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Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:13 pm
The shinobi four's battle with the rift was fierce, if short. Though the creatures were coming in greater numbers, they were no match for the might displayed by the ninja of Hoshigakure. The golden knight, like a captain charging forward into battle, leapt into action. Her eyes glowed a brilliant hue, one that could not go unnoticed by Monsoon's sharingan. Through a manner unknown ,the knight began a strange maneuver which combined her shield and sword. With monstrous skill, she hefted a golden battle axe and cleaved through the darkness, the sight bringing relief to the faces of the chuunin who held the fuuin seal. The sight also brought an acknowledging smirk from Monsoon, who had not expected to see such vicious weapon from one with a noble air.

Seeing that their left flank was securely held by Knight Anastasia, Monsoon brought his attention to the dquad's front. He knew Ciel would be able to handle the right side on his own, having seen his cousin's skill with his own Sharingan. A brief thought crossed Monsoon's mind,

Wonder if he'll bring anyone else?"

Thus, the metal-clad, darkness spawned that wobbled their way towards Emilia and Monsoon were an immediate threat. As they came close, the martial artist would take a breath, the action bringing a slight haze to his form. That was, until a sudden influx of overwhelming chakra at the center of the rift in space caught his eye. His eyes would dart to the shinobi. Her hands were clasped in a jutsu seal, one seen before by Monsoon, and her chakra, activated by intention, excuded from her form. A space inside the rift was disturbed, an iridescent, reflective chakra spawned from a place between space and time. A familiar, white, explosion spread from the center of this disturbance. Reflexively, on sight of Emilia's activation, Monsoon stepped back and turned to Ciel. Though his cousin, through his own prowess was busy demolishing the darkness spawn, his chakra was not the one that had activated the space/time distortion. He turned back to the Emilia.

Her power far exceeds her youth...

The imitation black hole, having been amplified by Emilia, was more than enough to destroy the reality distortion. The powers that kept the distortion stable crumpled at the presence of the jutsu, crinkling like aluminum foil. The armored darkness spawn, tethered to this realm by the presence of the distortion, flickered and buzzed with static. Like the distortion, the growing presence of the back hole pulled the spawn in. Those fighting both Anastasia and Ciel would be sucked into, the only remnants of their trace being half of an armored visor clattering on the ground.

The collective sigh of relief from the shinobi of hoshigkaure was short lived. Off to the south east, near the land of Hot Springs, a bright light would flash upon the horizon. A terrifying tremor would streak through the sky, ripping it apart and revealing a maw of spiraling darkness. Though far, if one were to look hard enough, one would see mist oozing from this sky wound like rain from a far off cloud.

The Knight, gleaming, would direct the squad to head back to into the village. The four made their way into the center, periodically coming across squads of darkness spawn. Though no match for their might, Monsoon noticed something odd. Besides getting bolder and stronger, their "demeanor" betrayed moderate intelligence. With each attack, the spawn adjusted. Some having longer arms, some legs. The armor as well morphed in ways, with more regalia on sides that suffered less frequent fatal blows. A common symbol began to emerge upon the heartless spawn as they were felled by Anastasia, Emilia, Ciel and Monsoon, as if to designate themselves. A heart, void of everything, the shadow to a soul.

Through Anastasia's command, the squad reconnected with a battle weary jounin. Emilia, observant and having a moment to reflect, wondered aloud at the darkness spawn's origins. The jounin, impressed, confirmed her suspicions, explains the new intelligence passed through Hoshigakure's sensory core. As Emilia suspected, the creatures used dreams as a medium to enter realspace. A thought nagged in Monsoon's mind as the squad made their way to the residential district, one he kept to himself.

Just dreams...?

With quick thinking and calm reasoning, Knight Anastasia gave the order to wake everyone up in the residential district, theorizing that if no one slept the darkness could not spawn. Monsoon agreed, but felt that the method of Emilia and Anastasia was a bit slow. The horizon above was soon turning into a starless night, time was off the essence. Monsoon's  mind went back to the the sight above the land of hot spring. In haste, he acted.

Within the immediate area, Monsoon found a wooden cart, one no doubt owned by the person just waken up by Emilia. With as much speed as he could muster, the Uchiha grabbed the cart and towed it around, scanning the area metal trinkets, wooden chimes, and anything else that could make noise. He would fill it with a substantial amount of stuff. He would tow the cart to the reasonable center of the residential district, no doubt earning some ire from his comrades as he was appearing not to help.

Ensuring that he was at last ten meters clear of everyone and all buildings, Monsoon, standing in front of this noise-junk filled cart, would bring his hands up, fist to palm. Closing his eyes, he would breath. With tremendous power, his body would bulk up. A white glow would stream around his form and his skin would turn a rusted red,, his sharigan would bleed into his entire eye, making them glow red. Having activated the fourth gate, his strength would be brough up to 210 and his speed to 85 and he would enact his plan.

