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A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Isemori Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
Yusuke Sarutobi
Daiki Senju
Kaito Inuzuka
10 posters
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Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
Stat Page : Red Demon Flame of the Sand
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44500

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Wed May 04, 2022 10:52 pm
Hinoishi watches as Kaito brushed off his wound, he respected Kaito already but for this he felt he understood Kaito. Hinoishi also had scars and pain, but these only made him stronger. Hinoishi's scars came in the form of the Sharingan. They allowed him to love and feel such immense hate  that he turned back into love. Without Suna and the comrades around him as his back bone he would not be fighting in front of them. Hinoishi retorts back, "I think I've got the hang of earth release this is something I came up with by seeing your earth release technique". Hinoishi weaves hand signs and claps his hands together he then slams his hand onto the ground and suddenly a forest of earth and mud pillars erect from the ground.A large maze of pillars is created around the group the area around them is now like an arena as Hinoishi made it so that the group would be surrounded by the pillars instead of the pillars breaking them up. simultaneously with the other pillars another pillar erects from under Hinoishi rather quickly allowing him to shoot up into the air. Hinoishi does a front flip in the air as his body creates a dark silhouette due to passing through the view of the sun. Hinoishi lands in a blade pose and looks up. "I remember reading about this jutsu, it's called Toujinbo".

AP used:

total AP used =50
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Sat May 07, 2022 1:03 am

Kaito looked intently at Yusuke's copy of the 'Jutsu Encyclopedia". He could see many different scribbles and notes on all of the pages that the Sarutobi stopped on, and he was rather impressed by the amount of work that Yusuke had taken into his studying. The Sarutobi then took out a scroll from his item pouch and opened it up, revealing a list of different jutsu that him and his father had picked out from the encyclopedia to learn. It was all practical stuff, and almost all of it Kaito himself had in his own arsenal.

'Time for Ninjutsu 101 to begin...'

Kaito was just about to speak when Hinoishi interjected, saying that he himself had already gotten a decent enough grasp of Earth-Style from watching Kaito before the spar. The Uchiha then demonstrated a rather powerful Jutsu, one that erected many different earthen pillars from the ground. The training field almost became like a maze of sorts. Impressed, Kaito let out a whistle that reflected this before looking at Hinoishi and nodding approvingly and pointing at the other boy.

"Remind me to have you teach me that sometime soon, man. That Jutsu is awesome!" Kaito would then turn his attention back to Sumiko and Yusuke as well, drawing the attention of all three of his trainees towards himself. "So the good news is, I myself have the majority of those techniques on Yusuke's list. I can teach you all of what I know, no problem. There are a few techniques that I actually demonstrated, such as the "Body Flicker Jutsu" and my "Basic Medical Ninjutsu", so no need for me to demonstrate those again, so I will start by demonstrating the "Summoning Technique"."

Kaito bit the tip of his right thumb to draw a little hint of blood before weaving the "Boar" -> "Dog" -> "Bird" -> "Monkey" -> and "Ram" handseals before slamming his right hand upon the ground and forming the seal of confrontation with his left hand.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A thick cloud of white smoke erupted from the ground where a fuinjutsu seal had formed from the Inuzuka's blood. The sounds of low, deep growling erupted from the smoke before it dissipated to reveal three wolves; two little ones no bigger than one foot long and a much larger one that would make even Hinoishi appear small. The two little ones were bickering upon themselves, not even realizing they had been summoned, but the bigger one looked around intently and was poised to strike if need be.

"Sorry to summon you here, Kenzan, but I was demonstrating to everyone the Summoning Jutsu and wanted to show its potential."

Kenzan looked down at Kaito with narrow, yellow eyes. He changed his pose to be more relaxed and rested his bottom upon the ground.

"Kaito... You summoned me at a really inconvenient time, you know..." Kenzan replied, the serious look upon his face souring up slightly. "Amaya had some business to take care of, so I've been left with these two hellions for the past three days. They won't take their naps and keep fighting nonstop!" Kenzan hurriedly ran behind Kaito and ducked for cover behind him. He looked over at Sumiko, Yusuke, and Hinoishi pleadingly. "I'm an alpha wolf for crying out loud, not some babysitter!" Kaito couldn't help but laugh at Kenzan, who scared even Kaito himself with his seriousness when the two of them had met. This was a completely different side of the alpha wolf of the Wolves Of Death Gorge that he had never seen before.

