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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty The Monster Mash [Event]

Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:11 pm

Strange events have been occuring around the village for a month. Usually, involving poor costumes and gigantic stuffed animals, so large you'd wonder how it got to the island. The number of vampires, werewolves, mummies, and zombies running about was continuing to grow. The number of those that looked realistic also began to grow along with reports of vampires biting the necks of women and leaving them anemic or werewolves biting people who would dissapear the next full moon. Akabayashi stood on a building with his bodyguard Yoshinori. A howl could be heard far off along with a human like figure on a roof who after howling started moving on all fours. Akabayashi had met werewolves, he knew of none in this village. "The weirdest things always happen this time of year." He would say to Yoshinori who slid the kimono off her shoulder a bit offering her neck to Akabayashi. 

"If you are hungry Mizukage." The doctor would stare at her dissapointed he had just picked her up from prison. He would sigh. Then with a hand seal teleported away. Leaving her ass still on the roof and now looking for him. She was a clingy one for sure, but loyal if the cause was good.

Akabayashi walked the streets and in one of the alleys he watched as one of the vampires began draining the blood from a woman. Her legs went from kicking to limp within seconds. The creature too distracted by its meal to see the threads coming its way and piece into its limbs before wrapping around the waste and bringing the creature closer as the woman hit the pavement. "Seems, I found who I was looking for the one attacking my people." Whatever this vampire was it wasn't normal it was feral unable to speak and tearing its own body up as it moved against the sharp strings in am effort to flee or attack. Once it cut itself free with a limb which was half amputated it tried to swipe at the kage with claws, but to no effect. Its arm completing its journey from half amputation to full as the dangling meat severed from the impact. Was he even hurting this thing it didn't seem to be in pain as it kept harming itself to free more limbs. The doctor would assist in its attempt to do more harm to itself as the strings around the vampires waist tightened and split the thing in half its bowels falling out of the torso which was slammed to the ground, exploding the head on impact with the concrete.

The doctor would fetch someone from the main street to assist the woman bleeding from the neck. He had ended his tenure as a medical practitioner years ago. Yoshinori found him with the commotion and noticed the blood on him. She bit her lip in frustration that she hadn't been nearby to help. "Don't stress the thing was feral and weak. With the number of reports there are probably more out there." With that the doctor would walk until the announcement system for the village went off. Strange he hadn't told anyone to use it and hadn't even been briefed on the contents of the message being put out. Don't dream wild dreams? It was next to impossible to control dreams did they mean not to fall asleep? Then there was a message that a child had fallen into a somewhat coma like dream, speaking occasionally and calling themselves the dream king. Other kids were having nightmares difficult to wake up from as well. 

The doctor went to the address of this dream king. Who was mumbling about a fortress, it seemed he had become the commander as he gave orders to unseen men from his dream. Other ninja of Kiri had come to see this as well, rather fortunate as the doctor knew the way to wake the child. Sitting the kid up the doctor would take a senbon from Yoshi and lightly stab the child in the big toe the pain enough to wake him. The kid was upset he had been woken from such an excellent dream, so rudely. Akabayashi simply told the parents to bring their child to the hospital. "Have someone test a water sample from the house of everyone experiencing these nightmares with the number of cases I fear there may be a common link to this difficult to wake from sleep. I don't think it is the water just being careful, as adults haven’t been effected, so look for foods children would eat but not adults.

It would seem at every turn this night was a new phenomenon. The moment he stepped outside a ninja had run up ane reported the prescence of a distortion in the fabric of space and time. A distortion which could lead to another plane of existence, this was his latest research and he would study it.

The rift was in an park the site had been cordoned off by tape and patrols of ninja keeping people at bay. He had already heard some theories on what the thing was. Based on seeing it directly the doctor knew it wasn't someone using it to invade their village it was too obvious. The amount of light coming from it probably drew immediate attention and the sickly green color was enough to keep people away. But to those who dared venture closer like himself you could see the green ichor pooling underneath the thing, smell the sulfur within, and most strangely hear the faint screams of children. Akabayashi did not believe the sounds were escaping the rift, but that the nightmares were entering here and creating thie sound. The doctor would make another portal over this one hopefully furthering the disruption in the barrier between this world and this nightmare realm. The idea was to make a portal to a third dimension over this hole in their dimension, then close the portal to this third dimension over the rift in their dimension hopefully moving it to this third dimension. Or it would kill everyone present and swallow the world entirely, but you wouldn't know until you tried. He would make the rift and close it. Once, the portal he created had closed the nightmare rift was gone and all that was left were people trying to decipher what had just happened.

He had been like them months ago, having no clue how the domains of time and space interacted. Interdimensional portals which appeared previously, he had no inclination to study. This one however was becoming an odd, with the number of strange events and the unusual distortion in Kiri. It had to have been placed by someone and the doctor had a sinking feeling he had previously ventured into this nightmare realm. He would form a group of those present to thwart whatever plan this Trick or Treater had in store for them. It is they who would be tricked on this day!

"Who wants to kill a villain?" He would ask to those in attendance. Of course, Yoshinori wanted to. She was probably the first to raise her hand. As an expert on zombie creation Akabayashi and knowing werewolves and vampires personally, he was likely the leading expert on these strange phenomena with him added to the team they would indubitably solve this mystery.

WC: 1229/4375
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:05 pm
His mind had envisioned a massive banquet for his friends that he had made, Shiro’s eyes looking along the rows of seats that held his sister and Kaimera sitting together, mumbling about going out later that night back to their house. In a few of the other tables sat Reizo Shoyu, Moroi had also been there, yet the two he had not been expecting were his own mother, and his teacher Youai sitting beside each other, talking, drinking, laughing in the dim light of the room. Mountains of food in front of them to devour and enjoy to their heart's content. He could see everyone was talking, discussing different plans for the future. Reizo and him sitting together put a smile on his face. It allowed him to feel at ease with so many different people that he’s met in his life that he could call a friend. The scene was almost euphoric, yet when he had sat down, it felt as though the world was falling below him, resulting in Shiro’s body feeling as though it was falling right on top of his bed, sweat trailing through his own body at the sudden shift in temperature and sights. Everything was so real, the smell of roasted chicken, tenderly salted steak and pork with an assortment of fishes to dine on. Everything was perfect, everything was what life would be if it was perfect.

Yet the only thing remaining with him was the dream, and the faint smell of cooked meat. . . The early morning meant that the sun had not yet risen. Meaning he was alone in the dark of his own house. Immediately he’d activate the Dojutsu of the Hyuuga, the famous Byakugan turning his once jade blue iris into a milky white. His vision suddenly expanded out before him with the veins on the side of his head pulsing to keep the chakra invested into the eye. He could see the entire layout of the house. Shiro could see every single piece of wood, every piece of furniture and crevice was in his line of sight, yet the only thing that stood out to him was the same banquet of food that he was once sitting before in his dream. Yet there was no one else sitting, no one else within his house that could have made the food in that short amount of time. He would have sensed it, the smell alone was enough to wake anyone, not only that, but cooking was a rather loud activity even if you knew what you were doing. The thought of someone coming here immediately was scratched out of his mind, but he couldn’t let the food simply go to waste. . . There was way too much for him to carry with one hand. Maybe he could offer it to the local populace in the slums. He’d immediately run across to the other side of the kitchen, quickly grabbing the massive kitchen knife from the holder, his hands carrying the knife with a level of gravitas, the weight shifting from his wrist to the middle of his palm. Right before he had taken a small slice to the massive chicken in the middle. Yet when he had taken a slice to it, the meat suddenly vanished into thin air, along with the rest of the food before him. What the hell even was this? Some type of genjutsu perhaps? No, this was something much different.

Walking out of his house with a loose fitting blue shirt and black pants, Shiro noticed some rather weird occurrences this time of day. The biggest being that there were so many people outside with many different items, some with full bars of gold, others with kunai and swords strapped to them, looking like someone who was trying their hardest to be as intimidating as possible with so much weaponry. He’d have to inspect what the hell was even happening during this rather crazy morning. He held only a small Kunai in his pocket, enough to where he could use it if there were to be a fight. His eyes could see so many different things, someone was riding on what appeared to be a white horse with a spiral horn on top of its dome. He was so confused, yet he wondered what else there would be. Walking along the alleyways inside of the main center of Kirigakure, the sun still hadn’t fully risen when he had already noticed the vampiric creature behind him, stalking its next prey for a decent meal. Shiro would remain to appear unnoticed of the vampiric creature behind him. He would wait, inspecting more of the dreams around him, how different everything seemed to be with the people in Kiri having their dreams come to life, some were walking with their hands in pure shock, others were being chased by small zig zag lines, and some were simply freefalling and then appearing back up in the sky, the cycle seemingly unbroken. Yet when the vampire had tried to lunge behind him, he’d already have made his move. Quickly sidestepping the vampire's lunge, Shiro’s hand immediately drew the Kunai out of his pocket. The sharp metal stabbing directly into the vampires dome, he took pleasure in stabbing repeatedly into the Vampires dome, blood staining Shiro’s face before he’d throw the Vampire out into the light, watching as the pasty bastard would scream out in horror before the sudden burning and melting of skin and flesh, completely vaporizing the creature inside of the sunlight. Shiro would begin to wipe himself off of the blood staining his face and clothing. Noting how weird this all seemed to be. Everything around him was beginning to just grow weirder and weirder.

