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Ryo : 54000

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:49 pm
Truth Part 1:

Truth Part 2:

Truth Part 3:

The Following Rewards are Rewarded at the end of All three missions

28500 Ryo
143 AP
30 Tickets
1 Golden ticket

A total of 12000 WC Required for Completion Split evenly among all participants. The Mission completion Benchmarks will be noted per Player below in the case of Mid thread Claims being made to Denote Total required for completion of Each mission.

Mizuki Ohta - 1500 / 3500 / 6000

Arantima - 1500 / 3500 / 6000
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:47 pm

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) AoePh9W

Arantima had found himself walking through a Very strange village at night with a Blood red moon hanging high in the sky. He had wandered for a long while, just trying to see if he had any familiarity with this Village at all and to give himself time to ensure that he had all of his equipment with him as well. He had checked his Armor and it fit well, his Twin demon lance was separated and sheathed as it should be and his Kunai were all aligned up his left side with his chest pocket filled with his shuriken and Makibishi, his weapon pouch behind his back holding his scrolls with his Massive amounts of sealed Makibishi as well as his bottle of blood pills.

He found himself satisfied with his equipment and the fact that he had been lucky enough to be wearing it when he found himself wandering these strangely empty streets. The streets were empty, but the buildings he passed by were not. He could feel the heartbeats of those who resided inside and most of them were quickened either by fear or something else but there was no sound coming from within at all as he walked the streets and that kept him on edge. He had made sure to grow out his Nails to a full four inches and cut himself slightly on the back of the neck.. He could feel pain, So this was either some strange Genjutsu, or something else.. He felt no danger so he did not feel the need to use Genjutsu release and waste the Chakra if it wasn't.

Arantima looked around this Strange Village but time and time again he was seemingly led down a pathway that brought him to look upon a large compound-esque building that seemingly had only one major doorway that was guarded by two imposing looking guards that bore a strange symbol on their chests, an upside down triangle surrounded by a large circle.. That symbol was strangely familiar to Arantima but he could not quite place where it was from. Every time he found himself staring at this building he was doing so from a tucked away alleyway away from the major streets. The Blood red moon above made sure that the air around him was tinged with a dull red glow and even the torch-light that flicked distantly from the major streets was tinged a similar bloody red.

He had made sure to avoid taking the major streets as even though many of these streets were empty.. He did not wish to draw attention to himself when he was somewhere he did not know. He kept to the back alleys and would turn straight around if he was turning his way onto a major thoroughfare. This time as he stayed and watched the guardsman for a while he noticed several other people that were dressed in similar fashion to the guardsman come up and after a small exchange they were allowed in, now Arantima was certainly curious as to what exactly was going on here.. The only people that were walking the streets openly were all heading into this building.. Why?

He looked up at the height of the buildings around himself and scoffed softly to himself, These buildings were so much shorter than the buildings of Sunagakure.. He crouched down and settled his shoulders with a soft wiggle as he aimed for the lip of the nearest tall building which was merely 20 meters tall and jumped, traveling at 145 speed through the air he landed gracefully as a cat might with just the soft sound of a boot on stone as he landed on the ledge and fell into a soft crouch as he started to survey they Streets to see if he could find out where the people who were coming towards the building were coming from, And instead.. He saw the one person who was not Dressed like the others on the streets..  He did a Double take and Had to look for a long moment before he did in fact believe it was her, His Big sis was here too?!

He Took a moment to see if there was a direct line to somewhere within her line of sight that he could get to without being seen and he spotted the path.. A Small clearing about 20 meters away from Mizu but one she would be able to see as soon as he landed. He let out a soft breath and formed the Ram symbol and with a small dust devil rising around himself he vanished from his spot and traveled at 225 speed to the place he had chosen, where another small dust devil kicked up and surrounded him silently as he appeared, dying down as swiftly as it appeared.

He was facing Mizu and Dropped to both of his knees and sat on his heels with his eyes cast down at the floor as he waited for Mizu to acknowledge him. “Mizuki-Ane! I am glad that I am not alone here!  I have found that this place is mostly locked down. That guarded building is the only one that seems to have any activity but there is some sort of security check to get inside. I was looking above to see if there was a Single person I could capture and interrogate, but with you here that might not be required.” He looked up to her with a very happy and relieved smile across his face, though his Serial killer like eyes made that smile more than a bit creepy, like a cheshire cat with blood red eyes and Vampire fangs.

946/946 Words | 946 / 6000 Goal

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1005/1005

Vigor: 80 |  Chakra: 40 | Speed: 145 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 112 | Throwing Distance: 56 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing (Slotless), Itemcrafting, Chakra Infusion, Clan Pureblood (slotless), Chakra Supression, Chakra Sensory, One-handed Seals

Equipment On body: Demons Shroud Armor, Twin Demon Lance (In two pieces sheathed on thighs), Demon claws (Worn over Arms), 5 Kunai (50 HP In weapon pouch), 5 Shuriken (50HP In weapon pouch), 1 Weapon pouch
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Fri Oct 15, 2021 4:22 am
Eerie, dank and congested with enough condensed fear it would make just about any sensory users’ stomach turn from the sheer weight of it. Hell, even for any shinobi this overbearing chakra would feel suffocating to most senses - but the sky was cloudless which only let the reflected blood tinted light filtrate more prominently upon the scene; nearly painting the scenery in a ghastly dull red. … Another nightmare? They had been far more frequent over the last few months and even more lifelike but this felt too set in reality to be completely constructed by just her mind - even the surrounding heartbeats held rhythms that were too natural to be anything but realistic. 

She hadn’t moved an inch in any direction since coming into place, standing her ground in what looked like a deserted town square. She had her usual accoutrements strapped and attached amongst her person - Kunai, Shuriken, Senbon, a couple Smoke Balls and Explosive Tags, even her Enhanced Soldier Pills that replenished her chakra stores thrice over - but other than that she wore a newly configured outfit; A sleeveless, white, loosely fit bodysuit that crossed over her chest into a modest ‘V’ shape, her waist cinched in with a leather piece adorned with black owl feathers and tied with a thick red rope, a hybrid of a cape and cardigan was formed by long draping black fabric and more black owl feather, and all was shadowed by the most telling feature - a wide brimmed hat made of white straw and accented with a metal topper and two slender horns jutting out a foot from where her face sat underneath it.

The reason she hadn’t moved? This feeling was… familiar, oppressive and aggressive but not completely new and she was spending her time soaking in it before making any moves - this was all interrupted when the sudden dust cloud disrupted the still night 20 meters from her stone-like position. Her expression shifted from calm and contemplative to abrasive and warry in an instant - casting her violet gaze around she moved closer to him, speaking to him even though she refused to look down at his form, stopping at 3 meters from his position to hiss at him, “Get. Up.” Her face was struggling between impassive calm and wild panic. 

