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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Shiroi Shinzo
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:41 pm
"But you are so Young, you are not what I was expecting, I expected someone older and Exuding more authority and power then you do" he said as he stood up, dusting himself off, and glaring at her "And you could have told me from the start, not lead me on" he huffed slightly as he finished dusting himself off and as that required to bend over, stood straight up and looked at her.

"Look, I really need a teacher to help Expediate my training, I cant be in the Academy for a few years, not at my age, I need to get this done with as soon as I possibly can, Can you help me at all?" He pleaded, even though he was upset with her for playing a game with him, he was humble enough to put it aside to ask for the help he needed and sought. His eyes looking into her's.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:52 pm
"Young? I'm 18, ok? And their is no 'aura' that Jounin give of by virtue of being Jounin. There's a thing we can do to try and scare the crap out of people, but it's not passive or anything. Plus, I generally try to pretend I'm not a ninja, hence why I hide my headband. People don't always take kindly to ninja here." She decided to take a seat and hear him out a bit more. Her legs crossed as she fell, one fluid movement until she was sitting pretty normally upon the ground.

"I admire your conviction? Eh sure, let's go with that. I've got nothing better to do right now, so I guess. Just no more stories. You're terrible at them."
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:24 pm
Ketsueki let out a sigh, she only was really agreeing if he would stop with the "story" telling, but he was not one for lengthy details, he liked to give a general idea of the story and then leave it at that, Seemed like she preferred the details, but he did not have time for that kind of mess. Rather he wanted it to or not, but fact that that reality sunk in and saddened him showed in his shoulders, which drooped a little, and his eyes dulled . He would go on now sound almost emotionless "Thank you, so where shall we begin" he kept it short and sweet, as not to bore her anymore then he already had, let alone bother her like he already has had to this point.

He would offer her a hand up, out of kindness and respect, and he would bow his head and keep it low, as one would see a animal do to another to show that they are the dominate one, he was not only upset at the fact of her words, but also that he had assumed that someone younger then him could not be of a higher rank then him, he shunned and punished himself in his head as he waited to hear orders from this young girl who would be teaching him how to become a ninja.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:47 pm
"Ha, you think I'm getting up from here. Nah, I'll stay sitting, just yell at you some until you give up or manage to figure something out. Probably the former." It is important to note that Shiroi did not laugh, she literally said 'ha'. While still sitting, she would rock backwards a bit, then forwards, back again, forwards once more, etc etc so on and so forth. There was even a bit of side to side motion mixed in, but in no direction did she go very far. "Nah, I guess I should start at least. Only way to find out how quickly you fail is to first try and get you some success!"

"So you want to skip the academy. Ok, you'll still need the test at some point, and UNFORTUNATELY due to CERTAIN LAZY ASSWIPES," she yelled, looking in no particular direction (as she had no idea where they had disappeared to), other than away from Ketsueki, "I'll probably be administering that too. Maybe. There may actually be more doing shit than I'm remembering, but it's whatever. SO, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the test. So, you'd need to perform the transformation and clone jutsu to someone to pass the test. Not too bad, those are like, the easiest things to do. I mean, I could try and teach you *my* transformation technique, I personally find it even easier.
All you have to do is override the lifecycles of every single cell in your body, make them grow and divide faster, and alter them so that they look different and grow differently. It's super simple, I figured it out when I was like two or some shit." Assuming, as was nearly always the case when Shiroi attempted to explain how her transformation technique worked, that her audience held a face of disbelief or outright confusion, Shiroi would just sigh. "But no one ever think's that that is easy, so it's whatever. Instead, maybe... fuck it, just learn normal transformation. It's still easy peazy. Imagine someone or something else about your size. Imagine your chakra exiting your body in that shape. Do that. It works. For some fucking reason. Cell manipulation makes more sense to me than chakra fuckery, but I seem to be the exception. Do whatever gets it to work, I guess."
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:14 pm
He thought for a moment , and hard to, Around his size. He barely knew anyone around his size, so he decided the closest he knew , plus had a visual aid as well, was into her, so he would think heavily on her image, stareing at her as he tried to get a picture for her cloths and her skin, her curves (As if there was any), every flaw and perfection there was to this girl, and when he had her good and pictured, he closed his eyes. After Closing his eyes his hands clapped together and he paused, and then peeked an eye open and said to her "I do not know the Hand seal for this technique" He grinned Sheepishly as his eye closed back, a nervous look of embassment flushing across his cheeks for a moment.

His eyes opened back up and he gestured to her "Do you mind Showing me the Hand Sign, and maybe for future reference purposes, what it may or may not be called, All I know is that they are the things that help a ninja focus their chakra to so specific tasks, but that is about it, I only just started the schooling after all" His hand went behind his head in that classic Nervous Embaressment way, but he kept his eyes open this time to pay attention to his new and current Sensei.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:06 pm
Shiroi didn't want to care about the inspection but.. she kinda did. This was the second time someone had thought it appropriate to look over her every detail for something so simple as the transformation. Seriously, you just needed to make something that didn't look like it was drawn by a two year old. But no, everyone wanted to be 'sensei'.

She sucked it up until he went out and said he didn't know the hand signs. Shiroi was going to berate him, but then he kept speaking. He didn't know... any of them. At all. What. The. Fuck. "...Are you sure you don't want to attend academy..?" Shiroi would say. There wasn't even a laugh to be stifled, she was legitimately impressed that he was this incompetent.

