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Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:47 pm
Mission Details:

A  rather harsh gasp escapes, Okisho, forcing himself out of a rather curious slumber. Bad dreams were not a foreign concept to him, but still a rather imprinting feeling within his heart. Those dreams, feeling more surreal than one would admit to others, was best kept to oneself. The drama accompanied with it could lead to record staining events. He slowly rose from the cushions of his bed, like a zombies recently disturbed.

He was, in a rather spacious room, not his own. His mind was still rather fixated on his worrisome dream, too convoluted to figure out just how he had gotten here in the first place. The urge to rise up on his feet swelled to the point where he could no longer resist. Springing up from his bed, vexed, he saunters over to the closet, he maybe could find a clue to whose place this was. No pictures, or other furniture was in the room.


His gaze swung towards the now escaping light coming from underneath the door. Who else was here? He moves towards the door, slowly extending his hesitant hand towards the knob. After grasping it, against his will,he slowly opens it to reveal a dim lit kitchen. A kitchen filled with... The room began to sway, the ride getting a bit tenser after identifying each plate of food that was on the table ready to be served. The Tea, the biscuits, all of it, just like the setting in his dream. Even the Tea pots matched the style.

As he continued to sway, an ethereal being made its presence known. The purple mist that seeped from the chandelier light of the kitchen collected itself, forming into a floating feline like being. It's smile, was brighter than the day. Was it the light he saw earlier, he wondered? The chandelier grew dimmer after the formation of the feline.

"Curiouser and curiouser, eh", he questioned. He giggled while floating towards the door effortlessly, the feline swam through the air like a dolphin. The mysterious being was right, Okisho was curious, as he followed he light. He then found himself outside, wandering around till ge finally reached the market center square, where witnessing the many. The many being that of other ethereal beings causing a muck.

He simply stood there, his gaze now pointing upwards towards the sky in disbelief as he witness the flying monsters now occupying all of Konoha. He did so all in his dark navy blue Pajamas. The pompom swayed back and forth with each passing of the beings.

Last edited by Okisho Uchiha on Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:34 am
Jiro's sleep was not always easy. As much as he tried to push them away, he was often troubled by nightmares, and sometimes, by memories. It seemed tonight would be one such night, as the Nara boy rolled over on his futon, clutching his blanket loosely around him. In his mind, sunshine filtered through the paper door to his room. He would get up to slide it open, walking out onto his family's patio deck. It was quiet, and he was alone. The sun shone softly in the garden, and the wind carried with it a few autumn leaves. He watched them dance across the sky. He couldn't explain why, but he felt like the leaves were leading him somewhere. He followed the deck around to the front of the house, where he saw someone sat at the steps. She was an old woman, a shawl wrapped around her shoulders and her gray hair tied back loosely. Beside her was a lavender ceramic plate, piled high with cinnamon sugar dusted cookies.

"Oh, Jiro," she would say as she turned to face him. Her face was a bit blurry. He looked down at his feet. They seemed smaller than normal. He looked at his hands. He was a child, now. The old woman waved him closer, and he felt his feet respond, padding barefoot across the polished wooden planks. "Come and sit with me, Jiro. I made you some cookies." She would pick one from the plate and hand it to him as he sat down. Jiro would take it and look at it. He felt grateful to the old woman, but he didn't know how to say it. So he lifted the cookie, and took a bite.

At the same moment, Jiro's eyes in the real world fluttered open. The taste of cinnamon sugar was still on his tongue. For a long moment, Jiro just stared at the ceiling, thinking about his dream. He hadn't thought about that old lady in a long time... He rubbed his face, groaning quietly and pushing himself into a sitting position, slowly getting to his feet and sliding open his door.  A sense of deja vu washed over him as he walked toward the front of the house to find his shoes. But as soon as he turned the corner, Jiro stopped cold. Sitting on the patio, near the front steps, was a lavender ceramic plate. And it was piled high with cinnamon sugar dusted cookies. He quickly rubbed his eyes, even pinched himself to make sure that he was awake. He approached the plate and sat down beside it, picking up one of the cookies. He lifted it to his mouth, and took a bite. They were absolutely real. His eyes darted around the garden, searching for someone who wasn't there. As he looked, however, he noticed something strange flying through the sky. It wasn't a bird. It was large, and... monstrous? And there looked to be several of them. Jiro frowned, sliding his feet into his sandals and taking off down the road into town keeping an eye on the flying monstrosities, that only seemed to grow denser the closer he got to the square.

He was panting by the time he reached the market, the skies now completely overrun by these beings. The only thing that grounded him in that moment, that saved him from thinking he was completely insane, was the sight of a familiar face that looked just as dumbfounded as he was. "Oi, Uchiha!" he called out, approaching Okisho with a look of bewilderment. "What in the hell is going on, here?" He hoped the older boy might have some answers, but the look on his face wasn't promising.
WC: 621 / MWC: 1,038
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 236214

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Fri Oct 20, 2023 12:35 am
Tenshi could feel it all over him, that familiar and yet harrowing texture all over his hands and body. It was something he had witnessed many times. Sometimes it had been his own, sometimes it had been his friends, mostly though, it had been from his enemies. Blood. It was his blood... but it was also the blood of others mixed in. How had this happened? What in the world was going on at the moment? Where was he? He looked up from his crimson coated hands to observe the world around him and he almost felt sick as he did it. Everything around him was spinning. It was like his Kamui dimension, the colours and pillars that littered the viewable landscape, everything was exactly as he had first created it... but it was all spinning so fast. In order to save himself from throwing up, Tenshi closed his eyes once more and began to breath in and out deeply. It took a moment but his body settled once more, he could not bring himself to open his eyes just yet, until a familiar voice spoke to him softly. "Open your eyes boy, it is safe now, you are going to be alright..." He had not heard his mother's voice in so long...

