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Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:31 pm
Salzem stared blankly at the man as he tried to explain what he was doing here as a ninja and somehow, he expected the answer he got would go like that... Couldn't people answer a direct question anymore without it being all poetic? Could they not say eyyyyy I got tired of my previous life so I thought I'd pick up a new one? What was with people making things far more complicated than they needed to be? It annoyed him to no end, but that didn't mean he respected that man any less. In fact, he respected the old dude a little more if only for the fact that he could string words together in a confusing combination of unnecessary phrases.

"Uh... I don't think I'll BE a farmer..." Salzem muttered, picking up on some of the sense-making words the older man graced him with. Not that I think I'll LIVE to be that old.... It was a thought he kept to himself for he'd be little more than a doom-sayer to just run around and remind everyone how they were all gonna die if they took this job. He didn't know what brought this man here to Konoha to fight for his country, whether it was the changing seasons or something else he neglected to mention, all he knew was that he felt bad for the old man.

Before he could say anymore, however, Salzem picked up on a scent, a scent that he knew well... Hikari was on her way and his expression visually lit up... He couldn't help but smile as his sister made his way over to them, the lycan waving her over with no small amount of enthusiasm. Of course, she greeted them both with the utmost politeness and warmth her hope that she wasn't intruding on anything making the lycan laugh.

"Of course not..." He smiled, walking up to her, wrapping an arm around her in a side-hug. "You're always welcome! Takashi, this is my sister, Hikari. Hikari, this is Takashi, a ninja here."
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:22 am
Takashi couldn't help but chuckle some more at Salzem's response that he didn't believe he would one day be a farmer. At some point, everyone is a farmer of kind or another. 

Before the old man could reply in any way, though he was likely about to make his leave for the conversation appeared to be over, something happened. Salzem's head turned, only if ever so slightly, and after a short moment, the young man smiled. At first, Takashi was confused, as he had not yet trained the skill that the young man was using, but shortly after, a young woman appeared. 

A wolf seemed to walk with her, perhaps a companion of hers, and she carried a katana wither her - one that perhaps Takashi would have recognized as his own creation, in a previous life(glad to see people still use that thing). The old man was curious as to why she promoted the smile from Salzem though; were they friends? Attracted to each other? He, of course, was not so rude or unaware to voice his questions.

The young woman first introduced herself, quite politely as well. Then, Salzem, as was courteous, also introduced her, and Takashi nodded. Sibilings? Perhaps one was adopted, or the relation was through martial means. Again, it was not Takashi's place to ask these questions, and so he would not.

"Well, it is very nice to meet you as well, Hikari," Takashi said, smiling as he nodded his head in a formality. "It is always a pleasure to meet other Shinobi in this village; it often seems as if we have too few, but I am glad the ones there are, have good hearts."

The older man meant what he had said as well. Yes, Salzem had been careless at first, but he could tell that the boy had a good heart, and just intentions. He could also tell that he had years of experience beyond Takashi in the field of battle, and that as well rested well with the old man. From what he had seen of the village, he had chosen correctly when he chose to start a new life. Perhaps some day he would be able to see the Kage as well, and cast judgment there as well, but the average shinobi was just as important as the Hokage to Takashi. Often more so, if he was being honest with himself.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:10 am
The young girl filled with glee at the sight of her brother waving her towards them with such eagerness on his features, especially the large smile he wore. It was foreign to her, being greeted in such a manner, yet the simple sight filled her with happiness. After she introduced herself, Salzem reassured her that she had not, in fact, intruded upon their discussion. Then he walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her torso, greeting her with a side-hug. Hikari returned the hug by wrapping her arm around him, making sure she didn’t squeeze him too tightly from the hug.

It felt strange to hear someone introduce her as a sibling, the experience still new and unfamiliar to her. The only other time anyone had ever introduced her as their sister was when Draconis Hyuuga, Kouse Uchiha, and herself all went on a mission together. During that time, Kouse had been unaware that she recently found out about two long lost siblings (a brother and sister), and thus when he hugged her as a form of greeting, Drac became protective of her and even threatened the poor Uchiha boy. However, all three of those shinobi have passed on to another life, or the after world, whatever came after death, and hence, she was never able to adjust to being referred to as someone’s sister.

The elderly man, who she came to find out was actually a shinobi by the name of Takashi, welcomed her with a friendly smile. She wondered, although she wouldn’t dare ask, how long the man had been a ninja, if he had been one all his life or just recently decided to join the world of shinobi.

