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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:40 am

The earthen wall started to shift below Kaito's weight as Arantima ran his long Chakra blade through it, puncturing it and slicing like the wall wasn't even there in the first place. Realizing he would be eating dirt before long if he did not act, Kaito jumped down to the ground, his drink flask still in hand. The wall collapsed to the ground, Kaito no longer bothering to focus his Chakra on keeping it active. He was a bit confused and rather sour that the older Shinobi had destroyed his creation, but he quickly came to realize that its destruction served an even greater purpose.

"Of course!" Kaito realized, placing the flask back into his pouch. "The more signs used, the stronger the resulting Jutsu will be." Kaito pondered on the realization for a moment as Arantima drew a large circle with his blade in the sand. He went on to explain that the circle, which was roughly six meters in diameter, was something he called a "death bubble". Should anyone be within range of another while engaged in battle it would almost guarantee certain death. This would be a lesson Kaito would need to take with him for the rest of his life. Opting not to could quite literally have him knocking on the doors of the afterlife.

Adding a real-life example to his lecture, Arantima drew his blade upwards, angling to where it was almost ready to pierce Kaito's chest. While he may not have been trying to seem threatening, Kaito could not help but gulp loudly. He realized that while Arantima might just be his friend in this reality, but had their acquaintanceship earlier in the night been a different one, he probably would not have stopped the blade before it pierced him. If they had gotten to where they stood now at all that is.

"So on top of trying to keep a three-meter distance from my opponent, it would be best for me to tap into and practice my sensory abilities." Kaito said as he watched the Chakra blade before him disappear into thin air, the kunai being placed back into its holster upon Arantima's chest as the latter looked up into the sky and laughed lightly. "I suppose it would be rather invaluable, especially with the fact that I come from a Clan of natural sensors and trackers anyways." Kaito stood in place for a moment, closing his eyes and focusing inward to get a feel for how his own Chakra felt. It took a moment, and while Kaito could not put a word on how to describe it, he was able to sense his own Chakra.

'So that is what it feels like while it is dormant...' He thought, opening his eyes again to look at the palm of his right hand. It definitely felt fainter than when he had used the "Earth-Style: Wall Jutsu" moments before, but it was there alright.

"Well, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to sense my own Chakra, but I guess that is a given for anyone." He said finally, looking head-on at Arantima. "Now let's see if I can extend this sense of feeling outwards." He positioned himself until he was standing within four meters in front of Arantima before closing his eyes again slowly and drawing in a deep breath. "I'm going to try to sense your Chakra now, Tima. Please stand right there for a minute."

Kaito again focused inwards, getting a feel for what his own Chakra felt like.

'Okay...' He thought, leaving his eyes closed and putting an image of the sensation into his mind just as he had done while welling up Chakra for his usage of the "Earth-Style: Wall Jutsu" earlier. 'Now outwards...' Kaito slowly reopened his eyes, looking over at Arantima. For a few moments, he just stared at the older ninja, looking him up and down but not daring to take his eyes off of him in case his concentration would be broken for any reason. For the life of him, he could not sense Arantima's Chakra, no matter how much focus he kept on the boy.

"Ugh!" He groaned, shrugging his shoulders and throwing his head back so that he was looking upwards at the night sky. It was there he could see the vast sea of stars standing carelessly above. Some were bright, some dim. There were even some stars coming in and out of view, the pulsating light from the brighter ones bringing them in and out of focus.

'Thats it!' Kaito thought, thanking the gods that he had given up his cool for that quick second. He lowered his head to look Arantima square in the eyes.

"I assume then with someone being to amplify their ability to sense Chakra, one should also be able to suppress their own from being detected at all." Kaito pointed a finger at his training partner. "And that is exactly what you're doing now, isn't it?"

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Pagebreak6

AP Utilized:
Items Utilized:

[Word Count (Post) - 832]
[Word Count (Total) - 5,167]

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:56 pm
Arantima shook his head before settling his shoulders and shakes his whole body as he settles himself and his chakra signature ebbs away completely until he is untraceable by his chakra signature. "This skill.. Requires nearly complete concentration. You have to focus on suppressing your Chakra network entirely and While you can move and strike with basic strikes or weapons. You can use certain techniques but nothing above the most simple. The moment you begin forming chakra for a technique that is above a certain level your network will flare back to life."

