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Casual Daily Training Empty Casual Daily Training

Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:00 am
Axel grimaces, looking towards the weights above him. Rubbing his arms, he internally debated with himself whether he should go for double his usual amount of sets. Sitting up, he shook the sweat from his long red hair, and stretched, glancing around for some water to keep himself hydrated. Settling on a nearby bottle, he twisted the cap open and surveyed his surroundings. He didn't notice many people around lifting weights, but the expansive training area was well suited for his needs. There was a small battleground a little further off, with courses for running and strength training. Axel had been doing only strength training for the past two weeks. He thought about this as he got ready for squats. Balancing the weights on his shoulders, Axel squatted down and rose back up, counting upwards from one. As he reached ten, he began to count through gritted teeth, feeling heat on his muscles. After reaching twenty, however, Axel grunted and stayed in between up and down for the endurance. After fifteen seconds of this, he gasped and threw the weights on the ground, sitting down and rubbing his legs. Stretching them out on the workout bench, Axel once again let his view wander the training grounds, his vision a bit tunneled from the weights. Looking over to a treadmill, he chuckled. His legs were not in any shape to be running just yet. Stretching his legs, he got an idea. "What if I find a way to... No, that'd be crazy." To imagine that he considered finding a way to accelerate his muscle growth when training to allow him to take more sets... Axel smiled at this idea, a good distraction from his torn legs. Getting on his feet with a wobble, our red haired friend slowly moved over to the dumbells, picking up a twenty-five weight and doing curls while walking around the expansive training ground. Biting into an orange that came out of nowhere, Axel spat it out, tossing it into a trash bin. Switching lifting arms, he looked around for a hut that sold refreshments. He could only get so swole stealing other people's water, and he honestly needed some of his own.
Knocking on a screened hut, he heard clattering before the screen opened, revealing a short and stout man. He was talking faster than Axel could understand, so he put some money on the table and took a bottle of water. Blinking, he closed the screen on the babbling man, and quickly pounded it in a few large gulps. Refilling it with a nearby water fountain, Axel questions why he didn't drink from there in the first place, and went back to sit on the sweat smeared workout bench he had been using for a while. He put back the dumbells, rubbing his biceps. Looking at the smears, Axel casually takes his sweat towel and moves to another, dry bench. He blinks a few times, and lays back down, looking towards the weights above him. "Alright..." He nods to himself, before lifting the bar, and beginning to do as many as he could as quickly as he could, bring sure to take deep breaths and ignore the tearing sensation in his arms. Gritting his teeth, Axel closes his eyes and tries to escape the pain mentally, focusing on the feeling of his cells growing tough with his intense lifting. This could only work for so long, however, as he let out a gasp of air, and replaced the bar with shaky arms. Sitting up, he stretched and let out a groan as he felt his arm muscles state tense before slowly loosening, with a few quiet pops. He rolled his shoulders back and forward, stretching across his chest one last time before gulping down water. As he drank a bit too quickly, he burped, holding his stomach and taking deep breaths. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Axel pulls his tank top off, wiping his chest, back, and pits casually, before putting the towel over his shoulders. Now would be a good time to take a shower, though Axel knew as soon as he got under hot water, he would not want to leave, and would do nothing after besides going home and sleeping. The red haired ninja got up, stretching his ever stiffening legs and returned to the screened in hut, this time opening the gate without waiting. "Eh? More water eh? Thirsty boy eh? Ahaha thirsty man it seem haha--" Before the babbling man could speak much more, Axel leaned over the counter and took a rack of ribs sitting there, dropping his towel and a few more Ryo onto the table. He winked at the man as he began to protest, and closed the screen again, spitting on the ground and finding a place to eat his ribs in peace. Grabbing more water from a nearby fountain, Axel went ham on the protein, not being able to focus on much more than getting nutrients into his aching body. As he pigged out, he could feet his tense muscles become satisfied with his choice of meals, though Axel wished that he had more Ryo, so that he could also consume a protein shake. He had some at home, but was considering very carefully if he could get away with falling asleep on a bench, so he could regain some stamina, if nothing else. As he was about to doze off, a distant babbling noise made Axel snap back to attention, and pulling himself to his feet with some effort he dashed away from the sound, deep into the woods bordering the training grounds. Looking around at all the tall trees, Axel felt a feeling of peace surround him, feeling comfortable that the babbling man would not find him, as well as serene in hearing nothing save for the sounds of natural life around him.
Moving to a nice spot beneath a tree, Axel decided that this would be as good of a time as any to manage his special abilities. As he had spent much more effort shaping his physical body, his Chakra was still somewhat weak, and he felt the need to change this. Though he could hold his own well in boxing matches and casual spars, not being able to unlock his full potential through his body's cells and strengthening jutsu left him feeling weaker than some other ninja more talented with jutsu. Stretching out and laying down, Axel focused on his cells. He could feel their growth, and focusing his arms, could feel the internal multiplication to fill in space made by pumping iron. His legs tingled as he focused on them, causing him to involuntarily jerk them into a bent position, before he slowly stretched them out to relax. Moving through his Chakra points, Axel felt the base of his spine and abdomen pulse, his throat feeling clear. Taking slow, deep breaths, Axel felt himself fall into a meditative trance, the world slowly disappearing before him, leaving nothing but a feeling of floating. Enjoying this peace, Axel was quickly snapped out of it by some sort of bug biting him, and he was torn out of his peace by slapping his chest and realizing he hadn't grabbed his shirt from the training grounds. His back itched from the grass below, and the lack of immediate shower left his body sticky, regardless of the wiping of sweat beforehand. Now that he was back in his body, Axel was pissed and uncomfortable. Stumbling towards the training grounds, he made a bee line for his sweat soaked tank top, frowning at its condition. He hung it on a bar to dry, and rushed towards the public showers. Keeping his sandles on to prevent any fungal growth, Axel turned on the cold water and let out a sigh of relief as he felt his muscles soothed by the chill, lessening the inflammation he had caused through heavy training. Additionally, he no longer felt sticky and overheated. As he began to shiver slightly, he changed the water to heat, and almost couldn't hold back a groan as his knotted muscles released their stress under the heat. Stretching, Axel felt amazing. Closing his eyes, he began to focus on his Chakra points again, getting used to feeling the energy course through him. He focused on his infused cells, and they felt as if they were being massaged under the hot stream of water. He felt the layer of dead cells above that be washed away from the heavy water, and grabbing a bar of soap, rubbed any additional grime from his body.
Finishing his shower, Axel let out a long yawn, as he felt exhaustion begin to overwhelm him. Turning off the water and drying himself off, Axel pulled on his sweatshorts and walked back outside, moving towards his previous workout area. Considering wearing his tank top, he smells it and changes his mind, tossing it over his shoulder. Sitting on the bench, Axel decides to begin meditation once again before going home. Taking deep breaths at a progressively slower pace, he feels himself return to his area of peace, with his thoughts floating through his mind like a river. He feels his muscles relax as he feels his cells, full of chakra, ready to be used to their potential. As he has not focused on much manipulation of his cells since his academy years, they are underutilized and thus he is still rusty with his bloodline ability. He focuses on this, moving his Chakra through his Chakra points and focusing on each cell that makes up each limb one at a time, starting with his head, moving through his shoulders down his arms and across the rest of his body. Feeling air leave his lungs, he focuses on the fire Chakra burning within his body, before finishing the movement through his entire body. Opening his eyes, it seemed as if a short time had passed, though the sun had set lower into the sky than when Axel had began his meditation. Pulling himself to his feet for the final time, Axel began a dash for home, eagerly awaiting the sleep that he would soon enjoy. Making his way home, Axel could feel the weights he lifted taking their toll, as his legs felt like jello before he was even halfway home. Trying to ignore this, he picked up the pace, being sure to land on his feet with each movement and keeping his balance, even with the feeling of his legs being syrup. As he reached his home, the red haired ninja smiled, looking towards his doorway. Walking inside, he threw his shirt into a laundry pile by the door and quickly put on a more comfortable t-shirt, before falling into his bed and covering himself in a blanket. As his hair had not yet complete dried, he moved it above his pillow to keep it from getting soaked. Then, he fell asleep.

