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The Culling Games: Third Match Empty The Culling Games: Third Match

Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:41 pm
Third Match:

Nokino Vs. Xena Uchiha

The Rules are as followed:

1. There will be no killing of your opponent unless permitted by Lord Aokidanza, there is a safety mechanism in place in the arena that will protect from fatal blows should it come to that. This will be made clear by an audio bell and red flare being shot off the defeated and the Chakra Suppression System activating.

2. The Win Conditions are Knock out or Surrender.

3. Each Participant will have 48 hours to reply to keep in line with the standard Combat rules on site.

Last edited by Hiroya on Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:15 pm
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Maybe, 30 or so minutes had passed since the Hokage had left the center of the Arena, namely just minor setting up before the battles started, their battle was too be third, so time would pass from the first 2 fights, before finally Xena walked around the arena's benches walking down some stairs then through a door, entering the Arena, this would be her first time fighting another Shinobi in a genuine fight. So this was likely going too be tough, too say the least, her opponent was that strange teacher she met not that long ago, they seemed tough, so she shouldn't underestimate them she imagined, though knowing how little about combat with real Shinobi was she wasn't exactly, ready. Not that she had a choice in the matter, standing maybe a few meters from the center of the arena facing the other door, the girl would wait patiently for the teacher too arrive, it's likely they wanted too prove themselves too the Hokage, so she didn't expect this too be easy what so ever.

Last edited by Xena Uchiha on Thu Feb 15, 2024 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Stat Page)
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:29 pm
As Nokino enjoyed the speech of the kage and was eager for the exams to begin, she heard the change of plan that they will only be fights in the end, and no written exam and team efforts. While she was hpapy for no written exam as she was already drowning in those at the academy as a teacher, she was a bid disapointed to not be able to follow up with Yukio once more to fight and do a mission together, as they wer equite the team, but this was alright. She was eager to fight, and her slight smile was a proof of that, exhaling smoke trough her nose, her pose calm and tall, with her hands tucked into the pockets of her flak vest. After the lord Hokage Aokidanza left and declared the matches order, Nokino was eager to fight, and her match was the 3rd one. Her opponent was none other than Xena Uchiha, another Kunoichi of Konohagakure, younger a bit thna Nokino herself, but not short of her experience. Indeed, Xena was known by Nokino to be a skilled and potent adversary, an Uchiha pureblood and noble born, focused on the clan art of Genjutsu, as she saw her perform in one of her classes she teached at the training grounds, which Xena attended. Nokino would need to prepare her game plans toward that skill, and the fact that Xena had the power of the sharigan quite developed and advanced. 

As the first fights went on, Nokino looked and was concentrated, but was also more in her own head, trying to think about her own performance. Fast forward the two fights, and it was her and Xena's turn. Xena immediately went into the arena, but Nokino wasnt in a rush. As Xena waited in the arena, Nokino went and prepared, donning her armored bodysuit, and cladding herself with her weapon, attaching her katana Red flash to her waist, preparing her 3 Kunais with Flash Papers on them, Explosive tag and others prepared accessories for the fight. And of course, before entering the arena, the Iburi tall blonde woman made sure that she had in her pocket available a pack of cigarettes, and a box of wooden matches. As she slowly walked in the corridor to enter the fighting grounds, Nokino lit herself a cigarette, and smoked it while walking, her face without almost any expressions for now, one of her hand hanging on the side of her body and the other resting gently on the white handle of her sword. 

As she presented herself in front of Xena in the Inferno Arena under the watchfull eyes and glare of the public and the other ninjas, Nokino looked at the crowd, and noticed friends and collegues from the school cheering for her. What got the most of her tho, was the presence of most of her classes, with dozens of students watching and rooting for her. With a proud smile, Nokino's face lit up, and her stance too, taking much more assurance, and turning toward Xena to look at her with her piercing pale purple eyes. Nokino knew not to look an Uchiha into the eyes, and wouldnt risk it either before the fight, instead looking at her hair and forehead to fake eye contact. As she exhaled a large puff of smoke from her mouth. 

