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Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:39 am
Ketsueki had to think hard for this one, not sure if what he was saying would go for anyone but him. "I prefer beef with spinach, maybe some onion flavoring. I like spinach but it's a little too bitter without it." He said, Knowing full well that had it not been for the spinach most of that statement would have been absolute bunk. He realized something that would soon haunt his mind 'The person running the Ramen restaurant won't recognize me at all! I'll be exposed.' 

He took a shallow breath as they drew near. 'Maybe he won't say anything? Maybe this will all just be a come and go. Jayce seemed just loose enough that it wouldn't bother him. Especially if Ketsueki just needed to keep things short anyway. He did have that deal with the now napping puppy in his abdomen. "I assume you've been here before, met the cook and all?"
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:42 pm
Ketsueki ended up leaving the fellow student, Knowing that he now had after long last someone aside from his teacher to talk to, and even though Ketsueki knew of Mitsukatta's opinionated attitude, even if somewhat lazy, there was still more to having human acquaintances. Maybe after today there was something more developing that the boy had yet to recognize today. Either way he wound up leaving this new face to return home. Hitting the general store as he went down the path. He had a promise to keep, after all. Even if the dog was too busy enjoying the abdomen hammock. He looked forward to seeing Jace Uzumaki once more. Maybe they'd be working together when he became a stronger ninja. And maybe he'd see Jace find his true purpose.

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