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Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:27 pm

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA

After Arantima had left Yugure proper he wandered about the Village of Yugakure. He had kept his entire gear set on from his previous Foray into the land of Forests, which is to say he looked like a walking arsenal. He had wrapped across his torso both of his Razor Veils in such a way that he could bend and twist and wouldnt slice himself, and he could throw the tips of both out with an arm flick and have them ready to use in battle. Likewise he was wearing his two most sturdy Demon chakrams across his shoulder so they rested across his body easily without getting in the way. His arms were covered in his Demons Claw weapons, unique to him so he could be nearly as dangerous as a taijutsu user while still forming handseals.

He was wearing his Tenkai No ma robes, Robes designed with a Chakra weave to make them much more resilient to chakra based attacks than physical ones, yet were still quite resilient to untrained physical attacks. He likewise had his Demons breath mask on, which was silent yet kept his breathing protected from any smells or scents and likewise any poisons in the air. He walked through the village where people gave him a wider berth than was probably needed however he also had somewhat of a reputation in this village not by name but by his appearance.

He was given a berth of a minimum of 3 meters at a time and anyone who wandered too close was gripped by someone nearby and ripped out of the bubble before getting a hissed explanation as to what might happen if they got too close to that man. Arantima walked up to the dilapidated fountain in the center of town and made a swift leap up to the top of it which was no longer functioning. He perched himself up atop the 4 meter tall fountain and kept his eyes on the crowd below.. Watching the townsfolk like some kind of vulture or guardian... It wasnt easy to tell which.

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA


[Not activating Living clone telepathy for this thread]

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1250/1250

Heart beat Sense 10 meters in every direction
Blood sense 25 meters is every direction

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m
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Ryo : 500

Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:18 am
After arriving in the near ghost town of Yugakure, the ancient village that was once known as the village hidden amongst hot springs, Isomo sneaked up in a torn house, the roof all crumbled from the rot that took upon the structure. As she just ate a wandering villager before and left nothing but blood, she wasnt too keen of being seen yet, and rested in the ruins, hidden amongst other broken things. Assuring herself to be really unseen, and unoticed since she was at the edge of the village in a ruin, she fell asleep for a few hours, resting after her long trip.

It wasnt too long before a commotion woke her up. Even if the village was barely living anymore, there was still people living in it. And it seemed they were gathering or reaction to something or... someone? Either way, the villagers ans denizens looked scared of what arrived, and it drew the attention of the Tau woman. Getting out of the rubbles and her camouflage, Isomo put on her hood and black kimono, hidding mostly her monstrous appearance,  except for her face and mouth that was barely visible trough the shadow embrace created by her hood. Approaching the crowd, Isomo was weary, and as she approached she could see a man armed to the teeth, looking like an absolute machine of murder. Seeing this Isomo couldnt help herself but grin, eager to meet this man that terrified the population.

As everyone got away and gave way to the man, Isomo approached closer than everyone, but not too close as to get attacked either. As she looked over the man from head to toe, she was in glee over the silhouette before her dark green empty eyes. "By the blood of Jashin who are you?" Asked the monstrous woman with a large grin and a eager voice, hyped by the presence of someone akin to herself.
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Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:13 pm

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA

Arantima had felt a strange blood floow enter his area of influencce well before he saw its source. He felt it enter his shere of influence well before he had lept to the top of the fountain, and when the presence got close enough to his 3 meter sphere of 'No conact'.

When the new-comer had entered the sphere just close enough to not be threatening but close enough to be seen and distinguished from the crowds around, Arantima's eyes landed on Isomo before they even spoke.. He stared down at them as if appraising everyhing that could be appriased about them within moments, and yet he still stared when his eyes stopped moving as if staring through Isomo and into something deeper within that wasnt available for just anyone to see.

