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Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Stat Page : [url=-]-/url]
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Longing Love Lost Empty Longing Love Lost

Sat Oct 01, 2022 11:34 pm
Tamotsu had just recently awoken from a long slumber. It was taking him time to adjust to the new world that was around him. As he traveled road that had long since disappeared from the world. He had some sort of way that he had felt, and yet he could not tell if it was something in the air, the feeling of the changes in the world, or the long slumber creeping up on him. Tamotsu strode along the ground effortlessly, and with a grace known to few. His long black hair gently lifted in the wind and kept out of his red orbs. It had been some time since his last feeding, and animals would not cut it at this time. He had yet to see or smell a mortal for him to feast upon since he awoke and wandered around.

That was when his sharp ears heard it, a whisper that carried on the wind. Yet Tamotsu was certain that it was not possible. For this voice sounded like the alluring love he lost just before his long slumber. Tamotsu jerked his head around as if to look for her, and yet saw nothing. He figured it was just his blood starved brain playing tricks on him, he needed to eat soon, or he would be lost into the mindless slaughter of a Ripper. Tamotsu remembered when his father took him once to handle a ripper , it did not end well. However it made Tamotsu wonder, was there any one else of his kind left alive? Or had they all turned to dust since his slumber?

250 wc
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Stat Page : [url=-]-/url]
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Longing Love Lost Empty Re: Longing Love Lost

Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:03 am
Tamotsu had long since lost his strength he had when he awoke, and was now stumbling along the path. Eventually he collapsed along the side of a road that was actually travelled. Rescued by a random travelling merchant. The man was able to get his sense to come too when he could smell blood pulsing in the vein near him. Tamotsu would dart upwards and since the man was right there he would sink his fangs deep into the neck of the man. As he drank long from the man, he listened to the heart beat of the man. Once it slowed, he would stop and pull himself away. Looking deep into the man's eyes he would begin to put him into a hypnotic trance, commanding him to forget. When the man agreed to do so, and in a dream like state. He would wonder back along his way. Leaving Tamotsu several miles away from where he was picked up at.

It was than that Tamotsu heard it yet again, the faint sounds of his long lost lover. This time he could not mistaken her voice, and yet she was no where to be seen. Tamotsu chalked it up to a crazed happen stance due to recently awakening, it was clearly his past trauma trying to torture him. Yet the sound of the voice made his stomach pit, as he ached to see her shining star in his endless night once more. Yet as he felt this way, something tugged at him on the inside, as if this may yet be an eventuality.

250 wc
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 474970

Longing Love Lost Empty Re: Longing Love Lost

Tue May 09, 2023 5:04 pm

Sakaiza had been staking out the scene for quite some time. From the intel he had gathered, the young man learned that there had been a traveling missing ninja who had been terrorizing the roads less traveled. The only reason this complaint had come across Sakaiza's radar was because as he had been traveling since the destruction of Old Sunagakure, he had taken it upon himself to do good for those who needed it. And with that came the request of a group he met in a tavern. They complained that one of their friends had gone missing for some time, and when the body had been found he had two teeth marks buried into his neck and he had experienced significant blood loss. The claim had been unfathomable, one that Sakaiza almost thought sounded like folk lore for awhile. But upon receiving a second testimony similar to that in a different location, the ronin decided to take matters into his own hands.

And so he backtracked the victims' locations, which placed him on a road far off from the tavern sort of in the middle of nowhere. Off in the distance there were mountain ranges, but surrounding the road was nothing more than scattered trees and some wildlife. For the first few days, Sakaiza didn't see anything out of the ordinary. But on the third day of staking the road out, he'd witness a man collapse along the side of the road. Shortly after what appeared to be a merchant would look to rescue the man. Instinctively, Sakaiza would follow the pair. The trek had been long, and extended some miles from where the merchant had picked up the man, but it was worth investigating. Perhaps one of the two of them would discuss the fabled demon haunting the roads, or better yet turn out to be him. But to Sakaiza's surprise, the merchant who rescued the fallen man would suddenly be met with a swift bite upon his neck.

Sakaiza, some 15 meters out and behind the cover of a tree and shrubbery, was astounded as he bore witness to this site. It seemed as if the rumors had been true, and the man before him truly was draining the life from his victims. But ironically, after some time between the man and merchant, the man would stumble off and walk down the pathway of the road. Almost as if he had been spared....maybe because the demon knew he was being tracked? And maybe he wanted to come across as a kind and merciful bandit? Whatever the case was, it had to be a ploy and Sakaiza knew it was his time to strike.

With haste he'd draw his Crystal Singing Blade from his waist, which would quietly sing as it softly rustled against the fabric from his equipped Ronin Robe. The soft sound may had been enough to alert the ears of a trained shinobi, but Sakaiza was confident that it wouldn't matter. When he raised his blade up and pointed it at the torso of the demon. And within an instant, a resounding ray of chakra would form and extend from the blade up to a range of 30 meters. The chakra beam like blade would sing through the air as it was aimed to pinpoint the heart of the unsuspecting blood sucker. And should it make contact, the chakra beam would pierce the flesh of Tamotsu, puncture his heart, and completely obliterate it as it tremendously ripped through his chest. Sakaiza aimed for it to be a stealthy yet effective kill shot. However, he stayed on the ready should the man make any sudden moves.

WC = 610

Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 474970

Longing Love Lost Empty Re: Longing Love Lost

Thu May 11, 2023 5:05 pm
And as he projected, his blade's beam would soar through the air and collide with the torso of the man in magnificent fashion. It'd delve into his heart, rupturing it and leaving the man's body completely lifeless. Ironic, how he had come to this place seeking love yet instead found his heart broken. But Sakaiza had merely been fulfilling the job he was requested of. It was a shame though, he had no clue as to why this man had been orally draining the life of the innocent, but perhaps the reasoning didn't matter? In any case, upon visually seeing the blow land and the man die, Sakaiza would sheath his blade back into its home and proceed to walk towards the corpse. As he approached him, he'd retrieve a corpse storage scroll from his possession, lay it out next to the fallen man, and conduct the necessary requirements to seal the corpse into the scroll. With that, Sakaiza would take his leave and start off in the direction of the tavern which housed the civilians which complained about this threat in the first place. Perhaps they would be pleased.

WC = 190. TWC = 800

- Hit and Kill on Tamotsu Kyuketsuki via Sacred Spear 
- Corpse of Tamotsu Kyuketsuki; Stored in a Corpse Storage Scroll (1 Remaining)
- Possessions of Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
- AP Training: 800 WC / 100 = 8; 8*4 = 32 AP (1155 Total AP)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Longing Love Lost Empty Re: Longing Love Lost

Thu May 11, 2023 8:08 pm
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