Then, later in the day, he had a summons to come to meet Akabayashi. Him and the Mizukage had worked together to take down a much different threat than this. He had been the boy who had simply gotten beat up by a bunch of nobodies. Yet now he is stronger, better than before. His experience with hand to hand combat, along with his affinity to it was second to none inside of the village. The only person who would rival him was Reizo Shoyu, and he had not even fought Reizo in a pure hand to hand setting. Yet the main idea of the summons was to establish a RagTag group of people to help with the supposed rifts into a nightmare realm that Akabayashi had seen with his own eyes. Shiro’s eyes widened, knowing that it would be best if there was at least some man power back with the village itself.

“If I may, could I recommend my two students? Kaimera and Izu? Both of them could do well to interact with the supernatural like I had the pleasure to with you long ago.”

He understood that he had no real way of bargaining if they were able to come along or not, but it was better then simply having it be only him and Akabayashi on a mission together regarding the rifts. They would need experience for this, they’d need to be able to create their own destinies. Yet Shiro could help them understand just how strange this world can get when so many realms and factions exist. If they could understand, they’d learn, just as he did back inside of the Snowy village of Yukigakure. The idea of a rift connected to dreams and nightmares made him curious, interested in whether or not there could be some power involved with tapping into dreams, but it was simply too risky to test.

Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:58 pm
Light silk. Still, faint shadows. A chill. Kaimera blinks his eyes, taking a great breath. His tired limbs stir as his consciousness settles back into its body. That's right...he feels all of the silk against his skin—between him and the plush that envelops him beneath his weight. Soft against his face pressed into the pillow. Draped like heavy veils over his frame.

His eyes regain focus from the haze of slumber to see the faded and blurred remnants of those same infinite tessellations cast over the walls of the room from the previous night. They are no longer dancing, this time outlined by the faintest atmospheric glimmer of the new day that's managed to peer through all the partitions, far too diffuse to even be given form. And the ever-present chill that touches his flesh to rouse him against the morning reminds him of where he is. 

He eases the covers away, letting himself adjust to the room's air before stepping off the bed. Even the wooden floorboards are cold enough to prickle his dainty feet at first contact. He quickly searches for his sandals at the foot of the bed and walks over to inspect his belongings. Everything appears untouched and in order. 

The surrounding air sends a shiver down his arms. The wood in the irori must have been exhausted over the night, he thinks. As his eyes glance at the folded pile of garments his maid left for him on the table, he can't help the slightest whisper of lament for having foregone them. They appear rather warm, and he can feel the grime and musk of his uniform clinging to his skin, all the more apparent following the thorough washing she'd had the night before.

He unfurls the topmost lighter garment—a simple, unembellished, fully lined turtleneck sweater, tightly woven cloth. It should keep just as warm as the layers his uniform provides. However, it is the second of the two pieces that catches his eye. He presses his hand into its plush fibers, and its soft thickness reveals it to be some manner of winter wear. It doesn't appear to be anything he's familiar with, so he unfolds it to lay flat over the small, square table.

The garment's black silk body reminds him of the sort he recalls of the foreigner's cloak that he has fought before. It bears a dull satin sheen, without any jacquard work or embroidery, save for its wide borders of blue, richly brocaded bands. he folds over its front breast open to reveal a full lining of fur underneath, and its wide sleeves are upturned to reveal quilted silk, just as lavishly adorned as the rest of the garment's trimmings.

Such a strikingly unusual thing. He has never seen a garment quite like it—no doubt, another one of these off-land stylings in his vast collection of foreign curios here. It is a rather pretty thing, and though he finds an elegance to be admired in its unfamiliarity, he quickly minds himself to look past his appreciation and wonder how such a beautiful thing has even come into his possession at all.

"Oh, there you are, Kaimera."

"I was wondering where you'd been. Good morning," His father smiles as he fans at the newly replenished wood over the fire. "Sorry about the hearth. I thought I'd put in enough last night while you were still sleeping to last until morning. I hope you weren't too cold when you woke up." So the irori had been tended to. He'd been surprised to see dying embers and wood remnants still glowing in the pit as he left the room.

Once he has finished tending to the pit, he peers over his shoulder to see Kaimera approaching with an entire bundle of his dampened clothing clutched in his arms. His hair, as well, appears somewhat saturated, but otherwise groomed and tidied since its state from the previous night. 

“Thank you…for the fire, of course; but, I haven’t got time to chat,” Kaimera says as he places his filthy clothes near the corner wall for the maid to fetch.

“I have to make rounds around the village, it seems many conundrums have been plaguing the village recently.” Kaimera said as he maneuvered to the door before his father finally spoke up. 

“I see, I see. Do your best to be careful out there.” He paused for a moment before raising up, “should we expect you for dinner tonight?”

“Hopefully, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I love you, father, I’ll be back.” Kaimera said as he exited the room in haste.

“I love you too, son.”

Kaimera found himself in the jilted streets of Kirigakure, abandoned by both pedestrians and business owners alike. It seems, due to recent events, things have progressively gotten worse with the rifts appearing unexpectedly and the creatures - stemming from them and the wild-like dreams everyone is having. However, someone could say that they are ‘expectedly’ due to how frequent they are becoming.

Navigating through the catacombs of streets was a breeze with no one in the way for our young Yakedo. A few small creatures wandering the oasis of the seas were no match for Kaimera’s techniques he performed on them, which ranged from his scattershot technique to his spirit gun technique. All low-level jutsu but packed enough punch to finish the job. Once these creatures were dealt with, they dissipated into the air as their nature became undone.

That was until he came face-to-face against a much larger threat. It was just after noon; he was still no closer to figuring out the befuddling mystery surrounding this haunted village. He was on one of outer dirt roads, so it didn't take long before he arrived at the end of its trail, all houses ceasing to exist for the expansive world stretching out with a singular dirt trail leading to other settlements, but it was blocked by a tall imposing man. He was threatening despite the ever-present smile on his face, his hands holding up his twin swords and his yellow eyes glancing at the scorch user's form eagerly, without a single ounce of shame. 

“Why, hello. Who must you be!?” He cheerfully exclaimed. His mouth was streaked with blood, he was standing beside a few corpses, all seeming to consist of men with their eyes blown out wide, their hands covering their throats before they died. He didn't eat them, they looked untouched.

“Your demise, monster.” Kaimera hissed back. The effect was instantaneous, his cheerful smile fell immediately, his eyes gleamed with an unsaid warning. 'Don't say anything else' it would relay quietly, the space between them thick with tension that someone could cut it with a knife. They glared at each other, participating in their battle of wills, quietly judging the other to gain some form of advantage to win in this impending fight. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the man disappeared, leaving dust particles behind in his place. 

TWC: 1,164
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:43 pm
The night was fully developped, and the pair had been getting closer and closer as time passed. At first only cuddling and talking under the faint glow of the moon passing trough the windows and tranparent curtains made of cheap fabric, Izu and Kaimera were now much more close. Their discussion at the small table in her rustic and small house in the slums had led to something more passionate, as the two teenagers got kissing. Izu had spent a lot of the money she luckily got form a fellow ninja, and bought an assortment of sushis for the special romantic night. Prior to the making out, the table was filled with nigiri of pure white rice, and colorfull fishes and vegetables, with sauces, topings and aromatics leaves, as well as rolls of even more rainbow assorted sushis, filled with avocados, pickled vegetables and marinated fishes, ranging from bright oranges, to red, passing by yellow and stark whites, all illuminated by candles to further set the mood of the romantic evening.

This wouldnt matter in the present moment tho, as Izu, being a girl who knew what she wanted, would lead the young Kaimera towards the table by kissing and huging each other passionately, laying the boy onto the table, throwing the remaining sushi feast onto the floor, not a care in the world, and living the moment to its full intensity, without any care for the repercussion. This passionate moment sped up and led to more romantic actions, both of the fellow team mates now undressing as they got closer and closer. As the actions developped into what could be described as more than romance, Izu's vision faded, as she indulged in the apotheosis of her feelings for Kaimera, now in the living flesh. As she closed her eyes to experience this sensations, a few second passed, and her eyes oppenned again, now looking at her ceiling, confortably tucked in the old and torn blankets that kept her warm at night. It was early morning, and, as in her abittude, Izu stretched out both her body and her mind, grasping reality more and more each second that passed. Huh... She was in her bed and.. .alone? Oh. This was all but a dream. A dream we could even qualify as a amourous and raunchy young woman dream, thinking about her crush. As Izu got up, blushing at her own mind creation and its memories, even if she was alone, she noticed something weird. Getting into the kitchen in her large oversized t-shirt that served as her underwear and pyjama, she noticed that the sushis were on the table for real! What the hell? Was this dream real after all? Hmmm, there was no signs of Kaimera's passage, nor of anything else. It was as if those sushi just... appeared? Weird. 

''What the hell ? Am I getting crazy or did I drink too much soju last night? Or was there even a last night?.... Oh tuna rolls! Miam!'' Said Izu, at first confused, and then distracted by the amazing food in front of her.

Indulging in a few of those fish filled rice delicacies, not questionning the why they were here but still taking in the opportunity for good food, Izu got dressed in her usual attire and went about her day, keeping this event in mind for when she would meet Kaimera again, asking if that was her immagination or if it really happened. Orrrr should she keep it silent? This would be, after all, something quite weird and awkward to ask as either it really happened and she didnt remember (yikes), or she reveal that she had horny dreams about him? None were good situations... She would need to take care with this, and ask more carefull questions.