Her breath was held for the moments it took Arantima to rise from his position, all the while her gaze judged each dark corner with the scrutiny of a pawn man looking to scam a desperate woman away from her jewels. Truth be told the moment she saw Arantima the puzzle clicked together - the oppressive feeling of this place was of Jashin and his disciples; the very thing that made her clan exist in the world in the first place. With a decisive point of her index finger she indicated for him to take his place next to her on the right side, close enough for a whispered conversation, “Astute reconnaissance, clumsy reconnect. Assume you are watched at all moments regardless of what you feel or hear. Basics of infiltration work as well when confronted with the reverse situation.” Setting her jaw for a moment she took the time to consider the information that had been given to her - combining it with what she knew. 

Taking a slow deep breath she would turn her face to him - an expression of consideration before she spoke again - “You are correct in the fact that with me here it won’t be required…”. As she closed her eyes her face would turn forward again, setting itself like solidifying water into an icy regal exterior forming over any familiar tones it once held. Her eyes held a ‘far away’ look to them and while once might suggest she looked uninterested if they could feel the muscles in her body they would know she was wound tighter than any coil could hope to be. “We are about to meet our maker’s Arantima, follow my lead.”,even her tone was cold, but this was not the time nor the place to dissect the meanings or reasonings behind it all… this was hell for their kind and it was time to show adaptability. 

With those few words she would begin a smart pace toward where she could only assume this guarded building was set, if they were in a town square then, a church was where they set their base of operations. How disgustingly fitting, to make a mockery of these people’s religion by corrupting it with their cult like energy - as they walked it took a good deal of willpower just to contain her contempt at the notion of it all. She wasn’t a religious woman by any means, but to contain an entire village like this and turn them into… into what? What was Jashinism cooking up this time? When the last time they dabbled in a new experiment it created the… the Kyuketsuki. 

Rounding onto the main roads the building in question came into full view - the symbol painted above the single door held more power over her than she would ever admit - all illuminated by the red tinted moon held aloft just to the east of its peak. Expression, passive. Tone, contemptuous in nature - “This is Jashinism. At the center is the Self, in sharp encroaching angles are Pain, Life and Death. The Pain of the Mind, the Life of the Soul and the Death of the Body, all encircled by the World. It once stood as the polytheist religion that acknowledged and respected the faiths of others but has instead fallen into corrupt hands over the centuries after it’s birth, leaving leaders who rather accept the idea that all things considered evil are due to people’s fear and accepted that wholeheartedly into their core.” The steps she took had not faltered nor had they slowed, instinctively knowing that there was no other way of approach but head on and with unbridled confidence - even recklessness for most others. 

“Lord Jashin is what birthed our clan into this world. Lord Jashin has many avenues in which he deals and many dens in which he dwells, this is just another. As Kyuketsuki we should have unhindered admittance, seeking court in the temple of our creator was a right bred into our blood… but it has been too long since a member of our clan has set foot in any meeting place, truth be told I have only read recounted tellings in the archives of such meetings and even those were decades old by the time I laid eyes on them. Just… watch your mouth.” The last words were barely audible even at their close range before she fell silent and stopped a few moments later in front of the hooded guard. She didn’t even bother looking at them, though she noted their heartbeats were extremely faint as Arantima’s was before his full turning - half breeds. 

The two guarding the door stood a little straighter before giving peripheral glances at one another, still not saying a word but also not fully admitting them. Finally she glanced at the guard to her left, disgust radiating from her in waves, “What. Never been in the presence of the original you were a failed attempt at a copy from? Open the doors.” Her gaze reverted forward as she waited for the doors to part - which they did only a couple seconds after her comment - without a comment more she pressed forward, throwing the doors open to slam against the walls. All an act to solidify it all … or… was it. For a moment there even Mizuki couldn’t differentiate herself from the act - she actually felt slighted. Was it due to the presence of her maker being so concentrated, her father’s slow encroaching and warned of insanity or… was this her?

1302/6000 word count total
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Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
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Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:19 pm
“Get. Up.” This was all that rang through Arantima's ears as his stood up swiftly, his armor settling into place as he stiffened and kept his gaze low. He had moved so fat that even he couldn't quite place all of his movements together for how he had arrived to his standing position. The momentum of his standing motions did however send the small bit of loose wire that hung behind his back to bounce silently behind him settling only once he moved to stand to Mizuki's side. He kept his mouth tightly shut and his eyes always ahead, he wasnt quite sure that he had made a mistake or not.. Until she spoke again and his every muscle and fiber relaxed..

He was not in a large amount of trouble, and had only made an error in how he approached.. That he could fix and reflect on later though, now was the time to listen and Follow Mizu's lead. He leveled out his breathing and kept his senses sharp while he was listening to Mizu speak and ruminate about what he found.. He Pivoted around with her, ensuring he was always at her right side, but when she began to move forward he let her get a full stride ahead of himself and kept that strides gap between them easily. He was learning a fair bit about Jashinism and he tried to leave a mental note for himself to ask again at a later time if he couldn't remember something.

He Committed one single thing to memory, that The Jashin religion was responsible for the Kyuketsuki clan being what they are now.. The Blood and the Claws and the fangs.. He Never could quite understand until the days after Mizu had given him the Kyuketsuki kiss that.. what he was born for was something different than what he had been told and taught. The way he stared at everything and everyone had a purpose, a purpose that his blood and soul knew but his mind and heart were lied to about for so long.

There was a smell as they got closer to the Large church.. A smell of grave dust and stale blood, it was like potpourri that was so old you could barely smell it anymore and was just a bowl filled with grey dried plants.. A smell that should have excited him merely made him somewhat annoyed at its presence as they stopped and Mizu spoke to the guards at the door. When they didnt immediately open the doors his Serial killers gaze went from one of the guards to the other and then back in such a quick motion that it could scarcely have been noticed. His hands did not go to the swords on his thighs, but instead his clawed hands curled into talon like expressions just as the guards opened the door.

Arantima Followed Mizu into the compound and relaxed his clawed hands as he did so, letting out a soft breath, looking to Mizu to see what would be the next course of action now that they were inside. He closed the doors behind them gently, at least more gently than Mizu had opened them. The Same smell permeated his nose and he let out a dissatisfied snuffle as he reached up and rubbed at his nose gently. "It's so stale if it were bread it would be hard enough to build with.." He spoke only softly, barely audible but loud enough Mizu would be able to hear him if she was listening for him.

Arantima Quickly turned back towards Mizu and looked from Mizu to the rest of the hall that they were in.. There were many corridors and many other doors and pathways they could take, and he was not even quite certain what they were looking for nor what they would find in here. He had found Mizu, that was all that he realistically could do.. He could lock the door behind them, but that would just be suspicious to anyone outside.. He was really only well suited for a fight if it came to it.. And even then if it came to a fight was he ready to deal with any of the opponents that they might face in a place like this?

