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Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

A Casual Stress Test pt 2 Empty A Casual Stress Test pt 2

Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:26 pm
It was a quiet afternoon, most shinobi had gone home to have dinner with their families and get ready to enjoy the rest of their day relaxing but not Ciel. He didn’t have anyone at home waiting for him to return to and nothing was more depressing than just sitting in the house by yourself all afternoon, so he thought it be a good idea to go out for a stroll around town to see if he could find something to get himself into. He hadn’t taken an afternoon off to just relax and do something spontaneous in a while especially since he had graduated from the academy, every day for him it was training and nothing more. It became to the point where it was like he was obsessed with getting stronger.

As he strolled around the village he started to realize that it was the first time that he had the opportunity to keep the promise he made to himself to try out some of the new food stands that had been put up around the village. He normally wasn’t one to try new food but he couldn’t help but give them a try, it wasn't every day that a new food would come into the village, and once they were gone who knew when the next time they might come back but he couldn't shake the feeling of needing to train. "Fuck it, ill just train for a little bit and then come try some food for sure", he would say to himself as he made his way to the training grounds. Once he arrived he was a tab bit surprised to see how empty it was but that made it better for him, now he could go all out and not have to worry about anyone getting in his way this time.

He would start with some basic warm-ups and stretches before he got into anything serious. After wasting a few moments he decided it would be a little more interesting if he had an opponent to fight against. After a few moments of thinking about who he would call for Zraix had come to mind since the last time they met their spar ended earlier than Ciel had hoped. He would call down his companion Sabestian and tie a note to his leg. "Do your best to find Zraix and let him know ill be here waiting". Ciel would say as the bird took off. This time he got to choose the section of the dojo that would suit him best. He was in a 30x30 section of the grounds that had a small stream that took of 5 meters near the end of the area. He would be waiting in the center of the area , 15 meters from the entrance where Zraix would enter and 10 meters away from the edge of the water.


Stat Page
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Casual Stress Test pt 2 Empty Re: A Casual Stress Test pt 2

Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:10 pm
The sun was just beginning to set on the village as Zraix strolled through the bustling streets of Hoshigakure- he had taken it easy for the day and had been keeping to himself for the most part, enjoying his meals alone and meditating in peace. He would happen upon a small shop as he walked the village streets, noticing a few elderly men playing shogi and laughing loudly about stories from their past- the Hoshimura couldn't help but listen in and smile as he reveled in the comradery the men shared. He wore his Kisatsutai Uniform and within it he had all of his weaponry and other ninja tools stored in case he needed them later on. The silver haired ronin would continue walking through the village until his focus was diverted from the leisurely path he took.

He would look up to see a bird flying in his direction at great speed and it appeared to have a message tied to its leg- "That bird looks familiar.." He thought to himself as he stretched his arm out so that  the bird might land on it. He would carefully detach the message from the leg of the bird and begin reading it and as he did he would be unable to stop the smirk from taking over his expression. "So Ciel is looking for a rematch huh? Just me and him this time around.." He thought as he rolled up the message and nodded to the bird with a signal of understanding.

Zraix was more than happy to accept the challenge of his teammate for the simple fact that a friendly match sounded like it could yield a net gain for the two shinobi- he had been taking it easy as of recent and some combat would do him good. He would make his way to the training grounds where he would find Ciel, standing in the center of their would be arena with a body of water 10 meters behind him and the ronin being exactly 15 meters away from the Hoshimura. "Long time no see Ciel! I got your message. I think a little match would be just the thing I need." He said as he summoned his refined katana from his uniform, gripping it with his right hand and pointing it at Ciel, "Maybe ill have the pleasure of a rematch with that summon of yours too.. we got cut short last time and im sure he feels the same." Standing just 2 meters in from the entrance he would wait for Ciels response or for him to make a move.


WC= 434
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