Fast forward a few days, Izu was fast asleep once again, laying in her bed, her slumber accompagnied by the usual sound of the sea gust, the salty breeze and sound of waves helping her fall asleep, being in her element. As she was again, dreaming of sweet things, this time more calm and wholesome, a loud BANG outside woke her up in an instant.

With her fast reflexes, Izu drew out 8 acupuncture senbons from her nightstand,4 in each hands, aiming directly at the window with one hand and at the door with the other, covering in a split second the only two possible entrance for a possible burgglar or assassin. Nothing. As she scanned around using her byakugan, she could see trough the walls that some weird things were happening outside, as the chakra signatures that she normally saw now represented prancing children in the middle of the nights, and strange creatures with strange chakra to them. Putting only her headband, sandals, shorts and 7th swordsman vest over her oversized white t-shirt, Izu got out with her ninja gear pouch attached straight to her leg, touching her cold and porcelain skin directly, and filled with all the senbons she could need, as well as other ninja gear. In her hand, she carried her giant Needle sword to wich was tied a metal wire, ready to use it should she need to. As she walked into the slums to see what all the ruckus was about, she met a prancing kid whose eyes were closed as she walked, seemingly sleepwalking. She had a weird and creepy smile to her face, and her presence in the dead of the night would have been frightening to anyone who was scared of those things. To Izu tho, it only gave her a chilling sensation into her spine, but she quickly gathered her senses back, not letting the fear overcome her feelings.

''Heya sweetie, what are you doing out here this late all by your lonesome? Is your parents anywhere near? Do you know where your house is? I can take you back there safely okay?'' Said Izu to the little girl, wanting to help her. As she put her free hand on the shoulder of the kid, she shook her up a bit, and the kid eyes openned, seemingly waking her up.

''Oh! You are the little neighbour from the blue house on the corner! Common sweet flower follow me, you should not be out there at night! Especialy in our neighbourhood, shady people and drunks wander the streets... there, we are home. Good night sweet one, dont wander outside anymore okay?'' Would add Izu, seeing that the girl was only in the house in front of hers. 

Almost as soon as she escorted the little girl back to her home, a screech could be heard comming from a back alley north of where Izu was, still in the slums. Quickly after Izu turned toward the sound, being on high alert, another noise gave her chills. The sound of bone cracking and popping, and the sound of claws tearing trough flesh and cheap sheet metal behind, sounding both like a gruesome massacre as well as nails on a chalkboard at the same times. Immediately running toward it, Izu arrived in the alley, and faced a weird individual, covered in blood from the lower jaw, dripping onto his bare chest, muscular but as pale as snow. The man had weird claw like nails, and his teeths were sharp, filled with the ramining flesh bits of the deceased girl in front of him, laying on the floor, cut in half.

''oh what do we have here? A cut of fresh meat, and a pretty one at that!'' said the creature, blood crazed.

Without a single word, Izu threw her senbon sword at a speed of 100, piercing in the throat the bloodlusted creature, and while the weapon traveled into the air, ran towards it at the same speed, sliding on her bare-skinned knees into the dirt and bending backwards to pass in between his legs, catching the weapon on the other side, and with the wire tied to it and to her other hand, she proceeded to yank it as hard as she could, making the vampire split in half from top to bottom, his rotten flesh and innards falling onto the floor. As Izu got up and swiftly slaped her wire in a whip motion into the air to clean it of the grime and blood on it, her knees scrapped, red and scratched from her dash without pants, she quickly turned around toward the creature guzzling remains, and answered its taunt.

''Don't. fucking. touch. my. village.'' Replied Izu to the split cadaver, her serious look replaced by a smile of fury and one of determination. 

As she ran toward the upper village to notify Shiro of this event, she encountered other instances and creatures of the sort, killing the swiftly with her sword and senbons, mercilessly leaving none alive. Some were pale like this one, some were hairy and more brutish, but all died the same way, and fell to the girl who was having none of it.

As she ran toward the inner and center plaza of Kirigakure, the morning soon rised and let place to a deserted town, the citizens having sheltered themselves to protect from those horrors and monsters. There they were, and Izu could see them from the rooftops she had been using as a traveling mean, jumping from one to another. From up there, she could see Kaimera, Shiro and Akabayashi, and quickly bolted and dropped down from the roofs to meet them and establish a plan and counterattack mesures. To her, the village was under attack, but little did she knew, the whole ninja world was like that! 

As she arrived still in her oversized white t-shirt pajama only paired with her ninja sandals, ninja pouch tied to her pale and fair tigh directly, with her ninja headband and her jacket on top to not be cold, Izu looked ragged. her knees were scrapped from her knee drifting on the dirt road, and she seemed like she got the bare minimum gear of ninjas added on top of her nightwear. But nonetheless, she was ready.

''Lord Mizukage, Sensei Shiro and Kai, thank the gods I found you all. Are you okay Kai? I was worried about you as soon as I saw one of those monsters... And Shiro did you get hurt too by any chance ? Whats the situation? Is the village under attack? Is this some kind of dark ritual from the monsters of Konohagakure? Are we under siege?'' Said Izu, both trying to assess the situation, but also in a bit of panic as she litterally got waken up by this crisis, and still was running on adrenaline more than cold and calculated drive like she usually displayed. 

WC: 1784
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Click for nudes!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:32 pm
"Seems, good to me if you believe they will be useful I don't see how their addition would be a bad idea." The Uchiha would look upon Shiro with faint recognition only recognizing him through what the Terumi had told her. "Shiro, meet Yoshinori one of the additions to this village from Hoshi. Yoshi this is Shiro." She would greet him with a slight bow and hello, she was interested in meeting the Hyuga as he was one of the few to survive the invasion that had happened months ago. She would not interact much with fhe former kage outside of curious glances as her main focus was protecting Akabayashi and making sure he wouldn't teleport off. They would wait for the two Shiro mentioned to show up before continuing on.

All had gathered it would seem in whatever state of unusual dress they chose, to include oversized shirts.  It would seem her worry was placed on the other two and not on him, something which Yoshinori picked up on. "I worry about you at least." She would say before a sigh escaped his lips. "Right." he would say hoping these events could be solved sooner rather than later. As his hopes for this to end swiftly came, they were quickly dashed by a hawk carrying a letter for him. This letter bearing news from another major village of these rift formations and soon after another from a different village, then finally another raven this one not bearing just a letter but an omen. Behind the raven in the sky was a portal so massive it could be seen anywhere in the world. This rift brought with it the demons that attacked and howled in the night.

With this new wave of monsters at least the theory he had was correct. The monsters were indeed coming through these distortions, but how would they deal with such a large rift? No technique he was aware of could be expansive as this and worse there was no way to undo this scar in the sky. As mummies shambled, werewolves bounded, and vampires glided their way toward them the doctor had to think. "If you all could give me a moment by handling those." The kage of Kiri had to write his own warning on what was happening and spread the news. He would take out a pen and begin writing about the portals and issuing a warning about it. For now as hastily as possible they had to warn Kiri of this imminent threat. Yoshinori would draw her blade and cut a mummy in half a direct split down between the eyes and beyond the groin.

The doctor continued to write only at one moment stopping to pull a jumping werewolf toward him before ducking underneath it, by extending his arm forward. Then letting Yoshi lop its head off before it hit the ground. He would sign the paper before rolling it up and allowing the bird to travel back from where it came. "We have to make our way to a guard post to put out the alert, they probably don't really know what is happening yet." Akabayashi would say this calmly as chaos rained down upon them. He knew where the closest one was but more creatures kept falling from the sky it would seem every 300 feet. Once, the path was clear they would speak to the guards and tell them to sound the alarm to stay indoors and avoid being outside if possible. He would give the man a message to deliver as well. "Tell all ninja of Kiri to wipe out as many of these creatures as possible. We will be focusing on the rifts allowing them passage through to our side of the portal."

As Akabayashi and possibly gang exited the village there was another small rift surrounded by a pack of werewolves ripping open a recently killed horse, the driver of the carriage was nowhere to be found based on what he could see the man possibly escaped. The doctor would fire a dragon made of wood at the creatures its jaws and teeth ensnaring two of them as it opened and closed its maw turning them into paste. The rest would stop their meal and look upon where the dragon had came and spot the group. Hopefully, Shiro was not wrong in his initial assessment of how these two could provide aid as he would likely need their talents more before the close of this night.

Once, the creatures were dealt with he would observe the portal. It hummed with energy seeming to grow deeper before spawning more creatures and then becoming a lower hum altogether. Is it charging? He would think tapping his elbow as he crossed his arms. "Is anyone here advanced in teleportation jutsu?" If not then he would likely be alone in his assessment or this strange event, he would still hear out the opinions of his fellows if they chose to speak it. He would close the portal similarly to how he had done earlier where he collapsed a different distortion in space across this distortion in space creating an imbalance in the world which would seek to correct itself.

Once, gone it was evident something had changed for the time it seemed no new creatures were coming out of the huge portal in the air. This lowered the urgency to which the situation needed handled he had much to discuss and plan. This time with less rush. "We should return and discuss what we have seen and learned, perhaps it will help us come up with a solution." Akabayashi would say to Shiro who would with hope agree and bring along his students. Once, back inside the gates it was obvious the major fighting was over and only small groups of the creatures remaining. They would be quickly finished off  before long. Akabayashi made his way back to his office to call for an emergency meeting to get this nightmare under control.

