a simple training accident, Than again with Sunagakure, and I was abandoned when Konoha came knocking at the gates. I thought each time I could give that which I had grown to hold most cherished, each time I have been stabbed by the dagger of betrayal, now I simply keep a keen eye out for that dagger rather then seek the loyalty I hold so dear. It would be Pertenant of me to request of those who I have only just met loyalty that I seek, rather that is a thing that takes time. Please forgive me for causing a Misunderstanding. The White haired male would be staring down the Lady of the Temple. Raiden had no plans on asking these things of these people, he asked of such things before with little to no knowledge on the people before, and that backfired, he would rather get to know the troupe first this time around, but time was a fickle thing and seemed like by the ladies words, she sounded like she planned on leaving soon. Maybe Raiden would go ahead and do what he came to do and head out himself along his continued path.
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Mon May 27, 2024 11:31 pm
Tension eased upon her shoulders and back as Saya noticed a true smile given in her direction. So, she was not being forced out. That was good. That was nice. Her own lips bloomed into a small smile in return. It was a bit of a surprise to herself that she had taken offense when Lady Mizuki’s words indicated that she was more of an unwanted burden; a misunderstanding on her part, of course. But it was curious that Saya, unknowingly, began to view the leader of Yugure as more than the wicked puppeteer she made up in her head. She knew she respected Mizuki, admired her and was admittedly jealous of her being. Lady Mizuki was the epitome of her dreams - a kunoichi unmatched: bold, beautiful, knowledgeable, and dangerous. In the end, Saya had found comfort in her quiet and distant presence, and wanted to spend more time with her as she had with Arantima.

It was a realization too late.

“Y-You’re… leaving?” Saya stuttered, her body taking a few steps forward toward the duo. They were talking about loyalty and she very much agreed to both of their perspectives, but she had already commented that loyalty was not something she had felt in years. Perhaps the younger woman should have focused more on what was being said, but the idea of Mizuki not returning was a heartache she was not ready for. Her lips pressed into a line, forcing her to bite back the stream of questions and thoughts that wanted to pour out.

Her current shelter was confinement to Lady Mizuki. She had said so. It was not right of her to ask that she stay. Was it not… Stop. Her thinking needed to pull on the emergency break. Right. Now.

Saya breathed.

Calm. Collect one’s self.

Despite the control over her expression, her feet still shuffled. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to ask that question. Or presume too much of what you said.” Her brow furrowed as she attempted to figure out what she wanted to articulate. “What I want to say is… Thank you for your generosity. I do wish to stay. You may not have my loyalty as it is evident that each of us have not had much luck with it,” Saya shrugged a shoulder and gave a “consequences, amirite?” grin. ”But at the very least you will not find betrayal from me.”

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 757 + 400 = 1,157
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Raiden Chills (Open) Empty Re: Raiden Chills (Open)

Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:21 am
Raiden had waited some time, and as silence befell the inner sanctum, he would bow to the Lady "I appreciate the Hospitality, But at this time I believe it is time for me to visit the sanctuary and make to doing what I originally came to this land to do, make offerings to Jashin, if I get a second change so be it, and go about my way to Kumogakure and look for my Sister's Dragons and seek to form a bond with them while learning what I can about my late sister and anyone else in my family they may have knowledge of. And with the words spoken, the swordsman would take his leave of the room, but not before giving a slight head bow to the other lady, Saya, as he headed out.

Raiden could feel the draw within himself to throw himself at the feet of Lady Mizuki and declare himself to her, but in ways he had not imagined possible, and it was a dangerous pull indeed to have. He needed to get away if he could and maybe seek her out when he had a better understanding of why he felt the desire and what to do about said desire.

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