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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Doing Good Deeds Empty Doing Good Deeds

Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:21 pm
”Dang, it’s a really nice day outside today. Wish I was able to go spend my time training. Not that I hate doing these missions, because it’s great to give back to the village in this way… there’s just a ton of things I really want to be learning.”
Emilia couldn’t help but think this out loud, though it wasn’t like anyone was around to hear what she was saying, so she doubted she would get in any sort of trouble. The young kunoichi was getting ready to go on a few missions that had been assigned to her, apparently, she was also going to be accompanied by another genin, she wasn’t sure who though. Her golden eyes gazed out of her window as she finished tidying up a little bit before it was time for her to head out to the destined store.
This was going to be an interesting mission to start off because neither of them could let the people know that they were actually ninja. A lot of the religious organizations didn’t really agree with the methods of the shinobi, even though they provided valuable protection against the outside world. Because of this little tidbit, Emilia would have to leave all of her shinobi gear at home, which included her headband. She would just leave in her regular attire, hoping it wouldn’t give her identity away.
”Alright, so it looks like the suggested meet up spot is a marketplace near here. We should be able to get any and all supplies we need from there.”
The young genin made her way out of her house and headed towards the market. Once she got there, she’d be sure to wait on her partner so they could get the stuff together and then head on over to the place they would be dropping off the supplies. Come to think of it, it’s no so bad that Emilia is doing this mission. It allows her to get out into the city and do a great deed for a good cause, even if she didn’t necessarily have the same beliefs as this group did (which she wasn’t sure what they believed).
”Ah, the market is just up ahead. I will stop and wait outside and then once my amazing partner arrives, I’ll be sure to introduce myself and we can get going with the supplies.” The young girl left a little smile on her face, hoping it would show her being approachable and nice, not anything opposite of that.

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Doing Good Deeds Empty Re: Doing Good Deeds

Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:38 pm
Upon receiving his letter of invitation to a series of missions today, Zayrian took the time to ready himself. He woke up, groomed himself, and had a macro-rich breakfast. It was lean and efficient, being low in calories but balanced in the protein, fat, and carbohydrate content to give him the energy he would need to begin his day. After breakfast, he began to put on his civilian attire. He would wear a grey hoodie and grey sweatpants along with his traditional cross body satchel. Zay refrained from equipping his Hoshigakure headband, yet instead tucked it within the zippered pouch on his cross body. Now fully dressed for the day, he would bid his mother and sister a short farewell and set out from his home. He was on the way to meet with another genin of an undisclosed identity. It was good. So far his only interactions with other village shinobi had been limited to his time in the academy, seeing them in passing, and an obscure sequence of dreams that introduced him formally to a genin and chuunin. Nevertheless, he hadn’t had any friendships or bonds formed with his colleagues. Possibly today could change that.

Making his way out from his house, he would leisurely walk through the paved main road, passing by merchants and hole in the wall shops. This was the lower class region of the village, yet it was Zay’s home that he had grown to love. He was familiar with the shop keeps and regulars of this district, as it promoted a culture of interconnectedness. Because everyone was of similar, lower class status those who lived here always looked out for one another and were very close. They would wave to Zay, and he would return the gesture. Such menial acts actually went a long way to Zay, as his list of friends was few. Lowering his head and raising his hood overtop of his head, he lightly smiled to himself as he continued walking.

Upon finally reaching the mission rendezvous point, Zay would lock eyes with another genin standing within the Market Square. This area was busier than the one Zay lived near. It was where those of higher status, and larger bank accounts, would shop and thus the quality of things was much higher. But such things didn’t bother Zay, truthfully the hustle and bustle of the Market Square was more of an annoyance as there was hardly enough room for one to have their own personal space. Nevertheless, he managed his way through the crowd until he finally came within speaking distance of the genin he figured would be meeting with him. It was difficult to know for sure if she was his partner for today’s mission, yet her inconspicuous stance and lack of interest in browsing the market led Zay to believe she was there for more than just shopping.

“Hey, you assigned to deliver some stuff today too?” Zay would inquire at a volume loud enough to overcome the tumultuous chatter of customers bargaining with short tempered merchants. “If so, then it’s nice to meet you. I’m Zayrian, but I go by Zay.”