WC: 1015
TWC: 2244/4375
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:39 pm
He wished for his Genin to learn more, and what better way to do that then go through what he had to endure right before he had made his plow for Mizukage. Yet there was someone he did not recognize within the room. One who he was unsure of if he ever had met her face. To which the Terumi in front of him would introduce the Raven haired women to him. Shiro knew of the womens name, Yoshinori. The name seemed almost alien to him. Yet he wouldn’t mind it, Shiro would bow as well with the greeting and give his own hello. He had brought another from Hoshigakure, perhaps as his own bodyguard from how she acted, she looked almost lost, longing fro Akabayashi to even give her some form of command from what he could see. Not only that, but she would not talk to him much besides his small glances. Shiro’s Byakugan was active while he waited to see where his students were. The landscape around the main house they were in was rather calm and quiet, there didn't seem to be any form of dream-like shenanigans floating around. Not only that, but most of the vampires and other creatures of the night had also seemingly vanished into the mist and smoke of the rifts. Shiro was growing lightly impatient, he had sent word out to his Genin to come meet him even before the suggestion towards Akabayashi. He had a feeling their efforts would be appreciated either way given the current circumstances.

When they had finally arrived, Shiro only gave a small smile towards the both of them before beckoning them over towards where Akabayashi and himself were. On account of how Yoshinori seemed to be acting, and that his Byakugan could lip read what she was saying. He could tell there were some. . . feelings going around during this time. Yet he held the same sentiment, he wished for this to be over as soon as possible. It seemed that Kirigakure wasn't the only one who had been attacked by these rifts. Was this some form of invasion towards other villages? No, the amount of chakra necessary to cause that amount of rifts in Space-Time would be too vast for even one or a group of ninja to perform. No missing ninja could cause such an event to occur. This must have either been the work of the Dimension where all these rifts were coming from. Or this was the cause of an Otsusuki using their abilities to attack the Shinobi world. His sister also had similar questions regarding what this actually was, bringing up how this could potentially be a siege.

“This is certainly no siege, other villages seem to also be under attack. Not one person could create this level of carnage or make something as huge as this attack unless they were a massive group, or we’re dealing with an Otsutsuki Member.”

The sudden view of what he could only tell as a mass of chaotic energy, a massive rift in the sky had formed, one that would begin to send out people's worst nightmares. Creatures of all different shapes and sizes would dash through the sky, some of them demonic in appearance, others were more pleasant to look at, yet the effects were still the same. This was a time of massive importance. One that would mean that if they could not fight back against this threat, then there was no way they could fight back against another village.

“Kai! Izu! Let’s go!”

He’d draw out the sword strapped to his side. His Eyes brimming with the thirst to fight. He could see that Yoshinori as well was beginning to get ready to fight for their current kage. His sword would cut through the zombies that were coming through, his blade effortlessly carving through the flesh of the beasts like they were butter to him. His sword stained with the dark tainted blood from this different realm. Everything seemed so off, the amount of variety of creatures coming to attack them, other shinobi would be there to defend the people. He knew that Izu and Kaimera would be more than capable of dealing with the sudden swarm of cannon fodder before them. The massive rift in the sky only continued to spew out the monsters from people's nightmares. Some creatures were awfully humanoid, one of which had pale skin and cut open cheeks resembling a malformed smile. Yet even he was downed in one simple attack to the face, splitting its skull in twine. Yet there were already so many of them, that such measures to counteract these problems were beginning to grow out of hand for the time being. His sword cleaving through the nightmarish creatures from the portal above that could be seen by all. This nightmarish rift seemingly would continue no matter how much they would try and hack and cleave through the monstrous horde.

A simple nod could be seen from the kage’s viewpoint if he was paying attention to Shiro. Who’d motion for his team to follow him as the group would seemingly make a path towards the gates. Monsters still rain down, forming mainly as obstacles on their path to get to the gate without further issue. Shiro’s eyes could see a multitude of different shinobi and even civilians fighting back with every weapon they could. Those of the Yuki clan were especially pragmatic, some of them launching out massive glaciers of ice to freeze or form barriers to help protect civilians. Shiro’s sword continued to slice through the demons, mainly using his pure skill and physical prowess to either stab, slash, kick, or punch the monsters raining down from above. His eyes carefully inspected to make sure nothing was missed, or that there would be any specific foul play involved regarding if one of the Monsters could try and go past him to get to his students. He would not make the same mistakes he made during the fight against the Otsutsuki. Yet this seemed almost entirely like something they would do.

Arriving at the gates was a rather bothersome task, the amount of monsters that they had to cleave through was ridiculous. Yet in the end they had been able to warn the Guards, and by extension the whole village of the current situation and what to do. His hands felt slightly sore from constantly having to hold onto his blade without any form of relaxation. Yet it felt good to finally have this feeling again, to feel that sense of exhilaration deep within his core to fight for his village again. It reminded him of fighting against Akabayashi, even though the man before him had barely done anything within the actual fight. Instead it was mainly the one who had been unseen, the man with the Sharingan.

Once the group had seemingly exited out of the village's front gates. Shiro made note of a man cowering near the bushes while the pack of werewolves hungrily bit down on the horse carcass before them. Akabayashi’s sudden use of the Wood Dragon jutsu was not what he was expecting, he had honestly expected the Mizukage to simply have Yoshinori deal with the beast. Yet perhaps he simply wanted to get this whole ordeal over with. Yet Shiro would see that a few of the pack had managed to move out of the way, long enough for them to come rushing towards the group of five. Shiro was curious if the two Genin would wish to fight these two wolves by themselves, hopeful they would not be labeled as weak if they struggle. He still remembered when he had gotten caught off guard suddenly due to those bandits that the Otsusuki women had summoned in order to fight for her. Shiro would deal with them if Izu and Kaimera had not done so, yet the question brought up by Akabayashi revolving Teleportation jutsu made Shiro shrug.

“I have no real knowledge of it, I’m unsure if Kaimera or Izu know of any, yet even then, to help with something like what’s up there, I’m not sure they could help in this scenario.”

Once Akabayashi had closed the portal using his own knowledge of Space-Time Ninjutsu. Shiro took a deep breath, trying to figure out just what was up with the portal above them. It would seemingly cease for the time being. Yet there was a massive amount of work to be done still with this entire situation. He knew that the time was of the essence. His vision tried to concentrate towards the rift towards the sky. Focusing his entire vision to try and gain a look at what was actually inside of the portal, yet all he saw was a miasma of smoke and a swirling black vortex up above in the center.

“We should all head back and form a plan of action, there doesn’t seem to be a way to close the portal entirely. Yet these monsters, they almost seem. . . Dream like in a way. Especially since I had summoned a whole six course meal on my table this morning from a dream I had. . . Could these be connected to some form of dream?”

His question would have him ponder as they would hopefully return back into the village. Shiro’s mind fills through different thoughts of what else could be happening. Yet that seemed to be the only logical conclusion to go off of. There was no other reason to believe it didn’t have something to do with dreams. He’d be present as they’d clear out the rest of the monsters running around. People beginning to stay inside of their houses as Akabayashi would seemingly call an Emergency meeting on what madness this nightmare of a day had been.

Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:47 pm
As Izu looked over the new Uchiha woman accompagnying the Kage of the hidden mist, the Hyugga girl at first didnt care at all about her presence, but seeing that she was helping at least made her gratefull. To the nationalist mind of Izu, by all means, if a foreign asset wanted to die defending another land than her own, she was welcome to. This would mean to Izu that less citizens and ninja from kiri would be at risks, so it was overhall a good thing, even if in her mind she would prefer if the ninja and kunoichi of the hidden mist could only rely on their own people and not strangers to defend themselves. 

Anyhow, seeing how the Mizukage judged her unprepared outfit, seing as she was caught earlier in the night. Her lack of wory for her very own kage of the village she bellonged too seemed to have affected the mizukage himself as well as his bodyguard, the foreign uchiha. As she commented on the lack of worry for the lord's life, Izu smiled towards her, amused by the brown nosed attitude of the bodyguard, who from what she heard was said with Shiro a bit on the side, was from Hoshigakure, the overlords of Kiri, who was, to the the great displeasure of Izu, a puppet state of the village hidden amongsts the stars. With a quick and witty face, Izu looked over at the bodyguard and the Mizukage, her hands crossed, unimpressed by the lack of composure from the lack of worry.

''I'm not worried for Akabayashi, indeed. He is the Mizukage. He is capable of fending for himself well enough that he doesnt need my worry. If you worry about him thats a you thing, miss Yoshi. Now are we done with this? Lord Mizukage, we will follow your lead and our sensei Shiro.'' Said Izu with absolutely zero hesitation, annoyed by the attitude of the bodyguard, who seemed to make the issue bigger than it needed to be.

As the mizukage recieved some letters from all hidden villages from around the world signaling the same kind of events, Izu discussed with her team mates and sensei, assessing the situation and making sure they were okay. Of course she worried about her crush, Kaimera, and as she stroked his arm in a conforting way, she asked him if he had any trouble getting there, and if the creatures he faced hurted or injured him in any way shape or form. She clearly was more and more expressing her feelings toward him, not only worrying about him, but also telling him that they were a team, they were inseparable, and that she would do everything so they could survive this event and live on. She also worried a lot about her sensei, or should we say her brother, Shiro. He of course was more prepared and strong than them, both Izu and Kai being only genins, but he was also her brother, and their relationship of familly love was more and more growing, to the suprise of Izu, and they started to be closer, like a true familly would. She was more and more considering him more as a brother than a Sensei, and they even had talk of going to live together permanently, as a familly, under the same roof.

