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Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:21 am
The Mission:

Anastasia's Stats at the time of the Mission:

Anastasia was not one to have dreams; not something she was really able to explain, she just didn’t. This night, however, was different. She had dreamt that she was forced to attend one of the Akari family gatherings that took place throughout the year. The only really good thing about these get-togethers was the food. For all the insufferableness of the majority of her family, there were some skilled chefs among them. The food was excellent as always, and almost no one had bothered to talk to her, which was how she preferred it in these situations. The odd polite chit chat was expected, and she fulfilled the expectations her parents had put before her so as to not disgrace them. All things considered, it was one of the better experiences for that particular situation, shame it was a dream. With a relieved sigh, she woke up and got ready for her day. Was mainly going to be weapon research and practice in order to properly home in on what changes she wanted to make to her fighting style. As she walked into the kitchen, she was surprised to encounter smells that were almost identical to the feast she experienced in her dream. To her increasing bewilderment, there was a spread on the kitchen table identical to what was in her dream. There was no family gathering planned, so the food was a complete surprise not just to her, but to the rest of her family as well. It also didn’t appear that the food was tampered with in any way, so with a shrug, the Akari Genin would enjoy the food and finish getting ready, making her way into the village.

She could tell right away that something was off. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it initially. Small differences that just didn’t seem entirely right but weren’t so out of place that they were obviously wrong. That is until she arrived in the market square where there was some bizarre creatures roaming around. Not the usual kind of animal or rodent that you would see from time to time. One could almost describe them as horrors, something out of a scary novel. They clearly didn’t belong and would need to be dealt with, so deal with them she would.

WC: 382
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:29 am
Emi's Stat Page:

”Huh? What is going on here? Am I dreaming? I don’t even remember falling asleep. The last thing I remember is sitting on the bench about to start my journey back home from training…”

Just as this thought entered her mind, the smell of sweets had engulfed her senses and she looked around and realized that she was indeed home. Of course there was no one else there, and so when she walked around the corner and saw the kitchen table that had been enlarged and draped with an assortment of baked goodies… well Emi was about as confused as could be. Her head swiveled back and forth, double and triple checking to make sure there wasn’t someone lying in wait in her home. Her feet shuffled quickly across the floor, stopping only when she was directly in front of the table. A smile crept onto her face as a tiny bit of drool had edged out the side of her lips. She had spotted her absolute favorite dessert, warm brownies with vanilla ice cream.

It was at the moment that her hand had reached in and was centimeters from grabbing the plate she had most desired… her eyes had opened up - noticing that she had been laying there in her bed. Somehow she had made it home and had the oddest of dreams. Her knuckles gracefully wiped across her eye lids, attempting to remove any of the blurriness that had impaired her sight. She breathed in deeply as her arms stretched above her head, and that’s when she noticed. It was the same smell from the dream she had just had. This time though, it wasn’t subtle movements, the young girl hopped out of her bed and let her slender body move at the pace it could.

”It’s the same assortment… the exact same assortment from my dream. What is going on here?”

The words escaped her lips softly. Instead of dashing or shuffling over to the baked goodies, she readied herself in her attire and darted out the door, making sure to lock it back up. Emilia had to know, was it just her or was the entire village experiencing this same facade? Was it even a facade at all? Her legs moved as quickly as they could throughout the district area where she lived, noticing all sorts of odd things. It was a consistent and constant flow and things that were slightly altered and as soon as she stepped foot into the city square - Emi knew that something was awry.

”Holy beetlejuice… Where did all this come from?”

Her young eyes widened as creatures that look like they came straight out of a kids nightmare were crawling all over the place. Emilia then noticed there was another young girl already here and preparing to take care of these wild and scary things. Emi took no time at all thinking and would jump in to help. Introducing herself in the process.

”I know the timing might not be great, but I’m Emilia. This is the weirdest thing ever, but let’s get these creatures taken care of.”

Charging in, she found it to be rather effortless to dispose of them.

W|C - 553
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:29 pm
Sweet aromas wafted throughout the air, conjuring wonderful images of plump meats, ripe fruits and decadent wines into the minds of those who happened to be graced by such smells. The succulent odor would permeate into the mind, soothing aches and pangs with savory sensations. In this haze, Monsoon felt himself reach out to grab a phantom plate, to engorge himself until his belly was fit to burst. The weight of a good meal bogged down his senses, he reached for a porcelain cup of sake: to wash down food he had felt he stuffed down his gullet. His want was so great that his body stretched to grasp at air. His nails dug into dirt and the sensation roused him from the realms of dream.