His tone was welcoming, yet not overly friendly. He wasn’t the shy or introverted type, but instead his natural personality could be described as “calm, cool, and collected” during introductions. Once his shell was opened more, his full on characteristics would show more. But for now, he would contain his demeanor. The first mission the team was tasked with was a series of deliveries. The prompt would imply that there were parcels for the two genin to pick up. Now the only trouble would be figuring out where the pick up spot was…

WC: 617
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Doing Good Deeds Empty Re: Doing Good Deeds

Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:55 am
The market was busier than it normally is, the hustling and bustling of all the towns people on this nice day must have realized that they needed to get out. This was unfortunate timing for Emilia and whoever her mission partner would be, simply because it would make finding the pick up spot for the parcels extremely difficult. The young kunoichi let a look of disappointment creep onto her face because of this, she was hoping to get these missions done rather quickly, but that doesn’t seem like the case now. She likely will have to spend most of her day today going through these missions, which is fine because she needed the mission experience to be able to move up in rank.
After a minute or two of Emilia waiting, she noticed a boy enter the market from a distance, his aura seemed different than everyone else’s, though she couldn’t pin point it exactly. Most civilians look like civilians, and most ninja have rather distinguishable look to their name. Emi was sure that this young boy was going to be her mission partner, but she figured she would wait to see what he did first, which didn’t take very long because he must of spotted her. ”Oh.. looks like he has spotted me. I’m glad he didn’t take too long to get here, we can finally get this thing going.” The thoughts exited her mind just as the young boy approached her.
At first glance, the young boy seemed welcoming and approachable, but not overly so. He also was young, around Emilia’s age, which was a lot rarer now than you might think. The boy seemed innocent just based off of his appearance, and not one that had really had a lot of experience in the ninja world, same as Emi. It didn’t take him long to introduce himself to her, which she really liked by the way. Emi couldn’t stand when someone wouldn’t introduce themselves properly.
”Hey, you assigned to deliver some stuff today too?” The boy asked first, trying to make sure Emilia was who he was going to be working with. ”Yep. Looks like you are as well and who I am supposed to be working with today.” It looked like the boy was getting ready to say something else so Emi held off introducing herself for just a moment, she didn’t want to interrupt him or come off as a rude. ”Nice to meet you, I’m Zayrian, but I go by Zay”. Emilia gave a slight smile as he said his name, she liked it, and honestly she may end up calling him Zayrian some if that was okay with him. ”Zayrian has a nice ring to it… wonder if he would mind if I called him that.” She let herself wander a bit before coming back down to reality and providing her name to the boy. ”My name is Emilia, but most people I have known call me Emi. I hope you don’t mind, I actually like the name Zayrian, I’d like to call you that.”
The young genin would look at him, hoping he would provide some sort of an answer to that, whether it was yes or no, it didn’t bother her one bit. Once that bit was out of the way, they would be able to get to work on finding the parcels. Emilia sort of had an idea for this but it would require them to split up for a little bit.
”So Zayrian, I had an idea about find the pick up spots for the parcels. I know there’s going to be two of them that we need to deliver with all sorts of supplies and things. My guess is that there is actually two pick up spots because the village wants to give each little shop the opportunity to help those in need. Also, the shops aren’t overly rich, so I don’t think they can really afford to give away a ton of stuff. Hopefully that all makes sense. So my thought was to briefly split up and then head back here when we have the parcel’s? Essentially splitting the market in half. What do you say?”
Emilia would wait patiently for Zayrian’s response before heading off on her own to get moving as quickly as she could. As soon as Zay responded accordingly, Emilia headed off in a particular direction that split the market in half. Zayrian of course would be responsible for the other half of the market. Emi’s hope would that this tactic would speed up the process of actually getting the parcels and then they could deliver them together. Once delivered, they would be able to begin the next mission, which did not require the two to hide their shinobi identities.
Emilia walked through the market briskly, managing to go from shop to shop, trying to see if any of them had a parcel that was waiting to be picked up and delivered to one of the religious organizations today. Most of the conversations went about like this… ”Hi, I’m supposed to be picking up a parcel and dropping it off for a group, do you have that in stock or is it another shop today?” Of course she would smile brightly, trying to show that she just wanted to be helpful and hoping that they had the parcel in stock. ”I’m sorry dear, we don’t have that parcel today. Maybe try the shops down from here. Good luck.”
At least they were all really nice to her about it and tried to be as helpful as they could. Emi had to go through 5 or 6 shops to finally even get to what she was looking for. ”Hey ma’am.. I really hope you have what I am looking for. I’m supposed to be delivering a parcel today to a group that is filled with different supplies. Are the shop that put that together today?”
The lady quickly responded to Emi as she was thrilled that someone had gotten here to actually deliver it. ”You know, last time I tried to have this delivered, I ended up doing it myself. I’m so glad you got here.” She smiled down at Emilia and handed the parcel over. Emilia thanked her kindly for her help and waved goodbye. She needed to head back to the spot that her and Zayrian had met up at. They would then head down to the group and deliver the packages together. The shops were all pretty close together and weren’t far off from where Emi had left Zayrian, so it didn’t take long for her to show up.