There was definite fear welling up within him as his breath quickened for a short moment as he waited for what seemed like an eternity for him, but was in reality probably less than a few seconds for Mizu to give him instructions. He wanted to ask a thousand different questions, but that could happen later, and asking them now would be dangerous. He wanted to do something, anything that could help but he didnt know what that could be and so he was struggling to contain his own mind at the moment, but outwardly he was stoic.. As he had trained himself to be all his life, no matter the inner war that was going on his breathing was leveled out as his mask flew up swiftly.

Suddenly he was standing there with a hand resting on the handle of one of his swords, casually looking around the space as if he was comfortable as someone who belonged there... Like a switch had flipped and he was blending in as if he truly belonged, just waiting for more instructions but there was no frantic-ness to his looks around the place his breathing was level and there was nothing about his air any longer that spoke of panic or curiosity instead it was replaced with an air of passivity and relaxed demeanor that made him feel like he was meant to be there. The teeth in his mouth extended almost an inch as he yawned softly and as he ran his free hand through his hair his nails would extend to their full 4 inch length, which he casually inspected after he had combed his somewhat wild hair into a more neat, but still messy mop.

He places his other hand on the Handle of his other sword as he looks to Mizu, Remaining Silent as he is completely unsure what would be acceptable to say but also looking to her to take the lead now that they were inside, while his external demeanor had shifted internally he was still frantically going insane.

1056/2004 Words | 2004 / 6000 Goal

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1005/1005

Vigor: 80 |  Chakra: 40 | Speed: 145 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 112 | Throwing Distance: 56 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing (Slotless), Itemcrafting, Chakra Infusion, Clan Pureblood (slotless), Chakra Supression, Chakra Sensory, One-handed Seals

Equipment On body: Demons Shroud Armor, Twin Demon Lance (In two pieces sheathed on thighs), Demon claws (Worn over Arms), 5 Kunai (50 HP In weapon pouch), 5 Shuriken (50HP In weapon pouch), 1 Weapon pouch
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:55 pm
As the doors shut with a thud behind them her eyes would close, taking several deep breaths before opening again - automatically adjusting the dim and dank surroundings of the entry hall they were now in. Slowly she moved her hands behind her back and gripped her right wrist with her right hand - forcing her posture to be high and regal. The air was silent save for the breathing next to her coming from Arantima and the slight rustling as he adjusted his stance a bit while looking around. Now that they were in where to go, the hall was lined with several unassuming looking doors with different symbols etched on them - some in blood and some carved in crudely with something sharp. Decoy doors most likely, some of them probably rigged to alert someone of intruders opening the wrong doors or traps meant to weaken the subject for further testing… or sacrifice. 

Only one way forward though so might as well - with that she began moving forward with her head held high and forward, only her eyes glanced back and forth among the symbols on the doors - there was no dust on the ground to follow so it had to come down to how much she knew about fuin symbols and Jashin symbols. The hall continued on for some meters but with a simple glance back the door was shrouded in darkness - as expected - she continued to move along at a purposeful and calm pace.

In a near hiss she would speak to Arantima, “There were several thousand books in the Kyuketsuki Tombs archives, mostly historical or instructional in nature, but some held information about meetings such as these. It takes a lot to set up a hive of this size and these symbols are all set up in order to achieve that as well as hold any attempting to infiltrate. We are looking for the symbol referring to ‘Ascension’, a triangle split in three with spirals coming out of the middle in a concentric pattern. This is the correct door that will lead us up the chain so to speak.” The two continued to move, eyes sweeping the doors as they passed til finally on the left was a door that looked the same as all the others, with a carved in symbol that matched her description. Pausing in place she slowly turned her face to stare at the symbol, her tongue running over the inside of her teeth and yet she continued to not move. 

Finding the door was only half the battle, now the point of contention for her was whether or not they sealed it with the true blood or with those originally half blooded. Would her blood be too potent now… her eyes glanced to the side that Arantima was at before glancing back at the symbol. Statistically it would be more likely his blood would be more attune to this - “Prick your finger before opening this door Arantima, that should allow us entry.” She would wait for this to happen, and as hoped the door clicked open with ease as a fresh wave of scent washed over the two of them. It was so strong that it made even Mizuki react by turning her face slightly away from the doorway with a pained expression. 

Blood, that unmistakable iron stench was stronger than a mere door should have been able to contain - but that was no door. After the moment she turned her face forward once more to stare ahead at the concealed stairwell - lit by warm flickering sconces on the walls and the faintest set of heartbeats just out of eyeline at the top. The red ring around her pupil seemed to grow and push further into her iris at the overwhelming presence of blood and brethren - no matter how removed in potency. This is where they all were, this is where it was happening… “Welcome home..” she whispered as if to herself before ascending the staircase with her hands still behind her back. 

Though the heartbeats never increased in strength there stood two cloaked guards at yet another door - one more intrinsically adorned in nature than this building would have ever been able to house previous to it’s new hosts. As she had before she paused at the landing, 2 meters from the two who stiffened up at the sight of them - since they weren’t heard. The guard on the right spoke in a gruff voice, though with enough attitude to be anything but insulting, directed at Arantima who was taller than her and would look to be escorting her - “The feast isn’t set for another few hours, why not take this one to it’s proper holding pen.” This got a chuckle from the other guard who began to relax his shoulders as his partner was taking the lead. Tilting her head slightly to the side she stared at this man’s shrouded face with a distinctly joyous expression. “Curious, you would think someone guarding the Blood-Bound would be better educated.” The mans head jerked up in an offended manner, but before he was allowed to speak again she cut him off, stepping forward into his personal space to be just in front of him to be able to look up at him with the red in her eyes dancing with the light. “I’d suggest you use your ears for once instead of your mouth, if you did you would hear silence save for the man stood next to you.” 

In a flash her hand was gripping his jaw and jerking it even further up to force him to stare at the ceiling and reveal his throat. “I don’t take insults lightly, boy. You could apologize and open the door or you could get hurt. Count to three, to make up your mind. Do what you can on borrowed time to convince me that I should be kind-” The guard on the left finally stepped forward with a stuttered apology and a sharp bow, one she acknowledged by staring at him from the corner of her eye. “W-were sorry we weren’t aware of any more esteemed guests joining the list this evening. Our sincerest apologies.” The man stayed in his bowed position, causing Mizu to look back at Arantima with a glint of masochism he had yet to see in her eyes. 

Maybe it was due to the fact she was surrounded by her own kind for the first time in her life - but something was awakening her royal blood - and it was monstrous in nature. Had she been able to watch objectively she might even suggest she saw the shadow of her father in her actions, her words, even her look. Unhinged wasn’t it but it wasn’t Mizuki Ohta. Giving Arantima a slight smile she turned back to the man she held and her grip softened to gently grab his chin and tilt his head down to better look him in the eyes. “Seems I’m not the only bitch capable of sparing you.” With that she released his face from her grip, noting his jaw clench as he held back what she was sure to be a colorful retort. The other guard swiftly righted himself and opened the doors for them - on the other side was something even she couldn’t have guessed at.