With his eyes closed, Monsoon Uchiha turned to his side, to relieve his sore back and to get comfortable as he lay in the dirt. With closed eyes and a furrowed brow, he tried to recall just how he got into this predicament of sleeping on the dirt road of Hoshigakure. The pull of sleep lagged his thoughts, he remembered the mission he undertook with his superior, Aegon. They were attempting to root out a rebellious group. A question posed itself in Monsoon's mind, just how would that lead to him sleeping outside?

Oh yeah....I over did it...

The Uchiha quickly remembered the "respite" he and Zraix had at a bar in the middle of the mission. As his stomach turned over and his head lurched, the after taste of sake bubbled up his throat, a grim reminder of his own folly. Though he knew sleeping like a lush in Hoshi might be frowned upon, his hangover convinced him rest for another few minutes.

That was until a loud commotion creaked one bleary eye open.

Monsoon was not at the outside of the rebels hideout. In fact, though he slept on dirt, he found himself in his room, near the Uchiha estate. Monsoon jolted upright, his bout of inebriation washing away as the martial artist took stock of his situation.

...this isn't where I passed out...

Monsoon's dark eyes swirled within themselves, transforming into the burning gaze of his three-tomoe sharingan. With his eyes, Monsoon made a startling discovery.

!? This isn't Genjutsu!??

Being already dressed in martial artist attire, a black short sleeve top and white cotton pants, he leapt up from the ground and went to his bedroom door. He turned the knob, not knowing what awaited him outside.

To his surprise, he bedroom did not lead into the common area of his home, but to the center of the Haven Village Market. Bewildered, Monsoon turned to look back into the room. His bedroom was exactly how it should be. With caution, he closed the door.

Across from where Monsoon stood, on the other side of the market square, shadows shimmered with organic purpose. Specks of darkness, as if whipped up by a foul wind, swirled into amorphous shapes. When they grew to the size of a soccer ball, two, yellow glowing eyes appeared, as well as mammal like, clawed limbs and insect like antenna on their heads. By themselves, they seemed quite innocent. They would bob and jitter with childlike glee. However, as more began to form from the darkness that pooled onto the ground, Monsoon could tell that a swarm of them would be quite a handful.

As this thought crossed his mind, a shinobi he did not recognize ran into the square, near the pool of spawning darkness. Monsoon's eyes spun and locked onto her position, within moments his sharingan analyzed the golden haired, blue-eyed warrior. He noticed a strange quality to the nature of her chakra, a luminosity that the Uchiha could not place. Cased in golden steel and wielding an elegant blade, this golden knight leapt into the middle of the darkness spawns. Like a lighthouse cleaving through the night, her blade flashed between the small, writhing creatures. Her skill with her weapons did not go unnoticed, though her stance was very different, she seemed akin to the Hoshimura he knew.

Before Monsoon could think to leap into the fray, another shinobi found their way into the market square. Betraying her youth, the raven haired shinobi introduced herself before leaping into the fray to dispose of the darkness spawn. His sharingan, like before, would swivel and lock onto the  newcomer. Her chakra held an iridescent quality, one Monsoon had seen before. Yet, the intensity that which it flowed made Monsoon weary. Though appearing delicate, she held a tremendous force.

The Uchiha was impressed, the two seemed to have a strong handle at the situation. Feeling a pounding ache in his temple, Monsoon would let them be. He would walk to the fountain located in the center of the market and grab an empty jug off an empty, cobwebbed covered food stand. He would dip the jug into the fountain, fill it to its brim and chug the filled chug. Though water would spill from the side of his mouth, Monsoon would drink, almost drowning himself. The ache behind his eyes told him he was dehydrated.

After imbibing the fountain water, he would watch the two shinobi dispatch of the darkness spawns, studying them and nursing his pounding head. If the two noticed him and inquired on who he was, the uchiha would simply say.


[897 WC]


Sharingan (Three-Tomoe) | -10 AP
Heavenly Body | +50 AP
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:09 pm
"Bring more, Bring More", Ciel would say, mouth stuffed with food. He had been stuffing his face for a while now and for some reason no matter how much he indulged in, it seemed that there was no end to his hunger. He assumed since he hadn't had food this good in so long he thought it had to just be his stomach over reaching its capabilities do to the wonderful flavor of the food he was consuming. Not seeing the waitress return quick enough he decided he would go see what was taking so long, it was then that he had rolled out of bed face first onto his wooden floor.