”He must still be searching. Well I will hang out here and wait on him, I wouldn’t want something to happen to this parcel or for him to come back and me not be here when he actually comes back.”

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Doing Good Deeds Empty Re: Doing Good Deeds

Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:58 am
Upon Emiliar revealing her own name, she would let Zay know that she had a preference for calling him by his full name. It was a unique one, but something that he would take comfort in. All to often nowadays people would look to shorten his name, under the guise that they could not pronounce it. Yet it wasn't that difficult. Perhaps people were lazy. Some even would rather just call him Z, completely removing any indication of what his name was and just reducing his identity down to a letter. Sometimes it felt more dehumanizing than it actually was, but really that would depend on Zay's mood. But it was nice to hear someone who actually liked his name. Like a breath of fresh hair. Zay couldn't help but offer a slightly toothy grin. This quickly neutralized itself, as he relaxed his face and took on a calm expression when he began to speak. 

"Well thank you Emilia. Most people seem to struggle with my name, so it's nice to hear you actually embrace it. I'll call you by yours as well, rather than a nickname." Zay responded, offering a symbolic amount of equal respect for her identity. Their introduction was short lived and it didn't transition into any unnecessary small talk. Instead the conversation digressed into a preliminary plan for their mission. Perfect, straight to business just as Zayrian preferred. Emilia would proceed to describe her plan. It was quite simple. The pair would split up, head to the designated pick up locations, and rendezvous back at their current location once the packages were obtained. Zay would agree with this plan, as it would result in the most time efficient solution. Nodding in agreement, Zay would simply respond with a "Yeah, that seems like the best path forward. See ya back here in a bit."

With that, Zay would turn in place and manuever himself through the crowd in the opposite direction of Emilia's pathway. As he swiftly made his way through the market, he would occasionally stop at different vendors and inquire about them having a parcel for the religious organization. Most shop keeps would display a puzzled look on their face before turning the genin away. It was understandable, as there really wasn't much indication of what exactly the duo would be delivering. Therefore, it was difficult to discern what would be the necessary store to reach out to. If only the mission briefing specified more details as to which of the two parcels contained the food, clothing, and medicine, then it could have accelerated this process. Nevertheless, Zay kept his exterior calm while his interior subconscious grew impatient. What an infuriating process. Finally, after reaching out to three stores the fourth had a crate sitting upon their display case full of medical devices and drugs. The parcel was boldly labeled as "Urgent Delivery". Zay approached the store, informed the merchant of his designated mission, and was happily offered the parcel. Firmly grabbing the crate with both hands, he'd nod his head in respect to the shop keep and offer a light "Thank you".

Now with the parcel in hand, he would quickly make his way back through the undying crowd. Within some minutes he would reach the rendezvous point that him and Emilia had briefly spoke at. As luck would have it, she was arriving off at the same time but her gaze was fixated in a direction where she wouldn't see Zay approaching. Intercepting her path, Zay would call out "Yo Emilia. I got my crate too. Mine was filled with medical supplies and some clothing. Shall we head off to the Church now?"