"Taiyo! Tsuki! Straighten up, you two!" The two wolf pups stopped bickering immediately and looked over at Kaito. "I brought you two here today to demonstrate the Summoning Jutsu. Keep in mind that if you two are ever summoned, you have to remain on your best behavior. What if any of these three wanted to form a summoning contract with your race, huh?"

"We're sorry, Kai..." They pouted in unison.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to your father when all three of you are home, okay?" The two pups nodded and walked over to stand with Kenzan. Kaito cleared his throat before continuing to address Sumiko, Hinoishi, and Yusuke. "So that, you three, is how you perform the Summoning Jutsu. I summoned these three here because I happen to have what is called a "summoning contract" with them. The contract binds your chakra signature to them and allows you to summon any available beings from that race if you should ever need to." Kaito would point over towards the three summons from left to right. "The big wolf's name is Kenzan, and he is the leader of this particular summoning race. I promise you, he is not normally this flustered. The smaller two are Taiyo and Tsuki, Kenzan's twin pups. Those two are the summoning contract holders, so should any of you wish to sign their summoning contract, you can do so with them. Remember though, you can normally only have one summoning contract at a time, so do this wisely if you'd like to."

Kaito would loiter around for a few moments as the other three Genin examined and talked to Kenzan, Taiyo, and Tsuki. That would give all of them the chance to sign the summoning contract if they wished to, but whether or not they did would be up to them. Once they were all finished, Kaito would simply nod before saying goodbye to the three wolves and forming the seal of confrontation again. Three clouds of smoke appeared and took away with it the wolves.

"So, looks like the next Jutsu on our little list here is the "Ninjutsu Amplifier". An amplifier allows you to basically overclock the amount of power a technique typically has, and there are many different types of amplifiers. I will demonstrate the "Ninjutsu Amplifier" and then perform the "Earth-Style: Cool The Soup Down" technique so you can see what I mean." Kaito quickly formed the "Tiger" -> and "Rat " handseals to perform the "Ninjutsu Amplifier" technique before puffing out his chest to fill it with Chakra-infused air. As soon as his chest became full, he would push his upperbody forward and open his mouth. From it expelled a powerful gust of wind that would take the shape of a cone expanding outwards. Typically the jutsu at the level that Kaito used it would only be enough to knock over a few tree branches, but with the help of his amplifier, it would become powerful enough to uproot one of the trees along the waterfront and topple it to the ground. Kaito's eyes became wide as he realized his mistake, but it was far too late to do anything about it now. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled lightly. "[color=#ff6600]I guess I amplified that Wind-Style Jutsu a bit too much, but you all get the point. An amplifier can come in handy for just about any situation you may need it, so take a point of learning that particular one and also studying the other types of amplifiers that are available. Next we got the "Cat Eyes" Jutsu, which allows you to sense through even the darkest of conditions, even if those conditions themselves are Chakra-infused. I will demonstrate this technique in a... special way, so make sure to pay attention."

Kaito would begin to whistle loudly, the tones of each whistle changing drastically from the last. This whistling would be the equivalent of him performing the "Tiger" handseal, and once he finished his whistling his eyes would change from their normal emerald-green color to that of a deep yellow. He would leave this "Cat Eyes" technique active as he spoke next.

"You see how my eyes turned this yellow color just by me whistling? That is because over the past few months I have picked up on a very special skill, one that allows me to form Chakra into my throat and weave it with my vocal cords. This is what is called the "Whistle Trigger", and it also allows you to use multiple techniques at the same time by weaving your Chakra that way as you also weave it by performing regular handseals." Kaito would allow his "Cat Eyes" technique to end, his eyes fading quickly back to their normal green as he removed two kunai from his item pouch. He set these two kunai side by side upon the ground. "Now, I want you three to focus on those two kunai for a moment before closing your eyes..." Once Yusuke, Sumiko, and Hinoishi closed their eyes, Kaito would continue to address them. "Now, I want you all to project your Chakra outwards beyond your bodies. You should be able to feel my Chakra flaring up as I perform these next two techniques simultaneously." Kaito would take the time to weave one-handed variants of the "Rat" -> and "Dog" handseals in his left hand for the "Storage Displacement" technique and the one-handed varients of the "Dog" -> "Snake" -> "Ram" and "Ox" handseals in his right hand to perform the "Basic Sealing Jutsu" technique. Two different and small fuinjutsu seals would appear upon the ground directly underneath the two kunai upon the ground. Kaito allowed his chakra to flare more than usual so that the other three Genin could easily sense it with the "Chakra Sensory" skill that he was teaching them, and after a quick flare up of his Chakra the two kunai would disappear into thin air, leaving only the two fuinjutsu seals upon the ground.