"What the fuck", he would say as he rubbed his nose which was in pain from the fall. To his surprised he was at home still in his underclothes and with no food in sight, At first thought he felt slightly depressed to not have alll the delicious food infant of him but quickly realize that all he had to do was run out to the market and grab some meet for him to cook or run into a food stand that he was really interested in. As he got dressed he couldn't help but wander why that dream was so vivid, he hadn't had a dream like that before. Most dreams he had would of left his mind the moment he got up and started his day but these were sticking with him. It wasn't until he opened his door and went outside that he could tell that his assumption was right as there was multiple things that was just off about his neighborhood.

Before he could really exam what was going on , he heard a scream coming from down the street. "Now what the hell could that be", he thought to himself as he ran downtime street. To his surprised it was little monster running around the village attacking people near by. He immediately got into fight mode , attacking every master that he had come into contact with. As he stopped for a moment to see which of the villagers in the area needed help the most he noticed moon and a couple other Shinobi in the area helping out. If acknowledged he would greet them all, introducing himself as Ciel to the two he didn't know. He could tell this was just the begging of one long day.

Stats Of Ciel Uchiha
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:43 am
Adding the rest of the missions at this point. XD:

There was a goodly number of the creatures, and it didn’t seem like the villagers around were in the mood to try fighting them. But why would they, this was a shinobi hidden village after all, that’s what the shinobi were here for. The beasts didn’t seem particularly dangerous, at least not to her, so her shield stayed on her back, and she drew her sword. The Starfall Blade made an ominous rasping noise as the blade left the scabbard. As she prepared to get to work, another shinobi whose name apparently was Emilia, approached her and introduced herself before recommending that they work on taking out the creatures. Ana nodded in agreement before replying, “Anastasia Akari.” There would be time to talk once the problem, minor thought it was, was dealt with. She would then leap forward swinging her blade at the closest creature, cleaving it in twain, the creature dissipating into dust. Her first enemy dispatched; she would move around the square until all of them were vanquished. At some point during the combat, another shinobi had joined the fray. Between the three of them they made short work of the horrors. Her last foe dispatched; she would make her way towards the other two that had assisted her. The one that wasn’t Emilia introduced himself as Ciel and a fourth shinobi walked over from the fountain, saying one word, Monsoon. She would introduce herself to the other two and then say, “Not how I expected to start my day, but now that that’s over perhaps things will start to return to normal...

As she went to finish that sentence, a woman ran into the square looking about frantically. When she saw the group of shinobi she immediately ran over and started babbling about her son and how he was behaving like he was sleepwalking, something about a fortress and being the Dream King, and that she needed their help. At the same time, one of the village’s Chuunin appeared and told the group of Genin that there were some anomalies in the area that could be causing issues, and they were to assist with sealing them as necessary. The Chuunin had mentioned that there was likely going to be more creatures similar to the ones that had appeared all over the village before heading off to find the next group of shinobi. “Sounds like we have a couple things to do for now,” she would say to the others. “Lets go see what’s wrong with her son first, then we can make our way to where the reported anomalies are.” Without waiting for a response, she would follow the mother back to their house.

The Akari Genin, and any of the other Genin that came with her found the kid barricaded in his room, ranting about defending his fortress and that they would pay for acting against the Dream King. Ana frowned. She felt like this was some kind of Genjutsu but wasn’t really her forte so she couldn’t say for sure. She would let one of the others figure it out and provide assistance as needed. Once they were finished here the Akari Genin would move on, using the directions the Chuunin had provided, to make their way over to the source of the anomaly. Anastasia wasn’t a sealing shinobi or an expert in sensory techniques, she was a fighter, so her role when they arrived would be to deal with any potential threats to the shinobi that would be focusing on the anomaly itself.

The anomaly was in the center of a clearing on the outskirts of Hoshigakure. There were already a few shinobi here, focused primarily on the anomaly itself. It looked like they were in the process of setting up a fuinjutsu array around it. There were also some of those nightmarish creatures around, albeit bigger than the last ones she had encountered. They would likely be tougher too, which again the Akari Genin wasn’t particularly worried about, but she would keep her guard up and be prepared for a proper fight should the beasts be a more significant threat than their smaller brethren.

