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Village : Hoshigakure
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Genin Gear Up ! Empty Genin Gear Up !

Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:42 pm
After a successfull exam passed with a flying success and skillful execution of the basic techniques of the shinobi, Reiten would need to go and buy her gear and first things as a ninja. This would be ba busy day, doing shoping for all her gear to start doing missions, but Reiten also hoped she would meet other people, fellow shinobi and kunoichi of the hidden star village, eager to make friends and form relationship. As with all morning, the blonde kunoichi started her day waking up gracefully from her bed, hearing her uncle make a delicious and nourishing breakfast, getting her ready for the day. She had been lucky in her tragic youth, having an uncle so carring and a village so welcoming too, allowing her to grow and become strong. Getting out her her bedsheet excitedly, Reiten removed her pajamas and undressed quickly, dressing back up with her usual white sporty bodysuit, her usual clothing for when she was getting active, at least for now until she would get a shinobi outfit and some armor. As she got out of her room all ready, with her hair brushed, she rushed down the stairs to go and see her uncle.

The smell of grilled salted pork belly was overwhelming the whole kitchen and dining room, along the lingering aroma of melted butter and oozing eggs, fried to perfection. As she turned the corner of the room to finaly arrive to the table, the feast and sight was a perfect one: the small round table was low toward the floor, with cushions all around it to sit, themselves circled around on the tatami flooring mat. On the table itself was two doily with each their own dishes and meal over it. On the side of the table was her uncle, ready to eat and looking at her with a large smile. The man was old and bald, wrinkled and all, almost too old to take care of himself, but was still smiling and pure, caring as always toward Reiten, as if she was his very own daughter. 

The food immediately attracted the young woman sight. Indeed, after smiling toward her uncle as a gesture of thankfullness, Reiten unique eyes were locked on the food. The feast was a good gift, considering their humble way of life, and austere means. Their house was barely a small appartment in the living districts of Hoshigakure, and they had only 3 rooms and a granary, which was converted into Reiten's own room. On her plates was 2 fried eggs, with yolks of a dark yellow oozing onto the egg itself and the plate, perfectly runny and salted. Beside it was 5 thick slice of grilled bacon, chared and crispy while still glistening with delicious savory grease, along with a slab of smoked salmon, a touch of freshness in her meal. As a source of cereal and fiber, a bowl of white rice with nori algae sheet was served as a side, and a large cup and kettle of orange rind infused black tea, the favorite of Reiten. This attention and gesture of oppulence was a gift for her success as a genin, and Reiten smiled and thanked her uncle for it all before digging in.

''Thanks a lot uncle for this feast. I'm finaly ready to tackle the world of the shinobi. I'll remember this dish forever, and all you've done for me in my childhood too, Pun-pun. You are like a father to me, and I love you. But now, I am a grown up woman, ready to tackle life alone, and to fight my own battles. Lets enjoy the feast for now alright? Itadakimasu!'' would say enthusiastically the long blonde haired woman before jumping into her food, eating it with intensity. After all, she loved to eat!

After the suculent meal, Reiten would leave to go to the market for her big day. ''Bye uncle! See ya later!'' would yell the blonde woman after closing the doore behind her, leaving on foot toward the market square, where most if not all stores of Hoshigakure were.  As she walked around the streets, she noticed the unique architecture of this village, and tought to herself that the road toward the market would easily be a few dozens minutes, if not an hour of walking before she would reach it. In the meantime, she would simply think of her future as a ninja, analyze the architecture, or simply hope to meet someone else.
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Focus : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:55 pm
Talon had decided he needed to get out for a while. Training, missions and teamwork can take a toll on you. The weather was nice out today in the beautiful village of Hoshigakure and Talon decided not to wear his sweatshirt today. Most people knew he was a part of the village by the headband and despite his visible appearance of a Tau, after the initial shock, people shrug it off. Now some people still tend to freak out but at this point Talon doesn't care. Why does his clan have to be one that mainly consists of missing ninja? Who knows.
Talon walked through the streets of the city with an occasional gasp then an ‘oh it's just a village ninja’ and of course Talon kept moving forward with an eye roll. As he walked forward he noticed a blonde headed girl walking towards him not even paying attention to where she was going! He had to agree this place was very beautiful and the buildings had very old fashioned looking architectural designs to them. He stopped walking and just stood there for a minute. When she was. Few feet from him he decided to speak up.
“Boo!” He said with a smile. “Many ninjas have walked into someone or something admiring the place, I'm sure, it's a beautiful village.” Talon said, smiling at the young lady.