He casually kicked off the top of the fountain, gracefully falling down to the rim closer to the street and then once more hopping down onto the street just infront of the fountai, leaving a clear 2 meters between himself and isomo. "I am Arantima. I have no family name to speak of, only  my own reputation around this village.. Respect me and live. Disrespect me and die. The Common folk have learned it quickly, but you are no commoner. Your blood screams in my senses as it worms through your body insted of flowing like a humans should.. "

He canted his head gently to one side curiously "You invoked jashins name.. Not uncommon around here, however you invoked it.. In a way that ws uncommon. Jashinists around here are commoners and do not follow the perverted ways of worship that ninja have so egregiously misunderstood.. Are you a Jashinist cultist then? Who seeks death to immortalise yourself by the blood and pain of others?"

Arantima did not change the tambor or tone of his voice from cool and collected once during his questions, as if he was genuinely more curious than he was being judgemental. It was almost as if the answer itself didnt matter but how the answer was going to be presented, as if the question being asked was not what was spoken and was lef there to be deciphered, if the one being asked could do so,
Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA


[Not activating Living clone telepathy for this thread]

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1250/1250

Heart beat Sense 10 meters in every direction
Blood sense 25 meters is every direction

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m
Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
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Stat Page : The Collection
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:55 pm
As the man approached and got closer to Isomo to introduce himself, she took in his impresive stature and menacing look even if he was very calm. isomo knew that his cold attitude and restfullness was only in surface, and could feel it in her heart that this man knew the taste of blood as well as the pleasure of ripping trough flesh and breaking bones. The Tau girl, fascinated, answered after the man had stop talking.

"I too only have a name with a reputation of terror from where I come from, but around here I am not known, I prefer to have the advantage of surprise, only revealing myself when its too late for my prey. But this is.... different. *Large grin* my name is Isomo. My blood is but ash and dust surrounding my black threads, I am not a flesh bag like other shinobi." Answered Isomo calmly, with the wide monstrous mouth stitched across her face.

As the man asked about the faith of Isomo and asked if she seeked the immortality trough blood and pain, the Tau girl smiled even wider her eyes revealing her answer before her words.
"I did invoke Jashin name, and I consider myself neither a common believer nor a cultist. I seek immortality as a way to attain my goal, and my relationship with the Blood Lord isnt one of worshiper, but one of equal as I bring things in the world that please Jashin, and Jashin give me things I want, and talk into my ear often." Added to her answer the kunoichi that once belonged to Amegakure decades ago.

She wasnt afraid to share her true nature with him weirdly enough, as she felt this man and herself shared a lot, and that they were similar in their tendecy and way of seeing the world trough the eyes of predators and not prey.
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Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:01 pm

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA

Arantima listened closely to the words being spoken, His hands idly tracing down his bladed forearms and creating soft tinkling sounds as the metal claws on his gloves pinged off the metal blades along his forearms. His head snapped to attention however when Isomo said a particular phrase.. [Equal.. to Jashin?! Something shifted in him at that exact moment and before Isomo had even finished her speech Tima had moved.

Tima Moved his right arm at a lightning pace of 150 speed flicking out one of his Razor veils towards Isomo while letting the Wire it was attached to vibrate silently along his grip. The Head of the Razor Viel seemed to have a life of its own as it shot out violently fast (150 speed) for Isomos torso, but not to pierce it.. The head would swerve at the las secod and wrap the entire bladed ribbon around Isomo's upper body if it was able.

The moment it had bound Isomo she would find her strength and speed reduced by 30 (To a minimum of 1) and  Would find themselves held tight and fast by the wrapped steel ribbon that ws hugging her like a boa constrictor. "You claim to be an Equal to Jashin? And yet... You just stand here as weak as the masses around you.  Unwshed and stinking of arrogance and pride. You are an ant, and you take a seat at the table of a god, who are you to beleive you will not simply be squashed the moment a real threat walks up to the table in pursuit ogf that immortaility?"