WC: 683
TWC: 1065
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:34 am
It didn’t take long for the girl who Emi had introduced herself to, to take action. Emilia could tell that she was certainly a fierce shinobi and really had good control of her emotions, not letting them get too high or too low. She would respond accordingly to the young Aranha’s introduction by stating her name, ”Anastasia Akari.” After that, she would draw a beautiful blade that captured Emi’s attention for just a quick second, the older girl had leapt in and started striking down any monsters that had dared to cross her path, moving around the city square effortlessly. Emilia had taken a different approach and really relished the monsters coming towards her, as she would weave a few hand seals and allow what looked like webbed threads to protrude from her finger-tips, controlling them with ease. She would allow the threads to pierce and slice through each monster that came inside her radius until they had all been conquered.

It seems as though there had been two more young shinobi that had joined Emi and Anastasia in the square. One of them acted a little strange, seemingly keeping his distance from them as he was at the fountain and only stated one word… ”Monsoon”. Emilia didn’t really know what that meant, looking around like she was waiting for an actual monsoon to arrive in the city square. She could see the man had a three tomoe Sharingan though, something she had learned about during her only meet up with her previous team at the Library. The man obviously had to have some skill to unlock that state of an eye. There was one more that had made an appearance and he was certainly an eager one. He got right into the fray as he entered the city square, though it seemed like he had already been beating down the monsters who had been outside of the square. Emi would acknowledge him as all 4 shinobi came together.

It wasn’t long though before a lady had made her way over to them screaming and shouting. She must have seen them fighting and knew they were shinobi of the village. Her son has apparently gone a little coocoo and is now calling himself the Dream King.. such a weird thing. Just after this lady had finished up, there was a chuunin that had made his way to the group, letting them know that they had localized areas where the anomaly was and requested that they make their way there now. Anastasia had taken it upon herself to take charge a little bit, which Emi didn’t mind, seeing as though she was the one making the decisions most of the time. The group was to head over to the kid first and determine the situation, then head out to the designated area where the anomaly was.

Her raven hair swooshed back as she darted off and followed Anastasia, eventually coming to the house where the young boy was. The mother had really demanded that they weren’t too hard on him, as he’s just a boy but also a very promising ninja for the future. Emilia’s first thoughts as they approached the door/room where he had barricaded himself was empty, but then he began to speak. Anastasia’s presumption about Genjutsu seemed to be on the money and this was an area that Emilia could potentially help, however, she didn’t want to divulge her eye to just anyone, and the fact that there’s already a sharingan user among the group, it seemed fitting to allow them to handle this situation and for Emi to head over to the anomaly area.

”I concur with Anastasia, it definitely seems like it could be genjutsu. It’s not my area of expertise either, I am probably better suited to go deal with the anomaly.”

Emilia looked at Ciel and the other guy that only said… Monsoon. Hinting that they may be better equipped to handle this. She made her way to the outskirts of Hoshigakure with Anastasia and would allow the current shinobi that were there to handle the anomaly. It definitely looked like some sort of Space-Time rift, that was allowing these monsters to enter their world. At least that’s what Emilia thought at first glance. She wasn’t sure exactly what was going to be done about it either. Anastasia was making sure that no monsters were able to get past and so Emilia started doing some quick thinking. It seemed like everyone was at least 25 meters away from this anomaly, trying to figure out what’s happening.

If no one else had done anything by the time Ciel and the other character had shown up, then Emilia would begin to make hand seals that resembled the Space-Time amplification technique - after they were done, she would start her hand seals for the Imitation Black Hole jutsu. Her thought was to power it up as much as she could because she wasn’t sure how strong this rift was. She would then allow the point of the technique to fall on the rift, since there weren’t any living creatures within 25 meters of it, she felt comfortable doing it.

This of course all depended on if no one else had taken charge and tried to seal the anomaly or destroy it.


WC: 899
TWC: 1452

AP Used(MAYBE): 75

Space-Time Amplification
Imitation Black Hole
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:24 pm
As the familiar face leapt into the fray of spawning darkness, a smirk spread on Monsoon's face. After downing his thirst in the fountain one more time, he walked towards the fighting trio with his hands in his pockets. As he expected, the small creatures were dispatched quickly, owing to the skill by he fellow shinobi. By the time they were done clearing the market, Monsoon had arrived. He walked toward Ciel.

