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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please help (Akabayashi) Empty Please help (Akabayashi)

Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:45 am
Slender pale arms lifted high into the air, creating an arch down the back of a young kunoichi as she performed a morning stretch to loosen up her body. The sleep she had gotten from the night must have been desirable, to say the least. Emi never really had to stretch much after waking up, she wasn’t sure why either as it usually felt so good when she did. As the last moments of the stretch came about, Emilia lowered her hands and removed the covers from her bed, letting her legs slide out and onto the hardwood floors below.
”ooh, that’s cold.”
Emilia briefly lifted her feet as she felt the cold rush over the bottom of them, quickly placing them back down on the floor and just dealing with it. It was sort of like handling a cold swimming pool, you must jump in and go under, it’s the only way to survive the coldness. She lifted herself up from the bed and went and did her morning duties; shower, brushing teeth, etc… After Emilia finished up, she went and put on her outfit for the day, which was the same outfit she wore every day. It was comfortable to her and also held her family crest on the clothing, something she only found out about recently, so she didn’t want to necessarily change what she wore right now.
Emi strolled into the kitchen from her bedroom, only looking for one thing – the eye she had received as a package just a couple of days prior. She had it sitting on her kitchen table as a center piece until she was ready to take it to the Triple B store. Whoever had sent her the package(she still was unaware and probably never would find out) was kind enough to point out that the Books, Bodyparts, and Beyond store that was located in the city square would be more than able to help out with any information regarding the eye. Her plan was to take the eye there today and see what sort of information she could obtain about it and what her options were with the eye.
”Well, I suppose there’s no need to delay the inevitable here. I just need to take this down to the store and see what I can do about it.”
Emilia let her right hand grab the top of the jar that housed the eye and then scurried out the door, letting it shut loudly behind her. She didn’t really have anything to cover the jar and so she tried to keep it covered up as best as she could while she headed down to Triple B. The journey down there was about as uncomfortable as it could be, seeing as Emi isn’t very big and couldn’t do a very good job of covering up the eye. She could feel the eyes of the citizens gawking at her as she attempted to move a bit faster as each second passes by.
As her journey wore on to the Triple B store, she stopped her feet from moving forward and gazed upward at the sign up above the building. ”Ah, finally made it here. That seemed like the longest walk ever.” Emi shuffled her feet and allowed her one arm free of covering the eye that was in the jar, opening up the door to the shop and letting herself in. Obviously not much had changed since she visited only a couple of days ago, except for the fact that she could tell someone was there.
”Hello? I’m here to talk with someone about a package I received a few days ago. I was pointed in the direction of this store as having answers as to the uses of this and the potential options I have with this organ. Could you help?”
Emilia likely seemed like a complete novice and one who had zero knowledge of what the hell to actually do. She was sure that the shop keep here would ridicule her for being oblivious to the fact that she could transplant the eye for her own personal gain and gain some really great abilities that she never had before. Of course, this was the type of information that she was hoping to gain from the shop keep and would of course pay for the services that he provided to her. When they appeared out in front of her, she would let the jar be visible for the person to see and understand what sort of eye that this was.
”It’s apparently a Ketsuryugan. I’m not caught up on all the abilities that it possesses.”

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Please help (Akabayashi) Empty Re: Please help (Akabayashi)

Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:30 pm
"Hello, I am the shop owner AkabayashiTerumi. As for answers to what that is in your hand, I am not sure. As the man's eyes moved to the eye in the jar they became pitch black as the Jashigan activated, within a sole second the eyes had transformed but they were now back to normal.

"Ketsuryugan? Likely something to do with the cult of Jashin but thats all I know. Besides that any eye ending in gan is a doujutsu." Truthfully, the Terumi didn't exactly know it was something related to Jashin more of a sense he got when his Jashigan activated.

