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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:52 am
Mission Detail:

The mission is simple, you must escort the famous architect, Jamil Proctor to his next project within the city. Along the way though, there will be trouble from bandits hired by rival architects, and even some shinobi that want to kidnap Jamil for ransom or some other nefarious deed. Once he makes it to his project he will hand the leader of your group a small scroll to deliver to your mission board for payment.

Emilia’s hands rolled the scroll up with excitement… probably a little too soon. The young genin really couldn’t help it though. It would be her first escorting or body guarding mission. It was something that most young shinobi’s dream of. There was going to be one other person with her on the mission and she wasn’t sure who it would be. Would she like this person? Would she not like this person? Would this person be a capable ninja that could hold their own? Lots of questions to be answered once she would make it to the rendezvous point, which from what Emilia understood - would be in the city square.

Emi double checked her gear while she was still in her house and once she was sure she had everything - she headed out the door, turning to make sure that it was locked and then darting off towards the city square. It was important to her to make sure that she was there early, that way she could take in the surrounding area and get an understanding of what this person would be like. It would also help her relax a bit because she wouldn’t feel like she was rushing, which would be a good thing for the client since this is a dangerous mission.

The golden eyes of the young shinobi looked up at the sky, noticing the clouded view that had spread across the village. It certainly was an interesting day to be escorting an architect… Emi figured that they’d rather be working when the weather was quite a bit nicer out. ”Not that I’m really familiar with any work done by architects or how their work should be done. Just seems odd.” The thought ran rampant in her head for a minute or two and then escaped, like a cloud of smoke.

It wasn’t long before Emi had reached the city square from her home, she really didn’t live all that far honestly. It was a pretty normal day, so there were quite a few people here that she would have to consider when thinking about protecting the architect. She allowed her eyes to wander a bit and see if she could spot the person she was supposed to be meeting. As they glanced across, she noticed the architect talking to someone - who looks like his own bodyguard, who doesn’t seem to be a shinobi. Emilia would make her way over to the area, cautiously of course. She didn’t want to startle the bodyguard and cause any unnecessary commotion.

”Woah, who are you?” It was a stern question that exited the lips of this person standing next to the famous man. It took Emilia by surprise because he didn’t look all that “stern”.

Emi grinned slightly and looked the person straight in the eyes and gave her answer. ”Your protection”. Emilia pointed towards her Hoshigakure headband, which she thought would suffice. She also pulled out the mission scroll that was given to her just to make sure they knew. ”I believe we are waiting for one other person to arrive before we start our journey.”

Emi was looking to ease both of these gentleman's minds a bit by letting them know there was going to be another person joining them. She thought the more shinobi the better.. At least until the architect opened his mouth. ”Can’t do it by yourself, huh? Not surprising. The famous architect thought he was being slick - really just trying to test Emi to see what she was made of. She of course wouldn’t back down from something like this, though she would certainly have to restrain herself from saying anything too crazy.

”You might want to watch that tone with me.” Her grin turned into a widened smile as these few words escaped her lips. Attempting to give off a creepy sort of vibe, though she wasn’t sure how well that worked. She figured that about this time… or maybe before… is when the other person would show up for help.


WC: 780
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Sat Sep 09, 2023 6:32 pm
As Roy woke up for another day of work, he was excited at the prospect of todays mission, and greeting the morning with a smile and a big ol' stretch. Jumping out of bed and changing into his ninja attire, more fitting a shinobi than the rags that he normally wore, the scorch swordsman would exit his house, sheathed sword at his side, and his hair neatly trimmed and held up by his headband. Today was a special day, an escort mission that Roy had been selected for, and he knew that this was a chance to really learn... or royally screw things up.

He was told that he was escorting a famous member of the village, some person that did something important, but Roy wasn't too keen or aware of those things. What he was really looking forward to was the chance to show his skills in a real scenario. Most of his missions before this had been run of the mill, mundane tasks, that Roy knew he was required to do as a member of the village, but this mission had the chance, albeit small, to need some real ninja work to complete.

As Roy made a brisk pace towards the square, the young genin would be thinking of the different things that this mission could have in store for him, perhaps a rival of the famous person hired some mercenary to kill them, or perhaps some natural disaster would force the young guards to think quickly to keep their escort safe, or perhaps it would be just another day with nothing going wrong. Regardless, Roy was sure to look his best, and keep an open mind for what was to come.

