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Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:42 pm

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Joro's eyelids fluttered open, gradually awakening to the promise of a new day. With a stretch and a deep breath, he rose from his bed, feeling the cool morning air kiss his skin as he prepared for the day ahead.

His morning routine was a sacred ritual, a series of movements that grounded him in the present moment and prepared him for the challenges that lay ahead. After a brief session of stretching and meditation, Joro performed a set of forms with his katana, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next as he warmed up his muscles for the day's activities.

Next, he made his way to the small kitchenette of his modest apartment, where he prepared a simple yet nourishing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air as he cooked a hearty meal of eggs and toast, savoring each bite as he fueled his body for the tasks that awaited him.

With breakfast finished and his mind clear, Joro turned his attention to the day's missions. He had received a message from a messenger bird earlier that morning, bearing the details of two assignments: an E-rank task and a more challenging B-rank mission that he was doing with Hebiishi. Yay!! I got another mission with Hebiishi! A B-Rank no less, whoever is putting out the missions must realize a dynamite team when they see one!

As he made his way through the streets of the village, Joro reflected on the nature of his duties. The E-rank task seemed simple enough – standing guard outside the palace gates and directing lost travelers to their destinations. It was a humble duty, but one that served an important purpose in maintaining the harmony of the village.

Arriving at the palace gates, Joro assumed his post with a friendly smile, ready to assist any travelers in need of guidance. Throughout the morning, he greeted each visitor with warmth and hospitality, patiently answering their questions and offering directions with confidence.

As Joro stood guard at the palace gates, a weary traveler approached, looking slightly lost amidst the bustling streets of Hoshigakure.

"Excuse me, sir," the traveler said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I seem to have lost my way. Can you help me find the temple of enlightenment?"

"Of course," Joro replied with a reassuring smile. "You're in luck, my friend. The temple is just a short walk from here. Let me give you directions."

With a few quick gestures and a clear explanation, Joro guided the traveler on the right path, ensuring that he would reach his destination without further delay.

"Thank you so much," the traveler said, gratitude evident in his eyes. "I don't know what I would have done without your help."

"It was my pleasure," Joro replied, his smile unwavering. "Safe travels, and may you find the enlightenment you seek at the temple."

As the sun rose higher in the sky and the morning crowds began to thin, Joro's E-rank task drew to a close. With a sense of satisfaction, he bid farewell to the palace gates and made his way to the designated meeting spot where he was to rendezvous with Hebiishi.

Outside the store, Joro leaned against a nearby wall, his gaze scanning the bustling street for any sign of his comrade. The morning sun cast long shadows across the pavement, creating a tranquil atmosphere as Joro waited patiently for Hebiishi to arrive.

Minutes turned into a hour. Joro resisted the urge to check the time, he was early so it wasn't like Hebiishi was even late, knowing that impatience would only serve to fray his nerves. Instead, he focused on the rhythm of his breath, finding solace in the simple act of being present in the moment.

As the morning wore on, Joro found himself lost in thought, reflecting on the challenges that lay ahead. Though his task was to keep watch rather than infiltrate, the potential threats at the extravagant party required vigilance and awareness. He knew that he and Hebiishi would need to remain alert and coordinated to ensure the safety of the guests.

Finally, just as the sun reached its zenith, Joro spotted Hebiishi making his way towards the store. With a sense of relief, he pushed himself away from the wall and greeted his friend with a nod.

"Hey, Hebiishi!" Joro called out with a wide grin as his friend approached. "Good to see you, man. Ready to tackle this mission together?"


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Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:31 pm
Hebiishi was grateful for the mission today. He was supposed to be a bodyguard at an exclusive party. While that normally would sound intimidating to him the point of this particular mission was to blend in with the crowd. As he never liked to stand out this gave him a firm feeling of relief. He wasn't sure what the venue would be like or how he would feel being dressed like a fancy party guest but those were minor concerns in comparison. Hopefully. no conflict broke out as he was sure their employers wouldn't be happy with him demonstrating his clear Orochi heritage in a fight. He'd found a lot of solace since becoming a genin as he had met a variety of people who hadn't blatantly discounted him due to his heritage, but it still didn't stop the near daily occurrence of people treating him poorly due to it. Just the other day some neighborhood children had made it a game to throw rocks at him, his ability to dodge their efforts only spurring them on. Of course, that was nothing compared to their chant... He'd blocked it out from his mind but the child-like cruelty of it still shook him. But, if anything, it gave him more determination to prove them wrong and show Hoshigakure his family's loyalty. Even if it was distant he knew that one day he would fit in. One day he and any other foreign bloodline would be welcomed with open arms as proper citizens within the village.

