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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Tue May 24, 2022 3:21 pm
The One That Got Away:

The 11th Raikage:

The trek would be a couple hours still, time that could be better spent working, Rei would say. Yet, the Raikage had other plans, and a mission which he perceived as needing his personal attention. Between the two brutal slabs of stone that were the Gates of the Kumogakure, the redhead awaited the one he had personally requested to accompany him on this mission. Beyond him, the vast semicircular plaza that allowed newcomers to rest and get their documents in order before entering. Beyond that, the bridge, which circled an outer range to allow entrance through the gap in the peaks that allowed entrance to the village that hid in the clouds. Noboru took a deep breath; the air was fresh, the mountain ensured it. Memories from his childhood flooded his vision, the sounds and smells playing along to make him feel nostalgic for a different age. The world he was born into no longer existed. Now, he shaped reality to the best of his ability.

Clad in his Darkened Skies armor, with the gourd of sake on his belt, the Raikage stood as a shadow against the twilight. The characteristic clothing of the Raikage left behind; instead, the only identification he had as a ninja of the Kumogakure was a custom made eyepatch that matched his other one, covering from the top of his forehead down to the cheek and jaw, but with the symbol of the Cloud etched in white. A soft wind blew. He bid his time.
WC: 250
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Tue May 24, 2022 3:56 pm
The Dragon Slayer:

Walking through the twisting and winding slopes along the mountainside was quite the hike. Both physically and also visually. While it took about an hour or two to eventually get to the destination, the views were stunning. It allowed for an easy relaxation moment of gathering thoughts and preparing for what lied ahead on this rocky road. During this walk, while it was uneventful, Hiroki Shimada got to see the true side of his amazing country. The grit given by the rugged range of rocks shooting from the ground until they breached the sky itself. While most of it was gray and muggy due to a storm which occurred a few days, there were some dots of color from the few trees which littered throughout the surrounding cliffs. The numbers of them low, but still with just those few it was enough to add that necessary pop of something bright to contrast against the neutrals.

Adorned in the red ronin robes which he had taken an accustom to wearing on missions, eventually, the teen who was invited by the Lord Raikage, reached a plateau area which formed one of the many gates into the lands beyond. There, standing amongst the few people gathered around that was just distinguishable enough from the others to the point of somewhat recognition, was the man, the myth, the legend. Nobo. Over the last few months, a lot of effort was put in by Roki to make his way up through the ranks of the village. Apparently, these things clearly caught the attention of the kage, being invited to join on this hunt personally. About a meter away, the younger lad would stop, his voice being carried along the wind ”Shall we get this started?”

WC: 290
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:20 pm

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  A-nne

“Dinner’s ready!” The soft voice of a woman could now be heard calling out from an open doorway which rested underneath the makeshift wooden awning of a modest, farm home. The woman now breached the doorway and made her way down the porch stairs, carefully stepping over a toy that had been long forgotten by her youngest child, Elias Jr, who now a days, had preferred to frolic in the fields until dusk with his older sister, Mary, pretending they were both great Kumogakure shinobi. The two took turns reenacting stories that their father had told them from the days when he was a shinobi. The woman leaned down and picked up the toy, examining it for a moment, her eyes misty. She reminisced of the days when her children were little and afraid to leave their mother’s side. Those days had long passed, and it was now difficult to convince her children to spend much time with her at all.