Roy approached the meeting point at last, a bit out of breath as he was nearly running towards the square, and even though the swordsman thought he was running early, it appeared as though he was the final member of the party to make it. As the boy got within 5 meters of the group, Roy would give them a light hop, skip, jump, and fierce landing towards them, standing proud to be here.

"Roy Goka, at your service!" He would say with a smile. Looking towards his comrade in arms, Emilia, and taken back by the beauty of the ninja possessed, Roy couldn't stop a slight blush forming on his cheeks.
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:38 pm
The awkwardness that had just happened with Emilia and the famous villager had come to a screeching halt. A rather tall looking boy, who was around the same age as Emilia had shown up. The way he had made his appearance made Emi think that he had a childish like behavior, not that he wasn’t mature, but that he enjoyed life and the fun things. He didn’t give off a serious vibe. The young girl's golden eyes turned with her head, to look at the boy who had just shown up. She noticed that he wasn’t extremely developed from a muscular standpoint - outside of his legs of course.

”Hmm, he will certainly be hard to miss with his bright red hair and his blue eyes. That sword is also… something else.”

Emilia’s thoughts quickly left her mind as she heard the boy introduce himself. It was a rather professional introduction and almost made Emilia start giggling. ”Roy Goka, at your service.” She let her left hand come up and cover the lower part of her face to hide a grin that began to show, even with her intentionally trying to cover it up. Moments after this, the young girl noticed Roy Goka’s eyes lock in on her for a moment… then his face would be covered in a bright red tint. She understood that he was blushing, but because she was naive and inexperienced, she didn’t really think too much of it.

”It’s nice to meet you, Roy Goka.” These were the words she would mutter after letting her hand move back down to her side. She would show the boy a slight smile, attempting to be as friendly as she could be. She wasn’t sure how much of the previous conversation he had heard, so she hoped there weren't any predetermined thoughts about her.

Emilia turned back towards the famous architect and his one man bodyguard. ”Looks like we should get a move on to your destination. Can you let us know where we are going?” Her words weren’t aggressive, but they were assertive. She wanted to make sure they understood that she was there on a mission and she’d take it as seriously as she needed too. After a few seconds of silence, Jamil would return a rather quick answer to the young genin. ”We are heading straight across the city. Not that this really matters but I have been commissioned to design a new shrine and today I am looking at the area. Once you get me there, you are free to do as you please.”

Emilia could sense the sarcastic tone emitting from the famous architect, she almost wanted to throw up over it. The group would head off though, hoping that it wouldn’t take them too long to strut across the city. Emi’s eyes looked over at Roy after the sarcastic speech from Jamil, rolling them gently with a light chuckle. Emi wanted to see how he would take this and what type of personality traits he had. Almost like a test.

Things had been mostly quiet for the group as they traveled through the city. That would quickly change though as something in the air would just shift… it was a gut feeling for Emilia but she could sort of sense that something was about to happen. Sure enough, a lot of the civilians were moving inside of their shops, leaving the streets rather empty as the group trekked onward. Slowly, a few bandits would make themselves seen and they appeared to surround the group. To be exact it was three weak looking bandits and a shinobi, which Emilia thought was odd.

Emi had activated her eye quickly and then made some hand seals. Emilia had taken down one of the bandits with her webber technique, piercing his stomach. He was pretty much down for the count. She then watched as the bodyguard was able to handle the other bandit which would leave Roy to take down the other and that would leave the lone shinobi, who didn’t look like he was too high ranked. In fact, he acted like a genin who had never known any sort of fighting or battling. He just stood there and watched as the group would dismantle the bodyguards.

Meanwhile, Jamil Proctor had weaseled his way into a shop nearby, trying to escape the site of the group while they handled the enemies. Though he was easily found as he was kicked out of the shop by multiple women who could be heard yelling at him.

”Gah, get away you filthy creep! None of us want to hook up with you or anything to do with you at all. Unbelievable!”

Emilia laughed as she watched the idiot being thrown out, almost forgetting they were in the middle of a fight to protect this weirdo. Once they were able to get rid of this last enemy, the group was close to the endpoint of the mission.

Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:07 am
Dont Play with Nature:

Roy's smile, rushed tone, and overall demeanor clearly showed the group that he was green. Perhaps that's why he was chosen to do the mission in the first place as he continued to listen on exactly what they were supposed to do. Simple enough, get the master planner to the other side of the village, and that's that?

