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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:49 pm
The smoke woman decided to show her face while in Death Thrust range taking 240 damage and any enhancer they are using going on cooldown, he would infuse chakra into his katana using Samurai Saber (+50 to first weaponry tech used) then strike the ground with his Katana using Ray of Brillance (190 pwr/spd) causing a shockwave that dissipates any smoke or fog in the area dealing damage to those in the range. This would upon hitting nokino who was now only 3m from Hiroya cause her to return to human form and be knocked out.

Once he was declared the winner he would sheath his weapon and leave the arena.

Combat stuff:
Claiming hit of Death Thrust -240 dmg to Nokino Her TCB Enhancer has been forcefully put on CD due to Death Thrust having higher power than her strength reducing her stats back down to base. (Reasoning: Smoke Veil requires you to expel the smoke from the user's mouth which means she had to reform her head at the very least and she did so while in the range of Death thrust as stated by saying she does this 5m in front of Hiroya)

+1 Heavenly Body Stack 3/6
+10 AP from Heavenly Body
Total Concentration Breathing: Duration: 3/4, +90 Chakra/Speed -50 AP, -10 HP, Thunder Breathing (Lightning Element Affinity)
Death Thrust: 240 spd/pwr, -38 AP (25% discount 50-12=38)
Samurai Saber: +25 to Spd/Pwr To first weap tech used (Ray of Brillance), -50 AP
Ray of Brillance 165 spd/pwr, -34 AP (25% Discount 45-11=34)
Imitation White Hole: On Cooldown 2/3
Imitation Black Hole: On Cooldown 2/3
Total AP used: 172-10(Heavenly Body)=162
HP: 290 > 270 (-10 from TCB Perfected)
DR: 25
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 190
Speed: 240
Strength: 25
AP: 701 > 539
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:20 pm
Requesting a BM for the previous post regarding the hit claims of the death trust and the forced formation of my head. [Am not available today so just writting and asking for it to not get houred, will post the explanation as soon as possible]

UPDATE: Sorry for delays, i have been injured in the neck for the past couple of days and it affected my availability.

So here are my points for the BM call:

1. the smoke veil tech im using is without handseals, and as discussed in the previous BM situation of the same fight, ace confirmed that i could do techniques while in body of smoke if they were handsealless. 

2. In my opinion, with the speed of death trust, the attack wouldve reach the limit edge of the arena (40m) making it stop before (as it stop when reaching max distance) and therefore not be present on the field to do damage after Nokino did her maneuvers. Also considering the wording of Hiroya previous post, the death trust shouldnt be present by the time Nokino materialize anything, as Hiroya stated ''waiting until they tired'' and sheathed his sword while waiting. 

3. Hiroya decided in his post to have me ''Show my face'', deciding for me which last i check is considered godmodding.

4. the technique 'ray of brilliance' doesnt state immunity for the user. If we still go by wording, Hiroya would damage himself with the technique, as it doesnt explain that the user is immune like most attacks do, and because hiroya said that it 'damage everything and eveyone in range, which include himself.

5. also the 2 summons still on the field would remain alive, even if all of his attacks were to work, staying even if Nokino would be knocked out, making the fight not ended.

As usual i layed my points here in summary but will discuss it to greater length once both sides are explained and all !

Last edited by Nokino on Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edits to put in my points.)
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:29 pm

1. Smoke Veil: The issue with this tech is not that it was used while in smoke form due to being mastered for handsealless, its that the tech itself requires the user to expel the smoke from their mouth.

Smoke Veil wrote:The user expels a cloud of smoke from their mouth to a maximum distance of three meters

We have already come to the conclusion that the user can not do techs if they don’t reform the needed body parts the techs call for. In this case its not the hands that need to be reformed to do handseals it’s the mouth that needs to be formed to expel the smoke. That is why in my post Nokino’s head reforms to expel the smoke as she describes.

2. Death thrust is still on the field in the very area that Nokino has described being as she has timelined my actions in my prior post to have never happened so I worked off the new time line that has been created. So Hiroya sheathing his weapon never happened as if we had stuck to the timeline my post created Nokino would be 5m behind hiroya on the opposite side of where Death thrust had been sent (Additionally it stays on the field covering the full area and has not reached the max distance as Nokino knows this from using a bot we have in another discord that measures how far things move in comparison to another thing)

The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 E5Mn1H3

3. This isn’t godmodding as explained prior, Smoke Veil requires the user to expel the smoke from their mouth which would require her to reform her mouth which is apart of her head regardless of either they would still be within the range of Death Thrust and take the damage and their enhancer put on CD due to Death Thrust’s effect.

4. Ray of Brillance is an AOE technique and it has been ruled that the first post of any AOE or technique in general does not harm the user if it originates from the user.

The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 FlQbQcD

5. The rules of the Culling Games state that the win conditions are Knock out or Surrender, With death thrust having done 240 damage Nokino would have 85 HP left, 25 to their DR and 215 to their HP. With Ray of Brillance happening at 165 pwr/spd and Nokino being at 3m from Hiroya should it hit would cause a knockout of the user themselves.

6. Inferno Arena’s own Safety Mechanism as written in its application goes into effect when a fighter hits 0 HP and activates a Chakra Suppression system that gets rid of all techniques and the like to avoid any possible deaths this would kick in when Nokino goes to 0 dispelling anything still on the field.