"Well what would you like to do with it? Transplant, use it as trade, or sell it?" The man would ask hoping to find out more about the eye.
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please help (Akabayashi) Empty Re: Please help (Akabayashi)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:57 am
”Hello, I am the show owner, Akabayashi Terumi. As for answers to what that is in your hand, I am not sure.” These were the words that escaped the lips of the man that stood before Emilia. As he finished with them, he activated some sort of dojutsu of his own and looked over the Ketsuryugan, being able to identity it by name only, well he also said that eyes ending in gan were dojutusu’s. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to have all the information about it that Emilia was hoping for, so she would have to figure something else out for that.  
"Well what would you like to do with it? Transplant, use it as trade, or sell it?"
The man had offered a scenario to Emilia that she really hadn’t thought of quite honestly. Her thought was to come here and figure out what to do with the eye, but she didn’t consider having it transplanted into her. This was a dojutsu eye and offered abilities that her own eyes would never be able to give her, so in her quest for more power, this may be the best move for Emi right now. ”I wish I knew exactly what this eye did, because right now I am basing this decision on a gut feeling. I guess I will have it transplanted and work to figure out the true abilities this eye possesses.” The thoughts rang through her head as her response to Akabayashi was not a quick one, this decision wasn’t to be made lightly by the young genin.
Her eyes that were fixated on the eye as she looked down at the jar still in her hands, moved up to meet Akabayashi’s own. It was clear that she had made a decision and she wouldn’t second guess herself from here on out. ”Let’s go ahead with the transplant. Surely the eye can offer me capabilities that my own eyes cannot. Will you be performing the transplant here?”
This was the right decision at this time for Emilia and she prayed that it would pay off. She of course would wait for the man’s response before saying or asking anything else. She was a little nervous at this thought though because she wasn’t sure where the transplant would take place… surely, he had enough experience in this for it to go well though. Trusting a complete stranger this much was a foreign thought to Emilia, but she would have to go with it because there were no alternatives, plus the letter sent her here.

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Please help (Akabayashi) Empty Re: Please help (Akabayashi)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 6:37 pm
"Yes, it will be done here." The man would make a wood clone which would sprout from his body and watch the front desk as the man prepared for surgery. He would walk to the back room put on some gloves paralyze and anesthesize the eye. Before making a chakra scalpel and removing the old eye, placing the new one in and connecting the optic nerve with mystical palm. Emi's removed eye would go into a jar.

"Can you see out of it? Go ahead and blink a few times." The doctor would shine a light in the girl's eyes to see if they were working properly. "If you want your old eye you may take it, or I could dispose of it for you. The surgery is only three thousand ryo."
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please help (Akabayashi) Empty Re: Please help (Akabayashi)

Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:27 pm
Emilia didn’t have to wait long before she received her answer about where this operation to transplant the eye would take place. ”Yes, it will be done here.” It was the quickest and probably most emotionless response she had received in quite a while. The young kunoichi watched as the man proceeded to create a clone of himself that he would have watch the front desk as she and Akabayashi would prepare for the operation. Emi still didn’t necessarily know what to expect but she presumed that she would figure it out here in just a little a minute or so.
The two of them walked to the back of the building into a room that looked like the cleanest and most sterile room you had ever seen. The genin’s eyes widened as she they entered the room and she watched Akabayashi prepare a chakra scalpel. He had taken the eye from Emi and cleaned it up before actually implanting it into her, which she of course appreciated. She laid on a table, trying to be still, she wasn’t sure of the amount of pain that she was getting ready to feel. The man had placed numbed the area around her eye socket before extracting her normal eye. He carefully placed the Ketsuryugan eye into the socket with a different technique that provided some healing. She watched as her old eye was placed into the jar that she brought with her, which was good because it meant she could see.
"Can you see out of it? Go ahead and blink a few times." Emi went ahead and blinked her eyes for the man, letting him know that the job he did was exquisite and virtually painless. He went on to ask if Emi wanted to keep her old eye or if she wanted the man to dispose of it for her, of which she would let him know that he could do as he pleased with it. ”You can do what you want with it, thank you for doing this.” She shuffled around for the ryo that she had brought with her, which was just about all she had to be honest. She handed over the three thousand… somewhat reluctantly.
”Thank you again.” Emi kept it brief as she made her way back towards the front of the shop and out the door, she wanted to go back home and rest, then of course she may head out and go train, she needed to get used to her new eye.



Last edited by Emilia Kaneko on Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Please help (Akabayashi) Empty Re: Please help (Akabayashi)

Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:12 am
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