"Okay, open your eyes..." Kaito would wait for the Sumiko, Yusuke, and Hinoishi to open their eyes again and give them a moment to see what was different about the picture they had seen before they initially shut their eyes. "Did you three feel the sensation of my Chakra growing and expanding as I used those two different Jutsu? That is another skill called "Chakra Sensory", and it too can really come in handy, especially on scouting missions. Also, if you look at the ground, you'll see that the kunai I had placed there are now gone. That is because I used the "Storage Displacement" and "Basic Sealing Jutsu" techniques to seal them away into two separate pocket dimensions." Kaito would point at the ground to show them the fading seal marks. "I used those two sealing Jutsu at the same time through what is called "One-Handed Seals"." Kaito would demonstrate the one-handed seals for the "Storage Displacement" Jutsu in his left hand and the one-handed variants of the "Basic Sealing Jutsu" again to show them all what he meant. He didn't form the chakra with his seals, so the techniques did not activate again to dispel the kunai he sealed away.

Kaito would look back over the list of Jutsu that Yusuke had, noticing that he still had four techniques and skills that he himself would not be able to show to the other Genin. These techniques and skills were the "Genjutsu Release", "Chakra Flare", "Temporary Paralysis", "Debuff Bolt", and the "Minus Field" techniques. While Kaito did know the "Genjutsu Relase" technique itself, he would be unable to show it off as none of them were captured in any sort of Genjutsu. All of the other techniques mentioned though, he had no idea whatsoever how to use them himself.

"So it looks like the last two things I can show you all how to use are the "Chakra Infusion" and "Chakra Suppression" skills. Other than those, I cannot use the techniques myself, so I apologize, but anyways, watch this... " Kaito removed from his item pouch yet another kunai. He kept it held in his palm, positioning it as though he was about to strike. Closing his eyes, he would allow his Chakra to flow through the blade itself. Blue Chakra began to encase the blade and form an even longer, visible blade of Chakra around the tip of the kunai. As Kaito began to open his eyes, he would explain what this was. "That is what is called the "Chakra Infusion" skill. It comes naturally to most shinobi and kunoichi, and it allows you to inbed regular items with your own Chakra and make them deadly weapons." Kaito stopped infusing his chakra into the kunai and replaced it into his item pouch and looked each of the other Genin over. "Now the last thing I need you all to do is do the same thing you did earlier when I had you feel outwards from your bodies with your Chakra. I need you three to do that again, but this time with your eyes open. I need you all to feel outwards for my specific Chakra Signature..." As the three Genin began to feel outwards with the new "Chakra Sensory" skill he had taught them, he himself would close his eyes and take a deep breath. Intenally he envisioned his Chakra as a big flame of blue light. He would envision himself blowing out his flame, allowing it to simmer for a few moments. The Inuzuka had just successfully suppressed his Chakra, making it undetectable for a little while until he would lose his focus or jutsu a technique again. "You three can't sense my Chakra, can you? No worries... I am doing something called "Chakra Supression", which is basically what is sounds like. I allow my Chakra to "blow out" like a candle inside of me, and this makes my chakra signature undetectable in most situations..." As Kaito tried to talk on, he could hear his stomach growl loudly. He grasped his stomach tightly, realizing that he hadn't eaten anything for quite a few hours before that point. He would have to go home soon to get something to eat, especially considering how much Chakra he just used up doing all of his demonstrations. He chuckled lightly.

"Sorry about that, you three. I'm just really really hungry, and now that I was able to teach you all everything that I could for now, I should probably get going home anyways." Kaito would bow at the three Genin thankfully, happy that his plan to draw up a sign in the Sunagakure Shinobi Headquarters to get together a training group had bee a successful one. "Thank you all for coming today, and I'm sure I'll see you all soo!"

With an appreciative wave, Kaito would turn on his heel and begin walking back towards the entrance of the Training Grounds...

