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Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Wed Mar 27, 2024 1:44 am
As Joro waited for her response. It took a second, she seemed like she was a ponderer though. Joro understood, that his life was heavy. He didn't know if that was normal to have these experiences or these thoughts and feelings. He felt a soft, small hand on his shoulder, he felt the hand start to lightly rub his back. That was nice, he didn't expect that out of her. Considering they just met it was a very kind gesture, and Joro appreciated the genuineness of Sephora. As she was lightly rubbing his back, she began to speak.

“When I was in Konoha I was five at the time. I lived with my mom and found my teammates there. I discovered that my father lived in Volcano Village, which at that time was called Funkagakure. My father was…a missing ninja. I moved to Volcano and shortly after that, my mother died! A couple of years later I lost my father and reconnected with my twin Brother Dante. I tried to follow in my father's footsteps. I…don't have the best history…but losing your parents….I know it's hard!”

Volcano Village? Funkagakure? Missing Ninja? Mother died? Father gone too? Huh, Dante, he would commit that to memory for a later time. Maybe he would meet him. Back to her. Doesn't have the best history? What could she mean by that? He knew Missing Nin weren't to be trifled with, as they were defective village ninjas. She was a Hoshikague ninja now though, and she seemed so nice and wonderful. Joro was someone to not judge someone right off the bat, he wanted to get to know them and see how they treat him before deciding on their character. So far Sephy seemed rather pleasant, quite kind, and enjoyable company. As she finished she pulled her hand away. He appreciated the gesture, and he returned her gesture with a charming smile, and a glint of happiness in his eye as they kept walking making their way closer and closer to where Joro was taking them.

"So, what do you like to do in your free time? Any hobbies or interests? I enjoy a good cup of tea, jotting notes down, and meditation. And the occasional book from the library."

Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:15 am
Sephora noted the fact he wasn't judging her! This was say the least… strange! Everyone except Ayato was judgmental towards her.
“Your…You…not judging me? You still want to be my friend? I don't…understand how to feel? ! This is all so new!” She had tears in her eyes. Maybe this whole process was overwhelming to her. Oh Sephy still had her secrets, she barely knew this guy so no way would she be forward with any other information! Not yet anyways. She can't throw out ‘Hi I'm Sephora I killed my mom and kidnapped my teammates and had a secret lab under Volcano Village’ just yet, no that may never happen! The kid was just scratching the surface of who Sephora was after all.
“Thank you for being so understanding.” She said, smiling up at him! That's polite right? Were those the correct words? Maybe. “Can you tell me about your clan?” Sephora said as they came to a bridge and of course it had the Old fashioned rock railing, what does Sephora do? Jump up onto the railing. Now this was a small creek and bridge like you would see in a Thomas Kincaid painting.
However once Sephora jumped up there, she lost her footing and fell into the shallow creek.

WC: 212

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:23 am
Joro turned, looking into her eyes, she seemed a bit overwhelmed but why? He didn't understand just yet until she spoke.

“Your…You…not judging me? You still want to be my friend? I don't…understand how to feel? ! This is all so new!” She had tears in her eyes.

Joro looked down at the woman, he didn't understand her reaction, simple empathy, he figured. Although she had been through a lot it seemed. He would stretch his arm out, having them stop, as he wrapped both arms around her if she was willing.

"No I'm not, that's not fair, I only judge people based on how they treat me, not what they have done in the past. And you have treated me with your presence, that to me is quite the treat. Of course, I still want to be your friend," he said to her as he hugged her, rubbing her back gently, "It's alright if it's new, new is good sometimes," he would pull away, whenever she stopped crying if she allowed him to hug her.

“Thank you for being so understanding,” she said with a big smile up at him.

“Can you tell me about your clan?” Sephora said as they came to a bridge with an old-fashioned rock railing. She jumped up onto the railing. The creek was small and shallow, if someone fell, it would surely lead to death. Sephy lost her footing as she was making her way across the railing. As she fell, Joro panicked a bit, till he realized, he could save her. He weaved a few hand signs, tapped his forehead, and poof. He was in the shallow creek, holding Sephy in his arms.

"Hey," he said with his bright green eyes looking into hers, flashing a cute smirk at her. "You alright there?"

Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:29 pm
Joro caught her? But how? He had been up there? Slightly confused she looked at him and then got down out of his arms and looked up at him.
“thanks! yeah I'm fine, I slipped, How did you do that? Can you teleport?” She asked more intrigued at what he did than confused at this point. She, much like her friend Prim, doesn't like being a damsel in distress, but when it does happen, it's good to have friends who are there to help! “Is that something you could teach me?” She added feeling kind of excited now, despite the fact she almost fell in the water.
She's usually pretty cautious so she wasn't too sure how she fell, maybe she wasn't paying attention like she should have been, which she normally does. Sadly she recently fell in a ten foot hole because she wasn't looking! Yeah that was quite painful for a while.
Being the kind heart she was, she gave him a hug to say thank you for saving her. That's what friends do right? Polite kind gestures. This isn't so hard, being and making friends is following your heart! Well, kind of, as long as you have a change of heart….
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:36 am
Joro teleported to Sephy and caught her as she fell from the bridge.

"Hey," he said with his bright green eyes looking into hers, flashing a smirk at her. "You alright there?"

