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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Shiroi Shinzo
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
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Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:57 am
Ketsueki would walk over and step into the water, and then he mimicked the hand seals he saw in the book for this one, and when they were completed, he sank slowly into the water, almost as if he was becoming the water himself, at first he wanted to freak out but then he noted, he could still breath somehow, almost as if he was in a pocket dimension or something, and the water was like a two way mirror.

He could see out of the puddle, but he could not be seen, the Hiding in Water Jutsu was complete, with a sigh of Satisfaction, Ketsueki would return to the Earthen Surface slowly reforming from water and then when he was done he looked at his body, almost in amazement, disbelief, he sighed softly and then looked up at Shiroi, he was two down, but now he waited to see if Shiroi would teach him the technique he asked of her or not, he stared her down waiting. His Arms just hung to his side, the wind kicking up ever so slightly, as if to intensify the scene a bit.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:17 pm
Shiroi watched Ketsueki closely. It was an impressive trick. She figured she could pull that off too if she was inclined, but it seemed unnecessary. At least for now. There was no point devoting herself to that topic now. She didn't really want to admit that there was anything he knew before her, too. Shiroi knew she had elements, but... didn't really use them. Like, at all. She mostly punched things. Punching worked wonders, as it turns out. Especially when you can punch really fast, which Shiroi had been working on.

"Neat," Shiroi said when the boy was fully out of the puddle again. She gave him a light, playful punch, not enough to bruise. "Gotta make sure you aren't going to turn into water on me!" She joked.

"So, you wanted to learn, what was it, body flicker? Why that one specifically?"
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:28 am
Ketsueki would nod at Shiroi when she made her statements and again with her questions, the second one however he gave a verbal answer "Well you see, it is mostly for the utility of the technique, helps to travel from one location to another faster, I could use that" Ketsueki wanted to learn things for utility and versatility, not just because it is a hyper offensive techniqe, Tenma continued to wait to see if she would actually teach him or if he would have to just move on to his next technique.

After giving it some thought he went ahead and looked it up once more, just to get the hand signs memorized, reading it a few times over, and the directions of how exactly to pull it off and how it should work and look, he would then reclose the book and put it back in his pocket, his hands mimicking the hand seals, but he was not using chakra, he was doing it to put it into memory, while waiting for a response from Shiroi to rather she was going to train him in this technique or not.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:55 pm
Shiroi looked to the boy. He was determined. Determination came from somewhere.

His story from a few days ago, was that where his determination stemmed from? That could be... unhealthy, if it was the case. It could also be quite healthy. She would have to find out from him when possible. If possible. But that was not something that could be brought up here. It's something that would be brought up... secluded, but in a calm location. Preferably still near people. Perhaps a restaurant with a corner to themselves? That could work, potentially.

"So, body flicker is.. weird. Kinda. It's like, you. Ok, start with the hand seal, It's a single ram hand seal, that's it. But then you have to... I'm not sure, it's just. Not easy to describe. You have to saturate your muscles with chakra. But not too much chakra or you can end up seriously injured. It's like, there's this small middle ground, and eventually the amount is just second nature, but. Just. It's better to undershoot and fail than overshoot and fail. Just trust me." Shiroi would then demonstrate the technique.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:10 am
Tenma would nod as he would form the tiger seal, seems this one would be mostly all on him to accomplish, so he stared at the spot in front of Shiroi, focusing on it, and then applied the chakra all over as Shiroi discribed , however it was a little to much and before Ketsueki knew it, he was flickering a little further then he intended, stumbling after he came out of the Body Flicker right into Shiroi.

If she was not prepared for it, he would stumble right into her, and possible knock her over, landing on top of her with his face mearly a inch away from hers. If this was to happen, it would take Tenma a moment of scrambling to get up before he was on his feet, meanwhile his face blushed at how close he had just gotten to Shiroi, that was the closest he had been to a female ever, and he studdered for a moment a quiet " I.... I am so....Sorry" he looked away, hiding his blush.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:02 am
It happened fast. Very fast. Shiroi had not been paying nearly enough attention to it. One moment, she was explaining dangers. The next moment, she was on the ground. Had her mind drifted? Her mind never drifted. Had it?