The room was large and cathedral in nature, the rooms walls were lined with draped fabrics mostly consisting of velvet in varying shades of reds. The lighting overhead was something to behold, branches of mahogany wood were interlaced in a way that made the entire ceiling feel like they were under tree tops all while providing a warm glow to the room. While the room was gorgeous it was the beings within that brought it to a different level - scattered around in various groups were an assortment of people, some with purerer heartbeats and some with faint ones. Milling about with drinks in hand of various colors having conversations that all ceased to whisper as the doors shut quietly behind them. All eyes turned to them as they stood there for a moment the room seemed to swell in the silence before a man stepped out from a group. Dressed in long robes that were adorned with a variety of stitched on Jashin symbols he opened his arms wide to greet them - his face a mask of friendliness. “Seems we are blessed by more of Jashin’s children on this grand evening, please come in.” 

“Separate.”, the word was barely even a breath as she stepped forward, bringing her hands to her chest in an accepting gesture. “Your hospitality is most appreciated, there was no way we could miss something so glorious.” As the man approached her she bent to one knee and cast her eyes down as a show of respect. He finally stopped his approach, placing his hands behind his back with a gentle smile broaching a face that held no age, “All children of Jashin are welcome.” Still looking down, his words cast an immediate smile on her face that held in place as she looked back up at him, “All?” At this distance the man could see her face much clearer and more importantly - her eyes. All half Kyuketsuki have red eyes or at least some shade of red in them - but a pure Kyuketsuki born from the original seven are marked with shifting colored eyes. At their helm was the most recognizable of the shades - violet. The realization that passed over his face was something not even he could have hid and in a sharp gasp he spoke with a much different tone, “Hiromasa?” 


WC 1609
TWC 2911/6000
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Survived 2021
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Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:10 pm
Arantima had been looking at.. something.. He was sort of spaced out until he heard a single footfall, he snapped back into reality as he fell into line right beside Mizu catching up to her in a controlled manner as they went through the halls. His Armor and Equipment drew the attention of a great many people who had heartbeats that were.. As faint as a whispered sigh from across the room, but once they saw him Decked out to the nines in armor and more than a few weapons, and those eyes that he stared them down with they stayed back in their nooks without a second word or glance to him.

He Followed Mizu wordlessly, still unsure if he should be talking or not so his best bet was to Ere on the side of shutting the hell up so that Mizu could think. It was when she spoke that his ears perked up and he paid more attention to what she was saying now than he had ever paid attention to anything before in his life. He Just nodded, He had seen a few symbols that were.. close to that description but none that were exactly it.. Something was missing or different about the ones they had passed up until now. He did turn his head to look down the hall to ensure they were not being followed.

He turned to see that there was indeed one man in a robe coming up from behind them about 30 meters back, staying smart enough to be out of sensory range but there was a quick clawed hand that grabbed the robe and in a few hushed whispers the robed man looked at Tima who simply opened his mouth and bared his fangs silently.. The man in robes nodded once and disappeared behind an alcove. When he turned his head back around Mizu had seemed to have found the door they were looking for. He stepped forward just a half step to inspect it closer so he could see it better, and hopefully recognize it if he saw it again.

He Turned when Mizu gave him an instruction. He was wordless as he lifted his hands and pricked one of his fingers with one of his Nails and moved to open the door. The Seal drew out a fair bit of blood from the finger prick and the blood seeped into the seal before the door clicked open and Arantima swung it open for them both. When he opened it the scent washed over him and he let out more than a soft growl.. This Growl he let loose was a chest deep hungry predatory noise that was filled with pleasure.

Tima didnt even try to hide the full body shudder as his fangs were on full display for a moment. He blinked gently and found himself breathing rapidly and heavily which he calmed down after a few calmer and slower breaths. He Followed Mizu up the stairs and when Mizu stopped So too did he. When the guard opened his mouth he simply looked between Mizu and that dumb little fuck. He simply watched as Mizu closed the Distance and Handled her business as he knew she would. Arantima didnt Draw a single Kunai or a weapon from any sheathes of his merely crossing his arms and waiting.

He watched the guards fumble with themselves to get out of the situation without being ripped apart and he let out a soft scoff at the guard who bowed "Ah.. one finally realizes its place.." Arantima walks into the room Behind Mizu gracefully, He had seen every aspect of Mizu change and he LIKED it. There was control to her fervor and hunger and he could see in her eyes a mischievous desire to toy with them further but duty called.. And they had somewhere to be. As the doors Opened Arantima stepped inside a half step behind Mizu and turned to close the doors behind them. He heard joined with the clock of the door the word Separate and Tima immediately rested his hands on the hilts of his Twin demon lance blades and moved back and away from her getting a measure for the space they were in.

Arantima looked up towards the ceiling a moment as he listened to the conversation in front of himself that slowly turned into a conversation to the right of himself as he looked back down to the rest of the crowd. His own mask was on and it was plain as day to any that looked at him that he Belonged in this room. This was as familiar to him as his own bedroom was and not a single person besides Mizu and the man she now spoke to mattered to him at all, at least on the surface.

Arantima was taking this time to ensure that he saw everyone within 10 meters of himself, focusing on those who lacked a significant heartbeat. He found his spot, about Eight meters away from Mizu and the man, but somewhere that Arantima could watch Mizu's eyes and body for subtle clues and cues for action should she need to signal him. Arantima's head turned away from Mizu a moment as he heard whispered conversations behind himself.

"That's not Kyobo is it?.. Noo It couldnt be.." Arantima only cared because he heard the name that Mizu had mentioned on the day she awakened his blood. Arantima looked up and down the ones who spoke the name, simply giving them soft winks as he turned his attention back towards the pair at the center of all attention.. Mizu and the priest of Jashin.. Arantima felt a Pang of Cold air in the room, as if something was about to come down around them.. And all he could do was wait to find out what that was.

Arantima heard another name come from the Priest of Jashin, And then he saw Mizu look playful and yet serious as she said .. Close. It must be another family member of hers or theirs now? He wasnt quite sure if he counted as family yet, even if he did Call Mizu by the honorific for Big sister.  Arantima Felt a Tap on his shoulder and as he turned suddenly he was met with a pair of Pitch black eyes and felt as if he was falling.. Falling falling falling down into a black pit of Nothing.

He landed, painlessly on his feet, but he was naked and cold.. And there was nothing he could see. Suddenly he felt as if he was being wrapped in slimy black silk and bound in place but not tightly, merely in a comfortable standing position where he could shift his weight but if he tried to move his arms or take a step he found that he was set fast to his spot. He Blinked rapidly as he tried to shout but the slimy black silk kept his mouth muffled perfectly.

