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Day Two (Open)

Touka Keisuke
Takashi Chishiki
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Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day Two (Open) Empty Day Two (Open)

Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:21 pm
Takashi looked out at the green field that sprawled before him, and smiled softly. It was empty, as he expected it to be, and sadly as it usually was. It appeared there were more ninja in the village than when he had first arrived, but not as many as there likely should be for the great city of Konohagakure. 

He enjoyed the training grounds here in the village, as they reminded him ever so slightly of home. The deep green grass, smelling of the past spring, and glistening with the present summer. 

He tipped his hat, to keep the sun from his eyes, and began to walk about the field. He planned to train, yes, but first he thought it may be a good idea to stretch his old legs. Perhaps, by the time he came back to the center, there may be another ninja. He very much enjoyed meeting others of the same village, as so far, all the ones he had met (though few in number) were very pleasant people.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:52 am
The day broke and Touka sprung out of bed. It was his first day as a Genin. Just last week he would have had to be at the academy to attend a lecture on how to perform Jutsu or how to properly conduct a mission. While those learnings were valuable Touka had been looking forward to the increased freedom that comes with graduating from the academy. 

Looking into the mirror of his small bathroom as he put on an ever so slight amount eye liner and he wondered what would be the best use of his time for the day. Touka contemplated on doing an easy mission but finding team members do to that could be a bit of a drag and so Touka decided to instead go to the training grounds. 

Walking into the great field where many Ninja trained he looked at his nails that were painted a cool blue wondering if it was the right color to choose for the day. None the less the color of his nails wasn't really the goal of the day but rather it was to train. 

As Touka got ready to preform a Jutsu he noticed some else had entered the field a few yards over to the right. It was an older looking man and Touka didn't have much interest in making contact but was willing to share the space.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Sun Jul 02, 2017 7:17 pm
Jason, being a prodigy himself, managed to find some free time today while the other students were attending the normal classes at the academy. His teachers had granted him a few extra free periods since he was so far ahead of the rest of his class. Normally he would spend this time studying, but today he decided to make his way over to the training grounds instead and practice the transformation technique. It was the last thing he needed to master in order to be allowed to graduate from the academy and become a full fledged shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. 

Now that he entered the fields, Jason noticed two others sharing the space. One of them was an older gentleman that looked like he had a lot of experience and wisdom to offer. Being the social butterfly that he was, the young Senju went right up to the man, planning to introduce himself. 

"Hi there! My names Jason. Something just told me to come over here and introduce myself." he said cheerfully as he stopped a few feet away from the old man.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:28 am
It was a bright, shining morning when the ivory haired kunoichi left her residence in the Hyuuga District. She, along with her best friend Kuro, a wolf bathed in darkness with crimson eyes, had decided to train in the training grounds today, focusing mainly on her bloodline techniques and ninjutsu. She had recently become more adept to taijutsu, and because of that she felt it was finally time for her to excel in the art of the Gentle Fist fighting style. She enjoyed walking down the crowded streets, interacting with the kind shopkeepers and customers. Hikari had gotten to know a few of them quite well, as they were always tidying up the outside of their shop around the time she always went off to train. But the people she knew the best were the librarians at the Konoha Library. Since she had no one, besides her brother, to teach her new jutsu, she spent many of her days at the library researching material. The librarians knew her by name, and were always very happy to grant her requests to check out books for her training. Today, however, Hikari carried no books in her hands, as she had already selected the jutsu she would train and memorized everything she needed to know about them. There were not too many she had picked out for the day, which made it significantly easier for her to recall the specifics for each jutsu.

By the time they had made it to the training grounds, it was buzzing alive with activity. Both children and adults were training in the area, honing their skills as shinobi. Hikari felt a familiar chakra signature just a couple meters away in the grassy area of the grounds. She gravitated towards that area, happy to see a new friend of hers again. The last time they had met he had to abruptly leave, and she felt terrible for having gone too hard on him during their spar.

There were two other people in the vicinity of Takashi, one was a vibrant bluenette around her age and the other was a dark haired guy that looked to be in his early teens. The latter boy was speaking to Takashi, introducing himself from what she could tell by the bits and pieces she heard. He was from the Senju clan, although his first name eluded her hearing. Surprisingly enough, he would be the first person she had ever met from that clan despite having lived in Konohagakure all her life. Although to be fair, she had quite few friends to begin with. She wasn’t nearly as social as this kid was, waltzing up to any shinobi and striking up a conversation with them.

