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John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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man meets girl (p) (nk) (io) Empty man meets girl (p) (nk) (io)

Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:41 pm
John woke up from his bed from his usual nightmares and panted heavily as he rubbed his face.John blinked several times to calm down and figure out where he was. there was his night desk, the usual things and furniture and other items and stuff you'd find in an apartment. John got off the bed with shaking legs and slowly walked towards the showers and had a refreshing shower to not only clean himself, but also to wake himself up even more. after 20 minutes of this. yes, 20 minutes. John stayed in the showers to remind himself that he was in his apartment. and not where... wherever he was in his dreams. John then looked at himself in the mirror and stroked his blonde hair as he then washed his face and then got dressed up in his usual gear, which consisted of green camo pants. brown sandals and orange vest. John then took his headband and strapped it to his forehead. all of this happened after John had eaten his breakfast. John then took his sword, strapped it to his waist and and headed out. why John brought his sword, looked a bit weird from others eyes, but one would never know when an opportunity would arise when one could use it. John unconsciously stroked his scars that were spread across his body. John had a free day, so John wanted to spend it just walking across his village that he was apart of. just relax and keep on walking. As John had walked around the village now, he was starting to feel hungry. so off to the ichiraku ramen he went.
Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:04 pm
A rather small girl walked through the village that she called home. Recently, she had learned that everything she knew was a big lie. As one can expect, she had a bad reaction to this and ran away from home. This would explain her very dirty and weathered clothes. Her once bright yellow jacket now had holes up and down the sleeves as well as being a brownish color. On her back was a battered bag that contained all of her possessions. Her hair was very messy and uneven. In the front, it was parted in the center and hung down to about chin length. However the back was in even worse condition. There were several spots in which her hair as only an inch long, but at others it was up to 3 inches in length.
She had large pale lavender pupils in the center of her eyes. Her facial expression was one that reflected how she felt. They showed anger and confusion, but at the same time, showed a vulnerability that was to be expected in a young 13 year old girl. Covering the Caged Bird Curse Mark that she had placed on herself previously was a headband signifying that she was a kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf Village.

John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:40 pm
John spotted a girl that had dirty clothes and messy hair. thinking that he could help, John walked up to her with careful steps and as soon as he got within arm's reach, John smiled warmly and looked at her. "hey, little girl. are you feeling alright? your clothes are dirty, and your hair is a mess. did something happen to you?" John asked her with a warm and sincere voice. all John wanted to do was to help her. "are you hungry? do you need any help?" John had asked the little girl.John could tell that the girl was a shinobi. John saw her hidden leaf headband, and knew that she had to be a genin. John had hoped that the girl wouldn't think strangely of him or try to attack him, simply because of his looks. he couldn't help if his face looked like that of a thug. John continued to talk to her. "listen. i was on my way to the ichiraku ramen. i can take you there and treat you to a bowl of noodles, if you want." John finished with a heartwarming smile and had also crouched down a bit to be on her level. John had hoped that the girl would agree with the bowl of noodles, as she looked like she could have a meal or two.
Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:57 pm
All of a sudden, Akiko was approached by a much larger man. She couldn't help, but get nervous as he was nearly twice her size. His voice sounded very kind and caring, but at the same time he didn't look as if he could be trusted. These were the thoughts run through Akiko's mind when he offered to treat her to dinner. Akiko opened her mouth and was about to turn down his offer, but her stomach had other plans. Almost out of nowhere, Akiko's stomach growled very loudly. I haven't eaten in a couple of days and ramen does sound nice at the moment... In the end, Akiko's stomach prevailed over her suspicion. "I could go for some ramen. My name is Akiko Hyuuga by the way. What's yours?" She looked up at the man with her large pale lavender eyes that verified her identity as a Hyuuga.
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:10 pm
John's smile grew. and he also had chuckled a bit at the growling of her stomach. "my name's John. John Kaguya." John said as he stood up,now erected and began to walk with Akiko towards the ichiraku ramen restaurant. John looked down to Akiko and began to talk. "so, Akiko. is there any reason why you look so disheveled? did you run away from home perhaps? i can understand if you don't want to talk about it. you're feeling nervous, perhaps." John said. then John continued after a slight pause. "or perhaps you don't want to talk about it now, maybe later? either way, it's up to you." John said as they entered the ichiraku ramen noodle restaurant and John took a seat at the middle section and ordered a beef ramen. John had pulled up a seat to his left and motioned for Akiko to sit down. "you can order whatever you want. it's my treat." John said to the girl. it had seemed that this was gonna prove interesting for John.
Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:28 pm
Akiko was still a little unsure on whether he was to be trusted, but his willingness to share his name really eased her suspicions. So he's from the Kaguya Clan, huh? She walked in silence alongside him to Ichiraku Ramen until he struck a nerve. Akiko was still very upset at her adoptive family for keeping the fact that she was adopted to themselves. When John asked if she had run away from home and if she wanted to talk about it, she immediately lost the trace of a smile that she had and tears started to build up in her eyes. The act she had been putting on of being a cold hearted kunoichi who showed no emotion was shattered. She sat there in silence as tears started rolling down her face. No matter how much she tried to deny it, she missed her house and her parents.
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:03 am
John turned and saw tears in Akiko's eyes,and regretted what he had said. "look, i'm really sorry for what i said. i really didn't mean to say that. i can see now that you miss your parents." "no duh." John's thought spoke to him. "way to go, moron. you made a little girl cry." inside, John shook with anger. anger at how he felt when his parents left him behind. well, enough of bad childhood trauma. John pulled Akiko closer into a hug. "look, i'm really sorry that i brought that up. i shouldn't have said that. John then pulled away and had a half neutral look, and half smile on his face. "after this, i'll take you home, ok? does that sound good to you?" John asked Akiko.
Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:33 pm
Akiko was jolted out of her crying when she was suddenly hugged. Her sadness suddenly turned into an anger. The anger grew when he offered to return her home. "What're you trying to pull?!" She glared at John with her large pale lavender eyes. What is he planning?! Does he think I'll just let a random stranger hug me like that?! She got up from her chair and stomped off, not wanting to be left alone with John any longer. She hardly ever let her parents hug her much less someone she just met.
[attempted exit]
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:37 pm
John shrugged and walked in to the ichiraku ramen and ordered a beef noodles. after John was done eating, he payed up and then promptly left and headed back home.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:23 am

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