These thoughts plagued him so much as he walked to the clothing store he almost missed Joro's greeting. He flashed the boy a warm, if distant, smile in an effort to cover up his turbulent emotions. He trusted Joro, at least as far as he had ever trusted anyone, but he still wasn't ready to let him into the vastly different world he lived in in comparison to him.

"Hi Joro. Yes! I figure you need to buy a fancy enough ensemble for the event as well? I don't think I have a set of clothes that don't have a hole in them somewhere."

As he finished speaking he blushed a little and was grateful he didn't feel his scales emerge with his embarrassment. Once Joro replied he'd head in to the store with him. As soon as they entered he would be grateful he came with Joro. The store clerk gave him and his outfit one look and immediately sniffed and looked away from him. When he gave Joro a similar once over he seemed to see at least enough of something to not immediately dismiss him. The man sauntered over slowly and spoke directly to Joro, as if Hebiishi didn't exist, "Hello sir, how can I help you today? Perhaps you're looking for some suitable... formal attire?"

Hebiishi didn't let the clerk rattle him, he'd been snubbed far more deeply than this and by people far closer to him. Instead, he looked to Joro to take his lead. He just hoped he got some help in terms of style as he was completely out of his element here.

WC: 524
TWC: 524
MTWC: 1,281/3,500
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Tue Feb 13, 2024 10:39 pm
As Hebiishi finished speaking, Joro couldn't help but sense the tension lingering beneath his friend's warm smile. He knew all too well the weight of carrying the burden of one's heritage, the constant struggle to prove oneself in a world that often judged based on appearances alone. But Joro was determined to make sure Hebiishi felt supported and valued, especially in a moment like this.

Turning to the store clerk with a confident grin, Joro addressed him directly. "Absolutely, my good man," he said, his voice carrying a note of authority as he met the clerk's gaze head-on. "We're in need of attire suitable for a grand event – something that exudes elegance and refinement, yet allows us to seamlessly blend into the crowd."

The store clerk's initial skepticism seemed to melt away under Joro's unwavering gaze, replaced instead with a newfound respect. "Ah, I see," he replied, nodding thoughtfully. "Well, you've certainly come to the right place. We have a wide selection of formal wear that I'm sure will meet your needs."

With a polite nod, Joro motioned for Hebiishi to join him in perusing the racks of clothing. As they moved through the store, Joro couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in his friend's posture, a quiet unease that belied his calm exterior. He knew that Hebiishi was feeling the weight of their upcoming mission, the pressure to prove himself in a world that often seemed stacked against him.

As they perused the racks of clothing, Joro's eyes scanned the array of suits, searching for the perfect ensemble that would strike the balance between sophistication and subtlety. His gaze landed on a sleek black suit, its tailored lines and classic design catching his attention.

With a confident stride, Joro made his way over to the suit, his fingers grazing the smooth fabric as he examined it more closely. The material felt luxurious against his skin, and he could already envision himself wearing it at the grand event.

Joro decided to try on the suit, eager to see how it would look on him. He disappeared into the dressing room for a few moments before emerging once again, the suit fitting him like a glove. The sleek lines accentuated his frame, while the deep black hue added a touch of sophistication to his appearance.

"This one looks promising," Joro remarked, his voice tinged with approval as he held the suit up for Hebiishi to see. "What do you think?"

But something was missing – a splash of color to liven up the ensemble. Joro's eyes fell on a vibrant purple shirt nearby, its rich hue drawing him in with its allure. With a grin, he reached for the shirt and unbuttoned the top few buttons, allowing it to peek out from beneath the jacket.

"What do you think?" Joro asked, turning to Hebiishi with a playful grin. "Does the purple shirt add a little extra flair, or is it too much?"

