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Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

First days as Mizukage!(Permissions Thread) Empty First days as Mizukage!(Permissions Thread)

Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:03 pm
The soft tapping of a pen against the desk that SHiro now sat upon during his time as the newest Mizukage. His eyes focused on the papers in front of him. Did Shikami really never do any of the goddamn paper work? His blue eyes focused primarily on what was being requested of him, new renovations of the idea that he had of building some of the bridges to fully connect a few of the islands throughout Kirigakure. His hand scratching his chin, thinking about what to do in order to fully incentivise people to collectively help with the procedure. The people wanted some amount of money and jobs to work. The building of bridges could easily help with the economy.  The hunter ninja association was practically dead. No hunter ninja that he remembered had even registered. Besides, no one would be taking any kind of bounties in the future unless there was some kind of incentive for it. He needed a way to rebrand almost everything, the people hated what the village had seemingly become. Yet at the thought of money, the faces of those that had appeared to aid in his non-hostile takeover of the position of Mizukage. His pen began to move, slowly beginning to draw out notes labeled for each of the people that had personally helped him and had come to his aid. Rezyx was someone he wanted to keep and remain as his friend. The man was certainly bloodthirsty and battle hungry… He could easily make for a good user involving some kind of assassination or simply jonin position in the future. Scribbling down on the new sheet of paper, addressing Rezyx by his full name inside of the letter in question… And also hopeful that the large man could actually fully read properly. He’d give permission for him to have access to their secret village exclusive jutsu as per the Kage’s own request. He had quickly established himself within the village as the Mizukage. However by mainly helping the people and hopefully the Jonin around him weren’t stupid enough to try him at a time where the village had desperately needed a leader.

“Hopefully Ban Hozuki is able to change her mind… If not… Then I might have to send Lie Ren in the near future. Speaking of him!” His hand snatched another sheet of paper. Pressing the tip of his pen against the blank sheet along the oak table. He couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sheer joy it was to actually help those now. He could finally make full decisions for himself. His handwriting was absolutely flawless, almost like you could read it from a typewriter. Clearly addressing the young Jugo member with great respect, and thanking him for standing by his side when Ban had tried to challenge him to step down as the Mizukage. These Kage, those who had come before him. He’d make sure that they paled in comparison to what he wanted to do. To what he wished to do in the future. He also wrote that the man had access to the hidden library of jutsu that the village held dear to them. He was hopeful, especially with him coming to his side of the conflict involving Ban. To which his mind also came upon the third member of the group that had arrived, the one that had carried in a dead body as a sign of his devotion to the cause of Kirigakure. The corpse of someone that Shiro had never met, yet someone who had allowed an individual potential access to the village was someone that should have been killed sooner… He was going to need to update the security of the village when he’s done with his current amount of work. The scribble of his pen continued to hit the paper while he wrote his second note towards Lie Ren. Folding the paper and slipping it into an envelope along with placing Rezyx’s own inside of a different envelope. He had colored coded them as well, before imprinting his own seal of approval onto the letters as well.

“Finally… That other Hozuki that was there, I should probably send a letter to him as well, he’ll make a fine protector of this village as well.”

His hand graced the handle of his sword for a moment, the creaking of the wood throughout this place had kept him on high alert. He seriously needed someone to be in here with him right now, especially with how constant the rain was due to the tempest barrier all around them. It kept the storms flowing, which meant the bridges would have to be done quickly if he were to have them arrive before the beginning of his true goals in mind. The creation of the hunters guild was purely meant to help with the unity of the village, and to get other village spotentially interested in talking to Kirigakure again. If a Kage summit were to be summoned. He’d have to go at this point, taking with him people that he trusted with his own life, however there was one person that he knew, someone who guarded the gate and had kept him safe. Someone who had trained him and would continue to train him even as a Kage. Youai Kagatsuko, a friend that he had made, and someone who he had hoped would see that this new change in his position was seen as prosperous for the village.

The note towards Kyogetsu was rather brief, thanking him for dealing with the guard that had done a traitorous act. He’d also offer the lad, along with the other two who he had sent letter funds in case they needed it, he knew that the bank would not be happy with how much he was about to take out for each of them, but 100K towards each of them would be worth it. Shiro would also take a glance at the mission reports recently, finding that there was one Genin who had been slightly notable… And someone who was a Clansmen of his. A relative of the Yuki clan, even though Shiro had not inherited his mothers bloodline technique… He could still learn more from his mothers half, and begin to delve deeper into who he was, being Kage gave him a lot of sway within that of the community now. He had to use it to his own advantage at least once to set up a meeting with his fellow clansmen.

“What a fucking day, I’m gonna need a cup of tea after this….”

He’d neatly stack the letters, shouting for someone to go and deliver them to the three that had come to his aid, as well as making a fourth note requesting a meeting with this Yuki clan member that had piqued his interest.

“I hope to meet you soon, Kura Yuki.”


Bonus AP: +22

179 + 22 = 199 Bonus AP

(All Kirigakure exclusive jutsu permissions towards Lie Ren, Kyogetsu, and Rezyx)
Shimi Daikon(Breaking Bud):2188/2500(Previous WC Here)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

First days as Mizukage!(Permissions Thread) Empty Re: First days as Mizukage!(Permissions Thread)

Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:18 pm
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