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Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Good Day

Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:24 am
The day was finally going to get started for Moyasu as he listened to what his impromptu teacher, the strongest possible one he could’ve found in the village, and watched as he taught him a technique that he himself had been trying to practice in his spare time. As he watched the stream of fire leave the Railage’s mouth, the air around them heating up as the power of the jutsu created a hot gust that seared the grass at their feet, he watched as the stream turned into a large ball of fire that seemed to caress the trees in it’s path rather than burn them. It wasn’t surprising. The Raikage wasn’t known for being the strongest in terms of chakra control and Ninjutsu usage though that didn’t mean the ashen haired lad would pick a fight with him anytime soon. What he lacked in power he more than made up for in strength as his physique clearly showed. As the last flames of the technique fizzled out and evaporated, revealing the trees remaining whole and healthy, Moyasu was prompted to try it out himself with which he gave a short smile before turning to the trees. Even though this was meant to be a training session Moyasu knew that he had to put on a good first impression for his Raikage or else he would possibly be laughed about by his peers. He had already messed up earlier by calling Noboru a nickname he didn’t like so this would hopefully serve as some sort of redemption for his mistake.

Thus Moyasu concentrated, closing his eyes as the breeze of the mountain air washed over the field and the two ninja, the trees rustling as their leaves tittered as though mocking him for trying to burn them. His chakra came to life, the fires raging within his body channeling through his very muscle and bone structure, as the air around him seemed to come alight with heat as it encapsulated his body. Suddenly his concentration was rewarded as his chakra erupted and the air coating his body took a crimson-orange sheen that caused small smolders to form along the ground at his feet. His clothes fluttered to in response to the air pressure that was channeling from his body as he brought his left hand up to quickly form the four seals he had seen his kage make. He then brought his other hand up, the hot chakra coating his arm swirling from his wrist into his palm, as he was channeling a large amount of his power into it causing the chakra in his hand to grow hotter and larger. Opening his eyes he looked down at his hand, the fire that surrounded it erupting and slowly growing in size and power, and he watched as a small ball meant to be the flame’s center formed. Being a bit of a show off he maneuvered the tiny ball, no bigger than the head of a needle, to the top of his thumb as he flicked it up as though it was a ryo coin. He would watch as it fell back down towards him, he now coiling his middle finger into his thumb preparing for another flick, as he chanted in his head the name of the technique that had been learned by countless Shinobi over the generations.

’Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.’

From the flick of his finger, the fingernail hitting the tiny ball just right, a large and hot sphere of destructive fire erupted from his hand as it traveled forward in a surprising burst of speed. The air shifted as the fireball bull rushed it’s way through and coated every tree in it’s path with flames as the grass surrounding the ball burned away immediately causing scorch marks to spread as their embers floated away. The two watched as the ball flew through the trees and off the platform as it fizzed out into a puff of gentle flickers. Amazingly the trees had remained unaffected, the leaves however losing their fight for survival, as Moyasu felt a bit crestfallen as his chakra relaxed causing the breeze to cool the area once more. ”Well that was anticlimactic… I guess I’ll have to discipline my chakra a bit harder.” He took slow and steady breaths to calm himself before turning to Noboru with a shrug. ”How was that?”

WC 730; TWC 2,511; usable WC 886
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Another Good Day - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Good Day

Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:59 am
The wind weaved through the branches and leafs, as if aware of what was to come, and the trees shivered in anticipation as if expecting the hurt. Noboru would expect as much; taking a step back to allow the genin to operate with comfort, he could see the air shimmering around the lad, and when he flooded is left eye with chakra to enable to three tomoe Sharingan in crimson tones, he was able to see how the youth before him molded his own chakra. It was a wonder to see, to be honest; perhaps it was just the vastness of their chakra reserves, or a trait of the Meijin afflicted, but the heat generated around the lad was from their own chakra, something he had never witnessed within himself whenever he tried to cast any fire techniques. Was this just a testimony to the disparity between the strength of their chakra?

Clothes and ashen hair fluttering as power surged, the young man wove four hand seals – the same ones shown by the redhead – and as if magic, the chakra molded externally and swirled around the genin’s arm. Noboru could say with honesty he was flabbergasted; he had never seen something like this, a technique being molded externally before being cast, and with such grace as only the living flame could carry. As he gathered this heat on the palm of his hand, as a creator god, a singular spark came to life, before being flicked upwards and flicked away from; what was a spark grew into a massive great fireball, which shredded through the terrain in search of it’s target. The explosion was glorious to witness; the outcome left much to be desired. Noboru looked at the lad when replying. “The setup was very theatrical, but that just made the result all the more anti-climatic. It’s ok though, you got time to get better.”

