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Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 22499

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:11 pm
[Coming from this thread]

The Yuki saw a dark world around him. He stood in a dark room of sorts. It was roughly cubically shaped from what he could tell. He stepped forward, but his, strangely, bare feet stepped in something wet. Now that he thought about it, his whole body had no clothing or hair on it anywhere. He bent down and smelled what was wet. It was definitely gasoline. All of a sudden a large burst of light appeared. Yoi, temporarily blinded, took a moment to process it. Around 15 meters in front of him stood Calin. Calin, with his crooked smile, was dressed in his red overcoat with part of his chest bare and exposed. Calin wore a steel belt with a skull on it and wore black pants. Yoi eyes widened in fear as he realized what the light source was. It was his own blade, his own katana. But it was ignited in flames. Yoi felt fear like when he first saw Calin. Yoi saw Calin put the type of the blade into the ground below him, and it lit the gasoline on fire. The flame spread hungrily, licking up gasoline with it’s forked tips. Yoi tried running, but the fire consumed, hungrily eating away at him. His body screamed with pain, but he couldn’t do anything…

...the young Yuki sharply sat up in bed. He stood there, soaked in sweats. He winced in pain as the wound across his abdomen hurt. Yoi was still dressed in his clothes, except for his light blue t-shirt. It had been torn and was now useless. Yoi looked at the bandage covering his chest. Yoi, grimacing, took it off and using the Basic Medical jutsu healed the wound. He left the bandage in the trash bin next to him and got up. It was still slightly sore, but he noticed his recently purchased bodysuit next to him. He slipped into it and went up to the front desk. He made sure he had all his equipment before signing out of the hospital. He made his way to the training grounds. He was in need of someone with Fire Release. He wanted to wield power like that. The Yuki heard how to practice Fire Release, he tried gathering up his chakra in his chest and breathing it out, but all he got was making a strong breath using his Wind Release chakra. If only someone could teach him...

WC: 405
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty Re: A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:26 am
Sai was enjoying a nice day in the leaf , the day seemed to be perfect. The sun was shining and the breeze had a nice refreshing refreshing feel to it. Today he had planned on taking a break from the normal things he would do , and instead find other things in life to appreciate. The only problem with that was that he didn't know where to start. Most of his life was based around being a ninja and doing ninja like things , so when the ob of finding something to do arose he was out of ideas. It frustrated him because he felt as though i made his a less diverse as a person, a trait he was actually proud of. Sai was laying on his roof top looking up at the clouds , hoping an idea would fall out the sky and give him a helping hand. After a couple of moments of waiting , he chuckled to himself actually believing that something might just happen. He then got up from the roof and made his way back inside his home. He was only dressed in basic house clothing , so he thought it would be best to change before going out into the public. 

He quickly got ready and then left his home, he wasent sure what he was about to get himself into but he knew it was going to be fun. As he made his way out the front door of his home , he was hit by the sun that was shining a little more brighter than normal. He took a deep breath and exhaled , feeling as ready as he will every he be he made his way into the village. He wandered around taking the occasional stops here and there , acting more so like a tourist than a person who was actually from the village. He couldnt help but enjoy himself and find alot of different things to get himself into , but there was something calling out to him. Something he couldnt live without , almost like it was apart of him. Sai knew exactly what it was , he was missing his normal training. Feeling as though he had enough fun playing around the village it was time for him to get some training in. Sai made his way to the training grounds , taking a short cut to arrive rather quickly. Upon his arrival he had notice it was another person there. Looking at the person reminded him of Asahi , since they both shared a rather unique scar over their eye. He approached the white hair shinobi with a smile and pleasant attitude, "Hows the training going", Sai said as he size up the boy. He would hope to get some training in if he was lucky.
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 22499

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty Re: A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:31 am
As Yoi practiced gathering up his chakra in his lungs, he heard a voice near him. The Yuki turned to the boy and beside him and said, “Hey Saizou, how’s it going? But the training? Eh, not too good. I’ve been trying to learn Fire Release and I think I’ve figured it out. But if you’ve seen my last attempts, and hopefully you haven’t, you’ll see it’s not much to be proud of.” The Yuki really needed to get the hang of Fire Release. He had seen fliers for the Blood Games, and the Yuki, at first, was uncertain about joining. But he read that killing wasn’t required, and he was all in. The Yuki wanted to get immensely more powerful than the last Chunnin Exams. He knew he had was 3 times as powerful than he had been before the Tea Country, and now he was 2 times as powerful than the beginning of the Chunnin Exams. The Yuki let out an internal laugh, as this didn’t seem like the ninja world. Most of the time you got a little more powerful after a tournament. But in books he had read, characters would become 10 times more powerful after a tournament arc. Welcome to the real world.

