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The Familiars & Companions Guide Empty The Familiars & Companions Guide

Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:14 pm
The Familiars & Companions Guide QMa9aCdZMwZphtCv4Go0X9GCkWNsq66z3ICWdBD5pfcVCp0nAXzO8tRsNAek1TaPnVMAOU2jxWfLyQ2_2XcQ-wn6hOfLnDpoLvEGnfRkXIapxRE6FRWY2xHkRevb-jxqrKoYGlAy

The Guide to Familiars & Companions

Guidelines for Inuzuka can be found further down below or if you click the aforementioned link.


Familiars are ordinary creatures that can form special lifelong bonds with players. You can only have one because of the special bond between the player and the familiar form. You can only get another if it's killed by action out of your control. Abandoning or killing your own familiar will cause animals not to trust you and deny you the ability to have another. Here on NRPG, we distinguish between Familiars and Summons and Familiars that anyone can use and clan-specific ones such as Inuzuka. Below you'll find the guidelines for regular Familiars anyone could use.

  • Everyone has a "Familiar Slot," a mechanic similar to a skill (it doesn't count towards skill slots).
  • You must spend 2,000 words finding and bonding with the animal to obtain a familiar.
  • Alternatively, the Beast Tamer Association sells these licenses for characters looking for an animal companion. Thus, it does not require a character to spend 2k wc. The company has subsidiaries in all shinobi villages, major, minor, and settlements. You can place a particular order and request a familiar tailored to you. The Beast Tamer Association knows all the angles and will deliver the animal to you at all costs, specifically for 10,000 ryo, which cannot be discounted or refunded.
  • First, you must create the familiar and claim it on your stat page once approved.
  • The Beast Association is very selective about who they give their precious animals to and will get suspicious if a familiar dies under a character's care. When this happens, you must pay 10,000 ryo extra to purchase a new familiar—a second time 20,000, and there will be no third time. You'd be banned from buying an animal ever again from that point.
  • If your character dies, your familiar will stay near your body, trying to fight off whatever killed you. Should they make it out of the encounter, they can be trained by a close friend or family member of the player for 1,000 words.
  • Familiars must match in size their real-life counterparts. Besides particular clan abilities, familiars can be no smaller than vermin and no bigger than elephants.
  • Familiars have access to regular jutsu, similar to a character. They have five slots for every rank between E-A-rank and no S-rank slots.
  • Familiars have to train this jutsu at standard costs. Maxed stat familiars get access to a 25% training discount.
  • Familiars start and may have one element and one specialty at all times.
  • Instead of skills, familiars possess passive abilities related to their species, such as a fish breathing underwater or flying birds. These abilities are decided upon Familiar creation. They can have three in total.
  • Familiars cannot wield weapons or puppets, learn bukijutsu or puppetry specialty, or techniques of those specs. They can only wear one armor and are treated as if they do not have a weaponry specialty. Once you buy armor for your familiar, it will be retrofitted to match their dimensions.
  • Familiars start with 100 stats. Familiars gain stats at 100 words per stat and have 125 stats in each area, with a 250-stat limit. Word count can be allocated however they see fit (can be split or put towards either of them in its entirety).
  • Familiars receive AP similar to player characters, each point in Vigor giving them 10 Action Points with a limit of 1000 AP from the Vigor stat alone. They can also gain 1000AP from their Bonus AP Pool (missions, training), but no more than that.
  • The familiars can split AP rewards with their owners or claim them all during missions.
  • Any Claws and Fangs on the animal count as if they have 50 durability/health; if broken, they cannot be used for the remaining topic. Furthermore, physical strikes with these claws and fangs follow the sharp weapon formula of Speed/2.
  • The passive telepathic ability that a few races display is limited to the creature being no further than 15 meters away from the user. However, if the familiar or its owner has the sensory specialty, this distance is increased up 35 meters away from the user. Only one creature on the field can be telepathically linked to the user at a time. Telepathy requires a form of catalyst, such as a snake biting the user, communicating with them throughout the topic, and reapplying it the next time they are summoned. The only exception to the catalyst is if the familiar in question has sensory as a specialty.

The Inuzuka Companions

The Familiars & Companions Guide X3bhZz2zejz2ESoA7XiWsh3BPfHkoH6SYOpMy3biuCwf945xeYL02lMH6rLxo2izI457TUOXJzqJJYQMTlNoZozgoDXA9fDIw0Y0Um1OkLgdICdA4cwDWSlptUkGIvi_g-MOiiLr

A clear distinction between Familiars and Companions will be made from here on out. When discussing a Companion, we'll refer to the more advanced familiar of which clans such as the Inuzuka revolve around. These animals can be stronger and, all in all, a far more improved version of a regular familiar. So Instead of a familiar slot, members of these clans get a Companion Slot.

Of course, the most known example of a Companion would be the Inuzuka clan and their canine friends. Although they come to mind first, the following guidelines apply to them and similar families (Hawk clan revolving around bird familiar, for example). The Inuzuka aren't unique but can be considered the balancing point for other companion clans.