[Topic Exit]

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Pagebreak6

AP Utilized:
Items Utilized:

[Word Count (Post) - 2,406]
[Word Count (Total) - 8,657]

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Sat May 07, 2022 11:15 am
Exit claims for Kaito:
Remaining WC after mid-claim thread = 5,657 WC / 8,657 WC

- Claiming "Poison Mist" technique at B-Rank for 25% discount per Advanced Training Grounds - 1,125 WC / 1,125 WC

- Memorizing Hinoishi's Chakra Signature for 25% discount per Advanced Training Grounds - 1,500 WC / 1,500 WC

- Memorizing Sumiko's Chakra Signature for 25% discount per Advanced Training Grounds - 1,500 WC / 1,500 WC

- Memorizing Daiki's Chakra Signature for 25% discount per Advanced Training Grounds - 1,500 WC / 1,500 WC

- Utilizing my reaming 32 WC to train "Breath Seal" at B-Rank (trained perviously here) (claiming at 25% discount previously for max stat benefits and 25% discount in this thread per advanced training thread, not stacking per rules).
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Sat May 07, 2022 11:56 am

Kaito Inuzuka likes this post

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Sat May 07, 2022 12:13 pm
I also forgot that I need to deduct 3,000 Ryo from my inventory to give Sumiko, Yusuke, and Hinoishi 1,000 Ryo each. Requesting an approval for this as well.

Kaito's Current Ryo = 10,940
Ryo Given = 3,000
Kaito's New Ryo Total = 7,940
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Mon May 09, 2022 11:18 am
It is approved my friend
Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Tue May 10, 2022 6:02 pm
Yusuke watched everyone's reactions to his request. Sumiko seemed like she was ready to learn from Kaito, and raised no concerns about the list of jutsu and skills. Okay one down! He looked at Hinoishi, and it seemed he had already learned earth style and showed it off for the group. It didn't really seem to apply, but he hadn't refused his request. Alright...I think that's a good thing... The jutsu displayed was pretty impressive, but Yusuke wanted to focus on one thing at a time. Seems like a crazy move, maybe I'll learn it one day too! He then quickly moved on. He turned to Kaito and he seemed ready to go. Alright Thanks Kaito-ni! I knew you'd have a lot of these techniques! Yusuke nodded and gave a hearty laugh. After that he waits, watches and listens to what Kaito has to say.

Right... I already picked up on the body flicker technique... As for the basic medical technique. He had watched the hand signs when Kaito used it just a while ago to heal his eye. The technique along with the summoning technique were the ones he'd put the most effort towards, but not quite learned yet. He watched closely as Kaito used the summoning technique. It was just as he had read. He sensed the way Kaito weaved his chakra in order to create the seal inscription that sprawled across the floor. In a puff of smoke a large haggard dog appears with a few pups by his side. Yusuke had heard of summoning contracts, but didn't have one himself. He had heard his dad refer to his summons while talking about general things about missions. 'I was in a tight spot, but my summons got me out of it' That sort of thing. Yusuke listened to the wolf explain his situation and Kaito admonished them. Yusuke giggled at the situation he found himself observing as a third party. He has a good relationship with them... Yusuke could tell Kaito had spent some time with them, and they seemed like good friends he could even tell they had strong capabilities. Yusuke considered signing the contract, but shook his head. I should be careful of who I sign a contract with... Yusuke spoke up first. Their cute and seem like great summons but I'll be keeping my options open for now, but don't let me stop you all... He turned to the other genin offering them to step forward before he turned around. He took a kunai from his kunai pouch and tossed it at the destroyed and distanced dummy 35 meters away. He watched as the blade was buried into the wood and nodded. He then started weaving the signs for the summoning jutsu as he had seen Kaito do before. One he completed the sins he focused on the Kunai he'd just thrown. He watched as the diagram sprawled out on the floor and he slammed his hand on the ground. The kunai then appeared on the ground next to him in a tiny puff of smoke. Yess! He clenched his fist. Watching Kaito and observing his chakra had been super useful for him putting the final touches on the Summoning technique. He turned back to Kaito and smiled Ready for the next ones when you guys are~ He would wait for as long as it took for his fellow genin to finish conversing with the wolves. He wouldn't rush them, and after they disappeared into a puff of smoke, Yusuke would congratulate anyone who signed.

Kaito was ready to move on to the Jutsu that Yusuke thought was the most important for him to learn. The Ninjutsu Amplifier was up next. Yusuke rubbed his hands together as he watched Kaito perform it, but the hand signs left him scratching his head. I thought this jutsu could be performed with more hand seals?  Yusuke was a bit concerned, but the results spoke for themselves. He would practice his fire style as directed with an attempted amp he weaved two hand signs and felt his chakra surge. The concept was quite simple so it was easy for him to grasp with a clear example. He launched a great fireball jutsu, after weaving 5 more signs, that incinerated the tree Kaito had destroyed. Yusuke was happy with his results but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was up. He took his encyclopedia from his pocket and saw that the jutsu could be performed with more hand signs! He decided to push his chakra to the limits while the other two practiced or observed. He felt more and more chaka fill him when he added just 1 or 2 more signs. After two he was spent he couldn't contain the chakra well enough to be able to direct anymore. This is gonna require some more practice... He didn't say anything to the others and was ready for Kaito's next lesson by the time everyone else was.