The sharp lines of the jacket accentuated Joro's physique, while the deep hue of the fabric exuded an air of sophistication and elegance.

With that, the two friends continued their search through the racks of clothing, eager to find the perfect outfit for Hebiishi to wear to the grand event. As they browsed the selection, Joro couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and solidarity with Hebiishi, grateful for the opportunity to support his friend on their journey together.

As they continued browsing, Joro couldn't shake the feeling that Hebiishi was holding back, perhaps feeling uncertain about his own fashion choices. With a warm smile, Joro turned his attention to his friend, determined to help him find an outfit that would make him feel confident and stylish.

"Hebiishi, how about we find something that complements your unique style?" Joro suggested, his tone encouraging. "You've got such a distinct look – we just need to find the right pieces to enhance it."

With that in mind, Joro began scanning the racks once more, his eyes searching for something that would capture Hebiishi's individuality. After a moment, he spotted a sleek ensemble in shades of gray, its modern design catching his eye.

"What do you think about this one?" Joro asked, holding up the outfit for Hebiishi to see. "The tailored pants and fitted blazer would highlight your slender frame, and the subtle patterns add a touch of sophistication. Plus, the muted colors would complement your blonde hair and green eyes perfectly."

With that Joro would wait for Hebiishi's response.
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:35 am
Hebiishi was relieved as Joro took hold of the situation, seeming to have no issue addressing the clerk and turning his attitude around. Hebiishi envied him. That confidence was something he wasn't sure he would ever be able to have, even after he achieved his dream. He'd always be a wallflower, a squirmer, a snake waiting to wriggle away from conflict. He didn't think any amount of time would change that about him. He'd spent far too long running from those who harassed him to be anything else.

As they browsed the racks Hebiishi felt a bit lost. He had no fashion sense to speak of as he learned to thrift and salvage any clothing he wore. There was no point in buying something beautiful to just have it ruined gleefully by someone else. Nothing jumped out on the rack at him, all the clothes just blended in as a jumble of things he'd never buy on his own. As Joro interrupted his thoughts to ask about a suit he thought was promising and tried on Hebiishi tried to give him a reassuring smile and nod. He had no idea as to whether the suit looked 'good' on Joro so it felt like the only thing he could do. A few more moments passed before Joro grabbed a shirt and tried it on triumphantly.

"What do you think? Does the purple shirt add a little extra flair, or is it too much?"

Not wanting to lie a second time Hebiishi shrugged and gestured at his clothes, "I'm a bit out of my element here as you can see." As he said this he could hear a loud sniff and stifled chuckle from behind him. He could only assume it was the clerk. He blushed at the man's reaction and a few snake scales began to appear around his eyes. After a long pause he continued, "... But I think it looks great on you."

With the matter settled Joro seemed set on buying the outfit he'd chosen. They then turned to the more difficult task of finding Hebiishi one. Hebiishi felt lost amongst the sea of clothes none looking any more or less fashionable than the other. He was also worried any choice he made would be made fun of by the clerk. He'd still not been able to calm down enough to have his scales recede. The only reason he wasn't trying to hide them was that Joro already seemed at ease with his Orochi heritage and the clerk himself already disliked him. He tried to pretend he knew what he was doing by aimlessly sorting through the racks of clothes. However, he wasn't sure he was fooling anyone. Thankfully Joro came to his rescue. "Hebiishi, how about we find something that complements your unique style? You've got such a distinct look – we just need to find the right pieces to enhance it."

He smiled at Joro's words and nodded with relief. It wasn't long before the other man had found him an option.

"What do you think about this one? The tailored pants and fitted blazer would highlight your slender frame, and the subtle patterns add a touch of sophistication. Plus, the muted colors would complement your blonde hair and green eyes perfectly," Joro said.

At this point, he'd have tried on a pink and purple polka dotted dress if it would get him out of here. Barely even looking at the outfit, he took the outfit from Joro and raced to try it on while absently saying over his shoulder, "This looks great...!"

When he tried it on he had to admit he looked a lot nicer than he had before. He couldn't remember the last time he'd worn something that wasn't ragged from use. Or 'well loved' as his mother would have put it. As he strolled out to show Joro he knew the outfit worked just based on the clerk's change from sniffing at him to a simple purse of the lips. As they paid and exited the store he thanked Joro profusely for helping him, "I think this is the nicest thing I've ever owned. I was completely lost in there. Thank you so much for the help Joro."

