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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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The Culling Games: First Match Empty The Culling Games: First Match

Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:09 am
First Match:

Jiro Nara Vs. Yukio Senju

The Rules are as followed:

1. There will be no killing of your opponent unless permitted by Lord Aokidanza, there is a safety mechanism in place in the arena that will protect from fatal blows should it come to that. This will be made clear by an audio bell and red flare being shot off the defeated and the Chakra Suppression System activating.

2. The Win Conditions are Knock out or Surrender.

3. Each Participant will have 48 hours to reply to keep in line with the standard Combat rules on site.
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:11 am
Yukio Stat Page:

Yukio was the first to enter the arena. He strode steadily forward into the 60m diameter ring, until he stood 10m from the outer edge. He faced toward where his opponent, one Jiro Nara, would enter from, standing 50m from that entrance point. The barren floor of the arena was stark, wind sweeping across it and swirling small dust devils here and there. He exhaled deeply, allowing some of the tension to ease from his body. The special seal he had received for this fight itched between his shoulder blades, limiting him in power. It made sense, of course. You wouldn't want your more skilled Genin to simply crush those who were younger or newer to the shinobi forces. A fair fight, giving all a chance to shine. Honestly, it shocked Yukio at first when Lord Aokidanza had explained it. He had assumed the Demon of the Shinobi World would be interested in the pure carnage that would come from those more skilled facing "lesser" opponents. Not that Yukio would underestimate his opponent. Unfortunately, Jiro was a complete unknown entity to the Senju teen. He was wary of this fight, but confident. He intended to meet Tenshi in the semifinals, which would require him to defeat this first opponent.

Yukio stood waiting, watching intently for his opponent. His chakra churned beneath him, waiting for the moment it could be released. His mind buzzed at one thousand miles a second. This was his first step on to the path of greatness.

WC: 250

No combat stuff yet. If I need to specify what my "D-rank" stat page is, please let me know via Discord and I will edit appropriately.

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Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:29 pm
Jiro Stats:

As luck would have it, Jiro's name was found in the first round on the listings. His opponent was to be Yukio Senju, someone he knew very little about. His hand drug across the back of his neck as he walked into the arena, his dark eyes taking in his surroundings, his focus honing in on the opponent that stood before him. He knew the stories of the Senju as a clan, but he couldn't consider that information to be too valuable in a fight against just one of their number. No, most of this fight would have to be dealt with by observation... and knowing his own strengths.

Jiro stopped twenty meters from the edge of the arena, thirty meters away from Yukio. The Senju had apparently elected to try and maintain his distance, with his positioning. With any luck, Jiro would take that away from him. Widening his stance, Jiro's fists clenched at his sides, his eyes blazing with readiness to end this before it could begin. With the flip of a switch, Jiro's chakra suddenly surged through his brain, the first of Eight Inner Gates bursting open. As soon as they got the signal to begin, Jiro would Body Flicker to the space 1 meter in front of his opponent at a Speed of 190. Once there, he would close the space and aim a heavy punch into Yukio's solar plexus with a Speed of 150, set to deal 100 damage if it connects. Following up, he'd launch his next punch under Yukio's chin, with the same Speed of 150 and Damage of 100.

If both punches manage to land, the bandages on Jiro's arms will begin to unravel, setting up for his final move. At a Speed of 95, the bandages would wrap tightly around Yukio, binding to two boys together as Jiro would proceed to lift them 50 meters up into the air, pivoting downwards and beginning a vicious downward spiral, releasing at the last second and sending the Senju boy driving headfirst into the ground at a Power of 120, performing the renowned Front Lotus.

If all went according to plan, that would be the end of it. If Yukio somehow managed to evade his attacks, he'd have to pivot and adjust his strategy from there.