Arantima flares his chakra network by forming Dog > Snake > Ram > Ox signs and as soon as the first seal his chakra network was able to be sensed easily, where it hadnt even been there a moment ago. Arantima doesn't finish the jutsu instead letting it fizzle out on its own. He looked over at Kaito and holds up a finger "Chakra sensory, even if it not something you plan on focusing on.  Is something you should get a good grasp on. But recall that while you can not sense very far.. Do not let yourself fall into the pitfall of Stretching yourself too far. if you focus too heavily on sensing you will not be able to focus on Jutsu."

He looks at the night sky and looks around the Empty desert that they are in and a darker smile spreads across his lips. He chuckled gently and looked over at Kaito "I want you to come at me.. With Literally everything you have and try to land a punch right here on my face." Arantima taps his cheek gently with his bladed finger, drawing a small amount of blood from the barest touch of the blade, showing they were razor sharp.

"I wont cut you, I wont harm you unless I feel I need to. I want you to use everything you have to try and harm me, because there is one more principle that I can only show you via what you will see when it happens."  Arantima turns his back to Kaito, holding his arms behind his back locked by the wrists. He wasnt sounding arrogant, but there was a air of.. Fuck around and find out.. And That was making Arantima Giddy with expectation to see what would happen. He as currently standing 6 meters away from Kaito, In a completely open Sandy desert field.. Kaito literally had the whole world of options before him.. how would Kaito Approach this chance at surprise?

420/4110 Words

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 925/1005

Vigor: 80 |  Chakra: 40 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing (Slotless), Itemcrafting, Chakra Infusion, Clan Pureblood (slotless), Chakra Supression, Chakra Sensory, One-handed Seals

Equipment On body: Demons Shroud Armor, Twin Demon Lance (In two pieces sheathed on thighs), Demon claws (Worn over Arms), 5 Kunai (50 HP In weapon pouch), 5 Shuriken (50HP In weapon pouch), 1 Weapon pouch.
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Sun Oct 24, 2021 5:16 am

While Kaito had been wrong about Arantima having been suppressing his Chakra, the older Shinobi did mention that the feat was a possible one. He described in detail the amount of sacrifice that would come with utilizing such a state of camouflage; the pure amount of concentration needed to withhold it and the fact that a wide variety of Jutsu could not even be used, otherwise compromising the act in the first place. Kaito nodded his head, indicating that he understood.

"I think that would be pretty viable though, especially in covert operations or in situations where you wish to leave with your life." Kaito flashed back to a few minutes prior when Arantima had him basically pinned between a wall and a hard place, the "wall" being his Chakra-enhanced blade and the "hard place" being the edge of the six-meter metaphorical  "death bubble".

'I easily could've died...' He thought, his mind racing as he tried to take it all in. Suddenly Kaito noticed the older Shinobi forming hand signs. Still having the general feel of Chakra fresh in his mind, Kaito searched outwards, holding onto the feeling and picturing it in his mind. It was then that he could feel Arantima's Chakra expanding, pooling into his hands. Kaito focused on the Chakra, trying his best to remember the sensation of it all in case he would ever need it in the future, but just as quickly as the Chakra arose it fell back down to minimal levels just the same.

"So that's what your Chakra feels like, Tima." Kaito said with a nod. "Not just yours, but the general feel of other people's Chakra as a whole." From here it felt to Kaito as though Arantima made a point of advising the younger ninja to get a good grasp on "Chakra Sensory". He did also advise not to focus too hard, however, as it would most definitely cost him the use of other Jutsu and techniques if he did so. "Right!" Kaito replied, standing at attention.

With that Arantima looked up towards the sky before looking all around him with an ominous smile spreading upon his face. He set his red eyes on Kaito, saying how he wanted him to pull everything that had been taught up until that point into focus and punch him in the face. There was one last thing he needed to teach Kaito...

Kaito breathed out, a light fog filling the air as his warm breath met the cold air.

"Okay..." He said, jumping backwards to be an additional two meters away from Arantima. He quickly maneuvered himself into an incomplete version of the Inuzuka Clan's favored fighting position; the "Imitation Beast Ninja Arts" style. His being incomplete, however, meant that he only bent forward at the knees, his shoulders brought backward to give more balance in the hunched position. The fighting style as a whole was something he had given up on learning ages ago when he had lost his Ninken, Kawomaru, but it didn't mean that he felt it wasn't aesthetically pleasing.

'He only wants me to punch him in the face...' Kaito thought, breathing in and out as to prepare himself. 'How hard can it really be?'