“Thank you, Takashi.” Hikari replied, the smile she adorned never leaving her face. “I agree. I hardly ever get to meet any fellow shinobi from Konoha, but the ones I have met are always kind and friendly. Like Salzem, for example. He is a very caring and helpful person, always willing to do whatever he can for a friend.”

Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:57 pm
Salzem seemed to visually blush as Hikari declared him almost a saint among ninja, a figure always kind and friendly, always caring and helpful and willing to do anything for a friend. Well... A lot of that was true... He would do anything for his friends... He'd put himself in dangerous situations for them, he'd submit himself for punishment for them... He'd even embarrass himself for his comrades if ever there was such a situation where that would be necessary and yet... despite all his efforts... they all seemed to die when he was never there... The thought of this praise that he didn't feel he deserved made the lycan's heart sink a bit, though his smile never wavered.

"Well... I'm glad you approve." Salzem nodded in response to the man's remark about them having good hearts. "I have a feeling you have the same." Still... He had a feeling that this man's past was a lot more in depth than he was letting on. One simply didn't change their lives on the fly and, if one was such a person, they were bound for an existence of turbulence and uncomfortable living. This man didn't seem uncomfortable however... He seemed.... at peace... perhaps? It was so hard to tell. He didn't look like a guy who was actively in pain, like there was a stake driving into his heart ever moment of every day like Salzem once was with his guilt. Serving the country was a slogan, not a reason and he found it hard to believe that this guy came here merely to do that, let alone claim it was the SEASONS that compelled him.... Hikari might have to add suspicious to Salzem's list of traits... Careful for a positive connotation.

"So, Hikari." Salzem asked, looking at his sister with a small grin. "What are you doing here?"
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:57 am
Takashi smiled in response. He would wait for the two shinobi to finish their greetings.

If they decided to continue talking, the older man would nod, and wave briefly, before continuing on with his day, as he did not want to interrupt theirs. However, should they pause in their conversation, or seem to have a lack of words, the old man had an idea.

If this were the case, he would look up, and smile again.

"I can tell by the looks of you two, you have much more experience as a shinobi than I do," Takashi said. "Perhaps you could indulge me a lesson sometime."

Takashi knew very little about jutsu or the way charka worked, and was curious to see it in action. Part of him also wanted to see the younger man as a shinobi, and to prove to Takashi that he had simply caught him at a time where Salzem had appeared lazy.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:26 pm
A light hue of pink dusted the young shinobi’s cheeks after he heard Hikari’s compliments, although she believed they were more than just compliments, in her eyes they were the truth. Salzem was a man she was proud to call her brother, both as a shinobi and a civilian. Based upon his reaction, Hikari concluded that Salzem was not accustomed to being praised and complimented, and she made a mental note to change that. He deserved to feel confident and prideful of what he has done, he helped her become the fine shinobi she is after all (and he had many other students besides herself, she was just unaware if any of them were still living).

Hikari slightly nodded her head in agreement with Salzem’s words, believe Takashi was a good man- at least from the few minutes she has known him. Although she was always too trusting of people, giving them the benefit of the doubt even when they may not be deserving of such a thing.

“Well, Kuro and I were taking a stroll through the village when I sensed your chakra nearby. We had nothing better to do so we decided to see what you were up to. I’m just glad we weren’t interrupting you.” Hikari returned Salzem’s grin with one of her own as she replied. “What about you two? What brought the both of you together, if I may ask?” Having missed the beginning of their conversation and meeting, she was oblivious as to what took place between the two men that brought them to meet one another.

Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:57 pm
Salzem nodded as Hikari stated that she was here by complete chance and just happened upon them. Yeah... that's usually how it went. At this point, he'd be surprised if someone walked up to him and said that they were actually looking for him. When Hikari asked what brought he and the elder ninja together, the lycan glanced at him, as if asking a question before responding to his sister's.

"Accident." He stated with as little elaboration as possible. The last thing he wanted right now was for Hikari to know how badly he almost screwed up. It was at this point that Takashi noted that by their sheer appearance, Salzem and Hikari were far more experienced than he. Huh... that was funny because a moment ago he seemed to be criticizing the lycan for his carelessness... He looked at the man as if he were holding back a scathing comment or barb, choking down the temptation to forcibly make a point that was worth nothing.

