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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

they did the mash! Empty they did the mash!

Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:51 pm
mission details:

This was actually starting to get frusterating. She'd heard over and over about her little sister and their "teacher" pinochio having gone to bed and woken up in some freakish hell scape village with no clue how it could have happened, but she'd never expected it would happen to her. And then it did. Twice. Ai wiped the sleep from her eyes, allowing threads to flow from her fingertips to grip the puppets leaning against a head stone on either side of her position only to find that even with thread control they couldn't move. Well that was odd. Seems like maybe puppetry was unable to be used in this place? No. She'd used her puppets to gain entry into the strange cult bulding so that couldn't be it. As she glanced about she found the problem. In the time it would take for her threads to connect to the two wooden constructs who served as her primary source of protection, they'd been lifted up and carted off to the open central area of the graveyard. Eventually her theads managed to gain control, but the vile creatures who'd grabbed them proved too strong for her to rip them free. also they were dancing. 

"What. The. " She wouldn't finish the sentence. While she knew her little sister had picked up cursing from somewhere, and she was old enough to be able to, she'd determined after being given physical form to try her best to refrain specifically to not further encourage bad behavior. It wasn't the most dificult thing, but it would maybe be important in helping Saya developmentally later to see a truely positive role model amidst a sea of.... Well her nonrmal friends. 

"That's real great, but um. If you could please give me back my puppets.... I kind of need them. Please?" She called out to what was quickly growing to be a large group of various types of monsters, all beginging to dance in unison to a strange and slightly creepy song about a thriller, but the mousey girl's voice failed to pierce the thumping bass. At the back of the group a tall man who was clearly dressed up as a zombie(because zombies aren't real so it would, of course, be irrational to assume that he was actually a zombie) wearing a bright red costume that seemed to be made of leather. Atop his head was a black cap, and his desiccated hand pumped it with his head up and down in a motion that looked like an obnoxiously exagerated nod. 

"Well. That didn't work. I really wish I had a team member. If this party keeps going, I fear things might seriously get out of hand." Blue orbs glanced about the graveyard, hoping for someone to come and help her deal with this. Someone cool. Someone powerful. An angel--no. The nicest guardian angel in all of the heavens. THe irony of the lilo and stitch quote being completely lost on her, she would determine if no one was there, then she'd have to take care of it herself. 

(TWC 512/1k)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Fri Oct 22, 2021 5:19 pm
Same village, same rank dead air - honestly she missed the dryer quality of the desert more and more, and hailing from mountains made that desire more odd. She had been wandering around the area for a good portion of an hour before any sign of life was noted - this time in the form of blue glowing orbs in the distance. Had it been any brighter they would have likely gone unnoticed but in this place they stuck out like a sore thumb - the glow was bright and warm in nature so it peaked her curiosity enough to engage in it; what else was there to do in this husk a village anyways there was no way of escape til a deed was done. What a drag honestly…

As she made her way toward the glow she realized she was entering into a graveyard that was bumping a song the closer she got to the particularly smoky center. Finally once the scene was in full view she leaned against one of the taller tombstones and crossed her arms across her chest - her face contorting into an expression of exasperation. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” In front of her by 8 meters was a unison dance number that involved a growing number of creatures - varying from werewolves to mummies and even… puppets? Narrowing her eyes at the sight she scanned the area a bit more thoroughly and came upon a girl that was a missed meal away from being swept away by the wind - but a heartbeat so she wasn’t like one of the members of the last group she faced in this village. 

Still out of sight of the girl in question a thought crossed her mind for a moment before silently sinking into the ground to remerge at her right side 2 meters away - standing taller than the girl by 4 inches she leaned over toward her with a whisper, “Enjoying the choreography are we? Can’t say I’m much of a fan of the arts myself but I’ve seen weirder I suppose. A graveyard though? What an odd place to hold a performance..” She continued to muse aloud despite the girls’ reaction to her appearance at her side - the moonlight beaming down was obstructed by the wide brim of her hat only casting a shadow along her face that covered everything from collar bones up. 

“Bit disrespectful too if you asked me, not sure I’d like anyone dancing on my grave but aha I think that will happen regardless of wishes.” Taking a closer look at the girl she couldn’t but wonder what the hell she was doing out here alone, thus causing her to scan the area once more before speaking again, “What the hell are you even doing here, where are your friends, or…”, glancing again at the girl, “.. parents for that matter.”

