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Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Vandals Empty Vandals

Fri Sep 09, 2022 11:35 am
Hunter Mission Details:

The time has come for the young Yuki, it was time to actually engage in real combat that wasn’t with some rules. Crom hadn’t exactly been avoiding the slew of missions that dealt with hunting down criminals or bounties but he didn’t see an point in going for them when there were plenty of other missions that needed addressed. The main thing that had changed his mind was the fact that Crom learned that to gain access to higher tiers in the Archive he needed to increase his ranking in the village, and the easiest way to show you are worth the increased position was to take care of a bounty.

So Crom went looking through the various contracts that were out and happened upon one that spoke of a criminal that was going around vandalizing the local cemetery. A disrespectful act towards people who couldn’t even defend themselves. It was time for Crom to get ready for undertaking the mission.

So that’s what Crom did he verified with the personnel that he was undertaking the contract and began to prepare himself for the fight. He hoped he could end the fight quickly and without much issue but there was no reason he should leave it up to chance. So he went over his equipment, making sure he wore his Light weight bodysuit for protection as it covered him from neck to toe in a dark black, he attached his black steel tanto to his right thigh for easy of access and use while putting his two item pouches on either side of his lower back.

When he was sure he had his gear in the right place Crom made his way to the supposed area of the target, when he was getting close to the area he made sure to activate Chakra Supression to lower his chakra signature to avoid early detection, and was already sensing out to 20 meters of any heat/energy sources around him thanks to his Yuki passive sonar. Crom wasn’t trying to get noticed or spotted before he could get eyes on the target. He was now waiting in hiding with line of sight of most of the cemetery that had been the main target of the vandal.

[Crom is currently using Chakra suppression and utilizing the passive ability "Frostborn" that Yuki's possess, which allows a passive sensing of any heat/energy source within range. Since Crom has Sensory this range is 20 meters]

WC: 373

Crom's Stuff:

Last edited by Crom Tokage on Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC)
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Vandals Empty Re: Vandals

Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:40 pm
Your Opponent:

"Good grief, good fucking grief..." 

Muttering - exclaiming in a voice brimming with irritation, Shinra Yuki was the furthest from pleased. After vandalizing a cemetery in the prosperous land of Hoshigakure no Sato as part of his contract mission, he soon realized that he had spent far too long destroying the graves of the deceased and that he was running late for his escape route to function. Shit. A single thought filled with irritation and slight panic would erupt from the vestiges of his once placid mind. Shinra was a man used to pressure, well, it was pretty much a given as he was a Missing Ninja whose main source of income was performing contract missions and the dirty work that no one else wanted to do. Extinguishing undesirables, political and familial rivals was usually his job - so he was overjoyed that his mission this time was simply vandalizing then destroying the graves of people within the cemetery of this village. It was a very easy task compared to his usual assassination missions; for that very reason, he got carried away and spent too much time enjoying the destruction he wreaked on the cemetery...and now, his escape route was gone. His contractor informed him with a Telepathy Seal just at this moment that shinobi were blockading most exits from the cemetery, so trying to leave as he intended to was simply a death wish. Well, life wasn't easy. 

Sighing with finality as he shook his head to remove the strands of silver hair that obscured his vision, the Yuki's vermillion eyes began to hawkishly scan the environment that he razed. The cemetery was now reminiscent of a clearing with scattered dilapidated structures that were once graves and tombstones; stretching out to a one-hundred-meter diameter or fifty-meter radius with little to no true obstacle except at the perimeter. Standing at the direct center of such a manmade construction, Shinra had no idea whether someone else was hiding within the cemetery, so he had to assume that the coast was clear. Passively, he had his latent sonar detection so he wasn't running in totally blind; but his main focus was escaping the cemetery through the main exit that was twenty-five meters in front of him. All other exits were closed, so the only way to escape was to cut down anyone foolish enough to test their might against the blade of the Frost Hunter while he absconded from Hoshigakure.

Here goes nothing...

Shinra would dash at rapid speeds (let's say 100 Speed) to the exit and make his way out of the village since his job was done, making sure to react accordingly to anything that could potentially hinder his escape.

WC: 448

AP + Stats:
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Vandals Empty Re: Vandals

Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:29 am
Crom saw his target before he sensed his target with his passive sonar. The person he saw matched the description that had been given in the briefing, white haired pale male carrying two weapons on his hips. The target had been out in the open not trying to hide his presence, Crom began to move towards the main exit of the cemetery as it had been the only exit available for his target he was currently 20 meters from it and getting closer. Though something seemed to spark this same thought in his target as they started to run towards the main gate, if Crom hadn’t already been nearby he would have missed his target due to their speed.
Thinking quickly Crom began to form his handsigns with one hand when he was within of 10 meters of the exit Bird-Hare-Horse-Monkey-Ox-Hare activating the Jutsu Hakudatsu which caused his Chakra Suppression to stop while Mist began to form around Crom in a 30 meter from side to side attempting to cover the whole of the exit. Should his target enter the Mist their sense of hearing and touch will be effected. With his other hand at the same time Crom had been forming the handsigns Snake-Hare-Boar-Ox-Tiger and finished it with the Seal of Confrontation and started to blow bubbles out of his mouth. As long as he wasn’t interrupted these 15 bubbles would form a 15 meter perimeter around Crom at Jutsu speed.

