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Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Joro meeting Sephy!!

Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:33 pm
The soft glow of the morning sun gently kissed Joro's eyelids, coaxing him from the depths of slumber. With a languid stretch, he welcomed the new day, feeling the warmth of dawn infuse his small apartment. As he rose from his bed, a sense of purpose stirred within him, setting the tone for the hours ahead.

With deliberate movements, Joro navigated his morning routine. He dressed in his customary attire, opting for practicality over extravagance. Today, he wore a simple yet sturdy ensemble - running shoes, dark pants, a fitted white shirt, and a lightweight purple overcoat. His trusty katana rested comfortably in its sheath on his back, a silent guardian ready to be called upon if needed.

As he fastened his belt and adjusted the straps of his katana, Joro took a moment to assess his appearance in the mirror. The addition of the purple overcoat lent a touch of color to his otherwise monochromatic ensemble, adding a subtle flair to his look. Satisfied with his choice, he nodded to himself, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Stepping out into the bustling streets of the village, Joro's senses were immediately assailed by the sights and sounds of daily life. The air was alive with the chatter of merchants hawking their wares, the rhythmic clatter of footsteps on cobblestone, and the tantalizing aromas wafting from nearby food stalls.

Navigating the crowded thoroughfares with practiced ease, Joro made his way to a quaint tea spot tucked away in a quiet corner of the village. The exterior was unassuming, but there was an air of serenity that beckoned him inside.

Entering the tea spot, Joro was greeted by the welcoming aroma of freshly brewed tea and the soft murmur of conversation. The interior was cozy yet elegant, with plush seating arranged around low tables adorned with delicate tea sets.

Finding an empty table near the back, Joro settled into a chair, allowing himself a moment to take in his surroundings. He wore his usual attire, the dark hues of his clothing blending seamlessly with the subdued ambiance of the tea spot. His katana rested securely on his back, a silent sentinel that spoke volumes of his identity as a shinobi.

As he waited for his tea to arrive, Joro's attention was drawn to a figure seated at a nearby table – a woman with striking silver and white hair, and eyes the color of rubies. Intrigued by her appearance, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity as he watched her from afar.

As Joro approached the woman's table, he offered a polite nod and charming smile in greeting, his expression calm and respectful. "Good morning," he said warmly, his voice carrying a hint of sincerity. "I hope I'm not intruding, but I couldn't help but notice you from across the cafe. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself."

Pointing at the empty seat next across from her, "Would you mind if I joined you?"

With that Joro would wait to see if he could sit next to the woman he had just met.

Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:10 am
Sephora had been up a while researching her family history! She found a family tree that dated back many centuries. It was quite interesting to see so many familiar names there! Sure enough she was related to some of the Hyuugas she had no idea she was related to, Haru Hyuuga, and one that ironically Prim Uchiha was related to as well, Akina Hyuuga! That name took her back so many years! She sat the book about her Hyuuga Clan history on the family tree and decided to take a break! She knew there was a tea shop downtown. She decided to head down there, besides she needed to get away for a little bit.

Sephora was dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts and a white halter top. Her long white hair was down, it was down to the middle of her back. She also wore a pair of gray strappy sandals. Since she actually has a personal day she decided to use it. Her teammates were off doing training, however, Sephy felt like she needed a break!

Sephora informed the maid she would be back later so they wouldn't move her book or paperwork. The maid nodded as Sephora walked out the door. She made her way through the streets of Hoshigakure and finally found the little tea shop! The place was peaceful and serene, the chatter added to the atmosphere. The music was soft and the wait staff was friendly! 

Sephora had been sitting in a booth as a young man approached her. Normally, in the past, Sephora would have asked him what he was doing and told him to go on his way, but she turned over a new leaf in Hoshi! Smiling up she nodded at him to show it was ok to sit with her!

“Please, have a seat. I don't mind the company.” She said politely. Maybe she should try to make a friend or two in this village! 
“My name is Sephora.” She added as she sipped her tea. So far so good. Maybe being at home with family in Hoshi is causing the missing ninja side of her to vanish!

Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:05 pm
Joro smiled warmly as he took a seat opposite Sephora, feeling a sense of curiosity about the intriguing stranger before him. "Thank you," he said appreciatively, settling into the booth. "It's nice to meet you, Sephora. I'm Joro, Joro Shokku."

He took a moment to glance around the tea shop, soaking in the peaceful ambiance and the gentle hum of conversation. It was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of his daily life as a ninja. "This place has such a calming atmosphere, doesn't it?" he remarked, gesturing to their surroundings. "I always find it so relaxing to just sit back and enjoy a cup of tea."

As he spoke, Joro couldn't help but notice Sephora's serene demeanor, and he found himself drawn to her quiet confidence. "So, Sephora, what brings you to this tea shop today?" he asked, genuinely curious about her reasons for visiting. "Are you a regular here, or just passing through like me?" His tone was friendly and engaging, eager to learn more about the woman sitting across from him.

"Your name has such a unique ring to it," he commented, trying to keep the conversation flowing smoothly, he fidgeted with his bracelets going over each wooded bead. Showcasing some level of nervousness. "Is there a special meaning behind it, if you don't mind me asking?" Joro's curiosity piqued as he awaited Sephora's response, genuinely interested in learning more about the woman sitting across from him.

He shifted slightly in his seat, his eyes flickering around the tea shop as he searched for more conversation topics. "So, Sephora, are you from around here?" he asked, hoping to uncover more about her background. "Or are you visiting from another village?" His tone remained polite and friendly, eager to continue their conversation and get to know Sephora better.
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:39 am
Sephora took a sip of tea, Rosehip tea was always one of her favorites! It always had such a calming effect. “I'm kind of a unique person with a unique name. My mom came up with my name. I live here in Hoshigakure with my family. My surname is Hyuuga, and my cousin's live here in Hoshi and I came to live here because my village was destroyed.” She explained trying not to be too much of a chatterbox! She added some honey to her tea to sweeten it a bit more. Perfect!

“I'm still trying to get to know the village myself, it's beautiful here and this is my first visit to the tea house! I have only been here for a couple of months but this is by far one of the best villages I have ever been to.” She took another sip of tea as she looked at the young man in the booth across from her. 

“Have you lived here your whole life?” She asked him curiously. He seemed, well, rather interesting. This will be her first friend in Hoshi besides her family and teammates! It's a good start, he seemed nice, maybe he was a good example of the locals, maybe they were all this friendly. This beats being a missing ninja for sure!

Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:05 pm
Joro nodded along as Sephora spoke, genuinely interested in learning more about her. He couldn't help but notice the genuine warmth in her demeanor, which put him at ease.

"It sounds like you have a strong bond with your family and your village. That's something truly special," Joro remarked, impressed by Sephora's sense of connection to her roots.

As Sephora asked about his own background, Joro's expression softened with a hint of melancholy. "Actually, I've always called Hoshigakure home, but my family... well, I haven't seen them in quite some time," he confessed, his gaze momentarily drifting to the tabletop as memories resurfaced.

"It's been twelve years since they disappeared," he continued, his tone tinged with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "But I've learned to make my own way in the world since then."

Realizing he had shared more than he intended, Joro quickly shook off the somber mood and offered Sephora a reassuring smile. "But enough about me," he said, shifting the focus away from his own troubles. "I wouldn't want to burden you with my story. Let's talk about something more uplifting, shall we?" He glanced around the tea shop, hoping to steer the conversation in a more lighthearted direction.

He took a moment to glance around the tea house, appreciating the tranquil atmosphere. "I have to agree with you, this tea house is a hidden gem. It's always nice to find a peaceful spot to relax and enjoy good company," he added, his gaze returning to Sephora with a friendly twinkle in his eyes.

Joro smiled warmly as he observed Sephora's genuine interest in their conversation, appreciating the opportunity to connect with someone new in the village.

"You know, Sephora, you have a way of making even a simple chat feel meaningful," he remarked, his tone sincere. "It's refreshing to meet someone who's so open and genuine."