As he looked at Joro waiting for a response he prepared himself to give a formal bow to the man. He couldn't think of another way to show how much his appreciation. What he couldn't say was that he wasn't used to relying on anybody. Joro was the closest thing he had to a friend. And in fact, he was fairly certain Joro was indeed his friend. Friendship... the entire concept seemed foreign to him. He was barely used to the simple idea that some people now treated him well, let alone that he might have something as huge and confusing as friendship.

Regardless of how Joro responded they were soon on their way to their mission destination, the party. As they arrived at the place Hebiishi's eyes almost bugged out of his head. The location was a sprawling mansion with large grounds and gardens. As they approached the building Hebiishi wasn't sure if he could see if they even had neighbors. The entrance to the manor bustled with guests and staff aiding them in their arrival. But Hebiishi barely noticed this as he tried to simply take in the vast amount of land this place took up. If he could afford to live here he would barely need to try and change the Orochi name in the village. He'd be able to live out his days here unbothered by the hate and harassment of others. Let alone there was the simple fact that money talked, and this place screamed of it. He was so taken in by his thoughts that he wouldn't be pulled out of them until Joro ushered him along.

WC: 977
TWC: 1,501
MTWC: 3,007/3,500
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:35 pm
Joro glanced briefly at the clerk, noting the stifled chuckle, but his attention quickly returned to Hebiishi. He could see the discomfort in Hebiishi's expression, evident even before the subtle emergence of snake scales around his eyes.

With a reassuring smile, Joro reached out a hand to lightly touch Hebiishi's arm. "Hey, don't worry about it. We're just here to find you something that makes you feel comfortable and confident," he said softly, offering words of support to his friend.

Hebiishi's admission that he felt out of his element struck a chord with Joro. He could sense the vulnerability behind those words, a feeling that he himself had experienced more times than he cared to admit. "You're doing great, Hebiishi. And you're right, that outfit does look great on me," Joro replied with a playful grin, trying to lighten the mood.

As they continued browsing through the racks of clothing, Joro kept an eye on Hebiishi, silently offering his support and encouragement. He knew that stepping out of one's comfort zone could be daunting, but he was determined to help Hebiishi find something that made him feel good about himself.

Joro watched as Hebiishi tried on the outfit he had picked out, a small smile playing at his lips as he saw the transformation in his friend. Despite Hebiishi's initial apprehension, the clothes seemed to suit him perfectly, accentuating his features and giving him a newfound sense of confidence.

As Hebiishi emerged from the fitting room, Joro's smile widened into a grin of approval. "Wow, Hebiishi, you look fantastic!" he exclaimed, genuinely impressed by how well the outfit suited him.

Hebiishi's words of gratitude warmed Joro's heart, and he waved off the thanks with a humble gesture. "Hey, it was my pleasure. I'm just glad I could help you find something you like," he replied sincerely.

As they both checked out of the store in their new outfits, Joro took a bag of the clothes they had on before and stowed it away somewhere safe. They then headed off to the party, and oh it was a extravagant party. As they walked up they both realized the sheer size of this place. Joro had never seen anything like it! The marble, the elegance, the sheer fear factor almost... Joro was almost intimidated walking into this party.

As Hebiishi and Joro walked up to the bouncer's they went to check in, and were met with raised eyebrows. The bouncer, a burly man with a stern expression, eyed them both up and down before reluctantly allowing them entry after checking their names off the guest list. Once inside, Joro couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension wash over him. The opulence of the surroundings only served to amplify his unease, and he found himself second-guessing whether they truly belonged in such a place.

He glanced at Hebiishi, noting the mixture of awe and discomfort in his friend's expression. Despite their shared nervousness, Joro offered him a reassuring smile, silently reminding him that they were in this together.

As they made their way through the crowded foyer, Joro couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about what lay beyond. The sound of laughter and lively conversation filled the air, mingling with the soft strains of music that drifted from somewhere within the mansion.

