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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:59 pm
Third Match:

Nokino Vs. Hiroya Hatake

The Rules are as followed:

1. There will be no killing of your opponent unless permitted by Lord Aokidanza, there is a safety mechanism in place in the arena that will protect from fatal blows should it come to that. This will be made clear by an audio bell and red flare being shot off the defeated and the Chakra Suppression System activating.

2. The Win Conditions are Knock out or Surrender.

3. Each Participant will have 48 hours to reply to keep in line with the standard Combat rules on site.
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:05 pm
It was time and the old man was getting tired of watching others enjoy themselves in the joys of battle. His opponent was the smoke user Nokino. Hiroya entered the arena it was in the base form as it had been for the majority of the Culling Games, it was a 60m in diameter fighting area with barriers to keep any stray shots from harming the spectators. A thin layer of chakra coated the old man it was another type of barrier that tracked the fighters and fed the information into the monitors around the arena and would also keep them from death.
Hiroya was disappointed that it was so heavily safe for these fights but they were but children, New age and all that. Hiroya was 20m from the wall behind him and 40m from the other side in front of him where his opponent would be entering. Now it was a game of waiting till they showed up and the fight commenced, he had his katana drawn and was alert and ready for anything to happen.

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Last edited by Hiroya on Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Stat Page)
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:19 pm
The next match was the true test of valor and skill that Nokino would face. Of course, Xena was a tough opponent too, but Nokino arrived with the idea in mind that she was stronger, and indeed she proved it by beating her opponent without even using her strongest jutsu. But this was different. This time, she was paired against a man called Hiroya, an old veteran of swordfighting who was related somehow to the lord Hokage. The worst part was, the man looked like he was ready to kill at anytime, and like he had dozen of years of experience fighting, and he wasnt even an official ninja of Konohagakure. Nokino would have to give her best for this fight. 

As she gathered her toughts and plans in the locker room, preparing herself by still keeping with her her unused kunai with flash tags, explosives tags and firecrackers tied to them, Nokino lighted herself a cigarette, exhaling and smoking it all before the match, before lighting herself another one just as she got up, finnaly ready to step up and fight.

The arena was once again set up in a classic setting, still keeping the same measurements as before. As she walked out toward the field of battle, under the cheers and applaud of the crowd for both opponents, Nokino felt stressed, but composed, ready to not flinch and give her best, no matter if it mean defeat or victory. 

She approached the man, standing at 20 from the wall and 20m from her opponent, mirroring the position of the old man in front of her. He already had his blade drawn out, so Nokino would do the same, unsheathing her White and red blocky Katana, her trusty Red Flash, ready to use it whenever the fight would start.

As she looked her opponent in the eyes, Nokino would say a few words before beguining. 

''Good luck to you old man. Hope I'll learn a few things or two from your experience.''
Said Nokino, respectfull of her elders, but mostly of his experience as a swordsman, something she deeply respected personnaly. Without further ado, she would perform a small bow, and do the handsign of confrontation, ready to start the fight. 

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Last edited by Nokino on Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed the distance cause i cant do math)
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:37 am
His opponent entered the arena and now stood 20m in front of him. She offered the sign of confrontation and a bow he returned the sign and the fight was under way. Activating Total Concentration Breathing utilizing Thunder Breathing to give it Lightning Element affinity, boosting his abilities (Perfected: +90 Speed, +90 Chakra) he drew his Katana back and thrusted it violently forward utilizing Death Thrust sending a cone of chakra, which would quickly expand up to 40m in width and height as it stormed towards Nokino at a speed and power of 240 it was just barely noticeable by the naked eye as a slight blur.

At the same time of his thrust he would also utilize two techniques Imitation White Hole which would spawn 5m to the left of Nokino and explode outwards filling the area up to 30m diameter sphere with radiation deadly to anything in its way at a speed and power of 125.

At the same time as the others 5m on her right would spawn Imitation Black hole which would upon creation start pulling things towards its center again another technique almost invisible to the naked eye beyond the slight distortion from the immense gravity field could be seen from this, while expanding up to 30m in diameter and at a speed and power of 125 as well.

They would both being dealing DoT and any living thing caught within Imitation Black hole’s area would be subjected to a Strength check and upon failing the check would be pulled towards the center of the technique the same would go to anything thrown or not living but would undergo a Speed check instead.

Hiroya would remain vigilant during this first exchange of combat, excited to see what the shinobi of the village could offer in terms of fighting.