Arantima looked at the edge of where he could see and he suddenly felt a hand slide up his spine "When you come free of this.. I will be gone.. And You will never know who I was." the voice chuckled and yet Arantima did not tense at all. The Voice sounded sinister and the voice hissed softly. Arantima's flesh began to boil and writhe under the Silk binding, and Arantima did not scream out or even try to, he didnt struggle.. All that happened was that Arantima blinked his eyes and suddenly He was free. There was a woman staring into his eyes and Arantima simply smiled and leaned in closely to whisper to her.

"You.. Are quite an arrogant little shit." He opened his mouth and let out a soft sigh as he quickly embraced her and suck his teeth into her throat deeply, draining her blood from her as he played it off as if he was dragging her to a darker corner of the room where he found a small seating area and set her down into a chair gently, wiping his mouth with a grin as he turned to look back towards Mizu and the priest. His eyes were intent on the priest, flicking between Mizu and the back of the priests head.

Arantima looked around at the rest of the guests once more to ensure that no one had noticed what had happened between himself and that woman. It seemed that at least for now no on head noticed, or at least no one that would be willing to say that they saw anything happen. He nodded to himself, fairly content that there was nothing that was going wrong just yet, at least nothing that he could now control any longer. He had to break that genjutsu in order to keep contact with Mizu and he was going to ensure that connection even he had to eviscerate someone to maintain that connection.

1496/3500 Words | 3500 / 6000 Goal

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1005/1005

Vigor: 80 |  Chakra: 40 | Speed: 145 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 112 | Throwing Distance: 56 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing (Slotless), Itemcrafting, Chakra Infusion, Clan Pureblood (slotless), Chakra Supression, Chakra Sensory, One-handed Seals

Equipment On body: Demons Shroud Armor, Twin Demon Lance (In two pieces sheathed on thighs), Demon claws (Worn over Arms), 5 Kunai (50 HP In weapon pouch), 5 Shuriken (50HP In weapon pouch), 1 Weapon pouch

Last edited by Arantima on Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Word count total error)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:14 pm
Staring up into that face, so full of horror and lacking any color, had to be one of the best moments she could recall from the last few years. The whispers around them were beginning to increase as the name Hiromasa was exclaimed by their esteemed head. Though her eyes did not move from his frightful and confused expression her peripheral was giving her plenty of information. Heads turning from one to another, groups huddling together closer, few straightening up in preparedness for a fight - all of it made her blood boil with a rage filled delight. Snippets of conversation reached her ears in those seconds - “Hiromasa? The Kyuketsuki clan leader?” “Why would he mention that name all of the sudden?” “Weren’t they… you know taken care of nearly a hundred years ago?” “What does she mean by close?” - all of it was useless chatter when it came to the words that fell from the leaders’ mouth.

“You violet eyed insolent pest, we had your clan eradicated nearly a century ago there is no possible logical explanation to this!”, turning away from her he looked around the room - seemingly regaining his composure - and exclaimed to the room at large. “Who put this foolish child up to this? You think you can toy with the head of-” He never got to finish that sentence though, as any hunter of dangerous prey would be happy to inform any beginner about; you never take your eyes off your target. In those few ill timed seconds she had formed the handseals for one of her personally created and most viscous techniques - the Devils Hold - and had her hand clasped around his throat where the seal was already spreading out like black ink. 

“We?”, the short burst of a laugh escaped her as his eyes turned back to her, and what he saw was something that would put the fear of god into anyone. Unhinged. That was the only word that could come to describe her expression - after all she had believed that her clan was wiped out due to other clans in the area coming together to end their reign, but to find out it was a commissioned job from the followers of Jashin… was something else. “So I can presume everyone in attendance took part in this culling. Perfect, I can handle my business here and now.” The sounds of gasping and choking fell like crashes of thunder in the now silent room as all eyes turned to the pair. Dragging his face close to hers as she spoke further, “Holy water cannot help you now priest. A thousand armies couldn't hope to keep me out. I don't want your money, I don't want your crown… you see, I have to burn your kingdom down.” With his eyes near bulging at this point, and his hands trying desperately to wrench her hand free of his throat to no avail. “Whats done cannot be undone, and it is time you paid for your insolence and arrogance.” With that she sank the nails that protruded like knives into his throat and ripped it out, dropping his form to the ground as the sounds of horrible choking filled the room before silence fell once more - and at her feet laid the once head priest of Jashin reduced to a pool of blood. 

As the moment sank in the eruption of noise was like a battle cry - screaming women and shouting men - all of it fell on deaf ears though. The dam was broken in her, the walls she built… all of it was crumbled. The realization of a different thing has finally come to settle in her and it was broke her. Worse than nearly dying to the Wraith, worse than finding she was the killer of her adopted siblings - Mizuki Ohta died in that moment but what rose from the sealed vault was who should have always been; Mizuki Kyuketsuki. Slightly swaying on her feet she spoke low, “Shut the fuck up.” The sounds only continued to rise, and some even dared to begin approaching her assuming her sway was one of weakness, none having seemed to hear her. Hands grabbed her shoulders and more attempted to drag her arms behind her back to restrain her - while shouts of revenge rang out and a call for sacrifice in the name of the lord of Jashin filled the room. Shame though that they did not restrict her hands well enough seeing as with almost no awareness she had gone through six more hand seals that produced several tendrils of blood that pierced the surrounding people - maybe six? Straight through the heart… the hearts that beat louder in her head by the moment. The banging of life, pounding of betrayal, the fucking NOISE. 

It only continued as more people began screaming and hurrying for the door or shouting for the guards that were outside the door. Fools… every one of them complete fools - with a singular sway in the direction of the door she moved at her full speed and stopped in front of the door, leaning back against it casually to ensure no interruptions. The smell of blood and sweat was permeating the room so intensely that had her mind not been shattered into a million pieces she might have been overcome by instead though she had a job in front of her. As the crowd backed away from her she tilted her head curiously, staring them down with confusion. “I see our esteemed gathering doesn’t know me. Let me introduce myself. I am the daughter of Hiromasa Kyuketsuki, you know haha the clan created by Jashin and was presumed removed from the world. I don’t know how to managed to fuck it up that bad, don’t you know you can’t kill something that was never really alive?” 

Stepping away from the door and toward the group, of which began scattering back like roaches - all of their heartbeats rising regardless of blood status. Seems the presence of pure blood overturns the normal steadiness they once held. “Normally I would be giving warnings about not pissing me off and maaaaybe I’ll spare you but honestly … you don’t deserve to even be in front of me let alone are you deserving of my mercy. So pray to your god for a new life in another time where I no longer walk this ground because I promise you… you will never be allowed to live while I do.” Placing her hands behind her head she grinned at them all as though she was tempting them all to play a high stakes gambling match. “Who would like to be first? I would so love to show you the power you tried to eradicate from this world and why, even with your best efforts, you weren’t successful.” 