"Yo!", Monsoon would say, raising his arm up for a bump from his cousin and sparring partner. The quarter would convene, with each giving their introduction. The gilded knight introduced herself as Anastasia. The raven haired lass, who had introduced herself to the other two prior to Monsoon being ear shot, would gaze into his sharingan. Monsoon, eye lids low and dark circles under his eyes, would blink in response. As he did, Emi, were she still observing, would notice his tomoe in different positions as he opened his eyes. Before Monsoon could  speak, a streaking cry pierced the hued night.

Anastasia, taking the lead, would address the woman first. A woman, a mother of some years, was in the grips of fear. Through choked sobs and gasping heaves, she spoke about her son, who had been sleep walking and talking as of late. As she told of his current situation, barricading himself in his room and babbling about a "Dream King". She implored the quartet to come and see to her son, while begging them to be gentle. Monsoon brought his hand to his temple, rubbing away an ache. The mother was quite loud.

Before they could decide, a chuunin of Hoshi found their way into the market. Seeing the headbands on each of the four, he ran and explained another situation, an anomaly discovered by the Sensory Corp of Haven that was spawning creatures similar to the ones found in the market. The knight, admirably, took charge of the situation. She directed their attention to the mother. Monsoon, not showing it in his expression, admired the decision. Though the anomaly was a problem, their were already shinobi of talent handling the situation. Thus, the child was the more pressing matter.

As the four came to agreement, they followed the Mother with haste, with Monsoon, being the slowest, lagging behind.

As they entered the house, Monsoon's sharingan spun around their pupils. Foreboding, dark chakra seeped from the far room at the end of the hallway, slithering like centipedes upon the wooden floor. A stern expression washed over Monsoon's relaxed face, they were dealing with something powerful. Anastasia, being observant, pointed out the possibility of a genjutsu. Emi, noting the description given by the Mother, concurred. Both looked at Ciel and Monsoon for aid. Monsoon, still serious, placed a light hand on Ciel.

"Don't worry cousin, I'll get this one."

Monsoon opened the door. Immediately, a haze of chakra washed over him. In the far corner, the small child sat huddled, rocking himself and whispering. As monsoon stepped in, the child craned his neck, giving the Uchiha a wide eyed, fearful expression. Using this moment, Monsoon's sharigan spun. Using his sharingan genjutsu, he broke the the hold of the influence that trapped the child, releasing him from a semi-permanent dream state. A dark shadow, coming under Monsoon's notice, leapt from under the child, disappearing at it reached the light of the window. This would also prevent the need for Emilia to use her space time jutsu.

Seeing this, Monsoon relayed this information to the other members of his squad.

"Perhaps this isn't the last we've heard of this dream king."

Having finished their objective here, the squad went to the place described by the Chuunin.

A dark tear in reality oozed distorting chakra. Many shinobi surrounded it, each using Fuin seals at an attempt to contain the anomaly. In spaces where their jutsu was weak, darkness would seep, spawning dark creatures made of shadows. Similar to the ones in the market, their eyes glowed a sinister yellow. However, these creatures were clad in crude armor, resembling a battalion of whimsical knights. They would charge toward any they could see, to batter them with metal gauntlets and boots.

Monsoon, being sturdier than most, would take a position to the front. He would move to defend the casters from the creatures, if they needed his aid. If they  handled themselves, Monsoon would use the time to take a break and nurse his pounding head.

[744/1,641 WC]

Skills Used
Sharingan[url= - 10 AP
Heavenly Body +2/4 Stacks

Jutsu Used
Sharingan Genjutsu, B Rank, 65 Power, -22 AP [Max Chakra Discount]

Ending AP: 1218] - 10 AP
Heavenly Body +2/4 Stacks

Jutsu Used
Sharingan Genjutsu, B Rank, 65 Power, -22 AP [Max Chakra Discount]

Ending AP: 1218
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:52 pm
Ciel would look on as the female who had a beautiful blade quickly take action. He was very impressed with her use of a blade and immediately thought about going to buy himself one that would fit his fighting style. He had always been one to admire those who used a weapon when fighting, it always seemed majestic watching someone swing around a blade gracefully as she was. Even though he was madly focused on her he didn't fully take his attention away from the little monsters in the area, quickly dispatching those that came within view of him. He hadn't expected his day to be this exciting but he definitely was enjoying the way it was going.