Roy was a bit confused hearing the ease of this mission. He thought that he would at least have to go to outside the village, perhaps even to the borders, or some other town with the country, however that wasn't the case here. Having to just go from one side of the village to the other, Roy was viably showing disappointment. As his smile turned to a more somber, almost pout like behavior, the genin would simply nod and move with the group as they started their journey.

"Sounds good, sir, lets get going" Roy would say with a little less enthusiasm.

As Roy walked with Emi, he would walk a few steps behind her and the architect and cover the rear flanks as they walked through the streets of Hoshi. Roy had at this point a little more experience with the village and had a good idea of which area of town they were going to. Still, he wanted to observe the other ninja on this mission, perhaps the genin would learn something new from his comrade, or maybe this was a just a bit of an overkill.

As the group made their way closer to their destination. Roy's mind would wonder a bit as he began to be bored of the situation. He was expecting some sort of action or at least something to make this mission a little more interesting, and it was a hard for him to keep his mind on the goal. All that would change however as they made their way further and further from their starting point.

Suddenly, after the long trip seemed less a protection job and more just a glorified escort for somebody that wanted to just show off, a group of thugs began their assault. A smile would beckon onto the genin once again as he realized that some sort of fight was underway. Roy had experienced combat before and did have some experience through his training, but this would be the first time the scorch swordsman would have to test his skills as the ninja of the village.

A young man would approach from the side. Seeing the other members of the group occupied Roy would begin his attack. He didn't know for sure if they were just looking to loot, harass, or even kill the man Roy was protecting. So Roy decided it would be best to incapacitate, make sure the assailant couldn't escape so they can be dealt with by the village.

Roy would unsheathe his long sword, holding it with two hands as the thug began to approach Roy, which meant that the young swordsman only needed to have a defensive stance. Holding his long sword with two hands, Roy would expand his legs out to gain a better base, a beat of sweat now falling from his brow as their heartbeat rose.

Finally, the thug was range, and Roy would unleash his surprise attack. Quickly changing the grip as to hold it in reverse, the hilt of sword would now be facing the attacker, and with blazing speed Roy would launch himself forward, striking the thug with the rounded hilt right at the throat. The Thug gasped for air as he collapsed to the ground, choking as his body convulsed in pain. No longer a threat, Roy would set his sights on Emi, staring down at their thug as a pool of blood began forming.

"Wow" Roy would say, visibly shocked by what could be a fatal wound, entranced by what could possibly be at the end of a life right before his eyes. He would have to wait for Emi to respond as Roy continued to be in a state of shock.

[TWC: 1072]
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:55 pm
Emilia’s eyes gleaned over at Roy… slightly impressed by his current actions. The boy was handling himself rather well, even though he came across slightly childish, he had demonstrated an ability to quickly make a decision and then act on it. It seems as though Roy had fatally wounded the thug that had leapt down to attack. Emilia could tell though, his eyes seemed shocked… or at least had a rather surprised look to them. It was almost as if he had never had that experience before and didn’t quite know what to make of it.

”Hey Roy, you okay? Way to go. You did a good job!”

Emi tried to reach out to Roy to snap him out of the state of shock that he was in. Hoping that her one little bit of line would do that. There was still one person left, and that was the lone shinobi among the thugs. It didn’t take long at all to get rid of him though, as Emilia simply looked up with a rather scary look… her eye probably helped a bit. He booked it - screaming as he left that he was sorry and he would change his ways. Something that made the young girl chuckle a bit.

Roy and Emilia would need to finish out the mission - and the last thing they had to get done was just getting Jamil to his destination. There likely wouldn’t be any other trouble from bandits or anything. This entire ambush was probably just from someone Jamil had ticked off in the past and they wanted him to be hurt a little. Emilia was proud of the fact that they could stand their ground and provide the protection they were there for. Now she just needed to get Jamil’s weaseling ass out from the shops… thinking of him harassing people made her sick.

”Let’s go you creep! Stop harassing people and let’s get to your destination. Un-freaking-believable dude!”

If she sounded fed up… she was. After a minute or two of trying to wrangle the famous architect, the bodyguard went and grabbed him and they made their way onward. Emilia looked over at Roy to make sure he was following. It wouldn’t take them long before they got to where they were going. Once they made it, Emilia would look at Jamil, directly in his eyes and hold her hand out… as if she was waiting on something.