WC: 391

Heavenly Body Stacks: 2/10

Stat Changes:
Speed +50 = 150
Strength +50 = 200

AP Spent:
40 for Eight Inner Gates (Post 1 of 3)
10 for Body Flicker
18 for Front Lotus (after 50% discount from First Gate)
Total 68

Body Flicker (0/2)

Current HP: 300
Current AP: 676 -> 608
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:08 pm
Yukio watches as Jiro walks into the Arena and takes up position opposite him, 30 meters away. He is a few years younger than Yukio, but that means nothing in terms of skill. As the fight begins, his opponent’s chakra surges, a visible aura emanating from his body. Yukio smirks and follows suit, releasing the 1st stage of the Curse Mark Transformation, increasing his Vigor and Chakra by +60 as the spiraling black tattoo of the Curse Mark spreads across his body, covering half of him in black ink. A perceptive person would notice the spiraling ink pattern matches Tenshi’s Mangekyou Sharingan, if they have ever seen it before. His opponent then forms the Ram hand seal and begins with a classic Body Flicker, moving in a straight line towards Yukio at 190 speed. Seeing the technique and increase in speed, Yukio will respond with his own techniques. He forms the Snake hand seal three times and unleashes a trio of famous Senju techniques – the Nativity of a Sea of Trees, the Advent of a World of Flowering Trees, and the Wood Clone Technique one immediately after the other. Casting his wood techniques in this manner costs Yukio more chakra, but he has plenty of energy for this.

Centered one meter in front of him, a forest of trees 5 meters tall and 2 meters wide begins sprouting from the ground with Power, Speed, and Health of 130 in a 20 meter radius circle around him, although directly behind him is only 10 meters of forest, due to the edge of the arena (Jiro's Body Flicker technique will cause him to impact into the tree that forms directly in his path of movement, dealing him 50 environmental damage and bringing his Body Flicker to a stop). His opponent is covering ground quickly, but Yukio is a Senju Progenitor, capable of casting Wood Techniques with alarming speed. As the trees are forming from the ground and Jiro is sprinting towards him, three large bulbs form on the tree in front of Yukio, which are formed slightly faster than the trees, with a Power, Speed, and Health of 135. These blooms rapidly open, releasing a large cloud of spores with a 25 meter radius, filling the entirety of the Senju’s forest. The spores will deal 50 damage a post for the next 3 posts, totaling 150 damage as they ravage internal organs. Then the Wood Clones take shape from the trees. Each clone will form with 200AP. One clone will spawn from a tree 3 meters to the right of the tree Jiro will impact. It will step out and watch as Jiro approaches the forest. Once Jiro is about to impact the tree, it will form the Snake -> Dragon -> Rat hand seals, timed so that the seals finish upon impact, activating the Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden technique. Flowers blossom along the ground and trees around Jiro, seemingly another Wood Technique. Should Jiro look at the wood clone, he will be paralyzed for 2 turns, unable to move while the wood clone is also rendered immobile. The second clone will form 3 meters to the left of the tree Jiro impacts, and will remain merged with the tree to observe, relaying information directly back to Yukio through its telepathy.

Should this plan proceed as described, Yukio will be poised to finish this fight at his leisure.

WC: 566 | TWC: 816

Combat Stuff:

Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:52 am
(Front Lotus not executed, 18 AP refunded)

Jiro should have known that it wouldn't be so easy. The Senju had been prepared for him, and no sooner than Jiro traveled 17 meters he found himself running face first into a thick, solid tree trunk. The boy had just enough time to brace against the impact, feeling it judder his bones - if he was lucky, nothing would be broken. But he didn't have time to be dazed, now. Yukio was out there somewhere.

Focusing the chakra in his feet, Jiro ran up the 5 meter tall trunk in front of him at a speed of 150, his eyes scanning the treetops in front of him. Just ahead, about 12 meters in the distance, he noticed one tree which was shorter than the rest, about 2 meters in height. He was sure that was the focal point, and if he focused he thought he could even just see the top of Yukio's head from here. He was aware of the cloud of spores rushing toward him, but he couldn't afford to lose his target. Bringing his hands together, Jiro formed a unique Tiger seal, aiming it at the shortest tree, focusing his energy to maximum output.