Hikari and Kuro waited patiently, as they did not want to interrupt the conversation being held. If there was a moment of pause or one of they walked away, she would start her own conversation with Takashi. But until then she started to stretch her arms and legs, having a conversation with Kuro as she did so, although no one else would be able to understand him as he did not speak the human language, only canine body language and the occasional howl.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Tue Jul 04, 2017 10:17 am
(Should be able to post today, but it is the 4th, so, if not, then tomorrow for sure)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:34 pm
Earlier in the morning, another soul decided to join Takashi on the day in the fields. He was much younger than Takashi, though that wasn't saying much. He was not exceptionally young for a ninja, though Takashi noticed by the way he held himself, and the training he performed that his skill was close to Takashi's own.

The young man did not approach, or acknowledge Takashi in any way but giving him space, which Takashi was perfectly fine with. Takashi respected other's solidarity, and if that is what the younger man wanted, then the old man was content as well. It was better than accidentally dropping a smoke bomb on him, as the first young man Takashi had found had done.

Then, while Takashi was in the middle of his stretching, a younger man, a boy, came up to him. Takashi smiled in amusement at his introduction. 

"Something just told you to, huh?" Takashi laughed a bit. He remembered when he was that young. Perhaps the child thought he was speaking with a ninja of much higher rank. The old man assumed this was the reason, but hoped there was another; he did not want to disappoint the boy.

"Well, Jason," Takashi said, looking down at the boy in a friendly manner. "My name is Takashi, and it is nice to meet you. What brings you here today?"
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:48 pm
Shortly after Touka arrived at the training grounds another ninja approached. Touka observes the conversation that began between Jason and Takashi to then find yet a second ninja to join the grounds, bringing the total number to four. The new ninja to join seemed to be around the same age of Touka and with gorgeous snow white hair. What was particularly interesting was the wolf that accompanied the woman. Touka had not yet seen many shinobi that utilized animals for their jutsus or for companionship for that matter.  As the conversation between the two male ninjas continued Touka decided it would be best to introduce himself

Touka had not yet made very many friends and it would probably be wise to do so if he wanted to make it far as a ninja. When the time was right Touka would introduce himself, preferably after Jason answers Takashi’s question. 

“Hey, all sorry to interrupt you two but I am new here to the training grounds.” Touka said with a charmed, face. 

“My name is Touka Keisuke.” 
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:38 am
[sorry about the wait guys. Short and sweet is the best I can do atm unfortunately]

The old man seemed very kind indeed. Jason quite enjoyed talking to the people of his village no matter who they were. It was necessary really know just who it was he planned on protecting, or in this case possibly working with. "Well my teachers at the academy give me a lot of free time since I'm so far ahead of the other students, so I thought I'd come and finish up mastering the transformation technique. It's the last thing I need to know in order to graduate. Perhaps you could give me some pointers?" 

Just then, the other individual Jason had noticed earlier approached them and introduced himself. Touka Keisuke. He made a note to remember the name along with Takashi's. "Hello Touka. I'm Jason. It's nice to meet you. I was just telling Takashi here that I was hoping to master the transformation technique today. What brings you here?"
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : ~Hikari's Stats~
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:24 pm
(OCC: That's alright Jason, do not worry about it. These are all pretty short anyways haha ^_^)

It seemed fate never wanted the poor Hyuuga to ever not interrupt Takashi’s conversations. This would be the second time the girl would “barge in” on him while he was speaking with other shinobi. She hoped the older man did not find her rude or ill-mannered due to such behavior, it was just that their conversation had just blossomed and was nowhere near completion.

After the blue haired young man walked over to join the duo, she began her own short walk towards them. He introduced himself as Touka Keisuke, and after he had finished speaking she herself spoke up, a slight smile gracing her lips as she did so.

“Hello Takashi, Jason, Touka. My name is Hikari Hyuuga.” Her voice was cheerful as she was excited to meet new members of the shinobi world. It had been quite some time since she last met anyone knew. “My apologies for intruding on your conversation.”

As their conversation continued, Jason mentioned to Touka that his reason for being there was to master the transformation technique. Both this piece of information and his statement earlier about getting free time off in the academy allowed her to know what rank he was. She figured Touka was probably a genin, the same rank as Takashi. That left her to being the highest ranking shinobi amongst the four of them, which was quite ironic due to her being the shortest of them all- standing at a measly four feet and nine inches. One would not believe she was a chuunin, and they probably thought she was still in the academy like Jason.

“I can help you master the transformation technique too, if Takashi and yourself don’t mind me assisting?” She always loved to help others, and hoped Takashi wasn’t offended by her offer to join him in helping the young boy out. If he did not want her assistance, she would understand his feelings and not help. “I can also try to help you out as well, Touka. If you want, that is.”
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Day Two (Open) Empty Re: Day Two (Open)

Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:32 pm
(Sorry for the delay; summer classes are much faster paced than I expected. I'll be able to post tomorrow)
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