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:13 am
Joro was walking through Hoshigakure, Stout at his side, running across the roofs of buildings. They walked up to a certain fruit stand that Joro visited often.

"Hey Tony, how are you doing?"

"Joro, not too bad, yourself?"

"Can't complain, hey meet Stout, just got him from a friend a bit ago."

"Oh, hi Stout, what is he?"

"He is a Stoat, basically a type of Ermine,"

"Ah, gotcha that makes sense looking at him,"

"Yeah, so how much for this bushel of apples?" lifting a bushel Joro had been collecting as they talked.

"Let's say 5 ryo,"

"Seems fair, here ya go, thanks again," handing the Ryo over to the man.

Joro put the apples in his bag and readjusted himself as he headed down the street, when suddenly. He bumped into a young blonde hair woman, and a man was saying "Boo". Quite the conundrum, Joro had got himself wrapped into.

"Oh, so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, you alright?" he would say to the young blonde woman. She was quite tall, quite a bit shorter than Joro but still tall. Interesting, she seemed to be a ninja as well as she donned the Hoshigakure headband.

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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:28 pm
As she was walking calmly down the street, Reiten wasnt paying much attention to her surroundings beside the architectural wonders of the village. This place was quite stunning, and unique, having a mix of modern and fortified touches mixed with the traditionnal aspect of hidden villages, common in konoha and other places of the world. But this would be the moment she would meet some of her other fellow shunibi without even knowing it. Her gaze being fixated on a large manor house on the right of herself in the street, analysing the structure and ways it held, Reiten was enthraled by it all. Being herself really interested in the subject, it was mainly the structural integrity that interested her.

 Indeed, she tought of the whole world in a really unique and somewhat strange manner, looking at it all from a analysing point of view, if the structures and all where solid, on what part where their weight distributed at, and what essential part would hold the whole thing in place. As a passionate shinobi, she was really interested about one thing only: demolition and explosions. Her little pleasure by analysing and being interested in architecture wasnt the artistic part of it, and the ornaments of buildings. No, it was the structural strength, the way the weight was spread and held in place, and how one could destroy and make the building fall down, or how one could prevent it. It was a if she saw the whole village as a puzzle, immagining how to undo it in a beautifull series and chain reaction of explosions, or how to reinforce it to prevent that from ever happening. Of course, this was but a fun imaginary thing, as she would never even dream of exploding parts of the village she was so loyal too. 

Being unfocused would create quite the conundrum. Indeed, after not looking where she went, another shinobi had stoped in her tracks to make her look at him, saying 'Boo' to make her jump and react. ''Whoah!'' would say Reiten by reflexes, taken aback and jumpscared by the Tau shinobi.

Immediately, the high reflexes of Reiten entered into account, and made her dash backwards about 5 meters, sliding with her sandals in the dirt road, creating a trail and small dust cloud behind her fast drifting movement on the ground. Little did she know, she was at an intersection with quite the crowd and people walking by, and in her backing up by reflex, she would bump into yet another shinobi.

''EH-'' would say the blonde Kunoichi, almost tripping behind herself on the blonde man with his basket of apples falling all over the floor, rolling left and right in a total mess of a three way collision. 

As she fell backwards, Reiten rapidly weaved handseals and manipulated her shadow to save herself. Almost instantly, her own shadow stretched toward the Tau 5m from herself, and latched onto his shadow, acting as a 4th dimension rope that Reiten would hold onto to not fall, pulling a bit on the Tau too, as if Reiten was litterally using him as a way to hold herself from falling on her back. But nonetheless, the maneuver was a success, and Reiten would land back on her two feet, ending the maneuver and shadow jutsu, saving both herself, her dignity and also her all white sport track suit from getting all dirty and dusty from the ground.