Hebiishi, too, seemed to be taking in the sights with wide-eyed wonder, his gaze flitting from one extravagant detail to the next. Joro couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for his friend, knowing that Hebiishi must be feeling just as out of place as he was.

But despite their initial misgivings, Joro knew that they had a job to do. They were here on a mission, and they couldn't afford to let their discomfort get in the way. With a determined nod to himself, Joro squared his shoulders and set his sights on their objective.

"We're here to do a job, Hebiishi," he said, his voice firm with resolve. "Let's make sure we get it done, no matter what. Just blend in and keep in touch."

With that it was time to find the party hosts to check in and make sure they had all the correct details.

Previous post was 752, forgot to add WC.
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:28 pm
Hebiishi was even more taken aback as he entered the party. The sheer amount of people made him incredibly uncomfortable. It felt like an attack could come from a million directions. Just one person noticing he was an Orochi could be enough to cause a disturbance, and who knows how that would turn out. But as he was on a job Hebiishi tried to quell his nerves. He had a job to do regardless of how he felt. Stopping a potential assassination was worth any discomfort he was in. As he finally got his head out of the clouds with that sobering thought he noticed Joro was looking for someone. The host...? Oh! He tried not to berate himself for getting swept up in his own thoughts and leaving Joro to do the brunt of the work. He began to sweep the crowd for their host but it seemed they didn't need to search at all.

A man came towards them, scurrying out from amongst the throng of people. He pursed his lips as he gave them a once over. "Hmm... What you're wearing is... sufficient. At least it helped me spot you, even if it is a little... well there's no getting around it, poor for my tastes. It's my own fault for not being more specific. Let me point out the high priority guests most likely to be targeted in this gathering, as well as a few feuds that might boil over while we're here."

Hebiishi consciously repressed his scales as they rippled under his skin at the man's words. So much for feeling confident in what he was wearing. As he got a grip on his instincts he followed the man's lengthy description of a variety of guests and feuds. He summarized them in his own mind to stay on top of the vast amount of information. There was:

A lanky but beautiful looking woman who was a princess of a small nation who was feuding with a heavily built man in a white suit that was a highly sought after arms dealer who was also attending the party.

A group of three brothers who all looked remarkably similar to each other even down to their clothing choices. They were the heirs apparent to a vast fortune and while they were apparently close there was a rivalry over who was to inherit the majority of it in the wake of their father's recent death.

A weaselly looking man who was an advisor to a rival village's Kage who was here for diplomatic reasons but likely had his own hidden agenda. He seemed to be waiting for someone as he kept glancing furtively at a door that went deeper into the closed off portion of the mansion.

Those were all he could remember, if there were any others Hebiishi hoped Joro followed along enough to note them. But even as he finished summarizing the list for himself once again he realized the host had vanished as quickly as he had appeared, apparently called off towards other important duties. Hebiishi looked at Joor and waited patiently for him to interject if he had some sort of plan or if he had noticed something he hadn't.

WC: 537
TWC: 2,038
MTWC: Exceeded
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:47 am
A man came towards them out of the crowd. He pursed his lips as he gave them a once over. "Hmm... What you're wearing is... sufficient. At least it helped me spot you, even if it is a little... well there's no getting around it, poor for my tastes. It's my own fault for not being more specific. Let me point out the high priority guests most likely to be targeted in this gathering, as well as a few feuds that might boil over while we're here," he would say displeased with their outfits it seems. He would then go over a few of the people that Joro and Hebiishi look out for.

"That lanky but beautiful looking woman who was a princess of a small nation who was feuding with a heavily built man in a white suit who was a highly sought-after arms dealer who was also attending the party. Their names were Joy and Joseph. A group of three brothers who all looked remarkably similar to each other even down to their clothing choices. They were the heirs apparent to a vast fortune and while they were close there was a rivalry over who was to inherit the majority of it in the wake of their father's recent death. They were named Tim, Tom, and Tam. That weaselly-looking man who was an advisor to a rival village's Kage who was here for diplomatic reasons but likely had his hidden agenda. He seemed to be waiting for someone as he kept glancing furtively at a door that went deeper into the closed-off portion of the mansion. His name was Philip."

Joro looked at the man, taking note of the people in his notebook, and being sure to get a good look at them.