Slowly, he complied with her request and began to open his eyes. It was true, the world was no longer spinning around him and the feeling of sickness had fully subsided. He was no longer in the Kamui dimension either, instead he was in... the Uchiha district? There was nobody around but he still felt as if there were eyes watching him from every angle. As he turned around quickly, he could not see his mother, yet her voice had sounded as if it had come from right behind him. Something was not right, it felt like he was in a bad dream but at the same time, it felt far too real. It was not until he looked down that he realised that he was surrounded, not by people, but by more blood. Not just blood either, body parts, organs and... red eyes. This definitely did not feel like a dream, if anything, Tenshi was in one hell of a nightmare. He did not know that his imagination could be so vivid...

The voice came from behind him once more... "Tragic and beautiful at the same time, right Tensh? It took me far too long to realise that the road to power was far more bloody and gruesome than I had initially anticipated. A Shinobi's path is covered in blood, that is no secret, but a Shinobi will never know true power until they dig deeper." Quickly spinning around again, Tenshi still could not see his mother, yet her voice would continue to ring in the back of his mind, as if she was speaking to him while standing directly behind him. "What is going on, mother where are you? What in the hell are you even talking about?" He was so confused, none of this made any sense to the young Uchiha, but he felt as if his mother was trying to tell him something of severe importance. But what?

"I see that you met your uncle, an unpleasant man, although that was not always the case... I guess that was my fault though. He was not always so cruel and vindictive. I should have told you about your father, but that is all a story for another day. You have more pressing concerns regarding the real world, and the not so real world... I can not say much, but you and the rest of the village are in danger. You need to wake up and figure this out now. Wake up Tenshi... WAKE UP!

With a jolt, Tenshi Uchiha awoke in his bed, sweating from the intensity of what he had just seen... HAD he seen something? His dream was burnt into his mind in a way that had never happened before. He felt as if he had truly spoken to his mother while being covered in... BLOOD! Looking down at his hands, he saw the crimson coat still stuck to them, yet he himself was unharmed. Had he hurt somebody in his sleep? No surely not, the young Uchiha had never been known to sleep walk in the past. Something was wrong, very wrong, and he needed to find out as soon as he possibly could. Jumping out of bed, Tenshi spent a considerable amount of time washing his hands so that all traces of the blood from earlier were removed. When he was satisfied that they were spotless, he changed into his usual attire, a long black jacket with matching pants and thick boots, before leaving his apartment in the Uchiha district and making his way through the streets.

Tenshi raised an eyebrow when he saw a group of large creatures flying through the sky. At first they reminded him of his summons, the Ancient Red Dragons, but there was no crimson on these beasts. They were pitch black, unnaturally so at that. Shaking it off quickly, he continued to move until he reached the market, a surprisingly populated market. Everywhere he looked, Tenshi saw confused faces, it was clear that he had not been the only one to experience an odd 'dream' on this day. He kept moving until he finally saw a familiar face. "Okisho!" His Team 212 squad mate was also joined by another boy that Tenshi had never seen before. Tenshi gave the boy a nod before introducing himself. "Tenshi Uchiha, pleasure to meet you."

He would not dally on introductions for long though, as a sudden scream came out from nearby. A group of adults were running away from a small pack of... VERY large rats! These rats were the size of cats and there were dozens of them. They looked like something out of a traumatised child's nightmares and running directly at Tenshi and his two companions. Without wasting a moment, Tenshi yelled at the crowd around them to disperse, before forming the hand seals; Snake - Ram - Tiger and blowing out a three meter wide fireball directly at the rats. Managing to take out about half of them, Tenshi would then continue in an attempt clear out the villagers in the area. The market was not safe.

Should his teammates assist with defeating the remaining monstrosities, an intense feeling of exhaustion washed over Tenshi. It was something he had never experienced before, it was a nagging desire for sleep, even though he had just recently woken up. With a slight groan in his voice, Tenshi would say goodbye to Okisho and the other Shinobi he had met, before sluggishly walking back to his apartment and passing out on the bed for the remainder for the night.

End of Night 1 for Tenshi

WC: 1,142
TMWC: 2,180/3,500
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:50 pm
In Himari's case, dreams are a wonderful phenomenon to escape from the harsh realities of the outside world within another world of her own mind's creation. Oftentimes with or without the proverbial control over them—sometimes referred to as "Lucid Dreaming"—no two dreams her psyche conjures are one and the same, always alternating spontaneously unless she manifests the active consciousness to re-establish dominion over them. Presently, she was in her home, located in her room, decorated with an assortment of keepsakes from her most recent endeavors, ranging from souvenirs to memorabilia.

The walls were painted a light shade of purple that matched her eyes, and the floor was a dark hardwood that contrasted nicely with her white carpet. Her bed was a queen size with a purple comforter and white pillows. On the wall above her bed was a picture of her only family; her mother, Nozomi Hyuuga. She also had a dresser with a mirror on it and a desk where she kept all of her school supplies. She, herself, is nose-deep in a pile of books she borrowed from the local village library. Still fascinated by the mechanisms and applications of medical ninjutsu, she's been hard at work in becoming proficient in her field of study to later propose to the Hokage the possibility of developing a medical division. However, when she considers her age and practical inexperience, she believes on-field work would certainly help strengthen her position to justify its creation. Or perhaps she's overthinking and simply showing an interest is enough.