Clapsing his hands together and with his sharingan spinning, he would bring his arms up and swing them down, hammering his fist onto the side of the cart. The blow would shatter the cart, causing a loud clattering, banging, clanging, ringing, dinging cacophony of noise. He would continue, using the momentum to bring him down to one knee and and slam his fists into the ground, causing a thunderous boom. He would then bring himself up, engaging his core and belting


Monsoon's theory, as he understood it, was that the shadow spawn needed people to sleep to use their dreams as gateways. Thus, because of the three, loud, irregular noises, all the inhabitants i the district would be startled awake. The sudden lights that blinked on each of the windows told Monsoon that, at least, his plan caused everyone to wake up. That would explain why, after completing his plan, he turned to look at his squad, who no doubt would have noticed the commotion. He would beam, believing that their problem had been solved. Yet, before he could express any words of accomplishment, a cracking, shrill sound stalled his mouth. And chilled his blood.

A baby, having been woken up by Monsoon, had found itself alone in darkness. Unable to fend for itself, it reached for something it could not see, its mother's hand or its father's arm. Panic set in, neither were there. Fright grasped at its neck, why were they alone, helpless and unable to see. Unable to do anything else, within the claws of True Fear, this baby screamed, wailed and cried for help. Like a dominoe, this primal cry spread throughout the residential district like a wild fire, filling the air with the wails of frightened children, nearly deafening the four shinobi.

The ground shook, the darkness around every space in the residential district rippled and flocked to a place 3 meters from Monsoon, 13 meters away from the squad. Sensing this, Monsoon would turn around, his sharingan spinning with decryption. Just like the rift the squad fought before, the darkness clawed at the reality of hoshigakure. In that instant, Monsoon's mind raced.

The beings use our dreams. But, what causes dreams? Our Experiences? Or.....!?

Monsoon turned to the squad, the terror of his discovery, and what he had just done, present in his eye.

"They're using our emotions as a medium!

The ground shuddered as the darkness behind monsoon rose into a towering, 15 meter tall, humanoid form. As if personifying the combined fright of the children scared in the residential district, with an empty hole for a chest, the Heartless Behemoth stood with glowing yellow eyes that silently gazed at the four shinobi below it. It's head craned toward Monsoon Uchiha. Clasping both clawed hands together, it rose its arms above its head, in a manner similar to Monsoon's early swing. With a power equivalent to Monsoon's strength, it swung at Monsoon with a hammer blow, bringing itself down on one knee to ensure the martial artist was splattered and crushed on the ground.

Monsoon's sharingan spun along the tomoe as the behemoth brought its hands up. He would widen in stance in response. Even with his enhanced speed, he would not be able to avoid the attack from the Behemoth. As it went to bring his arms down, Monsoon brought his up to form and X upon his head. He would flex, creating a pulse of energy. As the behemoth bent its knee to come down, this wave would interact with the power of the behemoth, debuffing it by 40. With both hands firmly planted on the ground and a giant, two handed fist obscuring the sky above, Monsoon gritted his teeth: tanking the Behemoth's Hammer blow by reducing its power by an additional 50 and giving himself a barrier with 135 power.

The attack would send a 5 meter shock wave around, yet the Uchiha, nor the ground below him, would budge, his crossed arms would strain against the clawed-fists of the Behemoth. Though he was fine for the moment, he would need assistance in freeing himself. Should any of his squad look at the beast, they would see its vestigial wings begin to flap, as if ready to draw upon an unspeakable power to enhance itself.

[1,695/3,336 WC]

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:41 am
One by one Ciel would dispatch the demons that were coming to stop the shinobi behind him from help close the rift. At first he assumed that he would have the luxury of not having to activate his sharingan but with so many of the demons coming at once he had no other choice but to turn it on. "Well I guess I'm getting the workout that I've been waiting for and wanting so much , just didn't think it would be something like this!'' he thought to himself as he used a kunai to fight back one of the demons. He was starting to get annoyed having to fight so many and still watch other peoples back. "Alright enough of this shit, time to bring out a demon of my own", he would say with a smile as he bit his thumb before forming a few hand signs and slamming his hand onto the ground, as he did a white cloud of smoke would appear beside him. A tall female demon would appear, most who seen her normally would run away in Terror or act extremely nervous but Ciel couldn't feel more safe and with one of his demons around.