She placed the toy back on the porch so no one would trip over it when coming in for supper, and when no one came, she departed from the porch once more, now being fully enveloped by the sun’s soft orange, waning light. Now illuminated, the woman was beautiful. She had long black hair and was wearing a pink pastel shirt with a white apron secured around her body which bore stains from the meal she had just finished preparing. “C’mon in or else supper will get cold!” She commanded in an affirmative voice that only a mother could produce. In the distance she watched as three small heads began bobbling towards her in the horizon. Her children arrived first, and she didn’t give them a chance to run into the house without receiving a brief scolding. “What did I tell you two about staying out too late? Also, Eli, stop leaving your toys around, someone could get hurt. Now go wash up for supper.” She kissed both children on the head and off they went. Next to arrive was her husband, Elias. “You look a mess, I hope the children weren’t bothering you too much while you worked, I’ve been telling them to leave you alone, but they can’t help it. You’re their hero.” A smile appeared across the dirt caked face of the man and there was a twinkle of admiration in his eyes as they fell upon his wife. “You’re the real hero honey.”, then he leaned in and kissed her. “Let me finish up out here and I will be right in.” The two kissed again and then his wife went inside, the door closing behind her, and Elias could hear her now beckoning for their children to finish washing up and to come help set the table. He staired at the door for a minute, thinking of how lucky he was to have been granted another opportunity at life. His days of murdering for the village were over and he was now at peace.

WC: 500
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:00 am
At one point in the bridge, they got out through one of the access routes and down one of the mountains that surrounded the village. As the duo walked through the mountain paths, they mostly kept silent, as the redhead was not one to engage in small talk. However, through one of the paths, some distance still from their destination, the man spoke. “Our target is one named Elias Uchiha, a high profile Kumogakure jonin, possibly part of the ANBU of his time. He is an extremely dangerous individual, and not to be taken lightly in combat. Even if he has been out of the game in years, we can’t be certain that he is just as sharp as he ever was. Be on your toes at all times. If you have a killing window, take it. Do not take this man lightly.”

The path through the mountain was quiet, peaceful, even. The beaten earth paths, surrounded by growth and bushes, with trees on either side and a plethora of critters and birds to be heard, soothed the spirit of the perturbed Raikage. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a clearing, wide enough to allow for some bonfire celebration if one was so inclined. Did people still gather around bonfires? Did they celebrate anything? What sort of world was he creating?

Within a dozen minutes of sighting the clearing, Noboru walked up to a cottage, out of the way of the rest of the village in this place, coming off the beaten path between trees. There was a sound of a door closing, and in the distance, just at the edge of perception, the sound of children inside the house. Noboru’s eyes rested on the man at the door, someone whom he had worked with in the past. A smile curled his weary lips, as he walked closer, and within talking distance of the man. “Greetings, Elias. It has been a long time, my friend.”

Surely, the man would know what this was about. Noboru was clad in his armor, the eyepatch bore the Kumogakure symbol, the weapon pouches heavy with gear, and the younger ninja next to him in similar preparations. “I saw a clearing not too far from here. Why don’t we talk there? Catch up?” Noboru’s relaxed demeanor was, of course, a lie. Any ninja worth their salt knew to keep their body relaxed. Suppleness is the quality of life. Rigidity is the quality of death. Noboru observed with his dark eye his white haired old friend.

WC: 422
TWC: 672
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:24 pm
As the two were walking, the silence between them practically deafening but without feelings of it being awkward. To simply put it, that’s all it was. No chit chat. There was no real reason or rhyme behind it. No silent treatment type of thing, no well what is there to talk about anyways. Just some plain old quiet time. It was rather relaxing and enjoyable too, so there wasn’t any hard feelings about it. But, upon hearing when the Lord 11th speak up and mention briefly about who their target was and how to handle him, there was an intent behind listening to it well. A kill shot was allowed so there was no need to worry in regards to a misplaced one occurring. Another thing of note was taken in particular; the surname Uchiha. Great…this’ll be just fine…Somewhat reluctantly nodding in agreement because of this factoid, Hiroki would chime in ”Understood, Lord Raikage. Any known strengths or weaknesses by any chance?” While the question would most likely not have a definitive answer, any potential one no matter how small it was would be good intel.

Upon nearing their destination, the newly promoted Chunin would take in the sights of a grove they had come across. A ring of trees, approximately 45 meters from one end of it to the other circled around. Other small shrubbery could be seen dotting along the circumference of it, with the inside of the actual circle itself being completely clear of anything of the sorts with the sole exception of the grass turning the landscape from the neutrals shades of the mountainsides, to the green tones of a nearby small wooded area. If a fight were to break out here, unless either party would make a retreat into the woods, it would be somewhat smaller quarters for a skirmish.