In a surge of air pressure, a massive tiger head took shape (Speed 130), growing to 20 meters in length, 15 meters in width, and 20 meters in height. It engulfed the majority of the forest area that surrounded him, the tip of the tiger's mouth surpassing Yukio by 7 meters. He was well within the tiger's range, and assuming Yukio doesn't escape its area, the tiger would immediately clamp its jaws around the Senju (Speed 130, Power 140), dealing a flat 50 damage. If Yukio attempted to flee, Jiro would launch the tiger in a trajectory to follow him at Speed 130 for up to 50 meters.

If the tiger manages to trap Yukio in its jaws, Jiro would then release his seal, making the tiger explode outward in a powerful sonic boom (Speed 130), dealing 140 damage to everything within a twenty meter radius of its center.

WC: 346 | TWC: 737

Heavenly Body Stacks: 4/10

5 for Eight Gates Amplifier (adding +10 Power to Daytime Tiger) - includes 50% discount from First Gate
5 for Tree Climbing
45 for Daytime Tiger

40 for Eight Gates (Post 2/3)

Body Flicker (1/2)
Eight Gates Amplifier (0/3)
Daytime Tiger (0/3)

-50 Hitting a tree (DR)
-10 for Eight Gates Amplifier (DR)
-50 for Spores (40 DR, 10 HP)

DR: 0/100
HP: 290/300
AP: 531/676
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:54 am
Yukio waits as his techniques form. He hears a satisfying smack as Jiro impacts the tree, but he realizes his Wood Clones will be too late to engage as he had originally planned. No matter, a true shinobi can adapt to their enemy without issue. He holds his position behind the focal tree of his forest and waits for his Wood Clones to telepathically relay him the information he needs. Both clones finish forming as Jiro is climbing the tree (which is unknown to Yukio). The first steps out of the wood and notices immediately that its target is out of sight. A quick scan indicates where Jiro has disappeared to, and it relays the information to Yukio and the other clone at the speed of thought. The second clone steps out of the tree as well and both aim to attack Jiro’s back while Jiro appears to be preparing an attack of his own, his muscles bulging with power. Instantly judging the distance (Jiro is 5.8m from each wood clone, as they stand 3m from the tree he climbed and he is 5m into the air), the first clone begins a series of hand seals, Snake -> Ram -> Monkey -> Boar and, assuming Jiro is still on top of the tree when it finishes the seals, will unleash the Great Fireball Technique at Jiro, with a power and speed of 90. Should this hit, Jiro would take 90 damage as the fireball impacts him. If Jiro should move or perform an action necessitating a different response, the clone will react accordingly. The second clone, at the same time, forms a different series of seals, Rat -> Tiger -> Dog -> Ox -> Rabbit -> Tiger and activates the Phoenix Sage Fire Technique. 9 fireballs are launched at Jiro, aimed at whatever his location is. These fireballs have a power and speed of 95, with an explosive radius of 4 meters. The fireballs themselves are spaced such that their explosive potential is maximized, keeping 4m between them in a circular formation. This clone will react in a similar fashion to the first clone should Jiro perform an action that will necessitate a response. After these attacks are launched, the clones are going to create some distance between themselves and Jiro, moving 5m each in opposite directions away from Jiro in such a way that they are forming a 45 degree angle. They shall prepare to react accordingly should they need to.