”Yes yes, here’s the scroll. You both did well. Thank you for your protection.”

Emi quickly grabbed the scroll and nodded her head at Roy signifying that the mission had been completed. At this point, they would typically go their separate ways. However, something was about to happen in the city that would stop that from happening. In fact, it was another mission. Not one they had known about ahead of time, but one that would happen on the fly. As Emilia took a step… she felt a quake on the ground. Her eyes slightly widened out of curiosity and she soon would find out what it was.

”Watch out Roy!”

The burrowing happened right under their feet and continued onward into the city. Emilia darted off, following whatever was moving underground. It looked rather large based on the size of the thing burrowing. Though, it wouldn’t be long before they could see it, as it would bust from the ground soon enough.


As the large animal popped from the ground - it wasn’t exactly what Emilia figured it would be. It was a literal Weasel. Something Emi had though Jamil was… so the irony of this was rather hilarious. Still, it was an extremely large weasel that had made its way into the city… and she wasn’t sure if it was the only one.

”Roy, I hope you're here helping out! This thing is kind of big!”

The weasel was larger than a human, but not so big that it towers over shops or buildings. Emilia moved quickly with hand seals - using her spider web flower technique… though she didn’t attempt to kill the animal - only subdued. The jutsu hit just in time as the weasel was just about to destroy a small shop. Luckily, Emilia’s technique would bind it…. Rendering it unable to move.

”I’m not sure where this large animal came from - but let’s follow the burrowing track and see if we can find the source!”

Emi would wait for Roy’s answer and as soon as he agreed, she would take off in an urgent manner.


Last edited by Emilia Kaneko on Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:43 pm
Roys visible disdain of this violence incurred here did not last long, but the moments between Emi grabbing his attention seemed to be an eternity. Roy had known violence all his life. His early days in the hidden volcano were not meant with kindness, his teachers working hard to make his life miserable, along with the other kids with special gifts, in order to turn them into the killing machines for the never ending war effort. The Cruel leaders of the village, formally missing ninja, saw nothing but an opportunity here, and Roy had to work hard on himself to get to a point where he could trust people again. On the road and finally in the land of Iron, Roy learned how to survive, but he never had to hurt anyone to do it, so finally having to put somebody down as part of his job was an emotional experience. Soon though, Emi's fingers and voice would turn Roy back to reality, a combination of Rush, concern, praise, and perhaps some patronizing in their tone.

"Thank you Emi, I just never have had to use my skills in that way before, Sorry." Roy would say as he sheathed his sword. He would catch a glimpse of the would be ninja running away from the group. Perhaps the ninja thought he could not take all of them on anymore or maybe he didn't have the stomach to go through with their mission any longer. Despite all of this, Roy would calm down by taking a few deep breaths, and wait until the architect made his way back from wherever they scurried off and back to the group. Before the group left, Roy saw a nother ninja with a village headband make his way towards the scene. Perhaps seeing and hearing the commotion was ordered or felt obliged to assist in the situation, but clearly now was there for clean up. As they were leaving, Roy would explain the situation to the ninja, clearly a chuunin of the village, who said they would make sure that this mess was cleaned up so that Roy and Emi could complete their mission. Of course, somebody would need to dispose of the bodies.

Roy would think in silence as they made their way towards their destination. He would think about what exactly happened back there and the actions he needed to take to ensure the success of their mission. That's what being a ninja is all about. Even though this was clearly an easier mission, Roy had finally resolved himself to never let his emotions get in the way of doing the mission, even if what he needed to do was difficult. As the group finally arrived and the scroll was given to the Emi, a resolute expression would dawn Roy's face, as he walked away feeling accomplished.

But as though fate had a sense of humor, only minutes after completing one mission a new mission would begin, as the burrowing creature would make their way towards their destination and beyond. The two ninja, almost with the exact same thought, would race the creature, following it until it exploded from the destroyed road. After a moment Emi would immediately get into action, binding the larger than life weasel. To follow through, Roy would weave hand signs together and with a large breath explode a large fireball. A few moments later, the great beast would be hit head on by the explosion, rendered unconscious with burns, but still breathing.

As Roy released his fireball, Roy could feel something change within him, nothing major, but once again the the use of fire techniques caused the young ninja to overheat, and anyone looking at the swordsman could see steam beginning to rise from his skin. The powers of his clan continuing to grow and develop.