Shiroi let out a sigh before leaning backwards and untangling her legs. Then, with one motion, she bent her back, raised her ass, and planted her feet on the ground, all so that she could stand up smoothly.

Assuming Tenma was certain he didn't want to attend the academy, Shiroi would once again sigh, then continue.

"Monkey. ... Dragon. ... Rat. ... Bird. ... Snake. ... Ox. ... Dog. ... Horse. ... Tiger. ... Boar. ... Ram. ... Hare. ... Cow. ..." She went down the least, each time showing the hand seal and waiting for Ketsueki to fumble his fingers into a shape that she was pretty sure was right. Of course, the last one was not an actual hand seal, so it would be best to explain what it looked like. Except, instead of explaining that, it is much simpler to explain how to do that. Place your hands together as if you had just clapped. Next, line up the middle finger of one hand with the ring finger of the other. Finally, fold the other middle finger and ring finger down onto the backside of your opposite side's hand. Congratulations, you now appear to have twelve fingers! This last one was thrown in to see how long it would take Ketsueki to figure it out. Most people took awhile...
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:46 pm
He nodded at the question she asked, he was serious, he counldnt waste time it would take to learn the important stuff in the Academy, so when she started the hand signs and speaking each one allowed, he followed suit as best he could, and he felt foolish as he completed the last one and he nodded and looked at his hand, he did not see it, and shook his head and looked back at her, and waited a moment.

If nothing happened he would reiterate his lack of knowledge of which hand seal is needed for the Transformation technique, mean while he fiddled with his hands, making the hand seals over and over again. Memorizing them, trying to get them down pact while he paid attention to her for the Seal needed for Transformation. In His head as his fingers interlaced from one sign to the next, he repeated the seals name in his head, So that the next time he needed to learn a jutsu all he would need to know is the name of the sign or signs needed to pull it off, then he could play with it from there to see how well he could do something of that sort.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:50 pm
"Ok. You're crazy if you think you can just learn this stuff in one setting. Look, you'll need to do a lot of extra practice. MAYBE, just MAYBE, I can get you to perform the two jutsu, but you'll be missing fundamentals required to do... pretty much Everything Else. So look, I'll give you the training you'll need here and... that's it. I'm not teaching you about how chakra works, where it flows from and two, none of that. And of course, we're assuming that I can teach you literally anything without you knowing that stuff. It's not impossible, I used jutsu before I was taught that stuff, but I was also a young kid so my physical development was more in line with my chakra system's development. Yours is... vastly separate if I had to take a guess. So look, once we're done here, you're off to the library to do research. What type of research? No idea, just start learning shit. Got it?"

With that, Shiroi took a deep breath and formed the first hand seal. "Dog," she said, before moving onto the next two. "Boar. Ram." With each one, she made the seal, and then actually used the jutsu, transforming into what appeared to be a golden Labrador Retriever. 

"See? Not so hard," she would say, which would likely look quite weird as it was coming out of the mouth of a dog.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:30 pm
Ketsueki Paid no mind to the negative comments, as that was not the life for him, however he did pay attention when the Hand signs were spoken and shown, and was given an example of the transformation tech, so he copied the movements with his hands, forming the same hand signs, Dog just as she had became, Boar that husky animal, And finally Ram, another animal that had a protrusian, His mind however focused on the image of Shiroi, and as he finalized the Technique, he felt the chakra burst across his system, and suddenly he had changed.

He had became a spitting Image of Shiroi, if she was a chubby little twelve year old, a combination of his view on her, and his inexperience of using his chakra, let alone this technique in specific, and it did not last very long, cause he had no idea that he needed to keep concentration of that the image he transformed into or he would revert back, which he did, into himself.

"How was that?" He had no idea just how badly he failed, as he had no mirror to look in, He pondered of the Doggy Shiroi.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:30 am
"..." Shiroi released her transformation. "I'm not sure if I should be laughing or insulted. Possibly both. Firstly, your attempt was an utter failure, unless you were trying to say 'punch me into next week!' Secondly, and I guess technically this is my fault for not telling you, but in my defense it's second nature at this point, but anyways, I forgot to tell you that you need to focus on maintaining the technique. Over time that becomes easier, but at first it may be... difficult..."

Shiroi decided she would sit down again, though she decided to do it upside down from a tree branch whose host tree was just a few feet away. Of course, she tucker her 'hoodie' into her 'shorts' before going upside down. No need to reveal that much skin, especially considering factors she would rather not people realize. However, as she was about to climb up the tree, she realized that the 'shorts' weren't exactly the best at holding onto that much weight. So, she sighed, and pulled the hoodie back out. With one hand seal, the bottom rim of the 'hoodie' merged with her legs at points, completely covering her 'shorts', and preventing said 'sleeveless hoodie' from falling to the earth. Of course, an outsider would not be able to see the merged points, and would simply see a well over sized 'hoodie' mysteriously defying gravity. They may even expect it to fall as she climbed the tree, which she did, before wrapping her legs around a medium sized branch that was still well within the ability to hold her weight. To show that she could not, in fact, ignore the rules of gravity like her current position and hoodie would imply, her hair was now hanging down, almost doubling the apparent size of her head.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Try again."
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