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Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day Empty Another Good Day

Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:55 am
The morning was a crisp and cool day, the sun barely showing itself over the horizon, as the sounds of birds chirping and wings flapping filled the mountain air. Store owners were in the process of preparing their shops hours before their opening times as the roads were lightly populated by morning joggers and ninja trainees heading to their favorite training spots. One in particular, a man with ashen colored hair in his mid twenties smoking a cigarette, was walking along such roads to a location he had only recently heard about and had never been to before. With a small slip of paper in hand, scribbled in his handwriting, was directions to said location as he had heard that it was a very good place to train and learn. Being that he was a newly minted Genin of the Village this sounded right up his alley as he made his way up a long flight of steps towards the place in question. As he made it to the top of the steps he witnessed what was akin to a dojo that was surrounded by fenced off fields that looked very similar to the training grounds that Moyasu was used to. The difference being that these fields had different surroundings in each field that seemed to compliment a ninja’s respective chakra element. There was one with small pools of water and fountains, one that was placed on the more windy side of the mountain the fields were on, another that had metal rods among other things that conducted electricity, and one with tree and shrubbery perfect for a blaze to sweep through.

It would be this field that Moyasu chose, his feet stepping onto the light and crisp grass of the training grounds, as Moyasu estimated the circular field to be around 50 meters in diameter. The sun was shining straight through the leaves of the trees that towered over him as he took another puff from his cigarette and blew to see the waft of smoke as it weaves through the strong wood surrounding him. ‘So… What should I do first?’ he thought to himself as he placed his cigarette back into his mouth and started to concentrate on his chakra. The grass around him and the leaves above him would start to rustle as the black clothed ninja became enshrouded in his considerable amount of chakra that started to take the color and resemblance of dancing flames. Then things started to get hot as his chakra intensified in it’s heat and began to scorch the grass around his feet creating a black and burned perimeter around his body. With a flick of his right wrist a ball of fire would form in the palm of the ninja’s hand with which he would take aim and toss towards a far away tree watching as it flew through the air and hit it dead center in it’s bark causing a large burn mark to form as the sparks would erupt and slowly travel up the tree in slow burning flames. ‘I guess learning to form a larger fireball would be a good place to start.’ He would watch as the flames continued to overtake the tree as he thought about how best to proceed.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:23 pm
Another day, another set of problems for Noboru Kaito to handle. Sometimes he wondered how people were able to do this for a living, just sign documents, read documents, draft documents, negotiate, reach out, circle back at a later date. By the Drums of Raijin, he had fantasized more times about murdering someone while doing this job than when he actually met enemy ninjas intent on killing him. Then again, he didn’t have time to fantasize then. He had to formulate plans to kill them.

Perhaps that was what he was missing. After all, a man couldn’t function properly if he lost his ability for extreme violence. Noboru dropped what he had been doing -- he had put four hundred kilos on either side of a bar and had been benching for the past ten minutes, trying to coax his brain into a sense of meaning by pushing his musculature close to his limit as he could without risking beheading himself for not having a spotter. As his muscles tensed on their own from the fresh workout, he went to the bathroom to refresh himself. What he needed was some fresh air, he theorized.

Having freshed up, he took a walk through the city, white robe over his Darkened Skies armor and pyramidical golden hat over his red locks, people looking him in the left dark eye to greet him while the right white eye sat tight under the facelong eyepatch. He would find himself in the Advanced Training Facility not long after, overlooking the many elemental biomes prepared by one ninjutsu specialist or another. This mattered little to him, however, in this slow morning, it appeared only a singular person occupied the facility, which meant Noboru’s hunt for prey was short, but fruitful.

Making his way towards the ashen haired male, he wondered if he had a sister who was a cook, as the hair color was a match for a demoness he once knew. The man burned a tree, small feat for his forces, yet in this fifty meter biome, the trees were meant to burn, and his attempt was not looking good. Only truly elemental masters would be able to scorch the trees, and only those at the elite ends of monstrous chakra would be able to turn them to ash. Noboru doubted he would be able to do either on a normal day, but his recent tutelage with Satoru had taught him a technique to empower his chakra, which may help him get closer to at least the elemental masters.

As he got closer, Noboru piped up. “Not good enough.” He pointed at the tree, and started explaining what he had just thought to himself. “These trees won’t burn easily. Thick bark, and they’re primed for high moisture. Only a very hot technique will be able to evaporate the water inside and crack the bark outside.” He looked at the lad with his dark left eye. “What’s your name?”