As the discussion continued, a suddent event interupted the squad, all turning toward the sky. This time, it wasnt a messenger bird, but a raven sending a bad omen, wich was closely followed by a large portal, a tear in reality, oppening in the sky, higher in the air. The rift was immense, a dark and twisted purple tear, as if someone painted straight in the sky, with a texture that ressembled the cross between gaseous and liquid with waves seemingly made of smoke, stretching its tendrils around, and summoning creatures from another dimmension. As the portal oppened, creatures poured from it, vampires, were creatures, undeads, and stuff of nightmares. Suprised, Izu was in total shock. She knew monsters existed, but this was beyond her comprehension. It was as if stuff of fantassies and stories for children were all of a sudden the truth, a part of this world as real as the floor beneath her feets! 

As the monsters started to go toward the group, The Mizukage akabayashi asked the group to fend them off for him, himself busy writing the suprising and terrifying news to the village security outposts, pressign them to set up the defenses and ring the alarms preparing everyone to fight or hide themselves from these horrors, making the whole village of the hidden mist on high alert. As he wrote it, the group readied their weapons, shiro geting out his sword and pressing the group to do the same, Yoshinori doing the same, and Izu following the wave, taking out of her ninja pouch attached to her legs a handfull of her specialized ultra-thin accupuncture senbons, capable of ignoring the armor or solid hide of creatures with their special pointy ends. In her other hand, Izu maintained the wire wrapped all around in her hand, and held it to two of her fingers, while the whole hand also held the large and long needle sword, still tied to the steel wire to combo and maneuver with it. 

''Write fast Lord Mizukage, we'll hold 'em off! Lets go Kiri! Give it your best! Come here ya bastards!'' Would yell Izu, primed and ready to fight, holding steadily for monsters to be in range.

And in range did they arrived! As a large and monstruous vampire approached the hyugga kunoichi, with large musculature, wings on his arms and fangs long and sharps as razor blades, and a face of a large night bat, Izu threw 3 acunpuncture senbons  into it, two in the legs, 1 in the throat. As immediately as the needles pierced the cursed flesh of the monster, its legs paralyzed and stoped moving, falling face first onto the concrete flooring. The needle that pierce it in the throat tho, was much more fatal: it was thrown at and pierce the tenketsu point of the respiratory system, blocking it from working and making the vile monster gasp for air, now incapable of breathing as a whole, its muscles of the lungs and throat disabled. Gripped with the feeling of being throwned in a vacuum devoid of air, as well as unable to move its legs to get up, the vampire twisted on the ground, its arms grasping its neck as a reflex like someone was trying to strangulated it, but it wasnt the case. Before it could react more, Izu lunged at it, and with her long needle sword, pierced it with an estoc move trough the skull, wielding it like a rapier instead of throwing it or letting it go off of her hand. As another vampire approached, she turned around to face it, and threw her sword, with 2 other senbons of the special kind she carried. As the two senbons went and hit the arm joints preventing them from moving and making them limp, the sword pierced it trough the gut, getting on the other side and lodging itself with speed into a wooden block, part of a building wall. As the wire attached to the sword and linked to the hand of izu traversed the guts of the creature, izu made sure to hold it in a way to create tension in the rope, keeping it straight trough its belly, and with its arms useless, Izu could perform her finishing move. Smiling toward the monster, Izu jumped a bit on the same spot she was on the ground, and as she jumped she raised her left foot in the air, preparing to do a kind of a kick attack. As she descended, she waited at the last minute to do the move: she brough rapidly her foot downward, and slid her hand holding the wire tense trough the creature's belly under the trajectory of the feet getting slammed down. As she landed, the high kick pressed the wire so hard and fast on the floor, lowering it at an incredible speed. With the motion, the tensed wire slamed into the floor, splitting in two the vampire from the belly to the floor, sending its organs blackened by rot to splill on the ground. With a quick motion, izu yanked on the wire, retrieving the sword from the wooden wall, getting it back to her hand. 

As the fighting ended and the message was sent, Izu followed the mizukage to a guard post, and they all left the village afterwards. Not too long outside the gate on the shores of the islands, on the road towards one of the many bridges essential to the land of the hidden mist, there was a rift, with around it a pack of werewolves, and a destroyed caravan. The beasts were feasting on the corpse of the horse, but as the group arrived, their attention shifted toward them, seemingly fresher meat, but also a threat to them. 

Without hesitation, the Mizukage weaved handseals and shot a wooden dragon towards them, biting two of them and making them into a red paste, absolutely obliterating them. More howled and ran towards the group however, and the Mizukage let them move, wanting to see what the team of Shiro, Izu and Kai would be able to do. In a quick motion, Izu jumped without hesitation into the action. She backed up a bit, dust flying under her sandals as she moved with incredible speed. As she drew again from her ninja pouch two handfull of senbons, she threw 5 of them toward the two werewolves advancing towards her, 10 needles flying in the air in total, aimed with deadly precision, as the hyuga girl had used her active byakugan to aim with surgical precision into the desired tenketsu points, attacking the chakra and nervous system at once. Before the needles could make contact, Izu weaved the hansigns to a water jutsu, creating a large oasis-like puddle between the monsters and herself, timing the jutsu with the needles landing inside the hairy flesh of the beasts. As the needles pierced them in a mirror fashion, the two werewolves receiving the senbons in the exact same set of tenketsu points, both of them were almost totaly paralyzed. The needles were placed in the joints of the arms and legs, one in each, as well as in the upper throat, blocking the reflex or retaining their breath, preventing any movement as well as preventing them from holding their breath. With the momentum of the attack, of them runing and with the water spawning right underneath them, both werewolves fell into the deep oasis, dropping down into the deep dark blue water, bubbles rising to the surface as they both drowned, incapable of even moving to help themselves.

With the combat ending, Izu took back her senbons and looked towards the group. The Mizukage asked everyone if they knew a bit of manipulation of space and time, a rare form of jutsu that, sadly, Izu didnt knew a single bit.

''Yeah no sorry Lord Mizukage, I can do iriyojutsu and use weapons, but space time is way out of my range. I'll kill any other fuckers getting out of that damn rift tho, trust me on that!'' answered Izu, readying her senbon sword for another throwing attack.

As the Mizukage concentrated his chakra and forces to close the small rift before the bridge on the road, the rest of the group defended the place, even tho no other monsters arrived. Before not too long, the rift closed in a weird noise of whispers and distant screams, leaving place to only the sound of the waves and the alarm still being raised. With all the villagers baricating themselves and being on high alert, the group returned toward the village and inside its walls, as no other new monsters arrived or dropped from the rift into the sky, silent and for now, seemingly harmless. As they arrived close to the office of the Mizukage, they stopped to assess the situation once again, more calm than before since the village wasnt on active attack anymore.

''Well thats that! We seem to have prevailed today! I remain at disposition for the rest, this rift cant remain there. I'll go grab the rest of my gear, patch up my knees and change into something more.... ninja-like and appropriate if you all don't mind!'' said Izu to the group, half a smile on her face from the victory but also from the shyness of still being in pyjama after all of this.

As the Mizukage said that he needed to think of a plan on how to stop the people from creating more nightmares and come up with a solution, Izu started to think. As he was about to leave, starting to climb the stair to his office to create a plan and think on it, the young blonde hyuga had a revelation! She quickly returned in a running fashion toward the kage of the hidden mist, and asked for his attention.

''LORD MIZUKAGE HOLD UP! Thanks, I tought I was gonna be too late! I think I have an idea on how to stop this and enter the rift to close it, or at least, get into it to better understand how to close it. This is all tied to the dreams of people turning into nightmares and tuning real right? Well we could fly into it, but not a lot of people can fly. You know what people can do? They can all fall asleep and dream! We need to all gather, sleep, and in our dreams, join up and we will find ourselves into the world of nightmares! The portal is up there *point her head* we only need to sleep and dream to access it! What do you think? I'm sure the others will be willing too. Its time we attack and not only defend!'' Added Izu, all proud of her idea. 

The fight need to be taken to the nightmares, the final battle of this massive situation.

WC: 2372

TWC: 4156
Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:20 pm
Freefall. Crashing back to the earth. Into flames and into hell. Presumably.

Was this normal? For death to feel this way?

Numb limbs hanging from a floating body. Floating…moving.


More like…dragging. Or sinking, perhaps? Heavy and leaden.

Strange. There ought to be pain, but none of the senses register beyond a muddle and a blur. It felt like being underwater without drowning. It felt like an incinerator without the flames. Like finding reprieve in breaking through the surface, but without the air.

Salvation in bereavement.

Sparks from ash.

A voice in the darkness.

'Please…don't die.'

Die? Now why the fuck would I do that?

This monster continued with his barrage of unexpected attacks while Kaimera barely deflected their effects all the way till sunrise. Kaimera didn't get injured once, he knew if he did then his chances of survival would drop to exponentially low levels. He couldn't afford it, so he never instigated the offensive attacks and kept using the defensive maneuvers instead. Meanwhile, this creature was slowly getting frustrated by his avoidance, his anger showing itself by his scowl, a hard feat to accomplish. It wasn't a true emotion since he couldn't feel anything at this point, but it was more like not wanting change to happen. He killed every man he laid his eyes on; he didn't want to abolish the precedent. But Kaimera was nothing if not exceptional. He wanted him dead; it was necessary for him! His attacks slowly grew deadlier, the use of brute force receding, and the use of his bloodline limit the longer they fought.

