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Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty The Passion of the Antichrist

Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:05 am
Mission Info:

 "In the face of deception and flames set ablaze by the hands of the heretic, gather the strength of fatal conviction and confront the uninitiated that threatens to consume. With unwavering faith in the true God, stand firm in the pursuit of truth, justice, and restoration, and let the righteous fire of death extinguish the sinful flames of deceit. Amen."

Jupiter clutched his chain as he finished reciting his prayer. The voice that came to him from within his bones spoke the words of prayer loud and clear. They were once whispers in his head, but had since grown much louder after he set foot in Yugakure no Sato after more than a decade. He had come to make a pilgrimage but it would not be long before he felt a disturbance in the force. In his mind's eye he had seen visions of a man with a crucifix who strongly detested the way of Jashin and had made it his ambition to burn churches, temples, and mosques that were built to honor his name. Whether the man had denounced his faith or if he had come to the holy Mecca for the sole purpose of burning it down was of no importance. Burning Jashinists was fine. It was the way of life, the way of death for many ascetics who followed the creed. However, burning Jashinist idols and places of worship in the holy village was truly heretic.

The voices in his head guided him in the direction of smoke that thickened. He was in a trance, only made aware of his footsteps one after the other as they treaded in the gravel. He was a vessel for the will of a higher being, whether it be his own delusions or the man down below. Soon, he was stood before a burning monastery. There were no monks in sight, and no corpses, only burning idols and other inorganic matter. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. This sin was atrocious, inexcusable.

"Come out, pussy! Try burning a real Jashinist!"


WC: 338

Battle Info:
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 122000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:37 pm
Sakaiza's Stats:

Momo's Stats:
The Shinkou, clad in his Icebound Infantry Shell, reflected on his arrival at Yugakure after a successful journey from Hyogagakure to the Land of Hotsprings. He had traveled by air, thanks to Momo's size flight. However, he was surprised when he reached Yugakure. Unlike the grand villages he had seen from a distance, Yugakure appeared in disarray, lacking any guards at the gates. It seemed to be nothing more than a remnant of what a true village should be, with only wildlife, vagrants, and disorganized citizens. The insignia on the gates, which read "Yugakure," meant little to the swordsman. And since he had been undeterred, he and Momo found themselves firmly grounded in the Market Center of the village.

The streets were clear, save for the 5 meter tall buildings on both sides of the 5 meter wide street. The street itself led directly from the market center and to the East. Interestingly and far off (20 meters) down from the Eastern path's connection to the market center, Sakaiza could see smoggy plumes of smoke being carried from a Southern facing building (5 meter width x 5 meter length x 10 meter height) set ablaze. Although on fire, it seemed well contained to the confines of the building itself. But the smoke danced into the well lit, morning sky which would otherwise be only slightly obscured by the few overhanging clouds. From them though, the exalted rays of the sun cast down upon a single burning building, which upon observation seemed to be a place of worship. Adjacent to the building were smaller ones, which appeared to already been burned to rubble with their flames subsided.

Sakaiza would observe with caution, his Meigan scanning the field while he stood in the middle of the 5 meter wide street in the Market Center. Momo would be calmly perched on Sakaiza's left shoulder, actively using his scent and audio based sensory to survey the immediate area the duo stood within; along with Sakaiza's own sensory, they both detected no one nearby. Though resting on Sakaiza, the lemur was keen to avoid obstructing Sakaiza's own natural senses. All the while Sakaiza kept his left hand free and open, while his right hand was positioned firmly on the grip of his Chakra Singing Blade. This blade was sheathed and on his left hip just above the condensed, sheathed Bashosen, yet both of these weapons were securely fastened to the swordsman and his armor. The tails of his armor's cloak softly blew in the wind as Sakaiza stood in the street, 20 meters from the burning building. From this distance, he could see and hear a man shouting profanities at the church. The man was 5 meters across from the entrance to the building, placing him on the southern side of the sidewalk. He seemed to be demanding for whoever set the building ablaze to come out and face him. "Interesting" Sakaiza thought to himself and Momo. "Perhaps we should get involved."