Arantima holds the wire tightly and while he knows that Isomo is at his mercy he does not do anything further. "You Need to learn humility in the face of reality. So i give you two choices.. Say I am wrong, and challenge me, the weakest of threats you are likely to meet on that fools road you seek.. Or come with me and i will show you why your goals of immortality.. Are blinding you to the reality of options before you.  The statement you must Challenge me on? Immortality is a weak minds attempt at hiding from reality. Any person who hunts immortality is weaker than a 5 year old untrained child, and should be removed from the world they can not handle the realities of. Challenge that statement.. or learn its truth.. Your choice.."

Arantimas eyes had been hard before.. but now they were like spiritual scalpels, a serial killer facing off against his target in a fight he has alredy planned and is simply awaiting the outcome of...

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA


[Not activating Living clone telepathy for this thread]

Stat page:

-26 AP for Binding meteor

+10 ap for Heavenly body

+2 Stacks of Heavenly Body

+2 Stacks of Blood lust

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1234/1250
Heavenly Body 2/10
Blood Lust 2/10

Heart beat Sense 10 meters in every direction
Blood sense 25 meters is every direction

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m
Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Collection
Mission Record : OoOoO
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:06 am
Before Isomo could finish her answer, a large Ribbon like blade stretched very rapidly in her direction, and before she could react, the razor blade fixed on a steel fine wire wraped around her whole body, constricting her and diging lightly into her leather like flesh, gripping and restraining. As Isomo knew she had touched the man emotions, she smiled even wider, and listened to what he had to say. Hmmm a misunderstanding, how clasic. With her eyes deeply looking into the eyes of the gripping man without even flinching or blinking, she replied slowly and calmly, while twisting a bit to show just how sadistic she was, making the blade voluntarily dig a bit deeper into her flesh, just enough to start exposing a few twitching and twirling black threads all over her body whenever it was pierced, but not enough as to injure her more than on the surface.

"It seem this is a misunderstanding. I do not consider myself equal to a god. I say our relation is of duality, both whispering dark things in each others ear, and both serving the interest of one another. I am aware of my weak state, hence my preying on villagers or low ranking shinobi... for now." Replied Isomo, passing her abnormally long and sharp tongue onto her sharp teeths while still smilling creepily.

"But now now, you mock my goal, calling it a child game, a fools gambit... and say that if I follow you and open my mind, you will show me the truth? I must say, even if I still do believe in getting true immortality, you tickle a sense long lost in my mind, Curiosity. So by all mean, I will gladly follow you, and am ready for my beliefs to be challenged." Replied again the Tau girl, her grin now gone to leave only a face of curiosity and resolve.
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Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:05 am

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA

He simply shook his head and let out a soft scoff at Isomo's first volley of words "Then i must teach you basic words meanings now as well. To be on an even playing field is to be Equal. To Be on a level that allows one to Volley back and forth, giving and taking requires you to be ABLE To take something from the other party without their consent. The only way power exchanges work is if the power could be taken by one or the other party. I did not ask you if I could bind you there. I bound you. And Jashin? Does nothing. He does not care if I were to split you into slivers an inch wide and sell you as incense sticks."

There was .. No emotion in Tima's voice as he spoke, only an aspect of boredom perhaps? "You speak of things you do not understand and speak as if you and Jashin have an understanding. If I cut you down here and now, your Jashin would not care becuase you have no understanding with a creature who does not even register your existence in the grand scale of things." He held the Veil that bound Isomo with his right hand and began to Spin the other veil with his left.. The sound it made was of slicing, each thin blade like steel ribbon through the air created this sharp sound that was distinct to these Veils it would seem.

The spinning Veil passed around a 1 meter circle to Tima's immediate left over and over and over, moving at such immense speed that it would be hard to keep track of where it began and where the blade trail ended. "Your logic is that because you hear whispers that you prescribe to being the voice of jashin that you have a deities ear. And yet the most special thing I can see about you is your Strange organs. If i wanted you dead you would be and there would be nothing you could do to stop me, and Jashin himself would not stay my hand. So ask yourself about these claims you make Little creature. Are they true or are they what you tell yourself to make yourself forget the torment others have bestowed on you?"