"I'll take the brothers and the advisor, you handle the two feuding nations folk, it'll be good, that should work. Motion if you need to trade someone off. I'll work the far side of the grand room you work in this area. Stay alert, and everything will be fine," he said to the young Orochi.

Joro walked over to the far side of the room and began a friendly chat with a rather attractive woman, from a faraway land, she was quite chatty, Joro made sure to keep his eyes peeled as he made his way around the party with her entail it seemed.

"Hello," she said with a slight smirk.

"Oh hi, how are you?" he said with a rather bashful smile.

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. How are you?"

"Oh, just dandy, got a sharp suit on," motioning at his sleek black suit hugging his body perfectly, the purple shirt just enough flair. "Can't complain about that, plus the company here seems rather lively," looking at the young woman in her bright blue eyes.

"Yes I can see that, fits you very well, very well indeed," as she looked the young Shokku up and down, "Care to dance?" motioning to the dance floor.

"Um, sure, why not, it is a party after all," taking her hand in his he walked with her to the middle of the dance floor.

"Oh, by the way, can you dance?"

"Can I dance? Of course, I can dance. What self-respecting gentleman can't," with a slight look of embarrassment.

"You can't, can you?" with a slight giggle.

"No, not really, I can slow dance just fine though,"

"Okay, well move with me, and it'll be fine. You're lucky you're kind of cute," the woman giggled.

"Kind of? Hey, I'll take what I can get."

"So you got a name, mystery boy?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Playing hard to get, huh?"

"You could say that,"

"Hm, I'll figure it out I'm sure,"

"I'm sure you will, but for now, let's dance,"

Joro kept his eyes out for suspicious activity and the people they were watching as they danced. He wondered how Hebiishi was doing in this mass of people. He should probably check in with him at some point.

Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:59 pm
Hebiishi nodded at Joro, glad to have some instruction. Quickly and quietly he began to make his way over to the arms dealer. He blended in with the crowd nearby and while he also set his sights on the princess he thought it more likely the weapon merchant would make a move than a princess. He did his best to listen for any clues from the man but he seemed to simply be enjoying the party, telling tale after tale of his travels to anyone who would listen. It wasn't until he was caught as a listener and lost sight of the princess that he realized his mistake. A few fateful moments went by where a drink was passed from a waiter to the arms dealer that Hebiishi made his move.

Most wouldn't have caught the faint carbonation in what should have been a stilled wine but Hebiishi did as his panic to reestablish visual with the princess made him hyper alert. He pretended to bump into the waiter, as he was passing the wine, spilling it. The ground where it hit began to smoke as if touched by acid so Hebiishi quickly stood over it to try and prevent others from seeing.

"You buffoon! Watch what you're doing!" The arms dealer yelled, unaware of the imminent danger he had just been saved from.

"I'm so sorry sir. At least none of it got on your clothes. I'll leave you in peace" Hebiishi said before moving on. He needed to find the princess quickly. Either she was in trouble or was the culprit. In either case, she needed to be found.

WC: 271
TWC: 2,309
MTWC: Exceeded
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:53 am
As Joro was dancing with the young woman, enjoying the wonderful display of beauty before him, he couldn't help but notice a bit of distress from Hebiishi. He decided to turn to the woman who he still didn't know her name, and looked at the boy. It seemed he was searching for someone.

As Joro continued dancing with the woman, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness knowing that he had to excuse himself from her. He had enjoyed her company and her entrancing atmosphere, but he knew his duty lay with the mission. As he looked around, he realized that the princess that Hebiishi was searching for might be their intended target, as the rest of their watchees seemed to be fine. With a heavy heart, Joro apologized to the woman and excused himself, making his way towards Hebiishi to tell him about his realization.

It seemed that Hebiishi agreed with Joro when Joro reached him as Hebiishi had bumped into the arms dealer, another one of their watchees, who seemed to be of no trouble. Joro would have them both attempt to run after the princess and intercept her wherever she may be lurking. Hebiishi quickly apologized to the man for bumping into him to which Joro nodded at the man and motioned his head towards where the princess had disappeared.

"Follow me, I think I know where she ran off to. I noticed the wine, I'm sure she is checking that the rest of whatever she put in it was taken care of by the cupbearer. Slimy bastard. I despise such a low being to betray another's trust like this,"

Joro began to weave hand signs so he could teleport to the back of the party, so they could catch the princess in the act.