Upon confirmation, the two would begin making their way to the not so distant church. Both were dressed in their civilian casual attire, removed from any distinguishing mark of their shinobi status. As they walked, Zay would try to get to know the other genin a bit better. "So, what made you lucky enough to be assigned to a mission like this?" he sarcastically asked. Oftentimes genin were tasked with simple day to day missions, so his question was more of rhetoric than anything. "I guess my reason was because this is my first mission. Maybe starting us off slow huh?" 

As they spoke, they would grow nearer and nearer to the church. Its exterior was surprisingly large and ornate compared against the other buildings within this district that were smaller and nearly decrepit. It was the district of Hoshigakure adjacent to the one that Zay lived in. Oftentimes he had passed by the church, but never had he entered it. It had a strong reputation of detesting shinobi, so he hardly had a reason to spend time there. Still though it seemed ironic that a church so anti-shinobi received a lot of its funding from the Hoshigakure shinobi force. Perhaps that's how it was able to afford such a luxurious building amidst a poverty stricken area. 

Figuring Emilia wanted to lead the way, as she had taken point in the planning of it, Zay would wait for her to enter the building first. "After you," he would say with a motion of his hand. "After all, I'm not too excited to offer help to this specific church."

(WC: 878. TWC: 1495)
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Doing Good Deeds Empty Re: Doing Good Deeds

Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:18 am
As it happened – the two young genin’s actually finished there tasks right around the same time. This was a huge relief as it would help them be able to deliver these supplies to the church, and then head off to begin their second mission, which was to shadow a Queensman. As Emilia approached the rendezvous point, her gaze was fixated in the direction she felt that Zayrian would be coming from. ”Yo Emilia, I got my crate too. Mine was filled with medical supplies and some clothing. Shall we head off to the Church now?”
Emilia’s head turned 90 degrees once she heard the young boys voice call out to her. He had clearly come from the opposite direction she was expecting – though not really sure why she expected him to come in any sort of direction. Emilia had yet to peek inside of her crate to see what all was given specifically, but she knew it was food. Which would make a lot of sense based on this other crate that was given by the shop that Zayrian had visited. As the young boy made his way back to Emilia, she would give him a proper response to his question about heading to the church. ”That’s perfect, there’s food in this crate, so it looks like the supplies are mixed well and helps in all areas. I think it’s safe to say to head to the church now.”
The two newbie genin headed off in the direction of the church once Emilia gave the okay that she was good to go. She had been sure to not bring any sort of shinobi gear on this mission, so she didn’t give herself away. She did think about performing a transformation technique while wearing her gear, so she still had it on, but wanted to show up as herself to this, not as someone else. As the two continued to walk a little ways, Emilia stared up at the clouds, wondering what her parents were doing in this exact moment. ”So, what made you lucky enough to be assigned to a mission like this?”
Emilia barely caught the boy’s question, even still, she could sense the sarcasm that had come from his lips with it. She smiled gingerly and gave a little chuckle… sarcasm was one of her more favorite things on this planet. Before she had a moment to answer, Zayrian continued on with something else. ”I guess my reason was because this is my first mission. Maybe starting us off slow huh?” The young kunoichi looked the boy in his eyes as he completed his sentence, trying to make sure she gave him his undivided attention. His response to what she presumed to be a rhetoric first question was about how she felt on this.
”Well to answer your sarcasm, the only luck I tend to have seems to be bad luck. Hopefully that turns around today during this mission. If something goes wrong on an E rank… they may not let me have another one.” Emilia gave a slight laugh at that thought, though it was completely true. ”But yeah, this is my first mission as well, so I think they are just letting us get our feet wet before giving us tougher ones.” She looked over at Zayrian with closed eyes and a wide grin, though it was only momentarily. She was scared she was going to trip and drop her crate if she walked any further with her eyes closed.
After their brief conversation, the two had finally made their way to the church that was supposed to be receiving the supplies they were bringing. Zay had stopped in front of the church doors before entering and looked at Emi, then let his hand grab onto the handle and pull the door open. ”After you” the young boy said to Emilia, which she really enjoyed, though then he said something that ruined her thoughts of it was just him being nice. ”After all, I’m not too excited to offer help to this specific church.”
As Emilia made her way into the church, she had a confused look on her face. She realized that Zayrian must have believed in something different than this church or maybe they did something in the past that just didn’t sit right with Zay. Once Zayrian entered and caught up to Emilia, she leaned over to him and whispered a question… just because she was curious. ”Why aren’t you excited to offer help to this specific church?” The young kunoichi made sure to check her surroundings before asking this, even if it was in a whisper tone. She didn’t want someone from the church to hear this conversation and right after she asked it… she decided this could wait for another time. ”Nevermind – let’s wait for another time before you answer that question… if you even want to.”
”Ahh… welcome to our church. What brings you two fine young kids here on this day?”
As the two genin entered the nave, or the central part of the church, they were welcomed by a person, who was sort of creepy sounding – at least to Emilia, and goosebumps went down her spine upon hearing his voice. She looked over at Zayrian and then back to the man and held out her arms where the crate had been resting during their journey.
”We actually brought these crates full of supplies over to you all, to help or provide any thing that you may need. We hope it’s enough for y’all.”
The man had taken the crate from Emilia’s hands and called for another person to come grab the crate from Zay. The odd feeling that Emilia had gotten, made her want to leave this place as soon as possible. She couldn’t describe it in words, but for some reason this place just did not sit right with her – though she was glad that she still brought the supplies to them. Emilia did a small bow of respect to them man before turning to leave, she couldn’t stay there much longer. As she got just about half way to the door, she heard the creepy man’s voice call out.
”Y’all wouldn’t happen to be some lowly ranked ninja on a mission to carry these crates to us, would y’all?”
Emi immediately stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at the man. She had a big grin on her face and just laughed it off before responding to him. ”Ninja? Absolutely not. We could barely carry the crates down here from the market, you think we would make it as ninja?” Emilia laughed at her response, creating a real effect that both her and Zayrian were just weak people who wouldn’t survive the ninja world. ”Plus – we genuinely wanted to help and just be good people. I’m sorry you had to feel the need to ask if we were shinobi after we went through the trouble of securing these crates and then bringing them to you.”
The young kunoichi felt that this would suffice as she didn’t hear anything else from the man. She figured if Zayrian wanted to add anything then he could, but she was walking out the door and onto the next task that they had. She of course would wait for Zayrian and before heading over to the spot where they were supposed to meet the Queensman. It would be a welcomed change of pace from this mission where they had to hide their identity the entire time. Emilia did not enjoy that part of this.

Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

Doing Good Deeds Empty Re: Doing Good Deeds

Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:02 am
Zay reflected on Emilia's responses which seemed to align with his own. An E rank was assigned to the two because it was simple enough. For unproven shinobi, it was the perfect mission. Zay sighed at the thought of being labeled "unproven", but still it would make sense. He didn't have any feats or accomplishments under his belt, so how would someone trust him to be assigned with anything mid to high profile? Zay shrugged of this thought and continued onward with the mission. Making their way to the church, Emilia seemed puzzled by Zayrian's disinterest in helping this church. Truthfully it wasn't because of a lack of faith, but just a lack of trust in this specific church. His reasons were his own, and as luck would allow it he wouldn't even have the time to reveal them to Emilia.

Upon hearing the eerie voice of the churchgoer welcoming Zay and Emilia to their place of worship, it almost seemed like his teammate would shudder. Yeah, this guy was a bit creepy. Zay detected it too, although he kept his unease a bit more contained. Emilia would look at Zay, and he would respond with a nod of confirmation for her to take the reigns on the mission. And so she would. Revealing the fact that the two youngin's were simply delivering supplies to the church. The man would response with retrieving the package from Emilia, and ushering one of his colleagues to do the same for Zay. Zay would loosen his grip on the crate so that as the woman would grab the crate, he would voluntarily relinquish it to her. Almost abruptly, Emilia would offer a bow and then turn in her place to leave. This brought a half smile to Zay's face. Perhaps she too felt the tension of this place. And so Zay would do the same, trailing slightly behind Emilia's pace until being interrupted by a rather invasive question. Emilia's answer was sufficient and enough to divert the churchgoers attention. But after she concluded her explanation, Zay would further reiterate this with a slight, " ninjas here" in the most casual tone he could muster. With that, the churchgoers would pause for a moment before forcing a smile and waving. And with that the two would depart from the church, mission completed. 

Now outside and away from the ears of the church, Zay would pose a simple question to Emilia. "Did you feel anything weird in there?"