Combat Stuff:
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:19 am
Immediately after her opponent did the seal of confrontation, both individuals started to move really fast. Nokino started to breathe in a special way(+60speed/+60vigor), and her opponent too. Nokino's breathing formed too around her a type of cloak, protecting her but totally invisible, the result of her flowing chakra from her enhanced breathing technique. As her opponent startet to thrust his weapon backwards to unleash a certain attack, Nokino started to dash toward him, trying to close the 20m gap at a speed of 185.

As to prevent the would be attack to hit her, Nokino transformed immediately into smoke, rendering her intangible to anything that would impact her body. As a cloud of smoke going at a speed of 185 still, flying trough the air at a height of 2m, she would approach Hiroya trying to close the 20m gap to reach him in melee. While doing so, the attack of the blade of Hiroya would pass trough Nokino unless a special maneuver would allow to make contact, making her dash trough it. While she moved toward her opponent, Nokino weaved handseals single handedly, unnoticed by Hiroya as she is to him only a ball of smoke approaching. She would weave at a speed of 215 (185+30agility) the handseals of Tiger, Rat, Ox, Dragon as soon as she hit the 10m mark from her opponent, creating in front of her at a speed of 105 a invisible and undetectable 15m long and wide cone, which would hit Hiroya should he not find a way to detect it. If it would make contact, Hiroya would need to pass a strength check of 105 or be paralyzed for 3 rounds. At the same time as her handseals, she would whistle the handseals of Tiger, Horse, Hare, Ox, Dog infusing her blade that for now was part of her smoke form with fire, heating the blade up. 

 At the same time, Nokino would also, from her smoke form, throw 3 kunai and 1 firecrackers at a speed of 185. The first 2 kunai would be aimed at 2m on each side of Hiroya, tied with Flash paper, ready to be activated. The 3rd kunai would go straight toward Hiroya's face, but be tied with an explosive tag, ready too to explode. All 3 kunai would also be thrown that should they miss their target, they would lodge themselves in the ground to potentially detonate the tags later, with the one aimed at his face to pass over and be behind him should he back up. Finally, the firecracker would be thrown directly toward Hiroya, at the same speed, ready to detonate too. 

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Fri Mar 01, 2024 5:10 pm
The woman in front of him decided to close the distance between them, his Death thrust barreling towards her and then they went up in smoke. It seemed his opponent was similar to the Hozuki clan that could turn themselves and the things they had into water with them but unlike the Hozuki clan’s ability it seems this smoke clan’s ability only turned their own bodies into smoke, thus causing all of Nokino’s equipment and items not kept in a dimension to be left behind in a mishappened pile.
Hiroya’s Death thrust continued its path and would easily destroy all the items and equipment left behind causing a myriad of explosions and flashes, though he cared not as he was paying attention to whatever the cloud of smoke was trying to do and it seemed like a lot of nothing as it charged to him and then passed him. It was as if it was attempting to do something but the user had forgotten to become material or hadn’t realized they had left their things behind. To say that Hiroya was perplexed was to say the least. Hiroya despawned the Imitation Black and White hole and turned towards the smoke cloud that was hovering 2m off the ground and 5m now in front of him just hovering there.
Hiroya simply waited. If his Death thrust was unable to clash with the smoke or any physical ability he would wait till they tired or became material to strike with that in mind he would take a stance with his katana sheathed ready to draw it as soon as the moment came.

Combat Stuff:
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:42 pm
[Requestion BM toward the situation with Hiroya's answer]

I am officially making a request for BM regarding the situation present here. At first, i'd like to state that i understand, that, as of now, the technique Body of Smoke is worded in a way that isnt balanced, nor is clear, and that im aware it is in dire need of a hotfix/revamp. 

Now with that said, I would still argue that the present situation isnt fairplay and is considered a too far fetched vague manipulation of words. In my opinion, Hiroya interpretation of the technique's wording not including that the gear follow the person is a way to play on words, or lack thereof, to exploit and 'cheese' the situation. 

The technique, without conveying the gear worn by the person, would be useless. Because it is not explicitely mentionned in the technique that the gear dont follow, by logic, as the detail is left out, it should follow. Its the same way with other techniques, for exemple, Kamui. When someone phase, Kamui state that: ''Intangibility: The user can make parts or all of their body intangible at jutsu speed.'' as the technique too, mention only the body, and do no mention of the gear of the user, would it all fall to the ground, as the user would phase out of their own armor? The same can be said of teleportation technique, like Kamui still, which too doesnt mention the gear. Would it mean teleporting away let all your gear where you left, leaving you naked and without inventory to your destination? In my opinion, this doesnt make sense, and the same apply to Body of Smoke.