Once everyone was done taking care of the monsters around them they grouped up and started talking, moon would throw his hand out towards Ciel. Not being one to leave his friends hanging he gave him a firm fist bump, "Glad to see you here". He would say to his buddy. It hadn't been to long since he had seen mon last and definitely felt more comfortable knowing that he had a capable shinobi like mon covering his back, but after watching everyone in action today he was sure that between the four of them they should be able to handle anything that comes at them hopefully.

As the conversation was about to progress a women was heard screaming near by "Lets hope this is more interesting than these monsters", Ciel would think to himself. He had been enjoying his time so far with this new situation they had going on but he wanted more of a challenge and hope that the longer he stayed on this path he would eventually come across something that would be worth his time or tales give him more enjoyment. As the women would run to the group the swordswomen would be the first to address the lady and the first to start following her towards the market.

Ciel didn't mind helping the lady especially since it seemed like he was going to get a laugh frim seeing some crazed person, do something wild. At times he wanders if his sense of humor was some what dark but at the end of day he didn't really care if it was or not. As they made their way to the market they was stopped by another shinobi and informed of another situation going on in the village but due to them already being in the middle of something they all decided following the women would be best. Ciel didn't really care which route the group went , since this women and her son had no real meaning or value to him but since everyone wanted to he seen no reason to dis agree.

As the finally reached the house where the child was at they would open the door to the feeling of some very dark chakra. Before Ciel could make a move he would feel a light hand on his shoulder, noticing it was mon he was only raise an eyebrow before hearing mon say that he would take this one. Normally he would want to do it himself but since he was sure that their was going to be plenty of time to have some fun he would only stand back and watch. It didn't take mon long to snap the kid out of whatever had a hold on him, "Just what I expected from someone of your caliber mon", Ciel would say with a smile. He always gave praise to those who found solution to situations without violence.

Seeing that they job was done their the group headed to the anomaly and to Ciel surprise but also enjoyment, he would see that the monsters infant of him would be a bit more harder to fight than the ones they were going up against in the squad. Cracking his knuckles he would immediately rush to the fromt of the casters with mon, making sure that they were protect. He was having a hard time holding back his urge to run and immediately get into action and fighting those monster, but he knew what he was doing was just as important.

Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:07 pm
The one named Monsoon said to Ciel that they would be able to handle the child so she watched with curiosity as he opened the door and went in to do whatever it was that he would need to do. Seems that both him and Ciel would be Genjutsu users perhaps, as Monsoon made it sound like Ciel could possibly have handled this as well. It was important to understand the abilities of your allies, so she mentally filed that away for later.

Monsoon walked into the room and simply looked at the child. A few moments later, the child’s demeanor changed. He got up and ran over to his mother who cried happy tears and wrapped him in a hug, thanking the four Genin profusely. Anastasia nodded her head in acknowledgement and the squad left the house towards the next objective that was assigned to them.

When they had eventually arrived at the clearing, Emilia went to go assist the shinobi that were already there with closing the rift. A change in the air could be felt and more creatures materialized. This time though, they appeared to be larger and more solid. They also seemed to be carrying weapons and armour. They would be a significantly more dangerous foe than the ones they had encountered in the square. The Golden Knight of Hoshi would need to up her game, she would need to unleash her Light’s Retribution on these nightmares. She grabbed her shield off her back and connected it to the sword’s hilt. At the same time, she would activate her Golden Eye Kekkei Genkai and charge forward towards the monstrosities. Making sure she had enough room on all sides of her, she would take her sword in both hands and swing it in an arc around her. The shield would slide along the length of the blade during the circular wind-up, sending it towards the tip of the blade, and splitting in two to make a pair of large axe blades. Anastasia would then complete the rotation by sending her massive great axe at the closest enemy in a ferocious slashing attack. The creature attempted to hold up its shield to block the attack, only for the axe to bisect the nightmare as if the shield wasn’t there to begin with. The momentum of her attack carried her around right into the middle of a group of them, to which she proceeded to swing her axe in long sweeping circular motions, causing massive damage to those horrors unfortunate enough to get in her way. Focused on her own attacks, she wasn’t paying attention to what the others were doing until she found no more enemies to fight. It would appear that the rift here had been dealt with and all of the creatures that had appeared were either dead or in the process of being finished off. Ana would twist the mechanism in the handle of her blade to disconnect her shield from the top of her sword, causing it to slide back down the blade until she was able to detach it. Rather than put it back on her back, she would opt to hold it in her other hand for the time being, just in case more enemies showed up.

