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Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:12 pm
Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Picsart_23-10-25_18-00-00-617

This was a long time coming. After almost a year since the devastating battle to defend Kirigakure No Sato, Akabayashi Terumi had taken up the mantle of Kirigakure’s own Mizukage. Taking the title from the previous Mizukage, and the man he had spared on that battlefield. The One-Eyed Hyuga himself. . .

Shiro Hyuga.

He had been informed of what was to transpire, the morning was bright, filled with sunshine that reflected off the dark green pine trees surrounding his home. The ground had been softened from the previous few days of rain. It had been, on this fateful morning, that he opened his mail with the same quick pull, only to find a scroll inside of his mailbox, one that had been addressed directly to him. He was to fight the Mizukage before himself, the man who had seemingly abandoned Kirigakure in its time of need. He was to fight Shikami Shinkou, a man of similar prestige to himself. Both were Jonin of Kirigakure, Shiro being the main master of arms, yet the request was rather simple. In return to see which one of these Jonin was strong enough to be Akabayashi’s second in command. The position of Deputy Kage was at stake in this battle. They were told to arrive in the early afternoon, it would be an event for the ages. A Kage against another. It was here, that Shiro would prepare for the occasion, he had been gifted a rather interesting garb, one of pure fine silk, fashioned into that of a robe for him to wear, matching it would be a black scarf wrapped around his neck, one very similar to the red one he had acquired in his battle to defend the village against the previous natural disaster that came its way.

This was why he had felt so excited to battle, specifically against the man who he believed had abandoned the village, leaving only himself, and a small ragtag group of Shinobi to band together and keep the village's stability. Shiro had been left on his own, without guidance. Yet he was here, near the top of the village still. He would not lose again, not against anyone who he came across. He’d fight till his last remaining breath.

The crowds had gathered in a splendid display of patriotism and excitement to see this event take place. People from all walks of life could be seen in the stands, teachers, students, fishermen, and merchants, all of them sitting in the stands with their eyes set on the barren stadium. It was the simple standard stadium setting, so that way there wouldn’t be any form of environmental advantage for both sides. This was a test of strength after all, not a test to see whether or not someone had the right to become a ninja. The massive circular arena that they would be fighting in was 100 meters in Diameter or 50 Meters in radius. It was slightly different from the standard arena, more likely made for this battle by the suggestion of Akabayashi.

Yet Shiro near the entrance of the tunnel he’d be walking through. Advisors were around him, analyzing him to make sure nothing was wrong. Shiro’s focus was straight on ahead. His blue and green eyes stared down the entrance, the morning light of the sun illuminating the passage and allowing him to see the circular arena in the middle. He wore the pearly Silk robe that hung along his shoulders, almost like a cape. A black scarf wrapped around his neck and was cut short to make sure it wasn’t in the way if the wind was flowing to the side. Underneath his robes were a tight-fitting black shirt and baggy white pants. Black open-toed boots that neatly cuffed around those same baggy pants. His appearance was almost regal, a perfect mix of his heritage with the Hyuga and that of the Yuki clan that he descended from. Underneath his outfit, however, was a bodysuit that covered him from his ankles, and wrists, all the way to his neck. Attached to his hip was the chakra-bonded Katana that he had grown to cherish as his primary weapon after the refined katana that he had been gifted had been destroyed during the battle against Akabayashi. It was placed on his left hip specifically for easy access.

“The match is about to begin, Lord 6th. . .”

He could only give a smile.

“Then I best not to wait here! I’ll see you all on the other side.”

The One-Eyed Hyuga strode into the square passageway, the light growing brighter and brighter as he heard the slight tune of a chant. . . No. . . It was singing! He heard the bellowing melody of a chorus of women singing for this battle in an ancient tongue. When he entered the stadium itself, the roars of the crowd could have overtaken any storm. Bellowing chants of the two combatants' names would be shouted by the spectators, as Shiro would make his way towards the actual platform where they’d be fighting in. The massive 100-meter diameter circle was surrounded by another circle of tiles and dirt that was double the platform's size. Shiro would move 5 meters into the platform, which would place him 45 meters away from the opposite side of the ring. He would be facing straight forward to the north, which would mean Shikami would be facing south. Not even the singing could overpower the crowd's enthusiasm as the young Hyuga had stepped up to the plate. Some were shouting how he looked almost like a monk with his robes, one man even saying he looked similar to that of a regal warrior on the battlefield. Those ideas, the crowd cheering for him.