He tugs the Veil that is wrapping Isomo even tighter but not tight enough to actually cause damage. "Becuase if you can not think beyond seeking power? If you can not learn to live subtly. You will attract the attention of someone that is hungry and sees your loud mouth as a source of food. And ask yourself, if jashin wont save you now? Will he save you then? Will your childlike screaming at reality.. at the law of life and death and saying that its unfair.. will that save you?"

And even still the demeanor in the man was one of death at a twitch and yet.. the emotions were not present. it was as if the cold embrace of his logical self was resolute and while he was abrasive and brash and acting as if fueled by rage. He himself was calm as a puppet, placid and unmoved by the raw nerves that would have seemingly struck someone else. The one thing that was clear and present however was the fact that he simply could not understand how someone had not yet asked themselves these questions and if they had.. how they had not yet seen the answer that sat before them..

Tima Flicked the Veil in his left hand to arc up and across the air, carving just a bare 0.2 Meters in front of Isomo's face, no damage befalling them, no risk of such even if she were to try and move. "What you do not realize yet is that you did use the word Equal, to refer to your views between yourself and Jashin. And yet you still prove the arrogance now by trying to claim otherwise. Have you not yet grasped the difference between confidence and arrogance? Between belief and Delusion? Because if you can not by the time it takes me to decide if you are worth letting live. I will put this strange new veiw to bed by ending its source."

The Razor veil that had been wrapping Isomo Ceases to bind her tightly, The Status draining effects are completely ended though the binding is still held by the tension Arantima is holding against the wire though without the strength of a jutsu backing it up.

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA


[Not activating Living clone telepathy for this thread]

- 14 AP for Binding meteor upkeep

Binding meteor CD starts next post

+10 ap for Heavenly body

+2 Stacks of Heavenly Body

+2 Stacks of Blood lust

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1230/1250
Heavenly Body 4/10
Blood Lust 4/10

Heart beat Sense 10 meters in every direction
Blood sense 25 meters is every direction

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m
Kenta Hoshimura
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Stat Page : Kenta
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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:08 pm
At the moment, a Man with platinum blonde hair approached, recently changed by things that happened to his body, yet still he was the same deep within. The muscle bound man walked forward, wearing nothing but his Kimono, an armor of his that easily held his kunai and such hidden from the prying eye. As the man approached the destination of the altar since being dropped into the village just outside of the temple by his token of his. Than he heard people talking about Lord that not the name of the god he was meant to pray to to gain a chance at second life... Raiden would walk to them.

He would note what appeared to be a possible...female maybe, but defiantly looked odd. The other man however had a presence about him and a knowledge about the lord Jashin it would seem. Raiden would speak up "Or Maybe Lord Jashin would be like most other believed gods and seemingly work through others and send a savior to their side that could easily handle you." The Chakra suppression that Raiden had up at that moment would be dropped, allowing himself to be fully felt in the presence. It was not a intimidation tactic but rather a sense to allow the other to feel their level of power being on par with each other, his confidence would speak volumes as well. Raiden carried himself unafraid of consequences as a man who knew his own skill level, and could judge situations and knew how to act in the proper scenarios.

After being the cause for the death of someone however would be the reason for him to try to defend someone far weaker if the need arose, however his sense of self preservation would prevent him from interfering if he knew they deserved it and it would cost him greatly if he was to interfere. Raiden was ready to call his trusty Katana to his head from the re-quip realm of his ancestors if it was so needed, but something told him it would not be needed. After a pause Raiden would speak up. If you know so much about this lord Jashin, is it true that if I pray to this temple that I will be granted a chance at a second life? You see, I'm on a mission of my own accord that could lead to my death, and I would much rather live, so if possible, I would like this chance before attempting my task of binding dragons to a summoning contract" Raiden almost laughed at his own words.