The faces in the crowd were the full range of emotion - fear, hopelessness, rage, disgust, shock - all of it painted like a work of art to her eyes. Those who stood with rage were the first to move forward in a group of three and forming some type of jutsu… shame they never got to see it come to fruition as a singular tendril of blood burst forth and skewered them all before throwing their forms against the west wall. “Come onnnnn don’t you recall anything about the Kyuketsuki? Or did you wipe them from your minds as well thinking you would never have to think about them again?” Taking a few more steps forward to a girl who was frozen in abject horror, her eyes wide and her body trembling as Mizu took her chin in her hand with a gentle grip. “Look what you’ve gotten yourself into…” Throwing her face aside the girl fell to the floor in a heaving mess of panic. “All of you are the real insolent children. I’ve walked this earth for 86 years and never have I met more pathetic beings.” Continuing to walk forward til she opened her arms wide and letting out a peel of laughter that was anything but sane. “Come on then fodder, do something already.”

WC 1354
Jutsu Used:
Devils Hold [V7]
Hemostasis [V7]

TWC 4265/6000
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:46 pm
Arantima had taken his previous position once again just as the whispers about Hiromasa began.. His eyes twitched when he heard the words "Wiped out" He Moved through the crowd at his Full speed, getting to the door just at the Large priest had moved to turn to the crowd and In the time it Took Mizu to Form her hand seals for the Devils hold, he had formed Dog > Ox > Dragon > Tiger and pressed his pal to the seam between the doors placing a Large Symbol.. In fact if Anyone were to care to notice it was the Symbol for Clan Kyuketsuki emblazoned on the door now is bright red glowing fashion.

He smelled the blood in the air and jumped up, traveling through the air and flipping to land on his feet and sticking to the ceiling so he was faced towards the action.. He was now Twenty meters in the air fast enough to see Mizu's Blood spikes spear Six people.. Arantima Smiled silently, He looked to where he had stood a moment ago and the person who had been looking for where he had gone.. was now focused on the large threat that was his Big sister. Arantima Shuddered as he formed the hand seals Dog > Monkey at his Freakish 150 speed and along his arms Formed his Demons Claws and a Bag appeared before himself which he grabbed.

He Watched the people bang uselessly on the doors Now sealed by his Fuinjutsu.. It would take a rather hefty blow to free that seal or a level of concentration those poor fuckers could not afford to devote.. When Mizu set her back to the door Arantima just smiled wider, his red eyes casting from soul to soul that backed up away from his big sister and yet.. he stayed silent.. That group had forgotten he was there and that was going to be their demise. He watched As Mizu walked forward and challenged them to do something.., To do ANYTHING against her.. And that is when Tima Snapped..

A Moment of pure ecstasy and bliss overtook him.. and these were no longer people, these were no longer enemies to defeat these were... Toys..No.. These were walking blood bags!! He started to laugh, at first maybe only Mizu would hear it but this was no normal.. sane persons laugh.. This laugh was filled with Sadistic realization. The realization that he didnt have to hold back..

“Come on then fodder, do something already.” Was all he needed to hear before his eyes flicked up to that.. Wholly delicious looking gaggle of drinking fountains that had so graciously deigned to Gather down below himself. He Crosses his Bladed arms infront of himself and Sweeps them out in front of himself as if opening them for a welcoming hug at 150 speed. As in front of him, soundlessly The air began to shatter into THOUSANDS of shards that Sent themselves flying into the main bulk of the crowd.

"Summon up your demons! Hit me FIGHT ME! You were all so prepared to crown yourselves as Demi-gods.. You stand beneath even the weakest Kyuketsuki! SO COME AND SEE THE WEAKEST GHOST OF YOUR PAST!" He pauses, turning his head as his smile breaks.. The blood lust and hunger clear in his demeanor as he says with a sadistic smile "Give me a hug..!!" He Launches himself off of the Roof behind his Glass shard Swings wake as it tears through a large swatch of those gathered and when he lands it is directly atop of one of the ones who had whispered the name of Hiromasa, his Demons Claws ripping into her eyes as he grabs her by the skull, landing on her chest like some kind of spider monkey.  He is not strong but by JASHIN is this boy FAST.

He moves at 150 Speed, and there was no time to react for this woman as he sunk the clawed fingers of his gauntlets into the back of her head, kicking off of her dead body and slamming it into the person behind her as he back flipped into position his motion was fluid enough that he bag he had summoned with the jutsu he used on the ceiling was flicked into the air at head height. when he landed in the blink of an eye on his feet he snatched the cinch on the bag and opened it allowing all Twenty Makibishi to fall out and scatter in a circle around him preventing anyone from getting closer than 3 meters without ruining their feet.

All of this happening in the blink of an eye for most people, Fast even by Mizu's standards of the word he had Grabbed hold of his twin demon lance blades and the Wire that connected the two blades became glossier.. Flickering in the fire light that illuminated this room. He Threw one of the blades in a straight line.. Intentionally missing every target in his path, which caught some laughs by those nearby who had begun to ready their own counter attacks.. Arantima was not worried that he was literally in the center of the gathered Jahinin cultists.. He wanted to be here.

He Turned his body with his right arm held up as if holding a shield. The Wire caught on a blade of the glove and the entire wire and Bladed end of the Twin demon lance was yanked suddenly sideways. In a 45 Degree Arc in front of him Heads were literally Severed and a rather insane fountain of blood followed mere seconds afterwards as on the return trip of the Thrown blade which Arantima yanked back another line of heads was taken. Arantima's nostrils Flared as he took in the scent of more and more fresh blood.

Arantima dropped the Twin Demon lance.. The wave of destruction he had caused took all of seconds, his speed was insane to those present who were still alive as he moved to turn his gaze towards someone still alive close to himself.. Their hands were shaking as the hand seal they had been trying to form dropped and their hands went limp. Arantima lept over his safety bubble of makibishi to land on them just as he had the woman before only this time it was his teeth sinking into their neck and a looong drawn out slurping sound came from him.

Arantima's face roared up from their neck as blood sprayed into the air and he growled.. a True guttural growl of predatory intent. "Do you all see now? What you are!? You are nothing, less than nothing you are prey.. You are prey! Come.. HAHAHAHA! LET US PREY!" He holds his Bladed hands together as if in prayer, tilting his head as he laughs again violently. Arantima Lets this man fall complexly to the floor and rolls forward off of them as the body hits. The laughter doesn't stop as Arantimas Demon claws live up to their names.. He rends open chests and leaves rakes marks along entire lengths of bodies that bleed worse than they should from even such a viscous assault, his blades were designed to bleed out an enemy over time it seemed.