It was so different from when he had first come back from near death. Yet the singing continued to bellow out as the crowd remained silent, awaiting for the other Kage to appear.

Shiro would stare down at the opposite side of the ring, awaiting for his opponent to arrive.

His expression, however, remained steadfast, no smile, no wide-eyed excitement. Only the blank stare of a man who wanted to put his opponent down.

Shiro's expression:


Heavenly Body Stacks: 2/10(2 Received per post for being Pureblood)
+50 AP Passively( Heavenly Body, evading/resting or not doing any physical techniques or strikes).

Shiro's Stat Page:
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:20 am
Fate has arrived....

Destiny has called...

... Time has come.

Shikami knew this was to come for some time, he just took some time to recover from his long and arduous journey. He had a new power now, and the new Mizukage was to thank, and for his show of loyalty and because of his prestige within the village, he was one of two deemed worthy to become Deputy Kage in the eyes of Akabayashi,. however there was one other with just as much prestige and earned the kages respect as well... the runt who took over after Shikami was busying himself with betterment and obtaining self control over the biggest threat to the village at the time, himself.

He was certain the man thought low of him , why? because he would too if he had no knowledge as to why his leader was gone and had to defend the village by himself. The tale had been regaled to the ex kage in several circles, and only when he was recognized would people ask him his opinion on the situation, or ask him about where he was, and why did he do nothing to help or stop the events from unfolding.

How do you explain to people who would not understand that you defended them from a worse fate , that you did your best to protect them cause if he did defend the village, he would have likely caused more harm than good with his untamed power...but now he was fully in control and the power answered fully to him. He was now a much better place to defend than before. The Yuumei buried within him usually kept to itself, however for this event that Shikami was strolling to gave them time to connect a little bit more.

"Shikami, what do you know about this man, how do you plan on winning? You barely did anything with the new power we have attained other than keep me in line" Shikami would chuckle to the Yuumei as if he had no worry and he thought back to it plainly " I do not Plan on winning, that was determined by fate already the outcome, I simple accept the role that will be given to me, for ultimately I will always be a defender of Kirigakure, this is simply for the prestige of a title , a step down from the one I once held previously myself, I see where the Terumi is coming from, because I was once in his shoes and was grooming one to be my deputy, but he seemingly dropped off around the time you got out of control, and this man stepped up. The Hyuuga Kage of Kiri, I hear tell of a nickname, most do not brave to use, But Ill likely see how he responds to it" Shikami arrived at the arena itself, he now had to walk down the tunnel.

The crowd outside on the other side of the building was massive, as those who could not fit into the arena would get to watch the events unfold on jumbotrons , this had become more than just a political match for a seat, it was a way to give the people what they wanted. A fight that would not see death, but had two people of relatively equal power against each other, and give them hopefully a show.

Shikami would have his hands in the pockets of his black pants, the material of which gave both comfort and maneuverability, his toes curled and relaxed within his boots. His Purple t shirt with a black button up that only got buttoned part way up. rolled sleeves to be up past his elbows, black fingerless gloves adorned his hands. On his shoulders sat a coat with fur edging along it, he looked the part to play a spectacle. He would walk in to the arena and head to his tunnel entrance.

The Roar of the crowd was loud enough to echo all the way through the halls to the portion where he would start walking from, He could hear the chants from the crowd and the loud roar as his opponent had emerged before he did. However with where they each stood if one did not lose themselves in the majesty of the crowd, they could see the other approaching. Once Shikami stepped just into the open portion of the coliseum, The Roar doubled, not because of everyone cheering for him per say, but with both competitors present, they each had their own following.

Those who would prefer Shiro to win, he was their defender and hero. Than there was those that defended Shikami's Absence, that maybe there was a reason he was not there, But all of that did not matter at this time, Shikami had his eyes on the man across from him, at which time Shikami would shrug the coat off of his shoulders. the people nearby would gather it up off the ground behind him as he approached, putting one hand from his pocket against the back of his head, His facial expression just as steadfast as his opponents.