Next Kaito was moving on to one of the simpler and more practical everyday jutsu. Kaito whistled and suddenly his eyes became a darker shade. He took careful time to explain how whistle triggers worked. Yusuke was interested, but he thought that perhaps there was another way to cast more jutsu at once. He weaved the tiger hand sign and infused his chakra in the way that was described going for the same result. He felt the chakra flowing into the veins around his eyes. It was pretty to accomplish with clear instruction and an example or maybe Yusuke was unnaturally talented? He waited for the others to give the visual based jutsu before Kaito moved on to the next Jutsu he was going to show off.

Yusuke and the genin were directed to close their eyes. Yusuke released the cat eye technique and followed the directions that Kaito gave. At first he couldn't feel much but as he performed the two jutsu he could feel a large well of chakra pool up near him. That's what he was talking about! Yusuke focused on the feeling, wondering why such a thing wasn't emphasized in the academy. It now made sense how Kaito caught on to him and Sumiko's ploy so quickly. It seemed hiding his hands was pretty useless after all. Now that his third eye was opened he could clearly feel the chakra levels of the two genin next to him. He felt like his chakra level was a bit higher than the other, but only by a little when it came to Hinoishi and Kaito. Sumiko's was smaller by a margin, but there was no reason to judge a ninja by that. Yusuke simply noted the way their chakras felt, and how they were different. It should give him context for other chakras later on.

Yusuke opened his eyes and noticed that the Jutsu he was senseing was used to seal the Kunai, but he wanted to see if the other two people knew how it worked. He waited for others to answer and listened to Kaitos explanation of one handed sealing and the two Jutsu he had used. Yusuke was satisfied with what Kaito had shown him so he simply nodded excitedly he would wait to try those later he wanted to recover his chakra in case he needed to show any of the techniques that Kaito didn't know.

They finally moved on to the last things Kaito could show them. Kaito explained Chakra infusion as he covered one of his kunai with a coat of blue energy. hmm I remember reading about this one the hard part is getting the shape right and having enough control to not simply flare the chakra around the weapon uselessly... This technique was pretty impossible for inexperienced ninja to master without a lot of practice and patience. Yusuke had those, but in a relatively short supply. He decided he would practice that alone later along with the two sealing techniques. Next Kaito asked them to use their sensory abilities again. He wanted them to find his signature. Yusuke envisioned them as flames connected to a network of interconnected tubes. He eventually was able to focus on Kaito's unique flame.  Then it disappeared. Before Yusuke could come up with an idea about it Kaito explained it. Chakra suppression, this was another basic skill he wished they'd learned in the academy. It seemed like a shinobi worth his salt would be able to both sense and suppress his chakra for stealth reasons, but at least he was learning it now. Yusuke focused on snuffling out his own flame. It went off without a hitch! The ability to evade detection was pretty important. He wondered if he had suppressed his chakra if he would have been able to surprise Kaito? I'll have to do some testing later... He left his thoughts after he heard a loud growling.

haha! No problem Kaito-ni! You've been a great help! Pretty much finished up my list. We'll practice together again sometime. Enough you well deserved rest!~ Yusuke gave him a wink and waved him off before turning to the other two.

I know most of the last remaining jutsu, and can show them. I'll think of it as practice.~ Minus field and chakra flare I'm close to learning, andI know  a genjutsu to help us master genjutsu release sans hand signs. Let's help each other out! Yusuke would give them a thumbs up before recklessly jumping into examples.

So for the debuff bolt you want to focus chakra into your palm and expel it forward. This chakra needn't be visible, but it does need to try to disperse the opposing jutsu's force! Yusuke weaved the two sins for the jutsu before firing it off a few meters. The two should be able to sense it with their new sensory capabilities. It's a simple one to do, they probably got it... Yusuke wasn't used to being a teacher, but he gave it his best shot.

Next is the Minus field. it's a similar effect, but you can use the debilitating chakra on a person as well. He opened the page in the encyclopedia, and weaved the hand signs listed. An area of chakra was expelled from his body in a dome shape. Sumiko, if she didn't avoid it, would be encircled in chakra. it would make her feel physically weaker and slower. How about it princess? Do you feel a little less good ? Yusuke wasn't sure it had worked but he would release the chakra field after listening to her response regardless. Should feel better now though~ He smiled and then went to the next one.