Now back in control of what happened, Reiten was suprised and a bit shoked at the situation, on her defense a bit, but still looking at both the two other shinobis.

''Sorry for the apple and bumping into ya...'' said to the blonde guy the young woman, scratching her head and taking an apple on the floor to give it back to him, before turning to the other one, with a less big smile. ''And you... Sorry I kinda wasnt looking where I was walking... Still, you scared the crap out of me!'' said Reiten pointing her finger toward the Tau to signify her discontent. After a quick and low sigh, Reiten simply shrugged, not wanting to give more attention to a situation that was simply mistakes and bad luck. 

''Oh well! It happens. I'm Reiten by the way. You both are shinobi too? What are  ya up to today, have any plans?'' would ask the blonde girl enthusiasticaly, flicking her head to send her large locks of hair behind her, trailing like a cape and the mane of a lion.
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Focus : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:52 pm
Obviously he unintentionally surprised the young lady! Talon stared shocked for a second and as the girl went backwards he let a couple of threads loose in case he had to catch her! Luckily she was fine. He had to admit that it was an impressive display of jutsu! However the boy with the apples…ok that was funny! She apologized to them and Talon's threads retreated back into his body as he realized he didn't need them. Talon had a smirk on his face watching the scene unfold.
“I'm Talon. Talon Tau. I just recently migrated to Hoshigakure.” He said to the female. He released some threads to help the boy pick up his apples as he talked to the young female. “Where are you off to in such a hurry, and paying attention to where you are walking would be safer for you…and obviously others! I do understand though how the beautiful buildings here can be a distraction.” Talon said as he looked from the female to the young man and then around at the buildings before looking back at her. He didn't mind looking at her, she was rather cute! He didn't say this out loud because he didn't want to embarrass himself or her!

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:42 pm
As Joro bumped into the tall blonde woman it seemed she saved herself from falling down with some sort of jutsu that manipulated her shadow and allowed her to remain afloat in the air.

''Sorry for the apple and bumping into ya...'' the woman said. Scratching her head and taking an apple on the floor to give it back to Joro.

"No problem, sorry I wasn't paying attention very much," he said to her, as Stout was scurrying around him to make sure he was okay. "I'm fine buddy, just jostled is all."

He looked up as he gathered his apples back up taking the one from the blonde haired woman, noticing she was talking to the other young man.

''And you... Sorry I kinda wasnt looking where I was walking... Still, you scared the crap out of me!'' pointing a finger at the other man. The man had smirk on the face, it seemed he felt the entire thing was quite amusing.

''Oh well! It happens. I'm Reiten by the way. You both are shinobi too? What are  ya up to today, have any plans?'' added the woman, Reiten huh? Interesting name, the other man also introduced himself as Joro finished picking up his apples. “I'm Talon. Talon Tau. I just recently migrated to Hoshigakure.”

Joro would pop up ready to meet these new people as Stout climbed onto his back and rested on his shoulders. "Hey, sorry, I'm Joro and this is Stout. Nice to meet you both," pointing to the Stoat. While also extending a hand to them, criss crossing his arms, just to be funny.

"To answer your question though Reiten, I was just on a stroll with Stout and we grabbed these apples, so no huge plans so I'm free," holding up the bag of apples.

Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:38 am
The trio had quite the comotion with their accident. With Reiten presenting herself and all, the other did the same too. The first one to present himself left an impression in the face of Reiten, a kind of intrigue but also disgust. He was named Talon, and was recently admited into the village to become a shinobi. He felt connected to that foreign aspect of life, herself being a person from outside of the village ,born in a far away land and brought and raised here.

But what intrigued more the blonde woman wasnt the origins and current occupation of the young man. No, what it was was his black threads, and appearance as a Tau. Of course Reiten had heard of such individuals, but to see one in person was a trully horifying thing. The threads would come out of his body in a parsitic matter, twisting and twirling to catch an apple that was rolling on the ground and give it back to the tall blonde guy, who was still to present himself. Even if it was creepy, the young man at least used his threads from his inner self to help Reiten stay on the ground and not fall over, doing almost a copied maneuver of her shadow manipulations threads sticking to make her keep her balance too. 