Noboru proceeded to teach a few other techniques the lad might be interested in, namely the Shadow Clone technique, a technique useful both in combat but also in real life where one could use the clones as sounding boards for personal training, but also the temporary paralysis technique, Nobo’s favorite for assassination.

If the lad performed well, Noboru would ask out of the blue "So, Moyasu, tell me a bit more about yourself. What are your ambitions?"
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Good Day

Tue Dec 21, 2021 9:34 pm
As the air cooled down and settled around the two ninjas, standing on that platform with trees that were proving to be extremely tough to burn, Moyasu took the critique the Raikage had for him on the nose and sighed as he brought his hand up to caress his neck as he stretched it to work out a kink in it. 'Well at least I gave him a good show with my "theatrics".' he thought to himself as the two would continue Moyasu's impromptu teaching and training session. He learned quite a few more techniques thanks to the instruction his teacher was gracious enough to give as he learned how to create Shadow Clones, doppelgangers of the user that were actually flesh and blood rather than illusions like the clones he learned to make in academy, and also the Temp Paralysis technique which he thought he'd find really useful if he was to ever fight someone that didn't have insane strength like the Raikage did. Every time he tried the tech on the Raikage in order to see if it had worked Noboru would just shrug the jutsu off like a fly. However this also served to help Moyasu as he was quickly gaining further and further control of the latent amounts of chakra within himself.

As the training calmed down a little bit Moyasu was hit with a question out of the blue from the Kage as he stretched out his tired body in order to get feeling back into certain limbs. "Well, to be blunt, I want to become Raikage someday. This village has been steeped in the blood of the overly competitive for a long amount of time. While that may not be such a bad thing when it comes to plucking the strong buds for Shinobi it serves our village no purpose to consider the weak we weed out as a result to be disposable afterwards. The Village in the Hidden Mist is another village that is famous for it's history in pitting it's ninja in mortal combat to bring forth a more worthy and powerful shinobi while the ninja who failed, and subsequently died, is ridiculed throughout history. Thus their moniker "Village of the Bloody Mist" because all that waits inside the mist is a food chain of animals constantly killing to make their way to the top. While we may not be entirely as barbaric as they are we initially have the same system: challenge someone to a fight that may end in the death of you or your opponent and if you happened to be of lower rank than them then you earned yourself a promotion."

He took in a deep sigh as he was letting his inner feelings of the village's workings out for the Raikage to see in full. He knew this was probably a mistake but he couldn't help himself. He calmed down, though, once he realized who he was talking to. "Pray forgive me for that, my lord. Anyway, aside from having the lofty goal of becoming Raikage one day, I fancy myself as a chef of notable skill and I aspire to become the best I can be as both a Shinobi and professional culinarian. For instance one thing that could help me in such lofty goals would be if I got to work alongside you, lord Noboru, as your personal chef. I'm very confident that, while my jutsu may not be strong enough to burn these trees just quite yet, my cooking will certainly get you pumped." He would give a slight smirk of confidence with that statement as the chilly mountain air blew over the both of them cooling down their bodies and the trees that had been subjected to heat moments earlier.

WC 630; TWC 3,141; Usable WC 1,516
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Another Good Day - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Good Day

Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:35 pm
The lad seemed to be quite passionate about his opinions regarding the Kumogakure and their culture; opinions because they seemed to deviate slightly from fact, and indeed had quite the emotional load to them. He wondered if he had lost anyone to any such challenges, although Noboru was unaware of anyone who had died since the law was instituted; as far as he could tell, he had been the sole ninja to go through such a trial. The talk was turning Noboru’s mood foul though. He allowed the lad to continue, with an apology and mentions of a cooking career; the prospect might’ve been nicer were it not preceded by the reveries of the ashen haired fire breather. “You seem to have very… strong thoughts regarding our culture. But they seem to be lacking in perspective. The village has seen some of the blood of the overly competitive, but it has seen far more blood from the weak and corrupted. The ventures of Youka and Maku single handedly brought our military to the brink of extinction, and because there was no one strong enough to stand up to them and theirs, the village was dragged into a venture it had no hope of surviving once the two disappeared. Lord Maxilian tried to salvage what was left of the village, but even he failed to withstand the onslaught of Nobunaga Hiyu, and when he was defeated, what was left of our superior forces knelt to the conqueror. We owe our sovereignty to Kutari Uchiha, who stepped in and defeated the would-be conqueror. They were all wiped out.”