Soon, her attention diverts from her books to the sound of knocking. Though the sound doesn't appear to originate from her shouji, its echo suggests it is further away toward her front door. Last she recalls, her mother's still near the kitchen area that's closer to the living space, which also lies closest to the front entrance. Thus, she continues to indulge herself in the rented novelties in peace until a second knocking reverberates from the opposite side of the house. She cranes her neck toward the second source of the sound, clearly perplexed, maybe the neighbors were constructing something in the background? No matter, she resumes her self-indulgence until a third knocking sounds from the glass window in her room.

She turns around to find a large... bowl of Geki Kara Tsukemen, nearly as wide and large as the window itself, floating ominously in front of her with the top side facing toward her. Its contents contain multiple thick strands of noodles swamped with a rich, opaque soup, topped off with an array of toppings such as boiled eggs and seaweed. It smells delicious, but Himari's confusion overpowers her appetite. "What is this doing here?" She asks herself aloud. The bowl merely floats there, its contents sloshing around inside it as if to answer her question. She takes a moment to consider whether or not she should accept the food, and just as she's about to reach out to grab it, she hears the thunderous sounds of wood crumbling and crashing from the other side of the house from where the first knocking came from.

"Mom?... Mom!"

She drops her belongings and bolts toward the shouji door, sliding it open, and is greeted with a familiar fragrance wafting in the air. Turning her head down the hallway, she finds a second, large bowl of Tsukemen... with muscular arms and legs protruding out from its edges. It's an abomination! With its right hand, it reaches out to grab at her, but she manages to evade its grasp. She dashes toward her mother's room, slamming the shoji shut behind her, and locks it. She turns to find her mother sitting on the floor with her back against the wall, staring blankly at the ceiling. Wait, wasn't she just in the kitchen?

"Mom!" Himari calls out as she rushes over to help her up. Nozomi doesn't respond, her body limps in her daughter's grasp. "What happened?" She asks herself aloud. From beyond the door, she can hear the Tsukemen monster ramming itself against it repeatedly until it breaks through. Himari drags her mother away from the door to the corner of the room and sets her down. She then turns to face the creature that now stands at the doorway. "I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this." She says as she forms an open palm in one hand and the other hovers defensively in front of her unresponsive mother. When the former thrusts forward, a distorted vacuum of air bursts forth in an attempt to knock back the fiend. It manages to stay on its feet but is blown back several feet into the hallway.

Himari takes this moment to escape through the window, carrying her mother with her. The two land safely in a bush below, and Himari sets her mother down against it. She looks up to see the Tsukeman monster peering out from the window, looking down at them. "Stay here, Mom." She tells her before forming the same hand seals she did earlier, only to be stopped by another crash as wooden debris and dust particles burst from the window the first Tsukemen stands as another bum-rushes towards the duo. The third bursts from the opposite side toward her.

"This is getting out of hand," She remarks, exasperatedly. "Now there's two of them?"

She assumes a defensive stance and in that moment, her subconscious assumes the reins and she's aware the events unfolding before her are byproducts of her dreaming. She takes a deep breath and attempts to re-imagine the bowls being destroyed by a powerful force. However, instead of the bowls being destroyed, they begin to multiply until there's dozens of them surrounding her and her mother. The original two Tsukemen monsters become four, then eight, and then sixteen...

"No!" Himari shouts. "This isn't what I wanted!"

She continues to imagine the bowls being destroyed but to no avail as they continue to multiply. Her mind is racing with panic, she can't think straight! She doesn't know what to do!


She awakes with a start, her heart pounding against her chest. Her breathing is ragged, her body drenched in sweat. She looks around her surroundings and realizes she's back in her room. The books she had been reading earlier lie scattered on the floor next to her bed. She takes a moment to calm herself down before getting up to pick them up. She places them back on her desk and finds a bowl of Geki Kara Tsukemen sitting by her study space. Perturbed, she calls out.



"Did you leave me a bowl of Geki Kara Tsukemen on my desk earlier?"

There's a brief pause. "No," Nozomi responds from the living room. "Why do you ask?"

Himari stares blankly at the bowl for a moment before responding. "No reason."

She side-steps close to it and cautiously pokes it with her left index. It's solid, that's for sure. No weird appendages and no hocus-pocus levitation to go along with it. Then, with the same finger, she dips the tip into the soup and tastes it. The flavor is rich and she doesn't discern anything unusual with its contents either.

"It's the real, alright." She murmurs. "May as well help myself to it." Grabbing a pair of spare chopsticks from her pouch, she strides to open a window, sits down at her desk, and clasps her hands together in thanksgiving before she gorges the noodle soup clean.

Sometime later...

The moment Himari exits her home and a strange feeling of unease washes over her. She looks around and sees nothing out of the ordinary, but something feels off about this morning. She decides to shrug it off for now and continues on her way to the main village. When she arrives, she's greeted, once more, with sheer pandaemonium from a couple of the village denizens, running with their tails between their legs from a pack of large rats!

"What in the world?" She mutters under her breath, and in the same breath, dashes forward to intercept one of the rat's spearheading the horde with a palm strike. The other three rats, relative in size and shape to herself, squeak and hiss with oozing vitriol toward the young Hyūga and immediately set themselves upon her. She steels herself and maneuvers gracefully out of the way of their attempts to maul her with their claws and teeth. One of them tries to flank her from behind, but she notices its movements and spins around to kick it away before it can reach her.

