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Just a Day (Open)

Masashi Uzumaki
Kensei Onomori
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Kensei Onomori
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Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:42 pm
He stopped counting the days since his family had moved into this village and the day he became a shinobi. It was odd for him to be living in such a place that he honestly didn't think existed. Knights and Princesses? Castles and Royalty? All of these things sounded like something out of a child's storybook and yet here he was. In place that had all of these thing and then some. To many people he was a threat and to some he was a helpful soul that just wanted to be good. To be honest Morio didn't think he was either of the lot, but instead was just trying to find his place in this world he was inhabiting. He still had questions on his own upbringing, and even then no one would answer him. It was as if his entire history was an enigma to the world, but someone knew something...they just weren't telling him. With all of the hype of the Chuunin Exams going on, Morio wasn't too interested in going to see it, why does he care about the skills of other villages? His own skills came first and with him delving into his own skills maybe...just maybe he could uncover a little more about himself. At the moment he had been walking toward the village's training ground with nothing more than a few Kunai and shuriken although he was not coming here to train. Instead he was going there to be a little isolated and sit among the different scenery to collect his thoughts. There might have been people there that could have talked to him, but depending on his mood at the current time he might or might not speak. As he found a nice tree to sit under he began to sit in a meditative state and took in a deep breath, letting go of his attachment to the world and letting himself free mentally and spiritually. It was something he learned from a traveling monk to better help understand himself...and possibly unlock something about his past.

Only time would tell.

542 WC
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:17 pm
The Chuunin Exams were underway, the first exam was already completed, so the Genin that were taking part had moved on to the next phase, the Bell test. Masashi did not have a squad and therefore did not have any participants in the exams. He also had not been asked to proctor any of the exam’s parts so far, which was completely understandable; he had been away for some time so they would be more likely to use Jounin that were more active. That meant he had nothing really to do today, and while he had some experimenting he could do in his lab, he wanted to take some time and get fresh air outside. The Training Grounds would likely be nearly empty, with a good number of Hoshi’s Genin being in the exam, so it seemed like a god time to get back to work on himself, possibly learning more about the powers he’d recently acquired. The Uzumaki Jounin didn’t quite fully understand what he’d gained, but he was very interested in finding out.

The Water Gardens were surprisingly empty as well; most people were likely spending time in the city square where the visitors from some of the other villages were staying. Masashi didn’t particularly mind that, sometimes he liked having the Gardens to himself. It was especially calming as all you could hear was the water moving slowly and your own footsteps. The serene feeling that came from it had given the Uzumaki Jounin several moments of wondrous revelation. Today was not one of those days however, and so he proceeded to the training grounds to do the introspection the hard way.

The training grounds were fairly empty as he expected they would be. There was a young boy sitting under a tree off to one side. They appeared to be resting, so Masashi had no intention of walking right over to them and strike up a conversation, as that would be rude. Instead, he set himself up in a nearby section of the grounds and started working on learning about his new implants. He knew what they were supposed to do because of the research he was able to read about in the National Archives, but theoretical and practical knowledge are two very different things, and the Uzumaki Jounin knew that what he read and what he did may not translate out equally as a result.

Wood Release was a combination of water and earth chakras, one of which Masashi was intimately familiar with. The other, not so much, but he would need to master it in order to master Wood Release. Similar to how he creates Explosion Release chakra, Masashi would begin by drawing in the earth release chakra in his body, and then instead of lightning, he would mix water release chakra with the earth, combining the two so that it would become more than the two separate chakras. Since techniques require hand seals of some kind, so Masashi would start making random combinations of hand seals. Most of them ended in failure, however after 5 minutes of making hand seal combinations, he finally found one that worked. He could feel the chakra shift and tendrils of wood started growing out of one side of his body, slowly creating a puppet made out of wood. Eventually the puppet formed features and its definition increased until Masashi was looking at a carbon copy of himself. “Huh, that’s handy..” The Uzumaki Jounin said out loud, more so to himself than anyone else. The clone responded “It sure is, now you can be in two places at once.” They both chuckled at the terrible joke. “Lets see how effective this clone is.” And they would begin to spar, using their bodies only for now; Masashi wanted to see how much like him the clone was.

WC: 638
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:02 pm
He wanted to try to get some training today because he thought the training grounds would be empty because of the chuunin exams.  He wanted to learn some new skills and make sure he knew how to use the ones he already knew.  He was always worried about not being useful to his family,to his team, and to his village. He would think about the way that the shinkou treated him during his training with them.  Not really knowing who his father was always made it a bit awkward there so he much preferred to train by himself.  They never really accepted Yuuta; they trained him probably out of a sense of guilt or to save face.  However they did not treat him as one of them.  As he regained his senses and started to get dressed he was excited to see what the day would end up bringing.  