Kaimera never kept his guard down, no matter how exhausted he slowly became to be, his evasive maneuvers were not like his fellow Hyūga companions, but they were enough. He wanted to escape, but he knew if he tried to, then he would take the opportunity to kill him once he was distracted for a split second, and also, he didn't want to escape at the same time since he wanted to avenge the countless people this werewolf had killed. The last plan of action was extremely enticing whenever he would see an opening that could only be taken advantage of by the dangerous method, but the man was unpredictable and there was no guarantee that his plan would work out. Also, if he lost the function of his eyes, he would undoubtedly die. They fought, and the ten minutes before sunrise came to be extremely important to Kaimera. He was panting, sweat covering every single inch of his body, his muscles protesting at a single small motion of his hand or legs.

They stood a few feet away from each other with the werewolf glancing at Kaimera with a smug smile, he was going to start making mistakes and he would undoubtedly take advantage of that. "See Kaimera-chan? This is why werewolves are always going to be stronger than humans. It's just the way of life. If you were a wolf, we could fight forever y'know?” He rambled without a hint of stopping which was exactly what Kaimera wanted. So, he tried to keep him talking by conversing with him.

"It's a shame, I wanted us all to be friends." He sadly added.

The creature laughed, and readied his stance in order to launch his final attack, "I'm sorry Kaimera-chan. But that's impossible!" He was tired of this endless back and forth, he just wanted to kill him and get back to his pack of monsters! He didn't want to talk all morning with him! No matter how pleasant it was. The two sworn enemies stood a few meters apart, both covered in sweat, ready to fight to the death.

"Well, beast," Kaimera said in a weak voice, "one of us goes, one of us stays. If I die in battle, I'm dragging you to hell with me." The Yakedo spit out some saliva, then smiled at his opponent, absolute hatred apparent in the fire in his eyes.

"You're right about that one," replied he, as he threw his sword at him as if it were a spear, striking him in the side, ripping through his flesh with a sickening noise and lodged into place. Kaimera yelped in pain and began to stumble backwards. The beast caught him roughly by the arm and he made one final attempt at taking him out. Kaimera ripped the sword from his side as blood coated the ground underneath him and swung it at the creature. The werewolf grabbed the blade and threw it, lodging it into the ground, blood seeping down his arm. The beast let out a scream and threw Kaimera to the ground.

He tried with every little ounce of anything he had to get back up and fight. He was exhausted and wounded, but he managed to stand once again. "You have a lot of fight in you, I like that. Fitting for a company like me. Don't you think so? Hehe. I've decided that I'm not going to kill you; I’m going to turn you into a wolf like me and take you with me to live with my pack. You'll thank me later," with one quick motion, with both the creature's arms, snatching Kaimera's wrists and positioning him, hanging helplessly in the air as the creature showed his sharp fangs.

He needed to get free, but he didn't know how. Maybe he did? In a last-ditch effort, he intensified the flow of his chakra through his body as he swung his lower half back and then forward, connecting his foot to the bottom of the swordsman’s shin. Unexpectedly, the man stumbled back and loosened his hold on his wrists. Twisting his body in the air, he used the beast's face as a footing and launched himself towards the ground, ripping himself free from his grasp.

Somersaulting into the ground, he quickly ricochets off of it with an ‘Cherry Blossom Impact’ uppercut that was fueled with his chakra. Kaimera felt his fist mee the beast’s chin as it finally dismembered the demon's head. "What? HOW! This is how I go," the man screamed as his head bounced around on the ground. Kneeling down, his head began to feel faint. Kaimera finally stopped fighting, and he knelt motionless on the ground, bloodied, and bruised from a hard battle. 

A battle won.

Trembling, he performed the hand seals: Bird - Boar- Dog - Dragon and placed his hand on the wound where the sword was lodged, letting the flow of blood trickle between his fingers. A light blue translucent aura began radiating from his hands. Kaimera breathed a sigh of relief as the rejuvenating chakra began to flow into his wound and stitch closed.

The weeks become easier to wake up in with the world becoming it as it is. Lying in the same bed, the same room, Kaimera’s final conscious moments had drawn to a close with unease. his mind yielding to a dreamless slumber that passes like an instant. He rises within the hour of the sun lighting the horizon the following day. Not that he can much tell, cloistered away in his remote chamber where its rays do not reach. 

Though he feels adequately rested, his stomach begins to churn as the feeling of remembrance braces his core not two steps beyond the doors of his quarters, and he clutches at it as though the effort would silence its aching in the slightest. Kaimera had spent the entirety of the previous day confined within the study, obsessing over its archives. To both his astonishment and relief, he had been left alone ever since his outburst following his only meal that previous day. Whether it had been due to the wicked words he’d spat or his father’s own temperance, he did not know or care much, but he’d been begrudgingly grateful for his granted solitude, nonetheless.

The sky overhead was already dim with light, but with the storm pacing through, the Land of Water became darkened as if the gods above them were crying. Kaimera found himself at the one place he could be usually found around at this time of year. The cemetery. His senses and consciousness are preserved where he stood as he on-looked to the grave where his grandmother was, he couldn’t feel emotions or the cold prickling at his skin, but he could certainly hear the patter of the rain fall through the trees. Kaimera shook his head to come out of his trance and looked at the stone statue beyond his mother’s grave as it was perched on a marble base near the back of the graveyard where the old tombs are, perfect for guarding them he guessed. It sounds right to him. He wondered if they had been made with that task. Statues don't come to life for no reason, do they? It must have been a protector. 

Kaimera begins to think to himself, ‘People would always question why I would come to the graveyard at dawn. Nobody else that I know of, that's for sure. But I always did. You would think of a graveyard to be a constantly depressing place, but when there is nobody around it seems peaceful.’ 

The quiet of peace was interrupted when he saw a man in a light blue coat wearing a white hat that came and laid flowers down in front of a grave. When the man left, Kaimera investigated the grave and found it belonged to someone recently buried named 'Momo.' There was no family name, which Kaimera found odd, but he didn’t think too hard because he would never hear the reason why anyway.

He didn't have much time to relish the idea when he was confronted by an individual. They were just relaying a message to the Yakedo. It seems the Mizukage and his Sensei have requested his audience in his office to discuss the rifts, creatures, and etc. Hm? This would be the third time being acquainted with the newly appointed Mizukage; even though some of the village has a negative view on him, his thoughts about him were mostly positive. Life in the village seemed to be flourishing under his rule, unlike the one before him. Maybe once Kaimera spends more time with him, he will gain a better understanding of his persona.

Giving a quick thanks to the fellow shinobi; Kaimera followed up by going to the center of the village, specifically where the Mizukage Monument is. Coming just right outside center, his mind wandered as to when was the last time he was here. It feels like that was a century ago when it really wasn't. How time was really just a fleeting essence in all actuality. 

Approaching the three, he would bow in the presence of his sensei, the Mizukage, and woman by the name of Yoshinori before stepping aside. “Greetings, Lord Mizukage and Shiro-Sensei. You have requested my audience for matters of the rifts and the creatures spawned from them?” Kaimera said before taking a few steps to the side, allowing him space between himself and the others.

A few moments pass by before their final party member graced them with her presence, asking questions that he too delved on, and thus an answer was presented to them. An Otsutsuki member? Here, Kaimera only believed they were of myth but with Shiro’s serious attitude, he couldn’t help but believe the legend. However, the scorch user couldn’t dwell on mythologies at this point as two avians: a hawk sending reports to the Mizukage; and the other, a raven, which was also sending a letter but also an augury.

And with the augury, comes the swarms of creatures ascending upon the defenders of Kirigakure. Shiro and Yoshi were the first to react, each using their blades to begin cutting down the monsters. Yoshi killed a mummy and a werewolf as Shiro went on a graceful onslaught against the undead. Izu tended to the vampires that were flying their direction with a combination of senbon and using her needle sword. Other shinobi of the land took arms and started battling against rogue creatures to defend the Mizukage. Seeing these creatures resulted in Kaimera’s remembrance of the manor deep in the woods off one of the offshore islands. Flashes of his time there sent adrenaline through his veins as went on the offensive.

Forming the hand signs: Ram, Ox, Boar, Ram, Tiger. Kaimera breathed in deep, forming a tiny 30cm diameter tornado-like mass in a compressed ball of wind in his mouth before firing it past Izu and Shiro into a larger group of creatures. The ball would then expand outward at 10 meters, shredding and ripping apart any beast that came into contact with it. As it made stationary distance, every creature that tried to go around the swirling sphere of wind, would begin to be sucked in. Body parts, blood, organs, tendens, wings, and brain matter all reduced to liquid particles as these creatures met their demise. Releasing the technique, a blob of mangled corpses and bones fell to the ground.

It seems that this was enough time to give Mizukage to finish writing his report, in which he announced their departure for the guard post. Thus, Kaimera followed suit.

Once exiting the village, they were met with a pack of werewolves ravaging a horse whereas the rider was nowhere to be found. Could he have been eaten entirely by the ravenous beasts or was he lucky enough to escape with their life? A question that Kaimera might not find out the answer for as the Mizukage summoned a wood dragon of mighty strength, ensnaring two of the beasts within its mouth, reducing them to nothing but mosh. The remaining members of the pack seemingly avoided the technique, and in response, made their counterattack. Well, an attack would never be made as Izu quickly dispatched the remaining with a combination of some sort of ninjutsu and her senbon. Paralysis and drowning were their ultimate demise. 