The other two take this opportunity to lunge at her, but she manages to dodge them by leaping into the air and landing on one of their backs. She grabs hold of its ears as the rat frantically leaps and shakes in an attempt to throw her off. The other rat charges at her again, but Himari uses its comrade as a springboard to jump off of it, sending them both tumbling onto the ground. She lands gracefully on her feet and takes advantage of the fourth rat's disorientation by grabbing hold of its tail and swinging it around like a flail before letting go, sending it flying toward the aforementioned two rats and collides against them. Performing the following hand seals with one hand: Monkey → Hare → Rat → Dog → Snake. She exhales a thick cloud of purple smoke in the shape of a cone, expanding to its maximum size, the cone of fog then spreads out to become a circle with a radius of 10 meters until it becomes a dome-shaped, hazy fog of purple smoke. The rats inside are unable to see anything but darkness, Himari, on the other hand, activates her Byakugan to help her vision perceive through the mauve mist.

The rats within immediately react the to toxins invading their bodies, coughing and wheezing as they gasp for air. Their lungs feel like they're burning from the inside out as they desperately claw at their throats in a futile attempt to alleviate their suffering. They begin to foam at the mouth before falling unconscious. Himari deactivates her Byakugan and waits for the effects of her poison smoke jutsu to disperse before approaching them. When the fog clears, all that remains are motionless bodies lying on the ground.

"Where did they even come from?"

Her eyes backtrack to the location where the rats last emerged from, and down the road, she spies three individuals—two of whom she recognizes immediately—who appear to be handling an plateful of their own troubles. Knowing there's strength in numbers, Himari rushes over to the group, weaving past the shlumped rodents.

"Okisho! Tenshi!" She waves with both hands haphazardly in the air. "The strangest thing just happened when I got here, these rats just came out of nowhere and started attacking me! And I had a really weird dream too about food, and it had muscles, and it was super strong and fast, and my mo—" She then notices the unfamiliar tertiary addition to their ranks. "Oh, hi there! I'm Hyūga Himari!" She performs a slight bow to him. "Uh, anyway, um, I hope you're all OK. Do you guys know what's happ—" And then came a thunderous clamoring from one of the village establishments as a familiar, aforementioned bowl of Tsukemen emerges from the dust and debris, accompanied with its own set of arms and legs.

"Oh, brother..." Himari mutters under her breath and sets about disposing of it and any remaining surprise guests along the way. Once whatever leftover abominations have been thoroughly dealt with, Himari suggests a moment of reprieve for the group and regroup tomorrow to collectively fathom how any of this is happening and why. With that said, she heads back home with an interesting mouthful tell explain the absolute word-soup of events that just recently unfolded earlier today.

End of Night 1 for Himari

WC: 1,986
TWC: 1,986/875
TMWC: 4,166/3,500
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 236214

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:35 am
A few days later…

Tenshi’s eyes were dry due to how little sleep he had allowed himself to have since the unusual events began a couple of days earlier. The village had made a public announcement attempting to restrict the villagers from dreaming or something odd along those lines. However, something like that was easier said than done. People needed to sleep, no matter how hard they tried to avoid it. Tenshi had done his best, and had actually managed to stay awake for the entire duration, but this had come at a cost. His movements and speech were sluggish, his vision would occasionally blur and he often found himself needing to hold himself up whenever he would walk around, lest he lost his balance and toppled over. Thankfully, nobody had been around when this had occurred in the previous day.

It was the early morning when he heard people screaming outside, it was not the first time he had heard such noises since the strangeness began. With a heavy sigh, Tenshi forced himself out of the house and began half jogging, half running to the origin of the screams. What he saw would have made his jaw drop, but at this point he was no longer surprised. A young boy, no older than 6 years old, was sitting atop a floating… fortress? The ‘fortress’ in question was no larger than Tenshi’s bedroom, but even the young Uchiha had to admit that this child clearly had a vivid imagination. The structure was almost a perfect replica of a real fortress from the popular children’s books he had read growing up. There was a comfortable looking throne at the top that the young boy was seated on, coupled with a very soft looking cushion and drink holder to boot.

Tenshi would not have worried at all about the situation, if it weren’t for the terrifying beast stalking around under the fortress. It was an entity that he had never seen before, a mixture of a large dire wolf and terrifying tiger, with a length of around 5 meters. This posed quite a few problems for the sleep deprived Genin. With a sigh, he began to prepare for combat before another Shinobi quickly dashed over to him. “Wait! There are several young children being reported to have created similar structures and each have unusual entities guarding them! The village has given strict orders NOT to harm the children as they show great talent as Shinobi. Your orders are to subdue the situation without harming them, the entities are fair game on the other hand though!” Without another word, the Shinobi dashed away, no doubt to inform others of the situation.

With another tired sigh, Tenshi decided to rethink his game plan, if he could not harm the perpetrator, he would need to convince him in another way. Thankfully, Tenshi was an Uchiha, he would simply use his eyes to do the work for him. He just hoped that his eyes were not too tired to get the job done. The boy was not looking in his direction yet, so Tenshi used this time to quickly summon his trusty dragon, Rellgar, who he promptly hopped on top of before the two of them lifted into the air. “Rell, there is a bit of a situation going on, I just need you to play along, no matter what I say! I will explain everything later but we cannot harm the boy!” With a slight grumble, the ancient red dragon said nothing as he nodded.

It took the appearance of the terrifying dragon for the young boy to finally look over, his eyes lit up with excitement as he did so, clearly believing that Rellgar was another creation from the unusual dream phenomenon. This would be perfect for Tenshi, as his plan revolved around this belief. The dream entity became wary as Tenshi and Rellgar approached, a low rumble began to form from within it has its eyes followed them closely. “Greetings, young King! It is I, Tenshi, your humble knight. I am here to do your bidding as you see fit!” Tenshi lied as he and Rellgar continued to approach the young boy. His Sharingan was now activated, but the boy was yet to look him in the eyes, clearly too excited about the dragon to do so.