A runner was sent to inform the higher ups that the rift was sealed while the rest of those assembled stayed in the vicinity of the rift to make sure that it didn’t reopen unexpectedly. Not long after, the runner returned with news that there were rifts appearing in other areas of the world, including one above the land of Hotsprings. While most of the rifts seem to be like the one discovered here, the one above the land of Hotsprings was unassailable by any means that had been attempted up to this point. All that could be done at this point was to keep ensuring peace in Hoshi and try to learn more about where these creatures were coming from and how to prevent them coming back.

It looks like we’re done here at least,” Ana would say to the others, “let’s head back into Hoshi and see if there’s anything else causing trouble that we can assist with.” She would start heading back towards Hoshigakure. They would encounter a few more of the nightmare creatures on the way back which they would dispatch easily enough. The village itself seemed to be running into more trouble, with the creatures showing up more and more, and bigger and stronger than previously seen. It seemed that the residential areas are where the largest concentrations of the hostile creatures have been showing up, so that’s where the squad was directed to assist. The creatures were growing bolder as well, being more aggressive and attacking them on sight. Anastasia parried a blow with her shield and returned the attack by slashing her attacker a couple times with her sword. The foe dispatched; she would continue moving onwards towards their destination.

The Residential district was indeed in trouble; one would even say that it was under siege by the creatures. Anastasia would put her weapons down briefly, make a quick series of hand signs, and created a series of seven constructs around her head before picking up her weapons again. To those that weren’t familiar with the Light Darts technique, the constructs would appear to be shards of glass made of light. “Time to get to work again,” she would say to the others before charging ahead, sword and shield at the ready. She’d managed to get one from behind, stabbing her sword through the back of one, and slicing off the arm of another with the edge of her shield. Another charged at her in retaliation, to which she stared it down and cooly launched one of the light darts at it, shooting it through the head. She pulled her sword out of the first enemy and finished off the second one with a diagonal slash across its chest before kicking it to one side. The rest of her light darts would be used to pick off enemies that were attacking villagers or shinobi that were downed and helpless.

Once her and the other Genin had dealt with the immediate threat, a Jounin showed up to advise them of developments with the situation. It would seem that the cause of the problems stemmed from an area referred to as the Land of Dreams, which from the way it was being described was that it was an alternate reality. The creatures were invading from the Land of Nightmares and as a result, when people were going to sleep, they were coming through, using the dreams of those individuals as a conduit. As of right now, the only way to really prevent more of the nightmare creatures from showing up would be to simply not go to sleep. Easier said than done of course, but the word would need to be spread and the population would need to try to stay awake in order to mitigate the number of incursions while a proper solution was figured out. Anastasia would nod to the Jounin and then turn to her allies. “Alright. I guess we need to spread the word here. Let’s split up and try to reach out to as many people here in the residential district as possible. Once we’ve done that, we can try going somewhere else to make sure as many people know as possible.” Regardless of what the rest of the Genin would say, Anastasia would start making her way door to door, to let people know and try to help people stay awake as much as possible. Hopefully the higher ups would come up with a solution soon.

Golden Eye Animation:

WC: 1292
TWC: 2357

AP used (45/500):
-5 for Golden Eye
-40 for Light Darts
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:54 pm
The arrival of the weird character with the three tomoe Sharingan and the one who called himself, Ciel, wasn’t long after Emi had made her way over to the rift. They had positioned themselves in strategic areas that allowed them to help against any monsters that came in and decided to try and attack. This provided an extra layer of comfort for Emilia as she readied the attack that she wanted to use to try and bring down this rift. Emilia’s head turned slightly and noticed Anastasia doing her best impression of an actual demon destroyer, as she moved effortlessly and sliced through rifted demons with her sword.

”This is perfect, it looks like I’m going to be the one to take out the rift. Hmmm… I wonder if it will impress the others at all? I honestly haven’t done much but take out a few itty bitty demons. Yeah, let’s do it!”