Shikami's Expression:

The arena already had been set up, cause these things take time which was why they were not ready the moment Shikami knew about this event to happen. Shikami would stroll forward towards the center of the Arena, he wanted to make things as professional as possible and give the introductions to each other a bit more personal, like those fights that the non-chakra wielders have. Once in the center of the Arena, he would stop as to respect his opponents half of the arena before they started. He would now be only 20 meters away from his opponent, to which he would say loud enough for the other to hear him " I am sorry this is how we meet, I did wish we could have talked before this , I want you to know, You did the best you could to defend this village and I am sorry I was not present for those events, I had something I had to handle that I felt was a larger threat to the village, I suspect you likely hold a grudge against me, and if so I encourage you to use it here and now, but let use leave any Animosity out here on this ground, and after today we see each other with respect, for what you have done and what you have lost, I commend you , you already have my respect and thanks for doing what you could, Others could have done what you did and yet they did not. They failed to show the true spirit of Kirigakure, where you embraced it and embodied it, I only wish I had fought beside you, outcome may have been different. But fate is a fickle thing, and Destiny did not intertwine for us until today." After words he would fall silent for a moment to allow the other to speak, His hand behind his head would slowly drop to its side, as not to be threatening , and the hand in the pocket would pull out and also stay drooped to the side, He was not preparing anything more than to be ready for when he returned to his side of the arena. Once the Hyuuga said what he needed if he even spoke, if not either way Shikami would smile and say "Allow me to return to my position, and we can get this started, and let me just say, Fight well, Stay Strong, and lets make this fun..." With that Shikami would show the trust of turning around to walk back to his spot, he figured about five meters from the edge would be good.

Once he was in his spot that would put them 40 meters away, he would turn around and face the man, showing that he was ready when the other man was. Now it became a game of who would make the first move, that would determine the match from that point forward.

Darkness Stacks - 2/10

Shikami's Stats:
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:49 pm
Shikami strolled towards the center of the stadium, and slightly past that in order to greet Shiro surprised him. He didn’t expect Shikami to seemingly apologize in front of almost the entire village. His words had been captured, all the while the crowd hung in silence as the two seemingly would begin to mince words. He talked about how he was sorry, how he had other, much more important matters to attend to. He droned on and on about how he respect him, how he fought well against the threat against the village that was now sitting as the leader of the village. A man who had bested him, who had killed his teacher, who had killed one of the most experienced ninja inside of Kirigakure in Romp. . . Yet all Shikami had to say was that he wished to fight alongside him. He talked about how others failed to show the true spirit of Kirigakure. . . That somehow, Shiro embodied it and embraced it, like the warm hug of a mother. Yet Shiro could only feel the cold stab at the man who thought it was best for him to speak about honor and wishing to fight alongside him.

“Fate is a fickle thing, yes. Yet talking about failures when we are both standing here. I failed this village by not being strong enough. I lost a Byakugan that day, but even with only one, I can tell what you’re saying is bullshit. You failed this village by not being here at all.”

He wouldn’t even think that Shikami was attempting to try anything, Shiro’s eyes only stared forwards right at Shikami, almost daring him to come and strike him. At the request that he go back to his side of the arena, Shiro only nodded his head, staying in place while Shikami walked back to his spot of the arena, yet turning his back on an enemy was not a good sign, it would be disrespectful to say the least to do that to your opponent, especially in lands such as these. But Shiro was done with words, he simply wished to show the people what he was made of, and for better or for worse. He was ready. Before Shikami had made it back towards his place in the arena. Shiro’s Byakugan flexed to life, turning his remaining blue eye into a pale silver. His vision expanded outwards, as he could see Shikami’s chakra flow. It was similar enough to that man that Akabayashi had brought with him, perhaps he was unique in a way, a dark, pooling chakra. Almost as if it was tainted in some regard, yet it was no matter to the young Hyuga.

When Shikami had made it back to his side of the Arena, Shiro placed a hand on his weapon, ready to draw his blade at the slightest hint of movement. As the young Hyuga’s Byakugan could see muscle moments as well thanks to the X-Ray vision provided. Shiro was going to play patiently.

Byakugan: -10AP
Heavenly Body Stacks: 4/10
+50 AP Passively(Heavenly Body: Evading/Not striking)
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:09 pm
Shikami was thankful that Shiro granted him the decency of making to his side of the arena again, the mans words did ring in his ears, but he did not respond to them, the man would not be in a mind to listen, let alone likely to believe anything he had to say. Truth has that weird effect of being only true to those who believe it to be. Shikami would notice the stance of the one eyed man, and he would shift into his stance, while at the same time activating his Meigan,  his eyes taking on the green on the inside coloring, with them fading into a red color. His vision altering where he could see differing effects, including his opponents chakra, allowing him to see flaring of the chakra for any possible attacks in that manner. Shikami would leave his hands hanging by the sides, and each hand formed separate hand signs, as quickly as he possibly could.