As the conversation flowed effortlessly between them, Joro couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Sephora. Despite their differences, they shared a common bond in their search for connection and belonging.

"I must say, I'm glad I decided to stop by this tea shop today," Joro said, his eyes meeting Sephora's with a genuine smile. "Meeting you has been a pleasant surprise, and I'm grateful for the chance to get to know you better."

He leaned back in his seat, feeling more relaxed and at ease than he had in a long time. "So, Sephora, do you have any hobbies or interests that you're passionate about?" Joro asked, genuinely curious about what made her tick. "I've always been drawn to activities like meditation, trying new tea obviously, and writing, but I'm open to trying new things." He gestured to the serene surroundings of the tea shop. "Maybe there's something here that we could enjoy together."
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:41 am
Sephora kind of enjoyed talking to Joro and getting to know him. The smell of fresh baked goods suddenly hit her nose as cinnamon rolls were sat at their table. Sephora took one and sat it on the plate by her tea cup.
“You seem pretty interesting to me, I like hearing about you! My story isn't interesting, it's more a long drawn out drama I'm sure you don't want to hear.” Sephora said with a halfway smile playing on her lips. Good girl, turns bad girl, turns good girl again…would be the only way to sum it up.
“Is there anything fun to do around here? I wasn't really doing much at home, it's my day off and I was just looking at a family tree from the branch of the Hyuuga family I was born into. I'm not too busy and since you seem interesting, maybe we could hang out!” Sephora said trying to learn how to ask a friend to go somewhere with her. Keep in mind Sephora had never done anything like this without intentions behind her actions. This was new for her. Hanging out with a friend simply getting to know them was a whole new experience for her. She wasn't sure what she considered fun. In her past fun was plotting to kill or kidnapping, but not now.
“Maybe we could take a walk around the village?” She suggested. “We could play 20 questions and get to know each other!” She said, adding a slight giggle. She suddenly blushed, realizing she giggled like a little school girl! Oh no! Hopefully he doesn't think anything of the giggle.
Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:50 pm
Joro chuckled softly at Sephora's comment about her own story, sensing the complexity behind her words. "Sometimes the most interesting stories come from the most unexpected places, especially considering the world we live in," he remarked, offering her a charming smile. "But if you ever feel like sharing, I'm always up for a good story."

As Sephora mentioned hanging out and exploring the village, Joro's interest piqued. It had been a while since he had simply spent time getting to know someone without the weight of a mission or duty looming over them. "A walk around the village sounds like a great idea," he replied warmly, nodding in agreement. "And playing 20 questions sounds super fun! I would love to get to know you even more," Joro added, meeting her gaze with genuine interest. After settling the bill, he stood up from the table, ready to embark on this unexpected adventure with Sephora.

"With a genuine smile, Joro rose from his seat, ready to embark on this unexpected adventure with Sephora. "I have a couple of ideas of where we could go, but I'll save them for when we get closer. I want to focus on getting to know you," he said with a charming smile.

Joro noticed the soft, but cute giggle from Sephora. She actually was quite beautiful, but Joro had just met her, so he wouldn't want to be too forward. He would want to first get to know her before trying to make any moves.

"So, I guess I'll go first," Joro would offer his arm out, if she would want to take it, "what's your favorite season, and what's your favorite color during that season?" He smiled dashingly, curious about her response.


Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:34 pm
The village was beautiful! She's glad Ayato had saves her and brought her back home to such a quaint and quiet village. Her favorite color? Was it really considered a color? As they walked she kept up on a small brick wall and walked across it like she used to do to.the brick walls in Konoha as a kid! One foot in front of the other keeping her balance.
“Gray, because it reminds me of the time I spent in Konoha as a kid. When things were easier before I..yeah, Gray…i used to have lots of gray dresses!” She said as she lost her balance and dropped to her feet next to Joro. “What about you? What's your fondest memory?” Sephora asked him as they arrived at a grove of cherry blossom trees. Sephora smiled as she looked up at the trees, to her they were a symbol of new beginnings for her, starting over like she was doing! Change isn't easy especially not with Sephora, she was surprised she had made a friend today who seemed to be a nice guy. But they were just scratching the surface of Sephora's past. Would he stay her friend if he learned of her dark past?

