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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:33 pm
Eighth Match:

Jiro Nara Vs. Himari Hyuuga

The Rules are as followed:

1. There will be no killing of your opponent unless permitted by Lord Aokidanza, there is a safety mechanism in place in the arena that will protect from fatal blows should it come to that. This will be made clear by an audio bell and red flare being shot off the defeated and the Chakra Suppression System activating.

2. The Win Conditions are Knock out or Surrender.

3. Each Participant will have 48 hours to reply to keep in line with the standard Combat rules on site.

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Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:54 pm
(OOC: For staff-related reasons, I have refrained Hyūga Himari from accessing her Summons for this and future match-ups, henceforth.)

Himari’s D-Power Scaled Stats:

To say Himari feels an overwhelming sense of giddy excitement would be an understatement. Throughout the exam matchups, she watches with awestruck glee and jaw-dropping amazement as each participant displays their skills and abilities. Enthralled by spectacles before her, she screams and cheers from the sidelines as each combatant dukes it out for the top, this especially becomes more pronounced when her teammates are thrown into the fray, albeit, her enthusiasm does dwindle over time as each fight, a majority end in either forfeiture or one lasts an exchange or two.

Nevertheless, when her name shows up on the Big Screen, she almost bounces up from her seat among the spectators and rushes toward the railing, vaulting over it, and lands gracefully on her feet unto the grounds of the arena, entering the arena landscape proper. "This is it! My time to shine!" She mutters to herself with a dopey smile on her countenance. A lot weighed on her consciousness, but she knows she can't afford to let her focus waver. After all, she's up against an acquaintance—and fellow Taijutsu practitioner—who also happens to be a member of the prestigious Nara Clan. Yet, Himari doesn't feel intimidated by Jiro's previous displays of strength and fortitude. She knows she can win this match. She has to!

She strides towards the center of the arena landscape until her back faces towards the arena at a 20m diameter and faces forward at a 10m radius from the arena's epicenter. When Jiro eventually appears at the arena grounds, she waves to him and bellows. "Let's do our best and have fun! I'm sure we'll both make our home village proud! Good luck!" She then performs the Seal of Confrontation with her left hand, a sign of acknowledgment toward a worthy opponent. Whether he simulates the gesture in kind, the corners of Himari's eyes will immediately bulge outward and her irises become semi-defined.

Thereafter, she assumes her clan's traditional fighting stance: a relaxed and focused posture with her legs slightly apart and her arms held in a guard position, with the hands open and fingers extended. She then carefully observes her opponent as she waits for the signal for the match to begin.

Passively accumulating 2 Heavenly Body Stacks (2/10)

Battle Stats:
Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:26 pm
Jiro Stats:

Jiro stepped out into the arena once more, this time against someone he knew was a Taijutsu practitioner. From what he knew of the Hyuuga, they employed a unique taijutsu style called the 'Gentle Fist', but admittedly he had never seen it in action. He couldn't help but be a bit curious for the match ahead, which helped to distract him from the strange way his last bout had ended. When the girl shouted something to him about making his home village proud, he frowned slightly. That wasn't exactly the reason he was here. He had been summoned, willingly or not, to participate by the Hokage. He figured that if he had no choice in the matter, then he would at least use it as a test of his own strength. Village be damned. He returned the girl's sign of confrontation. He didn't have anything against her in particular, so he could at least do that much as a sign of respect to a fellow Taijutsu user. Even if she did seem a little too enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Jiro stood 20 meters from the edge of the arena, and 20 meters from his opponent when they got the signal to begin. At the signal, Jiro flooded chakra to his brain, activating his Gate of Opening. In Taijutsu, most everything was done at close range. It was time to test the waters, and see what he was working with. Jiro dashed forward at his opponent at 150 speed, dropping to sweep the girl's leg once he was in range at a speed and power of 115. If he made contact, she would be knocked flat on her back and disoriented for 1 post, along with having her Chakra and Speed debuffed by 30 points for 3 posts. The fight had begun.
WC: 308

+2 Heavenly Body Stacks (2/10)

Stat Changes:
Strength 150 > 200
Speed 100 > 150

AP Use/Duration:
40 Eight Inner Gates (Post 1/3)
15 for Leaf Gale (50% discount from First Gate)
55 total

DR 100/100
HP 300/300
AP 621/676
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Sun Mar 24, 2024 3:12 pm
(OOC: For syntax reasons regarding my "Battle Stats" spoiler, Jutsu Power (P), Speed (S), and Health (H) are categorized as follows: P/S/H (i.e. 100/100/100).

While You Read:

Upon the signal, Himari observes the sudden flow of chakra circulating through Jiro’s chakra network via her Byakugan, a tell-tale sign he means business. The Hyūga kunoichi’s irises transfigure into an iridescent blue hue as she, too, is flooded with renewed strength (+60 Speed/Strength).

When Jiro bolts toward her in a straight line, she makes her next series of moves. With her left arm, she swings it away from her at 210 Speed, as the air currents around her become unstable, occupying a cube-shaped area expanding 25 meters wide, 25 meters long, and 25 meters tall at 120 Jutsu Speed and Power.