He was measuring the Distance between them at the moment, he figured for the most part, they were far enough away from each other, They would need to close the distance before either of them  could even attempt to land a hit. This should buy enough time for Shikami to react and counter attack. Especially with him already preparing for an attack. Shikami also knew he had an arsenal ready for him to use at the drop of a hat, he felt rather prepared for even the faster than him shinobi's of the world, but maybe this would turn out the ultimate test .

As Shikami thought about it, this was the ultimate test for both of them, testing themselves against each other. A thought crossed his mind to let the man have the win and walk out of the arena, but all that would prove to Shiro and everyone else is that Shikami is exactly what they think of him. he needed to show them all that he was a much better man than that, and if he had the true ability to defend the village in a safe manner he would have done as such. this was less of Shikami attempting to rise his station and prove that he would fight for his village. While he owed the current Kage for his new power and confidence, he still felt he was the rightful person to run the village, but that would need time to take before he attempted to broach that subject.

Shikami's new vision continued to stay focused on his opponent waiting to unleash the moment he got within range.

2000/2000 Ap
4/10 Yuumei Stacks
Meigan -10 Ap (or 7 if Discount applies)
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:47 pm
Shiro knew above all else to keep a cool and collected head, especially in a situation that caused such high emotions to come out from people. The screams of onlookers, of spectators wishing for the match to begin. The shouts, the screams, the people all watching this battle. Was this simply a chance to prove to each other who deserved the title of Deputy to their Kage? The second highest ranked position in all of the village, and yet Shiro felt different. This was not simply a fight for a position, no, it was so much more than that.

It was redemption. For all of the failures that he had accrued in such a small amount of time. He could be redeemed of it all if he proved himself here. Yet he could tell that the situation was slightly stacked against him. For one, he knew that Shikami had the greater pool of chakra in total, not only that, but the range disparity meant he couldn’t act without getting in close enough to confirm a hit. He would make the same mistakes he made like his guards had done or even he had done during the battle at the gate. Instead, he’d remain patient with his enemy. Shikami’s eyes bathed themselves in the darkened hue of his own Dojutsu. The moment that Shikami weaved his hand seals, Shiro would draw his Chakra-bonded sword with his right hand in a flash of light. The blue metal reflects the light of the evening sun, with Shiro pointing the tip of the blade away from him to the right. This would have been done before Shikami had finished his first-hand seal. Shiro would immediately start rushing toward Shikami at a speed of 150. He was curious if any form of movement would set Shikami off. As such Shiro would begin to move in a straight line, aiming to cover the entire 40 gap between himself and Shikami. It’s not specified how many hand seals Shikami is weaving, however, Shiro would take notice of them with his visual prowess, noticing the formation of chakra while he rushed towards Shikami, keeping himself on guard for any stoppage of his movement.

His Byakugan continued to remain active, as he’d wonder just what Shikami had under his sleeves.

Byakugan: - 5 AP
Heavenly Body: +25 AP

Current AP:1250
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:50 pm
Shikami's hands formed the first seal each and suddenly the vision of Shiro Blurred. With Shikami not seeing a flare of chakra, He could tell right away that this was natural speed alone. Shikami would form the next set of hand signs on each hand and than as he formed he third Set of hand signs, he triggered Both his techniques Monster, Granting him a burst of Speed as well as invigorating himself. As well as Fear, Granting Shikami a dark cloaking barrier that would give him a small breathing room.

One hand formed a Fourth and final Hand seal, but nothing seemed to happen right off the bat, however Shikami would hold that final hand sign. With the new gift of power granted from his techniques currently activated, he could see right where Shiro was....Headed straight for him. The man seemed undetermined as he seemingly continued forward, watching Shikami's hands.
Shikami's other hand would now begin to form five hand seals, trying to give an illusion that he was still working on the same jutsu. If Shiro continued to close in, once he reached five meters away, Shikami would Trigger Ziel, a mark appeared on the palm of Shikami's hand, and a sphere would expand outwards at a speed of 190, if this sphere touched Shiro, he would find his Speed and his Chakra drastically drained (70 Each).