Dragons were mythical by this point, few people ever knew about them to begin with, and fewer still had met a dragon. Raiden however lived amongst Dragons for a time in a mans summoning realm while he was in hiding from the leaf village from some time back at this point. He wondered if the man would believe his story let alone care enough to question it, or give him the information he was asking for. He did not care if the pair did other things at the time. However any sign of a threat and Raiden was ready to react. Raiden would wait and Listen to the man.
Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Collection
Mission Record : OoOoO
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:58 pm
As Isomo listened more and more to the speech of the man, it sunked in deeper and deeper. He was right about a lot of things, and Isomo realized and knew she had lost her touch with both words and her way of speaking, as well as with reality. As she lived in the wild so long, she became more beast than person, more monster than human, loosing her sense and being more akin and acustomed to the voices in her head, as well as her own beliefs, unchallenged and alone, like she was for so many years. She did think she talked to Jashin, and trully believed it, but as the man said, there was no proof, and voices in her head were quite useless and eak proof of any divinity, nor power, prooving to be of no help should she need her so called dark god, as they were, maybe, just that, voices. She felt the shame now of her toughts, seeing how short sighted she became, how she lost her touch and grounding. 

She used to be different: when she was younger, still a ninja of Amegakure, she was logical, still a believer of Jashin, but more rationnal, she would have known that she was weak, and would have been more humble in this situation, more aware of the world. As she realized that, Isomo felt disdain for herself, reminded again of the view most people saw her as, a monster, a discusting creature of the gutter, an error of nature that should die like the discusting rat she was. feeling wrecked with triggering emotions reminiscing her of her past where she wasnt confidant in herself, she transformed her grin of pride and madness into a teeth grind of pain and sorrow, now realizing that she was hidding her still alive doubts of herself behind this embracement of her image as an abomination, toggling between over-confidance and self doubt, one side being proud that she was the monster people saw her as, and the other wanting to be burried alive, agreeing with the judgments of the masses. 

As she was torn by the statements of the man constricting her, she finaly found the force to answer to him, because she remembered the basis of her faith, of her travel, and goals. She wanted to belong. Having lived for seven decades, Isomo alway lived in the fringe of society, being seen as a monster, a creature that deserve to die. Never belonging everywhere for who she was and for her savage and bloodlust nature, as well as her appearance, she wanted to belong, and to perdure, more than anything else, as well as to be herself unapologetically, proud of her being and nature, and to live as long as possible, indestructible, impervious, to feel this feeling as long as can be, entering the world of legends and myths. But for this, she wanted to belong, and this man now offered a new option to learn, to see life from a new point again and to learn to be her true self. 

''I lived in the wild for far too long, and my way with words isnt as good as yours... You speak the truth... These voices cant save me, but are the only thing that have saved me from myself, from giving up. My beliefs are what I had to belong, and what I have to perdure. I am, indeed naive, and hate myself for that. But most of all, I am ready to learn. I am ready to finally find a place where I can belong. And I am ready to do anything to safegard my survival.'' said Isomo calmly, ready to follow the man, and oppen minded. 

In her mind though, she knew he was right, mostly. She was indeed delusionnal, and weak, and her god even if she would tell him a thousand time to help her, would not care, and Isomo would die, alone, and in the darkness, falling into the past, forgotten forever.While she did realise this from the conversation, her goal of attaining immortality was still maintained, as she disagreed it was a ''childish goal''. But she understood something different. Jashin was but a tool to her goal, and her goal was far down the road, and her beliefs and way of being too loud about it was a poor way of doing it, as believing in the dark god and seeing herself as equal or worthy, was nothing else than being loud and zealous, furthering herself from the one and only thing she wanted from Jashin himself. Now she had shifted her beliefs: she still wanted to be immortal, but instead of believing in Jashin, she would need to believe in herself and her abilities to survive outside of her ultimate immortality goals. She would need to become stronger, more torough, more carefull, and this man proposed his help in making her learn that, a golden opportunity she couldnt pass, as well as a chance to belong in a group maybe.