Roy would look back to Emi, they both once again had the same idea, it was time to head back towards where this commotion started, perhaps even learn who was responsible.


Great Fireball - 20 AP]
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:12 pm
Before the two took off, Roy had managed to attempt a great fireball technique that had knocked the large animal unconscious. Emilia wasn’t sure exactly what had happened with the weasel, but it wasn’t normal. There was already a village chuunin in the area and some other folks cleaning up the mess that had been made previously… it’s likely that they would end up taking care of this thing too. The two young shinobi were fortunate that there wasn’t a whole lot of damage created, just what seemed like a big burrowing tunnel. Roy had finally managed to turn his attention to Emi, and the two of them agreed, darting off back where they came from and following the tunnel of the weasel.

”This can’t be a normal thing - something must have happened that had changed this creature's appearance AND personality. Hopefully we can get there in time to stop other crazy things from happening.”

The thoughts escaped Emilia’s mind like smoke, barely leaving a trace behind as the two genin stormed onward. The tracks underground were straighter than straight, which gave Emi the idea that they would eventually come to a stop at the place they were trying to get to. Though, it seemed like the tracks were never ending as they had been led right outside of the city square. The area was more of a housing district, each house had a chunk of land, so they weren’t right on top of each other. Emi’s head turned side to side, checking her surroundings to get a feel for where they were at. Without any visual obstructions anymore, the two teenagers were able to see further into the distance… finally spotting the beginning of the burrowing near a house.

”Ah! Roy, do you see that? Let’s get to that house!”

Emi certainly was not the fastest person around but she tried to pick up the pace to her maximum speed after identifying where the tracks originated from. It wouldn’t take the two long to approach the house, and as Emi neared, she could see a boy playing in the yard what looked like a rather large group of animals. Her golden eyes widened as she wondered what the hell was going on with these enlarged creatures. The bow on top of her head began to wiggle and attempted to fly off as it wasn’t quite on all the way. Emilia’s left hand reached up and caught it, making sure to fasten it tightly.

”Roy, do you see that!? It looks like a family of those large weasels…. Holy weasel! They look like they are playing around with that boy, how do you think this happened?”

She looked forward to the answer that the boy would give her, if he even had an idea, because she truthfully did not. After his response on the subject, they would approach the young boy who was probably seven or eight years old. She could see something in his hand that got poured onto one of the weasels… immediately watching the results unfold right in front of them. This one weasel was now twice the size of the other three that had been enlarged by whatever was poured onto them.

This by itself hinted at a large degree of danger that was potentially looming from this. Once they were in range, Emilia needed to act. She would perform several hand seals and release several webbed threads from her hand, one grabbing the item from the boy's hand and pulling it back to her. The other two threads were sent after two of the weasels… only one landing a hit and potentially knocking it unconscious due to the technique's power. The other weasel that was targeted had sensed it coming and jumped out of the way, which Emilia thought was a little odd because it wasn’t even facing her.

”Do these weasels have abilities?”

Emi made sure to cover up the liquid that had been used to create these monsters. They certainly didn’t need any of this stuff getting on to anything else. Something happened though when Emilia made her attack and the one animal dodged. They immediately started to communicate and the smaller ones had scattered together, moving to a different area while the larger one stayed behind and faced the two.

”What do you want to do, Roy? You can either go after the two that are scattered or you can stay behind and face the big one?”

As soon as Roy would give his response, Emilia would act accordingly, either chasing the two that scattered or start performing hand seals to launch a specific jutsu towards the big one.

Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:34 pm
Roy would continue to be impressed with Emi as they worked to solved this problem with haste. Roy wasn't always the best at thinking on the fly and instead tried to think through as many outcomes as possible. This was a skill that the young genin had to learn in the hidden volcano and on the road, as one wrong move could have landed the scorch swordsman in jail, dead, or worse. The way that Emi thought so quickly and as so sure of their decisions was something that Roy aspired to learn, and the young genin would have to learn that if they wanted to succeed.