He Doesn't quite dance through them, but he moves so swiftly from each body to the next that it might seems as if they are moving in slow motion compared to him. Deep scarlet rivulets of blood begin to stream down his arms as his Demons claws begin to get soaked in the viscera, and occasionally right before he slashes them he will lock eyes with one of those cultists and lick the blood from his palm hungrily, sensually, with the intent to strike fear into them. His Whole being was lost to this Violence and here his mind was going to stay until he had what he wanted.. And what that was exactly Only Arantima knew, deep down in his core.

Arantima was Back in the Ninja academy in the training ground on a field training day. He was sitting under a tree in the shade practicing his hand signs, muttering the names of them to himself so that he could remember them for the test he knew was coming up. Out of nowhere a rock collided with his temple and knocked him out cold. He woke up in the middle of a clearing with about ten other ninja kids around him all holding sticks.. When one came up, dragged him to his feet and then pushed him back onto the ground.

Arantima didnt cry anymore.. he had learned to stop doing that a year ago.. If he didnt cry they would get bored and leave him alone. "Get up.. I saw you practicing with the Boken yesterday..  You think you are going to learn Bukijutsu huh? Well forget it! I'm the only allowed to practice with the weapons here!" Arantima had in fact been practicing with the Boken.. But he didnt know he wasn't supposed to. "I.. I'm really.. sorry I didn"- Arantima had stood and began to apologize to the bully before he got cracked in the mouth by one of the sticks.

It was several minutes of being huddled into the fetal position and getting beaten by the sticks until it was broken up by the teacher.. who believed the Bully when he said that Arantima had picked a fight with them.. The teacher did not like Arantima very much as he always studied hard and got good scores, and he didnt want to seem like a soft teacher who passed just anyone.

Arantima during that whole ordeal was suppressing his urge to bite at them and claw at their eyes and fight back.. He was supposed to be a  nice boy.. that was the only thing he could hear his mother say.. He was supposed to be nice.. So he forced himself to be nice to people, He let other people beat that trait of always be kind into his very soul.. "Be kind to people.. Be a good boy to people.."

He was wrist deep in one of the cultists Chest cavities when he blinked back to reality and a sudden conflict overtook him as he looked into the face of the Cultist he was killing.. He was supposed to be nice to people... People.. PEOPLE That was it.. these Were not people They were prey. Weak, useless little prey there for his satisfaction and enjoyment until they were of no use anymore to him! He didnt have to be kind to them, they were not people! He only had to be ind to people! People still matter.. And Mizu said it when she awakened his blood.. The NINJA of Sunagakure mattered.. These were not ninja.. Not Suna ninja!

He had killed at least Thirty or more of them at this point and was standing in the middle of a large area, literally dripping blood and smiling. He spread out his arms once again and spun slowly in a circle to look at anyone left standing that he or Mizu had not yet killed with.. an almost regal smile and look on his face, content and blissful. "No tears.. please.. It would be a waste of good suffering! And Do not think that what you feel here is pain.. Pain has a face.. Allow us to show it you!" He chuckled and looked over across the way towards Mizu to see exactly what she had been up to.. in the Minute or so that it took for him to Reap across this Ballroom of blood. He was like a painter and his brush was his demon clows.. The pain the blood of these cultists as he artfully flitted and flicked about between them, ending them each swiftly but causing them great suffering as he did.

Mizu was unhinged.. this much was certain, and this had been his Que to unleash himself.. that part of himself that he had kept dormant for his entire life.. That part of him that reveled in the bloodshed and death.

Fuinjutsu lock C rank  -20 AP
Armory Seal Summoned 2 Objects -20 AP
Glass Shard Swing A rank  -45 AP
Sakura First step -20 AP

2020/5520 Words | 5520 / 6000 Goal

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 900/1005

Vigor: 80 |  Chakra: 40 | Speed: 145 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 112 | Throwing Distance: 56 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing (Slotless), Itemcrafting, Chakra Infusion, Clan Pureblood (slotless), Chakra Supression, Chakra Sensory, One-handed Seals

Equipment On body: Demons Shroud Armor, Twin Demon Lance (In two pieces sheathed on thighs), Demon claws (Worn over Arms), 5 Kunai (50 HP In weapon pouch), 5 Shuriken (50HP In weapon pouch), 1 Weapon pouch
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:54 pm
Do something.. Do ANYTHING - the words were pounding in her ears as though the very thought alone would force their hands and their feet to move in any direction; back or forward. Some of the weaker in the crowd were huddled in on themselves and covering their heads as if not seeing the carnage in front of them would do anything to stop what was to come. Their fates were sealed and their bill was ready for payment - a century overdue at this point. She might have felt some pity for the newer members who were in the crowd and probably had nothing to do with the atrocity all that time ago, but wrong place wrong time. Had she been an Ohta she might have even tried to persuade their loyalty to her side, maybe even turn them into her own clansmen for the trouble - but that woman was gone. 

The sounds of carnal screaming was coming from above and without needing to look up she knew who it came from - Kyobiashi was in the flesh once more taking his proper helm as the lieutenant to the head of the Kyuketsuki clan. The stories she read of him were nothing in comparison to the freakishly wild nature of his words and actions. Tearing through droves of people as though they were wrapping paper and he was and over excited toddler ripping open his first presents on Christmas morning - reckless abandon. Reaching up she removed her straw hat and threw it aside - the long black ink like locks flowing around her shoulders and framing her pale face in a way that made her look like a doll…. The Porcelain Doll of the underground. 

When was the last time she even thought of that name? She had been given that moniker a few years after her departure from Hoshigakure as a child - she was still in her growing phases then so getting under the table contracts in dive bars was difficult to say the least. Most people turned her away, her naïve nature at the time once seeking refuge before learning that the world respects blood and blood is something she would deliver. Her mind began to drift as the first group closed in on her - but in this state it didn’t matter whether she was truly paying attention to them or not. Her feet moved as though she were a professional dancer, dancing around targets and attacks with fluidity and ease - claws gliding through necks and torso alike as she moved her way through the crowd… all the while her mind was else where reliving the very start of her life and reflecting.
She was fourteen at the time, rain soaked and struggling to resist shivering as she leaned against the wall of the bar she had just been kicked out of - just out of the reach of the dim light that hung outside of the seedy building's entrance. She had been standing there slowly freezing to death all for the hopes she would catch the man she had tried to interact with earlier. He was a perfect specimen for such a place honestly, raggedly dressed and reeking of more booze than even the most filthy sake distribution center. Though he had work to bestow and she had caught the snippets of it as she was dragged out by her hair by the owner. He had a job alright, a contract for the death of a man who scorned him in some lost bet and he had been dodging the debt collection for some time now. The man was drunk enough to be STUPID enough to be proclaiming his disgruntled state loud enough for the whole bar to hear at that part - though the other patrons waved him off or shouted at him to shut up for fucks sake - she noted the glean of animosity in his eyes that went further than mere anger and fully into seething hatred.