Inferno Arena wrote:-This barrier will only activate when the fighter is hit with a technique/jutsu that would have under normal situations killed them or reduced their health to 0.
-Upon it being broken the barrier will instead take the excess amount of damage from the technique/jutsu/strike that would have killed the fighter in the fighter's place and would instead render the fighter unconscious, also a Jutsu Suppression effect that disables all techniques/jutsus within the Arena will be activated to stop the fight so that there isn't any possible chance of accidental death due to multiple techniques/jutsus being fired at once.

This is once more a case of Nokino not understanding how the site works or combat works in general while also passive aggressively implying that I am being unfair, inflexible, pulling rat moves, cheesing or exploiting the system, and godmodding.
Marabelle Blossom
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:55 pm
Howdy again y'all,

After reviewing the provided information from both Horiya and Nokino the following has been determined:

Analysis of Points:

Battle Mod Decision wrote:Hiroya's claim of a hit is appropriate and correct. It is extended however that Nokino's timeline cut is not appropriate and if Hiroya had called a battle mod to review that the post Nokino presented would have been voided and "No Action" (under Dynamic Timeline and Timelinig) would be the verdict due to responding to a previously made post and not the most recent by Horiya. The timeline cut made by Nokino goes back to her previous post and alters the timeline to a significant degree while also failing to properly account for calculations. The fight continues with Nokino's response to Hiroya's latest post.

Thank you both for your cooperation,

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:23 pm
[This is my giving up post, crom has agreed to let me proceed as wanted to create CD]

As Nokino mistakenly reverted part of her face to start to spew forth smoke, the area of pure agression that was left behind the death trust of Hiroya was still there, making her take the brunt of the damage to her face, injuring her a lot. Immediately after as she still approached in smoke form, the old experienced swordsman thrusted his blade into the ground, sending a white wave of energy unique to the Hatake, dispersing all of the smoke which lingered into the arena, created by Nokino herself in the shape of her body of smoke, but also of her smoke veil aimed directly at Hiroya, as well as the light smoke cause by her equipment being destroyed, which was filled with fireworks and the likes.

The wave was so powerfull that right after creating her summons and shadow clones, Nokino was pushed back into her true form and knocked unconscious by the large wave, flinging to the ground. At the same time, the shadow clones exploded in smoke before being dispersed into the wind, the shockwave dispelling them in an instant. As for the summons, they stayed into the fight and survived the damage of the wave, but were significantly hurt. They knew however the way of the Inferno Arena: none where to intervene, and as Nokino was knocked out, Hiroya was the winner. Nonetheless, the two cats, the smaller fat dark one with the pale lavender kimono and the large black panther both rushed toward the limp body of Nokino-Sensei, their master.

As she layed naked on the ground, the bigger cat lifted her on her side, and stepped between her and Hiroya, preventing any type of gesture toward the incouncsious mistress.

''Oy, you won. Now let us heal her back and leave. Good fight old man, you sure know how to handle that blade...'' Said Bakeneko to Hiroya with her growly and deep panther voice, her tone both of respect for such might but also of shame and defeat, having lost without even having the time to place herself a hit or two.

''Wake up smoky smoky, no time for sleepy!'' Said in a small cat tone of urgency Puki, the fat chakra proficient cat, gently doing biscuit on Nokino shoulders, its paws glowing a bright green hue while it healed Nokino.

After a few seconds, Nokino started to move back, her body beated and scraped everywhere, her skin covered in bruises, bloody scratches and dirt. As she struggled but kept on moving, the tall Iburi got herself up with pain and difficulty, but to face Hiroya still. There was only one problem... As all of her equipment was destroyed, Nokino was left almost totally naked int the middle of the arena! Getting immediately red with embarassment, she quickly grabbed the lavender kimono on the back of her summoned cat, to at least cover herself in front of the hundreds of people watching the match. Totally embarassed to have lost and to be in this compromising position, the tall woman, now with her face red and flushed, looked at hiroya, and back at the pile of her destroyed stuff, then back at hiroya.

''I surrender... But please, for the love of the Hokage, give me a shirt!!!!'' said Nokino toward the man, asking for his vest until she could at least get a set of replacement clothes. As she waited on his answer and to receive the piece of clothing, Nokino added ''Oh and once the Exams are done, please repair or replace my broken gear. Wouldnt be fair otherwise, 'aight?'' would say the tall Iburi, lighting herself a cigarette, and gifting one to the man who won easily against her. Even if she was full of anger in the moment, she admired the man for his skill, and felt he won fair an square. ''You really are strong.. here, a small gift for that victory.'' Said the woman as she extanded the arm, shaking from the pain to offer him a cigarette with a wooden match to light it, before herself exiting the arena, leaning on her summons to help her limp out of the arena, barely conscious.


[Victory goes to Hiroya]

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:22 pm
Hiroya would toss his cloak to the woman. "No I will not fix your things, that is the cost of a battle it could have been your life in a true battle." With being declared victor of the fight Hiroya would sheathe his katana and leave the arena.

Discarding any WC.
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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:39 am
Hiroya wrote:
Discarding any WC.

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The Culling Games: Fifth Match - Page 2 Empty Re: The Culling Games: Fifth Match

Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:51 pm
Nokino wrote:[This is my giving up post, crom has agreed to let me proceed as wanted to create CD]


[Victory goes to Hiroya]

TWC: 2342

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