''Take a good look with your sharingans, you'll see me comming, but wont be fast enough to dodge.'' Said Nokino, waiting in front of her opponent. Both woman stood in front of one another, each 30m appart in the middle of the arena wide of 60m in all directions. Nokino would weave the handseal of confrontation as a sign of respect when dueling and fighting, waiting for her opponent to do the same to start the fight.

stat page:
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:18 pm
Xena waited calmly, it took a good 5 minutes or so for Nokino too show up after she did, Xena came too a stand simply observing the woman, her eyes gazing up and down, armor, tools, and other items, seems Nokino took the time too prepare, dang, she wished she thought of that, though she didn't and couldn't at this point, she gave a small frown at that fact before shrugging in a nonchallant way, before finally Nokino began speaking, mocking her sharingan and speed supposedly, rather rude. Before they finally made a sign of confrantation prepared too fight, Xena looked at the sign, thinking for a moment, before making that sign as well. "Too the count of 3 then. 1, 2, 3!" Xena would speak before with quite a bit of speed she'd weave signs while moving forward 10 meters. 'Ram - Rat - Tiger - Snake - Bird - Ox' As Xena finally entered 20 meter distance from Nokino a orb of pitch black darkness would appear towards Nokinos side, no more then 5 or 6 meters away, its pull was immediately noticable, as if gravity itself was going too push in on Nokino's body, before finally it would begin sucking in whatever was around it. The Imitation Black Hole Technique.

Battle Tab:

Last edited by Xena Uchiha on Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tech used wasn't supposed too be in stat page. Edit approved by opponent.)
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:21 pm
As Xena counted toward 3 to start and presented too the seal of confrontation, Nokino inhaled the largest puff of cigarette smoke she could, preparing her first move, and focusing on her breathing (+50speed/+50vigor). At the count of 2, right before Xena could say 3, Nokino exhaled at a speed of 90 a large cloud of smoke expending before herself, covering the whole area of 3m in front of her, which would be cutting immediately the vision between Nokino and Xena right at the start of the combat, preventing any genjutsu from looking at Nokino to be realized until Xena could see or disperse the smoke. At the same time, Nokino started to weaves one handed seals with each hand. On her right hand, she weaved at a speed of 205 (175+30 agility) the signs of Tiger > Boar > Rat, still covered behind the spewed forth smoke veil, infusing her katana at her hip with the her chakra. On her left hand, she weaved the handsigns of Tiger > Horse > Ram > Clone at still a speed of 205, summoning forth 2 shadow clones also behind the cloud of smoke, them too 1.1m from herself. All of Nokino's handseals, in addition to being hidden behind a smoke veil as the rest of her and her squad, were also hidden behind her famous Fire sleeves, hidding her every movement so that Xena couldnt anticipate her jutsu and actions. 

Immediately after arriving, the two shadow clones summoned would also begin to charge toward Xena at the same time, and they would circle around the immitation black hole, each of the clone separating, one on the right of it doing a semi-circular motion, and the other one doing the same on the left, while Nokino would end her smoke veil to reveal the clones running on each side and herself in the center, all of them sharing the same chakra signature, undiscernable to Xena who was the real nokino. While these clones ran around to reach Xena, the one on the left would get out a prepared Kunai, and throw it toward Xena, attempting to hit her in the chest. If the kunai would reach into the 5m range of Xena, the clone would activate the Flash Paper tied to its handle, and it would illuminate the area which the Uchiha girl would be in, immediately blinding her in a large flash of light for 2 posts.

The other clone would mirror the gesture, of the other clone, doing the same maneuver toward Xena, and throwing a kunai too, but this time with nothing on it, just trying to throw it at xena's chest for 63 damage at a speed of 125.