Turning back to the group, the Mizukage asked if they knew about teleportation ninjutsu, in which Kaimera would only shake his head before the other two would explain if they could or not. While Kaimera figured as much, they didn’t know. Thus, Akabayashi decided the best plan of action would be to return to the village, discuss what they have learned, and figure out what to do from there. Returning back to the village, Kaimera helped clear out as many of these creatures as he could until there were none left. Thus, the Lord Mizukage would call for an emergency meeting in his office and Kaimera would return to his leader, following his sensei.

WC: 2,443
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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:39 am
The kage would welcome Kaimera as he arrived and answer the question he had asked. "Shiro, said you would prove useful in fighting off these... anomalies. I am not fool enough to disregard council from one of my masters, which is why you are here now." He would then wait for Izu along with the rest. It seemed Yoshi's words had effected her on a level the kage did not understand. Yoshinori simply laughed lightly. "Yes, yes quite done." The Uchiha would say. She kept watch over the area including the way she stroked the boys arm and addressed Shiro.

Akabayashi would simply nod at the last members comment to take the lead. He would lead them as stated earlier. The rift in the sky brought a bit of speculation from Shiro. "Could be, Shiro." He would be hard pressed to find another with such ability. From what he knew he was the biologically closest to a member of the Ootsutsuki, besides possibly Yoshinori. Maybe the six paths was the answer he would have to make a plan regarding this later. He already had a working method to remove the smaller tears in space. Perhaps he would try the Truth Seeking Orbs at some point or toss a path into these portals to see what lay beyond.

Shiro, Kaimera, Izu, and Yoshi fought hard to get them to the portal. But just as the doctor assumed he was the only user of spacial ninjutsu. "You summoned food from a dream?" That was certainly suspicious was falling asleep the cause of these rifts and demons? Izu was familiar with medical ninjutsu perhaps that would be useful later on when they tried to manifest things from their dreams. "Well there was that kid mumbling about the dream king, then the rifts, then you saying you can manifest things from dreams. It has to be connected, but I am entirely unsure how." As far as he knew the things happening were impossible, yet he was experiencing it. Izu naturally wanted to get in a better outfit for fighting it was fine it would take time for all the ninja to assemble.

As they neared his office Akabayashi would turn to Shiro. "Call all the shinobi to the stadium we have a reprieve, but I expect it to not last long. We have to go over a plan and give orders to defend the village." He would turn to leave before being stopped by Izu. She said a lot and he would have to think upon it from what Shiro said the dreams could create things possibly meaning them falling asleep could create problems, but they wouldn't know without trying if this could be the solution. "That is definately a method we can try. Can you create four doses of sleeping medicine? I would have Yoshinori and Seto watch over us as we sleep in case something appears from our minds." If she agreed he would continue up the stairs wake Seto and tell him to meet at the stadium. There was certainly a lot of booze in his office maybe this was Seto's dream. Crossing his fingers the Terumi wished for more organs to spill from his mind.

The kage would teleport to the stadium. When everyone arrived he would explain the situation and put all the ninja on orders to defend the village from these monsters until the issue with the rifts were resolved. He warned them to watch over one another as they slept as the realm of dreams was transitioning into the realm of nightmare. He wished to test Izu's theory on others before attempting it himself, so he gave half the ninja the order to rest under supervision while able to while the remaining would keep an eye out on their allies and for more assaults upon Kiri. 

Once, everyone had their ordeds he would approach Shiro and his students. Yoshinori and Seto would be with him, along with his path Beast. "We will be testing the theory you had before diving into this probable nightmare world ourselves." He would say to Izu. The doctor would watch as people began to drift off. It all seemed calm for a while before the first nightmare began. The person waking up in a panic the night terror overcoming them and bringing the horde upon them. One rift, another scream, a second rift, and another, another. Perhaps this test had been too large scale not everyone who was supposed to fall asleep had whether too worried or too anxious is was wonderful they had not. More rifts and it would have overwhelmed the forces of Kiri.

Yoshinori and Seto entered the fray both slashing creatures into cubes. The doctor was a bit out of his element with so many people in the way he was not the most useful. He had a theory to test however. He would activate his True Sage Transformation and the cloak of natural energy would surround his body. He would then open the six paths to summon the truth seeking orbs, ten balls made of the five basic elements. Each was controlled so precisely he would not have to worry about hitting someone it was not supposed to. When it collided with a monster it would erase the creature completely wherever it had been touched. Akabayashi turned one of the orbs into a baseball bat approached a portal and smacked it wiping any trace of it. "Your theory on this being the work of an Ootsutsuki is also beginning to pan out." Along with the loss of the portal the creatures sprouting from it were wiped out as well.

The animal path was making rods of molded chakra sprout from his hands and he would attack any creature that got in his way. Stabbing them over and over with the reciever rod. When the path finally got to a portal it would thrust the shiv into it and it would go away like he had theorized. The portals are responding negatively to six paths jutsu. Same as before a group of the summoned creatures dissapeared seconds after the portal was gone. "I think, I know what we have to do. First, we have to stop the monsters here. Then enter this nightmare, but stay asleep long enough to encounter the one behind it all. Thats where the sleeping medicine will come in. For now defend me and the path as we eliminate these portals." It would go without saying the arena was crazy there were so many people and monsters, but the forces of these creatures were dwindling as each portal was destroyed whether by flying orb, black reciever, or Truth Seeking bat. When all the portals were closed it seemed as before. It was quiet and would likely remain so for a time.

Akabayashi would take their group of seven to his office. "I believe it is time to enter the realm ourselves. Yoshinori, Seto, and Beast can watch over us." He would hold out his hand hoping Izu had made the medicine otherwise he would simply have to grab some from the hospital pharmacy. He would take the medication and lay on the floor waiting for effect to take him. Once, asleep he could see the nightmare world around him where nothing was quite right. He could also see the real world through Beasts eyes it seemed Yoshinori had placed his head on her lap and Seto had started drinking the alcohol he had dreamt up earlier. He would move about in this strange environment until meeting up with the others. "Nothing has happened to us in the real world yet." He of course would not go into detail on how he knew that information, so they would either have to take him at his word or think him full of shit. Either way didn't bother him. As they met more people came into view fellow sleepers from what Akabayashi could tell. Though as before they screamed they vanisned presumably now awake their place in this world was gone, but in their place was a hole which when viewed through you could see Kiri. The scream had alerted the monsters, but what exactly had these dreamers seen that they hadn't? Akabayashi was tired of these creatures he was ready to find the source. With a few seals he pointed his finger at the rushing monsters and obliterated them completely. 

He would move on encountering more dreamers this time he could see him. The one causing the nightmare. The eyes not so dissimilar from Akabayashi's. "Well Shiro, you were right." Of course the slightly portly Ootsutsuki noticed them as well especially the one bearing the same purple ringed eyes as himself. "Blessed with the eyes of multiple gods Jashin and Ootsutsuki, even you cannot stop this nightmare." Akabayashi did not need to talk to this one he just had to fight him. 

"Lets kill him and end this nightmare." The doctor knew this fight would be difficult. And as he said that Beast saw the rift form within the kage's office. "Welp I guess we are really in the nightmare now." Seto and Yoshinori would draw their blades and attack whatever stepped through while Beast would move the sleeping bodies away from the fighting. 

Akabayashi would begin by utilzing peacock method growing a tail of chakra like that of a peacock. He would then summon a golem made of wood from the nightmare world. It would fire a bundle of arms from its back at the Ootsutsuki. It connected, but had little effect as the man seemed to swallow the chakra contained in the jutsu with eyes on his hands. "I think I fucked up." Akabayashi would say as the man raised his other hand and sent the bundle of chakra arms back at him. The doctor would throw a kunai to the ground and then jump off the giant before the arms smacked the golem in the face destroying its head. Akabayashi would teleport to the ground using flying thunder god as the golem tumbled over hitting the ground with a thud. "I don't think I will be much use here I suspect he can fire all of my attacks back at me. I think melee attacks will work and I possibly have jutsu he can't absorb." Akabayashi only speculated he could not reflect six paths jutsu, but he wasn't sure. Shiro and Izu were blade fighters, so their best chance was with them for the time being. He wasn't quite sure what Kaimera could do to help at the present maybe he used taijutsu or something.

WC: 1793
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Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
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The Monster Mash [Event] Empty Re: The Monster Mash [Event]

Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:05 pm
“Possibly, It vanished after I had touched it, but maybe that’s because I didn’t want the dream to really come true. Or I couldn’t believe it to be true?” He wanted to leave out the better parts of that dinner. His friends, his mother, his teacher, all of them sitting at the massive wooden table that was lined with all types of food. Food that he could not know if they would have actually eaten it. Yet still, the problems arising from dreams seemed to become more and more like the fact that was causing the rifts. Even if an Ootsutsuki was behind it, they certainly were managing it at a far higher level then any of them could dream of.

“Wait, a child was mumbling about it, Children dream all the time, there has to be some amount of connection to it?” His voice echoed throughout the village while he spoke. The people surrounding the group are all trying their best to stay awake amidst the crisis. Most truly believe that it must have been the work of their dreams to cause so many monsters to spring up all around them.The dreams against them certainly were something interesting to say the least. Yet Shiro couldn’t help but be surprised that no one had tried to hypnotize themselves at this point to see their loved ones back in the real world. But then again, perhaps it could only manifest those darkest fears due to the sudden corruption of Dreams.

“On it.”

