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Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Lets trainnn [Open]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:52 pm
Ketsueki held Mitsukatta tight as he stood from his desk, class had been dismissed and the other students had just left him alone, rushing past him and clamoring to get out the door. He put on his jacket. Letting it only rest on his shoulders as he walked out the door as well. The hallways were emptying fast, especially where Ketsueki was headed, his arms forming a warm cot for Mitsukatta right against his stomach, he found himself standing directly in front of the training room. "You're going to help me today, Not just by watching like before." Mitsukatta whined. "Come on, you won your first big fight, you should be way more motivated." He looked down at the puppy. "Fine, if that doesn't at least make you want to TRY and help me."

 He looked back up and pulled out his pass, handing it to the ninja who was supervising the room. "I'll get you a ball afterward to make it more fun." The ninja opened the door and Mitsukatta jumped out of Ketsueki's arms, using his stomach as a launching pad. He groaned in response but was brought to a better mood once he saw the puppy clearing the area around him and barking, calling out to him as if to signal that he was ready. Ketsueki took his pass back and walked inside, the door closing behind him. "So, that's what it takes to motivate you huh? Alright."

 Ketsueki then wove sign once, transforming into the visage of his puppy, he bore his teeth in a smile before taking off toward Mitsukatta. Who ran away, leaping onto a short pillar, put there to promote the strength of jumping power. Ketsueki followed and leapt down toward his pet, barking the whole way. To any onlookers it may seem like two dogs had gotten where they weren't supposed to and it would be almost automatic to want to either revel in the cuteness. If this wasn't Kirigakure. Or want to drive them out so some REAL training could be accomplished.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:17 pm
Jayce had been walking through the halls of the Kirigakure academy as he noticed some kid entering one of the training rooms with a puppy. Why did everyone here have a damn puppy. It was kind of irritating. Why was it irritating? Because he wanted a puppy too. Anyway as he was passing by he decided it might be a good idea to ask this other student to train with him some. He needed to stay ahead of his class after all, and this was a good way to do it. 

When he got to the doorway he presented his own pass given to him by his instructor to use the training room whenever he wanted. But what he saw was not a person performing any type of training. What he saw was two puppies playing together. The transformation technique? If it was maybe he could benefit from this after all. He had already learned to use that technique himself, but since this kid was also able to use it Jayce figured he was probably a worthy opponent.

"Hey kid. Stop playing around like a child. This is a training room. Not a play area." he said as he entered into the room. His red hair probably the most noticeable thing about him. He had an air of arrogance, like he pretty much always did, but his face was kind and welcoming. What a contrast. "I was hoping to find someone useful to train with. If you're up to the challenge that is."
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:49 pm
Having been enjoying their little game, Ketsueki had found it had a bit of a routine, Mitsukatta would lead him around, up the pillar which was more like a step to Ketsueki in his regular body, Down the step, around the hanging training dummies in a weaving fashion. Over the short balance bar, and back around, at the speed they were going, or at least, Mitsukatta was going. You'd never notice that either one wasn't athletically gifted. 

This was brought to a pause when they heard a door open. And saw that someone had opened the door, attempting to train as well? Goody, maybe he'd have some help. Worst case scenario, He'd have to use a broken body as a healing puppet. No harm, no foul in his mind.

Ketsueki stopped as Mitsukatta had stood on top of the pillar, looking at the boy at near eye-level. Ketsueki dropped the transformation, the puppy jumping onto his shoulder. "My name is Ketsueki, thank you for asking." He smirked, looking over the boy's hair and face. 'Odd. Red as an apple and yet the face isn't matching.' "Well, if you want to know what this 'play' carries over into, just look around. At puppy size, this is a real good obstacle course, isn't it?" 

Ketsueki had been looking around, gesturing to the pillars and most of their little running game's course. "What's on your mind to train? If it's something like a fight, I could use it." He smirked, his dark clothing was a clash compared to his light skin, almost as if he would have glare if a light had shone on him. He had his arms hidden under his now closed jacket. They were folded as he spoke and his eyes captured enough attention all on their own. He reached out from the top of his jacket and palmed his head, throwing it back dramatically. "Oh yeah. Bad manners. What's your name?"
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:21 pm
The 'puppies' stopped what they were doing when they noticed Jayce standing there. One of them, obviously the student, decided to rejoin humanity and dispelled his transformation technique. The boy said something about the room being an adequate obstacle course when turned into a puppy, which seemed to be accurate enough. Jayce was too arrogant to really admit that though. Ketsueki was the boy's name. The mention of a fight between the two brought a sly grin to the Uzumaki's face. That was actually exactly what he was hoping for.

