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Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) Empty Day One (Open)

Wed May 31, 2017 9:20 pm
The sun glared down on Konohagakure, the heat of summer bearing down on every inch not consumed by shadow or shade. The thick, dry straw, stacked layer after layer, wound in a radiating circle; a hat which rested upon an old man's head was his only protection from the heat that day. He, however, did not mind. The man, Takashi Chishiki, was a farmer, or at least he used to be. He had spent his life in the sweltering fields, and the frozen ones, night or day. He had grown used to it, and it had made him grow. So it was that while many of the others stayed indoors, or under the shade of trees, Takashi was unphased, and continued about his day like any other. 

The headband upon his brow was worn not like a crown - as some did - but rather hidden, underneath the straw hat. He was not purposefully hiding it, and one could see it if they were looking for it, but he also would not purposefully show it. There had been one too many times where he was mistaken to be a higher ranking shinobi, due to his age, and while it was not the responsibility that he feared, he simply lacked the prowess and power of stronger shinobi. He did indeed want to be a shinobi, though more so to learn of them, but he did not want to be mistaken for something that he was not.

Slowly, while the older man walked, he scratched at his grizzled, gray beard, his blue eyes slowly drifting from one side to the other. He was new to the village, but he felt some responsibility to it, and little as he could do as a Genin to serve it, he would. It was the least he could do in return for the new life it offered him.

Gradually, Taksashi came to a tree - one that he was quite fond of - and decided to take a small break. So, the thin man sat with his back to the tree, and pulled his straw hat just to where his eyes could continue to peer out from underneath, and allowed his body to rest.

Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:34 am
Salzem hated the summer... It reminded him so much of Sunagakure and how much time he spent there. Familiarity bred contempt and after becoming so familiar with the grittiness and the spiteful sun, the lycan found Suna as contemptible a place to live in as any... at least for him. He hated the summer because one could literally feel the weight of the heat and light bear down upon them, making their jobs harder if only enough to add another level of annoyance. This was not something Salzem wanted or needed and he didn't get the thrill out of the challenge like he was expected to. No, he grimaced and complained (silently), he trudged his way through with only enough determination to keep his jaw locked shut and his legs moving.

And so, after a long day of doing menial D and E rank missions for the village (because someone had to do the undesirable jobs), the lycan needed a nice place to sleep... a place off the ground which had absorbed the sun's apparent hatred for him... A tree to be percise. Salzem loved trees... such lovely pillars of life that provided only the coolest of shade... And so, that's where he slept, draped over a branch as if it were the softest bed, dead asleep as it cradled and guarded him against the sun.

Little did he know that there was an old man resting himself against the trunk of his tree... Littler still did he know that a small un-activated smoke-bomb had slipped out of Salzem's bag, headed towards the old man's gut.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:27 pm
Takashi swept his eyes back and forth, keeping track of all that was going on around him. Then, there was a slight noise that came from above him, and the old man could tell that something was falling. 

Upon instinct, his head tilted back ever so slightly in order to ensure it was not a weapon; something he would be able to tell if it glinted in the sun. A black orb was falling towards him, and though he had nothing compared to the speed of other shinobi, a regualr civilian could catch it, if they noticed it falling, and so he did.

The impact to his hand was heavier, and instantly dispelled Takashi's original thought of it being a fallen fruit. No, after gazing at the object for a short moment, the man's eyes wrinkled and his mouth twisted slightly. It had been a weapon. Thankfully, and to his luck the weapon, a smoke bomb, had not been activated, and therefore did not go off, but that did not change how he felt. 

At first, Takashi was dissapointed in himself; he had not been able to recognize the smoke bomb for what it was when it had fallen. Had it been activated, he would have been injured, and obscured in smoke, unable to see. It would have been a sucessful attack, and one that he could have avoided, had he been more aware. Then, however, this feeling passed. If it was an attack, it would have been activated of course. In a way, this agrivated him more. 

Standing, Takashi turned and gazed up the tree, to see where it had fallen from, and as his gaze followed the path of the smoke bomb, his suspicion was correct. There was a ninja sleeping, a few branches above where he had been resting. He assumed that he was a shinobi of Konohagakure, and Takashi believed he saw his headband. It did not matter where the ninja was from, however, their carlessness could have resulted the same.

"Hey," Takashi shouted up the tree at the resting shinobi, as loud as his aging voice would allow him. "What do you think you're doing, sleeping in a place where you're a danger to others? If this had gone off, you could have hurt someone, young man!"

The grizzled man squinted out from under his straw hat, smokebomb in hand as he looked up to the ninja, hoping to have gotten his attention. Takashi understood the need for rest, he himself needed to rest reguarly. However, he never imagined to do it with bombs in his bag, ready to fall out. He was baffled that the ninja allowed it to happen. How could he have not noticed the ball slipping from his own bag? For all Takashi cared, it could be the Hokage himself that he was scolding; his resolve was the same.

Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:18 pm
Salzem snapped awake the moment a grizzled old voice (equating to claws on a chalkboard) reached his ears, nearly falling out of the tree he was resting in. He was trained well, however, and landed deftly on his feet a few feet from where the man-of-advanced-years stood, him glaring sternly. At first, the lycan looked strangely back, yawning lightly as he was abruptly awakened from his nap but as his mind began to catch up with the words of the old-timer, his sanguine eyes narrowed in distaste.

"And what were you doing sleeping under me...?" Salzem countered, reaching a hand around behind his head in a stretch. The man did not appear amused as he held out a little ball he didn't quite recognize at first, but as he explained Salzem's mild frustration with the old coot subsided into something of embarrassed regret. What the guy held in his hand was an untapped smoke-bomb and to those that where not of a ninja's durability, something like that going off so close would not only disorient, but potentially damage. It must've slipped out of his bag while he slept... The old guy was lucky... they were BOTH lucky it didn't hit the ground.

"Sorry..." He muttered, taking the bomb back (if it was offered) from the man and stuffing it back where it was supposed to be. "I didn't know you were there and I was certain that I had everything tied down..." The old guy... He reminded him of his father in some ways... Granted, his dad wasn't nearly as old nor looked so weathered, but he spoke like dad... had the same.... accent when they spoke authoritatively... It made his heart ache a little more for what he had done... For a split second, it felt like he had wronged his father.

"Uhm... My name is Salzem Alagahara sir... I'm sorry again..."
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:59 pm
Takashi made a "harumph" noise as the younger ninja took the smoke bomb back, though he was unsure if he should allow him to have it. He knew that everyone made mistakes, but this appeared like carelessness to his eyes. 

For a second, the ninja seemed very annoyed, which made Takashi narrow his eyes even more, but then, there was a moment of realization, and the younger shinobi apologized. Because of that, Takashi let him take back the weapon. 

The boy, or young man, had eyes the color of deep red, like that of blood. His hair was dark, and his face expressed years of experience. He was not new to the ninja world, and no doubt was a higher rank than Takashi, even if he did not act like it. Takashi made note of all of this, in case he would bump into him later on. 

Then, the young man did something that surprised Takashi. He seemed to genuinely apologize, and introduce himself. Perhaps it was Takashi's age that had caused the reaction, or the realization of what he had done. Either way, the old man was slightly taken back by the sudden change in the man's emotion.

After a slight pause, Takashi squinted his eyes again, and let out a puff of air.

"Well, if you're introducing yourself, then I am Takashi Chishiki," he replied, looking at the young man up and down, peering from underneath his straw hat. "And be more careful next time; the title you carry is more than just a label to the people here, don't degrade it."

Takashi hoped the shinobi knew what he was talking about, for despite the small time he had spent in the city, he found it to be true. Even a shinobi with a rank as low as Genin was seen as a warrior in the eyes of the citizens. The Ninja were people to be respected and feared, for they were protectors and destroyers. He did not want the people of Konohagakure to think of them as anything less than the guards of the city.

Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:48 pm
"Yeah, I know." Salzem confirmed as the man (having introduced himself), reminded him that his title is more than just words... that it actually had meaning. Funny thing about titles: From where you're standing, nothing has really changed. You're still you with all yer funny little friends and obnoxious little quirks but from someone standing 'below' you, that person would look at you and think I want to be that guy... Setting an example all the time was like slamming your head against a rock every minute of every day. It gets painful after a while and, soon after, you will forget who you are. The lycan was obviously annoyed that this guy was reminding him of something such as this, especially since he was trying to forget it. And why shouldn't he? A break from everything that is authoritative is something that everyone, EVERYONE EVERYONE needs.

Still... He hated these kinds of arguments because these kinds of people, fathers especially, know how to guilt younger generations into abiding by their shpeels of responsibility and such. It was the tone of voice really the I'm-disappointed-in-you,-Son tone of voice they took. They had a way of judging that made the Lycan feel like it was his fault he was being immature or that he was being immature at all. His judgement was so subtle, so cutting-edge and to the point that one wouldn't be able to tell they were being poked unless they knew exactly what to look for.

"Mr. Chishiki..." Salzem spoke, looking the older man in the eye. "I know exactly what I mean to these people and I do not require being told that."
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:05 pm
Takashi paused at the young man's words, and noticed that he may have upset him. He may have been a little harsh, but what he meant was true. Perhaps he had taken it the wrong way. 

Takashi did mean to remind him of what he was, but not in a way to make him guilty. In the world, everyone plays a role. The farmer collects the food, the king governs, and the Shinobi protects. They create a sense of peace and safety for the people, even if they are illusions at times. Takashi did not mean to scold the young man so, but to simply remind him.

Takashi himself was one such of the people, the people that saw the title of Shinobi, and looked to them for protection, for they could not protect themselves. 