It wasn’t long after Emi had muttered these words to herself, which she hoped no one could hear, that a small black tear had formed near the spatial rift. The technique itself had been amplified by the first technique used by Emilia and created a jutsu that was able to clash with the rift. Ultimately - the black hole was able to overtake the rift as it wasn’t quite as potent as they had originally thought. Emilia’s golden eyes looked on as space around her jutsu had been distorted quite a bit and the black hole widened ever so slightly and then sucked the rift away. A slight smile had crept onto her face as she felt proud of her abilities. All the time she had been putting in with doing missions and training had really started to pay off. She could tell that the jutsu’s she is releasing now just have so much more power to them than they used to.

”Well now that that’s done, it’s time to see what else needs to be done. I would presume the monsters are all gone….”

As the thought finally finished inside of Emi’s head, someone had darted off to report that the rift had been dealt with in this area. Emi watched as Anastasia stayed on her toes and did not sheath her shield or sword. Though, she did detach it in a unique way, something Emi thought was really interesting. Her wandering eyes found their way over to the other two for a few seconds, looking to see what they had decided to do. As Emilia shifted back to where the rift had been previously, the person who had left to report the win had returned, though his expression wasn’t what she would call relieved. Instead, it had a worried look and he came to the group of genin to let them know what was going on.

Emilia’s eyes widened slightly as she heard the terrible news, the news of rifts popping up globally and as she looked up to confirm with her own eyes, she saw the sky rift. Apparently it was hovering over the land of hot springs, which would mean that if they could see it from the village, that the rift itself was extremely large, even if it didn’t look like it. In any event, it seems as though the sky rift was unobtainable at the moment, at least based on the report that had been returned from the higher ups. The thoughts of Emi began to wander around what could be done, though nothing had come to her mind in that short of time. Anastasia had once again taken charge, and wanted to lead the group back into Hoshi and continue to take care of all the monsters that were still around.

”It looks like we’re done here at least, let’s head back into Hoshi and see if there’s anything else causing trouble that we can assist with.” Her elegance had shone throughout and for some reason it made Emilia want to follow along. Anastasia had shown her ability to also act quickly and not with fear, but with confidence. So Emi nodded her head and headed inside Hoshi with Anastasia, looking back and waiting to see what the other two would be doing.

As the group had approached the residential district, Emilia could see that they were really in trouble. Along the way, there were a few of the monsters skulking about, but it wasn’t anything too serious and it was something the group was able to deal with rather easily. Once they really got into the residential sector however, there were just so many monsters, maybe it was because there were just more civilians or people in this area in general. Emi had readied herself and prepared hand seals to unleash jutsu to take out several monsters at a time. While she was doing this, she noticed Anastasia continuously cutting down enemies with her sword. She presumed that Ciel and the other one also would take care of some of the monsters in the area.

”Looks like that may have been the last one around that Anastasia had cut down… I’m starting to wonder if it has something to do with dreaming, that would make the most sense.”

Just as the young raven haired genin had gotten on this track, a jounin had actually arrived in front of the group to inform them of the information that had recently been gathered. Apparently there’s a Land of Dreams that had been overtaken by the Land of Nightmares… who now was trying to overtake the world. Essentially how this worked was that they were using the people and their dreams as a conduit to make their nightmares a reality. This is how all of the creatures were coming to life from these rifts, though it was still a mystery to Emilia how they were able to utilize such a technique. It was actually sort of intriguing. As the jounin finished providing the information to the group, they now had a new task - and that was to go and let folks know to be at ease and to act as expected. This seemed a little odd to Emilia, but maybe it was because there had already been a plan devised to try and get rid of the larger Sky rift. She nodded at the jounin who had relayed the recent information to them.

“Alright. I guess we need to spread the word here. Let’s split up and try to reach out to as many people here in the residential district as possible. Once we’ve done that, we can try going somewhere else to make sure as many people know as possible.”

This is what Anastasia had spoken to the group and Emilia concurred with her. Emi watched as Anastasia had headed off, and so she made sure to go in the opposite direction. That way she could reach as many people as possible. Letting them know that things are going to be okay and to act as they normally would. Trying to make sure she could convince them, Emi would tell a small white lie that the higher ups of the village had already come up with a plan to get rid of things. It seemed to work well for her, and she was sure that this was the case as well. While it was certainly a guess based on how the information had been relayed, it was also educational. Emi had hoped the other genin would do the same, and as she had reached all of the folks that she could on her side, she started to head back in the direction she came, hoping to meet up with the others.

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