WC = 497

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:01 pm
“And through the fire, all blessings will rise and the ashes will bring forth pure and prosperous life.  Such is the way of the Vatra…Amen.”  The meijin looked up in his cindered hideout.  The flames had ong since gone out as the fires merely smoldered.  The way the man was able to look good enough while in the middle of a disaster zone was due to a “mask” he had created and name he had taken to discredit a strong Meijin shinobi from a village far from where he was.

The missing ninja had already set up traps along the perimeter of his latest magnificent masterpiece…he had burned down a total of 10 temples and holy sites of a peculiar religion.  All for his conviction…he witnessed an even greater power than those filthy Jashin practitioners.  In a circle, he placed three tagged explosives in a five-foot distance to his left/right/front before setting up an even bigger explosive trap three feet in an opposite triangle totaling the expanse of 8 feet in an odd double triangle formation so that no matter who approached…they would not hinder his blessing of the site of sacrifice…five souls were being offered to the Vatra. He would see to it that he vesseled them as he was taught.

With every cardinal direction spoken for while covering the in-betweens, he concluded that all was well.  That was until the words of a “real Jashinist” bellowed out, and with a sigh the Meijin spoke out in answer.  “I am finishing the rights of passage for the heathens that practiced the path of an inferior being.  Be well and I will send you with the next batch, praise Vatra”  He said as at the same time he continued to weave hand seals at his max speed…if there was one foolish enough to yell at him while he was in a sacrificial site…they would probably attack him soon.  He would be ready as Soul Expulsion activated on his body an aura would be seen as the missing-nin prepared to fight.


Soul Expulsion - 40 AP Chakra and Vigor

AP remaining: 

10 Explosion Tags


200 Vigor
150 Chakra
40 Speed
10 Strength

Meijin Missing Ninja:
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:13 pm
But all was not well. Jupiter had been five meters from the doorway of the building that was the heretic's cindered hideout. His rage upon hearing the words of the heretic allowed him to waste no more time in immediately activating Gate of Pain (+70/60 Strength/Speed) and Reckless Amplifier before he touched the back of his middle finger to his thumb at a speed of 250, firmly pressing down on his nail as he pointed his thumb in the direction of the culprit who stood exactly in the middle of the building's interior. The building (10 meters tall, 5 meters long and 5 meters wide) would have a solid ceiling, and no doors or windows except for the one right in front of Jupiter. He used ERF: Shocker Finger with a flick of his finger creating a cylindrical area of effect with a 40 meter diameter. It would lengthen 60 meters towards the culprit at a speed and power of 250, first destroying the wall (125 HP) on which the doorway in front of him was carved.

When and if this area of effect hits the culprit, he would be dealt 250 damage and his cloak would be nullified. The man would also be knocked back along with the expanding cylinder at a speed of 250 and both would hit the wall on the opposite side of the building as well, destroying the second wall (125 HP) with the body of Yami and inflicting impact force on him damage equal to 187. If Jupiter's vision was fully realized, Yami would continue on his path along with his technique for up to a maximum distance of 60 meters from the point of origin of the technique at the Jashinist's finger.

"In the name of our Lord and savior, begone!"

WC: 298
TWC: 636

Battle Info:
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 122000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:19 pm
(Clarifying that Jupiter's Shocker is at 220 speed, not 250. Also clarifying that Jupiter is using B Rank Reckless Amplifier, meaning his amp is +30. Does not affect power calculations though)

From his distant vantage point (middle of the street, 20 meters from the building, placing Yami in the middle of the building so Sakaiza is 20.6 meters from him; Jupiter is 5 meters from the Southern face of the building, so Sakaiza is 20.1 meters from him) Sakaiza's Meigan allowed him to survey the field with caution while he took a step back (1 meter). After Jupiter finished yelling at the perpetrator that stood in the building, there was a response that Sakaiza could only faintly hear from his position. Though he heard all he needed to, and apparently so did Jupiter. Sakaiza could see his chakra within flaring up, clearly in preparation of using a technique. 