It is, in my opinion a case that because it does not mention the gear follows, doesnt mean its not following. (aka an the lack of an affirmative doesnt create a negative, as I was told multiple times by asking similar questions to Ayato and Ace) The site follows a word first, logic second, but some details arent specified in techniques because they follow logic. The Body of smoke technique being into this category.

For the second part that I have an issue with, the part about ''you cannot attack or cast justu in the smoke form''.
The app specifically mention that, ''While in this form, they are floating above the ground and can rise and fall, floating up to the Maximum height allowed 50 meters from the elevation point (ground) and moving at their average speed, and attacking at their usual strength without hindrance.''

This mean that, jutsu and techniques can still be used while in smoke form, as the tech state that in the smoke form i can still attack with the usual strength without hindrance. 

I might have others additions as some issues are depending on the major decision regarding these 2 points first. Just saying it in advance!

So to summarize, the gear should follow Nokino in smoke form, and she should also be able to cast jutsu while in smoke form. With this in mind, and Hiroya not dodging in his post, only continuing is previous attack, the technique of Temporary Paralysis would land, along the thrown kunais and the attached tags.

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:48 pm
My take on things:
The reasoning I have for how Body of Smoke works is built of how our site functions which is going off what is written in the application of whatever is being used alongside the system rules.
In the case of Body of Smoke it was made based off the Hozuki Clan’s Hydrification by a newer member to the site who wanted to make Iburi’s own version. So I will be citing how Hydrification works and pointing out the differences as they are the only two techniques I believe that do this kind of effect.
With Hydrification it specifically mentions that the user’s own items, equipment and weapons turn into water with them and that to utilize techniques while using the technique that they must reform those specific things.
“Interactions with the user clothing and armor turn into water as well, and the user can still use their weapons in this form. The user, however, will still need to reform the weapon and arms to use it.”
Body of Smoke does not have this particular clause when it should the only cause it has pertaining to the user and what turns into smoke is:

“The Iburi Clan Members can turn their whole body into Smoke partially or fully.”
This is the biggest reasoning for why my post went the way it does as there is no mention of the user’s items/equipment in the Application for Body of Smoke which is a very common clause we have in a number of techniques especially ones that are AoEs like Imitation Black Hole and Imitation White Hole. The understanding that if these techniques do not have a clause that mentions that it doesn’t affect or does affect the user’s self, their things or their other techniques is what lets us know what it interacts with when it comes to dangers of potentially harming the user and their things.
My reasoning on why I do not believe that a character using Body of Smoke is able to use techniques while in full body smoke form is similar to how characters who are full body phasing are unable to use techniques as well and once again there is no mention to the ability to attack/use techniques while in said form.
I believe that is only regarded to half body smoke form as long as the appropriate body parts have been formed again something that is mentioned in most Phasing techniques or Hydrification.
To summarize: Body of smoke forgoes the necessary clauses to ensure that the items/equipment of the user turn into smoke with it like the technique that it is based off of and does not have any clauses that mention they would be able to perform techniques while in Full Body Smoke form. It has no clauses on how to clash with it besides the mention of wind techniques which is why it is up for a hotfix pending this very thread.

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:52 pm
Howdy y'all,

After reviewing the provided information from both Horiya and Nokino the following has been determined:

Analysis of Points:

Battle Mod Decision wrote:The thread continues with Nokino's Equipment destroyed due to Body of Smoke's clauses not being properly made and being left behind to be damaged by Hiroya's Death Thrust. Nokino's actions regarding performing techniques due to not indicating that she reformed her hands do not occur. Similarly, they are not a ball and are person-shaped, a little ambiguous but are outlined/detailed: "The Smoke they turn into is at the height and weight size of the User." & "their whole body is enveloped in smoke;" It is Nokino's turn to post.

Thank you both for your cooperation,

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Fri Mar 08, 2024 6:17 pm
As Nokino transformed into smoke and rushed toward Hiroya, she was so in the moment that she didnt noticed how all of her gear slipped out of her body, and passed right trough her smoke self, keeping her charge at full pace. While the death trust of hiroya traversed her without doing any harm, and Nokino escaping in her smoke form from the white and black hole, the power and continuation of the death trust would continue its way towards her original position, breaking all of her gear laying on the floor. 