"Call me Takashi, please," the old man said, in a kinder tone then. "You're my superior, after all, not the other way around."

Takashi smirked slightly at what he had said. Perhaps the young man had simply done it out of respect for his age, but Takashi found it amusing. The man was clearly ten times stronger than he was, and a hundred times as fast. Takashi knew three jutsu; this shinobi must know dozens. It was clear that he hadn't meant to drop the smoke bomb, and perhaps he would be less careless next time. 

Besides, the old man had met so few shinobi in this village he had begun to call home; he could hardly hold a grudge against the first he met. They were few in numbers, so it was even more important for them to connect in a well-mannered way, for they were likely to meet again, and perhaps work together. He also disliked when people felt ill against him when he did not feel ill against them.

He nodded his head at the younger man, in a respectful manner.

Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:37 pm
"Superio- Oh... You're a ninja...?" Salzem inquired, looking at the older man in confusion. It wasn't that old people couldn't become ninja or that there weren't any ninja that lived to that ripe old age but... one hardly ever got to see one. People of a ripe age would hardly have the body the military would require to join nor the idealistic and flexable mindset to be molded into a soldier. On the other side of the coin, ninja hardly ever lasted long enough to become that ripe old man that came before him. The military was, by its very nature and definition, a very bloody and dangerous job, leading many to die very early in conflicts and wars. As a matter of fact, for one to die early is NORMAL in this world so for someone to live as long as this guy as a ninja, he might as well be a celebrity among the youth.

But this guy called him his superior... That would imply he was either a genin or academy student and hense... be the least likely of the two possible "old ninja." What could have possibly possessed this man to throw away what little life he had left on a suicide mission such was being a ninja? Did he not see enough of the world to care, or has such a tragedy struck him that he's given up and hoping for a quick end to his ancient life... Both prospects disturbed him on a deep, fundamental level. It almost made him worry for this man.

"Uh... Yes... Takashi..." Salzem nodded, looking at the old man thoughtfully, but almost sadly. "What made you want to do this...? Being a ninja I mean."
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:04 am
At this point, Takashi couldn't help but laugh. He had received the same reaction from so many others, and yet it still amused him. He supposed that older ninja were a rarity. It made sense to him, of course: the life of a shinobi was a dangerous one. Filled with perilous quests, dangerous opponents, slow moving administrators and children that lose interest in role playing games. Err.... Life-threatening missions, and war. Few survived, and those that did usually ended up retiring. He supposed it was more common for one to start the ninja life as an old man than to live in the ninja life to the point that one becomes old. Of course, as evident by the reactions that people gave him, even the more common of the two was very rare. The life of a shinobi was not meant for old age.

But why did he become a ninja? 

"Well, Salzem," the old shinobi started. "Life can change; it does every day. It changes the people with it. Seasons come, and seasons go, as with them, people come, and people go. I had seen enough seasons pass that it was time I did the same. I had done all there was to do in my life, but it seemed the world was not done with me. So here I am, starting a new life, and perhaps at the end of this one, I will allowed to rest."

The old man smiled, feeling a tear come to eye, as he remembered all the friends and family he had lost. Perhaps here he would find new ones. 

"Maybe one day, someone will ask you why you decided to retire and become a farmer. I'm sure you'll have a similar answer."
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Day One (Open) Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:59 am
It was a bright, warm day as Hikari and her loyal companion, Kuro the darkness wolf, strolled through Konoha, taking in the beautiful scenery. Young children were playing games throughout the village, parents were working out in the fields or in the marketplace, and nature had blossomed from spring time. The young kunoichi decided to take a break from her busy days to explore the village, hoping to meet new people and befriend them. Although she was not picky about whom she met, Hikari wouldn’t mind if she could meet another kunoichi- the only three females she had come into contact before were her mother, sister, and an enemy shinobi during a mission. The rest of her acquaintances were males, and more specifically about half of them were family (father and two brothers).

While traversing through the streets, she picked up a familiar chakra signature, one she memorized quite a long time ago. It belonged to Salzem, a dear old friend of hers, and a recent brother as well. The snowy haired girl and the wolf couldn’t resist their curiosity, and decided to go where his chakra was to see what he was up to. Within a few minutes they saw his looming silhouette talking with another person. As the two got closer in her view, she could see that the man Salzem spoke with was far more aged than themselves, although he stood around the same height as the young shinobi. The older man adorned a plain straw hat, blocking the sun from burning his face, and had a thin beard trace his chin.

The Hyuuga, not wanting to interrupt their conversation, walked up to the duo with Kuro by her side, a small smile gracing her visage. “My apologies for intruding.” She kept her manners as she greeted them both warmly. “I just wanted to stop by and say hello.” Hikari turned towards the new gentleman as she spoke next, “Hello. My name is Hikari Hyuuga and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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