"What reason would make you summon me Ciel ? Normally you would summon adramlech first.", the demon would say jealously. He never had expected them to be jealous creature and he was sure something like insecurity would be beneath creatures such as demons but after listening to the words that came out of her mouth he would see that his assumption was wrong. "Well Well seems like someone is a little jealous but in all seriousness I need you help here, these demons are causing a havoc all around the village and without some assistance I don't think I can protect all these people trying to close this rift", he would say as he would continue to defeat demon after demon while meg just stands there watching. For a second Ciel would think that she was really pissed about this being her first time being the first summon out but after a couple seconds of pondering a smile would come across her face. "Sureeee, ill help you get ride of these lesser demons but next time its something more entertaining I expect to be the first one out do you here me Ciel", She would say pointing a finger at him.

Not one to be bothered by her aggressiveness he would just give her a smile and a nod, which she took as a yes to her statement. Now in a more joyous mood the demon would fly off into the sky to get an overhead view of things and see where her efforts would be best used at. Before taking off into the fray of lower demons she would hear Ciel voice. "Don't forget your a demon as well, if somonene tries to attack you evade and inform them your mines. Under no circumstances should you engage in combat with another Hoshi shinobi, you got that", Ciel would say with a stern voice. the last thing he needed was her out there fighting just anyone over a misunderstanding and hopefully she would listen because she gave no response before leaving range of telepathy. He knew she could be trusted to do the right thing but at the same time he would hate for her to get hurt over a misunderstanding or for her to hurt someone else but he needed the help so taking the risk with one of his demons seemed like it would be the best course of action.

He would look around to see what his squad mates were gettin into and was happy to see that they were holding their own and seemed to be enjoying the nice training session they all were blessed with. In the midst of fighting Ciel would notice a distortion closing in on the rift and couldn't help but admire the technique since it had reminded him of what he had one of his demons use on his cousin mon. At first he didn't think it would be enough but was quickly proved wrong when the distortion start to explode inside the rift."Yessir that's what I'm talking about", he would say eagerly. He was enjoying the training that he was getting from fighting all these lesser demons but at the same time having to protect and look to for other people was starting to become more of a pain than anything else. He could also see the relief of the faces of the other shinobi around him who were struggling to close that rift but as those around him celebrated the victory , Ciel could see one jounin appear to take the message of the rift closing to the higher ups.

On Anastasia's orders all four of them would make their way back to the village , dispatching any demons that would dare cross their path. Not long after they made their way back to the village Ciel could sense Meg come back into range of the telepathy. "Everything went good, no humans or other shinobi were harmed once I got down there. I genuinely enjoyed this free time out here Ciel thank you", She would say before disappearing into a cloud of smoke and returning home. He couldn't help but boast a smile at how nice she had been after originally being pretty pissed with him when she first came out. As they arrived upon the village they made their way to the center of the village, meeting up with another shinobi who was sent to inform the group of something. After some quick exchanges they learned the demons were being formed from people's dreams and that they should wake everyone up, so that's what they did. Not being one for such trivial work as going house to house , so decided it would be best to form a few hand signs and get a couple clones to help out. He had one clone go to one side of the village and the other to the opposite.

Shortly after his clones went to wander off he could hear a Childs scream in the distance. "What the hell", he would say to himself. what was one cry turned into an unknown amount of children's screams echoing throughout the village. Before he could do anything Ciel would see a huge Behemoth attack Mon. His first instinct was to help his cousin but he knew better than anyone here what Mon was capable of so he decided he would sit back and enjoy the show and besides there were still villagers around that might need help incase the fight grew to chaotic. He hoped that this would be a good show but he knew if mon was going to take this serious this would be over sooner rather than later.

Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 12:58 am
Anastasia was making good time, moving through the residential district. Any door she came across she was either knocking or banging on until someone answered so that she could explain what was going on. Most of the residents took in her words and said they would do their best, understanding that the village succeeded by working together. There were of course a few outliers; individuals that either didn’t believe in what was going on, or simply didn’t care and would do what they wished, to the detriment of those around them. Anastasia wasn’t one to force someone to listen, and even if she was so inclined, she was but one shinobi and she couldn’t babysit when there are others that are going to need help.

Almost as if to punctuate her thought, she heard a loud cacophony of sound back from the direction of the square. It was accompanied by a yell from what she believed to be the one called Monsoon. She wasn’t entirely certain because he hadn’t spoken much since they had formed into this impromptu squad. She would turn around and make her way back in the direction of the yell just in case he required help. Shortly after the sound from the yell dissipated, she could hear the soft cry of a newborn, likely startled awake by the noise and doing the only thing it knew how to do out of instinct. Apparently with how the Land of Dreams or Nightmares was affecting their world, it seemed to cause a ripple effect among the rest of the young in the area. As a result, a nightmare beast significantly larger than the others so far appeared and had already engaged in combat with Monsoon. He looked like he was holding his own for now, but the Akari Genin wasn’t one to leave a comrade to fight alone if she could help it. Since it seemed that they were locked in a grapple of sorts, Ana would charge at the beast from behind and slash at the wings attached to its back, followed by a stab into the creature’s right knee to cripple its ability to move around effectively. It wasn’t enough to finish it off, but between the four of them, they should be able to make short work of the nightmare. Should no one else attempt a finishing blow, Anastasia would convert her sword and shield into her massive great axe and swing it in a devastating arc, separating the monster’s head from its shoulders.