“I was one of the people challenged by the new rule instituted. I was in over my head, and I got called out for it. The fight was short, but enough for me to see as much, and I paid for that with this one here.”
As he said the last bit, he tapped the eyepatch just below the byakugan hiding underneath it. “Whether you’re looking to take a rank or to keep one, it’s always up to you to decide when you’re in over your head. Being unable to accurately gauge your own strengths is a weakness, and can lead to harm not only to you but others. I forfeited the match, and lived. If I had died, it would be my own fault. Simple as.

“I too was called ‘The Jonin that became Genin’ after that, but that didn’t stop me. I just destroyed my opponents at the Chunin Exam, and the talk changed to hushed tones and hesitation. People are always gonna talk, no going around that. But the world is brutal. That’s just a fact. And if you have reservations about being a murderer, then you miht as well retire while you can. You should never forget that we ninja of the Kumogakure are nothing more than tools to the Lightning Country. And as for the ninja of the Kirigakure, they dropped that tradition quite a few years ago, from the talks of it.”

“So, if you want to stop this ‘barbaric’ behavior, as you called it, you’re going to have to become strong enough to command the role of Kage, and ironically, you’re probably going to have to defend it from anyone who believes themselves stronger than you.”
He shrugged; such was the nature of transitions.

“As for your job in the Kage building, come back to me when there’s blood in your hands. Everyone there is a class ninja, and a certified murderer. While it may seem unappealing to you, it’s the most important building in this village with fierce competition from the hospital. It houses all our secrets, and everyone in it is ready to die for them.” With that, Noboru sighed. “But cooking is good. I was a cook. Back in the day. Can’t remember the last time I prepared a meal for myself, to be honest.” He pursed his lips, and sighed again. “Such is the life, I guess. Drop off when you meet the requirements, we’ll have a cook off between us and our current chefs, see how you do.” He pointed at the tree. “And burn that to a crisp, will ya?”

With that, Noboru walked off, taking in the sounds, sights and smells of the area.
Will do claims later.
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Another Good Day - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Good Day

Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:52 am
The talk didn’t exactly go the way Moyasu expected. In a way he had received a lecture from the man known as the village’s strongest ninja on the ways of the world and how it’s brutality of reality calls for people to be strong. It calls for ninja to be strong in will and body else they will crumble under reality’s weight. One would need the will to murder for their village if need be. He even left Moyasu with what he perceived to be a challenge: ”Come back to me when there’s blood in your hands.” As he walked away from the training grounds Moyasu respectfully gave him a bow before standing and walking over to the edge of the training ground in order to look out over it from atop the mountain’s height. Everything looked so small from his perspective which really set home just how ninja of this village saw the world. And it was clear the Raikage was no different. He pulled out his cigarette case and got out one of the tobacco rolled goodies before setting it in his mouth and lighting it with a flame he conjured over his thumb. With a few puffs he shook the flame out and started to enjoy himself a smoke while continuing to look out over the view.

’What a stupid outlook on life.’ he thought to himself as his eyes glossed over the terrains below. ’I didn’t become a ninja for such a petty thing as conquering.’ He took another puff from his cigarette as a voice rang in his head. A familiar voice. ’That’s not what he said.’ Moyasu closed his eyes and took another drag of smoke as he turned towards the tree he’d been practicing on. ’I know… I was thinking to myself. I really don’t want to talk right now.’ The voice cackled a little bit before speaking. ’You never do. Perhaps if you listened to me every so often you would have the Raikage’s seat already. After all he said he needs a murderer.’ A twinge of regret and anger washed over Moyasu’s body as he felt his chakra activating and fire began to cover his body. He felt his control give away to the voice as his hand started moving up and pointed towards the tree. With a simple snap of his fingers the tree burst into flames, their color a beautiful blue and their heat immense, as the tree immediately cracked and burned unable to withstand the fire. ’See?’ The voice mocked as Moyasu deactivated his chakra and crushed his cigarette allowing it’s ashes to flutter into the wind. He left the field quickly as the tree continued to burn, crumbling into a pile of wood and ash, as the winds of the mountains caused those flame to dance and sway beautifully. The smoke could be clearly seen for the next several minutes as Moyasu would do his best to keep his gaze away from it as he walked amongst the villagers.

WC 502; TWC 3,643; Usable WC 2,018


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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Another Good Day - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Good Day

Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:37 am
Exits approved, need to know what yall are claiming.
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