Temporary paralysis is another invisible chakra field, but this one binds movements! Think of it like a chakra straight jacket. Yusuke showed the jutsu in the encyclopedia before quickly weaving two sins and directing the chakra towards Hinoishi to prevent him from moving if he let it happen he would be unable to move. You can both probably feel the chakra I sent toward Hino to hold him still~ Yusuke released the held tiger sign at this point whether he was successful or not.

Alright last one... For Chakra flare it seems like a very simple jutsu so I left it for last... I think you just weave two hand signs and flare your chakra as hard as you can. I think the idea is that it can be a secret message or a signal or help people find you if you are captured or lost. Of course other ninja can sense it so it requires some planning because once you use it everyone in sensory range will know where you are. Yusuke tried to explain why he thought the jutsu was useful, before showing it in the encyclopedia.

With that he tried to perform the jutsu. The two could easily feel his chakra flaring up around him. Think that was it? You guys give it a try? He encouraged them to try and would watch them and respond appropriately to success or failures.

Phew, okay then the last jutsu I'll show you is a genjutsu... Well I bet your special eyes protect you from simple genjutsu huh hino-kun? I'll just cast mine on the princess and she can get out of it. He focused on Sumiko now. Princess remember no hands allowed. Here comes a dream come true for you~ He weaved two hand signs and locked eyes with Sumiko. Suddenly she would see multiple Yusuke, about ten of them if she allowed the jutsu to be cast on her. They would then all speak in unison. Escape us if you can Princess~ Use genjutsu release or you're stuck with us~ The Clones would run around making noise and circling her. This could be confused for the clone technique or maybe a higher form of shadow clone technique, but ,since Yusuke gave up the ghost for education purposes, it would be obvious that Sumiko was under the Mist servant technique. Yusuke would only let her try to break it three times before he released her. Yusuke would be under the impression she was captured by the genjutsu unless she told him otherwise.

Regardless of the outcome Yusuke was sure that the three would have learned something about escaping Genjutsu. Yusuke was also starting to feel tired Ninjutsuing is really hard work...

Guys, Thanks for helping me learn these techniques. I hope you thought they were useful He smiled with his whole face and patted them both on the back. I'm gonna split, but I think we should all hang out sometime... Yusuke quickly wrote his home address on the back of a flier for the training event twice. He then gave a ripped piece of paper with the address to each of the two genin. In case you guys ever wanna catch up I'm usually the only one at that address. Just come on by! Don't be shy~ Yusuke waved as he walked towards the entrance to the training grounds. See you both around. He was done with training for today, but he felt his journey had just begun.

TWC after mid thread claim: 4876


75% discount claims from teaching in ATF:

Ninjutsu amp (625)
B Shadow clone (375)
B Hiding like a mole (375)


C Basic medical (250)
C Summoning Technique (250) 
C Earth style wall (250)


D Basic sealing (125)
D Storage displacement (125)

E Cat's Eye (125)

Single handed seals (500)
Chakra Suppression (500)
Chakra Infusion (500)
Earth Release (500)

50% from Learning together
D Chakra flare (250)
Mastering Genjutsu Release (125) for no hand signs

Mud spore (250/750) 25% discount 
Total of learned techs (4875)
+1,000 ryo from Kaito
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Tue May 10, 2022 6:07 pm
nice Approved
Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 17570

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Wed May 11, 2022 7:34 pm

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 C0a619bfab5d8ecb9195a09237045a51

With no vocal disagreement and the small demonstration of Hinoshi's earth-release, this commenced the visual demonstration from Kaito. Sumiko stood silently as he borrowed the list from Yusuke for closer inspection. Her sensory had been reduced to its's passive state but even in that aspect, the slight damper that their handicapped spar had left was very noticeable to her. Her eyes had shifted over to the healing scar that seemed to scar Kaito's face before establishing eye contact and nodding as he began. It came to everyone's advantage that the Inzukua appeared to be a scholar and as a result, held a majority of the previously listed skills. This didn't surprise the girl since she knew that the way he had made his way through that spar was indicative of the harmony between hard work and talent. A bit of Kaito's introduction had faded from her attention as she began to truly realize that there was a chance that the next time they would meet could be in the upcoming Chuunin Exams. Would she be ready to take Kaito on without the intervention of allies? Sumiko's face registered this thought before a soft yet fleeting smirk came across her face and her eyes appeared to hold a strong determination.

(Thought) " I will not be bested this time . . . even by you Kaito."