Digging his feet into the ground, Kaito was about to kick off his right heel to get a running start but hurriedly opted out of it as he remembered not only Arantima's speed but also the principle of the "death bubble". He couldn't help but smack himself outside the head.

'Idiot!' He thought to himself. 'That's what he wants you to do!'

Kaito looked deep within himself, trying his damndest to find a loophole to bypass Arantima's speed.

'Think, Kai... Think...'

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Pagebreak6

[Six Months Earlier]

The bell rang, indicating the much-awaited end to another crappy school day. Kaito quickly stood up from his end seat at the top bench, sneaking out of the back door. He ran down the halls, not even bothering to give his bullies the satisfaction of looking their way as they laughed at him again for the fourth time that day. None of that mattered to him. All that mattered was that he ran out to the courtyard to meet up with Shō; his protector and perhaps his best friend in the whole world since Kawomaru had died two years previously. The two of them were meant to train together that day; a ritual they had performed for the past three months since becoming friends.

Rounding the first left turn that he came across, Kaito could see the door at the end of the hallway. He kept his fast pace and within seconds he burst through the doors and into the center of the yard.

'Huh?' He thought, making circles in the sand as he looked around to see that nobody but himself was there. 'Where is Shō?' Quite suddenly an image appeared before Kaito's eyes. It was a blur coming into focus within less than a second, Kaito not even having time to react.

"Hey, Kai!" The blur said.

Kaito jumped back upon his heel, landing oddly and just as quickly falling to the ground. He landed harshly, his tailbone taking the majority of the blow.

"Ow!" He winced, rubbing his behind with his eyes glued tightly shut. Hearing laughter in front of himself, however, he slowly proceeded to open them. Standing above him was Shō, hunched over in laughter. Of course, he hadn't been there just a few seconds before had, but where had he come from. Kaito hobbled to his feet, frantically looking around him to see if Shō had any more surprises.

"How did you do that, Shō!?" Kaito asked. "You literally just popped up out of thin air. Poof!" Kaito flailed his arms up and outwards as though to demonstrate a smoke bomb getting set off.

"Easily, Kai." Shō replied, making the "Ram" hand sign by crossing his hands vertically and positioning his left middle and index fingers slightly higher than their counterparts on his right hand. "Sensei taught us in the advanced class the "Body Flicker Technique" today. It allows you to literally move in a blur from one place to another. You just got to have your destination in mind when you do it." Shō demonstrated the use of the Jutsu, one second still standing directly above Kaito and the next second nothing. Kaito glanced around, seeing his friend now ten meters to his right at one of the doors heading back into the academy.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Asked Shō with a shout. Kaito was bewildered, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. His mouth stood agape.

"Ye-yeah..." He said, forming the "Ram" hand sign in his own hands, knowing full well that with him being a Taijutsu specialist he may never be able to mold his Chakra well enough to perform the Jutsu at all...

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Pagebreak6

[Present Day]

Kaito still stood in his semi crouched position, the "Ram" hand seal now formed with both of his hands. He opened his eyes, focusing them on Arantima. Sure he had only lost focus for a few seconds at most, but a few seconds could mean life or death in the real world.

'This has to work...' He thought to himself, focusing his vision to be but one foot directly to Arantima's right side, the side of which the older ninja used his own glove to cut himself. 'It's only eight meters... Nothing major...' Instead of focusing his Chakra to a single point as he had done previously, Kaito opted this time to channel his Chakra throughout his entire body. Without being able to help it he could sense the Chakra flare outwards, almost like a light explosion. He kept his gaze directly one foot to Arantima's right side, however, not letting unimportant details get the better of him.

"Body Flicker Jutsu..." He said to himself almost in a mere whisper. Moving at [60] speed, Kaito's vision changed swiftly from being able to see Arantima's back to the side profile of the older ninja taking up almost his entire field of vision.

'I did it!' He exclaimed internally, not wasting any time for his vision to properly adjust itself from having just traveled faster than he ever had before in his life. Sure he had just tossed himself directly into the center of the "death bubble" that Arantima had demonstrated earlier in the night, but Kaito saw no other way to achieve the goal of hitting the other Shinobi with what he currently had in his arsenal.

Kaito still stood in his half-crouched version of the "Imitation Beast Ninja Arts" fighting position, his hands still forming the "Ram" hand seal. He began to wind back his right arm, cupping it into a tightly balled fist.