“Wow! You get to have a dragon? That’s so cool! I want a dragon, I guess I need to think really hard about it tonight before I go to sleep. My friends will never believe this when I tell them about it! Did you know that they also have fortresses and protectors? Although they aren’t as cool as MINE!” Even if his orders had not specified it, Tenshi could not imagine himself hurting the young boy. His innocence was clear as day, he was simply trying to have fun with his friends, although he did not seem to understand the panic that he was causing around the village in doing so.

With a humble nod, Tenshi spoke once more. “My lord, with your permission, I would like to approach to give you my full report of your kingdom.” Tenshi’s words were doing a good job of exciting the child, who likely had not received this type of treatment from anyone else in the village. Most likely due to the fact that they all would have been screaming and running away from him. Without even thinking about it, the boy simply nodded and beckoned him to approach. This seemed to annoy the best below, who began to tense up as if it were ready to pounce on them, but it did not do anything yet, likely waiting for orders from its creator. Tenshi and Rellgar were now mere meters away from the boy when he finally looked at Tenshi. Just like that, the young Uchiha cast his Sharingan Genjutsu as their eyes locked, instantly paralyzing the boy who had no idea what was happening to him. In the boy’s mind, the two of them were having a simple conversation, but in reality, nothing was happening.

Finally, the boy would pass out due to the effects of Tenshi’s Genjutsu. The Uchiha was surprised to see that both the fortress and the creature below suddenly disappeared when the boy fell unconscious. Suddenly, the boy began to drop quickly from the disappearance of his ride. Rellgar quickly dashed forward, allowing Tenshi to catch him before he hit the ground. A small cheer erupted from the nearby villagers, and two people came running over with tears in their eyes, who turned out to be the boy’s parents. Handing him over to them, Tenshi dispelled Rellgar in a puff of smoke, before reporting the information to a nearby Shinobi who appeared after the incident, somewhat conveniently. “Spread the news, the creations will disappear if you incapacitate the creators, no harm needs to come to them!” The Shinobi gave him a nod before dashing away to inform others of Tenshi’s findings. The young Uchiha could not go on any longer, dragging his feet all the way home before slumping down into bed and passing out.

Exit Thread

WC: 1,192
TWC: 2,334
TMWC: 6,500

8,750 Ryo
15 AP (Max bonus AP)

WC claims will come later
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:34 am
Tenshi Uchiha wrote:

Exit Thread

WC: 1,192
TWC: 2,334
TMWC: 6,500

8,750 Ryo
15 AP (Max bonus AP)

WC claims will come later

Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:29 pm
With the passing of the rather large, yet peculiar creatures, Okisho's was joined by, Jiro. His presence here was a surprise. The two meeting up more and more began to become the norm. Okisho had nothing against it, seeing how the two were beginning to get to know each other. He slowly turns towards the Jiro with his body first, only to be followed by his gaze. He couldn't help but feel weary about the company below. Were they planning to attack him now, or have they simply not notice them yet? The shrieks and yelling the creatures, both near and afar, hummed throughout the night.

Tuning in to Jiro, he found it troubling to explain what was going on. "I..., have no clue, Jiro.", the shrieks of nearby catches his attention, "But these things are most certainly not friendly. We should defen-", he stops only to notice his teammate Tenshi arrive as well. His call out to him muffled with the screams around him, but he still manage to pick out the voice and identify it before turning towards him. This was good, a pack of three would be most ideal in this dire situation of uncertainty.

His eyes widen upon hearing him speak of rats and other food. As bizarre and outlandish it may be, Okisho could sympathize with them about the food. He too experienced the deja vu. Was it all connected? It had to have been, no way did the lot of them just so happen to have the same dream. Perhaps maybe it was a genjutsu of some sort, which was deployed on a mass scale. He himself had never seen such a jutsu be used on scale like this before, but the theory is very much there.

For those who studied the illusionary arts, the discovery of the potential to use genjutsu on a scale like so will reveal itself when the going in to detail about using different methods of activation(triggers), when using genjutsu. But what was the trigger? Gas? Plants? His thoughts were halted with another arrival. Team 212 was complete.

"Okisho! Tenshi!", another voice springing from afar grabs his attention. "Hima-", Okisho noticed Tenshi going right to work. There was simply no time for the four of them figure out what was going on. They needed to act , with haste if they were to defend the citizens of this great village. As Tenshi formed his hand seals, Okisho activates his two tomoe sharingan, taking in every detail of the now battlefield he which he stood on. With his visual prowess, he takes in every detail, creating an attack to which he only needed a few shuriken for. Drawing three shuriken from his weapon pouch, with his right hand, he flings the metal stars towards the rest for the pack of rats..., the size of cats.

He couldn't help but picture his mom throwing a fit at the sight of these rats. They were indeed huge, and she most certainly couldn't stand them. One time, she almost burned the house down willingly after one manage to make its way into the house and flee death by scurrying up a pole and into the roof of the house. It was dug in and planned on becoming a new tenant. It took the both Okisho and his father to restrain her from forming the seals. They still bare the scratch marks on their chest this day from her resistance. Like stated before, she does not like rats.

As the metal stars made their mark, right between the eyes of the charging rats, they all fall helplessly forward. Each slammed into the ground lifelessly as Okisho himself scrambled from the group. The objective was clear enough, and there was a lot of work to do. As he broke of, a slight sting from his eyes occurred. He new it was his eyes taking it's toll, perhaps with more experience he would grow used to dealing with the pain.