If that technique landed, and second pulse would shoot outwards, Dark Vortex, by the time this would activate, it would also be Yuumei infused further, Curse of Death Link, Bolstering the power and speed of the Vortex to 225, Any equipment with less health would get destroyed if touched by the vortex, and dealing a hefty blow to Shiro if it was Successful. At the Same time as the Second Burst of Energy, Shikami released the fifth and final hand seal for Schattenfeld Creating a sphere around Shikami for 20 meters in each direction. Without a proper technique, Shiro would not be able to see Shikami or his chakra signature , And with Shikami's Silent Killing , he could move around within the mist and not be heard either. This was Shikami's ultimate combination for either assassinations or escaping.

Shikami will adjust as needed if something happens , like Shiro stopping short or creating something requiring Shikami to respond

2000/2000 Ap
-10 Ap Meigan
-50 Ap Monster
-37 Ap Fear
-70 Ap Ziel
-90 Ap Dark Vortex
-70 Ap Curse of Death Link
-40 Ap Schattenfeld

Potential Ap Leftover 1633/2000

6/10 Yuumei Counters

New Stats
190 Speed and Vigor
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:49 pm
The power of the Shinkou clan was on full display in front of him, Shikami’s entire body was cloaked in a void-like color. The cloak was seemingly a barrier of some sort, at least, that’s what Shiro would have been able to deduce based on seeing it firsthand. Shiro would continue to rush straight towards Shikami, blade in his right hand like always. Shikami hand seals were rather smooth, yet he didn’t recognize any kind of jutsu with the hand seals that the previous kage had weaved. The crowd watched as Shiro rushed towards the Shinkou at blinding speeds. Covering the distance until he had reached five meters away from Shikami. That sudden release of chakra was everything he would need to formulate another plan. His once emotionless expression now held a sudden smirk, one filled with confidence at what he was seeing.

Immediately upon seeing the creation of this output of energy coming right towards him from Ziel, Shiro’s speed would increase drastically. His eye noticeably lacked the veins that were once flexing with chakra, instead replaced by thin lines of red, almost as if they were scars from the veins themselves. Upon which he’d begin weaving 6 hand seals at a speed of 230 with one hand and moving at a speed of 230. immediately after activating Hyuga’s Grit, He would activate the barrier technique that he had developed for himself, an aura of blazing blue chakra began to surround Shiro’s body at a speed of 145, coating him and his weapon in a 0.5 Meter thick shield that would defend him from harm, yet that was not all that he would do. By the time Ziel had crossed 2 meters, Shiro would have crossed 2.4 meters. Thus making the Hyuga 2.6 meters away from Shikami, and 0.6 meters away from Ziel. Shiro would utilize the 6 hand seals he had weaved in his one hand upon reaching 0.2 meters away from the barrier(and 2.2 meters away from Shikami) as the barrier jutsu he had cast upon himself had fully covered his body by that point. He would cast Temple Style: Discovery Of Incomplete Truth The Tenketsu Armor’s power had increased from 185 to 235. Just in time for him to rush directly into, and through Shikami’s debuff. Shiro would see the build-up of chakra coursing throughout Shikami’s body through the use of his Byakugan. Right as Shiro would pass through one surge of Dark Release, another would come surging towards him. Then it seemed that Shikami immediately afterward would unleash the jutsu he had been hiding with one of his hands.

Yet Shiro had a plan for this as well, he let himself hold a slight grin on his face while he charged towards, he didn’t even need to weave a hand seal for this monster of a jutsu. His blade would surge with blue chakra when Shiro witnessed Shikami cast Dark Vortex. His blade coated in dark blue, extending the blade in length by 2 meters at a speed of 230, and a width of 1 meter at the same speed. By the time Shiro and Dark Vortex would converge on each other as Shiro would be 1.2 Meters away from Shikami and 0.55 meters away from the Schattenfield smoke, Schattenfield had expanded by 0.65 Meters around Shikami as well. Shiro’s Tenketsu Armor once again proved to be useful in this encounter. Yet his blade covered in this slipstream of chakra would be the perfect counter towards most of what Shikami had to offer. Shiro would continue moving straight towards Shikami, his blade would reach 1.3 meters by the time he had crossed another 0.3 meters, close enough to be in striking distance of Shikami, being 0.9 meters away. Schattenfield would be moving at a sluggish pace, only moving another 0.2 meters. Shiro would immediately go for a horizontal slash directly towards Shikami’s side, the contact of the Severance Strike would completely dispel the mist emitted from Shikami’s technique. As Severance strike would be slashing at a speed of 230 and a power of 250 directly across Shikami’s body, as it’s blade would also be extending to a maximum of 2 meters in length and 1 meter in width at the same speed.