WC: 492
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:40 am
The smoke that had been coming from the flames that were surrounding the tree betrayed the actual effect they were having on the tree itself. What had seemed like a rather dry and flammable wooden tree turned out to be tougher than the ashen haired man's fireball was capable of burning as the flames soon disappeared before they could crawl too far up the trunk. Taking a drag of his cigarette he allowed his chakra to relax, the soft flames that had been dancing along his body disappearing into the breeze, as he soon heard a voice call to him from behind confirming what had already been confirmed to him. The thing was that it was a very recognizable voice as he turned around to see the individual who was talking about the tree and why he couldn't burn it. 'Well damn.' he thought as he tried to maintain his composure upon seeing the man before him. 'First it was the deputy... now I get the big man himself. Why is he here though?... Did I stumble onto his training grounds by mistake?... Keep calm... Don't show weakness to this man. You're before the strongest ninja of the village. Act naturally.' It would be here that he heard the question asking him for his name as he kept his cigarette in his hand before turning fully to the Raikage and giving a polite bow.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance at last, lord Raikage. My name is Moyasu Nokoribi." He would say this with as much respect as he could muster before he stood up straight and he scratched the back of his head, his natural nervousness showing through, as he gestured around the field. "I apologize if I'm trespassing, my lord. I had heard that these grounds were perfect for elemental training and as I rely heavily on one chakra nature in particular I found I couldn't resist the opportunity to strengthen it. If these grounds are restricted for only your use, however, I will leave immediately." After saying his piece he would stand at a attentive stance, again his body allowing his nerves to control how he moved and reacted, as the glow of his fiery orange eyes watched the Raikage with anticipation.

WC 378
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:24 pm
There seemed to be some apprehension in the lad once he realized who was talking to him. The redhead couldn’t say he was surprised. It was a natural reaction, one he had when he was but a genin and had to interact with those of high ranking. Just the title alone summons mystique. The redhead never needed to see them in action to believe in their strength; such is the nature of Kumogakure’s worship. Even he had fallen prey to it. Yet, he fostered it now, as the useful tool it could be for those strong enough to worship their own strengths.

Moyasu Nokoribi was the ashen haired genin’s name, and Noboru nodded to the lad. “Pleasure to meet you too, Moyasu.” Lord Raikage would do as a title, and it replaced the use of his name altogether. Giving him his name would make little difference, as it was unlikely many within the village didn’t know it at this point. He heard the lad go on about private grounds, and Noboru simply shook his head briefly. “No, these are public to any ninja. If you were trying to enter somewhere you weren’t supposed to, you would be keenly aware of it very soon.” He looked at the lad curiously though, his left eye peeking around the white cloth that surrounded his head, dangling from the hat and into the lad’s eyes, which glowed as if a trick from the reflection of nearby ponds, except said reflection failed to play on his skin or hair. “Why do you rely on one elemental nature? Most ninjas can learn at least two.”
WC: 269
TWC: 761
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:24 am
The Raikage’s words calmed the Meijin’s nerves down a little as he gave a few nods before taking another drag from his cigarette and blowing the smoke in a direction that wouldn’t wind up floating into his superior’s face. ”Well that’s a relief. My goal is to get stronger. Not step on your toes, my lord.” He then received the question of why he could only use one chakra element which caused him to scratch his head once more in slight nervousness. ’Well shit. How do I put this that doesn’t make me seem like a burden?’ he thought as he shook his cigarette to allow the ashy remains on the end to fall and blow away in the breeze. ”When I was born I contracted a condition which only allows me to use one element. I got it from my mother who had the same… infection but it never activated for her as it did for me. It’s called the Meijin disease and it restricts me from being able to use any other chakra element aside from one. That element being…” With his cigarette hand, taking care not to crush the remainder of his still burning tobacco roll, he formed two quick hand seals before flicking his other hand’s thumb up like it was a lighter. The result was a small flame springing forth into existence along it’s tip as the ashen haired Meijin watched it for a bit. ”Fire.” With that he waved his hand a bit to blow out the flame before taking another puff.

After taking in the last bits his cigarette had to offer he crushed the remains in his hand before continuing in his usual respectful yet now energetic tone. ”Ill admit it sucks not being able to do what is a basic standard for nearly every ninja in the world. But the way I figure it that just makes me more special compared to everyone else. I may have only one element at my disposal but it’s my element and I intend to take it to heights that are befitting for a ninja of the Cloud Village. No matter how long it takes me I will be the flame that makes this village shine brighter than any other. That’s my promise to you, lord Nobo.” His little speech delivered he looked over to the trees surrounding them before scratching his head nervously again and chuckling. ”Before that, though, I gotta be able to burn down these trees.”

WC 414
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:16 am
The kindness of not blowing smoke in his direction didn’t go unnoticed, but it did go ignored. Noticed as well as the nervousness once Noboru asked the question, and ignored as well; he could see a bit of himself in the lad, the way that his perceived insufficiencies might make him nervous around someone he thought of as more powerful. The answer would clarify where the insufficiency lied: a disease, an infection, which limited those afflicted with it to one elemental nature. “Sorry to hear that” would be the only thing Noboru would say about that, a pensive look on his face. He had always had something against those born within clans, with inane gifts. Yet here was someone who caught a disease from a relative -- as if it were genetic -- yet they had been cursed, so to speak. Noboru could sympathize with having less than ideal talents, if only because of how it affected his growing up. Had he not been confused for a dormant Uzumaki and wasted so much time learning chakra manipulation and sealing -- both of which he lacked true talent for -- he may have become a much more powerful ninja early on in his career.

And maybe he too would be dead, taken before his prime, his body buried on an unmarked grave between Waterfall and Wind, or his flesh picked by carrion and his bones bleached by the sun.