He awaited her response, and when she would reveal her intuitions he would respond. "Churches like these claim to do more good than they actually do...Look around" Zay would instruct while extending his arms outward and slowly spinning in a 180 degree semi circle. His movements should direct Emilia's gaze to the buildings surrounding the church, which were clearly run down and decrepit. "This is a poverty district. Yet amongst all the lower class life there's a massive, ornate, and expensive church. They receive funding for their endeavors, which are never poured into the community. Instead, it's all gone into the building and their own ventures. I just find it hard to believe that a place so holy, doesn't contribute to uplifting the community it supposedly serves..."

Zayrian would drop his arms back to his side and lower his voice a bit. "Anyway, that's enough on that..." he begun as he reflected on his own poverty stricken sector. "We've got to go on to meet with the Queensman. I believe the meet up point was just outside the Royal Palace." 

With that, Zay would begin walking off in the direction of the palace. He didn't want to speak anymore on the subject, yet if Emilia prodded he would elaborate. Otherwise he would take the time to think to himself on how his resolve of becoming a shinobi was influenced. Primarily, it was the income. His goal was to support his family, nothing more. No dreams of immense power. All he wanted was to be a provider, and if doing that meant becoming a shinobi and ascending the ranks, then so be it. 

After some time walking, the two would be within visual distance of the shinobi were they could make out a man in uniform standing on guard at the palace's entrance. "You ready?" he would ask Emilia before proceeding. Once getting confirmation, he would walk towards the direction on the armed guardsman. When within audial distance, Zay would verbally reach out. "Excuse me Royal Queensman, I believe you are the one that we are tasked with shadowing today. I am Zayrian," he would pause so that Emilia could interject with an introduction of herself and whatever else she wanted to add. 

"Ahh, Zayrian and Emilia. Perfect timing, I was just going to begin my rounds. But for the moment, I am on guard. Presumably for the next 10 minutes. So stand on guard with me, and from there we'll begin our patrol."

Nodding in affirmation, Zay would stand alongside the right side of the guard and face the same direction as him. Zay wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to be looking for, but he assumed it would be anything out of the ordinary. And so he would stand there in silence, and allow his eyes to survey all of the nearby walkways and entry points to the palace that were visible to him. It was...boring. But hopefully Emilia was enjoying herself. 

WC = 907. Total = 2402
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Doing Good Deeds Empty Re: Doing Good Deeds

Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:25 pm
Emilia was truly glad to be rid of the church, though she couldn’t put her finger on exactly why she felt the way that she did about it. Zayrian’s response to the church man made Emi happy on the inside, almost enough to bring a smile to her face. It was very much calm and calculated but also cold, it was as if he didn’t care about the man and just answered his ill intented question with the same thoughts that the church had about shinobi, which would be an order of fuck you and a side of hold these.
The pair quickly exited the church area and once they were far enough away, Zay would ask a question to Emilia, one that she didn’t mind answering because it may lead to an answer as to why the young boy didn’t relish the thought of this church. ”Did you feel anything weird in there?” The young kunoichi thought a moment before turning to Zayrian and responding in earnest, not because she didn’t feel something, but because she was trying to figure out a way to put it into words. It would be easy to say that she felt something and then not expand on that something – but that’s just what she had to do.
Emilia’s golden eyes gazed into Zay’s, she wanted him to feel the attention that she was giving him and understand, that she absolutely felt something weird. ”Yeah, I sure did. Not in like a murderous way, but a way in which that church didn’t feel right. It’s difficult to put into words the feeling I got when we arrived here. The feeling I’m getting now though is a sense of relief, as if I’m happy that we are departing this place that we were sent to so we could help the community.” The kunoichi let her gaze drift off from Zayrians eyes and look out over the community as the final word left her lips.
As she did, Zayrian began his response to her, a response that would help the young genin understand his prejudice towards the church.  "Churches like these claim to do more good than they actually do...Look around"  Emilia followed Zayrian’s lead, spinning around that would let her eyes view the world surrounding the church. It was at this moment when the young kunoichi understood the feeling she had received when they arrived to the church. Zay would speak a little more on the subject: "This is a poverty district. Yet amongst all the lower class life there's a massive, ornate, and expensive church. They receive funding for their endeavors, which are never poured into the community. Instead, it's all gone into the building and their own ventures. I just find it hard to believe that a place so holy, doesn't contribute to uplifting the community it supposedly serves..."
With his arms dropping down to his side, he let Emilia know that he had enough of that conversation. She could tell it bothered him in a way, of course she wouldn’t pry anymore into the matter and just let him do his own thing as they walked. The Royal Palace was the place that they were supposed to meet the Queensman and so they would be on their way. As they walked – the silence wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t awkward that’s for sure, well at least to Emilia. She was pretty good about understanding when to let folks have their moment.
It wasn’t long before they had arrived over to the Royal Palace, which was followed by a couple of words from Zayrian asking if she was ready. Emilia would simply look over to him and nod, letting him know that she was ready. The two walked towards the direction of the armed guardsman, making sure to maintain a little distance as to not startle him. Zayrian had gone ahead and introduced himself and Emilia would follow suit, ”And I am Emilia. I’m looking forward to shadowing you today, sir!”
Emi had gotten a tad bit excited, though there really wasn’t much of a reason to be. It’s not as if this mission was bringing any sort of action their way, they were supposed to follow this Queensman around and learn the city.  "Ahh, Zayrian and Emilia. Perfect timing, I was just going to begin my rounds. But for the moment, I am on guard. Presumably for the next 10 minutes. So stand on guard with me, and from there we'll begin our patrol."
The young genin stood guard with the Queensman, a rather boring job if Emilia had to say anything about it. Though it was only for another 10 minutes or so, they would then begin their rounds around the village, which hopefully would bring on more excitement. Emi had caught a glance of Zayrian as she stood there across from him and behind the guard, the young genin boy didn’t seem to be overly thrilled with this particular method of duty.
”I suppose it can’t be helped, someone has to sit here and watch the different entrances and exits, and we only have a few more minutes. I wonder what the rest of the day….”
Emi’s thoughts were stopped in their tracks as she saw the Queensman jerk up a little. There had been some approaching in a rather quick manner and they weren’t sure what the reasoning of it was. It turned out to be a false alarm and the group went back into a more relaxed… but still rigid guarding state.
”Alright, looks like my replacement for this post is here. The rest of our day is going to be spent walking around the village in my sector, making sure that all the shops are safe before I take my leave for the evening. Every Queensman must do this after shift duty, to ensure safety within the village but to also help the civilians get to know us personally.”
Emilia made sure to follow closely behind the Queensman as the three of them would depart the post they were just at. She had heard every word he had said, and it made total sense to her. You didn’t want the civilians to be afraid of the Queensman, in fact, you want them to feel comfortable and have a since of kinship with each other.  As the trio continued down the street, Emilia glanced over at Zayrian, wondering what his thoughts were at this moment. For some reason, she felt a close friendship beginning to hatch with them, though it could be her own feelings. Emi flipped her head back forward, trying to pay attention to where they were headed in the city.
Emilia watched as the Queensman would enter each shop individually, conversing with the shop keep for a moment before walking out. He would come back and say something to the two genin before they took off for another shop. It was usually to the affect of ”Looks like everything is all good in there.” Emi had to admit that she didn’t mind this part of the job. She liked people in general and it was always fun to get to know folks. This particular Queensman also made it feel more like he wanted to do this rather than it just being his job. He was good at it and Emi really appreciated that from him. It was inspiring to say the least.
”Well, looks like this ride is almost over, I’m glad I was assigned this mission. Zayrian has been great and then meeting this Queensman guard was awesome too.”
The group had just completed there last stop and the Queensman bid his farewell, letting the two genin know just how much he enjoyed walking them around the city and showing them what he did on a daily basis. Emi waved her hand as the man had walked off, though she wasn’t sure where he was going and she didn’t necessarily care. Her golden eyes turned towards Zayrian and foretold of a big smile coming upon her face.
”I enjoyed the missions for the most part and it was great meeting you! Hopefully we will cross paths again soon! I gotta get home and start making dinner for myself, other wise I may get hangry.. You know how women are..” Emilia laughed and waved bye to Zay as she darted off in the direction of her home.

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Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:06 pm
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