WC: 242
TWC: 615

Techs Used:

Last edited by Crom Tokage on Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC and TWC)
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Vandals Empty Re: Vandals

Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:46 pm
In the midst of his dash, the absconding shinobi saw a figure that was getting more discernable and discernable. It seemed that he was blocking the main gate exit that Shinra was trying to run straight through. Upon closer glance, the figure seemed to be a rather tall man with the same hair color as the Missing Ninja with a mysterious appearance. He could be just a run-of-the-mill pedestrian caught up in the chaos occurring, but if it was just a normal citizen...why didn't he start running away the moment he noticed the Missing Ninja? Hell, if Shinra was in the man's position - he'd be using the secret Yuki technique of NIGERUNDAYO if some shady guy with a shinobi uniform, black gloves, a black-white mask, and two weapons on his sides was running right at him. At this point, the Yuki was about twenty meters away from the exit the moment he spotted the silver-haired man, so he'd give him some time to run away - if he didn't, then he'd just cut him down. 

And he didn't move, for god's sake.

As Shinra reached ten meters away from the exit, the white-haired man blocking it would begin to form handseals. So you are a shinobi...I was about to feel a little guilty there.  Smirking, the Yuki would begin to form his set of handseals as well the moment he saw the man beginning to form his at a faster rate, four with his hands to mold a jutsu, and three via whistling to mold another. Suddenly, the Yuki's Kisatsutai Uniform including the gloves and mask would glow a swirling blue, enhanced by the power of Water Release for increased defense. At that moment as well, a mist of sorts would begin to spread out from the white-haired man's body as bubbles spread out from his mouth all at the same time. Using his left hand to unsheath his Heaven Sorrow Ninjato stationed on his right hip and angling it before himself in a continuous piercing stance with both hands, the blade would shine a wispy green - the shifting edges of the aura resembling overlapping feathers of a hawk. Unrelenting in his assault, Shinra persisted in rushing towards the man - the blade piercing through the mist and dispersing it once they clashed. Should the white-haired man attempt to explode the bubbles he created, then it wouldn't stop Shinra in the slightest as his armor would simply block the explosive damage as he'd continue on to cut him down.

Should the Yuki reach within three meters of the man undaunted in his dash, the man would find himself surrounded by not one, not two, not three, but ten Shinras all encircling him within three meters. They all possessed the same stance and appearance as the original, all blades faced and synchronized in a thrusting motion towards Crom. "Die." They all spoke in unison, continuing their thrusting motion - all aimed at Crom's abdominal area, with only Shinra's blade being the physical one but that was unbeknownst to the target. Should the Yuki brethren not react properly, then he would be in quite the compromising position with a sword embedded in his stomach.

WC: 529
TWC: 976

Stats + AP:
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Vandals Empty Re: Vandals

Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:23 am
Somedays go by and Crom wondered what he would be doing that day. It was a slight break in a moment of life or death train of thoughts, but it was there right when he watched his target blow away his mist with some form of Bukijutsu involving Wind. With one of his forms of effecting his opponents sense of touch and hearing gone it was time he bumped up his course of actions. No reason to hold back anymore, though that was simply due to hoping it would be an easy fight a mistake people tend to make from time to time in their first fights of importance.

When the mist was blown away Crom would Activate his Yuki Enhancer Boreas Winter which caused another form of mist to exclude from him raising his Vigor from 150 to 230 and his speed from 40 to 120. He was now much closer to the speed of his target though only slightly slower but it was much closer then it was in the beginning of the fight. His innate sonar told him that more versions of his target suddenly appeared from thin air, Crom off the bat didn’t know if they were actual clones or an illusion and decided he wouldn’t bother with them individually and would deal with all threats at once. With one hand he formed the handseals for Chilling Advance Dog-Rat-Boar-Ram causing ice to form beneath Crom and spread out in a 10 meter circle with him at the center at a speed and power of 130.
His target was just in that range so he should find his his footing and speed diminished by -30. With his other hand at the same time of forming the handsigns for Chilling advance Crom had also been doing the handsigns for Great Vortex Technique, Tiger-Ox-Monkey-Rabbit-Ram-Dragon. As long as he wasn’t interrupted Crom would begin to spew a large cyclone of water from his mouth which would form first as a simple stream and rapidly grow into a large vortex that covers a 20 meter in height and width by the time it had reached 1 meter from Crom at a speed and power of 145 directly aimed in front of him of original Target ignoring the others that had appeared recently. Should his target be hit by the water he will be pushed back to the maximum range of 50 meters should they miss any of the gravestones behind them. 

WC: 410
TWC: 1025

Techs and Stats:

Last edited by Crom Tokage on Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC and TWC)
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Vandals Empty Re: Vandals

Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:38 pm
Crom’s Great Vortex hits Shinra squarely dealing 145 to both him and his armor destroying it in one go, then pushing him backwards slamming him into the nearby tombstones dealing another 134 damage (72 from the 145 Jutsu speed from great vortex + 62 from the tombstone health of 125) Killing him on impact. Crom takes the body and any extra things to the needed authorities to turn in proof of his completion of the mission.
[Claiming hit for both Great Vortex and slamming Shinra into Tombstone for 239 dmg killing Shinra.]
WC: 76
TWC: 1101

Claiming 4000 Ryo and 20 AP and D-rank Bounty for Mission completion
Using 1000 wc towards Water release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave A-rank 1500/2500 > 2500/2500
Discarding remainder of WC
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Vandals Empty Re: Vandals

Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:12 am
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