As the clones dashed, Nokino too ran at a speed of 175 toward Xena, getting right out of her smoke cloud, unsheathing her katana right away. Nokino would approach the growing point of the sphere that Xena brought forth, and channel her chakra inside of the blade, creating 3 waves of elemental energy by slashing one powerfull and big slash into the air while still running toward Xena. The 5 waves of firery red hue would move toward Xena at a speed of 175 and with a power of 195 each, which would be traversing the imitation black hole in between them, clashing with its power and destroying it, before continuing toward the Uchiha girl. By the way Nokino would aim them and if they landed, the 3 waves would explode in shere of fire of 2m radius, and as such would land in a way to surround Xena if they would hit, creating 3 spheres shape all around her, creating a 6m radius cluster of explosions, causing 195 damage to xena should it hit. 

Battle stats: 
-40AP for TCB (1/2), -5AP for Smoke Veil (1/1 ended in same post), -5AP for one handed seal cast of a B rank tech,-20AP for Flying Swallow (1/1 used on rupture), -30AP for Shadow Clone(1/4), -100AP for Rupture (1/2).

AP going toward shadow clones: 300 (150AP each) 
clone left: 150/150
clone right: 150/150

Nokino AP: 1353/1583

techs on cooldown: Smoke Veil (1/2), Flying Swallow (1/1*)

*: grandmaster focus reduced cooldown taken into account.

Last edited by Nokino on Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:26 pm
Xena had just slowed down and placed her blackhole at Nokino's side as 2 clones erupted from the smoke, Xena's best option against 2 shadow clones would be one of her fire attacks, hoping the large explosion would get rid of them, activating her Sharingan them growing a bright red (+60 Speed+Chakra) as the Kunai were thrown she'd weave seals at a speed of 105, Rat - Ram - Tiger - Snake - Bird - Ox (Damage Over Time Type) before a solid white sphere would appear 5 meters in front of her, 15 meters from the clones, this sphere would begin leaking a radioactive damaging effect at 155 Jutsu Speed, this field of radioactive damage would also begin expanding rapidly at 155 Jutsu Speed too a distance of 25 Meters, capturing the entire side of the arena Nokino and her Clones are on now Xena would then dash 5 meters too the right at 105 speed avoiding the Kunai before activating Shackling Stakes Technique (Mastery, No eye contact needed.) on the Nokino in the back too prevent them from exitting the damage range of either of the attacks for the mere moment. For Nokino it would be as if their surroundings had vanished with multiple metal spears impaling through their arms legs and spine, the sky grew red and everything around them vanished, they found their body couldn't move, as if their spinal cord was severed. Xena while casting this Genjutsu cannot move. Doing this prior too Nokino unsheathing their sword rupture would be canceled. The Imitation Blackhole would continue going strong, being uncontested too Nokino's side outside the Genjutsu.

Battle Tab:
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:05 pm
As Nokino concentration broke from the fight, she found herself caught into the imitation black hole of Xena after throwing her first 3 waves of Rupture toward Xena, taking 50 point of damage and being draged toward its center. But as the wave moved toward her opponent who weaved signs for another technique which summoned yet another sphere of expanding energy, Nokino fired two more waves out of her sword with big movements, both with a speed of 175 and a power of 195 again. As the first waves sent would reach the position of Xena as she also dodged the kunai thrown by the clone, the total of 3 explosions from the Rupture would hit xena for 195 damage, her dodging to the right 5m but the AoE reaching 6m to the sides taking her inside of the area.

With the 2 other waves closely following right after the 3 first ones, the first new one would be aimed at  the black hole the Iburi found herself in to clash and destroy it, preventing her from taking more damage again and putting it on cooldown. The second would go toward the white hole that just spawned in front of Xena, being put 5m in front of her, and would clash with it before it could expand, destroying it too and putting it on cooldown. With the sphere destroyed in time, the two shadow clones would survive the situation, and keep dashing toward Xena, closing the 15m gap between them and her, geting ready to attack, throwing each one mone Kunai with Flash Tags on them toward Xena's chest at a speed of 125. Right after sending again her two more waves of Rupture, Nokino would also dash to close the gap of 15m between her and Xena, running at a speed of 175 toward xena at the same time as the clones would.