“Thanks! Yeah, I'm fine, I slipped, How did you do that? Can you teleport?” she said seeming a bit flustered. “Is that something you could teach me?”

"Good, lucky I caught you or you would have gone splat, which would not be a good thing. Maybe be a bit more careful when you walk on ledges from here on out," he said with a smile as he looked down at the Hyuuga. "I could teach it to you if you wanted, it is a teleport called Instant Transmission,"

As he was looking down at her she reached to hug him, hugging her back and accepting her gesture of thanks for saving her from falling. As he stepped away from her, he weaved the same hand signs, tapped his forehead, and moved his hand behind Sephora's shoulder. As they teleported back up to the bridge.

As they teleported back up the bridge he started to talk to Sephy again. They were almost, at the water gardens. That was where Joro was leading them, it was his favorite quiet place in Hoshigakure.

"So, this place I'm taking you to is one of my favorite places in Hoshigakure. It's very quiet and beautiful, it always brings me a sense of peace, and I hope it can for you!" as he led Sephora into the water gardens.

Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:57 pm
Sephora looked around at the gorgeous fountains and ponds. The place was absolutely amazing! A good portion of the fountains ran into ponds, and one pond in particular that caught her eyes had a waterfall running into it, and underneath the waterfall was a little sitting area to view the pond and waterfall!
“Wow!” Sephora said mesmerized. She grabbed Joros hand and began to drag him towards the area under the waterfall. “Can we swim in here? My mother was from Kiri and this whole area makes me think of Kirigakure with the immense amount of water. My mother was a Kaguya, I heard some of her family moved here and that she had connections here in Hoshigakure but I never have looked into it! My middle name came from my mom…. full name is actually Sephora Mitzukai Kaguya Hyuuga, I carry two last names because of my parents!” Sephora said, her eyes wide with amazement as she looked out at the pond and some fountains in the distance. The area was making Sephora feel so comfortable she was starting to open up more to her new found friend Joro!
“I have always found water to be relaxing to me, and this area itself is just so calming! Thank you for bringing me here!” Sephora said excitedly.
WC: 219
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:02 am
The water gardens were quite beautiful this time of day. Joro flashed a smile as Sephy began to speak to him as they made their way to a waterfall in the garden. Sephora seemed mesmerized by the beauty before her, and he couldn't blame her. Hoshigakure has some of the most beautiful sights known to the Ninja world. The water gardens were just one of them.

Sephora asked if they could swim here to which Joro replied, "I'm not sure, but I was always told it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission," he said with a chuckle; he was a rule follower to a degree, he also enjoyed the occasional act of rebellion as most people his age did.

She was also talking to him about how her mother was from Kiri, Joro thought about how he planned to travel to Kiri at some point in hopes of maybe learning a thing or two from their shinobi.

She also talked about how her middle name was the same as her mom's and how she had two bloodlines in her family, one parent a Kaguya and the other a Hyuuga. She seemed very excited as she was discussing this as her eyes went wide she started to look out to the pond and saw the waterfall as they made their way out of it. As they sat in the opening under the waterfall, Joro thought it was time for them to head home. He tapped Sephy on the shoulder asking her where she lived as he still had some juice left to teleport her home. If she told him, he would weave a few hand signs and put one hand on her shoulder, telling her to hand on. And tapped his forehead zooming to wherever her house was as he had been all around Hoshigakure. As they arrived at her house, he would walk her to her house. Making sure she got home safe. It was a rather grand house, as she entered the house, Joro would say, "Have a nice evening, Sephora, I hope to see you again."

Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:11 am
Sephora was caught off guard yet again by Joro, he wanted to walk her home! The perfect gentleman, yes, but she hadn't yet told him she lived with the Hogokage! “Uh……I live in that huge house that is…well…why don't you just…um…fine….I live in that rather large house close to the city square…the one everyone knows.” She knew she wouldn't have to say much because that was the biggest house, practically a mansion with many rooms, in Hoshigakure! As he teleported her there, she pointed up to the house. “I guess now you know where I live.” She sighed. She hadn't originally told him because she wanted to make friends without everyone knowing who she was connected to! It would have come out in due time anyways. “I'll see you around!” She said, giving Joro a hug and waving goodbye.
Sephora made a friend, she actually achieved a goal which was to make a friend outside of her team and sure enough she had done it! She was proud of herself.
She walked in the doors of the house ,waved at the maids who were making dinner and went upstairs to her room. Eventually she would get to tell everyone, but for now it was time to get ready for dinner.


+22 stats
+6 vigor
+6 chakra
+5 speed
+5 strength

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Wed May 01, 2024 1:35 pm
Sephora Hyuuga wrote:

+22 stats
+6 vigor
+6 chakra
+5 speed
+5 strength

Approved exit
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Joro meeting Sephy!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Joro meeting Sephy!!

Wed May 15, 2024 7:20 pm
TWC: 3,330
AP Claim of 66 new total is 510 Bonus AP.
324 to Parry to finish up 1313/1313 Max Stat Discount Used. Rest of Progress here.
3,000 to Mastering Instant Transmission for Hand seals (Max Stat Discount)
6/3,000 to Mastering Instant Transmission for Hand seals the second time. (Max Stat Discount)
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