In anticipation of the man's response to the threat from the arsonist, Sakaiza looked to prepare himself for combat. With a deep and quick inhale, the Shinkou would draw his Crystal Singing Blade from its sheath with his right hand, raising it parallel to his face (but far enough so that this action and the subsequent ones would not harm himself) while he simultaneously enhanced his own Speed and Chakra by 70 points each (220 Speed, 170 Chakra) by activating his Total Concentration Breathing technique. Clearly, the man down the street was also casting an enhancer at the same time, which Sakaiza inferred was in response to the arsonist inside of the building also using an enhancer. And so it looked like the party was starting. 

Immediately after casting Total Concentration Breathing, Sakaiza used his left hand to perform the five hand seals required for Splashing Carp. Immediately after, Sakaiza activated his Cataclysm technique. Resultantly a sphere of mixed chakra, partly red and white from Cataclysm and partly blue from Splashing Carp chakra would rotate around the blade's immediate vicinity. He'd then raise and point it directly up and into the sky at his own speed of 220, while projecting the blade 30 meters straight up (projection occurs at 140 speed), colliding with nothing in the process even though its amplified power was 210. Sakaiza would maintain this position and watch the field to decide on how to strike. 

The Shocker Finger tech at this point would be 2.5 meters in front of Sakaiza (20 meter radius, consider Jupiter's position of 22.5 meters from Sakaiza), which he could clearly see. Knowing that he was on the side of the man outside the building, rather than the arsonist inside, he'd refrain from using his amplified technique to clash with his friendly's technique. If the force from his partner's technique did indeed clash with the building and destroy both its Southern and Northern walls, then Sakaiza would not intervene. Though if the arsonist inside the building did indeed counter the forceful field from Shocker Finger and resultantly destroy it, then Sakaiza would swiftly swipe his blade from its raised position, downward and towards the building with the intention of cleanly bisecting it. When his blade would reach the base level where the man was inferred to be standing, Sakaiza would slightly move his wrist axially left and right, causing the amplified Cataclysm blade to sweep the building itself. Note that this sweeping motion would not range further than the building's dimensions, leaving Jupiter out of harm's reach. 

Throughout this whole process, Momo remained calm and out of the way from Sakaiza's movements while perched on his left shoulder. 

WC = 595. TWC = 1091
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:32 pm
Seeing that there was no way for this to end with just this sacrifice, the Meijin was ready.  After already activating his soul expulsion he sensed the chakra signatures all firing off and he decided in a split moment it was time to take his leave to a more advantageous position.  A simple whistle of the [RAM] as he chose where to go.  He would use body flicker technique to speed off at a speed of 240 up in a trajectory that would put him at the roof of the next tallest building 75 meters away towards the center of the village.  Was the bastard running or was he planning something even more dangerous?  The attack that would have been set off in the successful range against him would seemingly and hopefully narrowly be dodged as the Meijin copy was setting himself up.  With the explosives at the cinders of the place he was in being rendered inert by distance and then destroyed by the attack of the crazed Jashinist Yami would be seething with rage.

If his retreat was successful he would whistle out his ninjutsu amplifier and then follow it up with the Pheasant Hunter technique as the giant firebird would be seen forming at a speed of 110 with a power/health stat of 120/60 while the speed of the firebird is still at 110.  He would send the bird measuring at a wingspan of 15 meters across with four 14 meter tails screaming at the bastard that attacked him.  If the bird technique looked as if it would move past his radius he would detonate the creature in as populated of an area as he could.  Yami was no longer playing with these fools, but he would cause problems for the entire village if he could.  If detonated it would be at a 120 power, with a spherical blast radius of 20 meters at a speed of 110


TWC: 660
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:54 am
But the heretic's retreat would be anything but successful. He would find himself whistling in the middle of the room, unable to activate his Body Flicker while maintaining Soul Explusion. The shockwave from ERF: Shocker Finger would strike the arsonist immediately dealing physical damage equal to 250. Further, if he should fail to surpass a strength stat of greater than or equal to 250 he would be knocked back at a speed of 220 along with the cylindrical area of effect that expanded up to 60 meters from Jupiter's finger. The Meijin would thus slam into the wall behind him (125 HP) at a speed of 220, suffering further damage equal to 172 as impact force, quickly sending him to meet his maker.