Later on, Okisho was seen decapitating a rabid boar like creature near his home. The random fights around the village placed Okisho near his home. At least his family was safe, and the fighting seemed to have died down. The lack of screaming coming from afar grew less in presence. It was good he could take a breather, his clothes were battered and stained debris. He takes a huge sigh, before seeing a flare of flames ignite from afar. It was, a woman of some sort. Upon further inspection, he drops his shoulders, forming a stoic face. "Oh, Mom...", he lamented after deactivating his sharingan. He casually walks over to her, attempting to placate her.

A few days later, Okisho is seen patrolling the south east end of the Uchiha district. The events of the past were still vividly fresh within the minds of the citizens. They all had the same question which seemed to linger for days. What was next? The ethereal beings that hovered in the sky couldn't have just appeared in Konoha with no purpose. Despite the random messages placation the village issued, the citizens weren't stupid. Something else was coming, something far worse and more proactive. As Okisho sauntered along the stone path, his eyes surveying the fields for any altercations, he comes across a group of shinobi dashing towards him. What could they want, where were they going in such a hurry? Or maybe the real question was, what were they running from?

"What's going on?", he yelled as he tried to get there attention. He was met with responses of strange objects floating in the sky, children playing with strange abilities. As vexing as it was, eventually, Okisho pieced it all together and even tied it together with the event that happened that night a few days ago. Was it happening all over again, did the beasts come back but in human form? Gathering himself, he sped past the oncoming shinobi on their right. He didn't know what he was going to be up against, but whatever it was Okisho would see to it being dealt with.

Arriving to the scene, His image was clear for all to see. For his attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all light grey shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

He spots the a floating fortress above 50 meters ahead. but it wasn't the only thing he spotted. Among the few other shinobi in the area, Okisho catches Tenshi who seemed to be dealing with issue. A single shinobi arrives at his left flank, explaining in detail as to what was going on. It was clear and concise, deal with the other fortress, avoid any harm to the child controlling it, and deal with the entity. "Hmm, Understood..., thanks", he said, showing gratitude for the very well broken down yet short update. He leaves the scene with confidence that Tenshi and the rest of the shinobi can deal with the problem on their end. It was now time for Okisho to go to work.

Proceeding forward with the newly given mission, Okisho arrives to one of the fortresses. It was, actually quite low compared to the previous structure. It was red in color, as if it was built out of rubies. The sheen to it was actually a marvel to look it. His gaze took in the girl, who looked no older than 8, who stood out infront on the balcony. The girl's face seemed..., emotionless, void of any purpose as if it was a puppet. Which meant that someone, if Okisho had to guess, was controlling her.

He then activates his two tomoe sharingan, his blank eyes ere replaced with crimson disc which spun two tomoe upon itself reveal. With his new form of vision, it was absolutely clear that the child was under some form of genjutsu. Her chakra network was disturbed greatly, the at work here was very strong indeed. "hmmm", he thinks of a way to proceed. She seemed quite docile, and spotted no other beasts around. The structure was low enough for Okisho to hop on to, provided he scaled one of the nearby building and use it to jump across onto it.

"I see...", he said as he eyes also revealed that the structure in front of him bore the same chakra that the girl's chakra was infected with. It was the fortress that was controlling the child, which meant that the entity was the fortress itself. Suddenly, the fortress' chakra began to surge as it seemingly rotated at a slow pace. It was lining up with Okisho's current position.

"It's going to attack", he said as large spheres of fire shot out from the back of the fortress in a downward arc towards Okisho, as if it was a mortar attack. But before it did, the girl above was seen holding the tiger handsign. Was she the key to it's power? He scrambles shortly after forming the hand signs to create two other shadow clones. After noticing the 6 balls of fire home in on one location, It would be a good idea to disburse and challenge it's offense capabilities to see if it could target more than one hostile at a time.

After Okisho and clones scramble around to their new hiding spots, the fortress inches closer. The eyes of the shinobi study it's chakra, making sure to move when prompted. Okisho eyes one of his clones 25 meters to his right behind a building as the fires came crashing down. One by one they created craters along the earth, which signified that this attack was insanely deadly. After the attack was over, he gives the nod for his clone to proceed. Drawing a few kunai from its pouch, the clones wielded two kunai in each hand as it stepped out from the cover of the building. He tosses all four towards the red structure. as it flew towards it, the tags that were attached to each kunai were lit mid air and set to go off when a certain distance ahead. He timed it so it would exploded before touch it the fortress. The kunai then detonate, below the balcony where the girl stood. She once again seemed unaware of her surroundings. After the smoke cleared, the fortress bore no damage and proceeded with another attack. It volleyed over another wave a fireballs towards the clone's location... and the original!

As they flew through the air, Okisho scrambled towards the left, and clone too. It was now confirmed that the fortress could split it's attack. But it only possessed on method of attack. "Right, Okisho geared up and form another set of hand signs unleashes even more clones. Images as they were, they all served the same purpose. The images of Okisho, along with Okisho and his clone, all retreated back to avoid the new wave of fire balls. The fortress then again proceeds forward, and charges up for another attack, upon witnessing the army of Okisho. As quickly as it powered up, it's chakra vanishes. The structure falls hopelessly to the ground, and tilts at an arc on it's side and crashes into a building. It created huge dust cloud that diffused outward on all sides.