With the largest of the horrors defeated, they could surveil the area and make sure that there were no other problems. It looked like the everything else in the immediate vicinity had been dealt with at least, so they could take a breath before figuring out what to do next. “Good work everyone,” Ana would say to the other three as they stood there. She would take the moment to detach her sword and shield again, placing her shield on her back and sheathing her sword. The fighting had been hard, and a rest was welcome, even if that rest would likely only be for a couple minutes. It also gave the Akari Genin a chance to reflect on what had happened up until that point. Perhaps the experiences of the night could help explain what was going on and what they could do to fix things.

Her musings were broken by the appearance of another squad. This squad was a trio of Genin led by a Chuunin. The Chuunin squad leader walked over and provided a much-needed update; It seemed that the work they were doing was only a delay action. The rift over the Land of Hotsprings has gotten significantly larger, now covering Land of Rice, Frost, and parts of the Lands of Fire and Lightning. Nothing could be resolved from this side; in order to prevent the Land of Nightmares from properly invading into the real world, shinobi would need to somehow get there and stop things from that side. The higher ups have determined that in order to make it there, it had to be done through dreams. Squads were being told to go to sleep in order to cross through to the Land of Dreams. The squad that had just arrived was to guard their bodies from any nightmare creatures that would come through as a result of them falling asleep. Anastasia would nod and do what she could to make herself comfortable and would attempt to fall asleep.

Sleep came quickly. The exertions and lack of sleep already made it relatively easy for her to reach a deep enough sleep cycle where she was dreaming. It wasn’t a normal dream though; she could clearly tell that she was where she needed to be. The setting couldn’t be more on the nose; she was standing on top of a keep of an absolutely massive fortress. There were holes in some of the walls and smoke was billowing. Outside the walls was an impossibly large army of nightmare creatures and other things. Siege weapons were lobbing projectiles into and over the walls to cause damage and demoralize the defenders, most of whom seemed to be shinobi from all over the world. It was clear what the problem was; that the Land of Nightmares was attempting to completely overrun the fortress, which was likely the gateway for them to be able to make their way over to the real. The objective then would be to make sure that didn’t come to pass.

Assuming the rest of her squad appeared with her, the Akari Genin would figure out what it was they could or couldn’t do here. Technically this was a dream after all, so they should be able to manipulate it to a degree. They likely couldn’t just dream the army away, but possibly they could make themselves stronger. Ana thought for a few moments and nodded to herself and willed for the changes to happen. Her armour started glowing gold, a ring of golden spheres appeared around her head, and a pair of gold wings made of light appeared, connected to the armour. She also held out her hand and a bow of golden light appeared which she grasped. “Alright, let’s go.” Ana took off into the air towards one of the spots where the creatures had managed to gain a foothold. Once she was in range, she would draw back the bow and start firing arrows of light down on the monsters, her golden eyes ablaze with righteous wrath. Each arrow struck true, taking out monster after monster with relative ease. The other shinobi that were fighting on the ground stared up in awe and realization, before they also started to duplicate what she did, dreaming in stronger weapons and better abilities. Ana would move around the borders of the fortress until she was certain that the defenders were holding and that no more invaders were making it in before working on the second part of the problem; forcing the hostile army to retreat.

Ana flew out past the walls, still firing arrows down at the army itself. The arrows were finding purchase, but there weren’t enough of them to make a difference as it currently was. She instead launched one of the glowing orbs down at the enemies below. The orb sped to the ground and created a decently large explosion upon impact, taking out platoons of nightmares at a time. She would launch all of the orbs around her head until the ground below her was craters and nothing else before letting her bow dissipate and drawing her sword and shield. Both glowed with golden light and appeared just a little bit bigger. She attached them together to form an axe of monstrous size and dove down at the army, cutting great swathes as she went. A pair of catapults were rent in twain as she passed, along with the crew attending them. Eventually she simply landed and started chewing through the enemies with wide arcing swings of her axe. She was a whirlwind of death and destruction, and none could stand in her path and live.

With enough time, their efforts would embolden other shinobi and Land of Dream defenders to also attack, adding even more pressure and demoralizing the once-confident attackers. It didn’t take long for their morale to break and for them to rout, retreating in a disorganized mess. Anastasia would chase them on, only attacking at that point should one be foolish enough to attack her. They were too busy fleeing at that point however, back to their realms and would hopefully trouble them no more. Satisfied, Anastasia would look for the rest of their squad should any of them had gone off on their own before heading back to the fortress keep. The threat was dealt with, they could return to their real world and hopefully not have any more nightmare incursions to deal with.