WC: 123
TWC: 759
Battle Info:
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 122000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:42 pm
(OOC: Yami did not use Surface Walking technique, so he could not scale the walls of the building to climb to its ceiling. Additionally, Body Flicker states that it cannot be used when its caster "has any area of effect techniques (auras originating with and following the body, etc.) active." Soul Expulsion refers to itself as an aura and is defined to follow the user. However even if it is ruled that Body Flicker and Soul Expulsion can be used in tandem, Yami would otherwise BF into the wall and receive environmental damage prior to Shocker Finger hitting him)

As Sakaiza continued to hold his blade directly up and to the sky, he'd see visual confirmation of the body of the arsonist flying through the Northern wall of the building he was in. The concussive force from the flick of the Jashinist's finger was deadly, evident by the destruction imparted onto the building and the pyromaniac which it had housed. The Shocker Finger technique had decimated the building, and carried the perpetrator along its path of destruction. There was virtually no chance of survival to him. And so, Sakaiza would cancel his Cataclysm and Splashing Carp techniques. When they were nullified, he'd calmly return his blade to its sheath without coming into contact with the deadly technique that was mere meters in front of him. From the residual blast of displaced wind from the Jashinist's technique, the fur on Momo's body stood up. The lemur would shake it off, unmoved from the wind but equally impressed. 

"Seems like he had it covered. At least we were here in case he didn't."

WC = 172. TWC = 1263

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:48 pm
Well, I am terrible at being a mod


yet again, easy win GGWP!

Have fun with your rank up.
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

The Passion of the Antichrist  Empty Re: The Passion of the Antichrist

Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:35 am
"In the aftermath of the divine sacrifice, as the dust settles upon the debris-laden hill, behold the sight of a solitary samurai standing strong, a guardian in the face of chaotic justice. Upon his shoulder perched an enigmatic snow bat, an ethereal presence entwined in the samurai's destiny. Together, they embody the harmonious dance between strength and mystery, a symbol of resilience amidst wavering faith and adversity, guiding the way towards a path unknown."

Jupiter eased his muscles as he cracked his neck then turned it towards the swordsman and his lemur. The stranger had not moved to oppose the pacifist nor his will, but the gates user cautiously considered the possibility that he may be an accomplice of the fallen heretic. He turned his torso towards the man and began calmly treading towards him. With every heavy footstep, he mindfully vanquished the conflicting thoughts infiltrating his mind that bore contrasting sentiments of both sadist pleasures and empathetic regrets about his most recent sacrifice. It was a necessary killing, and it was the monk's pious duty to remember it as such and nothing more, and nothing less.

"Valiant samurai, as the dust settles and the echoes of chaos fade away, I stand in awe of your indomitable spirit. Your presence on this site of sacrifice, with the enigmatic snow bat perched upon your shoulder, is by your fate, the will of the true God that guides us all. In this moment, I am compelled to acknowledge the respect you have demonstrated by bearing witness to the sacrifice of the heretic."

Jupiter stretched his arms as he continued to recite,

"May the path you tread be illuminated by the unwavering light of courage, as you navigate the uncharted territories that lie ahead. Embrace the whispers of destiny that guide you, for they carry the wisdom of the darkness, offering solace in moments of uncertainty. Brave samurai, know that your unwavering spirit and the presence of this enigmatic snow bat have touched my soul. May your path like mine be filled with revelations, and may you always find your way through the light of courage into the darkness of truth and certainty."

He touched his right shoulder, his left, then his chest and then finally circled around to his forehead before reciting erratically again in tongues in his deeper voice.

"And so the monk spoke to the samurai and his snow bat the words of divine revelations, his mouth moving on its own as he made his thanks to the witness who would attest to his divine sacrifice. He made the gesture of the inverted triangle, a sign of protection and a reminder of the blissful embrace of death. However, he was cautious as he stood his ground, in the off chance that the samurai was a kin of the fallen."

WC: 469
TWC: 1228
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