As the dust settled, Okisho, along with his images and clone, witness the final shadow clones next to the girl. The clone held the girl together against the balcony as a means to brace for the impact of the building. They were safe and unharmed. The fortress was powerless the moment the clone, who managed to flank the structure by using one of the buildings to get to the balcony, used the genjutsu release technique to sever the control the entity had. The clone could feel the entity trying to regain control, but the clone managed to leap down from the balcony and onto the semi sturdy building. After making his way down, the clone was met with the original. Great minds thing alike he thought, after taking possession of the girl and releasing his clones and images. With the entity taken care off, and the girl safe, he makes his way towards HQ to the hospital to drop her off. After that, he ventures out once more to help in anyway he can with the other entities.

End Of Night 2
Exit, TWC 2550. Claiming 8,750 ryo, +43 Ap, 30 Dream Tokens, +50 Ap due to maxed stats, and 1,903 words towards Three tomoe sharingan to finish it and 647 words towardsThis 647/1200 words(Max stats 25% discount)
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:44 pm
"Mom! Mooom!" Himari hollers as she runs from the main village to the outskirts of her diminutive community. Bursting through the door, she yammers almost incorrigible, which earns a start from her mother who just happens to be in the kitchen area while she makes final preparations for dinner.


"Himari, breathe, please," Nozomi says with a somewhat stern but calm voice. Himari takes a deep breath and exhales. She was still very jittery from what had just happened. Her mother could only sigh as she set down her cooking utensils and walks over to Himari. The young kunoichi was still in her standard shinobi attire, which meant that whatever happened must've been pretty bad. "Now, tell me again, slowly this time," She said while taking a seat on one of the chairs at the dinner table. Himari follows suit and does the same.

"Okay, so you know about those dreams I've been having lately?" Himari asks. Nozomi nods her head in response. "Well, they're actually coming true! And not just mine, but everyone else's too!"

"What? Are you sure?" Nozomi asks, somewhat surprised.

Himari nods her head furiously. "I'm positive! I saw it with my own eyes! I was attacked by three giant rats and then I ran into Tenshi and Okisho who were fighting a giant rat that was super tall!"

"You're not making this up, are you?" Nozomi asks, raising her eyebrow.

Himari shakes her head. "No! It's all true!" She exclaims.

Nozomi sighs as she gets up from the table and heads back to the stove to continue cooking dinner. "Well, if what you say is true then we'll have to inform the village authorities about this. In the meantime, go wash up and get ready for dinner."

Himari nods her head before heading off to take a shower. As Nozomi continues cooking, she can't help but wonder if this could be connected to the recent reports of strange occurrences happening in other villages. She hopes that whatever it is, it doesn't end up hurting anyone. After finishing their dinner, Himari and Nozomi head over to the administrative building to confirm their findings and it's just as Nozomi feared: the reports were true and there was no telling when or where the next attack would happen. The two decide to head home and prepare for bed early since Himari'll need all the rest she can get for whatever tomorrow holds. Considering how unstable the given circumstances have gotten, Nozomi proposes that they both try to limit their minds to only harmless thoughts that won't subject the village to any further hindrances. A task easier said than done, she knows that all too well knowing how the subconscious mind works according to its own schedule, but that did not mean the beholder was bereft of the ability to control it.

Having personally raised Himari to become a kunoichi herself, Nozomi is aware of her daughter's capabilities and knows that she has what it takes to overcome this obstacle. She's always been proud of her for being so brave and strong-willed despite her shortcomings. But as a mother, she can't help but worry about her daughter's safety. She knows that Himari is more than capable of taking care of herself, but she still can't help but worry about her regardless. Before retiring to their chambers, Nozomi gives her daughter a big hug and tells her that she loves her very much. Himari reciprocates with an equally loving embrace, telling her mother how much she loves her too. The two bid each other goodnight and head off to bed.

The following morning, Himari wakes up feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever the day has in store for her. She gets dressed and heads downstairs for breakfast where she finds Nozomi already up and preparing some miso soup for them both. As they eat together, Himari informs her mother about her dream last night and how it was just like any other dream except that it felt more real than usual. Nozomi listens intently as her daughter explains what happened during the dream before reassuring her that everything will be okay. Afterward, there's a knock at the door and Nozomi rises from her seat to stride to the entranceway to answer it.

Upon opening the door, she's greeted by two shinobi with the Police Force insignia engraved on their uniform. The one standing in front introduces himself as Tani Fusaaki and his partner as Nomiya Katatomo. They're here to inform her about the situation and ask if she knows anything about it or has experienced anything out of the ordinary. Nozomi shakes her head, stating that she doesn't know anything about it but that her daughter might be able to help them. She calls Himari over and tells her about the situation before introducing her to the two shinobi. Himari greets them politely before explaining what happened yesterday when she ran into Tenshi and Okisho while they were investigating a strange phenomenon occurring within the village.

The two shinobi listen intently as Himari recounts what happened during the incident and how it seemed like something was causing things from dreams to become reality. After hearing this, Tani asks if she would be willing to come along with them so they can investigate further together. Himari agrees without hesitation and follows them outside where they begin their journey towards the administrative building. Upon arrival, Himari receives a debrief: several young children are reported to have created similar structures and each has otherwordly entities guarding them at their behest. The objective is to subdue these entities and the situation before more children's imaginations become energized at the sight of others.

And thus, owing to her current track record, Himari is given her assignment to fulfill solo. Her target, or rather, the child in question's name is Takano Kazuhira. Twelve years of age whose castle is burrowed deep beneath the village just by the outskirts. Konoha's sensory shinobi have deduced that Takano has been slowly amassing an "army" of gingerbread men to besiege the village and become its new leader. For as far-fetched as that sounds, the numbers he's amassed in such little time could warrant controversy and distrust among the village denizens. They've already located the proximity and size of the fortress and its entry points are marked with glints of chakra for ease of sensing. All Himari needs to do is locate one of the entryways and commence the subterfuge mission.