He would walk through the market with his adoptive father to the smithy that he worked at. This was a sort of tradition for him to do.  He would then find his way to the training grounds and would begin looking around to see who was around and if someone he knew was there.  He saw 2 older people sparring.  He had to do a double take and look again because he swore they looked exactly the same.  It took more dame though then a shadow clone so maybe it was twins or something.  Then he thought maybe they just look the same from this distance but they seem to look the same. Either way they seem busy so Yuuta would just let him work out and spar in peace. 
He saw a new person further a new person that he has not seen before.  They looked to be about his age so he went up and said “Hello there, my name is Yuuta.  How are you doing today? You seem new around here. I am still relatively new here. I spent my summers here growing up but I spent most of it with my family.  "

WC 346
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
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Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:11 pm
Morio silently twirled a kuni on his right index finger, idly looking around at the area as if he was looking for a reason to train and yet he still didn't want to yet. There were a lot of things that he felt as if he wasn't exactly ready for unless he was missing something...something that he could have. Recently he had stayed out of the forge due to lack of inspiration. He could feel the tugging of something in the back of his mind and soul, but whatever it was it was not coming to the forefront. Instead it teetered across the infinite chasms of his mind until finally he decided to shove it onto the shelf until it had fully came to fruition. The troubles with having a knack for making weapons is that when the creative flow for them cease for a moment you find yourself wondering what to do. The subtle sound of footsteps caused the kunai to stop spinning half way as he used his ring finger to stop its advance, his golden hued eyes turning to meet the voice that had stopped to speak with him. Moving a bit of his sea blue hair out of the way, he took in the appearance of the male in front of him and guessed by his stature that they could have been in the same age group.

He didn't know anyone in the village per se so he couldn't make heads or tails of if he knew the male or not so he wasn't going to beat himself up if he knew the name or not, but the kunai was slowly stashed into the holster on his leg as he turned his head slightly to look forward as he talked to the other boy," Hm. My name's Morio as for how i'm doing I am in a contemplative mood lately," to his next statement a small chuckle escaped his lips," That's because I am new here. My family decided was the best they could do for our family so here we are. Merchants are a weird lot aren't they? At least you know where you are from..," the small look on his face said it all as a few strands of hair fell over his face. The ever pressing issue of not knowing where he was from or even who his family was continued to press against his mind, but he could always feel a tugging in his mind like a compass...or an influence. Either way he finally caught sight of the two people sparring and watched for a moment or two before turning his attention back to the water fountain not too far from him.

WC: 451
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

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Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:49 pm
Mid spar another shinobi showed up and walked over to the boy under the tree, who appeared to no longer be resting. Someone else Masashi didn’t recognize, which was becoming a common theme for the Uzumaki Jounin. Six months of not being around will do that. He would keep sparring for now at least, as he wasn’t quite done testing out the limits of the wood clone. So far though it seemed to be on par with his own abilities at least in terms of speed and strength. ‘I am.’ The clone said telepathically to him. ‘I’m a copy of you in every way, so we would be equal, and we share memories, so a spar technically is pointless since we both know what’s going to happen.’ That was unexpected to say the least, but a very useful piece of information, something to remember for future uses of the technique.

While he’d made this revelation, the pair had started talking; Masashi couldn’t hear what was being said because of the distance and the combat with his wooden compatriot. Perhaps it would be worthwhile getting to know these unfamiliar faces. He’d hold up a hand to end the impromptu sparring session with his wood clone, and the pair would walk over to where the two boys were talking. Him and his clone would wave as they walked over. “Good afternoon.” Masashi would say to them, “how are you both doing today?” As he asked this question, he would bend down and grab some dirt off the ground, infusing his chakra into it, and placing the newly created explosive clay in his large weapon pouch.

WC; 273
TWC: 971
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:45 pm
Youta would look at this other genin who was this young blue haired child. He was sitting playing with a kunai and being kinda weird. He was apparently very contemplative. But Youta being is usual cheerful self would talk to him some more saying “Well Morio, it is a pleasure to meet you, this place is not too bad. Avoid the religious zealots and you should be fine. My adoptive father is a craftsman himself and they are a strange bunch. Families can be tough though trust me my family heritage can be very difficult to talk about but hey sometimes the best family are the ones who choose you. Where were you before this place?” He asked with a real curiosity and wonder. He was always fascinated with other places and wondered about them. He was never really allowed to travel as a child because the elders were very strict.