"Eat this!" He proceeded to shout, rearing his fist upwards towards the cut upon Arantima's right cheek with as much speed [30] and strength [20] as he could muster.

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Pagebreak6

AP Utilized:
Items Utilized:

[Word Count (Post) - 1,476]
[Word Count (Total) - 6,643]

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:09 pm
Arantima kept his hands clasped behind his back as he listened quite intently to the heartbeat of the Genin behind him, listening for the split second when it started to get closer and closer. He knew that there was no way for Kaito understand what he was about to do without Arantima showing him. Even if Arantima was fast, that just meant he was capable of reacting in kind to any speed that Kaito could muster, and that would be the thing that Kaito would see here.. Arantia was not moving at his maximum speed, infact his movements as soon As Kaito started the Body flicker seemed to be as relaxed as an old man.

Arantima turned on the spot at the same speed as Kaito's body flicker and thrust out his hand to cradle where Kaito's throat would appear, squeezing just enough to let kaito know he had been caught. And then there were those eyes.. Arantima Held Kaito's gaze HARD.

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 TojZPMb

"Speed.. Only determines the winner in the case of equal distance. If you have to move towards your enemy to reach them, do not use your own body to do so.  Even if doing any other method would be slower, if it will result in your life and their injury.. Do it. This was something you were never meant to win.. To illustrate a point Tell me what you learned" Arantima spoke all of this, conscious of the fact that at any moment kaito could try and punch him and he would be ready to block that punch or kick if he continued that assault.

Arantima's mind was drifting back to that moment during his Training when he was alone in the training ground and someone there tried to kill him, of the lessons he learned that day.. And if there was something that he could do to help this Genin survive something like that he was going to drill it so far into their head it might warp their min.. but it would keep them alive. Once arantima was satisfied that Kaito wasn't going to continue to try and hit him, he let go of the boys throat and stood to his full height.

He turned and looked at the entrance to the Desert training ground that they were in and felt a soft breeze of freezing cold air flit across his face and he smiled softly as he turned back towards Kaito "Its getting pretty late. How late do you usually stay up Kaito?" he asked.

420/4530 Words

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 925/1005

Vigor: 80 |  Chakra: 40 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing (Slotless), Itemcrafting, Chakra Infusion, Clan Pureblood (slotless), Chakra Supression, Chakra Sensory, One-handed Seals

Equipment On body: Demons Shroud Armor, Twin Demon Lance (In two pieces sheathed on thighs), Demon claws (Worn over Arms), 5 Kunai (50 HP In weapon pouch), 5 Shuriken (50HP In weapon pouch), 1 Weapon pouch.
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:15 am

Kaito really wished he had taken the time to allow his eyesight to adjust properly, knowing deep down that had he done so he wouldn't have proceeded to wind his first forward towards Arantima. It took him a moment to realize that the older shinobi had even put their hand around his neck; the adrenaline pumping through his veins making his body act as though he was suddenly afflicted by a congenital insensitivity.

The adrenaline wore off quickly though once the situation he was in was made ever clearer by Arantima's sharp and piercing gaze.

'Crap...' The younger Shinobi thought, stopping his fist mid-air just inches away from Arantima's face. Kaito had to look away, the stare too much for him to handle. He felt as though he may throw up.

'Killing intent...'

Kaito withdrew his arm defeatedly, lowering it and his other arm down to his sides meekly. He glanced over at Arantima as he addressed him, disheartened but listening intently to what he senior had to say. After a brief explanation on Speed and the importance of utilizing something other than one's own body in combat, The older Shinobi asked Kaito what all he had learned.

Kaito breathed in easily.

"Tima," He started, blowing the brisk air he just took in with a sigh. "You've helped me to realize that speed and strength alone are not everything in a fight." He paused for a moment, readjusting his head to where he was meeting Arantima's gaze again. "The human body is too precious to just throw away in order to win some redundant fight. Not only the redundant ones, however... In any and all combat situations. I knew you were fast. I tried to use that knowledge to my advantage, but I failed, so something else I've learned is that you cannot judge someone based on what you've seen." Kaito paused again, looking downwards towards the ground. "That is important because you may never know what else they are capable of."

Arantima must have been satisfied with Kaito's answer. The older ninja started to release his grip from Kaito's neck, stretching himself upwards until he towered over, the younger boy. He turned his gaze over towards the entrance of the training grounds as Kaito sat upon the sand, his breathing still rather erratic and off-kilter.