He was given the task of informing all of the able bodied ninja to meet the Mizukage at the stadium. They needed to bolster the village's defenses, some were slightly perplexed at the thought of a foreigner being so cautious as to help people who weren't necessarily a part of, but that could explain why Akabayashi had kept him alive at all. To act as a bridge between himself and the people that were left within the village. Shiro could only explain it to the rest of the shinobi that he could get into contact with to meet them all within the Stadium as a massive meeting to hopefully get the entire village's fighting force up to speed. Genin all the way to Jonin would be at attendance for it. Yet Shiro would still have to focus on the potential thought of just what could happen with so many people potentially dreaming. Shiro wasn’t sure if the entire shinobi fighting force could take on something as strong as an Otsutsuki, Akabayashi had only saved him due to his heritage and nothing more. However what was even more surprising was to see Akabayashi there before him. He must have held some form of teleportation jutsu on him, which made sense given his earlier questions. But what it even was Shiro was curious about. Perhaps he’d get to know more about it after this entire ordeal was over with. The rest of Kirigakure’s fighting force would be attending, the only ones who wouldn’t be were mainly the academy's faculty, which were put on orders by Shiro to help defend the children just in case. This also meant that Reizo would not be joining them for this mission. Yet he was sure his friend could handle whatever problems came his way along with the academy. He was strong, which made Shiro have all the more faith in him.

Akabayashi’s orders to sleep under supervision made some of the Shinobi relax, knowing fully well that they finally could get some kind of sleep. Most shinobi wouldn’t be able to get a good night's sleep in a while. However, now it was the chance to test the theory that Izu had proposed to Akabayashi while they were at the Kage’s mansion. It wouldn’t take long for half of the shinobi to get comfortable, while the other half, wielding an assortment of weapons and some readying seals for the inevitable issue of the rifts appearing again once those who were dreaming were charged with nightmares. Yet during that small downtime he’d mainly hang near his two Genin. Focusing on them and getting them ready to attack should the situation called for it. His hands on Kaimera’s and Izu’s shoulders. His Byakugan active and flaring, the veins near his eye flexing to see whether or not he could tap into the dreams, he wished he had eyes as advanced as advanced as Akayabashi’s. Yet the only thing he knew was that this purple eye was an advanced form of the Sharingan it seemed. At least from how it seemed, yet he had no idea just what the hell he could do to reach a state like that. To be blessed with those eyes, the thought was interrupted by the sudden ear piercing scream of the first shinobi who had awoken in a cold sweat. His eyes widened in horror as the first rift opened up immediately with a shock, the shinobi immediately got ready as the monsters slowly began to appear. Shiro taking his hands off of his Sister and his probably future Brother in Law. The rifts began to open up in a massive scale, Shiro’s eyes seeing the sparking lights of chakra emanating through them. His face glaring at each of the rifts opening up before he launched himself into the fray with both Yoshinori and Seto. His Byakugan's eye loses the flexing of the veins, replaced with red, almost scar-like outlines near where the veins used to be. Yet his speed increased greatly as a result. His body twirling around the beasts, cutting through them without much effort from his end. His blade glowing with the use of Gentle Blade. Weaving, dodging, shifting his body to help his comrades against the current threat of monsters. Someone with a Kusarigama had swung it like a catapult, digging its hooked edge on one of the Monster's heads. Using their strength, the women holding the Kusarigama were able to begin twirling the Kusarigama around with the beast's head, using it to smack away any of the fellow beasts.

Akabayashi’s use of black orbs that were able to weave around all the shinobi also surprised him. Such orbs were something he couldn’t even read correctly, not even knowing what they were, the shinobi avoided trying to make contact with them. The monsters were almost destroyed instantly on contact, with the small rifts also being closed as a result of coming into contact with these black orbs emanating from Akabayashi’s body. Perhaps another ability from the Rinnegan? He had no idea, yet what he did know was that he did just save their bacon. Shiro’s body moving around to clear around the rest of the Monsters that were left. His sword being stained with the blood of the beasts he had hunted. Shiro had noticed Akabayashi also summoned something that wasn’t like any summoning contract Shiro had even seen. The Beast path had even gone so far as to shoot one of those black rods into the Portal, with the portal closing soon afterwards. His theory of an Ootsutsuki being the Culprit became more and more likely. Shiro’s blade continued to slash through the beasts, making sure to keep as many Shinobi alive. Yet he couldn’t use any of his attacks that would clear out most of the beasts due to so many comrades being around. There were just too many things going on at once.

Yet slowly, they were pushing back the beasts, slowly but surely they were able to win against these threats. Yet some were unsure of what to do next. The chaos was so immense, luckily there were simply a few injured and no casualties. Shiro’s use of Medical Ninjutsu might have also helped with that, any form of blood loss would have been repaired and healed for others. Even something such as replacing one’s own arm became easier to accomplish on his own. Yet still, some were outraged that they were used as a simple training exercise for the Mizukage to see if the idea of this all being a dream was true. Yet it didn’t matter much in the end, complaining would get them really nowhere. Yet Shiro was sure that they could at least make some amount of difference, and Akabayashi and Izu’s plan would be able to be tested on them now. They’d be making a trip directly into the Realm of Nightmares. Izu would have probably made the medicine by now with his help, as when they had made the four vials, he’d be the first one to take it right as they all were ready. Immediately he would lay on the ground to begin sleeping, with his vision suddenly changing to a completely different surroundings entirely. He could see the others, with the twisted malformed wreck that was the Realm of Nightmares. Massive spires of rock, stalactites all around them in different patterns. Yet they could see others around them, those who were also connected within this world before vanishing with a scream after being alerted of the beasts rushing towards them and creating a portal. Just what kind of mess even was this? Shiro had no idea, yet there was someone that he could see, someone who’s head was rather large, their body fat and arms looked heavy. The portly looking Ootsutsuki member made Shiro annoyed, for a race of beings who could be the progenitors of Chakra. They sure weren’t at all what he was expecting them to be. Instead of beings of untold wisdom, they simply wished to corrupt and destroy.

“Of course I was,” Shiro commented upon seeing the member of the fabled people who came from above. His two milky white eyes of the Byakugan, along with the purple eye in the middle of his head. The Ootsutsuki member’s eyes loomed over them, his hoard of beasts immediately surging forwards to kill them, yet with a wave of Akabayashi’s hand, they were obliterated without a second thought. The Ootsutsuki’s comments on Akabayashi were praise, while seeing the two Hyuga’s only made the protly being surge with anger, his chakra levels seemingly boundless before them. Yet even still, Akabayashi proposed that they should fight the being before them and kill him. The thought of killing one that could control and corrupt the entire realm of dreams into nothing more than a nightmare was a tall task.

Yet when would it be the first time he was faced with insurmountable odds. Those of which even had caused him failure, had allowed him to grow into a stronger person because of it. Shiro would not allow himself to watch and standby as Akabayashi fought alone. Yet Shiro could see that the man had those same spiraling eyes on his hands. Shiro wondered what they could even do, which was quickly proven when Akabayashi had gone in immediately to kill the Ootsutsuki member. Creating a nightmarish form of the Wood Golem jutsu, firing out multiple long darkened wooden tendrils to attack the members of the Ootsutsuki race. Yet they were absorbed by the Ootsutsuki, and instead fired back right at Akabayashi with even more force. Their Mizukage dodged out of the way right before they had made contact with him, instead the wooden golems head was obliterated. Shiro’s eyes could see the Ootsutsuki’s hand absorb the jutsu, before firing back towards Akabayashi. Izu would not be capable of fighting the Ootsutsuki head on.

But he could.

“Cover me then Akabayashi, I’ll take it from here then.”

His arms would suddenly be coated with the Gunmetal black coating of Shimi Daikon, yet this time, veins began to appear around his arms and went all the way down to his heart, the veins pumping with strength with each pump of his heart. His swords glowing in blue flames. The aura of strength was immense. His eyes staring back at the Ootsutsuki as he stared back in amusement towards the Hyuga. Shiro’s hands clutching his blade. Before making a mad dash towards the Progenitor of his clan. The group who also had the Byakugan, Shiro’s body dashing around like a blast of blue flames, slowly merging with his body as he rushed towards the Ootsutsuki, who would try and absorb what he believed to be a chakra based attack. His hand came up to try and absorb the attack. Shiro smirked when his blade would come down, but barely missed the Ootsutsuki. His hand pulling out of the way at the last second, Shiro could feel the effects of using Shimi Daikon to this high of a level, but it didn’t matter to him, so long as he could remove the capability to absorb jutsu. It was the man's left hand. He was just a man, a really strong man, but a man nonetheless.

Shiro would continue to fight, even as his team gave him back up and support, it was his time to shine, when finally, the moment had come when the Ootsutsuki would try to attack him physically. Shiro barely dodges out of the way before his sword finally makes contact with the Ootsutsuki’s arm, cutting off his hand entirely and making him unable to launch anymore jutsu. Thus it would allow Akabayashi the ability to actually fight the Ootsutsuki head on.

Even with that information, Shiro would continue to rush down on the Ootsutsuki, making sure to get him into a position that would allow himself to land another attack. If Akabayashi had helped Shiro, the previous Mizukage would be able to land the finishing blow, his sword running itself into the head and eye of the Ootsutsuki. Making contact with the beings brain. . . and allowing them to awaken from the dream. . .

Shiro’s eyes widened in surprise when he awoke, the pain reflected into his body as he had begun to cough up blood from the rush of the fight. . . and the use of Shimi Daikon to that extent. . .

Yet he had. . . Done it. . .


Exit and will make claims tomorrow morning.

Good night.
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