She allowed that feeling of competition to drive her and return her attention to the demonstration. The usage of Basic Medical Ninjutsu was not a personal skill she possessed yet the application was familiar as she recalled a medical ninjutsu basic scroll that her mother had her read over a few times. . . "Every squad would benefit from at least one member that's semi-decent at medical ninjutsu." The sound of her mother's voice echoed in her head as she recalled the ins and outs of the technique. It was easily one of the most basic medical ninjutsu to understand so it didn't require a specialist. It is a jutsu of notable capabilities with the easiest application being catalyzing blood clotting and the most advanced being temporary bone reconstruction. Sumiko made note of this but while Kaito demonstrated the Summoning Technique; she was focusing on other things. If there was one thing the girl knew, it was that even with the most tools a task could fail without adequate mastery. The kunoichi made mental notes of everyone in the area: Yusuke, Kaito, and Hinoishi. To her this was not only a better way to identify friends from foes should the need arise but would make her able to pick them out of a crowd quickly. The kunoichi merely watched as he went through the list of jutsu, some of which didn't interest her and others already in her metaphorical toolbox until an odd whistling activated unique sensory ninjutsu. Sumiko noted the re-direction of his chakra from his core to his eyes. . . most specifically the optic nerve. The girl tapped her chin for a moment as she pondered on that theory before giving it a shot of her own. Sumiko closed her eyes for a moment before holding up the signal hand sign, tiger, before guiding chakra from her torso and into her eyes; careful not to oversaturate her eyes until. . .

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" Hmph. . ."

Sumiko muttered to herself as her eyes opened to reveal a clear yellow hue due to the grey natural hues of her eyes. Her eyes shifted across the field and she swore that things seemed to be so clear as if her quality of vision had increased tenfold. Her ability to understand this technique so quickly wasn't anything outrageous for the sensory specialist and thankfully so because it was so helpful. Sumiko quickly releases the method before turning back into the lesson. (-5 AP Cat Eyes) She continued to watch carefully as Kaito demonstrated One-handed hand signs, followed by Basic Sealing and Storage Displacement. These were simple techniques to gather as they closely resembled the teachings of the Academy but it was nice to get another visual demonstration to ensure that her technique was flawless when the time arose.

She noticed him peering at the remaining jutsu and it seemed to be a list of easily overlooked yet important basic skills. Sumiko noted the slight disappointment in Kaito's eyes before sharing that he could only show two of the techniques that were better than nothing; Sumiko was sure that Yusuke and Hinoishi shared the same sentiment. Chakra infusion was a technique that she was very familiar with as she possessed weaponry that made this skill highly valuable and deadly in the right context but even with her knowing about this Sumiko remained respectful and listened on.

Following that demonstration, the trio was directed to close their eyes once again which Sumiko happily complied with anticipation. She knew that the next technique up for demonstration was Chakra Suppression. This technique required a basic grasp of chakra control and signatures but its value was immeasurable in most cases. The drawback of such a technique was that chakra-based techniques couldn't be accessed. Sumiko allowed her sensory skills to expand in the hopes of catching a morsel of Kaito's chakra but his mastery of Chakra Suppression was not able, to say the least. The girl chuckled to herself before giving it a go; Kaito's analogy of their chakra being much like a candle resonated very well with how it felt to her. The conclusion of their training session had been marked with the announcement of Kaito's hunger which made Sumiko chuckle at him.

" Of course, you are hungry silly! You just did like 20 jutsu back to back. Thank You."

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Cf23ecc6f15b242191c0ee8bd9355ab7

The kunoichi bowed towards Kaito however just as she did it would seem that Yusuke himself wanted to step up to the plate. Sumiko stood up straight before turning to face him. Sumiko raised a single brow in curiosity; the boy who could barely sit through a lesson wanted to teach? Had hell frozen over?? The girl was skeptical but decided to entertain the idea in case he had in fact picked a thing or two. She'd merely offer him a head nod before Yusuke began to jump into the demonstration. Starting with the debuff bolt, Yusuke taught very little about the jutsu but Sumiko knew him to be a person of small and important detail versus theory and dialogue.

(thought) "Disperse opposing jutsu force? I have never heard of such a thing. . . hmm, Yusuke you are a tricky one aren't you?"

Sumiko paid close attention to the execution and the chakra flow via her sensory and ocular capabilities before giving it a try herself. She'd mimic the hand signs for a moment before extending her palm and with that a short burst of pure chakra. The kunoichi gasped for a moment in surprise and smiled a bit; her gears turning as she already started to manipulate the jutsu in her head to better optimize it. She quickly reset her standing position when she noticed Yusuke mentioning another jutsu. . . Minus Field.