After a short amount of time, they would then come across a cabin in the outskirts of the woods. Within the field of view of Hiroki Shimada, a man was seen standing right at the precipice of the home. This man was presumably the man they were after. Judging from how Nobo spoke, it would also seem like the two had a previous history. The salt and peppered haired teen would let the kage take control of this situation first, seeing as some talking might occur before they were to actually start engaging in combat. Standing at the right hand side of the redhead, dawned in red ronin robes, the Shimada brother would stand there quietly, awaiting for a response from the guy named Elias.

WC: 430
TWC: 720
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:46 pm
Elias had been in the process of returning his farming tools after a hard day’s work, to a small wooden shed near his home when the presence of two individuals breaking through the threshold of the forest which surrounded his farm, caught his attention. Elias placed his warn shovel back into the shed and closed it shut, not taking his eyes off the duo as they grew closer. As they neared, Elias was able to make out what each of the individuals was wearing and knew right away that these were not common folk which inhabited the small community that he had built his new life within. No- these were hardened, battle trained shinobi most likely from the village he had once risked everything for. A chill traveled down Elia’s spine and a feeling of dread set in. Not for himself, but for the safety of his family. His family had known that Elias had been a shinobi earlier in his life but did not know the full extent of his past. Elias had met his wife in the same community he now belonged to, therefor her only knowledge of Elia’s past as a shinobi was limited to what he had chosen to disclose to her and his children. They did not know that he was a traitor, a deserter, they thought he had simply retired to a simpler life and only knew Elias as the man he was now, a hardworking, affectionate, and respectable father and husband- not as the cold-blooded killer he was before. In fact, it had once been his job to hunt down traitors and deliver the final blow- showing no mercy. Elia’s worst fear was now coming to fruition and the demons of his past were now standing before him ready to pass judgement.
The two men had now fully arrived and upon arrival, a familiar voice rang through Elias’ head, resurrecting old memories of when he had fought along side Noboru Kaito when he was a Jounin. “Hello old friend, have you stopped by for tea?” Elias would say. Despite the irony in his statement, his voice remained very serious, knowing very well that they were not here to catch-up or reminisce. Moments later, Elias’ front door would open, and his wife would poke her head out, wondering what was taking Elias so long to join them. She had been prepared to pull her husband inside with a few choice, but loving words, when her intentions were cut short by the appearance of two strange men. Elias turned to her and said, “Some old friends Honey, you all start eating without me, I’ll return soon, we’re going to catch up.” Although Elias’ demeanor did not seem threatened, his wife knew something was wrong, but choose to listen to her husbands’ words as he had never steered her wrong before. Reluctantly, she would close the door, but before doing so, she would say “Alright, don’t be gone too long.” She would say, taking one last look at her husband before closing the door once more.
“Alright then, just not near my home.” Elias would say coldly, agreeing to Noboru’s terms. Elias had not yet known the extent of their surprise visit and there was still a possibility of resolving the issue without loss of life, but if he was backed into a corner, he would have no choice but to fight for his freedom and the protection of the life he had built for himself and his family. Elias would follow Noboru and his accompanied party towards the horizon of the field he had been plowing earlier in the day, which would take them far enough from his home so that if a battle were to ensue, they would be unaware of the result. “So what brings you two to my fine estate today?” Elias would say rhetorically, knowing full well they had come to close loose ends. It wasn’t in a shinobi village’s best interests to allow their senior operatives to desert freely, taking with them their extensive knowledge and secretes of the village they fought for. Maybe they would see that Elias had changed and was not a threat to the well being of the village and that his only intention in life was now raising his family and dying peacefully in the small home that he had built, surrounded by the fields he had cultivated.
WC: 733
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:55 pm
Noboru replied to the ninja beside him as they trekked to the best of his ability. Truth was, given Elias ranking, a lot of his file had been redacted, and even at his clearance level, not a lot could’ve been given out. “Our target is an Uchiha, so that alone should give you pause. Avoid eye contact, but don’t lose sight of your target.” As a holder of the crimson orb, Noboru knew very well the dangers of it. “He should have a few ocular based abilities that you do not want to mess with. Aside from that, he was a master manipulator of space and time, capable of controlling the battleground and even his opponents to frustrate their plans and end their lives. Be careful.”