Battle stats: 
-40AP for TCB (2/2), -30AP for Shadow Clone(2/4), -50AP for Rupture (2/2) upkeep.

AP going toward shadow clones: 300 (150AP each) 
clone left: 150/150
clone right: 150/150

Nokino AP: 1233/1583

techs on cooldown: Smoke Veil (2/2)
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Sat Feb 24, 2024 8:29 pm
Well, this was it, Xena didn't expect the rupture too break through her spacial technique, but i did, and now she was stuck in a genjutsu unable too move, with a sigh all she could do was dispel it and accept her defeat, as the Genjutsu was however activated Nokino found themselves in what could only be described as pure torture, the Shackling Stakes technique wasn't a gentle one, impaling the enemy multiple times through every limb. However as fast as it started it stopped, leaving the pain up too the minds imaginaton, Xena would side step the Kunai only too get blinded by the flash paper, she covered her eyes with a arm raising a second one too signify her surrendering, she wasn't ready, she accepted that, perhaps with some more training she could manage it the next exam, whenever that may be. The rupture would likely still hit Xena whether she surrendered or not, she could only hope the arena's chakra field was kind too her. Her sharingan would slowly spiral until turning back too normal. And that was that.

(Nokino wins via Surrender.)

TWC: 821

821 into
750 from
Total Progress 1571/2500
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:37 pm
As the kunais of the clones and the rupture waves were going toward Xena, the tall Iburi sensei was suddently hit with an unerving amount of pain traversing her body, creating immense shivers and paralysis. As she looked on her own body, she found it impaled multiples times by large iron stakes, traversing her muscles and bones alike, tearing her appart. The pain was excruciating, but with the improbable and impossibility of such a move, the Sensei quickly understood she was, in fact, trapped into a genjutsu of the sharigan's design, Xena final trump card as the fight neared its end. Almost immediately as the genjutsu arrived, Xena herself, against all odds, dispelled it, dissipating the pain that Nokino felt in this instant.

As soon as she stoped, Nokino was in shock, too in shock to even activate the flash papers on the kunais which only flied beside her lodging itself into the ground. Almost immediately, Xena raised her hand into the air surrendering to Nokino, making her the winner of their match. As she realized what happened, Nokino didnt want to let the Rupture going toward Xena, and made both of her shadow clone dash and jump right in front of it, creating a large 2m wide explosion of flame right in front of the Uchiha woman, sending a large heat wave her way, but preventing any further harm to the now surrendered opponent, and dissipating the clones at the same time. With the battlefield now comming quiet, the crowd started to clap and declare Nokino victor of their first fight, cheering her on. Amidst the collumns of smoke emmerging from the explosion points of her rupture, Nokino approached Xena to shake her hand, actually impressed that she knew her limits against the tall Iburi woman instead of keeping up until she would harm herself. 

''You did good, 'aight? This was a close call. Swing by my gym to practice anytime Sharingirl.'' Said Nokino, her face smiling as she went and did a strong tap on Xena shoulder in a bit of a patronizing way, even if she wanted to do that only as a polite gesture.

As her classes from the academy and the other teachers were clearly her most enthusiastic public, Nokino raised her sword at the sky, smiling at the same time as smoking and exhaling a large puff out of her cigarette under the applaud of the people. After a few seconds, she sheated back her sword and made her way out of the arena, preparing and healing herself for the other match. At least she didnt yet displayed her most wild cards, the rasengan and rasenshuriken, as well as her summons who would assist her in fights to come, so she would have the advantage of suprise against her next opponent.

[Claiming win of first match against Xena Uchiha]


TWC: 2040

Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
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The Culling Games: Third Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Third Match

Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:00 am
Nokino wrote:

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