As his clones are acting, Yukio is not standing idly by. Upon receiving the information from his clones as to Jiro’s whereabouts, the Senju teen looks up, over the 2m tree in front of him and locks eyes with his opponent, witnessing the same bulging of muscles as Jiro prepares to unleash whatever attack it was he intends. Yukio does not plan to stick around and find out. Forming the hand seals Serpent -> Dog -> Boar, he activates the Underground Projection Fish Technique. With a power and speed of 115, Yukio sinks into the ground, going a distance of 5m into the earth. Due to the distance between them, Yukio is able to get under the ground by the time Jiro’s Daytime Tiger technique smashes through his initial tree, thus avoiding the technique and any damage. His disappearance is also hidden by Jiro’s technique, so the enemy shinobi should have no idea he has escaped unscathed. He promptly moves at a jutsu speed of 115 underneath the ground 25m to his right, which will bring him out from underneath the forest. As he moves, he will form the hand seals Tiger -> Boar -> Dog -> Rat and activate his Ninjutsu Amplifier, giving his next jutsu +30 points to empower it however he wishes. He will then wait under the earth, to see how his opponent reacts to his actions. Yukio had to give it to Jiro, he was certainly making this an interesting fight!

WC: 656 | TWC: 1,472

Combat Stuff:


Last edited by Senju Yukio on Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : correcting durations & cooldowns)
Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:10 am
Not seeing Yukio flee, Jiro's tiger head had clamped down in an attempt to grab him, his hands immediately releasing and unleashing the sonic boom, which traveled 20 meters in every direction (speed 130), blasting through the forest and destroying the trees in its wake. Also within the range of the sonic boom were Yukio's wood clones, which if hit, would be likewise destroyed by the sonic boom. And with the fire that the clones were simultaneously launching at him, Jiro wasn't gonna stick around up there.

As soon as the sonic boom was unleashed and Jiro saw the flash of fire coming at him, Jiro jumped down from the tree (speed 150) and hit the ground running, dashing 15 meters directly behind him and racing against the oncoming sonic wave. Luckily for him, he was able to dodge outside of the Phoenix Flower's explosive range, and the fireball launched at him hadn't been large enough to engulf the area of his descent.

As soon as he was clear, the sonic boom reached the end of its range, the dome shaped explosion obliterating everything in its path. As the trees crumbled around him, Jiro chanced a peek at his surroundings. There was no more forest, no more clones... no more Yukio. One thing that he noted was the presence of spores still hanging in the air about 2 meters in front of him, a brow lifting in surprise. With the waste that now laid before him, he was surprised those suckers hadn't been blown away. A hand lifted to rub the back of his neck while the other rested on his hip. There wasn't much he could do to an opponent he couldn't see. Still, he had to be prepared for anything. This seemed like a good opportunity to replenish his energy reserves, while he could.

Funneling his chakra to his second gate, he burst it open, his body revitalizing with a large breath as he scanned around. Taking note of his position, he was now 23 meters from the edge of the arena (and about 37 meters from the Yukio that he couldn't see). And it was all he could do now to stand vigilant.
WC: 366 |. TWC: 1,103

Heavenly Body Stacks (6/10) -> Using 6 to regain +30 DR
Remaining Stacks: 0/10

Passive AP Regen +10 via Heavenly Body

Second Gate Activated: +100 AP, +50 HP

AP Used:
40 for Eight Gates (Post 3/3)

Body Flicker (2/2)
Eight Gates Amplifier (1/3)
Daytime Tiger (1/3)

DR: 30/100
HP: 300/300
AP: 601/676

Current Stats:
Vigor 40
Chakra 10
Speed 150
Strength 200
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:35 am
Yukio's clones watch as Jiro moves to jump off the tree, dodging the fire techniques both had launched at his back in doing so. As Jiro starts moving, the first clone forms a Snake hand seal and activates the Thrusting Spear Technique. 5 wooden spears are formed with power and speed 95 as Jiro begins to fall straight down from the tree. The spears are launched at the point Jiro will land next to the tree, crossing the 3m distance at 95 speed with the timing needed to impact Jiro as he falls 5m at 150 speed. Unless Jiro dodges, the spears will inflict 95 damage and the clone will spend an additional 20AP to attempt to bind Jiro to the tree as the spears grow and constrict around him. The spears will also drain Jiro of 30AP, transferring 15AP to the clone who cast the technique. The clone will be struck by the Daytime Tiger sonic boom, dissipating upon hit.