Ana would wake up and look around; the squad that was guarding them was still there. The Akari Genin would advise the Chuunin squad leader of their success and that they should no longer require protection. Ana would stand up and stretch before looking around at the other three Genin that she had been working with since this whole situation started. “I’m glad we got to work together. We did well and should be proud of what we accomplished today.” She smiled as she made to head out. “I’m going to check in on my family and make sure they are all okay.” With that, unless someone stopped her, she would leave the residential area and headed for her family’s home. She was sure that her family would have some interesting stories to share about how their days went, and she was looking forward to hear them.


WC: 1643
TWC: 4000

40 stats (20 Vigour, 20 Speed)
38,750 Ryo
192 AP
90 Dream Tokens
Dream Waiver
2500 WC Towards Thunderclap Arrow (A-Rank), 2500/2500
1500 WC towards Temporary Paralysis Technique (B-Rank), 1500/1500
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:27 am
It was on her journey back to the others that Emilia noticed that someone was not having the easiest of times. It was the one that had really only said one word… well one word that Emilia had actually heard, unless she just wasn’t paying attention, which would most certainly be the case. The young raven haired girl would pick up her pace heading to where she had heard the screams. It didn’t really matter in the end though, both Ciel and Anastasia had already been able to make their way over to help him by the time Emi had gotten there. She was glad that everyone was alright but she didn’t understand why she was hearing a baby crying? She couldn’t see one from where she was at, though she certainly saw the large creature that had been defeated.

”That thing looked gross. Yikes.” These were the only things that Emilia muttered as the last bit of the large humanoid demon disappeared.

She turned her head to look around as she didn’t see any other demons in the vicinity, hopefully meaning that they had cleared the last of these nightmare creatures. For a moment, Emilia allowed herself to get lost a bit, it had been a really long night and she wasn’t sure how much more they would have to get done. What she was sure about though, was that she was absolutely ready for this day to be over with, so she can rest and just enjoy her time. She’s done a lot recently in regards to village missions and training, she was thinking that it was time she just got to know some of the other Hoshi ninja in a personal way.

It only took a moment, but Emilia was able to get a little bliss as she got caught in her thoughts. What brought her back was Anastasia, the girl who had ultimately been leading the group for all of the missions they had been through. It wasn’t like she was the only one that had done anything though, each and every one of them had provided value during their time together and that’s what had ensured the success of the night. So when Emilia heard Anastasia tell them, ”Good work, Everyone”, she presumed the night had finally come to an end and she would eventually meet up with the group. A slight sigh of relief had appeared on her face as well. Maybe it was the exhaustion or something else, but she had forgotten about the giant sky rift that had only grown larger.

”Ahhh shoot! I forgot about that damn giant rift up in the sky.”

Emilia’s golden eyes locked onto the rift and stared, noticing how much grander it looks now than it did previously. She hadn’t even bothered to think about it because she figured the higher ups would deal with this. This made her wonder if they were even attempting to do anything, she thought they had a plan… but was she wrong? Did she actually tell a lie to the people she had awoken from slumber? It was looking more and more likely that this was the case, at least until another group had arrived. It was a group that was unrecognizable from Emilia, but she could tell that the older person was certainly the one in charge of this group and in fact was a chuunin of Hoshi, and this must be his squad of genins.

As the squad got closer, the chuunin walked over to their group and was able to provide a good enough update. ”So right now, what has to happen is you all have to go to sleep and you will enter the land of dreams or nightmares. This will act as a gateway of sorts for you all so you can attempt to defeat whatever needs to be defeated on the other side. My squad is here to protect you lot, because it’s been reported that other monsters will come through the aether to try and attack you while sleeping. So, you do your part on that end and we will make sure we do ours.”

Emi could feel the confidence oozing from the chuunin and also his genin underlings as well. This sparked a renewed interest in Emi to get shit done. Once the update from the leader had finished, Emilia nodded her head in affirmation and followed the lead of Anastasia. Emi laid down, attempting to get comfortable and allowing her eyelids to shut, closing off the visual of her unique golden colored eyes. As much as she tried though and as tired as she was, sleep wasn’t easy to come by. It was the constant thought of her not being in control of her own protection from outside of the dream world that was nagging her. It was almost a feeling of anxiety that was beginning to take her over until the chuunin looked down at her as her eyes were open now, and reassured her that they had things under control. ”Just breathe, smooth inhale and smooth exhale. It’s okay.”