As him and this genin were talking the other shinobi in the area came over to start a conversation with them. He walked over after talking to himself. Youta was curious so he would activate his meigan and see if it was a clone, which it was. He would walk over and greet both of us. “Hello sir my name is Youta. I am doing pretty good today just thought I would come and try to get a workout and maybe some meditation in. How are you doing?” He would look at the real one then deactivated his eyes. “Why are you fighting yourself I mean your clone?”

WC. 260
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
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Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:23 pm
Morio looked at the male quizzically for a moment at what they were saying. Family? Morio barely knew his. All he knew was that his mother had given him up to a merchant family and his father was gone. No first name only a last name...Hoshimura. The fact that this one also brought up clans made him mentally shudder. At least he knew his clan and what he belonged to. Morio only looked down to his hands for a moment and sighed, the conversation triggered him slightly but this was nothing new to him. The yellow eyes would slowly look over to Youta as he shrugged before answering," Here. There. Anywhere that caravan would go to sell its wares and goods. And no. Having a family that chooses you isn't better. Its settling. I would rather know my birth family and make my decision from there instead of never knowing them at all and living in a fantasy that everything is okay with this one... Its really not," he had a lot more to say but the pattering of footsteps cut him off as he looked over at the pair coming over. It didn't take him long to figure out it was a clone, but why...Nevermind. It wasn't anything important that he wanted to ask, but what he did with the dirt was definitely...odd to say the least. The questions caused Morio to shrug before he gave an answer," Decent."

WC: 240
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:59 pm
The one sitting under the tree didn’t seem very talkative, providing a one-word answer to his question. That was fine; he wouldn’t force a conversation if it wasn’t wanted. "Glad to hear it" he would say to the quiet one. The other boy was a little more forthcoming with information. His name was Youta, and he had a very strange pair of eyes. Some form of Kekkei Genkai for sure. Turns out that he was also at the training grounds for some physical activity. He then asked the Uzumaki Jounin how he was doing, and why he was fighting a clone. "I’m doing well, thank you.” He paused for a moment before answering his second question. “Nice to meet you, Youta. My name is Masashi Uzumaki-Akari,” Masashi would say to the boy. “Great question. I’ve been working on learning some new techniques, and I just stumbled across this one in the process, which creates a clone of myself made entirely of wood. I was sparring with the clone here to get a feel for its effectiveness.” He was of course looking to try and learn more Wood Release techniques, but there had to be a better way than just standing in the training grounds and trying out hand seal combinations for hours on end.

WC: 215
TWC: 1186
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:11 pm
Youta saw that this conversation was starting to make this other genin a little uncomfortable and maybe upsetting him.  So he would try to change the topic and focus more on the jounin who seemed to be in a little better mood than the genin.  Youta was naive to a lot of the troubles of the world.  His clan was a very secluded one and after he would spend most of his time in their classroom learning how the world hated them and how they were associated with demons. He was always trying to prove the clan wrong though and make as many friends as possible. He then turned to the jounin.  “You have wood type element that is cool, I have a rare element too. I came to practice it and maybe try to learn shadow clone jutsu so I can apply my clans element to it. Which I think would be very helpful to the village if I can master my clan's techniques.” Youta is assuming that neither of the shinobi have ever heard of the Shinkou. It is fairly obvious that he is specifically not talking about his clans element.  It is obviously not embarrassment by the look on his face but it seems to be fear because even some shinobi hate his clan because of what they can do.  He is not always sure who he can trust so he is not always the most forthcoming with his powers especially to new people. 

Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
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Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:35 pm
Introuductions. Great. Morio looked up from his sight to introduce himself at least being polite to these two so that no one thought he was rude," Morio." He was more so just here at the moment, pulling out the kunai and idly spinning it. He saw a post not too far from them, he had been eying it for a moment while the two had been speaking about their clan elements or whatever. His focus had been split but he could still see what he was about to do. The trajectory all the way down to the small margin of error that could occur due to the wind and veering. With one swift motion the kunai was flung from his hand after a third twirl and soon it was on its way. His eyes idly flicked back to the other two as he bothered to finally say something," Must be nice to have a clan ability like that. Given your surname you shouldn't be able to use wood...That's a senju thing if my teachings in and out of the academy taught me anything..And the Akari use lights...That's what that traitor Valen used yeah? So how can you use something that ain't in your blood buddy?," Morio was educated in a sense that he knew things at a base level, but even then it was tempered into his mind.A soft thunk ended his sentence as he looked over toward where he threw the kunai and he scoffed," Right on track. Again." As if to push his time some more, he pulled out another kunai and began to idly twirl it looking where the other one had been, thinking of trying to get it a few inches above the other.

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