Then her focus popped back. She was staring at Ketsueki, directly into his eyes. From barely an inch away. Her body felt very there in the moment. She could feel his arms at her side, resting upon his hands, which were just under her armpits. He was laying upon her body, as haphazard as that might have been, a bit strewn out to the sides. But the thing that kept her attention was that, for that brief moment, the tips of their noses had practically touched. Actually, they probably had, sometime during the fall, and it was only afterward that the two reflexively settled in this position before they fully processed what had happened. Her face shot a bright red as Ketsueki scrambled up, and she did not move at all. Her arms stayed where they had been, in a position that had likely caught Ketsueki. One leg was bent, knee to the sky, while the other laid flat on the ground. It took a few moments for her to fight away the blush and regain her composure. Once she had, she stood up. "It's, um. It's-It's fine. You're not hurt, are you? Overdoing it can- yeah." She managed to say, not really looking in his direction even though she knew she should. He was likely having an adrenaline rush and may not recognize injuries he had yet. For all she knew, he could have a badly scraped knee that needed cleaning and bandaging, and she would not know because she could not look at him right now.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:42 pm
"uhm.... Yea, I...I am Okay... Are You?" He asked without looking, instead he started to fiddle with his hands, forming the hand signs for the jutsu he was practicing earlier, trying to memorize, and now was the time to show he had memorized it, however with everything, specially this, it was to much strain on his chakra, and he would black out, collapsing.

A Single Water Shark Dropped from above and landed infront of his unconcious body, after his body had hit the ground, so the water of the shark hitting the ground splashed him and woke him up in a shock, gasping for air, and grasping for his chest, it was to much, but luckily he was not worse for the wear and he shook his head, he was not ready to use that yet, but he knew how to do it at least now.

He looked over at Shiroi to see how she was doing, he would look away immediatly after catching a glimpse of her, and he would stand up and look around wondering what else "Uhmmm" he thought, he needed to warm up a bit anyways "How about a Drink?" he asked looking towards town, a pub not to far off in mind.

(Another mid thread claim, 1273 words since last claim + 132 words unclaimed earlier , gives me 7 stats to claim. Claiming Body Flicker [Half WC], Hidden Mist, Hiding in Water, Rain Shark, also using wc from Here [1246] And Here [449/513] , Any jutsu I learned here that I cannot use will be locked until I get the Chakra to use them)
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:35 pm
ok so i can approve you for the 7 stats, body flicker and hidden mist. I can not approve you for things you can't use yet, even if you are going to put them on 'locked'. You just can't train something that you can't use :/ Assuming you put those 7 stats into chakra, another 3 will allow you to claim hiding in water as well provided you do the wc as per usual.

Also you cannot save wc and you cannot use wc in a thread towards something that you did not train so those other two threads can't be used here.
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Choro Wakodo Uzumaki
Stat Page : Gil
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:36 pm
That is the complete opposite of what I was told but okay sure
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee) - Page 7 Empty Re: The Start of Many (P,IO,Zee)

Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:00 pm
"I'm fine, not even a scrape," she responded, still worried about Ketsueki. She could not see any outward signs of damage, so it was unlikely he was truly hurt, just.. was not sure still.

Then he tried a jutsu and fainted. Shiroi rushed over, broken from her stupor, and leaned down, placing a finger on his neck to check for pulse. This proved unnecessary as the boy managed to accidentally splash himself awake, but it still worried Shiroi.

"Suggestion: don't do that again," she said when Ketsueki looked at her. Then, when Ketsueki motioned to be getting up, she firmly (but not forcefully) placed her hand on his chest. "Another suggestion: don't stand up just yet." It was unlikely, but he could experience another fainting spell if he stood up so soon after that sort of over exertion. However, she was not too worried about that, so if he insisted on getting up, she would allow it.
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