Stat Page : Joro Shokku
Mission Record : Joro Shokku Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:48 pm
As they walked together Sephora was walking on the small brick wall off to the side. She seemed so comfortable, so at ease here. "Grey is a great color. I'm sure those grey dresses looked wonderful on you," he would say with a sweet smile. He noticed the slight apprehension to finish her thought, though. Joro understood that trust and friendship are built over time and that Sephora may need space to feel comfortable sharing her story. He didn't want to push her, but he also wanted to get to know her, whatever that may entail. He decided to take things slow, focusing on getting to know her better and building a connection. He would do his best to be a good listener, empathetic, and non-judgmental, letting her know that he was open to whatever her story was. He didn't have the cleanest past, especially considering his parents. He hoped that with patience and kindness, they could continue to build a friendship. As she jumped down from the brick wall he felt a sense of protectiveness as he felt the reaction in his body to move. He took a step forward to make sure she landed safely. She did, he did feel a slight flutter of anxiety though.

Joro's eyes lit up as Sephora asked him about his fondest memory. "It's something my dad and I used to do together," he began, his voice soft and nostalgic. "We would sit outside in the morning, sipping tea and writing stories. My dad was an amazing storyteller, and he taught me everything I know. He would show me how to create wonderful tales, and I would fill countless notebooks with my writing." Joro couldn't help but fiddle with one of those notebooks nervously, switching it from hand to hand. "It's a memory that always makes me smile, and it reminds me of how much I miss my dad. But I'm grateful for the memories we shared, and for everything he taught me." He looked up at Sephora, hoping she could sense the depth of his emotions.

Joro's voice trailed off as he continued to fiddle with his notebook, lost in thought. After a moment of hesitation, Joro opened up to her. "It's just that both my parents passed away when I was 12," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It was about six years ago now, but it still feels like yesterday sometimes. They both were highly skilled Shinobi, they went on a mission together and never came back. I've been on my own ever since."

Joro hoping to move the conversation into a more positive vibe asked Sephora, "So, what do you like to do in your free time? Any hobbies or interests? I enjoy a good cup of tea, jotting notes down, and meditation. And the occasional book from the library."

Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:33 pm
Once upon a time, Sephora would have rolled her eyes and said such things made a person weak or took the person as her accomplice and noted how similar they were. Not now, no, she had turned over a new leaf and began her life as a regular village ninja, not a missing ninja trying to gain power and rule the world. She had to show some form of remorse or empathy…follow the heart! Sighing she put her hand on his shoulder and began to lightly rub his shoulder like a Person comforting another person would. This is showing empathy right? She wasn't sure because she never had friends outside her team before but her heart was telling her this was the right thing to do to comfort someone!
“When I was in Konoha I was five at the time. I lived with my mom and found my team mates there. I discovered that my father lived in Volcano Village, which at that time was called Funkagakure. My father was…a missing ninja.I moved to Volcano and shortly after that my mother died! A couple of years later I lost my father and reconnected with my twin Brother Dante. I tried to follow in my father's footsteps. I…don't have the best history…but losing your parents….I know it's hard!” it was hard and she hesitated on some parts, but she did it! Not only did she comfort her friend she revealed a little about herself in the process. She showed empathy and friendship. It was a slow process but Sephy was making the transition she needed to make to be a better person. Making friends and hopefully making Toneri, Ayato and her team proud.
In a way she was scared to see how her new friend would react to finding out she used to be a missing ninja…at least she hadn't mentioned she was the one who killed her mother and kidnapped her whole team at one point. No, maybe some other time she would reveal her past. The only ones who knew the truth were her team and of course her close clan members in her house!
She pulled her hand away and just looked at him hoping the reaction was appropriate.

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