The second clone will form the Ram hand seal as Jiro begins his fall, activating the same Body Flicker technique Jiro used at the start of this match. Increasing his speed to 195, the clone will run through the forest and out of it, traveling 10m and breaking line of sight with Jiro due to the trees, which will put him beyond the blast radius of the Daytime Tiger outside the forest and at the edge of the spore cloud from Yukio's previous technique. Once arrived, this clone will form three hand seals, Snake -> Dragon -> Rat, to cast the Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden at Jiro. The Clone Yukio will hold until he sees Jiro attempting to leave the forest, at which point he will unleash the genjutsu. Should Jiro look at the clone when this happens, he will be paralyzed for 2 posts, subjecting Jiro to more damage from the Spore Cloud and his own Daytime Tiger sonic boom, should he manage to escape from the Thrusting Spears. The clone’s final position is 2 meters outside the forest in the center of the arena.

Yukio, the real one, is not idle during this time. Receiving information on what is happening from his clones via telepathy while he is underground, he moves at 115 speed to stand 15m from the eastern edge of the arena, facing towards Jiro’s last known location. Knowing the power of his 1st Stage Curse Mark Transformation will wane soon, Yukio forms a Snake handseal, activating his most potent wood technique as he moves 5m up from the earth back to the surface of the arena. Rising with him, slightly to the right, is the Wood Human Technique (A-rank). The Golem rises from the earth with a Power of 165 and a Speed and Health of 135. Two Wood Dragons, attached near its waist, uncoil, extending out their full 20m in length to the left and right of the Golem, acting as an additional pair of arms. These Dragons have the same stats as the Golem, with a Power of 165, Speed of 135, and Health of 135. Yukio is standing on the left shoulder of the Golem as it continues to rise up to its impressive 50m height. From this vantage point, Yukio can see the entirety of the devastation caused by the Daytime Tiger technique, his forest wiped out completely. Regardless of Jiro managing to escape all of the other things Yukio was throwing at him, his Golem would swing its right fist at him, while the dragons and left arm would attempt to box Jiro in. No matter what, Yukio intended to end this!

WC: 600 | TWC: 2,072

If Jiro is hit by the Thrusting Spear, he will take 95 damage, have 30AP drained (15 returned to Clone 1) and be bound to the tree he jumped off of. The Sonic Boom will hit Jiro and Clone 1, eliminating the clone and destroying the trees and thrusting spears, dealing Jiro 140 damage. Finally, he will also take a second round of 50 damage from Advent of a World of Flowering Trees.

Combat Stuff:

Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Sat Feb 24, 2024 3:54 am
Jiro hadn't expected the wooden spears to be waiting to meet him when he landed - luckily, he was able to activate his Lightness Skill to adjust his trajectory mid drop, steering him clear of the spears as they moved to catch him and allowing him to land safely on the ground and continue running at a speed of 150 through the trees and out of the forest. He caught sight of Yukio's clone attempting to flee to forest at the same time, executing a Body Flicker technique to try and outspeed him and the incoming sonic blast. A forest being what it is, however, he probably didn't expect a tree to catch him in the middle of his immovable path, and Jiro couldn't help but smirk as he watched the clone make solid contact with one of the trunks before poofing out of existence. He remembered how that felt.

Once he was clear of the trees and the spore cloud, however, he saw that his troubles were just beginning. As the sonic boom engulfed the rest of the forest, a massive wooden golem was taking shape just over 16 meters away from him, towering an impressive 50 meters in the air and making Jiro's jaw drop. The thing was massive. And as he stared on, the thing was swinging a huge fist right at him. As the fist came crashing down on him, he used his agility to dodge 2 meters toward the arena edge (speed 180), noticing instantly the impact force that arm carried. As he dodged, however, he felt his previous surge of power suddenly waning, the strain on his body finally catching up to him. He wouldn't be able to use the same sort of strength and speed he had been for the first part of the fight, not for a while.