1825 words total
Stat Training:
Strength: 5 > 14 [1800/1825 wc] 25 words remain
1825/2000 - D rank Deep Breathing Technique

Last edited by Bubels on Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:17 pm
Type some form of "Exit" at the end of your posts to let us know when you're finished with it. You're welcome to claim all 1825 words towards any technique(s) you're eligible for, by the way, so lemme know if you want to do that.
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Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:22 am
I was thinking of writing each day by day and cashing in the training at the end of each day! This thread is mostly for Stat Training. However, if I need to make a new thread and close this one to claim in will

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Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:55 pm
Nah if you want midthread approvals that's fine. And I highly recommend using all those words towards jutsu AND stats, as you're able to train both at the same time, and as you're a new character, being able to expand on your arsenal is quite handy
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:54 pm
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:12 am
Approved of the 9 stats and feel free to post whenever you want to claim techs and I'll come back for that friendo
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:43 am
Honestly, Axel was done with the bullshit. He had just dealt with some other genin rescuing some dick that didn't know how to say thank you, meanwhile being surrounded by a powerful kid with a huge temper and some judgemental asshole. Axel frowns and kicks a rock, sighing. People that were strong at their beginnings, Axel knew, were sure to burn out quickly. He reminded himself that becoming strong was a process in which he learned the capabilities of his own fighting as well as getting himself to an adequate speed and strength to be able to avoid or incapacitate any foe. Thinking about smashing Shoemac, an overweight hillbilly's throat, he sighed. It was pretty aesthetic how his friend had melted completely through a man after melting through a tree, but it disgusted him at the lack of regard for viscera from the other. He also seemed to be feeding the flesh to wild animals, which wasn't the worst thing he'd seen but still a terrible idea. 
Sitting down on a workout bench, Axel thinks about the consequences for feeding a wild animal human flesh. It would definitely appreciate the meal, but it would only be so long until you leave yourself open and you become the meal. He blinks, envisioning the interestingly dressed ninja getting his throat torn out by a wolf because he thought they could 'snuggle', he begins lifting the bar. Grunting, continues with the bench presses, thinking of different abilities he could be learning. Scratching his chin, he thinks about a technique he had read about in a book. It had something to do with harnessing his breathing in order to give himself an edge in combat, and it had seemed like an interesting thing to learn. Sitting up, he held his chest, and began taking breaths, deep at first, and a long, slow exhale. 
(309) (2134)
Deep Breathing Technique C Rank - 2000/2000 TRAINED
334 left for training
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Casual Daily Training Empty Re: Casual Daily Training

Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:47 pm
Approved, as long as you keep this thread going. We don't allow holding onto WC I'm afraid, but as long as its in this thread you're good
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