Already at Elias, Noboru felt the tension as he approached, as Elias’ weary sight tried to figure out who it was approaching his abode in combat garbs, how he held the shovel in his hand with the hesitation that relaxed violence allows, only to realize who the redhead was. In times past, Elias’ golden mane had been a talking point for many wooed ladies, today, the gray hair brought him some gravitas, beaming experience and wisdom. The offer of tea rang hollow in Noboru’s ears, and certainly it was not a serious offer on Elias’ part; as someone who would often be appointed to hunt down former comrades, it would be amiss that he didn’t realize immediately what was happening. It was confirmed soon, as a lass came to the door of the abode, and Noboru looked at her from the corner of his one eye for what she might do. Elias spoke to her with confidence, yet the lass was not a dullard, and seemed to have caught on to what was happening. The redhead made a note of returning here within the day to inform her of what had transpired, should he have the opportunity.

Elias coldly agreed to take the discussion somewhere else. The three walked past trees and fields, along beaten roads, to where their talk wouldn’t alert anyone. The plowed fields were peaceful, and brought a sense of nostalgia to Noboru, who grew up until his early teens working the small farmhouse of his parents. As they walked, the redhead made sure to always keep Elias within his field of vision, always searching for any indicator of anything not within the expected. When he asked what had brought the duo, he chuckled. “We came to see what you were planting, and make sure you’re paying your taxes, if that’s what you want to hear.” Nobo would glance at Elias with a smirk on his face, hoping the man hadn’t lost his sense of humor. “Whatever happens though… yours won’t lack or want. They’ll be taken care of.”

By the time they reached the clearing, twilight sprinkled the area in a mystical shroud of wonder. No source of light to be seen yet, as stars and moon awaited their turn to shine, and yet the sky still refracted some of the Sun’s light across the atmosphere. The trees, as though they were pitch black, allowed the grass to appear a dark green. At ten meters into the clearing, Noboru turned to face the Uchiha, his black iris never having allowed him to drift away out of sight or do anything he couldn’t react to in time. “Elias Uchiha, for the crime of desertion as a high ranking ninja of the Kumogakure, I hereby sentence you to death. Do you have any last words?”

WC: 593
TWC: 1265

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Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:27 pm
Nodding in agreement, it sounded like their mark would provide quite the challenge. While it certainly may not have been the worst opponent to face in combat, judging from how Nobo was speaking the man would still go down swinging. ”My arsenal may not be superb against him, but with these in mind I’ll make do.” Hiroki would say as a response to what the Raikage had mentioned about Elias. It slightly brought back memories of the last man in which he slew, the Dragon of the Ravine. They too, were an Uchiha, and the Dragon Slayer had managed to avoid too much difficulty there. But, still didn’t mean Roki could be getting comfortable, that’s for sure.

With arms crossed, the Chunin would simply watch over the initial reaction between the two men. Things would at least start calm. Luckily enough, the events that were about to unfold didn’t have to take place in front of the former Jounin’s family. Hiroki knew basically above all others, even if it was just the wife that he was currently living with, no one deserved to witness the death of a loved one regardless of their past. Eyes scanning back and forth between the two, there wasn’t a word to be said by the 18 year old. Just calmly watching as few words would be exchanged before the lot would then head off to take care of business.

Walking through past, the twilight sky beginning to approach within the distance, they would pass by the gorgeous countryside. A shadow was being casted onto the land as the sun’s light was beginning to fade. Words couldn’t describe the whimsiness of the many cycles within nature. From the comings and goings of the celestials bodies above, to the changings of the seasons right here upon the earth. The magic of it all could hardly be described as simply gorgeous or beautiful. Everything about it all was almost surreal; something that would make someone think they were just endlessly dreaming peacefully. On the other hand, Roki knew this was all just the calm before the storm. As sure as the tides wash upon the shore, things were soon about to take a turn. Though for now, the mood would remain somewhat light and easy as a smirk was given to the ginger’s joke on the way there.