As she was in her mind after answering, another man arrived, adding himself to the discussion about Jashin, as if it wasnt complicated enough already! As the man interupted the end of the discussion by hinting he maybe was an avatar of Jashin sent to help Isomo wrapped like a saussage into the razor veil of Arantima, the Tau girl couldnt help but smile at the timing and irony of it, seeing it as a small hint that maybe her beliefs sometimes were true, even if she now shifted them in her mind. As the man continued to talk, he asked about a second life to those who worshiped Jashin, but Isomo kept her mouth shut, not wanting to go ranting again on the life Jashin could or couldnt give, taking in the advice from Arantima to stop thinking the dark lord would grant life, and also to stay low, and be discreet.
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Vampirism meets Tau-ism Empty Re: Vampirism meets Tau-ism

Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:34 am

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA

Tima Had sensed the Third presence long before he could actually see them.. This time the blood was normal.. But the way it was pumping through the veins as it moved directly towards Himself and Isomo is what set him on edge.  Arantima's Razor veil that he had kept Spinning beside him suddenly Stopped mid flight, as if held by an invisible force as Arantima's eyes began to glow a soft and subtle gold color. The Veils both begin to snake around Arantima's form to coil back up into the intricate way he has to bind them to his torso so that he is able to launch them out swiftly and easily one after the other.

When Tima had them both put away He turned away from Isomo to fully face Raiden as he approached and when Raiden was About 5 Meters out Arantima would hold up a hand in the universal sign for "Halt", If Raiden stayed where he was Arantima would simply stand still and listen, if he kept trying to close the distance Arantima would move backwards at an equal pace to Raiden until Raiden stopped, keeping 5 meters between himself and the new man at all times.

Arantima looked at Raiden intently, not making eye contact but always watching just around there, like fencing with the eye to eye connection. He listened intently to Raidens words and felt around for the heartbeats of both Raiden and isomo, getting a read on how the two were feeling. "I do indeed know more than my fair share of Jashin.. I am no beleiver, but the knowledge of its truths and its heretic cultists can assist one in living around these lands. Understanding that a Jashinist priest will heal any who ask so long as they can demonstrate that they understand the pain they are in, where a cultist will only seek to increase your pain."

Arantima put his hand down so his palm was no longer Facing Raiden as he turned his head towards Isomo "I am Arantima as I said before.. Come here, Stand at my back and slightly to the left and do not leave that position. Consider this your second test. Your first has been passed, but do not celebrate that." He then turned back towards Raiden and ran his razor claw gloved hand through his hair gently, a practiced motion it seems.

"I know the rumors. And that pursuit is one I can get behind, a second chance incase your mission has consequences you did not forsee... But only one second chance.. I wonder if you have heard of the costs incurred? The rumor is that Jashin takes a piece a of your soul in order to rebuild you if you die. I have never known a person to actually verify its veracity... But faith can be a strong enough motivator can it not?" Arantima looked Raiden up and down once again.

"You speak of Dragons.. This is intriguing, I have but one question to ask of you in return since i gave you a small answer. The answer I receive need not be detailed either. Do you know of the Sons and Daughters of Jashin? And the Rivals Jashin crafted in a twisted game of cat and mouse?"

Vampirism meets Tau-ism RlNMUAA


[Not activating Living clone telepathy for this thread]

Binding meteor CD  1/2

+50 ap for Heavenly body resting

+2 Stacks of Heavenly Body

+2 Stacks of Blood lust

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1250/1250
Heavenly Body 6/10
Blood Lust 6/10

Heart beat Sense 10 meters in every direction
Blood sense 25 meters is every direction

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25

Vampirism meets Tau-ism A9ZAf7m
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