That was all she needed to know, and in that moment her struggle ceased as she had her target, and fuck if she wasn’t patient. It had taken the drunk a few hours to finally come stumbling out the door - taking a few moments to regain his balance and bearing; patting his pockets and ensuring whatever winnings he had acquired inside were still on his person and fixing a wide brimmed straw hat to his head to keep off the rain, before heading out at a strangely confident pace. Counting to three she pushed off the building and began following him at a distance far enough that if he did look back her form would blend into the surrounding dark until she was ready to reveal herself. It was another twenty minutes of steady following before she finally made her move - melting into the surrounding trees she sped ahead of him before jumping out in front of him by 2 meters and causing him to teeter to a halt…. Then came the eerie smile. A spike of fear went up her spine for a moment as she began to doubt her decision but this was no time to show regret or hesitation; thus the pitch began. 

“I heard you want a man dead for a debt he manages to avoid paying to you. I am up for the job, whatever your price is I will accept it.”, any amount of money at this point would suffice she just needed an IN. If the smile hadn’t freaked her out before, the sudden straightening of his posture and steadiness in his movements sure did. “I was wondering if you would actually go through with it Chīsana ningyō. It took you long enough to approach me, It would do you some good to better hide when following someone.” His speech was completely different than before and his mannerisms were initially unnerving but she steeled herself and stepped forward a few paces anyways - and with her hair plastered to her face and shoulders proclaimed again - “I heard you want a man dead for a debt he manages to avoid paying to you. I am up for the job, whatever your price is I will accept it.” The next moment was so unexpected that it took a moment for her brain to register it - a straw hat was being fixed on her head with more care than she had felt in years. “And you will, but not that in that state. Look at you, you’re shaking with cold. We are almost to my home anyhow, I will tell you details as we finish the journey.” And then he breezed past her - another man than she had seen in that bar. 

He was her teacher for the next two years, and at sixteen, he was her source of job opportunities and hub of information. She mirrored so much from him and learned how to play people better than anyone ever had before - and in this moment she was finally putting to rest the time she spent with him, the funeral she missed, and the life she could have had had she just stayed instead of setting out for the truth of her lineage. He had been her Chichioya, her father, and she had been his Chīsana ningyō, little doll - but the face of that porcelain doll had finally cracked.

While her mind was finally putting to rest those moments that felt like yesterday she was finally becoming the woman she was always meant to be. No longer did she feel Hiromasa’s ghost surrounding her nor did she feel as though she was following in spectral foot prints - now they were one. For good or worse she had finally come into her own as the Head of the Kyuketsuki clan and the blood that sat in her body was dying for retribution. Only a few more stood up against the two now, the head and the lieutenant working in tandem once more - different faces but finally in sync. And she was tired of the game now she was tired of the playing, without looking at him she spoke clear enough for him to hear over his torment - “My side, now.” She would wait only a few moments as she expected complete and absolute obedience in this instance. She worried little though, Arantima was never one to make her wait. The six hand seals were done, the moment was there - and the very second he was at her side she exhaled a thin stream of fire that erupted into a gruesome wall of flames. Great Fire Annihilation was a fitting jutsu to burn the bodies of those who would burn in hell for their crimes. The creator trying to destroy the creation only to be ended by that same creation. The time of prosperity for Jashin was over - as the flames engulfed the room at astonishing speeds she faintly heard the screams of those who remained fade into nothing; the rich wall hangings and decorations lighting like kindling. 

Turning from the flames and the distinct lack of heart beats she released the Fuinjutsu seal that held the door closed and moved past the guards who fell to their knees in abject horror - covering their faces as the wave of heat from the flames hit their skin. She paid them no mind, simply saying as she walked past, “Take care of the stragglers Arantima.” She was covered in blood, splatters across her face while her clothes and hands were dripping in it - and as she walked she unbuckled the cape like covering she wore and let it drag behind her; a thick blood stream behind her like a red carpet she made just for herself. 

The Kyuketsuki had begun their final and true revenge this night - Hiromasa would be banging on tables and shouting stories of old upon her return - but all she wanted at this very moment was to feel the beams of moonlight hit her skin. There were people who passed her, shouting and organizing themselves as best they could but they didn’t stop her as she continued her path to the outside. Be it from the fact they assumed she was a shell shocked survivor or from the fact that she exuded a natural aura that they dared not approach for questioning. Only did her footsteps stop when she was outside of the building, moonlight filtering down through an already clearing night sky.

Raising her face to the sky she closed those unhide able two toned eyes and basked …. Standing motionless until the heart beats of those in the surroundings buildings - those trapped as she was - began to awake from their nightmares and comfort each other. Standing as still as a statue, face to the heavens and blood soaked clothing draped over her forearms - she smiled.

Mizuki Kyuketsuki was finally born.

WC 1800
TWC 6065
Claiming Mission Completion and Rewards

Last edited by Mizuki Ohta on Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O) Empty Re: Bleed the Truth from them! (I/O)

Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:55 pm
Arantima Felt something running down his spine, almost like a chill but it felt solid, more real and more.. wet. He turned in place as his vision seemed to be failing him, the world around himself turning black and dim. He turned to shout but felt no air in his lungs as he reached out towards Mizu he turned to find himself in a black void but he felt the sensation of falling this time.. Watching himself as if having an out of body experience now as he replayed his descent into madness in the church hall, after Mizu had started the attack on the pretenders to their bloodline he had snapped..

He Felt the rush of elation as he made the leaps required to not only find peace with the slaughter he had performed but to find joy in it, justification for their entire wholesale eradication and he felt a wrenching in his own stomach, which went away after a moment. Had he gone too far off the deep end? Yes, but.. was he wrong? That was the question that swam around his mind like a school of fish in a tiny pond churning up the water with just their movements required to suspend themselves in the water.

He had.. All of his life clung to his mothers last words to him, to the detriment of himself.. To the near destruction of himself at some points, allowing others to do whatever they willed in the misguided idea of what was truly good.. He laughed again, a small scoff-like chuckle at first as he processed it all and tears began to stream down his face. He was not being kind by letting others walk over him.. he was being weak.. And weakness was something he was familiar with, he was always weak and he always felt weak.

Even now, falling through this void he felt powerless to understand what was happening.. he felt like he was about to be swallowed up by madness.. He WAS about to be swallowed by madness before his falling stopped and he Jolted awake in his bed. There were fresh tears streaming down his face as he woke up laughing.. He Blinked a few times as he took in a deep breath, he had apparently been laughing for quite some time as his throat was dry.

He slipped out of his bed and went over to his vanity to get a drink of water from the basin beside his mirror. As he Drank down a mouthful of water he looked deep into his own eyes, the eyes of a serial killer and remembered everything that he had done in that apparent dream.. How he had destroyed so many lives with such abandon and a devil-like smile broke across his lips as he took another drink of water. "Mmmm.. Yess, Let me prey" He laughed again.

[EXIT and Claim]

6000/6000 WC required

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30 Tickets
1 Golden ticket

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