"Sure. You can call me Jayce." the redhead said in response to the other's question. The room was just big enough for a spar between the two. Of course, Jayce's physical abilities were far from excellent, but he still had one or two tricks up his sleeve for something like that. "Keep your puppy on the sidelines. I don't want to hurt it on accident." he said as he held out his right hand to form the sign that signified this as a shinobi spar. If his opponent accepted, he would then move to take up a position just under 2 meters in front of Ketsueki and allow the boy to make the first move. This should be fun, hopefully.
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:33 pm
Ketsueki stepped back, letting Mitsukatta hop off of his back as he smirked "Well. If you insist." He then hopped back, kicking off of the pillar and running toward Jayce for a meter thinking to himself. Jayce...'Like juice?' He thought to himself as he unzipped his jacket from the inside, once they got two feet apart from each other he planted his right foot down, letting the momentum from his charge carry his left leg across Jayce's midsection area, his jacket sleeve flying across Ketsueki's face, blocking it for a moment after the kick flew. Depending on the kick's result Ketsueki wouldn't likely retreat, taking his time to get into as proper a stance as he can with his arms hidden from sight, allowing his partner to recover/counter etc. He wasn't expecting a single shin kick to the side to do much, then again that wasn't the point. The point was to have fun.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:26 pm
Ketsueki took a step back as his puppy jumped off of his back. He wasted no time in making his move. Jayce watched as the boy hopped backward and then kicked off of a pillar, probably to give himself a boost in his momentum, and ran toward the Uzumaki. He wasn't very fast, but neither was Jayce at this point. Just two feet away from each other, Ketsueki began to perform a kick that was no doubt aimed at Jayce's right side. Easy enough to counter for someone like Jayce. As soon as the redhead saw Ketsueki lift his left leg to begin the kick, Jayce crouched down low enough for the kick to be aimed above his head while simultaneously extending his right leg and rotating his body counterclockwise. His leg would most likely sweep the other boy's right leg out from under him causing him to fall backward mid-kick.

If this were to happen, Jayce would immediately stand up and smirk at Ketsueki, placing his hands in his pockets as he did so. "Come on, is that all you've got?"
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:12 pm

Ketsueki brought his leg halfway to his side before it hit the ground, Ketsueki felt his right leg get swept under him before he found himself taking a knee to the ground, left leg slightly extended and his body doubled over like a half eaten doughnut. After he heard the habanero-haired boy speak he looked up at Jayce and dug the tip his right foot and the heel of his left. Realizing shortly that Jayce was far more interested at talking down at people. Bad idea with his long hair. 

Ketsueki pushed off of his feet, clenching his right fist all the way as he rose, turning his hips and shoulders as he brought his fist upward, aimed directly at the grinning boy's face. Personally, Kets wasn't offended by the statement much at all, in fact. If they weren't in the middle of a fight, Ketsueki would have loved the banter. But this was a fight, so he wasn't as obliged to speak.

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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:20 pm
What Ketsueki lacked in skill he seemed to make up for with sheer determination. Jayce had more experience in combat, that much was obvious. He had to admit he was grateful to his parents for the training they had him endure when he was younger.

Ketsueki rose upwards as his fist was aimed at the Uzumaki's face. He left himself open in numerous was as he did so, which Jayce would take full advantage of. He leaned his upper body backwards just enough for the other boy's fist to swing harmlessly past Jayce's face. At the same time, he pivoted counterclockwise on his right foot and, now being on Ketsueki's left side, used the momentum to push the boy past him with his left hand. "Now now, you shouldn't leave yourself open like that. It would have been easy for me to hit you." he said coyly, winking as he did so.
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:58 pm
Ketsueki was pushed off balance a bit, sent forward a foot because of the force added to his upward momentum. He turned around, looking toward Jayce. 'How old are you?' Came to mind just as he locked eyes with Jayce, he would have asked but he couldn't especially not when he had realized the low in the fight had occurred, also that Jayce outclassed him just a bit in every way that was at least important. 

He circled around the boy, his arms now back inside his jacket as he did so. Body still tensed up, ready to continue the fight whenever his opponent obliged, he got a lot from those short exchanges. He's good on defense, more of countering less of pure dodging. Ketsueki might have had enough to flow chart him, all he needed was a taste of Jayce on offense. He kept his weight on the balls of his feet as he circled.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Lets trainnn [Open] Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:06 pm
Ketsueki was pushed forward, but managed to stay on his feet despite Jayce's shove. That was impressive at least. The two students locked eyes, the red haired teen pivoting to keep Ketsueki in front of him as he circled. Jayce was confused as to why this boy seemed to like to keep his hands tucked inside of his jacket; it wasn't a very smart thing for a shinobi to do. In fact it didn't really make any sense to the Uzumaki at all unless it was being used to conceal hand seals, which Jayce didn't think was the case since he couldn't sense the boy's chakra spiking at all to indicate the use of a jutsu. Perhaps it was a little too much to expect an academy student to be able to use adequate offensive ninjutsu.

After a moment or two it became obvious that Ketsueki was waiting for Jayce to make a move. Apparently he had gotten enough of the Uzumaki countering and wanted to see what the arrogant teen could bring to the table. If that's what he wanted who was Jayce to turn the boy down? He placed his hands in his pockets and smirked at his opponent again; the look might as well be permanently plastered on his face at this point.

In a matter of seconds two thin chains broke through the floor where Ketsueki was moving, one coming up on either side of him as they quickly wrapped themselves around the boy. The chains would pin his arms to his sides and effectively bind him in place. They moved much faster than either of the two academy students could and were much stronger than they were. "I think that's enough for now." Jayce would say through that arrogant smile as he released his clan's bloodline and the chains simply faded away. "You're better than I expected. I'm impressed. Your technique needs some work though."
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