This was yet another jutsu that she didn't know about but with closer inspection, Sumiko realized that he seemed to possess a recent copy of the Justu Encyclopedia. She'd chuckle and shake her head, realizing that it was blind leading the blind but if it worked what room did she have to complain? She had a split second to note the effects of the jutsu before she noted a flare in his chakra followed by the formation of a dome. Sumiko gasped slightly before slipping out of the way just as the jutsu completed. The next sight Yusuke noticed as he asked if she was okay was her gritting her teeth and cracking her knuckles.

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 21eb1f60c79d32e3b6cafa52e5b8d699


Sumiko screeched at him only to be treated by that sheepish grin that he tended to do. The kunoichi folded her arms and scoffed; Even though she had every feeling to wack him in the head. . . he was doing her and Hinoishi a favor so she kept her fire close enough so that he would feel the heat but not the burn. She redirected her energy back to the lesson at hand as she shared the Temporary Paralysis which was another jutsu she was familiar with. Her grey eyes shifted between Yusuke, who signed and gathered the chakra, and then to Hinoshi, the next test dummy for his demonstration. The girl would sigh and shake her head regardless if it was successful or not. Sumiko acknowledged his example before they moved on to Chakra Flare.

Yusuke's explanation seemed to hit all of the marks but Sumiko also ventured how such a technique could possibly be used to bait out enemies.. . The girl pondered on that thought as she watched Yusuke demonstrate it. It seemed pretty straightforward to her and since she could already suppress chakra making it flare was sure to be a cakewalk.
Sumiko replicated the two hand signs, each one being used as a beacon for her chakra consolidation before she'd release notable bursts of chakra that made her a little dizzy. This dizziness caused Sumiko to stand back up straight and raised both hands to massage the sides of her head. However, she didn't allow this to stop the session as she listened in on Yusuke but she'd only catch "use genjutsu release or you're stuck with us" before suddenly she was surrounded by 10 Yusuke apparitions running around her and being obnoxious.

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" Yusuke, you pest! Stop running around me like a mosquito or I'll squash you!"

The sounds of the ten Yusuke apparitions seemed to get loud and louder by the second and made it seems fo real until she remembered what she had heard beforehand about genjutsu release. Sumiko frowned before focusing her chakra into her core to the best of her ability and releasing it through her body like a rubber band.

" Genjutsu: Release!"

A soft gasp escaped her lips as suddenly they disappeared around her; leaving a slightly weary girl in their wake. By this period, Sumiko was too tired for a retort or anger so she'd merely nod to him and then Hinoshi before gathering her things but before she could turn to leave Yusuke mentioned hanging out. This concept causes the girl to slightly return back from her haze to find him standing before her to hand over a slip of paper with his address on it.  Sumiko was silent as Yusuke casually bid them a farewell and exited the training grounds. Her grey eyes peered down at the paper and then up at Hiroishi.

(Thought) "Did I just get invited to hang out with someone. . . and of all people, Yusuke Sarutobi?"

Sumiko folded the paper before tucking it into the folds of her kimono looking over at Hinoishi and nodding to her before allowing her black hair to tumble back down her shoulders.

" Until next time, Hinoishi.. ."

With that, Sumiko took her to leave.

( Exit )

~ WC: 1,824 ~

~ TWC: 6,312 ~

Training Claims:

SP: 63

75% Discount from Teaching Adv. Training Facility:

Memorized Chakra Signatures:

- Kaito Inuzuka

- Yusuke Sarutobi

- Hinoishi Uchiha

Sub total: 1,500 WC

- Basic Medical Ninjutsu (C-Rank) ( 250 WC)

- Chakra Flare ( D-Rank) ( 125 WC )

- Cat Eyes (E-Rank) (125 WC)

- Basic Sealing Technique ( 125 WC ) (D-Rank)

- Genjutsu Release (E- Rank) (125 WC ~ No hand signs)

- Chakra Supression (500 WC)

- One Handed Seals ( 500 WC)

Learned Jutsu Total: 1,750 WC

Other Jutsu/ Techniques:

-  (+ 405 WC) Hiding with Camoflauge ( B-Rank) (1,095 WC previously deposited! Proof Here.)

- ( +1,500 WC) Wind Release: Air Bullets (B-Rank)

- ( +1,000 WC) Fuuinjutsu Break (C-Rank)

- ( + 100 WC ) Chakra Insight

- ( + 57 WC ) Clanless Pureblood

Sub Total: 3,062 WC

Grand Total: 6,312 WC

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Burst Of Fiery Passion! [Training / Open]

Wed May 11, 2022 8:01 pm
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