As they arrived at the back of the party, Joro and Hebiishi saw the princess in the middle of a conversation with the cupbearer. Joro motioned Hebiishi to stay back and keep a watchful eye, while he approached the princess.

"Your Highness," Joro said with a bow, "May I have a word with you in private?"

The princess looked at Joro with a mix of surprise and apprehension. "What is it that you want?" she asked.

"It's about the wine," Joro replied, "I believe you know what I mean."

The princess's face turned pale as she realized that she had been caught. "I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered.

Joro raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then why were you talking to the cupbearer just now?"

The princess hesitated for a moment before answering. "I...I was just asking him for another glass of wine."

Joro shook his head. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I can't let you do that. The wine has been tampered with, and I suspect that you were the one who did it."

The princess's eyes widened in shock. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" she exclaimed.

Joro remained calm and composed. "I'm not accusing you, Your Highness. I'm simply stating the facts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to ask you to come with me."

With that, Joro motioned for Hebiishi to come closer, and the two of them escorted the princess out of the house, Joro would have Hebiishi talk to the man who was hosting the party. A way of allowing Hebiishi to show that he shouldn't be judged or mistreated. As well as doing it without Joro would be good for the kid. At least he thought so.  

Joro escorted the princess to the authorities, where she would face justice for her actions. After seeing to it that she was in safe hands, Joro returned to Hebiishi after he had spoken to the part host.

"Good job back there," Joro said, patting Hebiishi on the back. "You handled yourself well. If you need a quick way home, I can teleport you there, it's no trouble at all." If Hebiishi allowed Joro to teleport him then he would, dropping off the kid at his home. Wishing him a good night as he would teleport home to get some much-needed rest. He would put away his suit and topple onto his bed sleeping like a rock.


Last edited by Joro Shokku on Wed May 15, 2024 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hebiishi Orochi
Hebiishi Orochi
Stat Page : Slither on over
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 13000

Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail! Empty Re: Joro and Hebiishi on Party Detail!

Fri May 10, 2024 3:33 am
Hebiishi was glad Joro arrived, noticing his altercation with the arms dealer. He followed along and braced himself for action as they went to find the princess but as they found her Joro waved him back, wanting to take over her capture himself. Watching him do this Hebiishi reflected back on how only a short time ago he had been a mere academy student whom Hebiishi was assigned to train with and now he had blossomed into a full blown shinobi. He'd certainly surpassed Hebiishi himself. The thought saddened him but was overshadowed by the burst of pride that spread throughout his chest.

It wasn't long before Joro finished and they escorted the princess from the house, but not before Joro insisted Hebiishi go back and explain what was going on with the host. Hebiishi almost balked at the task but he realized his friend was now trying to teach him. With a small smile, he broke away and headed out to find the man. It wasn't long before he found them, it seemed their altercation with the princess did not go unnoticed.

"What the hell are you doing?" The host yelled at him while emerging from the crowd.

"We apprehended an assassin, if you'd like the full report you can get it from the police after Joro and I deliver the details to them. In short, though, you were right to have us watch her and the arms dealer, I intercepted an assassination attempt on him before we removed her from the party. I'm pretty sure he's still unaware it happened." Hebiishi stated calmly, surprised at his own self assuredness.

The host stopped at his words, obviously having been about to berate him. It was an interesting thing to watch the man turn down from several shades of red to back to his normal appearance. The silence stretched between them before finally, the man said, "Your services have been sufficient. Please leave."

Nodding Hebiishi left but not before Joro returned in time to whisk him away with his teleportation technique. A certainly nifty ability to have. He'd have to learn it someday. He ended the night by giving Joro a big hug, whispering in his ear, "You've grown." Before entering his house to begin getting ready for bed.

WC: 379
TWC: 2,688
MTWC: Exceeded

668 WC Orochi Style Seeping Venom (The rest learned here)
2,000 WC Striking Snake Style
20/500 Bodily Restoration  C to B rank

+26 Chakra

Mission Rewards:
+$7,000 Ryo
+35 AP (new total bonus AP 280)
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