Finding one closest to the village, upon her approach, reveals one of the aforementioned gingerbread men with a retinue of four others. Perhaps she'll have to try one of the other entranceways to get inside, but what's the likelihood that those are also closely guarded as well. She'll have to think quickly if she wants to avoid an invasion of tasty treats making their way to the village gates and she soon thinks of a plan that might work out in her favor. Himari uses her Byakugan to scan the area for any civilian bystanders who may be in danger from these gingerbread men. When she finds none, Himari approaches them and greets them with a smile.

"Hello there!" She says cheerfully, "I'm Himari Hyuuga! What're your names?" The gingerbread men look at each other and then back at her, seemingly confused by her presence. They seem to be communicating with one another in a language that only they can understand, but after a few moments, they turn back towards Himari and introduce themselves as Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, and Nutmeg. Himari smiles and nods, then asks if she may be granted an audience with their leader.

The gingerbread men look at each other once again before nodding in agreement. They tell her that he is currently busy at the moment but if she would like to wait for him to finish his current task then he should be done shortly. Himari thanks them and waits patiently while watching as they go about their business. After several minutes pass, a short figure approaches from behind the group of gingerbread men and stops directly in front of Himari. He is dressed in royal attire consisting of a white shirt underneath a red jacket with gold buttons down the front, black pants, boots, gloves, and a crown upon his head. The gingerbread men step aside as he approaches and bow respectfully to him.

"Hello there!" He greets her cheerfully, "I am Takano Kazuhira! King of the Gingerbread Men! What brings you here?" Himari smiles and bows politely in return, and before she can introduce herself, Kazuhira intercedes. "Oh, wait! I know! You're here to join my army and become my queen!" He says excitedly.

Himari blinks in surprise at his sudden proclamation and the heat in her cheeks rises until there's a faint flush. "Your... queen?" She asks incredulously.

Kazuhira nods enthusiastically and points towards the castle behind him. "Yes! My queen!" He exclaims proudly, "You see, I've been trying to find someone to be my queen for a long time now but none of these other girls seem interested so I decided to have my gingerbread men find one for me! And since you're here then that means you must be perfect!"

Himari stares at him blankly for several moments as she tries to process what he just said. "Uh..." She starts slowly, "I don't think-"

"Nonsense!" Kazuhira interrupts her, "You're absolutely perfect! I can already tell you're beautiful, kindhearted, smart, funny, and best of all: you're a ninja! That means you can help protect me from anyone who tries to hurt me or take over my kingdom!"

Himari continues staring at him in disbelief as he continues ranting about how great she is and how much he loves her already. After several more moments pass by without any further interruption from Kazuhira, before Himari finally finds her voice again and clears her throat to speak, a lightbulb switches on in her mind of the opportunity before her. Although the odds of a five-to-one are stacked against her, they were well enough in range for her to make quick work of the situation without exposing herself to too many undesirable elements composed of whatever innumerable number of gingerbread henchmen lurk beneath that the sensory ninja couldn't possibly detect naturally. She quickly kneads and channels her chakra throughout all of her tenketsu before she sends out a pulse of tenketsu chakra as a softly blurred space hammers out five meters forward and through Kazuhira and the other four gingerbread men.

Thankfully, each of them were subject to the effects of the Jutsu, soon finding their shape and form had grown rigid, albeit, for the gingerbread men themselves, considering their fragile constitution, crackle and crumble under the sheer force of the technique as they lay inert on the ground.

"Sorry," Is the only response she could think of at that moment as she carefully collects the child onto her back. "I'm not here to be your queen," She says apologetically, "I'm here to bring you back home."

Kazuhira's eyes widen in surprise before narrowing into a glare. "No! I don't wanna go home! I like it here!" He shouts angrily as he struggles against her hold on him—and for naught, as his form remains taut. "Let me go right now!"

Himari frowns slightly and tightens her grip on him. "I'm sorry but you can't stay here," She says firmly, "Your parents are worried about you and they want you to come back home." Kazuhira continues struggling for several seconds longer before eventually giving up with a frustrated sigh. It doesn't take long to later acquiesce him to the village authorities to soon be processed through... whatever procedures they have for such a case like this. Himari's mission is complete and she's free to return home.

WC: 1,974
TWC: 3,960/875
TMWC: 11,024/3,500


Requesting approval for the following claims:

Claiming the following mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +8,750 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +43 AP

Investing the remaining 3,960 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Mastering Gentle Fist Art: Body Blow for [Power] (3,750/3,750) [210 TWC Left]
► Training One Thousand Years of Death [14/187] → (187/187) [37 TWC Left]
► Training Leaf Gale @ D-Rank (37/375)
*25% Discount option via max stats
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:59 pm
Okisho Uchiha wrote:

End Of Night 2
Exit, TWC 2550. Claiming 8,750 ryo, +43 Ap, 30 Dream Tokens, +50 Ap due to maxed stats, and 1,903 words towards Three tomoe sharingan to finish it and 647 words towardsThis 647/1200 words(Max stats 25% discount)

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic Empty Re: Dreams and Nightmare's Event Topic

Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:11 pm
Himari Hyuuga wrote:

WC: 1,974
TWC: 3,960/875
TMWC: 11,024/3,500


Requesting approval for the following claims:

Claiming the following mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +8,750 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +43 AP

Investing the remaining 3,960 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Mastering Gentle Fist Art: Body Blow for [Power] (3,750/3,750) [210 TWC Left]
► Training One Thousand Years of Death [14/187] → (187/187) [37 TWC Left]
► Training Leaf Gale @ D-Rank (37/375)
*25% Discount option via max stats


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