  • To obtain a companion, you must create them after your character's approval and then claim them on their stat page. If your character dies, your Companion will stay near your body, trying to fight off whatever killed you. Should they make it out of the encounter, they can be trained by a close friend or family member of the player for 1,000 words.
  • If the Companion dies, the user can receive a new one from their clan's kennels. They will have to spend 2000 words bonding with the new Companion.
  • If their new owner is not part of a Companion-based clan like the Inuzuka, the Companion will have to be overhauled into a familiar standard.
  • Companions must match in size their real-life counterparts. Besides particular clan abilities, they can be no smaller than vermin and no bigger than elephants.
  • Companions have an increased universal jutsu cap from standard familiars.
  • Companions can use regular jutsu similar to characters. This jutsu must be trained at standard word count costs.
  • They have 10 slots for every rank between E-A and 3 S-rank slots. Their master must be C Power rank and above to access the S-rank slots. Maxed stat companions get access to a 25% training discount.
  • Companions give their owners unique skills. This skill is free upon creation and does not take a slot (ex. Inuzuka Scent Tracking).
  • Companions start with one element, one specialty, and may have two elements and two specialties. Similar to a character, they have will have to train the second.
  • Companions can have passive abilities, such as a fish breathing underwater or flying birds. They get a total of 5 passive abilities.
  • Companions cannot wield weapons or puppets, learn bukijutsu or puppetry specialty, or techniques of those specs. They may wear armor or clothing. They can only wear one armor and are treated as if they do not have a weaponry specialty. However, if the Companion's owner has the bukijutsu specialty, their armor will be treated as if the familiars themselves had the specialty. Provided the armor is purchased as such. Once you buy armor for your Companion, it will be retrofitted to match their dimensions.
  • Companions start with 100 stats. They gain stats at 100 words per stat and have up to 150 stats in each area, with a 300 stat limit. Word count can be allocated however they see fit (can be split or put towards either of them in its entirety).
  • Companions receive AP similar to player characters. Each point in Vigor gives them 10 Action Points with a limit of 1000 AP from the Vigor stat alone. They can also gain 1000AP from their Bonus AP Pool (missions, training), but no more than that.
  • During missions, the companions can split or claim AP rewards with their owners.
  • Any Claws and Fangs on the animal count as if they have 100 durability/health; if broken, they cannot be used for the remaining topic. Furthermore, physical strikes with these claws and fangs follow the sharp weapon formula of Speed/2.

Rules of Thumb

The following applies to both familiars and companions
  • They cannot learn:
    --Advanced Elements
    --Village Exclusive techniques, both restricted and unrestricted
    --Jutsu that have a skill as requirements
    --Clan Specialties
    --Certain Special Techniques: Living Clones, Dimension Techniques, Phasing, Ressurection, Teleportation, and Curse Marks.
    --Debuffs and amplifiers beyond A-rank
    --Invisibility techniques above A-rank
    --Enhancers that give above the bare minimum of 50/70 and 2/3 posts duration for A & S-rank, respectively.
    --Clan/bloodline techniques of all kinds. Except for those of the hidden clan, they belong to (Companion only).
  • They cannot wear/use:
    --Augmented Ninja Equipment of all kinds
    --Legendary Equipment
    --Items that regenerate AP/HP
  • Familiars and companions have the same failsafe as characters for techniques that can't be spawned within x meters of their site.
  • They cannot receive or give transplants.
  • They have the same Health threshold as a character.
  • They cannot be used as sacrifices for Resurrection or Six Paths of Pain
  • Curse Marks cannot be placed on them
  • Bijuu cannot be sealed in them, and they cannot seal Bijuu on others
  • They cannot sign a contract with a summon race
  • They do not get access to summon exclusive jutsu
  • They do not have a Power rank or IC rank. And they do not receive passive ryo stipends.
  • Familiars have two slots for pre-placed seals on their bodies, while Companions get three pre-placed slots.
  • They cannot master jutsu in any shape or form.
  • If they do not have hands to perform seals, they must use a specific tell to replace them, specified in the creation apps.
  • They do not count towards a character's alt limit or the character limit per topic.
  • A character can participate in a High Stakes Hunter mission with a Companion or Familiars.
  • You must make a stat page for your familiar or Companion after approval, which you must keep up to date. Furthermore, any topic the familiar participated in will do well to be linked.
  • Familiars and Companions go through AC checks alongside their owner, and topics they have participated in can count towards meeting the required wc quota. If they miss the AC, familiars & companions will not have their stats halved upon reclaim.
  • The player can use banked WC to train stats for their familiar/companion.
  • Familiars and Companions have chakra signatures that can be memorized separately from their owners.
  • NPCs cannot use familiars or companions.
  • They get free genjutsu release and surface walking technique and don't count towards their jutsu cap.
  • Characters, including the owner, cannot teach the companions/familiars jutsu and vice versa.
  • Passive abilities such as flight/burrowing have a universal cap of 50 meters from the elevation/submersion point.
  • Similar to a character, they can change the specialty they started with but never change their elements.
  • They benefit from Chakra Discounts, Reflex Speed, and Passive DR.
  • Techniques exclusive to familiars exist and are to be made and graded in their respective subforum.
  • Their passive abilities cannot be AP/HP regeneration or gathering Nature Stacks for themselves or their owner.
  • A supernatural theme is allowed. However, supernatural qualities in a regular animal, no angels, dragons or 'elementals, or ghosts.
  • Familiars can only learn of their specialty. Companions can learn Jutsu up to C-rank for specialties they don't have, provided they meet the requirements.

Creation Template

Familiar & Companion Creation Template
Familiars & Companion Stat Page Template


The Familiar and Companion Guide, also known as the Familiar Update was made and developed by

Ayato (Discord Tag: Ayato#5093)
Nice Guy Ichi (Discord Tag: Ichigod#9981)

Special Thanks to

The Moderators of NRPG for their feedback, hard work, and collaboration.

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Thanks Guest for reading the Familiar & Companion Guidelines

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