This was really the first time that Emi had experienced anything of that nature and so she decided that she would follow the chuunin’s instructions. Her breathing had slowly started to calm and the pace of it smoothed out, within seconds of this happening she had fallen asleep and found herself in a world not familiar. Immediately Emilia knew that she was in the right place as she allowed herself to visualize and conceptualize the world she was in. Smoke was billowing all over the place and there were holes in a lot of walls around. It seemed as though they were on top of a giant fortress and as her eyes pierced through the holes, she noticed a huge army of nightmare creatures attempting to tear it down.

”This seems to be the gateway for the creatures and they’re attempting to overrun it. We need to stop them.”

Emi wasn’t sure if any of the group heard her but she noticed a bunch of folks that seemed to be from different lands, all converging to stop this phenomena. Apparently Anastasia had figured out that because this was a dream, she could manipulate her form a bit and become stronger. The thought of this was really interesting to Emi, however she decided to do it her own way. She would use her clans jutsu along with some space time techniques to cover areas of creatures, destroying many of them at a time. As Anastasia flew off and launched attacks from the sky down at the army, Emilia would create a tiny black hole near one army and a white hole near another, after performing the necessary hand seals of course. Then, she allowed herself to let a river of sticky webbing balloon over the walls and rush down upon another army nearby. The nightmare creatures didn’t seem to have much intelligence and so they were all sort of grouped together, making it easy to hit them with large scale area of effect attacks.

”Bullseye, let’s go baby!”

As the group inside of the dreams were handling their own demons well, the protectors of these four shinobi’s had also come across a little bit of trouble. Sure enough, through the aether and the dreams, creatures started appearing once more inside of Hoshigakure. Even though this was planned for, they didn’t anticipate the sheer volume that would come through. So what was going to turn into a lesson for the genin, had really turned into all of them fighting for their lives. The thought was to allow the three genin to handle each of the creatures that came through, providing experience in combat and quick decision making. Now though, the leader had to step in and take charge to ensure that his underlings could grow to become stronger shinobi than he was.

He began to perform a series of hand seals that allowed him to perform a grand fire technique, a technique that would wipe the nightmare creatures out in one fell swoop. Once this was accomplished, he would check on each of the genin, making sure that they were okay and not severely harmed. Each of them would return back to the slumbering bodies of Anastasia, Emilia, Monsoon, and Ciel. The group had kept their promise to ensure their protection, at least for the time being, they didn’t know if there would be yet another wave or not.

Emilia watched as Anastasia was on the ground swooping the enemies with a large axe, she then peaked over to see what Ciel and the other one were doing. Ultimately she wanted to make sure that everyone was able to handle their business in a fashion that didn’t mean they were getting hurt. Of course, handling so many creatures, anything could happen. It wasn’t long after this that the rest of the nightmare realm monsters had decided they had enough, and with the collaborative force of everyone, they had successfully defended the fortress from being taken over. A blur began to happen as the last of those things had disappeared from sight and Emi had awoken in the spot she laid down. As her head turned, she noticed that Anastasia had been the first one to wake, and so she sat up with her hands behind her, keeping her upright for the time being. She made sure to thank the chuunin leader as they had obviously done their part.

Anastasia had said some nice things to the group and Emi nodded as she said them. Emilia thought it was great working with her too and before the older girl darted off, Emi made sure to let her know that. ”I agree, it was great working with you as well, all of you honestly. Everyone did their part and we didn’t complain… We just got it done and it was so amazing to see. I hope we can all meet each other again and really get to know one another. Thank you!”

With that final thank you exiting the young genin’s lips, she too would dart off, making sure she stayed around to hear if anyone else had anything to say of course. Hopefully the village didn’t suffer any casualties… or too many. As Emi was running, she turned to see if Ciel and the other one were still there and if so, she’d send a wave and a big smile as she disappeared from sight.

Exit Claims:

Last edited by Emilia Kaneko on Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:02 am; edited 2 times in total
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:34 pm
While holding the clasped fist of the Behemoth, Monsoon, grunting with effort, craned his head toward his right, to Ciel's last position. He had expected to see his cousin jumping into the fray of battle, with his chakra surging and his hands blurring through multiple handseals, ready to devastate this summoned nightmare with Uchiha prowess. Instead, and very much to Monsoon's surprise, his cousin was watching, on the sidelines as one would say, amused at Monsoon's effort. This sight washed an incredulous expression over Monsoon's face. He appreciated Ciel's confidence in his abilities but,

Does he choose NOW to show it!?

Were Monsoon not under the crushing weight of a nightmare born from the primal fear of children, he would find a great deal of humor. However, as the beast paces more weight and the ground cracked under the bracing taijutsu artist's feet, he knew he could not allow himself a moment of distraction. However, a curious, golden gleam in the left corner of his eye drew his attention.