Current Stats and actions:
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:55 pm
Shikami had released the Jutsu for trying to slow down his opponent, however he noticed that before the jutsu struck, that a barrier formed over the body of his foe, Causing him to alter the course of his method just slightly. Instead of putting so much of his amplifying techniques power towards the speed of his other technique, he Maxed out the power of the technique instead, aiming to burst through the Barrier. (New Stats 250 power, 200 Speed) Meanwhile, Shikami noticed the surge of Chakra heading towards the Chakra Armor, Causing him to alter his plan just slightly. Instead of casting Shattenfield, Shikami formed the handseals for Inhaling Maw in the same manner as he originally planned to do for Shattenfeld, Having enough time to do so.

Since The Vortex came into contact with the Severance Strike, It would have lost Power, (110) The Inhaling Maw would Than begin to absorb the Severance Strike and Tenketsu Armor, Once the Armor was gone, The Ziel would take affect on Shiro. Meanwhile, With his Other Hand, Shikami would Than launch a blue flamed cone at Shiro, Unleashing the Jasei Technique at him (155 Power/Speed)

Shikami would always keep his guard up to react, while keeping his techniques active for as long as he could.

(Will Calculate Ap Next Post)
Shattenfeld not Cast

Inhaling Maw Cast Instead (190 Power, Speed)
Jasei Cast

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:04 pm
All it would take is a split second, one single action to change the course of the entire fight. Shiro had been able to pass through the first barrier, yet his eyes would have noticed the sudden and slight shift of Shikami’s chakra system. The moment he passed into the world of Ziel, he would be met with Shikami’s next wave of Shade Release, the blackened flames held with it so much power in them. Shiro was unsure for the first time in this fight if he could win. The flames had shot out right where Shikami’s hand would be, meaning that Shiro would have been two meters away when the initial blast of Dark Vortex would have been emitted. Shiro’s prowess in the physical arts would be challenged. His blade suddenly pulsating with the power of the strongest technique within that of the Martial Art of the Gentle Blade, Severance Strike. His sword would have been coated in a dark blue chakra the moment he had seen Dark Vortex, but that was not all. Shiro would use the heightened physical capabilities granted to him through hard work and dedication, allowing the Shinobi to emit a dome that was invisible to all forms of Sensory or Sight-based Dojutsu when he saw the Dark Vortex approaching in its relentless fury. He would cross one meter at a speed of 230 from his original position when Dark Vortex had been cast, Dark Vortex would have traveled 0.87 meters, and his split-second dome would be surrounding him in a radius of 0.76. The moment  split second would hit, the dark vortex’s weakness had become apparent to him in that one, singular moment. Debuffing the power of the Dark Vortex by 50, dropping the power down to 200, allowing his armor to take the heavy brunt of the damage and remain intake. Shiro would surge forward. Severance Strikes length had increased to 1.2 Meters, with Shiro being 0.8 meters away from Shikami, the young Hyuga saw Shikami’s hand raised outwards towards him, and Shiro would swing his blade towards Shikami’s side. The blade of Chakra at a power of 250 would cleave through the purple cloak, slamming into, and slicing through it like it was butter. Shikami’s arm would not have faired well either. The young Hyuga’s blade would cleave through Shikami’s arm, lobbing it off,  and bash Shikami’s side, tearing through the side of his stomach and damaging his Tenketsu points as well. Shiro could reattach the arm for all he cared, he needed to finish this now.

Using that moment when Shikami’s arm had been sliced off and his side had a large deep gash in it to readjust his sword, positioning it almost in a thrusting motion towards Shikami. He was using a technique from the Gentle Blade's arsenal, simply titled moonlight. He would continue to move forward at a speed of 230. As Moonlight had a power of 145, the blade would strike true, and as Shiro would thrust forwards, his blade would go through Shikami’s stomach, poking out behind his fellow Shinobi, a small drop of blood would fall like rain from the tip of the blade.

Battle Info:

Last edited by Shiro Hyuga on Mon Apr 15, 2024 5:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Lord Paramounts Of The Trident Empty Re: Lord Paramounts Of The Trident

Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:34 pm
Im gunna Request a battle mod, I am Quite certain I am in the right in this situation, but they are the only ones who can say otherwise, and determine which way this goes, as we seem to be at inpass
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