WC 477/1000
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:12 pm
"Honestly I'm trying to understand what is going on. I. I can't say this is my first time experiencing a sudden muscal performance, but. Yea. I guess I do understand how the Anbu feel when my little sister does a pop up peformance in the village. Huh." Wierdly, Ai spoke to this newcomer without even a glance their direction. Her heart beat steadily from her resting point to the finish of her conversation, despite the sudden popping up of a new voice in such close proximity. It could have been that her current lack of chakra sensory ensured she wasn't startled by the sudden shift around her, if the jutsu used even showed up to chakra sensory. More than likely though it was a product of having lived her life with the Puppet princess. There didn't seem to be a direct threat, given this woman would have opened with an attack not casual convorsation were she to mean harm, and life with Saya was a constant stream of "surprises". As she took in the situation, finally glancing over to see this wasn't someone she recognized from the village, it dawned on her how problematic her lack of reaction was.

"Ai. Ai senju. Are you here to break up this party? I uh. I kind of feel like we're supposed to break this up instead of just joining in? " The woman had a point. Her sister probably would have called her a kill joy, but it was quite rude to dance on the graves of the fallen, even if the graves were their own.

"Well. Believe it or not, I'm the parental figure. Sort of. It's mostly just me and my little sister so I'm the caregiver and she runs around dressing up in cosplay or putting on a performance. Honesly she would love this now that I think of it. It is a bit rude to dance on peoples graves. " If she didn't get the woman's name, she would ask directly. Turning to fully face this newcomer who had managed to sneak up on her, she'd search for any hint as to if she was from the village hidden in the mist, or if not where exactly she was from. Hanging loosely from the messenger style bag at her left hip, Her kiri headband swung lightly in the movement. Otherwise there was no suggestion of her history other than a small silver necklace hanging at the center of her sternum bearing the symbol of her clan. She realized far later than she should have that her puppets, having been seemingly acting on their own accord as she focused on other matters, were in fact dancing in line with the group of costumed people.

"Hey! You two stop that--Freyja protect me. I'm talking to my puppets. Maybe I have gone mad. " How had it even come to this?! She knew her sisters reason for personification, but she was supposed to be the anchor point. First her mind was filled with these strange quotes, and now her puppets were moving about like living things. Was this just a product of puppetry?!

(TWC 1031 wc complete, just gotta finish objective! )
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:34 am
She couldn’t help but scoff at the proposal of joining it at all, the scoff turned into a full hearty laugh as she shook her head, “Hell no am I joining in on that choreographed mess, you may not know me but I don’t think I strike as someone who dances.” The words the girl continued with were even more genuinely funny - the parental figure to a dress up performer? Crossing her arms across her chest she continued to stare at the group in front of her - the pulsating music beginning to wear on her more and more by the second. Only when the girl moved to turn to face her fully did her face snap to look directly at her - perhaps even with a harder look than she deserved but her reactions were almost to the point she didn’t control them.

Staring at her through drawn eyebrows and a hard gaze it was impossible to notice the swaying clothing - and the kiri headband that swung carelessly into view. Her whole body froze, her right hand tightening on her bicep as she stared at the headband before bringing her gaze up to hers instead, forcing to engage in the question. Though she never really asked her name it was clear she was curious and not introducing herself would just be rude… right? Turning her face away from her to sneer at the group once more she spoke with a much more reserved tone, “Mizuki Ohta, Kazekage…. Lovely to meet a kirigakure shinobi.” Though her words weren’t cruel, the shift in her personality was ice cold. Well… fire was out of the question with puppets on the line and with no reason not to kill…

Didn’t strike Kirigakure as religious but for the sake of Freya I hope this can help you get your puppets back.” Stepping forward a few steps she weaved through two sets of handseals: One set for Rain tiger at will and another set for Mizu Senbon, both with such ease and speed it was barely detectable before her hand was extended out and water was drawn from nearby puddles - luckily it had rained recently in this disgusting village. All the while above them a torrential downpour began in mere seconds. She only needed 10 needles to completely sever the threads that were being held and manipulated by the dance group - causing the puppets to fall to the ground in a heap. “I’d grab your puppets as soon as possible else you wish them to be torn to shreds.” Now that she had the attention of the dance group she placed her hands behind her back and tilted her head to the side, personality shifting once more as she put on an innocent tone of voice, “Oh no.. did I disrupt your flow? What a shame…” The rain was thick and heavy as it fell from the sky, thunder clapped in the background loud enough to disrupt the bumping music as well. 