In a brilliant flash, and without a moment's hesitation, the knight Anastasia, after seeing Monsoon in his predicament, leapt into action. As she was quickly hidden by the bulk of the behemoth, Monsoon lost sight of the golden knight. Though, based on her trajectory and and movement of musculature, Monsoon believed that she was not running behind the beast to take a break. As he struggled with the Behemoth, snarls of pain seeped out of the many toothed maw of the behemoth. The shadows cast by the shiloutte of the nightmare betrayed the position of the golden knight, with quick movements the behemoths flapping wings were lopped off. On the side Ciel stood, Monsoon saw Anastasia deliver a thrusting stab into the meat of the behemoths right leg. The beast would scream with pain, its pressure would lessen. In an unspoken, combination move, the martial artist and the knight would act.

As Anastasia went to leap toward the behemoth's head, the weight it placed on monsoon would lessen as it reflexively went to its injured leg. At that time, Monsoon would push against the beast, causing it to lean back for a moment, as it could not put weight on its injured knee. In that moment, Monsoon unleashed a devastating punch that created a ten meter wide air cannon at the lower center of the behemoth. His technique, the Evening elephant, aimed so that Anastasia was clear of the pressurized blast of strength, would burst through the chest cavity of the Behemoth as the knight's blade sliced through its malformed neck. The one-two combo would overwhelm the behemoth, as its Head fell off its shoulders the darkness that made up its body dissipated as it returned to the world of dreams and nightmares.

Being free of the weight of the behemoth, flushed with the adrenaline that came with a fresh battle, Monsoon exclaimed loudly

"You know, I was thinking this entire time I was dreaming. Can honestly say, that felt real!", revealed Monsoon, his words explaining that he had not been taking the situation as seriously as his comrades. The Uchiha looked to his cousin and the young Emile

"Glad you both understood the gravity of the situation we've found ourselves in! Looks like no creature was able to assault a hoshi villager under your watch!"

His sentiment was agreed upon by Anasatisa, who congratulated the group for their efforts. The sense of accomplishment, which began to swell within the squad, was dashed away by another quake from the sky. The wound in reality above the Land of hotsprings would destabilize surrounding area, sending fractures across neighboring lands. With a great heave, the sky thundered and cracked, shattering like glass as the distortion grew.

Another group, a Chuunin, with a surprisingly relaxed tone and sensing the impromptu leader of the squad, informed Anastasia of Hoshigakure's current intelligence, to the dismay of Emilia. Their current plan was to halt the invasion from the land of nightmares, a task that would be accomplished with the aid of two teams. Monsoon sucked his teeth at the thought of sleeping on the ground, his neck still stiff from having slept on it the night before. Yet, he did not protest and followed the words of the Chuunin. Before he knew it, Monsoon was whisked away into the dregs of sleep and shunted toward unconsciousness.

His sense of self, normally kept in space his mind occupied, was pulled out between the realms of reality, to a dimension besieged by nightmares. Where once lie the darkness of sleep, now stood abrupt perception. A sky of vibrant color was tainted by dark, foaming clouds across the horizion. A horde consisting of all manner of monster marched toward the squad, who stood on the wall of a brilliant, colorless castle. A burning projectile streaked from kilometers away, crashing into a battlement. Debris sprayed across the defenders, shinobi from many different villages as well as gleaming knight.

Light began to gather around Anastasia, Monsoon's sharingan saw no trace of chakra on the orbs or bow that formed. Or, to put it precisely, the weapons and energy that were created were not of her chakra, but the chakra of the space surrounding. The thought that had occurred to Anasatsia came to Monsoon, he was dreaming. This revelation would come across the squad, though Emilia seemed to show some disinterest. As Anastasia flew off and Emilia would begin using her clan's jutsu, the Uchiha would look to his cousin, Ciel.

His sharingan would stare into the tomoe of Ciel's right eye, the same one that flared with tremendous chakra in their spar. A hidden thought would displace Monsoon's mind, chakra from the land of dreams would swirl around his body, permeating his existence. His chakra would shift and his musculature would adjust yet his sharingan remained unchanged. As this transition, allowed by the land they presided in, was complete, Monsoon's three-tomoe sharingan would begin to spin. Blood ran from his eyes like tears, his pupils would enlarge and the tomoe change, into a unique sharingan.

Boiling red chakra would surround Monsoon uchiha, forming the skeleton of a demonic figure. Flesh and sinew would sprot from its face, forming the body of a red Oni, Armor would encase itself around this oni, Monsoon would be embedded into something resembling the Uchiha clan's Susano'o, a chakra giant of moderate size. A quiver would form on its back while a bow formed in its hands, three large arrows would gather from the remnants of chakra. The chakra oni would pluck one arrow from its quiver, drawing it with uncanny precision. When drawn to its fullest length, a small black flame would gather on its tip.