Simultaneously, with her right arm, she performs the following hand seals at 240 Speed: Dragon → Rat → Hare → Bird, and deliberately delays executing the final hand seal (→ Monkey) until Jiro is within reach to perform his leg sweep against her.

When her opponent reaches the 1-meter threshold between them, Himari unleashes a terrible gaze, sending a chill through the air within a 10-meter radius. Being in range of this zone would temporarily debuff his Chakra and Speed Stats by 30 Stat Points for the next three posts.

Finally, when Jiro is within reach to subsequently perform his leg sweep toward her front leg, she concurrently sends out a pulse of tenketsu chakra as a softly blurred space to the naked eye travels toward him at 125 Jutsu Speed and Power. At the same time, facing forward toward him, still, she shifts her front leg along the ground in the opposite direction of the kick, such that it now becomes her back leg and her back leg now becomes her front leg. Therein, effectively attempting to dodge the incoming sweep at her Speed of 240.

Furthermore, the moment after casting the prior Jutsu, Himari executes the last hand seal, → Monkey, at her Speed of 240, feeling another surge of chakra flow through her before she then expels an explosive, 15-meter dome, that starts 5 cm away from her body, as it expands 15 meters in radius and toward Jiro at 125 Jutsu Speed and an amplified 155 Jutsu Power.

Afterward, Himari maintains her fighting stance and carefully focuses on her opponent’s subsequent reactions.

Passively accumulating 2 Heavenly Body Stacks (4/10)

Battle Stats:

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Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:12 pm
Jiro noticed immediately that choppy winds began to whip up around him as he charged toward Himari. ‘What, a bit of wind?’ he thought, continuing to run through the adverse conditions. It was when he got close to her, though, that he noticed something more was afoot. He felt a sudden disturbance rattle him to his core, the result of the girl’s battle-hardened gaze. She was no ordinary fighter. At the same moment his leg came out to sweep, she shifted her stance to evade his range - at the same moment, her body seemed to emit a strange pulse of energy. His kick had missed its target, and something about that pulse had weakened him, he could feel it. But he hadn’t come this far to give in to minor setbacks.

As he stood up, he was faced by a second pulse of energy, this one even more powerful than the first. The concussive force threatened to blow him back, but he resisted it just long enough to wind his fist up, shouting aggressively as he launched his fist forward at the half-meter distance between him and Himari - but his goal wasn’t to connect the punch. Instead, a 10 meter wide blast of raw force launched out from his fist, aiming to collide with the girl at 125 speed and power. If the blast connected, she would be forcibly blown back 10 meters and would be completely immobilized.

After launching the punch, Jiro would step back a further 10 meters at 120 speed, placing him 20 meters from Himari (if she is blown back), and 30 meters from all edges of the arena. He floods chakra into his Gate of Healing at this time, feeling his body recuperate from the blows he had taken. He readies his stance in preparation of Himari’s next move.
WC: 306 | TWC: 614

+2 Heavenly Body Stacks (4/10)

Stats Debuffed (Post 1/3):
Chakra 10 > 1
Speed 150 > 120

[*]Taking 30 HP damage from Dominion (Post 1/2)
[*]Taking 155 damage from Vacuum Burst (100 from DR, 55 from HP)
[*]Restoring 50 HP via Gate of Healing

AP Use/Duration:
40 for Evening Elephant
40 for Gate of Healing (Post 2/3)
Total 80 (-10 via Heavenly Body) = 70

[*]Restoring 100 AP via Gate of Healing

Leaf Gale (1/3)

DR 0/100
HP 265/300
AP 651/676
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:07 pm
Despite the onslaught of her frightful gaze and ravenous bursts of tenketsu, Himari feels a stark sense of giddy adrenaline course through her body as she witnesses Jiro’s unyielding conviction to still commit to his course of action and continue his assault without showing any signs of wavering. She nearly loses her focus from the growing excitement that swells within her until she remembers Hiroya's words—“ not hesitate in your actions”—and soon snaps out of her trance when she hears Jiro’s cry as he winds up his right arm to throw a punch at her.

With what information her Byakugan derives from the flow of his chakra network, she quickly realizes this is no ordinary punch nor does he intend to have it connect with her, given the half-meter distance they share. This only adds to her trepidation regarding its unbeknownst nature. When he throws the punch and his Jutsu executes, she reacts and counters by expelling another explosive dome of kinetic energy that expands in a 15-meter radius toward Jiro at 125 Jutsu Speed and 155 Jutsu Power to clash with whatever would otherwise threaten to assail her.

Thereafter launching the punch, should the clash resolve in her favor, she'll notice Jiro’s next attempt as he retreats 10 meters away in a straight line. “Oh, no you don’t!” She shouts before she performs a 360° pirouette in place—spinning counterclockwise at 135 Jutsu Speed—as a thunderous howl of wind swirls around her.