'That really was something...' He thought, clasping his chest lightly. 'I've gotta remember to stay on his good side, even if he is a fellow Suna Shinobi...' Kaito's attention was then drawn back to Arantima, who had asked him how late Kaito had usually stayed awake. Kaito looked around, the sun starting to rise slightly over the eastern horizon. 'Daylight already?' He asked himself as he rose to his feet. 'We really must've lost track of time during our training...' He looked over at Arantima and returned a smile.

"I usually don't stay up this late." He chuckled as he brushed the sand from his clothes. "I slept all day yesterday after getting my headband in anticipation for my training tonight, but I sure did not see it turning out the way it did." Kaito paused for a moment, walking to stand side-by-side with Arantima. "Would you want to go get some breakfast, perhaps? I'm sure some of the restaurants will be opening up soon."

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Pagebreak6

AP Utilized:
Items Utilized:

[Word Count (Post) - 551]
[Word Count (Total) - 7,194]

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:14 am
Arantima nodded to Kaito as he explained what he learned there tonight and smiled brightly to the Younger genin.  He Chuckled at the mention of breakfast and of shops opening. "Yeah. Lets go to my favorite place in the whole of Sunagakure.. Its Called the Wind Demons guild. Come on, I'll get us a discount to, I kind of know the owner." Arantima waves for Kaito to follow him as he takes a leisurely pace back through the training grounds. He doesnt jog, doesnt make the trip out of the grounds any harder than it has to be becuase he knows that as soon soon as they sit down it is all going to come catching up with them.

He Leads Kaito through and out of the training grounds and into a a series of alleyways that wind and twist and almost seem to wrap back on themselves until there is the entrance to a wonderful little shop that seems to be already open.. as if it never closed. Inside there were a few comfortable tables and chairs and a counter area where there were a few pieces of equipment on display that were marked for sale but also a small menu of Bao buns with many fillings, fruits and teas as well as Sake and Brandy by the Glass.


220 words in this post for a total of 4750 WC

Can not claim AP As I am claiming a Discount.

Claiming Training ground 25% discount

Overwriting the B and A ranks of Samurai Saber Technique with The B an A ranks of Lion Hawk for 1875 WC

Training Furious Design for 1125 WC

Training Spooling Wire Seal C rank for 750 WC

1000 WC towards Mastering A rank of Demon Wind Launch For First Slot of Removing handseals
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

A Beast At Training [Training / Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Beast At Training [Training / Private]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:26 am

Honestly, Kaito did not expect Arantima to accept his offer to join him for breakfast so easily, let alone the older ninja going ahead and picking the restaurant, or rather the guild home, to go to. He proceeded to follow Arantima back through the sandy dunes of the training ground and back out to the main entrance to the training grounds. He still had a lot more questions for his senior but figured that he would save them for once they got some food and drink in their stomachs.

Just as they were walking back through the main gates, Kaito could see the guard from earlier that night walking out into the morning sunlight and stretching himself out.

'Must've finished his nap.' He thought to himself with a chuckle. The guard cracked his neck and looked over towards the two boys as they kept their rather lazy pace walking past him.

"Well, you don't look too beat up. Training must have gone well, I take it?"

"Yes, Sir." Kaito replied with a smile. "Have a good day now." The two boys continued walking back into the dense urban-esque portions of the village, the hustle and bustle of people preparing to start their days becoming more and more eminent as the sun continued to rise in the sky above, almost at an alarming rate. Kaito couldn't help but look up towards the blue beyond above. It really was different from the starry nothing of night, a difference that Kaito quite liked, to be honest.

'Something about the daytime just seems more... relaxing." He thought as he quickly started to notice the weight of his body upon his worn-out knees. Both those and his arms burned from stimulation, a feeling that Kaito would have to get used to sooner rather than later. 'Really though, it might have been a mistake to go all out only a few hours before I was scheduled to take on a mission...'

Continuing to whine to himself internally about how much his body hurt, Kaito almost did not realize Arantima come to a stop just outside of a little shop tucked away in the many deep alleyways of Sunagakure. This must've been it. Kaito grinned almost too excitedly as Arantima opened the wooden sliding doors before them, the smell of freshly made baozi and brewed tea hitting his nostrils. Not really one for sweets himself, Kaito almost could not help himself. He just had to try one of each of the different flavored steamed buns.

"Let's get started." He said, smiling sincerely over at Arantima, his new friend and (possibly self-declared) mentor...

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Wed Oct 27, 2021 7:42 pm
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