Some curses could be blessings, one way or another.

The lad was cursed with the Fire element, it seemed. The fact he got it from his mother disproved Noboru’s theory he may be Katsumi’s estranged brother, if only because he knew her mother too, but that left the question of whether Katsumi’s father could’ve been frisky with another woman. Noboru dismissed the theory though, if anything out of respect he had for his surrogate father and mentor.

He saw more of himself when the lad mentioned it sucked not being able to do something any other ninja may be able to do so easily, such as learning another element. The Raikage had felt the same when he was but a genin, his chakra creations mere imitations of what his equals could accomplish. He then went on about becoming a light for a village, and Noboru started to suspect this lad may spend too much time with Beanstalk. And, just before the end of his speech, he committed a classic blunder. Noboru sucked his teeth before saying out loud “only having one element just means you have more time to dedicate to your one element, hell, you can even learn some manners”, he said as he looked at the lad. “Those who call me ‘Nobo’ are also those who can kill me, so unless you want to test really quick if you can kill me, drop down and give me fifty push ups. Count them out loud, too, no cheating.” Swear to Raijin, pain was the only way to teach kids these days.

He pondered on the lad’s case as he did pushups; any other reaction but a dropping and pushing would have vastly different results to the following. Noboru did learn the fire elemental nature in his studies, and even knew a few techniques which had sparked his interest. “Tell you what”, he said, “I’ll teach you what I know. I know, erm, two or three fire ninjutsu techniques.”

He looked at the lad, and waited for his pushups to come to an end.
WC: 579
TWC: 1340
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:40 pm
The apology that the Meijin received for his condition actually came as a sort of surprise as he blinked a little bit before he had continued his spiel... and made a mistake which caused his positivity to plummet. The Raikage certainly didn't seem to like the fact that he had called him a shorter version of his name as he was commanded to then do fifty pushups as punishment. 'Good going, doofus.' he thought to himself as he got onto the ground on his hands and feet, his hands resting atop comfortable portions of the grassy field, as he wasn't really accustomed to doing push ups. 'Well... I'm in a training field anyways. This doesn't really change my initial plans.' He thus started doing his push ups in a slow and slightly shaky manner all the while calling out the numbers as he did so. Being that he had a very nice amount of stamina he was able to crank his pushups out quickly as he thought to himself. 'This isn't really going to affect me too much for the rest of the day. I should be able to put up a good training session.' After he was done with his fifty pushups he thus hopped back up to his feet and stretched out his arms, not a drop of sweat on him even after the work out, as he bowed with an apology. "I'm sorry I called you that, my lord. I didn't mean to offend you."

After his apology he stood back up straight and heard that Noboru had a few fire ninjutsu he could teach the Meijin. This caused a small and excited smile to appear on his face. "That would be much appreciated. I've had a few techniques in mind that I'm in the process of learning but haven't quite gotten used to yet. You may have seen the fireball technique I tried using moments ago and how rather pitiful it was." He took a glance at the tree he had tossed his small fireball at moments earlier and the tiny scorch mark that had been left on the trunk before looking back to the Raikage. "I learned of a way where I can expel fire techniques from other parts of my body other than my mouth like most ninja have to. It's probably thanks to the Meijin genes within me I'm not so sure. I haven't gotten used to utilizing it's full potential just yet though. I'm almost there. I can promise you that." He gave another nervous little chuckle trying his best to make certain he didn't possibly upset his superior once more.

WC 445
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:35 pm
Making mid-thread claims for techs; Discounts added due to the effects of the advanced training facility: (25% disc) Ketsuryugan Genjutsu (C rank) 750 WC; (75% disc) Shadow Clone at 375 WC, Temporary Paralysis (D rank) at 125 WC, and Great Fireball (C and B rank) at 375 WC. TWC was 1,781. Usable WC is now at 156.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:53 pm
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Another Good Day Empty Re: Another Good Day

Fri Dec 03, 2021 6:57 am
As the lad beside him heaved himself up and down, counting the push ups as they took place, Noboru looked at the tree. Even if he enhanced his vessel and his chakra control, he would never be able to truly destroy these trees. Maybe in a natural setting he might, if he possessed any advanced techniques, but even those he scorned in favor of the physical arts. Though the lad’s push ups were slow and shaky, he didn’t seem to have trouble doing all 50. Impressive, for someone who looked like a stick figure.

“You didn’t offend me, not this time. But you should be wary of how you speak to your superiors. Never know when someone will want more out of you than a few push ups.” The Kumogakure’s worship of strength demanded respect, and to insult one without having the strength to back it up was a serious offense, especially when lack of retribution can be seen as weakness. He wondered how long he could keep the young ones safe from themselves.

“Alright, let’s try this one.” As he prepared to teach the lad, he started explaining the basics of the Great Fireball Technique, a favorite among the Uchiha clan, and a truly dangerous technique in the hands of a Ninjutsu specialist. Noboru started by demonstrating the handseals, how to mold and hold chakra in one’s lungs, and how to project it so it would become a great fireball. He demonstrated, but unfortunately, his own technique was not strong enough to even charr the outside bark of the trees. “Now you try.”

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