"What kind of lesson did you have in mind?" Salzem asked, his eyes squinting a bit in thought. "...And who's doing the teaching?"
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:37 am
(Sorry for the late reply, I'll try to stay on top of it more)
Takashi listened to the exchange between the two, but raised an eyebrow slightly at Salzem's explanation of what had happened. He didn't say anything though, he remembered when he was the boy's age, and respected that he didn't want to discuss it. It was over, and the old man was willing to leave it in the past. 

Then, Salzem addressed Takashi's suggestion, as it seemed there was not much else conversation going on. However, the way in which he asked the question made Takashi wonder if the young man would hold a grudge against him about the smoke bomb incident. 

"I am new to the world of shinobi," Takashi said, smiling peacefully. "Any lesson you find worthwhile, I would be more than happy to observe or practice. I'm certain there is nothing of the ninja way I could teach you, that you don't already know."
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:17 am
Salzem immediately piqued her interest as he explained vaguely what took place between the two of them, calling it an accident that they met. If it were truly an accident, she figured he would have had no need to share an upon pact with the man when Salzem turned back to him before replying. Although her suspicions were high, she didn’t let it show and kept them to herself. If he didn’t want to say what happened, she wouldn’t push him to do so.
Then Takashi spoke up as their conversation seemed to have died down, stating that they were far more experienced shinobi than himself. The kunoichi was a tad confused at first, thinking it odd that an elder would say such a thing, but she came to realize that he must have been new to the world of shinobi, probably a Genin from the words he said. She wasn’t sure what kind of lesson she could the man, sure she knew several techniques that could probably come in handy, most of the things she knew were potentially not something she could teach him. If he had fire or lightning chakra, she knew she could teach him may techniques, but regarding taijutsu or genjutsu, the girl herself was still learning. Hikari knew a few basic, low ranked taijutsu and medical ninjutsu techniques, but she knew that someone far more experienced would be a better teacher. She had never taught anyone anything before, it would be a new, probably hectic, experience if she tried now. However, if he requested her assistance and she could help, Hikari would aid him to the best of her abilities.
Hikari silently listened as Salzem and Takashi spoke about what the two of them could possibly teach him, and Takashi ended by saying that anything they have of value he would be happy to watch or practice, yet he doubted he had anything he could teach them- which was probably true if he was just starting out in the shinobi world.
“Well, there are quite a few things we could show you.” Hikari started, choosing her words carefully so as to not confuse anyone. “Salzem and I could spar, or we could teach you a few useful jutsu’s if you would prefer that? I’m not sure about Salzem or yourself, but if you have the time we could potentially do both.”

(It’s alright, no worries! Please don’t feel like you have to rush, either ^_^)

Day One (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Day One (Open)

Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:19 am
The man seemed merely that he wanted to learn anything about the ninja world, seeing that he was so new to it already. Before Salzem could offer an idea, Hikari was already offering to them to spar or teach him a few basic jutsu to get him on his feet as a soldier. The lycan looked at Hikari, unsure of how to feel, no obvious sign whether or not he approved or disapproved. On one hand, he didn't mind training this guy.... He seemed nice enough and eager to learn, though his body's apparent physical state left much to be desired. On the other hand, He didn't quite appreciate that he was presented to someone as a teacher by someone else... He preferred to offer himself really, but he knew Hikari was only trying to help... It was why he didn't get angry.

"Yeah... We can do some of that if you want Takashi. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the training grounds." It was a strange feeling, going to the grounds with the older ninja. He was so used to training with people his age or at least older in the sense of 20's but this guy... he was old enough to be Salzem's grandpa and HE was leading him... It almost seemed wrong but not in a negative kind of way... If the man agreed, they'd be at the grounds in a few minutes, a place Salzem had become so painfully familiar with, he could possibly estimate the amount of grass-blades propped out of the ground accurately.

He looked back at the man, then his older sister, a small smile reaching his lips before he broke eye-contact, his face falling flat again as he locked eyes with the seasoned blues of the older ninja. Trying to read him was as difficult as it was probing, though maybe the lycan was looking for a past that wasn't there... He wanted to feel.... he didn't know... Justified(?) in this man's position as a ninja. He didn't even know what that meant... Everyone should have a chance to serve their country if able but... bah... he couldn't wrap his mind around someone like Takashi, someone of his years wanting to do that... This disturbed him...

"So... What do you want to do first?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Jutsu... Sparring... Practice with ninja tools..."
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