The party was quick to disperse as their dance was ruined by intrusion and weather, how she would have preferred to see some blood but that was more effort than they were worth. Hands still behind her back she stared the group down until they dispersed, only when the area was clear would she bow her head to the graves around her and whisper - loud enough for Ai to hear - “Peace be with you and forgive me for desecration.”

WC 574
TWC 1051/1000
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:30 pm
At the first comment, she simply nodded. She really didn't seem like the type to dance. Her lips parted for a moment to point out the simple fact that sometimes, you just have to dance, but honestly she wasn't sure that was a good idea. Ai and her team were allowed the simple pleasures in life. THe ability to spontaneously go out and do something to unwind, but there were definitely others to whom those privileges weren't offered. She could tell she was being studied. That was an odd feeling for the small pupeteer. Despite the icy glare, the intensity by which this woman seemed to take her in was a bit.... Nice isn't the word. SHe honestly wasn't sure. She'd spent so much time working so hard NOT to be noticed, that if she really took the time to consider, she would have determined that it was a pleasant change of pace. The interesting thing about Ai was the steady rhythm of her heart. Looking into the eyes of a ninja who could end her life so easily, her pulse stayed as steady as the calm flowing from her body language.

"Huh. Kaze.. Kaze... Suna? Wait. Ok. This may sound a little bit silly, but uh. You're one of my little sister's idols. Sorry. Saya. My sister's name is Saya. She's also a Kiri ninja of pretty remarkable talent. She's the reason I'm here actually. The Mizukage told her the other day that you were the Kazekage and she got really excited. Something about powerful women being a role model for the next generation. She ranted for like an hour about how much she wanted to meet you actually. Shame we won't remember much about this after we wake up though." She hadn't considered the existence of religion in the village. Honestly she hadn't really considered their recent foray into paganism religious at all, but at base it was. As her teammate wove hand signs a set of brilliant blue threads poured form her fingertips. Her body glowed with power as she pushed her body to its limits, The power of the second hokage pouring into her to enhance the speed at which her threads moved.

Even through the pouring rain her chakra thread found their mark, and as needles split the bindings causing her puppets to dance to the strange music that surrounded them, She caught the wooden constructs, pulling them back to her side. Now it was her turn. THe Kazekage wanted blood, though Ai wouldn't have known, and blood she would get. Two different sets of seals flowed across her fingertips, even as the puppets returned to their controler.

Rat. Dog. Confrontatin. Rat. Clap.

Tiger. Boar. Dog. Rat.

"Whirling waters of wowness." Her head turned, making sure that her new teammate wasn't caught in the flow of water. A huge stream of powerful suiton swept up the retreating creatures, shattering bones and rushing them off at incredible speed, untilt he technique split and shifted. They would be able to watch as two large orbs of water swirled and shifted, The strange creatures roating at the edge until the orb direction shifted. In just moments, their targets were torn to shreds by the rotating currents. Blood and sinew disappeared in the cloud of now red swirling waters, and as quickly as they'd formed, they were gone, leaving a tinted hue to the ground in their wake.

"That... That was pretty efficient I suppose. Good job Lady Kazekage! It was a pleasure to meet you!!!"

(TWC 1617 mission complete!

claiming 4k ryo, 20 ap, and 6 tickets for mission
twc 1617 putting all 1617 towards tobirama's rage(2117/2500 to upgrade to S rank plus 32 additional ap from wc exit topic closed after mizu)

Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:54 am
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:24 pm
Time out for event - Claiming now [sorry this is so late]

TWC 1051 Claiming Using max stat 25% discount
- 4000 ryo mission reward
1051 words towards Mystical Palm Aura [V7] 1935/3000 [previous words from Toxic Gingerbread]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

they did the mash! Empty Re: they did the mash!

Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:19 pm
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