When they would all get there, the Shimadan would follow Nobo, standing next to him on the right. Coming to a quick halt, he too would turn to face the missing shinobi. All that would happen next was another simple phrase added after the Lord 11th’s remark, ”This doesn’t have to be hard for any of us here…but I suspect things won’t work out that way.”

WC: 457
TWC: 1177
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:36 am
Elias remained mostly silent as the trio traveled towards their final destination. He had lost his humor long ago and saved any remaining wittiness for when trying to seduce his wife. He only once spoke during their brief walk to say, “Is that right?” in response to Noboru's remark that Elias’ family would be taken care of in the case he didn't make it back to them. Noboru Kaito, an old friend turned Kage and now executioner, was many things, but a liar he was not. it did provide some relief to Elias to know that his family may be taken care of if he couldn't win this unlikely two vs one, but besides the unfair advantage, Elias was thankful. If this truly was his last day on this Earth, at least the Kage had been kind enough to provide him with a true warrior's death. This old farmer was ready for a battle.
In the wake of the suns remaining light, they would finally arrive at a clearing that would serve as the stage for their final battle. The clearing was 100M in radius which consisted of a flat field void of any trees or obstacles other than the dense forest which bordered the perimeter of the clearing. Elias paused after reaching 5m into the clearing, creating 5m of distance between himself and the two Kumogakure shinobi. Noboru Kaito would read to Elias his verdict and upon completion, Elias would blink and activate his Mangekyou Sharingan in both eyes, along with his Perfected Sharingan enhancer. Both shinobi before him would then find that they were both unable to move their bodies at all. Elias remained still and staired at his opponents with his crimson eyes, waiting to see how his opponents would deal with this first, draining challenge.

AP: 1500 - 112 = 1388

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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?  Empty Re: Where'd you go, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:02 am
There would be no last words from the ninja, aside from what Noboru surmised as a relieved rhetorical question regarding the security of his family. Instead, the Uchiha closed his eyes, and as he opened them, a sense of dread washed over the redhead. His entire skin and musculature tingled, and he knew his chakra network was under the influence of a Genjutsu thanks to the Hiyu cellular training he had undergone. It would be a challenge, but the redhead allowed the fear to course around him, as tide and undertow, before mustering his own chakra to dispel the effect, showing no sign of the operation so as to not alert the mark.

A costly operation for one whose chakra network was not as strong as others, it wouldn’t deter the redhead; his intention was to give Elias a worthy death, the unlikely odds the best sign of respect he could offer the man, and hopefully one which would bring Raijin and Fuijin down from the heavens to witness and remember. As soon as the technique was lifted, the next split second would look as if a blur; a hidden Byakugan would offer Noboru complete unimpeded oversight over the surrounding field, as a quick jerk of his left leg – as if he stumbled inebriated –  would send out a brutal shockwave centered around his left foot, while at the same time, he enabled the Unity Seal on his body so that as the shockwave approached Hiroki, it would ripple around him instead of sweeping him off his feet.

The brutal shockwave would devour the five meter distance in a heartbeat, but that was only one of the issues. Having enabled his own Mangekyou Sharingan as soon as his foot touched the floor, his left hand brushed the cork off the sake gourd to his side, and as he flicked the bottle with his fingers wrapping around the throat of the gourd in clockwise motion from perpendicular to the ground towards an horizontal inclination, a fiery blade would ignite in front of Noboru and away from his own body from the mouth of the gourd at a forty-five degree angle, brightening the field as the blade erupted and swung down on the Uchiha under the vigilance of the redhead's own tracing Sharingan, its own speed superior to the shockwave the spread underneath the trio, aimed at splitting the Uchiha from shoulder to groin.
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