Jiro cursed. He didn't come this far to just give up. As soon as the giant wooden fist landed, Jiro jumped on top of it and started running up the 20 meter arm towards the Golem's right shoulder (speed 100), using the Tree Climbing skill to keep himself from falling off. As he runs, he weaves three hand seals, activating his Taijutsu Infusion. This added an additional 30 points of damage to his basic strikes, as well as allowing him to add 20 points of power to his next Taijutsu technique.

Unless he was stopped, Jiro would continue running past the right shoulder and across the chest to Yukio's position on the left shoulder, aiming to give the kid a solid punch in the face worth 105 damage.
WC: 443 | TWC: 1,546

Heavenly Body Stacks: 2/10

AP Use/Duration:
20 for Lightness Skill
5 for Tree Climbing
20 for Taijutsu Infusion (Post 1/3)
Total 45

Eight Gates (1/6)
Eight Gates Amplifier (2/3)
Daytime Tiger (2/3)

3 Damage Markers accumulated from Eight Gates = -30 total HP

DR: 30/100
HP: 270/270
AP: 556/676

Vigor 40
Chakra 10
Speed 100
Strength 150
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

The Culling Games: First Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: First Match

Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:10 pm
Yukio curses as his clone runs into a tree. He should have known better than using the Body Flicker technique within his own forest without first identifying a straight line path out of it. Brushing off the minor inconvenience, Yukio can't help but smile as a look of awe comes over Jiro's face as he witnesses the might of the Senju clan. The Wood Dragons roar as the Wood Human's fist plummets to the earth in an attempt to smite Jiro, but the younger shinobi is still too quick, enhanced as he is by his technique. However, that enhancement fades almost immediately after his dodge - lucky he was able to eke out even that much. Yukio gasps slightly as his own enhancement technique fades as well, the black ink of the Curse Mark pulling away and back into its normal shape over his heart.

Jiro begins running up the Wood Human's arm, which lifts from the earth until it is 35 meters up. It intentionally moves the arm slower, allowing the two Wood Dragons to catch up and move with 135 speed to either side of the Wood Human's arm. They move such that Jiro is between them and both serpents track with Jiro as he moves up the arm, each serpent is 5 meters away from Jiro and parallel with him as he runs. As the dragons are getting into position, the Wood Human uses its left hand to swat down at Jiro at 135 speed. The giant palm is oriented in such a way that it is leading Jiro's run, in an attempt to force him to dodge backwards rather than forward. While this movement is occurring, Yukio uses One Handed Seals in order to cast two wood techniques simultaneously, forming two Snake seals. The first is the Great Forest Technique, and the second is the Smothering Binding Technique. The first technique activates for the right dragon, who opens its mouth as 8 wood branches extend out, attempting to impale Jiro and then constrict him. They have 165 Power, 140 Speed, and 140 Health (due to scaling). This attack from the dragon is timed to strike as the golem makes its attack, striking as Jiro begins his dodge. The branches, due to being from the Wood Dragon, are double their normal thickness and length, making them 60cm in width and 10 meters in length as they rush at Jiro. They also track after Jiro, guided by Yukio's will. Should the Wood Human's hand hit Jiro, the two wood dragons would hold their attacks until they were clear to strike.

The other Dragon opens its mouth as the Smothering Binding Technique rushes forth, timed such that if Jiro can dodge the Golem AND the first Dragon, then this technique should almost assuredly hit. A branch 20cm wide and with a range of 20m extends from the second dragon, with 165 Power, 140 Speed, and 140 Health. Should Jiro manage do dodge all three of these attacks, Yukio has one more surprise in store for him. Forming the hand seals Snake -> Dragon -> Rat, Yukio would activate the Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden Genjutsu once Jiro was within 15 meters of him. As he forms the seals, Yukio shouts with gusto "Wood Release: Paralyzing Wildflowers!" This is simply a falsehood, in an attempt to distract Jiro from the fact this was a Genjutsu. With any luck, this fight will be finished.

WC: 576 | TWC: 2,648

Combat Stuff:
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