Well, anyways the Yuki cheerfully said, “Hey, do you happen to know Fire Release? I’m trying to learn it to get more powerful, and I’m especially interested in that jutsu, Hiding the Ash and Dust. It seems enormously powerful, and I really wanna learn it. Do you happen to know about either of those?”

WC: 262
TWC: 666
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty Re: A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:45 am
Sai was rather surprised that Yoi , a boy who belonged to the Yuki clan wanted to learn fire release. Sai would of thought that they main goal would be to master their ice element , rather tha trying to learn the opposite. It had seemed like it would be a great idea though, since learning fire would have the Yuki prepared for a day if he had to go against a clan member. Sai hoped that it would never come to that but in the ninja world you would be surprise at who would stab you in the back. Since Sai didnt have anything better to do he thought helping the Yuki would be a great way to pass the time, It wasent like Sai had any other plans he wanted to do. He looked at the Yuki with a big smile and said, 

"Sure Buddy , i can help with both. Its to bad that there isnt anything you could teach me'', Sai said. 

He wished there was some way he could learn a cool Ice technique but that wasent possible. Sai would of have to been lucky enough to be born into that clan to have the element, but Sai was satisfied with who he was and wouldnt change it for the world. He started thinking of ways to expain what fire release felt like, it was really important to get the feel of it and be able to control it. 

"Fire release to me is like when your eating some really spice food and you feel this heat build up inside of you , burning and raging to either get release or be cooled down. Hiding in the ash is slightly the same feel only difference is that you compress all that heat into a little piece of coal that forms in your mouth. Once you spit it out BOOM, everyone around you is dead." Sai said endning the last part with a big laugh. He wasent the best at teaching and explaining so he was trying to do his best, but couldnt help but enjoy himself as he do so.
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 22499

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty Re: A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:13 pm
Yoi hoped Saizou wouldn’t be too confused by the Yuki wanting to learn Fire Release. Yoi had heard a few strange comments from people when they learned of his quest. The Yuki had ignored most of them, as he knew he should do what he wanted as a shinobi. The Yuki, listening to Saizou’s explanation, quickly processed the information. The Yuki quickly did what Saizou told him. He imagined the raging heat that some food caused. He channeled it, focused it, and controlled it. He calmed it down until he could absolutely dominate it. The Yuki breathed it outward, a large amount of fire came out of his mouth. The Yuki said, “Wow, this is really cool Saizou, thanks so much!” Yoi realized Saziou had just taught the Yuki a powerful Fire Release technique and a new element. The Yuki said, “Hey do you want me to teach you something in exchange? I can teach you to make handseals with one hand.” 

If Saizou said yes, Yoi would say, “So what you want to do, is you want to focus your chakra. Being able to use handseals with one hand is a mark of precise chakra control. What you want to do is move the chakra in your body, until you push all of it into one hand. This allows you to form seals with one hand, not two. Thanks so much, Saizou.”

The Yuki would then jog off into the distance, satisfied with his training.


WC: 246
TWC: 912

Teaching benefit for Fire Release and Hiding in the Ash and Dust
Putting 179 words to finishing Fire Release (4000/4000)
Putting 438 to finishing A-rank Weapons of Ice (1875/1875) with max stats discount
Putting 295 words to Hiding in the Ash and Dust (295/1250)
Finishing memorization of Saizou's chakra signature
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
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Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty Re: A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:53 pm
Approved for appropriate rewards
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

A Burning Passion (P, NK) Empty Re: A Burning Passion (P, NK)

Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:41 am
Sai was happy that he was able to teach someone something , he had always worried that he would never be able to teach someone anything. He was starting to belive that his luck may actually be turning around , but he wasent going to get to far ahead of himself after only one successful thing. It had surprised Sai that Yoi was able to do one handed handsigns, he had yet to seen something like that up close and for Yoi to want to teach that to him ment alot to Sai. "Of course I do", Sai said. He watched listened carfuly to whatYoi had said. It took him a few attempts but after a while he looked like a natural. Once he was done completing his training with the technique that Yoi had showed him , he left. He was getting pretty hungry from all the talking and training he just did. It didnt look like something hard , but learning how to do jutsu with one hand was more work than he though. He was ready to go home but first he knew he had to go and get something to eat or it was going to be a long night , since his fridge was empty. A mistake he was sure not to ever make in his life.

Trainging benefit for one handed signs 

287 towards One handed Signs (1k/1K) rest is Here , 10+ stats, 739 towards False Darkness

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