As he comrades were handling the front and middle battle field, Monsoon would aim at the rear end of the engagement, to the siege equipment and the horde that continued to march unto the castle. With power granted by the land of Dreams, Monsoon let loose a boiling red, black flame tipped arrow.

Flying through the horde, it struck one the catapults. The impact spawned a devouring wave of black flame that streaked at the farthest side of the battle field. The flame, ever burning, would continue to burn as it reached its Maxmium distance, effectively cutting off all chance of reinforcements. Monsoon would repeat this two more times, destroying the siege equipment and cutting off the middle and front forces chance for aid. The sight of the black flame would unerve some of the combatants, moral would fall as Emilia felled large swathes of them with space time distortions. The few still brave enough to fight were felled by the Axe of Anastasia. Monsoon, using his dream abilities, would continue to offer long range aid, felling groups without the aid of Black flame.

The battle, hard fought, would be won in the end. As Monsoon realized this, he was already waking up and blinking away the remnants of dreams. He memory was foggy, he almost thought it was just a dream. Yet, the sight of his comrades who began to stand confirmed that, the threat was in fact real. Still, the gaps in his memory were troubling.

Anastasia and Emilia would give their farewells and indicate their haste to check on their families. Monsoon would smile.

"Was a rather strange endeavor, though I'm glad it was with those as capable as you. Take care.

Monsoon would extend a hand to Ciel as he too began to stir, helping him up if he needed it. He would give his farewell,

"Its always fun seeing you scrap Ciel, until next time."

Monsoon would walk away with his hands in his pockets. His mind would wander to the ventures on the castle, to attempt to bridge the gap created by dreams. A vague feeling of power washed over him and a scuttling to his left drew his eye. Placed poignantly on a porcelain plate, gleamed a strawberry cake. For a moment, monsoon thought he saw the ripple and wisp of dream chakra. Curious, he walked to it. Normally, he wouldn't be into sweets. But, the glistening cream watered his mouth, his stomach growled and his appetite was whet. Shrugging, he grabbed the fork that happen to lay next to it and dipped it into the top of the cake. Placing it to his mouth, he ate the piece of cake. Flavors danced across his tongue, activating all manner of feelings. Overwhelmed by the sheer sense of taste, he took another bite. To his surprise, it was better than the first. Tears ran down his eyes, he had never known such joy. He exclaimed,


He continued, enjoying a well earned treat from a hard fought mission.


[1,624] x 2 [3,248]

TWC: 6,584 WC

skills used:
Strawberry Cake
Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:10 am
As mon continued to hold off the best Ciel would be impressed with the sheer strength that mon showcased. He couldn't help but be a tad bit envious of his cousin physical prowess, it was something he lacked himself and only wished he could one day bulk up some more. As the creature was seeming to finally put his fully pressure on mon causeing the ground itself to crack under mon feet he would see the knight Anastasia come rushing to his aid. At first he was slightly surprised at the quickness she had rushed to the aid of mon, but then again she seemed to have value the lives of the people around her. As the attack on the beast continued Ciel would observe the fighting style of his two comrades and admire how quickly they dispatched the beast but at the same time wish the show was a tad bit longer. He had hoped that the creature would use some cool attack or at least use the wings he had to fly around a bit but it was all unimpressive but he enjoyed the show while it lasted.

As the huge beast Body fell to the ground Ciel couldn't help but want to investigate the beats but decided it wasn't of the best idea to do so at the moment. After a while the team took care of some more things before this mission was finally over and they could return to they normal life as shinobi. Ciel would shake mons hand and say goodbye to the two young ladies before making his way back to his home for some much needed rest.

38,750 Ryo
192 AP
90 Dream Tokens
Dream Waiver
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:22 am
Anastasia Akari wrote:


WC: 1643
TWC: 4000

40 stats (20 Vigour, 20 Speed)
38,750 Ryo
192 AP
90 Dream Tokens
Dream Waiver
2500 WC Towards Thunderclap Arrow (A-Rank), 2500/2500
1500 WC towards Temporary Paralysis Technique (B-Rank), 1500/1500

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:23 am
Emilia Kaneko wrote:

Exit Claims wrote:
TWC: 4,548

Stats: 20 --> Speed | 1 --> Strength

Ryo: 38,750
AP: 192
Dream Tokens: 90
Dream Waiver

1010 --> Lightning Spheres (490 previously claimed Here)

3538 | 5000 --> Talented


Last edited by Marabelle Blossom on Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:25 am
Ciel Uchiha wrote:
38,750 Ryo
192 AP
90 Dream Tokens
Dream Waiver

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION] - Page 2 Empty Re: Please be a dream [EVENT - MULTI MISSION]

Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:30 am

Mission Ryo
Mission AP
90 Dream Tokens
Dream Waiver
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