''Urgh just the tought of getting touched by those gross me out! Feels too much like worms which infects bugs from inside, emptying their husks and taking their place... *shivers* I need to stop thinking about this, or its gonna show in my face!'' would think to herslef the blonde Shinobi, starting to only show a faint redness in her face, a sign already logical with the mess of a meeting this was.

He then would ask where she was going as distracted as this, but before she could answer, the other man started to talk too. He had a certain charisma and aura around him, something quite conforting and radiant, a beacon of hope and optimism for sure, with a wide and warm smile. Reiten was smiling too, confident in herself and almost always at ease, but this type of clumsyness wasnt really a thing she often encountered, so she was more embarassed than usual, and more awkward. 

The man with the apple had also a small furry companion, a pet who looked like it was trained and inteligent in the shinobi arts, a sight not that rare in the world of ninjas. He presented himself as Joro, and his pet as Stout, while also presenting his hand to shake. Reiten wasnt there yet, and after all those were two perfectly unknown strangers, so she simply did a small fist bump in a friendly manner, still scratching her head and large golden blonde hair. He was simply on a small shopping spree to get a few apples for his pets, and even mentionned having a lot of free time on his hands.

To Reiten, this answer felt strange. What type of ninja, people who chose a litteral vocation of constant training, missions and working hard day and night, wouldnt take his valuable time of the day to do something usefull? Truth be told, maybe she was still in her growing phase, but to the kunoichi, it was a weird thing. She would make sure to get to know both of them better, as they were both special and particular individuals.

''Well... Funny enough, I'm actually fresh out of the academy even if i'm way older than most students, and was wandering to get to the market and the shops district to find myself some shinobi gear! I also tought it was a great idea to meet my fellow ninjas, as most of them are bound to go to the ninja stores once in a while! So eh, wanted to come with me? Get to know one another and all?'' Would say Reiten, shy a bit but mostly confident in herself and smiling, feeling convincing enough and all to have them tag along.
Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Focus : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:04 pm
Talon saw the expression on the young lady's face. He wasn't sure if it was repulsion or acceptance. He's used to both at this point in time. Fresh out of the academy? A new Genin? It's always nice to meet the Genin, they always seem so fresh faced and ready to do anything! Well, he did need to get out and meet people, may as well join her and Johnny Appleseed, or actually Joro I think he said his name was.
“Why not? Sure, let's hang out, I need to get to know my fellow Genin.I don't know many people here, I always get mixed reactions when they see me, not many of my clan are village ninja. It's quite rare to see a Tau that's not a missing ninja.” Talon said, talking to the other two in front of him. His twin brother was a Kiri nin at this point, he needed to send the letter in his pocket off to him via the post office anyways, may as well do it while they were out!
“Where are we heading first? There's three clothing shops to your left, a food court up ahead and past the food area there are two shops just recently built. If you need equipment there's a couple of places if you go back that way. Of course if it's food you need…looks like Joro knows where to go!” Talon said as he posted to the different areas. He used a rather large thread to pick up an apple out of Joros bag as he said the last line. Using the thread he placed it back down in the bag, patted the apple and the thread made a waving motion at Joro before retreating underneath Talon's shirt, back into his body.
“Sorry, sometimes I think my threads have minds of their own.” Talon smiled jokingly with a chuckle!


Talon Tau
Talon Tau
Stat Page : Patch's Stat Page
Mission Record : Patch's Missions
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Clan Focus : EGF
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:18 am
Talon decided to head home and go ahead and get ready for the next day. He had enjoyed his day off and meeting these new people. He had a feeling the young lady was spooked by his appearance. Something he had become accustomed to throughout his life. It's the life of a Tau and he was used to it. He waved goodbye to everyone and began the walk home. There were clouds in the distance, maybe it would end up raining in Hoshi.

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Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Genin Gear Up ! Empty Re: Genin Gear Up !

Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:37 am
Talon Tau wrote:Talon decided to head home and go ahead and get ready for the next day. He had enjoyed his day off and meeting these new people. He had a feeling the young lady was spooked by his appearance. Something he had become accustomed to throughout his life. It's the life of a Tau and he was used to it. He waved goodbye to everyone and began the walk home. There were clouds in the distance, maybe it would end up raining in Hoshi.

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