Upon completion of her spin, she thrusts an open palm toward Jiro and thereupon, a cylinder-shaped, spiraling vortex of pressurized air bursts forth with a radius of 10 meters chases after him at 135 Jutsu Speed and 155 Jutsu Power. Should the vortex travel unimpeded and connect with him, it will curve toward Himari’s left-hand side as it threatens to knockback Jiro 10 meters away in the same direction. However, due to his immense strength, he will consequently resist its knockback and other perilous effects.

Despite the clamoring, Himari maintains an undivided focus on her opponent for any further movements.

Passively accumulating 2 Heavenly Body Stacks (6/10)

Battle Stats:

Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated remaining pulses from "Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Burst" to reflect discussions conducted via Discord PMs (reduced from 3/4 → 2/4 Remaining))
Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:55 am
It seemed Jiro’s Evening Elephant attack was in vain, in the face of another burst of kinetic energy that blasted through the force of his punch, wrecking his body once more. He couldn’t touch her. As he made his retreat, he saw her winding up a spin, surely about to unleash another devastating attack. He could hear the howling, and saw the winds visibly whipping around her. He flooded chakra into his Gate of Life, his skin taking on a red hue, veins bulging on his forehead, his pupils all but disappearing as visible heat radiated off his skin. He dodged to his right at 160 speed, but barely made it 1.5 meters before the vortex crashed into him, inflicting massive blunt force trauma on his body, cuts and slashes tearing at his skin. Jiro held on as long as he could, finally screaming under the pressure and collapsing onto the ground, the enhancements in his body fading and leaving him in a crumpled heap, looking rather weaker and more battered than he had before.

A deep growl resonated within his chest, and he tried to push himself back to standing. He didn’t want to give up yet. He hadn’t laid one finger on this girl, he wasn’t about to stop there. But he didn’t have the strength. His knees buckled underneath him, and he fell again, his body wounded, but his pride even more so. He knew well enough that he couldn’t go on. The damage from using the Gates had also taken its toll, and no matter how we wanted to, he couldn’t force his body to continue. Sighing slowly, he rolled out onto his back, watching the clouds rolling by slowly. ‘What a drag,’ he thought, letting his mind drift off on a cloud as his vision faded to black.
WC: 303  | TWC: 917

+2 Heavenly Body Stacks (6/10)
Using 6 Stacks to replenish 30 DR (New Total 0/10)

Taking 30 DR Damage from Dominion (Post 2/2)
Taking 155 HP Damage from Vacuum Burst
Taking 155 HP Damage from Buzzing Hornet (Dropped to 0, Knockout)

Stat Changes: (Debuffed Stats Post 2/3)
Speed 120 > 130
Strength 200 > 210

AP Use/Duration:
40 for Gate of Life (Post 3/3)

Leaf Gale (2/3)
Evening Elephant (1/3)

DR 0/100
HP 0/300
AP 611/676
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:16 am
Himari's face is one of relief when she witnesses her counterattack overcome Jiro's unwieldy shockwave, breaking through the clash and delivering unto him another blow without exchanging. Thereafter, when she executes her Buzzing Hornet attack, watches the events unfold as Jiro attempts to dodge to the right, ascending to another form Himari's never seen before. His body begins to take on a red hue with bulging veins and radiant heat emitting from his skin.

But ultimately, he fails to evade the vortex as it crashes into him and rends him asunder. The sight of him being knocked down by the force of the vortex causes her to flinch slightly, but soon thereafter, she hears an audio bell ring and a flare go off before the arena's Chakra Suppression System activates to shield Jiro from an otherwise fatal blow.

Thereafter, she watches the boy struggle through the injuries before his body relents and lies sprawled against the ground on his back, facing skyward. From her enhanced vision, she sees no further movements from her opponent, muttering something to himself, before he succumbs and renders himself motionless.

Himari deactivates her Byakugan as she breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that she's won the match. When she relaxes her stance, she pauses for a brief moment to consider attending to his wounds, only to be interrupted by the mixed-response, chorus fanfare at her victory. She yields knowing that this is a duty that will likely be attended by the village medics shortly before the next matchup.

Bowing to her incapacitated opponent and then toward the crowd, she makes her exit from the arena grounds with a pep to her step in preparation for what's to come next...

[Claiming Victory against Opponent, Nara Jiro]

WC: 284
TWC: 1,362


Requesting approval for the following claims:

Investing 1,362 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Training Stampede Strike @ B-Rank [349/1,313] → (1,313/1,313) [Prog' Here] [398 TWC Left]
► Training Instant Transmission (398/4,000) [0 TWC Left]
*25% Discount option via max stats
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Culling Games: Eighth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Eighth Match

Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:06 am
Himari Hyuuga wrote:

[Claiming Victory against Opponent, Nara Jiro]

WC: 284
TWC: 1,362


Requesting approval for the following claims:

Investing 1,362 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Training Stampede Strike @ B-Rank [349/1,313] → (1,313/1,313) [Prog' Here] [398 TWC Left]
► Training Instant Transmission (398/4,000) [0 TWC Left]
*25% Discount option via max stats


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