Singed and unconscious, the large creature appeared to be down for the count, but like Emi, Roy was curious as to how and why this weasel was here in the first place. This was not common, as least Roy thought, and assumed that something had to have gone terribly wrong. Before Roy could even think, Emi again was on the case, ready to move towards the location of the damage and danger, showing their eagerness to serve and protect, another admirable quality. While the companion might not know it, Roy was learning a lot of about how he could be a ninja from Emi's behavior. Of course it wasn't all perfect. While he did think that Emi showed a remarkable display of quick thinking, eagerness, and devotion to the village, the scorch swordsman also noticed the young ninjas proclivity to "shoot first, ask questions later" as they literally shot some sort of webbing from their body. That type of attitude could indeed land somebody in trouble if not done in the right way, still, it was working well for them so far, so the genin swordsman would just keep their thoughts to themselves for the time being.

The chuunin that was there to clean up the group of assailants was already on the scene when the weasel was defeated. Reviewing the damage, it didn't look like this particular animal had any sort of target, and wasn't there to hurt a specific person, heck Roy wasn't even sure if they wanted to hurt at all. But it still posed a danger to Roy, Emi, and the citizens of the village who had now gathered to gawk and stare at the large creature. The chuunin group that had come already began the work of dispersing the crowd as their day got longer in just a matter of moment. You could see the visible frustration on the chuunin's leaders face, as a cacophony of problems appeared to all show up at the same time, perhaps a rarity in a village so stable. Regardless, the chuunin would begin directing his men to clean up the site, and gave Roy a nod of approval as he and Emi began to make their way back to where the weasel came from, as though he knew exactly what the two were doing before Roy even said anything. Roy always wanted to get some sort of approval from the village before doing anything, since he knew he wasn't the most senior member, an outsider, and he was sure that there were those within the ranks of the village who still saw Roy as a threat.

Roy continued to follow Emi as they ran towards the clearing, house, and ultimately the child and weasel group. Roy saw another large one as several things all appeared to be happening at once. Roy was lost for words, unable to speak and make decisions at the same time, instead just trying to take a page of out of Emi's book and take action before things got out of hand. He knew that by defeating the large creature, the biggest physical threat could be eliminated, and then they could move on to the next task. Making the same hand seals as before, Roy would begin to expel a large fireball towards the direction of the weasel, however this time the animal would have have enough time to dodge into a hole of their own creation, the fireball instead landing the large clearing beyond, barely missing the building.

It was at that moment that Roy realized that he wasn't equipped to handle these creatures in the conventional way and he would need to do something different if they wanted to succeed. That's when Roy decided that it was now time to harness in his inner power, the power of his clan, and solve this problem. Using the same handseals as before, Roy would run towards the hole where the large creature burrowed into, it was fast, but not fast enough to burrow away from this one in time. Breathing a large stream of fire from his mouth into the Burrow, Roy would hear the agonizing screams of the large weasel as it had no way to escape, the small grass around the burrow would begin to wither and die as the heat began to reach critical temperatures. After a few moments the screaming would stop, and Roy would end his attack. The smoke coming from the burrow was intense both in size and heat, and at this point Roy did not know if the weasel survived, but he wasn't thinking, simply solving the problem.

Roy would look to Emi once again, waiting to see what they did.


Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:28 pm
As the dust settled and the action had come to an end, Roy had noticed that he had indeed killed the large weasel trapped inside the ground, and only a broken husk of flesh and fur had remained. Roy sighed as he looked around the area for any other clues as to what had happened, with Emi seemingly finding the culprit of this disaster. A vial of liquid in their hand showed Roy all he needed to know, perhaps an experiment gone wrong, but now picking up the pieces of a broken home would be next.

"I take it that you will handle it from here, I will go back to the chuunin and report our findings, it was great working with you. Hopefully we will meet again." Roy would say with a smile, running back towards the  village proper, ready to help where needed.

It was a long day for Roy, but now the genin had gained some valuable experience on how to perform his duties as a ninja, and was ready for his next task to commence.



Mission Rewards: 6000 Ryo, 30 AP

WC Claims:

28 Stats into Vigor

400 WC into Wind Previously Trained Here
400 WC into Chakra Infusion Previously trained here
2000 WC into Scorch Element
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

We Have to Protect this Smarta**??? Empty Re: We Have to Protect this Smarta**???

Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:40 pm
Roy Goka wrote:


Mission Rewards: 6000 Ryo, 30 AP

WC Claims:

28 Stats into Vigor

400 WC into Wind Previously Trained Here
400 WC into Chakra Infusion Previously trained here
2000 WC into Scorch Element

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