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Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:26 pm
Ketsueki watched Jayce as he smirked yet again, that kind contrasting face changing and contorting into a look of arrogance. He hoped the boy had something to back all this up. Or at least something that would help him figure out what to do. This was all most fun, despite Ketsueki's utter pokerface.

Ketsueki paused in place for a moment, a look of shock and anger spreading across his face as from the ground rose thin chains that subsequently coiled themselves around him. holding him in place and making his arms useless, He thought of using transformation to escape the pressure they were exerting but he couldn't weave sign, he struggled for a bit, testing the chains in all directions and relaxing his face. Once they were dispelled he stretched his body, hearing the boy. "What was that? How did you learn that?" He asked, confused and obviously meaning the chains, Were they hidden traps he had left sometime during the fight?
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:08 pm
As was to be expected, Ketsueki looked and sounded utterly confused when the chains had appeared. Unfortunately this lead to questions Jayce wasn't very comfortable answering, but ones he had to now that he had let a fellow Kirigakure academy student see his clan's hidden abilities. "Well, I didn't exactly learn it, per say. See, I'm part of the Uzumaki clan. Along with being naturally gifted at using fuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu, some of us are also capable of creating chains like the ones you just witnessed from our chakra." He had hoped that would be sufficient explanation for the boy. Perhaps deciding to use his chains for this little spar was a bit too much. Still, at least it gave him the opportunity to groom a fellow training partner.

"So what's the deal with the puppy? Are you one of those Inuzuka people who train with ninja hounds?" He was legitimately interested in this aspect. Jayce hadn't met very many ninja other than his parents before coming to New Kirigakure. Even then the only real ninja he had met was his instructor at the academy. Everyone else he had interacted with were mainly other students or mere civilians.
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:22 pm
Ketsueki nodded at the explanation. "I see. Well, I never knew about all that." He said, turning back to his now napping partner, who hadn't even been really watching the fight all that intensely, keeping one eye open. Ketsueki patted Mitsukatta's head, going down to his back before turning back to the question pertaining to his puppy.

"Nah. I don't think I am at least, I've only ever been in shinobi training programs since I was little so I don't know much about my bloodline." He shrugged. "Well. As to why I have him. My teacher had me pick out of a litter which one I wanted, and then said I'm going to be training with him for my entire time as a student." He sighed softly as the puppy went back to sleep. Wondering about these Inuzuka people. Maybe he is one? No clue, but his name would be Ketsueki Inuzuka otherwise. He shrugged it off.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:51 am
So this kid, Ketsueki, hadn't known about the Uzumaki clan's bloodline until now. Jayce wasn't actually surprised about that. What did surprise him was that the boy's teacher told him to pick out the puppy and train with him for his entirety as a student. It didn't make much sense to him, but he was sure there had to be a reason behind it. "Ah I see. Strange, my teacher hasn't done anything of the sort. I wonder why yours made you choose a puppy to train with." He was more saying it out loud to himself, musing over several possibilities that he didn't really want to say to the kid. "Anyway the Inuzuka clan specializes in hidden ninjutsu with a ninja hound partner. Since you had a puppy with you I assumed that you were part of that clan but it seems I was wrong." Jayce continued before deciding to sit down on the floor with his legs crossed in front of him.

"So what are your plans after graduating from the academy?"
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:15 am
Ketsueki shrugs, looking back at Jayce. "Maybe it's because I started in a special class?" He didn't really think about what the possibilities could be, he had too many things on his mind pointing to the future, but what he didn't really think about was Mitsukatta's future, Maybe. Just maybe he could learn something about making his little buddy into an actual ninja alongside him. But maybe he didn't want that. Ketsueki smiled down at his puppy before he heard the explanation of the Inuzuka clan.

"My plans?" He turned again, now leaning against the pillar. "My plans are to march straight up to the Mizukage, look him straight in the eye, and ask him to help me learn how to use swords. My teacher says he is a blade wielder and so that's where I see my future going. Immediately at least." His face then sagged back into deadpan as his eyes focused on Jayce again as he crossed his arms. "What about you? Do you have any milestones in your sights?"
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:16 pm
So Ketsueki was in a 'special class', eh? Special indeed. Jayce had to suppress a chuckle at that. The boy was definitely something special if he planned on walking up to the Mizukage as he had just described. Still, it was very intriguing. At least he had a plan, a goal that he had set for himself. It was far more than Jayce had. What exactly did he plan on doing after he graduated? Working hard at becoming a strong Mist shinobi, sure, but other than that what did he want? 

"To be honest I don't have any grand plans for myself just yet. I just want to become strong. I want to be acknowledged and be a great tool to be used for the village. So I guess you could say that I haven't really put much thought into it."
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:14 am
"If you want to be just a great tool, that's fine. We're ninja so we always will be so long as we're alive. We're on a base level. Assets." As the statement progressed, Ketsueki's voice began to sink into almost a depressed tone. As his eyes drifted away from his center. Looking at nothing. He stepped forward, Mitsukatta looking up as he noticed Ketsueki walking away.

 "But. We have so much to do as people, too. You'll find what you want to do through the path of the ninja. I know it." He found his eyes eventually back up at Jayce, his hand pressed reassuringly on his shoulder. He was of course, deadpan faced the entire time. Ketsueki was likely being too dramatic. But this was just his way of speaking. Didn't help when he heard someone who wasn't all that specific for their dream.
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:14 am
It made Jayce a little uncomfortable the way Ketsueki kept his eyes locked on him the whole time he spoke. Although he didn't show it, keeping his collective cool. Still, the boy's words were comforting in a way. Even if Jayce didn't exactly know what his goal was, it was refreshing to hear the wisdom coming from this boy. 

"Thank you, Ketsueki. That's....comforting in a way. You're right. I might not know what I want to do or who I want to be just yet, but I'm sure I'll find it along my path as a ninja." He let himself smile at the boy now, in a friendly way. Then he realized they were just hanging out in the Kirigakure academy in a random training room. "So, why don't we continue this chat over some ramen? I'm getting a little hungry."
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:20 am
Ketsueki nodded. "Do, let's" he smirked, turning to Mitsukatta once more and calling him, the puppy jumped off the pillar as Ketsueki crouched down, the hole his jacket made now being more open, the puppy jumped inside with ease as the boy rose up. The enthusiasm behind Ketsueki's response was purely hogwash as he had no clue what ramen tasted like, his palette being limited. He heard a whining yip coming from his abdomen, his puppy of course. Wanting to make sure what he was promised wasn't just a tease. 

"Don't worry, We'll stop by the general store on the way home and get you a ball." He smiled walking in front of the Uzumaki. "What are your favorite things to pair with ramen?" He asked, maybe showing his ignorance, maybe not, he'd hoped it would be to the contrary so that he could learn and bull his way through the rest until he knew what he was talking about. He opened the door to the hallway, looking back at Jayce.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Lets trainnn [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lets trainnn [Open]

Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:37 pm
And before they knew it the two Kirigakure academy students headed out of the academy and off into the village towards the nearest ramen shop. As they walked, Kets asked Jayce what he liked to top his ramen with, after promising to buy his puppy a ball. It was obviously an innocent question someone would ask a person they had just begun talking to and were now accompanying for lunch. If Jayce was being honest with himself he probably would have asked the same thing. He still might. 

"Well personally I like pork ramen with some hot sauce and eggs. It might sound a bit odd, but it's one of my favorite dishes. The place we're headed makes the best I've had since coming here. What about you?" he asked in return. They were just about to the restaurant by this point. It was only about a ten minute walk away from the school. Still, they had another couple of minutes to fill with conversation until they reached their destination.
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