As Nokino would reach 5m close to hiroya, she would continue to fly towards him in smoke form, and would start to exhale thick dark smoke trough her mouth at a speed of 85 without the need to formulate hand seals, creating a 3m wide and tall cloud of smoke before her position, obscuring her movement. To not stay stationary, she would circle Hiroya at a closer  distance of 3m from him while flying at ground level and exhaling the smoke, hidding herself in a large traveling and spreading dark thick grey smoke cloud which would prevent hiroya to see her precises movements like handseals and formation of small body part in non smoke form.

At the same time as she would exhale smoke, Nokino would time her gesture to make her hands only reappear amidst the smoke, which would be hidden away from sight by her smoke cloud. Piercing her tumb rapidly with her nail, she would weave at a speed of 205 the hanseals of Boar, dog, bird, monkey, Ram single handedly before touching the ground with her hand, summoning 2 of her cat summons forth.

The first would spawn 5m in front of the old Hatake and 2m from Nokino, a large black panther growling and towering at 4m high. Its growl and whisker flick would weave the equivalent handseals at a speed of 155 and start to be covered and [url=Crashing Waterfall]infused[/url] with water before charging at Hiroya directly at a speed of 175, aiming to lunge at him as soon as it would get in range.

At the same time, the other summon would spawn 5m in the back of Hiroya, and would be unnoticed due to the smoke cloud blocking the view of Hiroya if nothing would prevent it.
The smaller fat cat in a pale lavender kimono would shake its whiskers too, forming handseals equivalent at a speed of 60. As the hanseals finished, Hiroya would start to feel as if he was choking, the smoke around him triggering his sense of smell and feeling thick and intense, making him seem like he choke and fail to breathe. In the setting of being circled by Nokino in her body of smoke, the arena being covered in smoke and smelling of burnt matches and exploded fireworks, along with the large smoke clouds being formed on him, Hiroya would be really drowning in smoke making it difficult to detect being in the genjutsu as the natural situation would be enough to choke on smoke realistically.

With her other hand, Nokino would also weave handsigns at a speed of 205 to summon 2 shadow clones each 2m on the side of Nokino and 2m away from Hiroya, one on each side to his right and left, rotating with him should he move and trying to keep up with his speed. 
As they spawned at the same time as the summons, they would start to move as soon as they are brought forth. The clone on the right would weave handseals at a speed of 155 to cast temporary paralysis towards Hiroya, spreading in a 15m wide tall and long cone invisible to the eye, hidden too within the smoke of nokino. Should it hit Hiroya, he would be paralyzed for 2 turns unless passing a strength check of 75.

At the same time, the other clone on the left would form a ball of pure blue chakra energy in her hand, forming at a speed of 90, while dashing toward Hiroya at a speed of 125 to close the 2m gap. While fully extending her arm aiming at Hiroya chest, the clone would try and hit the old Hatake, and should it hit would deal 90 damage. 

All while this strategy happened, Nokino herself, still in smoke form, would retract her hands as soon as her summoning handseals for summons and clones would be finished, making her smoke only again, back into smoke form while still spewing forth dark and thick smoke preventing sight and obstructing the view of her hands being physically there. As she was now all smoke again and continuously spewing dark grey thick opaque smoke, she would raise upwards as smoke in a way to float 8m directly above Hiroya, while the clones and summons attacked on all sides, still keeping the smoke veil spewing toward Hiroya, keeping the spewing always between her and him to block the view on her potential moves and adjusments.

Battle things:
Ap usage: -80 for TCB + cloak (2/2), -50 for body of smoke (2/4), -5 for smoke veil (1/3), -55 for 2 summons active on field, -35 for shadow clones (1/4) (one handed), -200 for clones assigned AP. New total ap: 978/1583 

Ap for summons:
Bakeneko: -50 for crashing waterfall (1/1, used on next tech), -100 for crashing thunder charge (1/3) new AP total: 882/1000 (25% off chakra stat)
Puki: -30 for genjutsu choking (1/3), new ap total: 578/600 (25% off chakra stat)

Shadow clones: (each with 100AP)
Left: -50 for rasengan (1/2), new ap total: 50/100
Right: -30 for temp paralysis (1/3), new ap total:70/100
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